mtl DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1899. nurLI TOD ALL KNOW. Saturday a tlly- J. II. Killer. WaMron, it registered At the Uuiiuiila. John Donohue in up from HooJ Eiyer last evening. S. K. Turker au.l Ira White of Wa pinitie, are visitor in the city. Geo. V. M assamore came in from Hay Creek yesterday on business. Cba. Kingler is in tlie city ropreseut iof the l'ortiaml Evening Telegram. Mr. and Mr. John Steven came in thi morning from their home in lu(ur. Norman U. Seaman, cf Portland, is In the city (ending a few day with friends. Mre. Gertrude Lownsdale, ot Salem, is in the city viattiug her daughter, Mr. Jv. B. Siunolt. Bert riielpa came down yeetentay from Heppnrr and left on laat night's train for Pendleton. Dr. Albert O'I.earv, accompanied by his stater, were passenger on this inorn inf'a boat for Portland. Mrs. L. Lane, who haa been visiting her mot lie, in Seattle for the past two weeks, returned home laat night. Mrs. Bnrson and two children and Mrs. Joins arrived from the Kaet yester day afternoon, and left this morning for Prineville. Hon. E. L. Freeland came down from Heppnrr jeslerday afternoon and re mained over until this afternoon, when be will leave for Moro. Miss Benlah Patterson and Mrs. Verna Cattron arrived from Wasco last evening to attend the club dance last n ght. The latter will return this afternoon. Rev. A. M. Leslie, who for the past two months haa filled Kev. Pe Forest 'a place aa rector of the Episcopal church, left this mornine on the boat for Port land, bound for his home in IVuver. Frank McFarland, an old-time Dalles boy, but who is now representative for an insurance Grm, was in town yes terday. He attended the club dance last night, where be met many oid friends. WIMard Hindman a brother of the late Mrs. L. S.. Davit, and Mrs. Phila Clark, a sister, who teaches In the La Grande public schools, arrived in the city yes terdar morning aud were present at the funeral of their sister. Urn lay s Daily. L. B. Thomas, of Dnfur, is in town. Geo. Fralter is up from Hood River. Hant Lage, of Hood P.iver, is in town ! today. j M. J. Anderson and W. Heisler are in from Dufur today. B. Kelaay, of Fossil, was registered at ! the Umatilla yesterday. H.Moore and L. Moore were ic The Dalles from Moro yesterday. II. F. Davidson, the saw mill man o! Hood Kiver, is in the city on tueinese. C. L Salomon. PrineviiU'e prominent mrtvhtiiil t ilr.mrr rniinaaa in lhi nitv I today. Mi-s Blanche Wrenn arrived In the city Saturday and spent Sunday with her aiater, Miaa Etta Wrenn. Cbas. Hilton arrived today from hia ranch near Fossil and will leave tomor row for bia borne in Portland. M isa Edith Randall left vesterdav for Endersby, where she will spend several days with her friend, Miss Lola Enbank. W. S. Smith, who has been visiting hia parents and sisters in this city, lett Saturday evening for his home in l ine. Pat I) .man was in town Ijt a few hours Saturday, coming np on the (renin train and leaving at midnight for the East. D. J. Cooper has len confined to his home, in this city, for the past week, with what teems to be a bad imiu ol grippe. Miss Sadie Heineck, who has boen pending s ine time with her aunt, Mrs. Phinip-. tefttht, morning for her home near 11 ills boro. Mrs. W. L. Brad,h left last night over the Union Pacitic on her way to Asljeville, N. C, where she will enter the sanitarium lor consumptives to rive treatment under Dr. Von Ruck. I (She will spend a day or so with relatives I in Chicag i on her way. ller friends here regret very much ttiat her con- i dition is such as to require her departure! Afar from home, but sincerely bore1, th. treatment wilnrr,.. hen.rVi.l .r,A ; to that she will mm return in as good ; health and lively spirits as ia her wont, loevlar s Iislij. A. J. Dooglase is in from Dn'nr. D. IC. Cooper, Mt. Hool, in the eity. J N. Draper, of Wasc3, ia rj endio to- day In the city. I Hon. 8. O. Hawsr n cams down from' Arlington yesterday. I M. P. Mulligan, of Glenwood, it a business vititor in this city. