The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 11, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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y 1
NO. 7
r I mm
Hi Two T&snanA or JonTisrt's Army
Is CaplnreJ.
I nnrnc CIIMRAV ounum
British Arc Just Waking Up to the Tact
TLat ilic Foe In Worthy of Their
Suil Thrjr Had Grtally Under
(Minuted (be Fli;liiioij liner, Both
a to N umber and bi to Equipment.
Lomiov, Nov. 7. It I announced In
ei!i! tliii'nti li (mm Capo Tuwn, dated
Huailay, November 6, lliat the British
h-.i brrn vlilorlou in an engagement
It lavlysnnlh and tlirl l'ia Bor lor wat
Turjr heavy, including '.MiKJ prisoners.
Saw Yuhk, Nov. 7. A dispatch to the
Tribune from I,oiidn av :
Tin kcene.t military writer ho ana
Ijrit Ilia situation, lay i!km upon tde
ficttliat tli Dutch allie ar watlng
thtlr rraource lijr attacking the British
at loo many point, instead of concen
trating their effort upon on or two
point. Tlii i trim. Whatever ail
vintage tli Burr la won ha been
Iroiu the m klrues of lliir enemle.
Tli li rr have mad graver tactical
niiiUkrt tlian tli English uff, although
Its record it n it artirularlr brilliant In
drfenalva work, and they liar allowed
thre wn-k to alip by without Inning
a drrim sure by virtue of over
li!iii!ng iurlority In number.
Lumxiv, Nor. 7. An official diapalch
Irow I.a Wsoilth, ilatrd Monday, ay
Tlioi liat bwii a cessation of hoalllilrl
linr Friday. Only on Kaffir wa killed
by Hi II 4-r bombardment.
l.oMM.i. N.. 7. Such cnty Intelll-
nc aa I II lining liom tli front it
ftnrmll) accepted bar a reassuring,
altliMitfli tli later report agree that tli
Bgliling outside I.dymith on Thtirdy
and Fiiilay i much mora severe than
la bidiiaieil by official account!. Thrr
is nu longer such a disposition lo jump
at lh concluaiun that rruliii.g blow
bat been lull Id ed by Boer a wa shown
before. I'.ritiah contempt for th
lias Ih-ii in .Jiflwl by defeat.
While, however, anxiety in regard to
Hie iimiidlut ttrr of Ladysmilh Is
tllevinte.l, there I a widespread Icar
lliat the authorities ar badly blundering,
and mar And too lata that tli main ex
pedition will prov too weak lo complete
Uk with nlii, and dispatch, aa the
Natal fore ha already admittedly failed
to perform what il especttd of It.
The ronfeaaion last evening of General
LoM Wolseley that the lloeri were mor
powerful and mora numerou than an
ticipated, ufflciotly ri plain the pre
tent happening, and tha war offlc will
hereafter have awkward question lo
niacr In regard lo Hi apparent colial
UnorannmlU,, II,,,, strength, which,
both In number of men and excellence
ol artillery, Is apparently a complete
nrpriae to tha BritUh military anthnrl
'' Mail new from South Africa
lio hoar Inaccurate hat been the
ttlmnte of the Intelligence department
nd government axperta.
It ia gleaned therefrom that a fair e
Hinate of Ih Moer force It a follow t:
Around l.adytmith, 25,0(K)i traverting
Zululand, 4000 ; advancing on Rurghert
dorp, WHH); ColMborg, 30tX)j KlmherluT,
"0.W; Mafeklng, iMH, and on Northern
Traiiitaal border, 2000. Etact Informa
tion aWit tha Uoer artillery It la. kin.
""'" known Joubert'a ilutachment,
"'re it wa reinforced, cuntlrted of
tlileeii Krupn held plecet cf lha latt
Wlt'-'n, and two heavy Cruiel tlegegun.
!' h hut f(,r o opportune arrival ol
H-'tlah naval brlirade, would have
"ndeied U.lyimlth onlenahl.
