The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 08, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
' orrit uL fATKK or wawjo vrv.
" fuMitsW '' pari, on MVifm-tJiiyi
end .S.iluni'lV.
' ' l'BM KIITluN HA1K.
at a n-. rirui raai-aio, m ivata.
oj"r " 1?
i" v z
fllii llinlltlia
a.lniln raUar rwnaouable. awt mad kuuwa
ui!".al'limmuiilrUiii lo'-TIIIT I'll HON
( I K, I '' I'alwa, lW
HaiuMay a Ualljr.
V didn't rare much about Ilia rain
taut night ; Il wasn't badly needed, and
only succeeded in making the (Ireels
Ina letter lo her friend, Mrs. Jules,
Mr. Cba. Johuaon write that tier li ill
bin. I ia torn hat Improved ami Ilia data
0f thrlr return home ia uncertain.
Tli" curfew ordinance I to twenloiced
ami all boy ami girl under tl.a age ol
17 year must kScpifT Ilia street alter
o'tU'k at night , unlet accompanied
by a pr-prr guardian.
Ailji. N'elton, known in The I'alle at
Iha Drat captain In charge o( Salvation
Army work In tlila rity, with hi wile
will commence week of meetings, In
army hall on Malaria? night. All are
welcome. Admission free to all services.
!r. I'll man, fat' rr-in lw of Jimra
llinnrll. wh-dropd dead at the Moody
warehouse yeaterday, cam oer f nun
Haitland laat evening, ami tlila morn
ing tha remain were I a lion to I.) In an I
Iron: ti er lo 1 1 'till 1'ralrlr, w here the
funeral ill tk placo tomorrow allet
nn. Regular atlendantt at the clubTuer
ilay evening wilt Ih mure than glad to
Irani that llo-y Bra i be favored w ith
band concert vnf two wreks (rum
nuw on, tri in til ) f tint Tuesday, ami
playing every first and third Tuerdsy.
These i.nici-rt ar greatly appreciated
aii'laakrn an Intarvtt everything
Wall SMpp, ol Salem, arrived In The j
Pallet laat n ght. II la traveling In!
tl.a it threat id II, a Kaiubler bieje'e. IU
eil-it tn rid 1VH) mllra In a!!, and j
leaving the train al I. a Grande w 111 ride'
l'AKJ Itamblcr lo I'rlimviiir, also vint
Ing other point ami eitahllshlng
am ica.
A few (Ura ago Ilia eople ol I )r M a I
il-l I vniley were rlrlnr in 10 dv- '
rrr (it irin rratiira and a high range
ol l.niiil.lily. Nowr St. Iiiii ia shiver
I n j in a tilunrd. never can kttowj
lay In advance what Iha weather j
ch-rk ill Ij k out of a Xoreu.btr ky
la that legion.
I i I'.uHt still haa an unlimited tup
ply id choice Itimi and lor ta'.e in
llli Wav and Mivrman ciiinlirn. Il
ia D'l triniMa Inr lilin l al.ow .rnp-j
ily t. i,y mm. i ,a tlnitard ill
dii!!aa wurtii ol prnpi-rty placrd In hi
b ! fr inr ol whlrli ia tile,
a., 1 1 at a m.'rl !io. There i rititnlntt
lil", tour ow n home, and Hulta
it Him man t K-li yixi one that a 111 an it i
At tlm M. K. Sunday tfliool StimLiy
ni'iriiing at 10 nV.-x-k Iha ptor, l! v.
('. K. IUk,w ill riw a riiimit-ttn to j
th. il.lliln r.. Snl j.-ct, "An Imported
II y." An invitation it given to ll.
ni'ii.t.n id the I oiiiirvk-ati.m to lie,
r.'.,Tt ami tea tl.ln l .y arid what
h ha to ti ni h tl. All are alao in-
vi'd to he prerent lomorrow uriilnir. j
l.i ii ti.e p-tur givea tho llrat o' hi
H i:. i.( ri-rintiiit, !
Tl i' ' ol Iha Suite vt. O. I.. Field", 1
ilnr.ii. with .!jgiiiy, raine up in
J i ( :r- P. ij r. f eiiiirl yeati-rdav alter- i
i" -oi, mi l in (,itr of ihn (act that the
pr "-u nil i. k w it nex In I lie pern. in of hi
n t '"n-e, ilippi'iired apirit iike
ii-ri iim m nenli'd the rimat, there
hi Mill ivnit i-vi'l.oii-e o nuike it warm j
(r I he .It-ii tnUnt md h w ai Imiiiid over i
in tin- film i.f f.'iKI. A. A. Janih' ap-j
peoi' l f.r the atnte and II. f. Wilson :
for the defendant.