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ward and little boy came over from Klickitat yesterday on j tbeir way to Portland. I M. M. Glavv. of Kingsley and J.C.rT i , , Wmgfield and Tt.os. ol Euder,. ! '' l,u"t '""e "' by. are in town attending ci.nrt. ! '"""t end cue before sunrise. Newton Pe'tereon is in from his place """"" '"' A'ri1 at Endersby today. He ma.le a sub-1 toaS'oveml er I. Unlawful to sell any atantial ca I at the Ciutoxit i.g ofhee. j species of tront at any time. Unlawful Chas. Fraley, wlose home is near I nv in l"es'lon any trout under Kinrsley, was in the city yesterday on ,' five ii.ehes in length. business ami called at this olloe.' llei returned homo today. j airsy N..n. . fherifr Kelly aent to Portland this! . i , nmrnimr aa a wilne,. against lll.,nJ Lmn n,T f 'c """ who was arrested here hir using counter- feit nickels in the slot msrhines. W. P. Keady, who is Interested in the Ochoro mines, is in the city today hipping supplies to the mines and at- tending to other business interests. Mrs. Phila Clark, who came down rroin i,a itranoH lo ie present at me funeral of her si.ter, Mrs. f)avis, re-' turned home last night, being com- ) pelled to hmti n her rcliirnon acronnt' of duties as a tejeher in the schools I there. j Key. W. C. Smith. r-t'r of the Methodist church at Du.'u', accompanied , III 3. V-- Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAN5ES THE 5Y5TEM OVERCOMES h4B.TUALC0HST.PAT.0N Buy vmi tepiuiNt - mint o ey mm uiiu.Min sstu natciiiL by his wife, arrived i.l The Dalles thie morning row a two-months visit to his old home in Crawford county, Penn. It baa been eight years since he left there and the return was a pleasant one. They left this morning for Dufur. Opposed to tTtmis'l Boflrrago. A society called the Oregon State As sociation Opposed to the Extension of the Suffrage to Women has been organ ized in Portland, and numbers among its memlers some of the most promi nent laJiei of the city. A circular sent out to the voters of Oregon, saya in part : "We desire to call your attention to the fact that an amendment to the con stitution of Oregon, giving full suffrage to every aJnlt woman in the state, is to be submitted to your vote in June, l'JOO. 'We, being Oregon women, and there- fore enacted by the provisions of such j an amen Joient, wish to enter our pro- i teat iiMinit its a.lintinn tie wrm. Wj , of the women of our state atk for or de sire the ballot. Our s:hrl elections prove, as do those of every state in the Union which permits women to vote at such elections, that the great majority of Oregon women do not use the ballot even in school matters, in which they may be presumed to take equal interest on account of their children. ''We believe the maj rity should rule in this, as in other political mat er. ami that a small, thonifh ea-er minority of our six sln.nhl not force the ballot isnd its attendant tirivilrg-s of sitting on jiries and running f ir office) upou I l.c far larger nun. her nf wornru who do m l ileaire to vote. We have no q'larrel with our si.tfiagist sisters; hut we protest anit St their teir.g regarded as repre sentatives of the true opinion of Oreitui I ( w,)rilen u-oti this vital ni'.i.