i tit: DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1809. rturLi VOV ALL KNOW. Wolucaalajr'a Pally. IXJ la in in Iowa today Ir. II Dufur. from J. K. llensel, of I.yle, it in the city on businras. T. II. Head, of Glenwood, it In tlie city today. J. II. llouser, of Goldendsle, it In ton lodav. Mise K. Donaldsou Is a visitor in the city Iroui Kingsley. John Parrot came Dp from Portland on lust niht'a train. Mrs. Morran ana fan came over from rtieir home at Centerville yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Alien cam in from Moro yesterday and spent today here. W. A. Campbell, to well known to oar business men, it spending a few days in the city. Miss Lawrence is in the city from her home in Portland and is the guest of Mrs. J. 8. Schenck. A. G. Long, of Portland, stopped otf at The Dalles yesterday afternoon. He was returning from bumpier, where he old 1S00 worth of fire apparatus to that city Mr. Wm. Stewart, Mrs. Elmer Rand and Miss Anna Smith rame u- on the afternoon train yesterday from Hood Kiver. The former will remain iu the city for a few days, while her lister re turned home tbia afternoon. T. J. Seufert, who has spent two weeks at the Etgle mine in Greenhorn district in wnich he it interested, re turned this morning. He reports any amount of snow; hut from the enthu siasm he displays regarding the pros pects of the mine, we judge gold is as numerous as snow flakes, and more so; end a good deal more stable. Thursday's Dailr. Geo. Button, of Kidgeway, it in town today. E. E. Luna, of Xqrth Yakima, is in the city. II. K. Blue is in from Wapinitia today on business. Miss Lena Behme arrived in the city yesterday from Heppner. Mrs. Rentier and Mies Lillie Bentley are In the city from Marquam, Or. W. O. Hadlev came don from Moro yesterday and will leave in the morning for Sprsgr.e. Rev. L. F. Hawk and little son re turned home last night after short trip to Portland. John S. Gurnee is in the city today in the interest of the cash register company, which he represents. Dr. !!. J. Liltlefleld arrived in the city last evening from Newherg on a visit to his sister, Mrs. W. L. Bradthaw. L. K. Crowe is in Portland attending the Retail Hardware Dealers Associa tion for Oregon and Washington, of which be is first vice-president. lie c-x-pectt to return this afternoon. George Joles returned home from the mine at Spanish Gulch Tuesday, having closed down work for the winter. He stys there is plenty of snow in the mountains near by, and they have bad about tix inches at the mine. Mr. and Mrs. James Ireland will leave the city toni.ht to visit at their old home in Indiana and other states. They will be absent about a month, during which time Geo. Ross will take his place agent at the O. R. A -N. office here. Fridaj'a Dally. J. C. Ward is in from Kingsley. Charles Darbin arrived in town from Antelope today. Tho. and Frank Batty are business Visitor in the city. F. N. Jjnei came in from hit ranch Biar Sberar't Bridge yesterday. Mist Lncy E. Hitchcock, of Portland, arrived in the Dalles last night. Mr. ant Mrs. W. B. Cown cime in from Cileb and are in the city to-lay. Geo. W. McCoy arrivtd from Portland last night on legal business in the city. J. J. Dingman and daughter were reg istered at the Umatilla from Goldendale yeeterd iy. A. H. Breyman, of Portland, was in town last night, leaving for Hay Creek this morning. Mr. II. Mitchell left today for a visit with her brother, F. fiominerville, and wife at Hay Creek. Mr. and Mr. Henry