The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 11, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
1)4 1. 1, ft.
: ori ial rjtrti or waim coin
I'ul.luhttl in lw Jiri, on H'rcnrxuyi
anii ,S.ilunfiV.
i Mtik. ruToa raaraiu, m abvaiite.
OiK'jrf -
g fil
far uioiilli ..... '
91 no
Altertl.lna rIM reasonable, mint mail known
mm .ll'll'lt'H-
a..i " mnunlrall.aii to "T Its I'll HON
ail. I ti. iaii". "'""
Vl cUliauLy pallr.
matrimonial market It atill lively
o Oregon, ami today a license wat
granted " l. M.glll and Nellie F..
I'aiair.ol Wapinltla.
Mr. I.. Mi'UDtn, formerly ronnerted
villi l'li Pallet Meant Laundry, la In
tuwn lli contemplaiee ttarting a
laundry lu I'ulluian, Wa.h. Mr. Mc
lllan la gentleman of tterllng Chirac
lar, and wt villi tilm tucce.t In liia
(,'. F. Baker, who in tha pa-1 haa been
pilrl for getting lulo troul! In .The
pallet, ia now in lua aama boat In
L.tiraiile, tiara ha it charged ailU
soliciting insurance without a llcen.e.
Ilti ixi'inl oit In a f .'' bond to ap
prar at tlia February term ol Cuurt.
Tim liaii'l concert al .tha club parlors
la.t night, a Ufilal, tucceedej in draw
Irtat ? large crow J ol iue;iri and
their lady friendt. The music wai
tiilendid ami comprised toina new e
ti...-i. alnrh er. greatly e,nr,d. !
Iixletd lire entire concert una treat.
Tan .mall hort had the definition of
"cinfsw ordinance" viplalned to them
In a realialle manner la.t nigh'. M rol
ling ah.iut the atrertt at U o'clock they
Oirt I'hiriiian, who eacorteil tln ui up to
the rily jul. The boya were pretty weli
reared and their ryea opened wide aa
Virf viewed the inlerl ir nl Ihe city
pa'ace. When they ware re!ed they
were ii 't .iiiw to pr iiiiiw to keep off Ihe
tiri alter the curfew hour and lit out
(oi horn, lu a
Arfhur Cunttock, who aperit great
part of Lit tnvhofid dayt in Ihe liaKea,
died iu Saieiu Monday evening. Mr.
Cointik wae a prominent bit.inett
bi.ii .n l'.irllaii I. II wat manager ol
Hie I'nited Carriage Worka until two
year. ao, when he wat forced to retire,
owing to ill health. He hat been an
invalid .ir e. that time, and three weekt
ag i a . taken to the atylum (u Salem, j
where lie ilied of general Ilej
wte.TS yeara old, and leave, a wife and
eeveral ettlcrt.
Ye.trnl.iy tliw Sutler I'rug Co. again
changed hand, with Win. Henry, who
for me lime haa Ikhti employed at
drivunt fur lllakeley A Houghton, at
uri hawr. Mr. IlulU-r bat retired, anil
Mr. Il-iiry a.anmed iharge thit Innrt
ing, ahile Kd M ra, who wat dniggi.t
It (!,. Ilrm, hat accepted a po-ition
nil I'.Ukeley A lloiig'itun. We l
leU lor Mr. Henry ancce.a In hit new
frnlure, aa hit reputation aa a coinpe
tri.t diugglat will follow liiili wherever
tie ii. ay b. employed.
It haa leen the cntto-.n of Jackaon
Kng ii. Company for many yeart to give
grand ball at leatt once a year, eitbrr
on Tlianktgivlng or New Year't eve,
and this year will not I an exception,
(or at a very enlhu.ia.tic meeting left
night it waa decided to give anotli.r
tin. year on Thank.glving eve, Wednet
djy, the n. The hetl part of it all it
that the proceed, are to be given to ll
new Are alarm ty.tem and chemical
engine fund. Live committee, were ap
pointed and the dance wilt probably go
with a map.