-ci. I I , , ,- . ., 1 .. . I W ,! be!"'v ',.t ti.e .do,i., of , this totTrage amendmtnt would usees- ! 8,,rily le"J ' ,erion complications in! b')ln tl,e politic l an I social c mdiii jns i r.f the state, and Ihst such crnplicalions j re-!.,.,, :.i I.. m.fnl i,. n. .,:, ..... ,, lttm Uia Laa. In re.r.onre to inquiries in rfrenc , , , . . , 1,18 "me ' "n ive povlion 't, sucti as is applicable to this country : It is unla ful to kill deer, moose, elk and mountain sheep between N ivernber I, and July 1"); jn.nw, VctuliHr 1. to Ictotier 1 ; snipe, relwutrr 1, to Se.tern ler I; prairie click -n, Nivmnhe.' 1, to Septemler I j ducks, March 1, to Sep tember 1. It ia or.liw'ul to kill elk for a period of fn years; b-tver f..r a period ol twenty jeirs; Mongrlirn pheasants, east of the Cascida mi.nntairis, at any tin.e. It is unlaw f j', at any time, to shoot Mr..n M fi.. , . u. r.., 1. 1. ft "rtf '"'on c jit, nlioul three ; years old ; brand similar to an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can havej the animal by roving r rof ertw ami I navimr all charires. i The Dalies, Nov. 8, iwn). ! i it r.o,.... ! ,, . , .... , , . ., UtnrU in Company Hollow, eight n.ilea "outhcast of The I allei. novH-lm; Good Rid le siiudt at.y and har ness for sale at a Imgiin. Call on , Haworth, the pr:nt?r, ovi.-r D-llea Com-' mission Co. tc io.('aw-2 i CIRCUIT COURT. t'oatiiia Tkli Marwlat-Ioeas for the Mov.oib.r Tarut. Circuit court convened thie morning at 10 o'clock. Judge llradshaw presiding, liratid jury waa appointed aa follows: J. V. Moore, foreman ; Pat Gorman, A. F. F.hrick, O. V, Henderson, C. L. Morris, W. K. Haynes, J. 1. IVniglat. Joe. Harper and J. 11. Jackson were ap poined court baii ill's aud John Doherty grand jury bailiff. The docket (or this term la aa (olbws, with perhaps a few cases added: Kvll'ITV. Eastern Oregon Land Co va P E Far relly, Huntington A Wilson attorneys. Continned. Vena McKalvey va Ihtvld McKalvey, Huntington A Wilson and Dufur A Men. efee, attys. Under advisement. Prineville Laud A Live Stuck Co vs Frank Malone, Cotton, Teal A Minor and A 8 Pennett, attys. Passed. G V Hyre va A Vallmer et al, W II Wilson, atty. Settled and dismissed. II S Wilson, receiver, va John Mc Donald et al, Huntington A Wilson, altya. Passed. Mary T Strong vs W It Wlnans et al, Huntington A Wilsou and A A Jayne, attys. Demurrer to complaint over ruled, to answer Saturday. John McLennan va DolHe Mclennan, Huntington A Wilson attys. Dismissed without predjudice. C G L Benson vs Hattle Benson, F W Wilson, atty. Publication. Geo T Prather vs G D Woodworth et al, W 11 Wilson, and A S Hennett. Cotton, Teal A Minor, attys. Iuiurrer to complaint. Geo W Johnston va Etta Johnston, Gavin A Moore and Geo S Shepherd, At issue. llsie J Covey vs J W. Covey, Dufur A Menefee, at'.ys. IVfault. II A Simon vs W II II Simon, Dufur A Menefee. J E Barrett va Geo O Rich, Dufur A Menefee. IVfault and decree. W II Patison va Laura M Pa'.ison, SinnottA Sinnott. IVfault. Mays A Crowe vs W R Winsns et al. W II Wilson. Default and dt ere. Emma J Calvin va J M Fansher et al, W II Wilson. Passed. E B Dufur et al vs C C Butler, Dufur A Menefee. Passed. Emma Julian vs Irwin Julian, N II Gates. Passed. A M Williams et al va A B Mjttet a', Dufur A Mene'ee. Pased. W J Caesar vs Hugh Fraser et al, II II Riddeil. Pasted. John W Rowe vs Ethel Rowe, Dufur A Menefee. Default. LAW. W A Johnston vs Jas Kiahwalk. Dnfur A Menefee and Huntington A Wilson. Passed. J H O-rd-a vs J II Woodworth, Wil son . Jaytie and Henderson A Bennett. 