Hudson came in trow Dufur yesterday and left on the afternoon train for Portland. Mist Pearl Williams, who has spent the past week with her sifter, Mr. 11. Yi. trench, returned tf.i afternoon. Wm. Murchie and wife, and W. If. Bigg came down from Wasco yeswrday, leaving this morning for Coliint Land ing. Mrs. Andrew Bentley and Mist Lillie Bentley, who are on their wav from the Valley to their home in Victor, are spending a few dayt a guest of Mr. Mr. J. U. Goit. - Rev. Jos. De Forest, who ha spent the past four months with his family in Denver, returned yesterday afternoon to his duties as rector of the Episcopal church here. While having greatly en joyed his vihit, Mr. De Foreft sayt he it always happy when performing his rtutie in his own parish. He returned y a av of the I)en ver A Rio Grande and L'oion Pacific, etoprjog for a short time in Baker City. KOKM. In this citv, this morning, Nov. 9tb, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harper, a fin. Weight ten pounds. HtadeBta Lltarar? Clab ol Tha Dallea. Thit society met on Nov. 3 at 7. -.10, at the office of Moore & Gavin. Owing to the length of time taken np in adopting the constitution and the election of officers, the debate for the evening was postpone! until Friday Not. 10, at which time the club will in -el in the council chambers, above the city jail, at the hour of 7:3) o Ji ck. Article fir; o.' the c n li'utlon will be f). Wm Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CLtANSES THE YSTEM ..EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES XrrfJ ' -rt hABrrUALtoHST'ON i uml PERMANENTLY OU TMt ENVINl - MNT o ay QuirRNUTGSmr(. -g.sH.tJr ,"e,' v'w raAut(MoM4' rau o m ooriu. supecded Friday night for the benrllt of those wishing to become members. The question for debate is "Resolved That England is Justifiable in Prosecut ing the War Against the Roert In the Transvaal." The clab now hat twelve member who are tireless workers and' determined to make it a tuccesa. Article 1, of the Con stitution, reads as follows : "The object of said club shall lie for the free diicut sion of any subject or subjects coming before the meeting, to-wit: debates, speeches, mock trials, etc., and for the purpose of diffusing knowledge among its members. Article 5, Section L Any gentleman over 17 years of age, of good reputation in the community, may become a mem ber ol this club by making application to be presented by the secretary of the club at ar.y regular testion thereof, and to lay on the table until the next regular meeting, when a ballot shall be taken, and if two-thirds of the members present shall vote In favor of hit admission, said applicant shall, upon signing the con stitution, be declared a member of the club. Article 6, Section 1. This club tha i meet every two weeks and at such other limes as a msj .ritv, con-iating of al',,r at the hand; that became to his least seven members o( the club, shall j .tenth on the ihh day ol .ioveinber, 1HWU, determine. S. W. Stakk, Sec. of Committee. EatCern Oregon fttigar. Despite the feet that the state legisla ture at its last session refused to en courage the culture of sngar beets, by turning down- the bounty proposition nrged by the groaers of the Grande Ronde valley, and the flintier fact that tfcere j, considerable of a decrease acreage thit J ear, as com pa ted with last, the sngar output of tie La Grande factory wii! this year txcetd that of last by at least 50 per cent. The acreage has been reduced from 3oOO