Insane Asylum Report.
"" i, Nov. 7. Tha monthly report
' tnierlntendenl of the Oregon
I" Inaane aaylum wa filed in the of
l'oftie tecretary of (late ycaterdny.
" that tha total eipendituret for
rlirle conaumed during t)etoher
'xninte.l to tl210.59. The pay-roll
,n"t talarlet during the month aggre
Ming 43.72. The total for comump
""i and talarie u f'i:) 31.
Hi" report ihow that the averau
"'"otierol pationli during the month
" 11117. Th e xpent per capita wa
therefore $()o:. T.rH r- .:.,..
patiiuita diwharged, ten 1M,i lwo
tapi. jere were I .VI employe.
filljtnlic Trusts tu Combine.
Nkw V.i hk. Nov. 7.-TI,e Ti.nea
A JtKI,WK),(JOiicoiiibiiialin ia prujened.
Th informal meeting to perhct
great nran ration will he heM at tha
Waldorf-Atorilo.lay. It it ln'i-nded
lo combine all of the rubber, bicycle and
aulomi bile rompanie inlo mm ..tei
com-ern, which will control the produc-lii-u
of every art cle entering into the
anuiactiiru ol a bicvcla or an autoo.n.
In the proponed conmanv. it la taul
all fif the conipaniet already f.irmeil will
he participant. Metr Studehaaer and
Mker, wliij on numcroiu natenta. are
tald lo be partiea to the arrangMment,
and they are alto mentioned at laruo! v
Intel-.' ..I in (he antomoliile company
lncorMiratcd at W iliningtoii, M., on
Kjilway Mail Clerk Injured.
Aiii.m., (r., Nov. O.-Jolm King, of
mail aervic between that city and Atli
laiid, wa ierloii-!y injured here yeater
Uy by fnlling out of a mail wagon,
which run betaeeo the city )et otiice
and the railroad depot. lie wat crtiahed
under It wheel, lie received ugly cut
and bruite about the head and wat on
C'Hiih lout for ouie time, but hi injui ie
a ill not prove fatal.
Otiio and KeulDcky Do tbe Handsome
Hut His Friends Announce They Will
Contest ihe Seatint; of Stewart
Results In Utber States Summary
of Results.
East Indians Object to Coins to Manila
and Ibe Hunts Crew Is lo irons.
Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 7 A apecial lo Ihe
Herald from Washington ): C'cjii
iderable diaappiilntnient i expreraed
by nlhcial of the war h-prtiiient at
I ien. Oil' report that (ien. Wheatou'
eiM-dition will not reach the (iulf of
l.ingayen until tomorrow. Without
wailing for (ierieral Wheaton lo reach
hit destination, Ueneral MacArthur ha
commenced hi advance, wl.ilo tieneral
f .aw ton ha been compelled lo rrmnin
inactive brcauae '! the fact that Ihe
heavy rain have auhinerged tliecomitrv.
The enVot of Ihe delay in tieneral
Wheaton' movement and the advance
tiegmi hy tieneral MacArthur will !-,
the ofTicial fear, that Aguinaido will
ia en ape from the cul de ac in
which it w hoped lo corner him. Crew in Irons.
Sa Km si'i o, Nov. 7. Twenty-one
Katl Indiana employed a oiler, com
paaae and firemen on the llritiali aliip
I'athan, recently chartered by the
I'niled State lo crry troop to the
Philippine, have been put In iron by
order of Captain Itntler, becautc they
objreted to golnst to Manila.
The Kaat Indianthipd at Singaore
in Septemlier for an 1H mnntha' voyage.
Thev are afraid of the hoalile Filipinor,
but the captain think he will oon force
them lo complete their contract.
Thirty-Fifth at Manila.
WAMiiNiiToN, Nov. ".tieneral Oti
cable that the tranaport Kio. hikh and
Valencia arrived at Manila today. I ri
vate Clearv, company O, Thlrty-lifth
Infantry, died on the voyag.