At the ln)u'ett lieM Monday over the
body ( the man found floating In the
big eddy on the Wathington aide Satur
day, it w at di .covered to he the body ol
a w hitt man abont 34 or 40 yean ol age,
and from all indication the Jury thought
there, wat fool play, and that the man
bad probably been murdered and thrown
In iho water, ho lar ai we can learn no
alej. bar been taken to clear the
aiytlery op; bill nodoobl II inch It the
ca. tune anil the hour will reveal it '
and the jury and examining physician!
n then dl.clot'e faclt ol Importance
c nrrrnlng the care.
M.'ny do not realix that If they fait
I pay tha road tax ami the city begins
( against them, they are liable to
pc-nd eotnn time In the city Jail and be
c impelled to pay about double that
am,, out In cost, of suit. One young
fellow (a Ixiot black) found such to be
Ihe case to lilt torrow yetterday, and he
a. not an Inhabitant ol that delightful
re.,rt very long until the road lax wat
' 'rllicoiiilng. It It really amusing to
the c dlector to note Ihe Hlmalcal excuiea
brought forth in the attempt to evade
payment. One would imagine the
II a hundred timet that amount.
Yesterday morning In Portland Judge
Keare rendered decision in the I. H.
T.ITrt v.. tha o. It. A N. Company
Caee. Tha demurrer to the antwrr was T.ff-.aed (or damaue. ,r
II.. detention at Chl. siro or beyond of .
-ofaalmon de.tined for New York,
Th- . R. A N. Co. answered that nnder
"un.mgton, the tern.lnu. ol Itt ow n Ingt are not only h.PPT ones, ou ,
"In-. Prints ttipul.tlont to tint eflVcl , lat.d to increase the Unity of feeling be
er on the Lack of the bill of lading. tween the different churches.
ur uamagt. w.ui.1.,1
ina piarenf ilratinatlon In tha lilll wat
left blank, hut In another place tha
name of Ihe consignee and h. ,,.t, na
tion Were designated. "Cheeabro Bro...
Fulton Market, N. y. The ronrt l.ehl
that tha contract must he constructed
aa mi tha part ol tha company to de
liver to thla addres., ami that tha
detente tt up could not ha maintained ;
hence tha demurrer wai tuatalned. The
delendant will plead over In five dayi. iiaiiy.
Another road tax victim la paying hit
Jail. II. ... a in on ol tha city
, a imrui'ii 01 nil Ulna in i
reilanraiita and sailed
little bit too
long to tint the collector. I
A lew .inc. . man by tha name
ol Osborne entered the room ol Vr. !.rr
lu the Kan Knd.n l .tola blanket,.
Ho a. not apprehended in, til je.ier-"
day, hen he . arre.led an d i.!a.-e,i
Ill the cur Jail, No hearing Uen
had aa yet.
Motion lor new trial In the c ol
I'eter Sievert et al. a. Tha Itle, Tort
land A Aitoria Navigation Co., wai
argued before Judge Miller yeatenUy at
Vancouver. I'laintillt were lecently
aaardeil () XJ damagni and dt-fcn laot
dealrea a new heading.
One of our "tociety" ljya forgot the
curlew tart night and d.und hiniaellat
the city headuartei, wheie ho wai
flne.1 1 UI.k ...... I. I.-.. .,.
a lew tinea they'll begin to remind their
children ol the tay-at-home ordinance,
or acrrnipany them alter 8 o'chnk.
tin ore Mirt ol the nearnet to Thanka
givlng, the la lice of the (icod Intent So
ciety liave dm liled to change- the date for
" PT iron. -..,ay, me
2nd, to rdnetday, the L'.Hh, when
ther will l ave on hand evervthinir in
the paitry lint and tome other 1
at well,
Mipt. W. T. (iardner arrived in i
city la.t night on hit return trip lnlo i
Ka.lorn where he hat been i
the Inlereat of the lioyt and (iirlt Aid
S.H-iety, 11,1 found hit wardn doing well I
in g'xxl hornet anil eent lo children
from linker City to Ihe Iwti.e. He will
' leave tomorrow.
V. Van A ii, I t. the leading cornetint
In lliM Ueddi A Ho.era. hand, and alaLrtf
n1ai1...erfrtheco..u.nv, it a brother W u' "l'ite Ulen n(l el'in-men to
of our Mlow townMn.ii. (i. A. Van "ork- So",e dar''f" of '
Anda. He ha. been in the .how hu.j. ood lamine; but will, to much wood on
net. for manr ve.ra and it H now nine,'1" "v'r- ''kt' 'J,,1J U brou8hl
year, tince Mr. Van An. la taw hl:n la.t.