to 2300. The yield per acre, how ever, hat nearly doubled since last year. This year the average crop i from seven to eight tons to the acre. Last year the average was four and a half tons. The factory is still running full b1at, employing about l')0 men, and converting k'O tout of been into sugar daily. It is estimated that tiie entire beet crop will be harvested and ground no within two week. The total tonnage in beets this year will apprcximate 14.CO0 and the output 3,500 ,fiO0 pounds. E. O. Wnald II Hera tha Sama Mara. The following teUgram from Helena which appeared in yesterday's Orrgoni an, sounds just a little strange to Dallet people, who are compelled to walk over sidewalks fairly saturated In tobacco juice and other expectoration even more nauseating and a great deal more liable to spread disease broadcast. The tele grarr sayt: "United State Senatoi Tho. II. Caiter was arrested today and fined t for spitting on the sidewalk. The complaint was made by i rested and fined yesterday for offense. The fine was paid." i man ar the same He Murdered In Oregon. Omaha, Nov. 8. .1 srxcial to the Bee Lead, H. V., say: Two detectives from Oregon today arrested a miner named Joe McArthur, who hat lived fur fourteen year on Little Hpearfiah creek, northwest of this city. Hit arrest it for an alleged triple murder in Oregon twenty. four yean ago. McArthur wat working for an Oregon farmer. Ho got into a dispute with hit employer and shot him dead, alto killing the farmer's wife and five year old boy. Mc Arthur escaped and fled to the Black Hills, where he hss since resided. The detectives leave here tomorrow with their prisoner for Oregon. FOUND DEAD IN BED. Kilward Kehrein Me.la It la Heath Aloe Veaterda. Sliday, Last night about 8 o'clock, M. Rand and J. II. Richardson, night clerk at thd Cosmopolitan hotel, found Edward Kehrein, who occupied a room there, dead In his bed, seemingly having been dead some time, though In look ap parently asleep. The lad seen of him was Wednesday night at U o'clock, when he came out of hit rooin and told Mr. Richardson he could not sleep, and then walked with him down to the I'matilla House when the train came in. Mr. Richardson came back to the Cosmopolitan and found him standing on the outside, but being busy did not notice him again. Missing him yesterday all day, Mr. Rand, who slay there a great deal, asked Richardson if he had teen him. He said uo, and they both went np to hit rooin, where they found him lying on hit right side la bed, dead. The body nor room was not disturbed, and from all Indication he died while asleep, which verdict was also affirmed k. .. . V. - . .. . ,!.! . : u V by the Inquest this moining, when it was thought he mint have been dead six or eight hour when found He ha been in The Dalle off and on for years, and on September th last, returned from Huntiogt'in where he had been for a short time. While there he claimed he was poisoned with poison oak and it seemed to go through his syt tern so that he has not beep well since. Ho said to Mr. Richardson on Wed nesday that if any other man felt as he did, he would kill himself. Hut so far as the jury could find there was no in dication of such means being ased. In examining his room a small book containing fl-'U in greenoacat was found and $15 in gold. Other papers show that he had :IOOO iu the German Ioan and Saving Bank in Sail Francisco. He was for years a sheepherder. Mr. Liebe, who hat been attending to hit business for him, says he