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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1899)
WEEKLY 1 W W f w . aii k 1 ri u VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1899. NO. 8 BOEKS HAD ir i v Brilisb Riiimciit Decimated by Free Staters rridaf Last. KILLED AND WOUNDED, 600 Three Hundred llornr Captured Gen. Ilullcr'a Force Are Landing, jt Cape Town. UM, Nov, 10. Another rumor, cuiaunti iik I rum A aiaterilarii Soiirrr, tart British regiment ! decimated Fnday by the Frew Slateri. It I a J led tlistsu hundred Brit lab soldier were killrd or wounded an I that three Iiih. dreJ horse were captured. I.oi.os, Nov. l&.-Tb British warof lie has received Iroin General Bull'-rlli I iltoaing dispatch : "Cap Town, Tburday evening !! received b pigeon pod (10111 General While today lliv following: "The bom bardment at long range liy heavy guns continue dolly. A fear casualties are occurring, tut no serious harm 1 being done. Tl.c Boers fent In today number of refugees (rum the Transvaal under flag dI truce. A party from y aiult ti met lln'in outside the pickets. When the party sepal ated, the Boer guns fired nn It before it reached our picket. Major li.tte, of the Royal engineers, wounded today mil lie tendings message. The entrenchment ara growing stronger daily mi l Ida supply of provision It ample." Biilltr's Force. Landing. l.iKiu., Nov. 10. With tlm arrival at Cape Town of Ilia Iirltiali transport Kosekn Castle an. I Moor, to Ixi followed by a continuous succession ol troop laden ships, Ilia real campaign in South Alrlc may he ai,l to have la-gun, and III Im t that the drat ship named aa nir-u, to have arrived at Ptirban forthw 1 1 It In.licalra at least a modiflra lion ol the plan ( advance. It arrini General Boiler' ftrat inv will be to relieve Cnieral White, thua Somewhat ileparling 'rout Ida earlier pan ol advancing through tlm let I rountrv l the Orange Free Slate aid Sjtithwestcrn Transvaal. It has tx-i-n apparent for sum, lata thatthr situation at 1. 1. hamuli could not he Indefinitely prolonged. au,l It la llmteratiw.d that in. formation hat reached the government to the i' (!' t that the quiescence ol II e II -er will shortly he charged hy the r r.val i.l a tlrKe train Irom I'rrtoria Into a ih li-r'iiinrd attack to dvlivvr a ti'Minv lr .kn. H.ia, It i addrd, Ird G -rural II11II1T t" pripire a counter atrok and endeavor opuh the I'.ovrt hark by a dirt it attark. r-nrli an uprratiun, if ttxiiiptnl, Mill nrcrraarlly email a, great rxpvndiliire ol hi. While the piwn diapatch of liriieral lliil!ir ahoat the Iwleagtirrnl garrison hoi, ling Itt on yeaterday, It la lrii,l hare that the aili-nre rrgardlng hl tie Itiiti.h artillery waa doing lu rl'lyti th Hef K,1n) indicalea that W'liitdaahoiUif long-range amiiiiMillion. II t Ilia ia xrar, the reported further rnil '"a I Hralrnrtioii near Colunl i annuir r'atrr importance. n very terlout paaaaj In (ieneral White' iueatae givea the flrat oftlclal roniir.iintlfin ul I ha tatemr-nti of IVier rea.-,erjr, which there haabeen diapoal i(n hitherto to dhcredit, but which 'it now be accepted aa at leaat partly ('' With the additional Uivlalon 'iiHMiii,e, by (irnrral Wolffley at the lord maror'a binijuet yesterday evening, lu !..r'i f,,rc will ewregate tt.i.OOO men '7 Chriatmae. Tronpa at Cape Town. Town, Tov. 10. The Ilrltiah Iranaport Moor, having on hoard the "H.-era and atalTof three divitiona of the "r.tiah army corpa, on ll war tu S..111I1 Al, p,i arrived here t 111 morning. SolJ for JI700.000. Atin.ANn, Or., Nor. 9. Or V,'. Trcfnen " 1 Kric Carlton, of Ihia city, yeatenlay rloai.,1 p ,t W,pre,y tlia Carlaon altera copper mine property, located ""th of AahUnd, juat over the Califor "ix "late line, and eight milea weal of '!''alation, waa iold tolhtf Hii-klyort ('"l'ler Company, Ltd., of KoMlanil, II. C"litcli hna a capital itork of 'l.