They have greatly eni iyed their visit
()4lTi j
I'orii.n.r .at honored with ,Le ;
i . .i;.,i.,;.i,..l T.,. 1
day In ll.e prrenn of (ieu. Ne!-j A.
M ilea, commander ol ll.e I'nited Stale
Bj jne
mil, A .well dinner wa given
Hotel IVrtland. 1 he general it nuking
hit annual o Hie ial in. action ol the f ,rt-
itlcalion and military ol the
There wat an unuruaily large numlwr
of memliera preeenl at the meeting ol
the Artitant la.t night, and at the ciu-e
they repaired in a body to Kellcr't
oy.ter l arlort, w here Ihe t Mieflcial part
of the order wat practically .dcjion
..I l. . ,,.,. whirl. I.roer.1 '
llu1 eiLi.iriii
memlM-r. are In tins
particular part ol their work.
On ye.'erdav't afternoon eat-bound
train r." Mrs. Kranria W. Cirahain, of
L ick port, N. Y., national musical di
rector ol tne W. C. T. V., Mrt. Kmma
Koorne, of Newark, N. J., ttate presi
dent of New Jersey, and Mrt. Kuiily N.
Itiirgts, of New York, lecturer on peace
arbitration. They tpent the evening in
the city, continuing their jiurney on
ll.e ni.rht train. Having met lev.
. .ri.rward
Hawk on
Invited to niect
school woikert at
number ol Sunday j
the home of Mrs. )
. In .i.i,''r tah.e today tome beautiful apr
Smith Kremh, who greatly enjoyed ti.eir'"'00' PP'. --. -I,
' :i..i-. iii.iee MittRuch won first prin in the contett
Vlf 1 1 . .'ire. vii.ii.i" "
and entertained the company with her
tweet aelectiont, while the other ladiet
tpoke earnestly nl iuterettingly ol
their woik.
Some time tince Boyd Boa ie, who lor
many yeart wae brakeman between
Portland and The Ille, and who lor
- .t liia Immft lipre
1 inn .t o
I. II In a nosition limning out ol
.. . . . r.. Il l.era '
fan uiae iit. i""11. . n
' 1
..nillh.... well settled. On Ihe first :
f i,ii mnnth he met with an
arrident 1
In which he was crushed between a coal
hed and car, injuring
bis spine.
Finding an operation was necessary he
. a. ft kI.a lafl I.Mrn ntl
tent lor a.rt. ..owe, ... " vnmp.e.. m few davs ago and after doing
the 3 1 He d d not survive the opera- pr"!" .
tliea i. lie urn u . . , few Java' work returned for load of
tion. for in. i letter to her r lend Mr . -
J. O. Ko.e, h,s jr e tell o h J. (mml. We will await further
which 77' '"l tUB''," ;7'"?g,evelopment, with intere.t.-Cond,n
Mr. Howie had a Urge nuiiiberof friemls
here, who will be grieved lo learn the ,
sad news. The manager ol the minstrel company
Yesterday afternoon the weather was , proved himself a gentleman 1t night
very unpleas.nt, and a. Mrt.H.rris, who by the thoughtful manner in which he
had Invited the ladies ol the various proceeded when Mr,. K.stwood, who
church societies to meet will. Ihe Good : was in the .nd,enoe, ... taken with a
Intent Societv at her home, saw bow had tainting .pell during the perLrm descended, .he was somewhat Seeing that lb. people were
di-o,.r.ged and felt that few would ' agitated and that some one wat i.l, just
v ntnre so far In such storm. I'.nt 1 by a s.,aP of hi, flrg-r the slag, man
venture ,,,! , ! ,M,r stopped the overture, and, asking
a I . a ea 11 f rbiili v uirni'i""" " I
bulie.were present and spent ,
over fifty
. M-I.f..t .t,,,.nn,in Mr.