is a German and that he served in the I'nUn army io the civil war and was drawing a pension. Was formerly from Wisconsin, and was a sober, induttriuiis and strictly bonesl man. He was a tingle man and had two sisters in Germany. The tody will be given a respectable burial from the undertaking rooms of Wm. Michell tomorrow alteruoon. cokonkk'b vikdkt. In the matter of the inquest upon the body of Ednard Kehrein, We the Jury, summoned by V, II. Butts, coroner of Wasco county. State of Oregon, to enquire into the cause of the death of the body now before as, after viewing the body of the deceased, and hearing the testimony ol the witnesses produced be lore us, and after careful consideration find the facta and con clusion following, that i to say : That the name of the deceased is Edward Kehrein, nhoaeage was about 67 years ; i that he waa about five feet, six inches r.ign, neighing about M pounds, having pmoly hair and mustache ; that hi mil i d nntrfir nl t ih left, hunt! tat n hand ' Dalle City, ami in the lof mopolitan Hotel, said death being brought about n.rn natural causes, the exact nature of l.icli are tn this j iry iirikno n. I la i cd at P-iliee C'itr, Oregon, tt.it the 10; b day of Xuvember, 1M?. T. J. Twoiiio, R. F. ims, W. A. Mahuuox, C. F. Srei'iikxa, A. A. ClMjl ll VBT, Nxu II. Gates. Call for Leagaa Meeting. The following letter has Iren sent to the presideot ol the various Republican club throughout the state, and should receive the attention of the ciobLere. All clubs which have been organized four months prior to the meeting, and shall have filed a list of its member with the league secretaiy at least thirty day prior to the meeting is entitled to representation. The letter read thosly : Salim, Or., Oct. 30, IHfO. To the prt'itltnt of the rlubi of llit Ilrpub- Heart Ltngut oj Orrgun: This accompanies the secretary' call for a meeting of the state league in Feb ruary, and as it is very drsirout that we have a large representation at that meeting, I write thit to urge that yon give the matter yoor attention. It it necessary that the Republicans ot Oregon speak In no uncertain way upon questions of government, and these expressions can beet be made at our league meeting. The administration at Washington waiting to hear from Oregon most have no half way support in its good work. The revival of business which came opon the assurance that the valoe of our money would not tie lowered, mint lie furthered. Congress mnat be urged to maintain honest money anil place the finances of the republic irrevocably under the gold standard, and the business interests and the wel fare of the people, as far as possible, beyond the poaer of the nnlearned In finance, and tl e designing in politic. Rebellion against our flag in thote Nlands, which tha fortune of war have placed In the keeping uf America, must be suppressed and order restorer). The flag should not be lowered, but if lowered, only to a people equal to ours In the maintenance of the right of men and In the establishment of law and freedom. Let ns have a full meeting. Ci.ai d GrcH, President. fioid Slinatral Know. It has been truthfully said that when yon want to hear a good minstrel show, patronize a white minstrel company, for its seldom that genuine darkle give a performance worth hearing. Tha truth of the tirtt ttatement was verified last nnln t.ir tUllaa null lie seldom See miustrel show equal to that giveu by the Ileach A Rowers' ctin any laat night. Say what we will agaitiat