THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11 1809. The Weekly Chronicle. JYe mra O uli.rb ot l In I'sllT tl W O r f wo IuvIim rut u u-tcr lour Inch.- I 1; o rr lour luctie. ..! X uudor ttvc lnctiva . 7 0.-r lw!v lrR-n. W BAILT AND IIIIIT. ne Iwh or lw, inch s-J e Otw ou im-h u:utt-r lour Inch- '2 i orer lour Inch si.4 uiuK-r iwiy lochia . I . Over lelva tuvlKa 1 00 ! insurgent commenced the trouble that his rovtd to discstrons to lucw, trul now tlicy await suiijuya. lion. Does any ouc tay stop? Those that do are either Democratic poli ticians or someone equally mistaken. As Kx-Oiu:;os Vol. IEWEY .V POLITICS. X-VOLV.TEER OX EXPAXSIOX. The Dalles, Or., Nov. 7, "..). To THK Kimtok: Now while so much is being said and written in regard to expansion or imperialism, as the non-progressive one have been pleased to term it, I think this an opportune moment in which to say a word in defense of expansion. Through ccuutlcs aes there never has been an it stance where a nation, that achieved any degree of . power, has not bettered itself by grasping eveiything possible, and w hether or riot they were the embodiment of good, it has been one of the most potent factors In the spread of civili zation. Just now, when the two great Anglo-Saxon nations are strug gling against a vastly inferior, but a fanatical and narrow-minde 1 people, to supplant semi civilization with the most advanced stage of civilization the world has yet seen, it furnihes a striking example of obit Kerne did in the medieval times when she in vaded England, and what England in turn did several centuries later when she laid the foundation for our own treat country. The L'nitcd States has often been condemned by many of her own citizens fur her actions in regard to: Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philip pines, particularly tLe latter, cn account of the bloodshed entailed in the subjugation of the Tugal tribe, who compute one-fifth of the popu lation. Anyone wlo gives utterance to uiloyal criticisms against our coun try's policy certainly shows traces of a diseased brain, for were the Islands not thrown into our hands by unfor sccn circumstances in legitimate war fare? Were they not in themselves a very rich archipelago and a valu able acquisition to our country's r.ceds in the way of a nrval ren dezvous, and commercially? Had they not been poorly governed and oppressed, ai:d did not America offer them a belter government than they had ever dreamed of? Does any sace person think it politic for the Malay race to offer suggestions to the I'nited States in the way of a democratic fcrm of government? And now is it better for us to abandon the 1'biiippinei after loos ing 1000 men, and spend inz a larae amount of money, and leave ten millions of people in the clutches of fanaticism? Every American should protest. And more than this, behind ii all ibero is a principle: an example to ret. Tradition shows that our own great country has never jet been ballled by circumstances, and our national Ih'Pot has surely been in more danger than now, when the Tagal tribe, seconded by a few 'antics-' within our own borders, assail it. J-et us go back to the time the Spanish controlled the Inlands, when the thuir.b-scre r and stocks were in evidence; when everyone had to pay a cedula, personal or bead tax for the privilege of living; when the people were taxed for Hero is story of Admiral Dewey which It is believed has not before appeared fn print. When in the fall of lS'JT he was an applicaut for the command of the Asiatic squadron bis official request was not viewed with any degree of favor by tLe depart ment, and be was politely (for they always do olticial things, no matter how disagreeable, in a most sublime ly courteous manner) refused the assignment. Finding (hat he could not make it through official circles he tried political ones, with the result that through influence be re ceived the coveted command. It was not the Intention, however, of the department to alio hire to de part uniebuked for having forced his orders, and he was summoned one day to the presence of the secre tary, who said to biui : 4,Coniuiodoro Dewey, your orders to the command of the Asiatic squadron have just been issued, but against the jud. ment of the department, which docs not feel that you hold the proper ! qualifications for such a position. ami which also deprecates the fact that you have employed political in fluence to secure the assignment." "So," replied the commodore in a musing tone. "May I, Mr. Secre tary, ask J ou one question In reply to the statement you have made?" "Most certainly." "Then," went ou the commodore, "if you so disap piove the use of oliticr.l influence to secure personal ends, how did you achieve your present osition in the cabinet, Mr. Secretary ? ' The answer of the department is not recorded. It