THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNE3DAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1599 The Weekly Chronicle. XUK l A LL KM HlllllN " orru ui. rAfKK or w:o count. fuhluhrd in I wo fiarti, on Wtilnetdnyi tttd A.iluriov. BUMiM'HIrTlON KATM. el sail, rotii raaraiu, m auvam. Oii II M HI i imu.t a 7ft jiim 6u Ailrortislti rata rwuonabla, au4 mult known A..u. all ciltimunlell..u tu "Til i" I'll K')!-Icl-Jt, 1 1' ImIIm, Urwin. LOCAL MllatViriKS. it pays to trade In The Dalles,and when trading in The Dalles it pays to visit A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. r?'frini,,r or,,t'Ue,'rq''ir,e'1.t0 8ave J0U ,none t,,an the Fnl1 an1 Winter Soa!0n of ISM finds us. It is our ambition it wort I. v - r u l ii C"t,1,rr, w,.l,11 tho greatest record of sales in our history, and to effect this end we will spare no efforts to make boo.!- of i I I ii , ' , I"' h V- Pft'14"19 ab,':i,,1 everywhere in this great store. Every department is filled with goods-and fcooiu of a quality that enahle us to safely say: "Your money back if you're not satisfied." 'irMif HaturUajr t liaity. Kvi-n Atmlrml Pewey wa not agtiliat the widow'! Might, Tha prescription diet ot The Hn I ( Kineraly Prng Co. slid Butler Prug Co., will m found at Biakaloy A Houghton's, ho will lake plrature in refilling any (.retcripllons Iruin . Thoae ol thalr friend who were en tertained by tlia Kpworth league lait veiling re enlhutlattlc ovrr tlia good thus enjoyed. Tla program wat excel lent and the social time which loll owed inula tha evening coin lal. Passengers od No. 1 Dili afternoon report illght accident on tha Columbia Houtht-rn at Hlggs. An Cliglna w at de railed, hut no further damage 11 lir n a run learn occurred. Tha wrecking crew sat ar'it (or and went up at once. Word reached tha city (hit morning that a burglary had been committed at liakcoven last night wherein Tlioa. UnrgrM I Inter of between i'.J and HK. Tha money waa In cigar Ikh In their ttora last Illght at H o'clixk, and thlt miming at U wa found to l mining. No clue to tha guilty t atty hat Wn obtained. Thin moinlng at 10 o'clock tha re intuit (I Kdaard Kehrrln, aho n luui.d dead In hit room a', tha Cotmo po itan, were given Chrittian burial In tlia tiitnd Army burying ground ad joining tha Odd Felloaa cemetery. At 1 1l I hit afternoon, Itev. P Forest con ducted tha trttlrrt ovrr the mntln of de l, Jonet at hi home In tlia Fatl Knd, and ll ry aera Interred in Old Fellont cemetery. Then It cna man In Tha Pallet to whom tha report Irom tha war now be ing rirrirl on In Africa ara doubly In-tern-ting from tha (act that ha hat titvrlrd oter tha ground which la now the tor ne ol arfare. We refer to Win. (iUiint, wliolu'ul aat prospecting in that r.'iintry and wa alto there in '7J. Tna Mine waa true of tha i i i j i t c mar. I.p having been a rallur along that coirt fur three year. Tha Kindrtitk' Literary Club of Tho Pallet hehl their regular Hireling in the council chamber lat night. A number (I tncn.bef aero enrolled. The tu t! mretuig will be held at the tame (.on Xuvemhvr 2tili at 7:li0p. m. The question (or untitle at that lime will . "I;-olved that tha acquisition of the Philippine island would he Ik lie Ih-ial In the t'nite.l Matt-a." Tha leadert are, aihrmiitivf , Clyde lluhh ll ; negative, Mik. The Pallet ha long been In need of the prex-nia of a trained inirte, and that ii-ed it now to l tiipplied. Yetterday af'i'riiiHin Mirt II. Tailiferro, nl St. I. u'.f, arrived In the city to aii-cpl em pl.iy i enl with Ir. tifiaendorirrr. She came ill) the higheat recommendation, having had apecial training In turgery and innaige treatment, and I alto a graduate of llrUkah llotpitai in St. l.'Miia. Her aervicet will be luv!uhle In the commnnity. Tho. lloblnaon, of Win I river, dint a grmiae the other day, and upon opening the glirard fonnd teveral fin apci iuient o! gold, Thlt would teem to prove that there la lai'rr g i!d on Wind river. Mr. I; ihintun it poaliive that the gn life waa halrlinl n, rape, I in tha vhlniiyof the pla. e a I, pro It wat killed. Home of our w in I, I-he miner ought to like a trip up Ihru'igli that country and tee if Iher are Hot at imart aa the grouao --I'loneer. J- W. Va x i the name of fellow who wttaireated thlt morning at Moro for (irgi rv. Hef.Millv walked Into Moore itroa. l ank am! pretented A check for I'11'", algnid !iy Scott A Co., of tirat Valley. Siiaplcionlng hi in, the cathier at i nee went to the telephone and c.illed an olflcer. Sering