such perform ances, there is alasyt fascination alxitit a good minstrel show that It is hard to resist. Particularly so when It I meritorious and clean as a as last night's, not a word or action to ollViid the most fartidlmr. While we have heard betl'r tinging, still it was g.Hid, and some ol it very good ; while every specialty was new and clever. We can scarcely re frain from commenting l length on the club juggliiiir, musical specialties, the antics uf the cuie little dog and the tumbling; but each feature I so de serving of -cll mention that dare nut begin a minute recital of their merits. Sufllos to say the entire show was first cUss in every respect aud worthy of much praise. In the October number ol the Oregon Native Sou (which Is a journal contain ing information no Orrgonian can well a (lord to miss) we Bud the following list of Oregotie governors, and feeling thai 1 1. will be inst the thinu to be placed In i,l . . ... . I the scrap book of the boy and girl of Oregon, we clip it : XXKO'TIVX COUUITTKK. Dnvid Hill, Alauson lteer aud Joseph Gale, July A, 1SI3. to May H, ISM. Peter C. Stewart, Oaborn Ruasell and W. J. Bailey, May 1 1, 1811. to Augutt 3, 1S45. OOVSHNOH. George Abernethy, from August 3, 1S15, to March 3, lSltl. TtKIUTOHlAL CiOVt'BMiKS. Joseph Lane, March 3, 1S4'., to Jun IS, 1 !.. Kintxing Pritcbett, June IS, 1S.V), to August IS, js,0. John P. Gaines, August IS, lSV), to Mav HI, 153. 'Joseph Line, May 16, 1S.VJ, to May 19, 1S.-.3. George L. Curry, May 19, 1V3, to December 2, ISVt. John W. Iavis, December 3, 1S.3, to August 11, 1H.M. George L. Curry, August 1, K'4, to March 3, 1S59. STtTC UOVKRNOK. John Whiteaker, March 3, IS.'iV, to September 10, D,2. A.C. Gibbs, Septmiber 10. 1S02, to September 12, lStd. George L. Wood. September 12, 1 fl, to September U, 1870. La F'ayette Grover, September 14, 1870, to February 1, 1877. Stephen F. Chadalck, February 1, Ib77, to September II, 187S. W. W. Thayer, September II, IS7S, to September 13, 1S2. Z. F. Moody, September 13, 1S2. to January 12, 187. 8)lveter Pennoyer. January 12, 1S7, to Jannary H, 1S!5. William Paine Lord, January 1 1, IK'Jo, to January 11, ThecdoroT. Ge-r. January 11, 1S.HI, present governor, elected for four years. Ilia Lira Waa Mavait. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a frightlul death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran Into pneu monia. My lnngt became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I con tinued to use it, and now am wed and trong. I can't say too much In its praise." This marvellous meuicine Is the surest and quickest cure In the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular ei4 50 cent and (1.00. Trial bottle free at Blakeley h Houghton' drug ttoie; every bottle guaranteed. 2 Didn't Want II. The editor of an exchange has at leait one subscriber who does not appreciate hi paper, and who write In the follow ing fashion ordering the discontinuance of it: "I wrote you to stop my raer I want yon to atop It I am getting enough of yoor scheme to make me take your paper I state once more i don't want your dog gon old paper the post Mrs. hat notified yea and the ha got record of it and if you don't stop the dam thing 1 will give yon a piece of my mimi. Stop that paper I haven't taken none of them out of the ofes." There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and nntil the last few year was tupposed to lie incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease, and prescrilwd local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science haa proven catarrh to be a constitutional dinense, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, it the only constitutional cure on the market. It I taken internally In done from ten dropt to a teatnoonfiil. It actt ilirec'.'y on tne ,ood and mucous sur;act oi trie I .