would appear that they were cog niztut of the fact. Brownsville Timet. This is scarcely possible, says the Statesman. The Knglisb natiou can not afford iU The llrilish have put their hands to the plow and they cannot turn back. They have the power to ultcily crush the contend ing Itoers, and they will use it. This may be done at feaiful cost of life and enormous expenditure of treas ure. Hut a proud and rich, and mighty nation cannot afford to count the cost. However much any one may wish it were otherwise, we can not tee npon what hypothesis he cau predict a "crushiug defeat" for the British, in the end. It cannot be, if no powerful nation interferes. Comet says that the "honorable Cuban should place before himself the ideal of the republic, remember ing that every day on which the sun sets until tne estamis'imcnt or the republic is an injury to the Cubans." Every icasonable person who has been in Cula, however, knows that the Cubans are not yet ready for self-government. (len. Lee, a man who has investigated the matter on the ground, and who was relied on to givo great aid to the anti-annexationists, sas self-government would bo an injury to Cuba at the present time. He wants an American nroclcctorato or annexa tion. There is a very strong prob ability that when the Cubans do their voting on the question of their future government the annexation side will have a majority. "THE TIM HER KIS'J. The people ot the Pacific Noith Aguinaldo, in his proclamation, is correct in saying tint congress will meet in a few week ', but he is wrong in his intimation that congress will veto what he and his Democratic friends call tho "imperialist" policy. Aguinaldo't mistake is natural. Some one of ITI a allies probably has told ! him the Republican plurality in the House will bo only fourteen or fif- teen, and this has given him hoe that congics will order the with- west have none of the narrow spiiit lrawal of the American liooin, so as which influences and sometimes governs older communities in their treatment of newcomers. Out here the invitation is general to home seekers and investors, says the Spokesman-Review. There exists a perjietual welcome to all who will come here and take farms, orchards, garde ns, ranges ami mining rl.tims. Capital which will show a disposition to make permanent investments nr.d engage in new industries is waited. But withal this hospitable spirit,' the public will not take with gratifi cation the new? that Fiederick Weteibauscr, "the lumlicr king of America," has paid tU.OOO.OOO for 1,000.000 acres of timber lands in the Pacific Northwest. Americans do not take enthusiastically to great landed estates of a million acres bought, as the announcement bus it in Ibis case, because the buyer "be lieves that timber is bound to advance in that Western country, and that he will realize a handsome profit." The gigantic deal is specu lative, and it does not aniiear that Mr. Weyerbauser contemplates in connection with it the establishment j of a single new industry. It is I nothing lets than a gigantic private forest reserve. Illustration is required to enable the mind to grasp the magnitude of! this transaction. A million acres could be subdivided into 10,00 trai ts of 100 acres each. It i sufficient to 100.000 men a 10-acre tract to allow him to massacre all the American civilians which he would lind in Manila or other parts of the islands. Before congress is in session many days, however, the rebel chief will learn that his allies arc power less to help him. AguinaMo was quickly trans formed by the preliminary rcjiort of the Philippine commission from the George Washington of the . l'bilii pines to an ignorant and merccrnary half savage. He will be changed by the military operations now being commenced from a renegade to a runnygade, Aguinaldo will probably be sur prised to see the thousands of I'nited States soldiers proceeding to busi ness, notwithstanding the elections being helil and the imernling meet ing of congress. It will mix up hit ideas ol our government mere thsn thev have been mixed before. THE IMPORTANT QUESTION. Ta SI ImU4 aOaee-Nall Wa IU Ihtrira latrataiaal? KlllTOH ClIUONU'l.K : The chief of tha lira department, the iuhrilion collector, ami se'-eral men. tiers ol tha loi J ol lira delotfaU's held an informal meeting lest evening to con sider tha matter ol tha roReed lira Im provement lor the city. They find thl with trie H00 ei.lnrrttied by tha council, the .'00 (nun tha hook and ladder com pany, am! tha $100 from tho Columbia note company, together with all that tin tx railed upon from Mia merchants' nitcriilion list, tha total la still hurl ( tha neveesary cot l tha "' iirovemrnla. I'nleaa tha additional t'.' il) la arcure.l balura nut Tii-ailay, tha board ol illrgts will ntlii lally alwmloii the plan at tlialr regular mmtlur that evr-ning. lKlurB. Thla