he waa napP rained, ilm fellow took to hia leg and ran out of the bank and up llm atreet, but a a rapture ! with little ililtlrultv and taken in ili.irge by the ailtli'ollir". Tim Vogt opera houae wa recently limed by ijn. Jturtf I! and It. A. S'p'vey mi l will bo under their inxnagtMiu'iil fur he m xt tine i year. Wa have h I ome apli n li, attraction! nt that opera houtii of lat t and it I to to Impe l the preaent tnnnaji iiieut will endeavor to keep them up to a high atnudard. If lin y tuceeu I In to iloiiif, and In per "'lading i a.enl i tint 75 rent it Hindi aa Inlle people will ,ive lor ela, tiipy will make a nicoet of their Venture. One illicit hnve tho ijtil IVa'o.t May litd aiartcd a flmt c'nt rdlaurant had 'hey paaaei! ,Kie eatt aliow window ! ihiy ; Imt on taking a neon I glitncu Ihry ' thn table to neatly et wa fitleil "t In their beat table linen mere ly for iliaplay. The reporter reci-ived u iiivilation to dinner; hut aneakmg by l noon we d I covered nothing lib 28-incll Outing Flannels medium and dark stripes and checks, value 5c per yard. We know of atorea who sell them for 6 1.4c. c. per yard. 3- 4 I Calico. Indigo Mile calico, turkev red Cali ent, mourning caliioa, faiicy llgured calicoa, V Inrlie i,l,., jr yard. . . 4o Muallna. In apite of the advance quoted every where 011 cotton thi fall we eontinue to eel! cotton a chea 110, cheajH-r tliun ever before. LI. iiuhleuchiil miiHlin, 30 inche wine, -r yam lc arhed 3-ini l, hlear iiiui'liii 6c Percales. 32-inche wide, Irk and linht pat tern; oilier tjet and 10- for no lietti'r iercale; our priee 8c Our Blanket Department. It good and ready for the mail that ia ore to follow thin announcement: Neat Friday and Saturday Nov. 10 and 17, wa will ofTsr our entire stock of white and Colored Blankets at Special Sale Prices. w ho have attended our Manket tale in the putt will fully appreciate tint coming event, and ttill'take. advant age of it. Winter it here and hlanketn you moat have. 1 0-4 Cray Co'ton Blankets per pair, 4 1 c. Sol. I at other atore at 50 and (10 cent. Linen Sale An "nu1 occurence with us. Thia year we differ some'1 w,",t ,10wever, in having a larger display of Table I.inena by the vard, Linen Table Spread and Linen Napkin. The laet invoice of these nowjr beautie haa arrived and now we are ready. i Friday and Saturday, Nov. 16 and 17, We will offer our entire stock of linen for the table at the following apecial price : 5H-inch bleached linen damavlc, clear patterns, per yard 57-inch bleached linen ilainack, rothI quality, er yard 57-Inch bleached linen itaniaal, good quality, per yard W-iiieh half-bleached linen damaiik, gijod quality, per yard '. 57-inch bleached linen damank, good quality, per yard Fvtm cnPrin I Half bleached all-linen German LA II U pctiai ,ii.,aak,00-in. wide, ryd.... 43C 61-inch bleaeheil pure linen damayk, per yard 72-inch unbleached pure linen dainank, per yard 70-inch bleached clover-leaf lainai-k 72 inch bleached ealin finialied double damafk "t-ini h bleached aatin finished double damank "t inch bleached ratin rinltlied double damask liunihik Xaiikins, wial prices, 60c to A00 per dozen. 1-ringed Lioyliea from 25c to 7.. 10c 30c f lde and enda in Children Wool l'n- derwear at Half Price. It' s w ay w e have of getting rid of the balance of line in Underwear. Those who know rome here when they want children's underwear and look over our odd-lot counters. 60c garment now... 25c garment now... 2Uc garments now... 10c garments now... ...25c ...13c ...10c ...5c Ladies Union Suits. .. 4 5c . . Mc .. "9o . . S'8e .fl.10 .11.33 Silver giay, fleeced back, cotton ribbed union suits, open across the buM ; all sizes, from 32 to 42, per juit 50c Clothing Dopartment. On certain counters in our clothing de partment w e have piled aoo.1, desirable w inter suits for men and lioys, and have marked theiu to che-e at HALF PRICE. Thi is another inntniice where our way of doing business differs from the ordinary merchant. When a line of suits ia sold down to only one or two, we take these and on the bargain counter they go. Tliev never fail to sell. And that' how we Veep our stock free from "hack liumticrs" Men' pants, also a counter full of them at Half the regular price. Ladies' Cloak Department. We will not try to tell you in detail aliotit this magnificent stock of Capes, Jackets, Kurs, Suits and Skirts. We will, however, extend a cordial invita tion to every lady who reads this ad to come in and look around. This is fashion's center