Iiaker County Gold.
n.nrMCiTV. Dr.. Nov. (!. One linn
drd nd tixty ouiida of gold from the
Red Hoy and theCioleond mine recnen
her Indav.and wa placed in Ihe bank.
Over I'.M.OOO came from Red Boy a the
output for October. The (olcond.i tent
$12,000 free gold, reaultlng from thirty
hourt' run with No. 4 Hryan mill, being
the outaide of coniTiitrate obtained.
Hattlc-Ship Oregon Sails.
. . V f A .ll.i.alnli In the
! ll'KK, i'Wr. . n.r
Herald Iroui Hong Kong lya: Tho tmt-
tle atiip Oregon, which intended leaving
Tueidayfor Manila, fired a rerall gun
. rl lilllltl4V
Miinnay, ami ien i.iv
morning. She ia laid lo have received
order to proceed to Cebti. Hie wat
teemlngly unprepared for tea.
Hlamarek'a Irnai Seita
Wat Ihe remit of hi tplendid health.
Indomitable w ill and trernendom energy
ar not found where tlomach, liver,
kidneyt and Iniwelt are out of order. If
you want these qualillet and Ihe tnccett
they bring, nae Ir. King' New Life
I'lllt. They develop every power of
brain and body. Duly 25.! at lllakeley
A Houghton' drugstore. 2
Cle Klin coal $11.50 P'f tn i Rock
Spring coal $! per ton, delivered, at
Maier A Dentou'l.
Republican of Ohio now claim Judge
Nuah'f election by from 55,000 lo 60,000.
Unutual maj irity in both house of Ihe
Iemocrat carried Nef York and
King countiet, N. Y., but Repiiblicam
uiakii a gain of ail in the legislature.
4P, Talor, Republican, elected governor
of Kentucky by from (1000 lo 70U0.
Iiryan ia happy ovt.r the fact that the
foaioniat carried Nebraska by from 12,-0-X)
to 1 o.OOO, but tadnett comet o'er
him when lie contemplate! the result in
Kentuck j .
Assemblyman Mazet,of the nineteenth
New Yolk district defeated by about -400,
will contest the (eating of hit opptnent,
alleging fraud.
J. V. Smith, Democrat, it elected,
governor of Maryland by a plurality of
about 3000.
Ri-publicant have carried New Jersey
by about 20,000 plurality.
The Republicans, carried Massa
chusetts by i",0OJ majority, and the
legislature of l'00 will be Republican by
the usual large majority.
Harnett, the Republican candidate for
treasurer in Pennsylvania, hat plurality
of 125,0)0.
In Iowa, Shaw, Republican, will have
about fto.000 plurality.
In Kansas, tho Republican gain is
10 percent.
The Republican maj irity in South
Dakota w ill be about 10,000.
James I'helan re-elected mayor of San
Francirco by ftKK). Iemocrata elected a
majority o! their municipal ticket.
Sacrameoto Republican! elected a
mayor by 122.
Cm t Mncs, O., Nov. 8 Chairman
Dick today revised hit figuret to at lo
claim from 55,000 to (VJ.OOO plurality for
Jndtfc Nash for governor and the rest ol
the Republican state ticket, and an nn
nsually large majority in hotd branches
of the legislature. No senator, however,
it lo be selected by thii legislature. Out
tide of the Imion trouble in Hamilton
and the confusion in Cuyahoga counties,
and the Jonet movement in other places,
tho Republican teem to have made
gain thronghont the ttate, especially in
rural districts.
The senate ttandt nineteen Re
publicans, eight Isemocratt, and four
doubtful. The house ttandt fifty-eight
Republican, thirty-four Democrati, and
teventeen doubtful.
Republicans of New York.
New Yokk, Nov. 8. In New Yoik
county the regular Iteinocratlc ticket wat
elected by pluralitiet averaging about
50,000. The Republican will have a
majority of Ihiriy In the assembly, a Re
publican gain of tia. In Klngt county
(Brooklyn) the Democratic ticket wat
elected by pluralitiet averaging 14,000.