eoiiiiiiuulcatlon was a great itir priao lo tha Chuomci.i, lor had tup noted thaqurttion ol tha Improveinenn in the lira ilepartme nt't apparatut, wat tettlcd and that thrra would It no lurihar difficulty regarding it. And now cornea tha announcement that thrra it a poaaihility of tha whola thing Im lag thrown op lxi'ua thrra is a thortagv ol ten per crnt in tha amount nrreiaary to tecara the new alarm tytteiu and chemical angina. Thlt mutt not ba and (rut positive our ciiii-na will not penult It. lint r runuhrr it la not a q'ltittlori to ha ihiltad to your nrighbort, but one which mum receive individual attention. Tha) board ol Are delegalra have dona all in thrir poer, and mora than could have bren ripened ol them, llavryou done tha mine 7 Have you contributed ttie tun per crnt reduction which will U ra reived when the new tjitein Is Intiignr ated, or In any way nninied In procur ing this much-nruded Improvement If not, tea .to it before Tuetday that your part l t U'on done, or you may aake up to llud that even that allied we have hat bren reumvrd, for the lira hojt art'j Ixcjiniiig dirrooragtd, and ttiraly titty cannot be blam d, when tome ol our iuot prominent btminrtt lam, U will benetll most thereby, have ref'ued thru tupport. Our fire, boys receive no re coinpenne, and in tha hour of nerd may w ithhold their -i:itin. Hut aurrly before Sunday, much left Tureday, the tcnall amount ol U'ai;l I e lortl.cimlng. What Is every t.'y' huaineto, however. It nobo Iv't hininea. and someone outitido ol the Iba ibparl nieit thou!. I make it a personal mailer and not let this important cjiirstMn drop after It hat been carried to far. Shall we have an Improved fire system or not? cided at once. r iA J M 0 1 Impulse Wheels and Motors N A Kt't Ae Tt'KKII V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING! GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and par'lrulart furnished on application, F. S. GUNNING, Agent, un:'i THK IMM.KS, HRElios THE DALLES C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency lor the Create t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY Ifo'u -' ? " l r aa'H.n. lVj li veara old.) " iMPORTLD COGNAO ! 7 nv i.i t-r rallon. i M "to '-M years nid'.; CALirOKNIA I RASH 18 L'.'-,-"i "" " vVn. t'ui" ),.i ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMFIA BtEIl on draught, and V.I Ulatt and Olytupia licer in .At luiMrUi4 Ale and l'ur!r. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco WareliouseGoiiipaii; Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kd !,.. i. .... question,,, ba ,ie- Headquarters for Feed Grain otrii k'nds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a;i kinds ,H..;.,.. ... ....... j Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, t;umo Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- qt FlOllI IhitHonr la mann?rwtarel atpreeslr lor family 4 ne; eerr srrU I. Miaranlel to ie s .t'fartloa. Wt sell nor gnoi't hiaer th in any bonso in tha trade, and II yuu don't trunk a) eall and gel cur pnett and l c .r.vinc-I. Highest Price.? Paid for Whiat. Barley and Oats THE TRUE EOUNDARIE Thirl Tc.B.hlc Itl.lrlrl rrnm 1-aa.vlea Will khnrl.a lha Time. every lamn thev hurnr-'l. fjr t-ven fnr Hip f.K.ll tl.PV (P Tin's i. Amiin. ! 8IVe allo't form of ,tortion. U the a,,iece' II ''' Mr tho "Juiv'!r'1 L'Dite.1 Swim al.le to improvr upon of pipCe f countr f"r,' n"lc' it? Surely it it. 1 .e,.chery ,. flunrc-a l-rje-ile.l country. It Leer, to i,.cl, , I in neBrl' ' ,ftr? UtrUwarc, anil them ly the S,)sr,isli Hint it Ins oc-j come a port of 'heir nature, mii any j kindne't done them it conilereil as f a weaknt-ss. j Wliec the Arneiicnnt took posers-1 tion of the Ii'ruidt they irr.nie'!i:.tely j U'jian thr ir ok of n foim liy j uoolishuijf c xecutiona. the f;imous larger than Rhode lsl.ind. The West is a land of mngnillccnt distances, but its people will not l;c enUiui.if.stic over the prostct of the creation of million-acre private forest rcscives. .V'; lEVE.KT. Iilack IIulc on the b.iiik of the l'unl0' river, where many Filipinos, sus pected of liein unloynl to the lioy King of Spain, were drowned with out a hearing. The priom were cleaned out, ond bile waiting for orders from their government to If the liocrs keep up the pace set by them In their late cngngcmenli with, the English, a very t rushing defeat will be the result of the present war. The Kngliali appear to liave lost their heads. Very little excuse is due commanding officers continue their work of reform, their for the manner in a hicli they allowed kindness had been construed as a i their troops to be surrounded and weakness, and on Fcbitiary 4ib the killc J by tnutb larger forces, when It it announced officially that tha (). I'.. A N.'t tVallnlii-tirange Cily rut-off it practici!! lin'rhl'd aud trains will toon 1 in operation. Iletaecn