of ail that is new and stylish in women's wear, and it cof ts nothing whatever to see the show. A 16-inch Circular Plush Cape f-torm collar, edged with angoro fur, for only fl y.. Ladiesvest" and pants, same weight, quanty and finieh as the union suits, each ?.. Our stock of Ladies' and Children' winter underwear, both in wool and cot ton, ia full of good things. Come and see. Shoe Department. The same here as in other depart ments. Every odd line is marked down to close at price that appeal to every man or woman w ho wears shoes. Bov' veal calf lace shoes, size 11 to special $1.00 Men's felt boot and one-buckle over; per tet 82.00 ttullnl had lieen placed thereon, even the flower w hlch occupied a prominent placii, not hein; Cooked, to we touLl a more tubttantial ti.tead. Ieajiile the nnpleaaalit a either, per lit i the Urgert crowd that hat yet at tended the club partu wat present It ft nltht, and touiehow seemed In take au additional iutereat in dancing. Although the inutic at furni-lie 1 bv l'rof. Hiig.'cld and MIm Schmidt ia much appreciated an I a I good a to intlruinent could putaibly furiiii-h, arranneuient are be in uiadn to augment the volume l y te curing the full orclieatra, and if to de cided, thev w 111 he on hand at the next imrly. which will he gralifyiuj to thoe w ho knftw the rxceliency of their dance miific. There ia nothing which to gratifies a reporter a to have a friend atop In and leave the wry Item on the table ; par ticularly u when it it of a much im portance at the erne jut received, when a whilt-h.a led trial! hoy of H year tepped into the office and Informed u the world I coming to an end Monday morning, and that we'd llter tell the people o they'd "know." lie taid the tlai were going to ta inkle and the world "stop." No doubt the Ciikos u i a lias obtained a tcoop this time, and one which should be appreciated by it reader. The funeral of Mr. L. S. Davit wa very largely attended yetcrdy after noon hy member of tho Kalhbone Sitter", K. of P., neighbor and friend'. Key. Jo. I Forest, of the Kplrco) al chil'di, conducted the service and tpike in a brief but Impressive manner. A ipiartet composed ol Mrs. Jayne, Min U llleiton, K. U. IUvenport and A. A. J)neang "Thy Will B Ih n" and "Aaleep il. Jetns." Messis. J. Uavm, II. l-'ebf, W. L. Itrad-haw, D. Vaute, I , Lane and Geo. (ioster, w ho are brother Knights, curried the cstkel, which was covered with the most beautiful fl oral ollering", and instead of leaving a mound of did earth, a bed of pure white lionet mark her retting place. Moti.iaj'n Imiiy. iVichola Slokoe was today admitted to citizenship. Fred Snipes, with W. L. Yin-on'i sir vrying corps, fell at hit transit Monday morning, from some heart tronb'e. lie was removed to his room and an toon out of danger. Suinpter Miner. A black satin belt, with fancy 1 mkle, was picked up on Second street, in front of Van Xorden' Jo.velry store. Oa ner can have tho same by calling at this oflico and paying for this notice. Never has the grain In Morrow county gotten a belter start than It ha this fall. Farmer Inform in that even along the public road grain I growing ahun dalitlyfrom seed which dropped from wagon whila transporting it to market. Neat year there w ill be scarcely room In the field in w hich to Hack the erain. Ye!erday' Oregonian contained a splendid cut of Homer I). Angell, of our cily, wf.o i a Undent of the state uni versity and acquitting himself nobly in every department. He ia now president of the debating society. licit, loigley inform us that lie l as j 1st completed the construction of a large dairy barn on hi lot on Tenth street, and it going to enter more fully into the dairy bi'tiness, having a large number of patron already. The Women' Foreign Missionary Society are to give a tea in the M, I', chinch Friday evening, Nov. l"lh. All friend of the society are invited to be present, tl.e only re'jnitite being that a 10 rent admission will be charged. The finest lot of cattle we have een for tome time were brought over from the Washington aide Ihi morning. Tliete were fr;v-ix in numtier, lielong ing to J. L. Keliy. He ia bringing thrm from Klickitat to 8 Mile, and will tell l hem for lieef. He finally concluded it would have been better all around had he paid hi road laa, and it it not to be wondered when we consider that he spent some time in the city jail, hired an attorney to fight the case and then had ttf put up il 7" after all. He might have paid the 4 and saved all the