Harris is
aueiigovioi ...v....- -
an adept at '"'" '"' I
ttr.hlo manner mad. ever,n. feel r
fectl, at home. . 1 ("hinc"! served and
program wat rendered, lunch served and f
f . , , . i.. rr.
Yesterday tha county court appoloted
Arthur Tra.k constable lor Falls
On arc, nut ol tha Incletneucy ol the
rather we have decided t.j conlinue
cur linen sale Monday. IVaae A Maya.
The members ol tha Fpworth League
Invite their trlendt to jiiu them In a
social gathering tonight at the Method'
In church.
A g'xid table cloth it just aa essential
! lor Thanksgiving pay at a g-.od turkey.
S' M)"' 1,"fU "!e ',U"W
and Monday.
Kdilh Crawford, recently ol Iowa,
I "1M,M 1 ' f80"" " ,,,e Chrirtl.o
: , ,"C,, !,,""U '"" on ",l i cl
j't''i 't,,',r,",Un Wo"'"' 'JufJ '
' l llB dding la tha lateat lad.
The groom at least will not l tinea
it not an eialjorate diaplay ai are moat
church weddingt. There'll ! more
aeddingi than ever now.
So. n la )y loat a new aaxony mitten,
fancy knit, In front ol W. K. Garretaon'a
lore T Jr., lay, and it no doubt regretting
her loaa. If the will call at the etore
Mr. liarretaon will give her "the ruitlen."
The McDaniel trial will begin on the
27ih in I'ortltnd and continue for ten
dayt. At the time lor trial growt nearer.
I the outlook for the prisoner growt dark
er, and the mother of the murdered girl
it firm in the belief that he la the right
one. morning a comparatively new
valine wat founu on the tidewaik on
Fourth ttreet, tatnrated with rain. It
contained article! of clothing belonging
to a gentli' Tlio owner can find
hit valite by applying to the il.eriff, to
"Lom il ""oiiglit.
Yakima farmers aiih to tell
filing very Sood I he- day,, at the
tulrt are not only yielding well bufare
'"' bringing a very remunerative
ry"J l,"P
II. M. (iiibert, of Nob Hill, even at
preat-nt pricea feela hopeful of clearing
1 IMO on hit 40 acre field. Stntinel. Jg
It it taid that there it a great (cvrcity
i of wool clioppera down the river, and
; that wool men are now trying to get
: up In care ol necee.ity, we ceea not
i ruffer much from fire.
Tuesday or Wednetdav night nut ia
the time for the grand cf falling
meteort. Aloi g toward morning it the
lime to look for them, and 'twill not be
necessary to have the plcaol lodge, tick
friend, or any other excuse for etaying
out a,! r.,ght these two nights, lor surely
many will avail themteivet of tine
subterfuge, when it occurs but one? in
thirty-three years.
The good book tellt ua that when we
tee the bud. put'ing forth we may know
that tumtiier il at hand, and while no
one will question such infallible truth,
yet in The Dalle, at least there must le
an exception rvn to that statement, fi r
J" " wimer, we
find on
j hlo.soms, which were gathered from the
l orchard of II. Kaik, on Ninth street.
They are healthy looking blossom, and
j the trtet have borne one crop this year,
I to that this it the second blossoms.
Yesterday afternooD Mrt. E. M.
Wlilinuit and her tister, Miss Sampson,
i entertained a number ol their yonng
lady friend, very pleasantly from 2 until
j 5 o'clock. The greater part ol the time
j wat spent in a gueaing game, which
showed how quickly the guests could
'"" a a--
' "ra dv by picture! culled from
and Mist Maie Cushing booby. With
vocal and instrumental music, conversa
tion, refreshment! and a general social
tin e the afternoon was happily spent.
Word reached town Tuesday from
Lone I:,h k that the people of that place
are excited over a gold strike recently
made by John K. Johnson and tome
other, near the head of Kiy creek, some
;"" ... . .
or fifty miles from Line Rock.
n... :' Juvutiinn,anl wtrlt V, m 1m.M11
I . , . L - J 1
... .
'"I on 1,18 " rl l"B l"iin;i'i
. 1 . I..-.!. kuinj hut aiv feel Hen.
; - ' "V, " ' ' '
goto that is easily vibioiq i m.
eve. Frank Ritton went over-to the
the au lienr. to keep quiet, vnet.y tout
on ol tne siatte nnnu. iu Kr. n....