Practically all political mWreat In tli ia
city, and even thronghont Ihe tte, is
now centered in the question a to
whether or not there will be a contest
made by Matet, Republican, who wa
defeated yesterday by 400 votet.
Victory in Kentucky.
I.oliMVitl.K, Nov. 8. Return from
ininv mountain Countries arettilt de
layed, but from unofficial reporte and
eitimat.' i.i missing countries Taylor'
plurality w ill not be changed from the
estimate made. Chairman Long, of the
Republican committee, said at 1 p. m.:
We have received oHiclal return
from two-thirds of Ihe connties, and,
based upon very conservative estimate
from missing connties, these give Tylor
a plurality of from KOtK) to 10,000. A
report come in they are more favorable,
and will undoubtedly Increase the Re
publican plurality. Kvery effort hn
been mad" to circumvent any fraud,
should it be attempted."
Result in Nebraska.
I. ini ot.N, Neb., Nov. 8 Additional re
turn received this morning only terva
It is the high quality
of Royal Baking Powder
that has established its
great and world-wide
Every housewife
knows she can rely
upon it ; that it makes
the bread and biscuit
more delicious and
wholesome always the
finest that can be baked.
It is economy and every way better to
use the Royal, whose work is always certain,
never experimental.
with so
an article
as the
There are many imitation baking powders,
made from alum. They may cost less per
pound, but their use is at the cost of health.
to cmplitMi) the fusion riclory in
Nebraska at yesterday' election. The
fusion majority will not be less than 12,
000, and may reach 1S.000.
In Massachusetts).
BosTos, Nov. 8 The vote of Massa
cl, u setts for governor, complete, it as
follows: Crane. Kepnblican, ltiS,876;
Paine, Democrat, 10;!, 814. Republican
regard the rttult aa an indorsement of
the policy of the national administration
in tha Philippine. On the other hand,
the Democrats, pointing to the great lost
in the Republican vote.cluim that Masea
chutedtt bat entered a protest against
expansion. Especial emphasis is
npon the fact that 22,000 Republicans
refrained from voting.
Child Burned to Death., Or., Nov. 7. The little
3-year-old chil l of Mr. and Mrs. Ntd
Simmons, living in Blodgett't valley,
wat to badly burned last Sunday that it i
died a few hour Inter. It had been left 1
with an older child asleep in bed while
tbe parent went to-the barn to attend
to the chore.
The children had awakened during the j
absence of the parents, and by some
means, probably by approaching too
near an open fireplace, the night-o'ress
of the little one had caught on fire. The
elder child had started to lead the little
ooe to Hi parents, but the baby over
coma by the heat and tuflocation, had
dropped when thedooryard wat reachml.
I'aed By llrlllsh Boldlara la Arrlra.
Capt. C. G. Denniaon it well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that captured the famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 18U7,
from Vryburg, Bechuanaland. he writes:
"Before starting on the last campaign 1
bought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Piarrhie Remedy,
which 1 used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, and bad given to my
men, and in every case It proved mot
beneficial." For sale by Blakelcy A
Houghton, druggists.
Anti-Gambling Petition., Or., Nov. 7. At the city
council meeting tonight, a petition pray
ing that gambling be stopped in the city
wat presented. Tha petition bore only
one eignatnre. at follow: "J. W . Smith
and forty-ieveo othert." The petition
stated that the rooine behind cigar ttoret
were the bane of young men's livet, and
should bo closed. A there wat i:o
definite Information on the tnbject be
fore the council, the petition was referred
to Ihe ways and means committee.
one counties and ircamplete returns from
thirty-five, making a total of 116
counties out cd 119, three countiet re
maining unreported, Taylor's vote stands
105,038; Umbel's K.3,815. The result
of the election is still in doubt, the pro-
babilitiet being in f.vor of Taylor.
j Complete returns for counties onlv par-
It Will Reonire Offlcisl Csnnt tu Settle i tiaily rprte d my miike material
I awVi m n a I I, f tl
Bulletin Issued by tbe W estcrti Union
Shows That All hut Tbree Counties
Heard From.