Moirow roiinty i rod iMhin.l tl
'""' hen It romei lo inarrlHKef, Iml
ImMi ,rr uwn with oilier roniitiea of i
the Hate. Tim Tlmea c imea out thinj
eek wiih five marriage iiotlrr, audi
a I'N thai mora am vet to I heard from.
r'iiiehow t hava an Idea ihst The
I).i!!ei a anmewhat interealed in One
hieli ia lo he heard from aoon a oecur
i"K In that tieighWhood. Unl
oii't tell, lor t, , wlilrli la to take
l i m iii cur own town aoon.
H ero r iinii a time when patience
"'n'l-a lo l.o a virtue, and ha who lungln
l"'l Inngha Kuril i now the ron
diti'in in tl t r-.iad In rri, and hoe
llml wern to he taken up on writ of
"'view hnvu heen ahandont'd. Nothing
' now left to do hut eiiforee Jinlgiiicnt.
Warranta will he leaned for IliO ile
1'iidanta In the raa an fat aa the
reeonler cun get at the work, an I upon
' II, b li fendanla will ho taken In
fliarn hy , marrliH). In rase where
" money ran ba obtained by thla
"ire they will be iliapoNMl of In tho
mn manner aa la tued In criminal
c"'. And all thla trouble la to be
'inceil beeauta of the refuial to pny
U'lUm an Interest wai taken lu the
Ji'llrLa-Sharkey prixe fight, wbloo
look plaee In New- York laat night, even
Tliw Daliei and, a large crowd waited
a-ny inriiia oiilletlnt. It ... .i...
la a "fliil.l." flht ,, j, ,,
ttill Iha champion. Iha light M. jv,u
to him on (W Hitfin.f M
8. The law r.-.piiiet that they ilgl.t
not inure than ,-, round,, ,p,
actually fought the la.t Mt , ,,,
At umal there ia , queatlun aa to
Wheller Jelfile, le.liy Wu the belt Bc.
cording to "lloyle."
lleai h A llower'a Mln.irel cimp.nv
appeared at tl.a ilell City opera houra
laat night and were greeted by a g.Md
eled aild.eiii-e. Jt a without e,.p
lion the beat mliiatrel perloruiam wit
nea.ed in Ifarine r the paat ten yp.1..
and the Journal Ullevea that eveiy
perion who th perforiiianee la-t
evening a ill verify the atatemeiil. Jt
Wat reline.l ,,rrj ,,
vulgar J ,k or taxing ol any kin. I h.-in,
Indulged lu by the nrtialt. Not a alnB
atiek ran ba p.lnlrd out In (ha entire
roinpaii) - l;, inn i4iy J,lrllal.
Ina Ciik'isk i. a rri-eived a very
plea. .nt rail tod from Mr. II. K.
Johnann, an attorney from Lincoln, .Set).,
who It lei-mrer foi the Modern Woodmen
of America and it on ihiiroan lu the
iutereat of that order. Mr. Johurou ia a
gentleman of ability and refinement and
ilitlo be regretted that the order in
thlt rily made no provition for hit
coining lu the way of preparing for a
public lei lure, which would have Ixen
of untold benefit to them. Me will, how
ever, remain over Tuenlay and met t
lib the local ramp the I evening at the
K.ol I'. ball.
The ram of Jacob K. Jarobton vt. thel
ll. V. A A. N. I'o., which hat been on
trial for two davt in the Coiled Mate
court in Cortland, wat argued veMerday
aftern.M.ti. In April, IS!H, while goinii
t"n the Columbia In a fMiIng boat,
a lib two young men, hx c'mnn to have
been run do n by the drf, n l.uil coin
pany't tieamer Siirad iion, drowning
bit alep ion, Harry llanten, and injur
ing the other men and the boat and ita
contend. He tuea lor fiiOoO lor In juried
to himfelf, I'liliH) for the lite of young
llanten and f ' H other damage. The
ibdeliMi undertook to tbow that Jacob
ton had been drinking, which wat un
dertime! to I the cate by j.eojilo of thit
cit) when the accident happened, and
ai Ir; iug to race ith the Iiion, that
wat puraoiug her proper court. No
newt of the verdict bat Jet l'cu learned.
M.imln) ' I'ally.
('apt. V.. W. Jr'noa Wat reijiitered at
the t'matilla from (tulden.lale yetterday.
The county court today appointed
Mrt. Arr.ta .ilihle gurd'an of I'earl
Kvant au I Ira Kvant, minort.
Can limbing I done to prevrnt the
bracli at the foot of Washington ttreet
being made a veritable garbage pile? It
it a dlrgrace lo the city an 1 rtiould I
Il la reported that a imw ttrike l ricbnea haa been made about lire
mili't eai't of the Silver King mines.
Tl.a formation of the ore it taid to he
very much the nine aa In the Kirg.
Tie marshal in tonus ut that the
curlew ordinance into clJivt tonight
ol S o'cI.m k, and all boyt and girls under
17 jean ol age fmind on the ttr'Tt" nfler
tliitt h. ur without a guar. lain, will le
dealt with by the night watchman.