, .1;.-
tll .nJ0n'e and greajly nefit-
",. '
round as ii most cast s, she woiild prob-
ronnu a
feeli verv Bratetul totr.em ami especial-
lv to the business manauer, who to
kindly assisted him in belj inghit wife
Special Values In Hosiery
There would bo less "darning' trouble if people could onlv go bare
lepjred, but as they can't, the next best thing to do i to'buv your
stockings here
Children's cotton hose, all eizes from 5J to 8J, worth 12Jc 7c per pair
lietter quality and good value at loc per pair, special 9c per pair
Children's seamless wool hose, size G to 9, extra value at 25c, spee'l. 17c per pair
Ladies' Matchless Hose
Full seamless high spliced heels, double soles, 8J to 10; good value
at 25c, special price 17C per pair
Special Inducement.
A beautiful line of .Sackings and Ladies' Cloths in Red, Tan, Xavv Blue and
Rlack, 52 inches wide and all wool, at 43c per yard. These goods are perfect in
coloring and just the thing for street or home wear.
A line of high Novelty Plaids and Checks. For the benefit of those who are
not here to take advantage of our special sale, we offer these lines for one week at
1 lc per yard. These goods are 28-inches wide and are especially good.
Clothing Department.
FVKRY DOLLAR spent with us possesses the purchasing power of two
spent elsewhere. In our Clothing Department the original cost or values cut no
figure. Trices reach the lowest notch ever named fur desirable and seasonable
Men's all wool Cheviot and Tweed
suits, round eat,
price $7.50, now . .
We have a few broken
have positively reduced to
Boy'a Brownie or Kwfer Suits, ages 4 to 8 yea'f , n.nal price ! 50, now 75 cant3
Boys' ail wool school suits, with double seat and knets, patent lioidfast buttons, reinforced throughout,
warranted not to rip, usual price $3 7j, bow $1.75'
We carry the largest
:on. They must go.
Youths' Long Pant Suits.
etylci and values as will surprise
Boys' neat, natty, durable mats, made to wear and look stylish. Prices ranging Irom 1.15.
Men's heavy overcoats, well made and in all the latest designs and materia.!, at pri;es ranging froui 3 So
The fact Is, our stock is entirely too large and must b9 reduced.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Fiiruree
from the building. A little tact at such
time often prevents much nnneces
sary eicitement.
Abont 4 :30 yesterday afternoon, while
sitting in chair at bis home in the
Kast Knd. near the Standard Oil Com
pany'! headquarters, George Jones
complained to his wife that he had a
pain in the back of bis head, which
s ! Med to extend from one ear to the
other, and as she came over to him
asked her to hold his head. She did to,
and at it fell h.u-k he gstped twice and
died. For several years Mr. Jones had
been troubled aith heart disease, which
h tiled all Ihe phjtician' skill, and for
a month has been ontineJ to the home;
but yesterday l.e seemed to feel much
better, and was about the houe all day.
lie was native of Wales, and hat
lived in The Pallet for about twelve
yean. For six years, up til! '03, he was
employed bv K. E. Saltmarshe ; bat of
recent years has not been able to work,
lie was well known to all business men,
and being a good natured, hcnet man,
was well liked. He leaves a wife here
and some brothers and sisters in Wales.
The luner.l will take pince at his late
home tomorrow alternoon at 2 :H0 o'clock,
and will be c inducted by Kev. Joe. le
( h.inberlalu's l am Halm Cam Others.
Why Not lua!
My wife has been using Chamoerlain'i
l'ain B11I111, with good results, for
lame shoulder that has pained her con
tinually for nine years. We have tried
all kinds of nied'cinet and doctort with
out receiving any bcuetit from any of
them. One day we saw an advertise
ment of this medicine and thought of
trying it, wlucli we o".u wun tne oesi
of satisfaction. She has used only one
bottle and her thoulder is almost well.
Aimui'II L. Mm f-TT, Manchester, K.IJ.
"For sale by Blakeley A Ilonghton, drug
' I..B in toat rr..ctk
All count warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1. will be paid at my
office. Interest rea."ea after Sept. 1-tth,
lt.y.i. C. L. Phillips,
Conntv Treasurer.