-iieiii, j Oct oner one nil no reel o.iar lor any case It fai, to enre. Send for clrcuiaraand teitmonials. Address, F. J. CnxNxr A 'o., Toledo, O. T"Mold by Druggists, 7V. 7 Good Racine tingle boggy and bar nest for sale at a Urgiin. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalle Com mission Co, ccl'Jidaw-2w TIIE ADVANCE Tj J;ia Hands Willi Lawtsn acd McArtbur Izainst Rebel CDier. COUNTRY IS STILL SUBMERGED Hut Water U Palling and Wet Seaioo lit Nearly Over Rebel Arc I'tilng Brass Bullets, One Having Been Extracted From the Leg of Lieu tenant Donovan. Wasmim.to, Nov. 9 The following cablegram ha been received at the war department : "Manila, Nov. 9. General Whealon lu.temluliy landed an expedition at Limayan, aeaiol Dagupn,on the after- n ion of Ihe 7ih, gnt considerable op pwitlon, and ith slight amialtles. A rough sea not permitting the landing at San Fabian, north ol Dagupan. A directed he I moving Eastward. "MacArthur elsl Mabalacal, on the railroad, the 7th Instant, Colonel 1W1I taking the same tn a directed rvcontiols a nee. "I-aaton is at Cabanatuan. Troot beyond Talaber aud Allga have met with slight opposition, Ihe enemy being driven lck In all Instances. The country Is still submerged bnl the water is fall ing. The troop will move rapidly a ton at the condition permit. Hughe moved sgainst the Pansy insurgent today." Rtbcl Lac (Iras Hullrts. Ntw Yoac, Nov. . The Press sayt : Brass bullets are being used by the Fili pinos against the Americana. That fact waa ditcovered when a bullet with a btass casing wss extracted from the leg of a soldier at the polyclinic hospital re cently. He is now at Governor's Island, being nursed back to health. The patient Is Lieutenant Joseph I.. iNmovan, formerly of the Sixty-ninth regiment Ho aent to Ihe Philippines as a regular and was wounded In the leg. Ileing young, strong and healthy, he will not die. The surgeons lotind the trouble In the shape ol a large bullet, brass-encased, In his leg. Nature haa saved Dmovan's life by euci sting it. Had It not !een for Ihe poison-proof cyst that surrounded the bullet, Do.iovau would hae died long ago, the surgeons said. GREAT CATAS TROPHE IMMINENT Which Great Kriiain Can Mow Take No Step to Avert Report of the Hrilish Victory Is Confirmed. Nitw ohk, Nov. S. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The danger of a liritlsh opriaing is now ad nutted lobe Imminent, ami thit will affect General Holler's plan of campaign and may render necessary the mobilize lion of a sec nid army corps. The Has- ntos hare a large force of mounted war riors, armed with rifle and highly skilled mounted infantry, and they has an Innate paaaion for fighting and strong animosity toward the Dutch. leriainiy witu the free Mate at war with England, it I Impossible for the llritish troop to police the lUsutoland border or take any but Ineffective pro- cautionary measure for averting a dire catastrophe. The black menace I the darkest cloud sow tattling ever Africa. Doer In Zululand. I.oksmio MAtyrrz, Nov. (Delayed In transmission. i A runner from Ingna vuma, Zululand, brings new that on November I, .ViO liner invaded Itritish