1 At issue. ! Tints. Brogan vs Aleck McCartney, 1 F. W. Wilson. Settled and dismissed. The State of Oregon vs Oregon I Jind I I. A F Co, Jayne A Wi.sou and O'Neal A Thompson. Tassed. Mate t,f Oregon vs Tl.e Port lard L I L A F l', Jayne A Wilson and (t'XealA Tiiuinpson. Paed. ! A'lhur Rreeae v M .1 M isier et al, 1 W II Wilson. S 'U'e.l and ili-it issed. i R.thchild Bros vs W T Wi'eman, j DofiirA Menefee and Huntington A Wil j sen. At issue. A T Creecy vs G D Armstrong, French .- HnlTord. B Frank Kurtz vs W L Best et al. Huntington A Wilson and I'iggs A Turner. Passed. . A M Williams A Co viG D Woodworln, Huntington A Wilson. Dismissed with out prej idice. F Morgenson vs Liwrence Mulone et al. Settled and dismissed. Mays A Crowe vs G Segin. Settled and dismissed. K II Darm-ille vs E B Miller. Default and judgment and order to sell attached property. David M Dunne A Co vs F E iMrjier et al. IMauIt and judgment. Standard Optical Co vs P (1 Dant. Passed. Mass A Crowe va II W Cook. Settled and dismissed. C L Roere vs E Olingsr el al. Set tled SLd dismissed. Peaae A Maya va A (i Moore. Settled and dismisseil. Pease A Mays vs II P Moore. Settled and d smiss.rd. A F Biles v (iiian A Brown. Passed. ZP Jones vs I II Tsffe. Motion to tn.ik" complaint more definite and cer tain. E I! Pu'ur it a! va Jas Cameron. Settled ai.d riismi ts d. Hnry (iardner va Wasco county. Demurrer overruled and allowed to answer tomorrow at a, m. Coas Rily vs Wm Keltay et at. fault and judgment. RJGinnvsC B Piather et al fault and jti lgn.ent. Clalros Against Cuuut. Dc- De. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid al the November term of county court : Frank Hill, clerical services . . . .f F S S.nilh. lalor county road. . . . Butler Drug Co, medicine for pauper Dalles Fire Department, reduc tion firo iristnunce Ward A Robertson, u. of team Nellie Wi liham, nursing pniir B C Rinehart, professional ser vices for pauper 21) 00 21 00 1 (K) 2 Tft 4 00 2 75 I 8 CO I Glass A Prudlinmme, supplies. 11 2S Irwlu-llodson Co, tnuplles. . . . . JJ 'u CiiaoKifiB Putdishliig Co, prlnl ing and supplies H2 M Josie Jeiiklus, clerical services . 4J IKI J J Cook, atientl ol Clatkainsa oonnly, serving siilq iciins 1 00 Oregon ielcphoue A Telegraph Co, rent and messages 2'.) hi Farley A Frank, ropairi ig ham mocks for jil C I. Gilhert, services and stamps 20 00 J F Armour, lalor on the county road 1 A E Like, lumber j' J T Peters, luiulier tkt "2 J II Frarv, lumli 1 D J T Peters, lumber and wood ... 1 IU M Mosler Mill Co. lumber 1 ld II I.ovan, professional services . U M Dell Howell, special constable. . 4 tut John M alone, special onstable. . 4 00 W H Butts, coroner fees at ln quests 21 25 C F Stephens, juror, inquest Til lard I. 1 00 E E Howard, I iror, inquest Til- lard 100 B 11 Thurston, juror, inquest Til- lard 1I0 C S Smith, juror, inquest Tillard 1 00 C V Chauiplalo, juror, Inquest Tille-d 1 00 Geo II Dufur, juror, inquest Til lard 100 S P Mahouey, witness, Inquest Tillard 1 ' W Fairchilds, witness, Inquest Tillard 1 SO J It Kri; licit, witness, inquest Tillard I M R B 11 tod, hauling pauper 1 IH Pease A Maya, supplies for pau per A S Blowers A Sun, supplies for pan per 11 HI 10 00 52 : ft W) i : 11 'J0 Clarke A Faik, medicine for pau per Butler Drug Co, medicine lor pauper . . Mavs A Crowe, mde I C Nickelsen, mdse Dalles Citv Water Works, water rent Ned 11 (iates, fees inqu-st An drews 14 IX) Ferguson Bros, hauling corpse, Andrews Paul K Paulsen, juror, inqnest Andrews N I) Hughes, juror, Inquest An drews Cnarles A Schuls, juror. Inquest Andrews F W Wilson, juror, inquest An drews C F Stephens, juror, inquest An drews J II Jackson, juror, Inquest An drews Peter McGutr, witness, Inquest Andrews Win Michell, witness, inquest Andrews E F Mills, witness, inquest An drews James Furlong, witness, Inquest Andrews 00 00 00 oo 00 1 00 1 00 1 &o D W Vause, supplies for court house 6 Ciihomci x Publishing Com pany , printing and publishing Z'S ?v0 Maier A liciiton. wood lor pauper 10 60 E J Olison, justice lees stale vs Jones 1 1J K J GUsau, justice fees slate vs Spaniard 0 Rov Nurse, constable fees 8 00 Al Esnlng, team hire . H 00 Thus K Cowdell, special constable 00 J C Benson, labor oji county road 5 M) D J Cooper, services supervisor. . 20 (0 G D Woodworth, supplies 2o rW, Wm Michell, burial pauiier 20 00 W 11 Whipple, assessor services. . 2l8 00 Robert Kelly, sundry sxiientes and supplies 1, 1 0'i W F Woodcock, bounty 8 00 MrT AI.I.OW rtt. Dr Win Shackelford, professional services for pauper 2 !W I'AHSKI). Umatilla county, care Wasco Co pauper 10 W A Cates, sprinkling streets and taw ing wood II 40 t'srd My llrllUh ftnliliers lo Atrlrw, Capt. C. (i. Dciinison la well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel (iallshe. Under date of Nov. 4. 1 from Vry Lurg, Ihchiunaland, lie writes: "Before starting en the last campaign 1 bonglit a quantity of Chamherliiin's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhtrt Remedy, which I ued myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in ever) case it proved most beneficial." For sale by Rlakelry A Houghton, drnggUta. A o Important llnrws. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not a!!!ictd with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a c tstive condition 'is easily cured by u-ing Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all druggists. for a.i. A good farm In Klickitat county, Wash., fire miles from Columbus, con. sislin of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to II. E. Curlis at A. S. Bennett's office. ' nl.'l-J.. aim It ail! n it lm a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the poo I qiulitlsa of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that -opt everywhere tak pleasure In relating their experience In the ue of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit they have re-c-lved from It, of bad colli it has cured, of threatened atlaiks of pneumonia It has averted and of the children It baa saved from attacks of croup and whoop ing rough. It is a grand, good medicine. For tale by Biakeley A Houghton, drug gists. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. V ., says "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave mi wife immediate relief In soliciting asthma." Pleasant to take. Narer (ails to quickly cure all roughs, rolls, throat and lung troubles. Butler Ding Co. v,iii; re ra.a nave oil sale a nil lin t' Pa'f "d artist's broiler. M..L. I. IVll. I . . .... SEWER QUESTION DISCUSSED, At Ihs t'onwrll Meslluc l aat Mht - t'ows M Him al I aia. Council I Keller, ('lough, Johns, Gunning, Stephens, Johnston, Shackel ford, Kelly and Wi s in were all present at the adj niriird regular meeting of the Council lat night, wl.en I liiipoit- ant city business was transacted. The question of Improving Federal street on the bio IT was tint brought up, and the marshal was Instructed to com mence work