Clarke A Fa!k have on sale full line
of pai'ot and artist's brushe?.
Read These Prices:
Mtn't all wool Elack or B'ne
Cheviots in single or double
breasted, price $!),
lines in our
half price.
Toys' and Youths' department that we
and best selected stock of Youths' Clothing in Eastern
Price does not stand in the wav.
Begin at 1.9o if you will ; rangiD as high
Mr.. Aft-oe. Davit Taken From Earth
Death cin never be other than thetad
dest of messengers ; tot there are la
stances when it with added terror
and it doubly tad. Such a time is that
when from the home is snatched the
mother, and the are deprived
of the sweetest blessing earth atTords a
mother's love and care. When Irom the
husband's side is taken her who was nut
alone a companion, but almost life its. If.
Yesterday we snt ke of the serious ill
ness of Mrs. I.. 3. Pivis, scarcely dream
ing, however, that todar we wouid
chronicle her death, her illness having
bsen of but a week's duration. Com
bined with bad cise of pneumonia,
was a heart trouble, which hastened her
demise, and at about 8:30 olock last
night she closed her eyes to earth and
her loved onr s.
Agnes M. Mindman was born in Iowa
Nov. 11, 1 SOI , and was married to I.. S.
P.ivis near Baker City on Jan. 21, 13Si.
Mr. and Mrs. P;vis came to this city
about eight years ago, where they hare
since resided. To them was born three
children, w ho, with her huthaod, sur
vive her. They are Kugen, ag H;
Grace, aged II, and Pollie, aged 8. Being
old enough to in a measure realize their
loss, the chi'dren are inconsolable, w hi e
the Sorrowing husband is dnxed witli
grief. She also leaves father, two
siners and two brothers in B iker Ci:y.
Ever happy hearted, greeting htr
friends with a smile and cheering wird,
she was a favorite. Being also well ed
ucated, she was fitted to do much good
in the community, and her place wiil be
hard to fill.
The funeral will take place from the
family residerc; on the hii', south of
B. F.'l residence, tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock u uler the auspices
ol the lUthbone Sisters, when the
Kpiscopal service will be read, she being
a communicant of that chprch.
A Woman Arrested.
A game of three 11 ututlly oce which
mrnfout d:tat.rous !y in tnsinen at we 1
Men't Blact Clay Worste J, cqnar.
or round cur, ssckt or frocks,
usual price 10. 00, 45
as $15 00.
Such an assortment of
005 Oft
at love affairs, and one ia sure to get left
in the shuffle. Such a case it the one
which was called to the attention of the
sheriff yesterday.- It seeoit that M. H.
Hill and wife and a sheep herder by the
name of John Brautt had agreed to go
into the hotel business at Mitchell,
the latter to furnish the wherewithal.
The trio then dtcided to come to Ibia
city for furniture, and arrived here
Sunday. After looking around on Mon
day, during which time Brautt swallowed
"turniture polish" or something which
made him "tooiy", it wat concluded
Mrs. Hill bad better accompany him to
Portland, where they might do better in
securing furniture.
They accordingly went down on tLe
the afternoon train Monday, leaving Mr.
Hill and tbeir 5-year-old girl here.
On arriving at their destination, it it
said they secured a room at one ol the
hotels, and Brautt sits about 2 o'clock
he awoke to find the woman gnue and
with her 'J0O in money. Yesterday
morning be sought the officers and they
telegraphed to the sheriff here, who
found her last evening doing tome
shopping at the Great Northern Furni
ture stcre, where she had expended V IS,
besi le small amounts at other stores.
It seems that she had skipped tb
sheep herder and taken the morning
boat lor this place. She was arrested
and word sent to Officer Cordano, who
arrived last night and took her to Port
land this afternoon.
She displays little reiiret for 1 er wrong
doin, an J says little, stating once, how
ever, that she had ii.te 1, ed o run away
with Brautt, b it changed her mind. It
locks somewhat like a b idlr-laid scheme
a 1 around, the little child being the only
one who displayed any 'eeling, crying
hard when the thought the officer were
going to lake her mamma.
aip Tbtef:
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