territory and advanced toward the fort at Ingnavnma with awhile flag. When they were 100 yard distance, they fired volley Into the forts, which however, had been evacuated. The Iloers turned all the store cm the I,elonio ami thoroughly ranssked Pemorsdorf, which they burned to tha ground. Voleania ftraptiaae Are grand, but skin eruption rob life of j y. Ilurklen's Arnica Salve cure them J also old, running and fever tores, Ulcers, Roils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Culs, lirulses, Hum, (Scald, Chapped Hands, Chilhl ains. Rest Pile cure on earth. Drive out pain and ache. Oulv 2orta. a Ujx. ('lire guaranteed. Hold by lilakeley cV Houghton, drug gist. 2 To SJnre a Told la One llay. Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tab let. All druggist refund the money if it fall) to cur. 2Y-, 'lata. Following ( ( , t, tt lug In the iHMluRha .1 Ti.. .. 'snisii,. a I f..e V K ."" vwf irvj., j. callln foe II.. - " -"" iii give (hi. which they wereadverii.,.,1: " LAIltkS, Anderton, I.enni Cle, Mr j (, Collin. Mra Chaa tiarnaon. r. M J.nnlr-ga, Mra W C John., M vw Johnston, MraO KUy, M i,' Karlaon, Mr Annie Norma.,, , " rtioinpaou, Mrs. A lingers, .Mrilliu T Snyde. Mis Maggie (J, '""lit OISTI llail.r, Martin Hiirkiiart. W C ISKK, Hsnleti, VVtitiaoa J'onelly, II,.,,,. Dermlned, JhB JJ rredrtch, l'.i, Hume, Fid V F Jones, CU, Ir. Jones, Win J Kramer, c Kohler, I rai.fc K"ly, Dav Kelaav, i,r,l Mordant. V.;C, Mahnnjr, E j Myers, Nan: Norton, Fred A in Roof, A W Senford Urn Sherer, Al Rath, Jod ii Turner, AlUrt Thoniaa, J W Thmnaa, T J Tarlor, Arthur Wea'.ile, I'oletn Cholines, D I ln, Jake Gust, Fred Jones, 11 J Jones, O P Krous, II Kamp, I-enard 3; kohler, Chat Killer. I d I. vie, A ! Marker, Gut Mvers, F II Marsh, Mr Orion, Edaard (4) Sline, I. V Seggeling, Peter li iljlaon Hros Ryan, A O lurney, F L Terrile, Geo Taylor, liren Taylor, Win Stane, Fraok. II. H. Riimni, p. y. Notice of First Merlin of f rtditon IN T II V l.tHTHK TrrtCMT-ir 111, IMrrfi 1 HlAlKe rH lilt, MMhl t Or iihf.,o!i Itt l.i.Urr of i. I'M tit, bsmfcruu. l. bit lih rut-. I'.i lh c ml its fi of . t h-ul, of ih lu.lW Orfsjnn. tat tilt Os.utiljf ot . ., i,J dialfMt f.tr-tM, biikruti. Niirw l hwr4r t?n lhl on h Vth 4a f of (trti.ltff, A. ll , I in Mi.) - (, tlll diilf sl;ti-1lrl bnkTitt. mi1 t!ii ttitftiiig f hi rttit.r win B itHlt-tatif I'tlhir (ttffiv In 1 (,r lia)ir, W c rHHU. tTreJirU, tM lh afsftt 1y nf Ni.ifobr( A. I'. atfturit k p, in , til whin, tmv wllprtsllii.riiiigjf MlUtiil, .rt.i- fif riimi, MMin m Irti.t, r-mif in Ui-knu-i, .4 IrMl.atV't m il t(lssf tMattr But l.rutatriy m bvtir tlt W9Hn t It ASK Mt'Nfcrt.K, Nof. Iiiit;r-r lit iiAt'.Mit4rf. NOriCK loll riMl.lCATION. Ort( AT hrm tu. W tin ,1 Owtl'lsa-f , l.lr-J N4rtlrj I havrfhy fflvm lhi f Intinwtiif nan.l (Willi f ha DUit Btilliw "I lit laion iffi Iu tnto final (( tu tiiHl ol bit r:aitn( anl that tnm,1 t t!t.W lU$ ll.v Hnd-Isyf us! Krrvlvrf tt ( f itiU(mrat airst4rrr, M aahlttln( ult Ittrttiajf, hrfjB Ur iUI, U. l !), timbrlli. II, V. So fr th rt hair ut nnht itirlr n4 W4pl half if amlbtl 4401 trf , Mu U. 1 1' J . k l.'r..l, W, W tin iiatnt-a th ltiiswlht ttirwM to fftTa bH 4Hilttttiita tai.)tvu upsili iv4t rtilttaisUQ a anl'l laml, U . ThiiifiM M H httreiitsb, Jatnr Unrran, frt4 If . Hmitb an t llitam t. ail ( lW, f, ti , W atillig!i.u. W H ll MllK, Oct II M hrtMf. NOTICK FOH I't 'liUCATIUN. r. A. 1.4Mti rru , at Tm liii in Ou., (Hf.iaaa .. N'ollr I hrtf fltrtt thai i'- l-.inrirf-HMtnrti avltlrf