-lm, 000. Mrt. l.nlu Wallera, of rii'.enu, and Krli: Carlaon, owneri of the prop erty, have l ad It bonded to the company for two years, and have received VJHJ per month during the tfme, but in the traualer now muil the contideration ia about 1700,000, the grautora receiving in payment rait caali and balance in atork of the new company, w hich puHh development work. Transcontinental pare Cut. r-KrriK, Nov. O.-Aa Rn Inliodiiclion to local rate war between the three transcontinental linen, liegim thia moin mg, flrat and aecond cliiaa ticketato Chi. cago and Atlantic coaat Miinla dropped 'l today. The trouble began through alleged rate-cutting by the Great .Sort her 11 llnhart Had a (inml Nilit. rrkaos.N. J., Nv. 10 Vice IVeai ilcnt llubart had a renin night ami wa c iinfortahle thia morning. There ia prac tically no change In his condition. MEET WITH OPPOSITION Itut It Is So Mil-lit That Their Progress Is Net Impelled Much Whcalnn Landed at San Fabian Instead of Linigntan, as Was Announced. Wamiim.tox, Nov. 10. The war de partment haa received the following: "Manila. General I.awton nperl enre tome difficulty on account ol the continued unprecedented rains in that section of the country. He advanced the aVMiiin at Sui Joao yesterday to Caransgtan. T'xlay a strong force was put through on the Aligns route. "Young captured yesterday consider able additional Cubanatuan arsenal property in transit north, among which were Ht tail-inch and'.'.' iKixes 1.C5 inrh ammunition for Hotcbkiss guns, fifty projectilea for five and eight-inch breei-hloadlng rille cannons, two boxes of grenades, considerable other ordnance property, and two tout of casting and arsenal machinery in pjrts. He is meet wlth opiHjaltion, hut the advance is not modi Impeded thereby. "MacArlhur is rrconiioitering north of Mabacalat, Yesterday Slaren'a fciul were directed to the front, and Smith's Seventeenth infantry on the Mi;i!aiig and Conception road, lie1!, of the Thirty alxlh, with live of his ullicera ami two privates nl his regime!, t, mounted, one 1, lliccr nd ten men of the Fourth rivalry, struck 10) insurgents in the mountains et of M.ihaeaHi. The Ameriiain charged, killing and ouiidiiij nineteen, capturing six and liO Maurer ritles. " I'l.c Irom A ngi'les to I'.jmi tail) Is dcatrored. MacArlhur will have J0, IHK) rations to the front today, and will lake op the advance toTarhiC tomorrow, "Wheaton rcHirl twentj -.iglit Spanish prisoners tecmrd. Three hun dred insurgent red oils escaped to the mountain! from the enemy during the battle at San Fabian. These recruitt were en route to IUgupsn. Wl.eaton tavl everything It favorable U carrying out tuccessfiilly hit Instructions, and that the c )-:peratlun ol thsnivy ia com plete, oris." A tecon I dispatch from General Otlt follows : "Manila. The report received yester day concerning Wheaton'i movement was erroneous. He did land at Sun Fabian, at directed, and drove tho bulk of the enemy back in the desired direction toward Pagnpan. Operation! werecuiii liiccenefnl in every particular." Vsur face Slioif 1 the state of your feelings and the ttata of jour health as well, impure b';uol niakca Itself apparent in a pale ami mIIowj completion, Pimple and 8, in Kiupllona. If you are fieling weak and worn out and t'onotlavea healthy apiiearance yon should try Acker' Mood Klixir. It cures all blood diss. -a where cheap Sarsaparillas and to called pnrillers fail ; knowing this we toll every bottle on a positive guarantee. Hlakeley A Houghton, druggist. Jwcrilv ' Mn Injured. Drmson, Ia., Nov. II. Twenty-six men were Injured In a wreck on tne K',,rt Iloihrn & Omaha railroad, nine miles north of Denlson, thit afternoon. gravel train running rxtra and a work train containing 10 men came 1, aether around a sharp curve at a deep cut in tho road. Two of the injured K.I Me Ken and IUn O linen are not expected to live, and several others are probably fatully 'oirt. Subscribe for T'uo Clironlcle. THE STRUGGLE IN AFRICA Little ctaEue in tbe Sitnatisn ia Natal or