at once, tirade stakes will be put lu today and work began to morrow. Several years ago when there was a case of smallpox In the city and It was decided to move the patient to the pest house, which was then surrounded with residences, the people thsie objected so strongly that a new one was built farther out near the cave. Last night the marshal waa instructed lo lake charga of the old bouse situated near the reser voir, and rent It if possible, On motion of Johnstou the petition of It. F. I.anghlln and others, praying for the right to put In a side track on Flist Street was granted. The sewer question was then brought up. It will he reinemttered that at the last meeting on motion ol Gunning, the council determined lo reconsider the resolution on the proposed construction of the sewer system. Johns, however, llloved 10 defer the lecoiisideralltin till ltt night, wtilch was carried, conse quently the matter came up before them last evening. Another vol on the original resolution being taken resulted In its being lost. Gunning then intro duced a new resolution, which carried. The dilTerenc between them was as fol low! : The first provided for a part of the system to go through the alleys and pri vate properly from Laoghlin to Taylor the latter street being on the west side of the brewery). Since the passing of the resolution sune considered it not advisable, therefore the new resolution, which provides Ihst Instead of going through alleys and private property that portion ol the system be put in up. Sec ond street. Upon Vote it was carried by 8 to I. Work on the new system will not be commenced till spring. On motion ol Wilson tie marshal was instructed not to enforce the bicycle ordinance forbidding riding on the sidewalks; provided that the cyclists stay off of Second, that no fast riding I allowed, and that they dismount when they areahout tu meet a woman or child. Skakellord moved that the ordinance against cattle running al large be not enforced during the winter. The matter of enforcing ordinance No. Jl"), relative lo the license which must be paid by persons coming into the city to dispose of bankrupt stock ol gds, or lo close out a stocks of cm) Is. was brought up and the marshal ordered to strictly enforce It. irar Mors. Strayed from mv place near Klngsley, nn Clyde bay horse; star in forehead; weight about 12 pounds; bra rule I something like an II on left stille. Will give 1 to any one bringing him to King'ley, or for information i-omerii. ng his w hercahoo'a. H 1ms Cii tin aa 1 rai xv. SlUioarrh's Irwo Netso Was the result ol his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and Uiweis are nut ol order. II you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, Tley develop every power of brain and body. Only 2'tc; at Biakeley A Houghton's drugior. To Care a tola to Oua !;. Take Laxative Bromo IJoiulne Tab lets. All druggists refund tl money If it falls to cure. 2'k1. Tie Dalles, Fortland anl Astoria Navigation Co.' Sltt 1'allr U'lecpl Hiimlar) usiwson Tho Dalles, Hood Rivor, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Timehlnf al wsjr nolri's on hoth sliles of ihs t oltiiutjU rlvur, Hoth of thn alis ateainera hsvs been rebuilt, and lire In ei rllHiit lmii lor the en..,n i.