h lliwei tMitlt-r of hit it)1riilH4l Io uta.ta riltal ttsf In atipfwirt t( hi rlaim, ao4 Mial atii'l tnw l ( maittr U(-rf IU HrvUMff tut rtrrfiTtf al Ihm allrt, ltfifj m( on tattir 4)r, N4inttvr , )ayv. vii. Mttilaa Ihlal, or M-saler. Ori. Il.inv-ati-a rnlfT W. T f. f O r Si, Sl IKj f ' tw-U"ll e'lll4 north, rant- I.' Mil, . M Mr hams- tti tilfititff lllirin h- ptari hi rstttitu"iii maa-tii iin ami t aiiii aiiwa l at! iaui. it 1 haa. Milt'oi Matr. nrrsx-'ii lti 1h(naf, Hrrinan Htsinnnan atl r r 1 j t f lu'lfU ft, m 1 It I'allua. (Itrtfi.ti. JAY V. ort? 11 ,-miatrf noticf: fok pciu.icatiox. 1-ND Orm a avTea lui 1 . I'a.f l I..I. r 7. l"V ( Nnllre la heretr len Ih.l II." Mii.alliS hn, ..I M-tl!er ha llleil n"llr "I l,l lufcull' In mke final In .rl ( In- rUlra, aiiJ thai -. .f..f lll ! n.ajr nel,.n. li e Ktln ami t(cw-tr at 1 te iallra.mcoii, i.a hatunlaf, .Noriliar Ift-Zl, III: Sanaa V. lion land, ttf Tha Kallaa. r. II melea.l f.nlir So. '''. t"r Ihe bf1, hi and S t SI a fn- 1", 1. I ami. re II I... W M. H namra Ilia l..ll..wln lli.raea I" 1 bla eotiiltiitirtia realdanen upu ami rultUalKal til aatil lati.t, via , . J. 1 1. litre, J W Jrlrr. Fred ifnl aa4 J. W. J..hl.tjU, allot 1 he lalle.Hic.i. ciciiii' JV r. it si. !! SUMMONS. IS Til K c lHCt IT C'Ot'RT rir TIIK nrT 1 nl iiraaon, (or Ilia eounty o( a"-o. Harriet A. lnwa, Ha I nil IT, a. W llllam II. II. ainmn, deleiidaiit. , To William II. II. aiuioii, Ilia al. r riamas di'leiKlatll In Ihe Name nl Ihe Male nl Orerm " herel.r llirilller) Io Im ami art-"r III "'"JT vnllllnl ciurt oil nr blirn tha ! " lJ l.llhllrallon of Ihla lllliiui'iiia, loll on a "e li.re haluol.T. the IMh lr i( i.remla, mt Ihen and than tn an-wer Hie ennipi.iinl ' alfot named l.lallilllt lll.d aanln-ll"" atxiveenuileil HI. and II Toil a.i tall In and ananer aald romnlalnl, l'r "' ""TU flallilirl will a 1.1.1 f lo aaldemirt l"l ' . . i i , . . . i i . i. . h 1 1 ,tf a a. eren . Ihe. horlilllle.l omul ,.r. . i .li-Svty-J ml anmillllil Ilia bolula nl nialrliiiin" and lirrelolnr. ealnllng helweeii l'l"l'"ia delrnilant, and lor an nbanlni deer- "I dl""" Irmn yim, Ihe aalil fleletiilalil. mi-. 1 hi. iimmona l re. uim f..n hy P1"; '"T lion Ihervol l,y order nl lli M"" rt ' JlTi haw, mle nl tha al.e enlllh'l " iio. nnlef Ijeara dab nl Ihe and day "( 1 '"Tv' 1 and dlrr,-l. thai ald auinmnlia ( ""..T tlieaald delrndanlhy l.iihlli aimn lh. iei.1 PV" riiriu. mkm III Vli I'all eeily lir.lT o general nren M?. Il.li.il In Ihe liallea, ao ei.iiiii' . .l. piihllru,,n Io - " '" XL, tA MUwr, ami mnl on Ihe I"1" " nveuiuer, iw. ..... . lit Ki lt st,.;t ael7 II Atlornaia h i i ' - Executor's Notice. Hnllre la herel.r slven that Ihe "'"'"'ilS haa hiwll aiiKilliled h order nl Ihe eo lini nl the .iaie ol ire..n Inr "'" """""" nna Ihe will nl Marf llllla, ileraaaeil. l..llll and h.UimiiiI nl a-hl M,ny "i i . eeaeed. All nenuiii. harllif ell"'- ' w,o, euieani harehy nolinni in lire- 101)1. II, m iir.r I'niit.fierft In me at Ihe llillliin Wllann, Ihe lallea. ' ' lihln nii l.lh Irmn theflalanr una nun... Haled Heinle, lll.h, ;!(M-MAH1r!. flel II II r""' rvfliutrir's Notice. A II neranna havmir elalma asal"-' '''"V of KlfalH-lh Ann I alea. dereawl. a " ttJ, nnlllledt.. .re-enl the .aine, Pr''lf, ,,., at Ihei.rrlrn i I Ihe iiii'leranri.rd, n 'rity i-,liil..l eteeutnrnl aalil ealate. a l " . lM i ir. .m, n lll II limiilha Irmn Hie dale piililleallnn l Ihlanmlre, l.aleil Hi a l.lh day nl "rlnhef , l-j ()(.aNi l .vrilliiT. (let 14 II f Aalsartlaaa I.