trouble. Saturday C. W. Iiielzel and wile and II. Ilillgeii and wife executed deed to the city for thirty-five feet of ground on Federal street, to be used in improving the street, which will be extended through to Clay. The grade will be sumo inch on Union street, only perhaps !cs steep. At the council meet ing tonight It will t decided when work will be begun. Among the crew who went up Satur day with the w recker to I!igk-s to clear away the wreck on the Columbia Southern, was Fred Ilalfpap. While down under the engine wmking, a valve somehow opened and allowed the steam to escape, scalding him on the back. The accident ivcnt red at S o'clock, and be came down on No. .1, when lr. U'gan was called and dressed the wound. Ilev. Joseph Pe, Forest, who ha hi en rector of St. Paul's K0'.'iii'al church at The H.illes, for to Binl a half yiars, an 1 wat previomly for a year and n half rector of St. Stephen' church, this city, arrived yesterday by the morning' train from the eat and is the guest of Kev. C. II. Lake. Mr. IV Forest has been in the east four months ami attended tho Episcopal missionary cmventiin nt St. Louis. ' lie that he has had veial calls to Kastern churches, but like thi state tco well to leave it unless duly call him. The gentleman, who ha been quite a globe trotter, wa last evening in conversation with a reciter that may be heard concerning snv sub liberal In hi expression of praise of jeit over which tti; public is greatly Daker Citv' growth. Democrat. agitated. Saturday evening the news The Y. i' memorial service, held every ! spread broadcast that Mrs. Brown, year by that, order, is always ono which ' Knt .li.n t- a 1 1 o ..... firmer r 1 1 stockman who comes into the city tell ing of the way the grata is coming nr and the good prospects for stock, we feel who w as so badlv stabbed hv her j a-hauied to complain. husband Saturday morning, had died at It is no more than right that any per 2o"c!ock. We even began to doubt the j aon or pereons coming into a city to truth of our own statement a to her dispose of bankrupt stocks or c!o?e oat condition given us by the physician a goods from stores in other places, be we went to press. This afternoon Pr. j taxed heavily. They but injure the (le.sendorffer Informs us she as getting j business of substantial citizens who We have been-questioned many times along very wen, although the wounds : bave invested their money here, pay as to the date thia year, and understand 'seem much rggravated. She has a fair j taxes and build np our city. The mar that tliev are held each vear on the first I char.ce for recovery. It ia said that I glial should lee the ordioanca is en- Sundav In IV'cember. ! the husband (?; in talking of the our people desire to attend, not only to a'sist the Flk in paying tribute to their deceased meinbeis', but because these exeicises contain much of merit ami are beautiful in their sentiment aad the manner in which they are crnJucted Baldwin Sheep A Land Company, has engaged quite extensively In the sheep business in Idaho. He hts bought 6000 : head of sheep, ami is running them near ! Weiser. John Sommerville Jr. is with bis father, In the cipacity of caujp-j tender and "general ntility man." Frank Sommerville, who i still secre tary of the Hay Creek Co., will res inn that position at an early date and join hi father and brother in Idalin. Herald Last Thnriday in San Francisco Miss Ina Cooper, who was for a time em ployed in the Tiiiies-Monntaineer oBice here, wasnnited in marriage with Mr. 10. L. Parr. Stie made many friend here who w i-h her well. Another wed ding in w h;ch P.ille ptople are Inter ested occurred in Sitka, Alaika, c n Nov. 1st, when Miss Stella Pell llutler, who p nt much of her childhood In Ttie Pallet, was married to W. D. McNair, of that place. They will make their home in Sitka. The Kev. Mother Provincial of Port land, spent last week visitin St. Mary's Academy in this city, and her visit was greatly ei j ived as well a beneficial to the school. F'xaminaii "ns were given to tlie pupils In the various studies and they passed veiy satisfactorily. The school I now in a prosperous condition, I occurrence n?w says he was so drunk he didn't know what he did, and asked for the children to be brought down to see him yesterday. Anion at the endless rumors afloat ia ono to the effect that some lady bad cirried the prisoner a bouquet yesterday. We cannot believe such a tiling is true in Ti.e Palles. We have read of It in Chicago and other