( ln'.ei. 1 lift l(, iiioiiir I. in will eiiili-Hviir In give Its (ml rum tl,r b l service Mil,n, Kof Cnmrnrt, tunsnsif ami IMaasnre, tisvl by ths atcainms ol Ihs Itsaulator l.lfio. The .tenmers nf the ReruUtor l.lns will lenee inllis al ; a. in. commencing Moinlnv tliu mh limt. I furtlsnil (iirice, 0 si. lun g. fi.s Usui's niTIm I oiirt htreet Regulator & Dalles Citj W. C. Allaway, Csners Agsiit, viwa scNsni'i.a aoa' , K-l Moll It ti. m Hslt lntr, iMiver, M l r..i . m.ii " "fin, iiiiii, ,.Mn sas l v, hi. ,llt I,., .i,a I a. ' Walla Walls, K-.ksi,.,' Vll,.ie.,,li. h. !,, "I OS,. t an4 Iiil M flier 6 p. aii r'aoW r"o.TLHli, IHiiii Hlr.ln.liljo). tut Stan t r.itriM o -Jnl.u.ry n, aild e,y u. a.j, ltture.(ir. fi m. ! ka eunttar Ci v n'i.'.ii ant, n.i -M.lur.t.7 Uudliia., lo (i. tu. a i I WiiLawarrs kivsa Kk.SUUU.T . .,. I . Sew,..,., k,. I a.i.ut W.j UuJ . ' 7 am. Wiu.twsrras.uYsa Into n Vl. i""," '"-. saiirri. j aul W ) a a.m. i W iLLterrrs Hivbs lo Tue . Ii. ur. Corn. i.. I m ..r.ui., t u. I i.ui autleai. ami v,.jr lamliiij. jot sin Kirsa. Rlparia lu Ull..n. I.V HIor. o.i. r i I s,rs bsvieftj. TaF" r.rile. it"i'iiig in so to ll-t i.. rr.his Is t. i,iiis it,. i.:: .t ,s u , M making illiei'l e.,,ii.rei,,i,. Hri..,.-, ;nur.o Helilrulns rti.kliicillrw!r..iliioi-t( -ti ril,-),T.Mf jiimUon Willi ,m l.atiKlna at h. p,,.B 4 16 p. Ml. No. tl, thmushl Ir.lirM. el taxui.t. nt rmrir Miiig,,., arrive. 4.M a. in, Uetio I a in. Sol ii. h.l trrlghl, esrMe. tMUM-i-grTS, ot boilml. arrived t si p m , l,' . r, m No. .'I. ol b.iilt through IriUiit, i.n ats e.rry ngra, arri,cs s U t 11. , dtoits 5 si p in. Nik Al. sr.! boiltitl l.v.1 frvlght. e.trl.4 kas sstisers. arrive i U a. ui , iiriat u s ia. m. for full ariirwi.t. eall nn o. g a ft. io.t astit lb. Pa lie, ur atMma W. H HI Kl HI KT. Oen fas. AgL. I .n:.i,4. Or, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route r tut Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains loatw and at due to anna si futUst ia it a i . ivr.Ki.aM s. x ) verM, Solnin. a. mo -mis, at, loii .1, .o., I 7 r. m: I rotiionbi, Og'lrtl Moll I Sraiu'tMoi, l.i ovr, ( t i- V 1lo angelea Kl l'ma, I h.o tirloaus anJ I l.a-t oWiurf aud way kU """'" 1 I Via W.1l.ur- .r i lulls e 1 1 1 wuu.iajra I 1 MlAitgW, nilr..ftini, 1 lour Ctl-lil Min l.ja (Hoi alo, lll'iii Tlll.sutlii(flil I au l : t Natrnu ... . . and w.) i ' 17 10 A. M l nr.. III. tal.Uoll lH. - - IMiKI'KMiKNi'R PAasKM.SK r i.rto trala lilf (eltv,,! on li.lo r , .. I' ,-i ss 7 si ii. ai. WrMlllllvllln I a, si ilr . luiti ;iiUi-iii e. 1 V i iallt. f i.ny, sit vit sti'i'Mr lilMMl I'AK Its tXil'aM Kot'lK. rt i.i ma nfrirr i ii'Uls ASH ai.i iiNIM MM al.r.Ki'lN" i aUs Altai hi'l In all Thnnigti lial is lilreet mnnrrtlim si sn Sro'ii " with Orel an l ll'lental ami Co llie l"n l"S,S Hue. I..r JAfA.1, and! IIISA. hoiaiig ilalot 0W I riNu..ii . Hobo . mt II. tela In ra.tern .."i ami ia-AlxiJAI-AS, IIIA. ll'iNoll lli anS At sIHAI IA. . . All n.i,t train, arris, al ni'l ihin irso lil.udl vulral BlaUnU, Slllb ami Irvi slrsrts Y Willi I. lilVIHInN. fasMifor li-l-.l, lioil ul ilriot. !., fur Sherl.l.'i. oort da). all Arrlv. at I'urtiaud. .V a. at lia liw AIKI.IK on Mnridsr. Wlnelst ssd frhiay al s Via. m. Arrtso at rmiioinl. Jaws das, ThursUajr and aalunlat it ' V 01 Ksr.launil.r. -Ktcetilrialiiril.r. H hVK' . MAKKIUV. al.uaaor. 1 Thnaigh Tlekrt Orflee, l4 Third slnot. SJVJ IhriHigh lletou to all 'lnl. I" l' Ml.1, ., t'.n.'la and Hwrtij oau lot ohtalnsa st loweal talMi Irmii . . . i. n K IHKtAhl, TU 1st s' or N. W IIK.VI.IHi.N. PLCASC tOOK HtrlK, WM. MICHELL, til THC OALLH. OellGOrs. fh Rooms on Third Stroof, On Block Dnck of Trench ACo.'a Dank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN, oxit 3W 33S OMIT 3WQO, tt roa a wiw a a arttnjiiiToii nl NTINKTi'N Wlt.soN, . AIU.HNK.VA,!.;,,,,.,, (To.oy'r f irst Nat, HauS