cn Western Barder. KIMBERLEY WAS SHELLED TUESDAY The Invasion of Cape Colony Mafe hint Garrison Holding His Own Xo Xews From Ladysmitb. Iisikin, Nov. 11. The day bat brought forth no great news, and little change baa taken place either in Natal or on the north and northwestern frontier ol Cape Colony. Tne chief fact it the opening cf the bombardment ol Kimlierley Tuesday by Free State artillery, .which proved, according to an ollicial statement, ntterly Ineffective. Tiie iloei investment of the town, how ever, Is sui, I to be tightening. Skirmish ing between the Kimberley mounted troops and the lioers early in the week resulted in severe Boer losses, the British force lobing one killed and one wounded. Advices Irom Orange river confirm the report of the F'ree Stale troops' advance upon the north ol Cape Colony, but, owing to the retirement of the British forces from the borderland, no serious collision has yet occurred. The coming week, however, Is certain to see import ant developments in this district. An ofllcial dispatch recording a skirmish near Uelinont, in w hlch Colonel Falconer wa killed, three other officers were wounded, one dangerously, and Uo privates slightly wounded, is far from clear. It it not known whether Colonel Falconer wat preparing tor a British ad vance or wa merely endeavoring to as certain the numbers of the Boer. Iipfttchet from Mafeking show that Colonel Baden-Powell's little force it still not merely holding itt own, but it daily inflicting more or less severe punishment upon the Boers, whose ar tillery has apparently proved valueless. Transports carrj ing 3(100 British troop are already en route to Purban, having passed Cape Tow n, and the Boers must stnke a dtcitive blow at I.silvs inith now or never. Situation at Natal. 1'siii'i 1. 1, Natal, Tuesday, Nov. 7. An armored train married by an engi neering stafland acci ui anyii.g the Pub iin liiKiliers, under Captain Hnisley, re turned here tonight. It reports that it found the stores at Frere looted, appar ently by Kaflifs, and met cyclist patrols, w bo ieorted that the Boers were cn tbe SprmguVid road, five miles away. The train proceeded cautiously, and found the ITiuspriiit hii,le intact. The train frequently stopped, and Captain Hens'ey examined the road ahead before pro weding. Nearing C0I1 no, the line was found cut a mile luuth of Colcnso. Two length of rail on each line had been lifted ud placed out of gauge. Informa tion obtained from Kaffir is that the Boer lelt tho vicinity of Colenso earls thit morning, proceeding in the direction of Biiluwan mountain, and Captain Hensley found Colenso absolutely deserted. A Coming Conflict I.omkin, Nov. 11. In connection with the reported Anglo-American under standing regarding an open door in China, Japan' attitude in far Kastern Asia is much canvassed. Severul Cor reniiondenls in China talk of a c mdng conllict between Japan and Ku'sia over Cores. A letter from Seoul, w hich ap pears in the Times Inlay, says: "The Japanese are convinced that to permit Russia to roiuiro Core or es tablish linssiaii a-MVrid.mcy In N irthern China would be strategically, politically and commeii ially n deadly menace to Japan's rapid1? developing strength. Japan believes her navy is strong enough to ntt.ick Russia, and the general opinion it that the interest of the two nations are to conflicting that it it im possible to avoid a rupture in the near future." . Dynamite in a Siore. Villus. Ia., Nov. 11. Clarence Bur rell.ton of Banker J. G. Burrell, wa Instantly killed today by an explosion of dynamite which wrecked the hank build and partially destioyed the Monitor general store. Its had Just opened the door of hit father's private bank for the day' business when there was a mothered explosion in the Monitor tore next door. He rushed into the building and a moment later a second explosion of greater force occurred. Pieces of wreckage hurled through the air by the second