Spokane, Paloura and IVrlland it will save an hour and fori minutes, and at it Is a well-ballatled track, with only the heaviest rails, it will he free from uu-t and tand. The cat-olT a III do away with the necessity ol tha handling of Ireight and (.aMeriKcrt oter tha Altrn hill. How ever, a special tervica will be maintained over the Altin hiil l ne for tho t tnefit ol Walla Walla. Vniillori and other ciliet along the old iodic. It will make no difference in the arrival of the train here, at it a ill leave hpokano that much later. The only difference will l that ail polntt hetneen Slarhiick and Spo kane will be reached one hour and forty liiimitet carlli r. Tha distance covered hy the cnt-off ia it-ix miles, lletween Uranira City and Celihi now are IH'J miles ol c jn liijUunt milt of 75 pi.un ls per yarl, ahichwilh a well-liailasted track, will make the cart ride eatily anil comfort ably, and tive pas'iTgcrt the Ijenpfit ol a route frte from dual. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y., tays, "I heartily recomineiid One Minute Couijli Cure. It gave in) wife linmediate rebel in tuffocating athma." Pleasant to take. Never faili to quickly cure all coiight, Colds, throat and lung trouhlci. liutler I)iu2 Co. Freih cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. r'iiiett kind ol chicken feed. mch25-tl S iiue time ago licgintrr J.y 1'. l.r.ctt discovered w hal appealed to he a mis conception ol the true boundaries I The Il.llcttnd l.akeview land d.Mrcip, and some curres undencu entutd aith the II in. Coiiiiuissiuner ol tha general land office which resulted in the follow ing letter being sent to the register an 1 receiver at Tho Dalles. Tha change menioncd in the letter transfers thirty lownrlupt Irom the Likeview district lo Tho Dalle district, lying In towuhipt 1'J and LD toiitti, be tween ranges 8 and '.'I in Crook cjni.ty. Coiiiiiiisaioner Hermann's letter it at folluwt: ' (ikxmiAL I.ASiillirii r, Wamiiim-ion, D, C , Oct. 31, I'M. Kcgitter and Kecelver, The Dalles, Oregon. er.llemen : It hat In-en re cent. y d.cinud by this office, that the boundary line letweeii ynnr cm, a and the lskeview oflice, as fixed hy the act til April 1, 1H72 (17 -Hut ,bi. ia the fourth standarlparallel loulh ol lha ! line. between toanrhip twenty and taentr one toulti. Instead ol toa nships ei(hleen and nineteen aooth, as hat heretofore been considered, thus trantfering lo your oflice townihipa n neieen and tweTity south, rauget nine to twent) threa east. The tract lookt prepared in thlt ofli,:e covering said lowi.shipt and rarigr w ill Im furnished you. 1 ha l.akeiew office nnder even dale herewith t.aa been Instructed aa to tha change In the boundary lino and di rected to transfer lo your ollica the plat, and all the papers relating to the land In question I herewith Inclose a map ot the Hate of Oregon, ti in which the new boundary iinet are shown. Very respectfully, JIlNuMl llrnn Commissioner. Yesterday the Hoys' and (iirlt' Aid Society, through their tuperiritendent, W. T. Gardner, made application fir the care ol Jetsie Itrooks, aged 11, and Klsie Ilrooks, age.) 'J, complaining that their lather had abandoned them, and i their mother. Mrt. Kannio Ilrooks,1 wat not a proper perton lo have chargn i ofthern. While not crnel or neglectful! o( them, her chancier ft not such as to i arrant her briugicg up children. The ' matter came up before the county judge ' yesterday afternoon, the mother and children appearing In court. While not 1 denying the charges made egaln-t her,! the wat loath to give np her children' and produced a letter from her burhand ' enying that he had procured work and I asking her to c ime to blm. She made j .romUs that sin avniiM In i-amm I... i children were left with her. and lha ! court therefore dtcided to give her a trial; but Incase her part it not fulfilled she must forfeit the children. Such a mote hat lorifc been considered advisable by residents who knew the stale ol atlaire and (eared for the children's future-, although they teem to I well cared lor otherwise. STEAfVl LAUNDRY. Dowey white wa-li? Yi, nixl wa.h white. Ym tan Havana tiling wah-tl at the Steam Laundry. The Maine Ioint U quality ami tho Merritt of our work iff such that i('ij-k j:') Miles to patronize us. Our price; aro not Hobson's t hoicc, hut the standard rate-, vhi h arc !l Cevera hih as some pfople think, and wo want tu C-U-B-A custoint-r of our. Corner of First and Court Street, I Thon8 341. THE DALLES. 0B. Crandall & Burget dkai.eiis ix obes, AI1 kindS 0f UNDERTAKERS Barial Shoes Funeral Supplies embaliers Etc. The Dalles, Or. "Harmony" Thia brand nf WhKkcy Is uarantcerj In the cnnHiimcr as a I'lUE II AM) MADE S01K MASH W.itSKKV forimml.v Z and M.dual I t. Sold by Z Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Subscribe for tho Chronicle. Advertise in tho Chronicle-