Loris.vii.LK, Kv., Nov. 9. The tituu
tion in Kentucky is not materially j
changei' at noon. Itoth parties claim
victory and it will take the official count ,
to determine the result. Chairman Long, I
Ihe Republican committee, said : ''Wej
have carried Kentucky by a good safe
plurality. There is no question to that,
hot an attempt i being made to steal it
and we will prevent it."
Advice from Democratic headquarter
tay tha late returns show a Demccratic
increase, and that the ttate will ehow a
majority for Cioebel.
Your Firs
j Showa the state of your feelings and the
i state of your health ad well. Impure
l b'.ol makes itseif apparent in a pale
land tallow complexion, Pimples and
I Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and c'o not have a
i healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. Itcurea all blood
. diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
i eo called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
j sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
I Blakeley A Houghton, druggists.
Mildred llazeo Became His Bride
in a Very (uiet Ceremony Held in
a Washington Catholic Rectory.
W'ashinc.tos, Nov. 9. Admiral Geo.
Dewey an I Mrs. Mildred Hjz;n were
married quietly at Ihe rectory of St.
Paul's Catholic church iu this city,
shortly before 10 o'clock this morning.
Both Sides Claim It.
Locisvti if, Ky., Nov. 9. 10 a. m. j The ceremony was performed by Rev.
As returns and corrected reports from James F. Mackin, pastor of the church,
belated counties come in, tho situation the ceremony wat of the simplest
in Kentucky is unchanged. Both Demo- character according to the rites of the
crats and Republicans are claiming the j Catholic church, and the only witnesses
election this morning. Charges of at-j beside the officiating clergyman, were
tempted fraud are being made by both: Mr. Washington McLean and Mrs.
parlies, and especially so at Republican Ludlow, wife of Admiral Ludlow, mother
Hobatt Belter Today.
rATiusoN, X. J., Nov. 8. After a rest
ful night, during which he s'ept most of
the time, Vice-President Horart awoke
early this morning and said ha felt much
headquarters in this city
Private advices from ex-Senator Black
burn at Frankfort are of an encouraging
nature to the Democrats, fur thev say
li oebel has carried the ttate by -K0O plu
rality and that tbe figures, when they
are completed, will show his election and
the election of the Democratic ticket by
that plurality. It will take the official
count lo decide, and there are already
many contests in sight.
Republicans Carry New York.
Niw Yokk. Nov. 9. Oa the basis
and sister respectively of tbe bride, and
Lieutenant C iMwell, Dewey's secretary.
Arrangement for the wriMtng were
made with all tbe secrecy which has at
trn led t lie whole affair. As Dewey is
not a Catholic, a speoiil dispensation
was required for the perlormance of tho
Admiral and Mr. Peaey left at 12 Mo
p. m. for Xew York.
It will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familiar with the goo I qualities
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to
know that peop'e everywhere take
the vote cast in the 150 assembly
tricis, uie nepuoucans carry pie,ure in reuting their experience in
by a plurality of 11,8'4, according to the , ie Qse of tut f pleniJid mei,ic;ue ,nJ
Herald's figures. Roosevelt', plurality ! . . ... o ,he . fl. ,
last year was 17,785.
ceivtii from it, of bad colds it has cured,
' of threatened attacks of pneumonia it
has averted and of the children it has
Western Union Bulletin.
Cincinnati, O., Xov.,9. The Western ! Mvej (rora attacks of croup and whoop
L'nion issues the following bulletin to- -wg cough. It it a grand, good medicine,
day on the Kentue'iy election : . for te by Blakeley A Houghton, drug-
"With completu returni from eighty- gists.