shock struck Burrell in the neck, decapitating liiin. Another mlcsile penetrated hit heart. Fire fol lowing tbe explosion, destroyed both buildings, entailing a heavy loss. The bank vault and the store safe, however, were not damaged. Tiie caute of the explosion it not known, bat the au thorities are working on the theory that it wat done by incendiaries. Tbe Hewers Annoyed by a Crowd. New York, Nov. 11. A crowd followed Admiral and Mrt. Pewey today at they walked down Fifth avenue from tbe hotel, and at Fifteenth street gathered around them and kept them imprisoned. The crowd shouted and hurrahed, and tome attempt! were made to raise the admiral on the shoulders of tome ol the more zealous of the enthusiast. Admiral Pewey begged and implored the people to allo-v him to proceed, but finally he had to lake refuge in a store, from which he etcared hv a door to a side stre t. New School Building for I'enJleton. I'kndi.kton, Ore., Nov. 10. Pendleton public school pupils are to have a fine new assembly ball and gymnasium, and another school house i alto lo be built. The director have set aside $7500 to be devoted to the construction of the pro posed buildings, and this will be so carefully expended that the result will provide for the present need of the rapidly over-crowding tchooU. on thWway to prison Convicted Cocur D'Alenc Miners Start For San Quentin. Moscow, Idaho, Nov. 11. The closing scene of the C3B of the Coeur d'Alene miners, convicted for delaying the United States mails, was enacted loda.y, when United States Marshal Huuisey and six guards left on a tourist car over the O. It. & N., w ith the teu miners, tiound for the United Slates prion at San U; lectin, Cal. They will reach Portland at 8 a. tu., tomorrow, and trantfi-r to the Southern Pacific. When Ihecouvicted miners Pennis OTiutlrke, Arthur Wallace, Henry Maroni, John I.ucineti, C. K. Burres, Franc: Butler, F.J. Abinola, P. F. O Poniiel, Mike Milvey and Louis S.lia reach the Cali fornia prieon they will start on a twenty two months' sentence, with tha excep. tion uf Pennis O'Rourke, who will serve twenty months. By g),l behavior the men can reduce their sentence sixty day. They were also fined by the court $I0iK) each, but they maybe lelieved ot this by taking the pauper's oath. Well Know n Astoria Physician Dead. Astouia, Nov. 11. Pr. Ambrose 1. Fulton died at hit residence in this city at 6:30 o'clock tins morning. The immediate cause of his death was Bright' disease, which followed a severe case of grin last spring. Pr. Fulton w as born in Allen county, Ohio, October 12, ISM. When a boy he moved with bis parents to Nebraska, and was married there, March 2ti, 1878. Later be came to Astoria, where he has resided for the past seventeen years. He leaves a widow and one child, a boy about two years of age, besides a mother living In Nebra-ka, and three brothers, Pr. J. A , G. C. and Senator C. W. Fulton, all residents of thia city. The deceased was one of the liest-known and mot popular citizens of Astoria. In his profession be had the respect of 1 is associates and the eotiliJi lie ul the public. He was a peculiarly air.ihlo ami approachable man, w ho endeared himself lo all with w horn be came in contact. It may truthfully be s.i 1,1 that be died w ithout having had an enemy. The luneral will he held on Monday from the family re?idetice, with intern. cot at Ocean View cemetery. ChamhsrlalM's Tain Malm Cures Olhora. Why Ni.l louT My wife has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with goo,h results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her con tinually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicine and doctor with out receiving any benefit from any of them. Ono day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and tl. ought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has ned only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. L. Mim.ktt, Manchester, N.H. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. AT LADVSlIITIliS niter Finv Hjiirs YWxii lis Britisl Silenced Tbeir Gqes. BRITISH SITUATION IS IMPROVING Eii;ht Thousand Troops Reached South Africa in the Last Forty E i yh t Hours Thousands More This Week. London, Nov. 13 A special dispatch from Purban, dated Thursday evening, say: ( "Native runner who have Just ar rived here from Prakensburg district re port that the Boer suffered a severe de feat at Lailytmith tbit morning. Tbe Boer gum were silenced after four houit' fighting during which the Boer losses were heavy. No details leceived." Aid For Geueral White. London, Nov. 13. The simultaneous attacks on Ladysmitb, Mafeking and Kimberley which opened Thursday manifest the full recognition by the Boers of the fuct that every day lessens th.'ir chances of a successful onslaught on any of the three British strongholds. Joubert's chance, of reaching Pieter rrarizburg can be said to have vanished. Ttiis is already reported to be admitted by folonel Schiel, the German officer commanding the Boer artillery, who is supposed to have been largely the author of tho Boer plan of campaign, and who in an Interview is alleged to have said: "The Boers' intention was to have captured PieterniRritzbnrg and then to dictate terms. But all hope of ac complishing Ibis must now be a bandoned. There is no douht that from a British point of view the British situa tion la rapidly improving. Nearly 8000 troops reached South Africa during the last forty eight hours, e.nd by the end of week from 6000 to 7000 mire will be adJed to the British etrenth in Natal. These will probably be pushed forward to Estcourt, bringing the British force there up to 10.000 men and making a general attack on I.a lysmith by General Joubert very hazardous. " At cavalry and artillery beloiijtin? to General Mcthuen's division will not have arrived by then, the advance from Kitcourt may be delayed, but if it is defined cj-mtiiil to open communication with the beleaguered town at the earliest pissihle moment, General Metiincn, it is believed, may decide to replace the regular cavalry and artillery by the Natal and outlander mounted forces ai d the naval guns, in which case it is claimed it onght to be possible to occur, y Colenso and stretch out a hand lo White by Monday. It is believed the course to be followed by Melhnen must necessarily be dictated I entirely by official knowledge of Geneial White' position and resources, and ex pel ts hopeMcthuen will l able to await concentration of the whole division he fore advancing, and thus have a letter chance of dealing a, telling blow at Jou bert's main army, which, it is asserted, will be caught between two British forces and compelled either to fight a general action or retire. News of Boer Defeat. London, Nov. 13 The Prakensburg dispatch ly way of Per ban, whichwas brought in by a Kaffir, reporting severe defeat of Biersal L,ly.nith, Thursday, may turn out to bo correct, but in view ot previous experience, il mnt be re ceived with cauti-.m. It appear", how ever, ceitain that heavy fighting occur red, and that tbe lyddito of the naval pans mu-it have bad a dire s-flVct npon the burgher f. rces if it reached them. Strtiv'qlc With Insane Man. St. Lot is, Nov. 12. In the grasp of her Insane hubaud, M:s. Ralph Keif battled for her lite Irom 7 p. in., Satur day until 2 a. 111., SunJay. She had been kept a prisoner by ht;r husban 1 in their third story flat for tbrso .lays. For two days of this time she was without food. When she attempted to leave the room her husband would seize her and bring her back. A tenant on the floor below, bearing the disturbance, finally called a po'iccuian. Forcing or en the door, Mrs. B.-if was found on the bcJ with her lui''s bunds c!u ch'ng her t'nroit. She was struggling forb'y, but was too wer.k to oflVr much resistance. Boil was taken to ti.e city hospital. He had been confined in the insane asylum for several months, bat was released iree week ago, at tl.f rtq lert of bis ...'