places, but surely there are no such foolish women in our own town. Better forced. The young people of Liberty district are preparing for an entertainment and box social to be given Friday evening, Nov. 24th, the proceeds to be osed for the benefit of the rchool and district. The young ladies are requested to bring; boxe containing lunch for two, and those furnishing refreshment will be admitted I tee. An admission of 15 cent w ill be charged to all others. Not onlv in the Western states are , i i i- .... ' Pea sue ,.. . rupe, .or ue .... . workmpn , dem,ndf circumstance, what they may fl ,wer. f rt.froni over the nnlon ,re,h. have no place in a eel! with such a brute. Q wno retnrned Tuesday Pally. thi morning from Pennsylvania, says We learn tht .Mr. . lias. I. llrll I i . ..r such nmsnsmni times quite ill of pneumonia at her home on the corner of Tenth and Union treet. there. In and about Pittsburg laborers aie in demand, and it seems impossible John O-borne, the fellow who was j to get help enough to carry on the bnai- arrested on a charge of larceny from a dweliing, was arraigned today, and to morrow at 10 o'clock was the lime set for hi hearing. Mr. and Mr. V.. M. William are moving into their cosy new home on Fourth etrcet. It is one c( the prettiest in the city, and the inside furnishings the veiy latest. Such home are a credit to the city. Mr. Brown is still improving and un less unforseen complications arise will no doubt get well. It looks a if Brown would contaminate t lie c unity j.iil w it h I I I - - I I... .1. ..... nil.. the number of pupil being larger than i'cc- .or u. as lilt e lse w ill iioi now conic ii i mi iiir next term of c nut. Wheat is not a frequent vi'itor to The Palles these davs. Theie mun be ness all oyer the state. It takes wide awake men and any aaioont of them to ke'u up with the Republican times. He tore into the postoflice yesterday red-eyed and with murder in his heart. Glaring at"Yse postmaster in such a manner as to make him think his time had come, he said: "I tent $73 to my brother seveial weeks ago. Where is itT lie didn't get it." After further e populations and threat he said: "I have your receipt, where is the money T" The postmaster calmly asked to see the "receipt". He put his hand into hia pocket drew forth a document and lo and I ehold it was the money order which his brother failed t j receive and whioh the government had stolen. He sneaked out "all alone," and hasn't been back i since. last year. A a boarding school it I ns j been receiving constant improvement and is now the very best iu every particular. W'm itTiilnrtt'itiil n rotiimiten Wrifl out Saturday and lod.iy endeavoring to taise I Ioubt tho condition of the ro-.ol, is keep- rV(. i9t, thf 1rlvlle(., of the thelCM) required before the chemical 1!K ' i.irme.a .ro, i I !, u. nr. On i tiara t hv ro vin i 4 ) riMi tfi. i ptttMiio mm liro Ri.mii vstem can oe iiriioiitml f i r t ii A 1 aa. t I Imie M.auas 1.11 1 11 Y l V I C 1 1 1 9 . some more nt least to come, lot rol Now ,lia, ttie council has extended to citv. We have success, they ill have no difficulty in snuring the amount. It cannot be that after all that has I ecu done, we will be compelled to give up what teemed to be a surety. But unless the deficit i forthcoming be foio the meeting tomorrow tight, ' much fear tho board w ill throw up the entire scheme. And beside we would not be surprised if the fire department went lurtlier than that. with the exception of Second street, it fa t.t 1 honed the riht will not be t ! while the Inan.ocd Mills today paid 00 ,mt tliey ;e i ,0 rP?ret ,he I move. A few days since a young girl Keep tho galea closed. From now wa, r,)ming down the street at a lively Until "summer conic again" the fesiive i r.ite, when sl e ran into an old man. town cow is to be 'monaich of ail she Hl,n0t knocking him over. Sh neither surveys," nnd her right the council will : e;0pped to apoloj'u nor see whether he not dispute. Henceforth she will play ; wa9 burl or n t, but ; e 1 en an if noth hookey of her ow n free will. TIuko Iui ing had ha pened. Thre is no reason have kicks to register, prepare to kii k wi,v (,c sidewalks should not be used, them now. un'es; it i tome srch one a described. The muddy streets are indeed most ; an 1 it hardly seems fair that all should disagreeable, and ninka the pedestrian I he deprived of the privilege for the It it stranga the numberless reports j feel in anj thing but a pleasant mooj ; thoughtlessness of s fee.