.1.. . .1 1 . , wne, nan was inougri'. no was cureu. Kelt IS a bru kir.yer. Sbeep Arc in Fine Cundition. Pkxdi.eton, Or., Nov. 12. Charles Myers, livestock inssector for Umatilla county, reports that sheep sre in excep tionally fine cond.tion this fall. He Las just come in from the rang;s, where the hand are now about all in winter quar ters. Mr. Myers has found, of course, some sheep in need of being dipped ly the inspector, but not many. The re markably fine range of the fall season has put the sheep in ideal condition, and rendered thern able to resist the ravages of disease. Scab is tiie malady most af fecting the sheep, and thia is compara tively rare this fall. Mr. Myers has not yet finished his fail inspection of the 200,000 sheep of Umatilla county, and be will proceed at once to the completion of this official work. Crowds to Hear Moody. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 12.--Iwight L. Moody, the evangelist, who began an eight-day revival service here today, spoke to 30,000 people at Convention hall this afternoon and evening. Four thousand people were unable to gain admission. AGUINALDO'S SEC RETARY CAPTURED Col. Hays Takes Him Army Believed to Be Surrounded Defeat and Disease Utterly Broken Filipino Spirit. Manila, Nov. 13. General Young is supposed to have readied San Nicholas, about thirty miles east of Hagupan, but his wagons are far behind. Colonel Hayes has captured Aeuinaldo's secre tary, and Majjr Coleman is in Carrang ian with an escort of 17") bolomen on his way to the province of NuevaVisaya. A son of General Llaneras and bis family are prisoners. The geueral barely es caped. A correspondent cf the Associated Press with General Ycnng telegraphs from San Joso tiiat Aguimildo did not escape to the northwest. He and bis army, tiie correspondent adds, are sur rounded. His last order to the Filipino co.nmander at San Jose were to hold San Jose and Carranglan at all costs. Tub receut er. counters were toi one sided to be cai cd fights. Insurgents are mortally afraid of the Au.ericans, however strong thtir position.. They made but brief and leclile rtsrstar.ce, and run when the terrible American yell reaches their ears, hereupon the Americans pursue them and slay them. The ni ir-l i fl' ci ol the 1 -w that UO.OOO troo s are tin their way here has been unquestionably great. Insurgents are suffering more from di-eaBe than from the America.iit, owing to poor food, lack of medicines, and a filthy hospital, with. the result that there ia great mortality among them. General l.aa ion has inter cepted a teiegram from an insurgent captain to a Filipino general, reading: "How can you blame me for retreating, when only twelve of my company were able to light?" Wasiiixuton Nov. 13 The folk w ing dispatch from Goneral Oti was received at the war department to-lay : "Manila, In MacArthur's ndvsnce, the Thirty-sixtti volunteers and cavalry troops under Bell entered Tarlac at 7:10 p. in., yesterday. The enemy fl-?d, but l y latair MacArlhur succeeded in getting forward lo Cainsya all artillery and quartermasters' transportation, snd will have command in Tarlac today. His ad vance is pushing forward to save at much of the railroad as possible, which the enemy is trying to destroy in the re treat. Many d-sertert Irom the eneu y passed into MacArthnr's liivs, some thirty rifK-s yesterday. In-urgent in that section aie reported to be short of provisions. "Lawtou is pushing forw ar.I w ith gr- at energv, his advance being ob'iged lo leave behind ail transportation and de pend to a great extent upon the cm i. try for subsistence." LaGrippe, with its alter elfects, annu ally destroy thousands of ptopir. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in cou.'hs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia ami throat and lung troubles. It will pre vent." consumption. Butler Prtig Co.