Mrt. Mary Itritttin I" In receipt of a
letter from brr brother, Henry I'.ill.wl.o
left reoiiily for l)k!nd, C.ilif., nvii-
that be hat engaged ill buinca lor him
telf at :':l I Avenue, Kt tk!nd. Hit
friends Iter wish b'lu well in his new
The attention of members of li e
Modern Woodmen of America, is caliid
to the m. et ng tomorrow evening at tl e
K. of I'. hail, when U. K. Ji hn-on, grand
lecturer, will be p recent ami givtf ton e
very important instruction. Kvcry
member rhoil'd be prei't'lit.
A tin ill ni''ln Tin. lorn bo. I; w.t .ft
on hicond ttreet eterdny between the
ttoreof M'V V Crowe ami the UilUlj
i ,,,,.i,..Tii.,. Ci'ii il!:c. The name il!
J. M. Murcliie i written on tl e out-'n'e
c iver. Anyone linding it w ill Confer a
favor by leavirg tame at (Lis oilioo.
Veterd.iy a badly dec )inpoed body
wa found lloaliiig In the b.g ddy on
the Warliingtoii fide of the liver. The
Indiana secured tho body and the
coroner was tent lor at liuldcndale.
Krom all In llcitiotn It ' renmint
otal'hlnaman. but no clew as lo his
Identity was ditovered and will prob
ably not be revealed at tlm inquest on
account of the condition of the body.
The audience M tho Metbodipt church
last night was an unusually large one,
the pastor having announced the llrst
of a ferira of sermons on the "Ideal
Home," and speaking on "Tho Harbor
of Home." Although occupying but
thlrtv minutes, he covered much ground,
bringing- from bli sol j.'ct many eloquent
and iinpret-ive thoughts regarding home
life and its inilueiuv, and icluiini I"
cid. ,! in connection with tho thought
which were very timely.
Thursday night when the Yon You
on Co.npi'ny was playing In the Kraer
opera hotisn at IVmlletnn, an alarm of
fire came nenr causing a perfect stam
pede. Hud it not been for the presence
of mind of Miss ll. rlein, of thecompany,
no doubt many lives would have lieen
lo.t. She stepped to the front of Ihe
stage nnd commanded the people lo re
main In their seats. Her words came
just at the proper moment, and served
to quiet the feara of the almoit .tarn
peded people. Her experience on the
ttage ranted her to act Jutt at the right
time to prevent what the knew would
le an awful catattropbe.
The morning aervice at the Congre
gational church yesterday was particu
larly impressive. A beautiful contralto
solo was rendered by Mrt. Taylor, id
title.! "Ono Mweetly Solemn Thought."
The paator call ' the attention of the
audience to the leatoni gleaned from
"The Sere and Aulum Iaf" In luch a
manner at to be of great benefit to hit
t At t' e close of the sermon
til pertona with the church, and
two re. ei veil baptism. The tervlcee
cloned with communion. .
foipt. C. h. (iilbert ar.d I'rof. J. T.
Neil" attended the Hood River Teachers
Asaoriatioit, which held its first meeting
last Saturday, w ilh an attendance of
u'Hint thirty. In the near future a
similar aaiiaiiou w 111 be oig.niied at
1'ufur. Meeting ii be held once a
month, at which lima tome standard
wuik on tenchiug will be read and dis
cussed. The study of the course of
study for grammar grade school t of Ore
gon sill le a special feature of the meet
ing. With better teacher! the natural
result w ill be better schools.
There it always a harvest of drunks
and hoboi at police headquarters from
Saturday tiinht until Monday morning,
just the time when the city and ita in
habitants should be on their best be
havior. Last Saturday evening a drunk
en Indian was the first victim, and he
wss lined 2 this morning. John Doe
alto fell into riilhnan's grasp for the
tame offense and was fined $ being
aflerwardt released on a promise to
leave the city, Then at 11 o'clock two
toung men of our city were found ina
u. utikeu quarrel and made to tpend ye. -teniae
fi Jail, banding over their J
llr.s looming.
While reluming from i'rineville last
week near the Maya' ranch, about a
mile and a half from Antelope, Theo
dore I.iebe and Sum Tiiurruan saw some
thing near the road at the fool ol a
canyon, w hich they thought at first I)
be a rabbit. Theodore tallied forth with
his rifle and as it started to climb a
telephone pole near by, he discovered
he had more dangerous game to deal
with in the shape of a wild cat. He
I oaever, fl Mired it, and it was found to
' about half grown. Bilugiugit home
I e had llerl Campbell, the taxaderiuiet,
fix him up, and he now occupies a place in
Harry .'.iebe'a window on Second street.
It is a vicious looking little fellow, and
surely Antelope lias not many such
jiruwling around so near civilization.
Meteor'o pholograpy will be exten
sively employed to make a permanent
record of the great periodic star show ing
due on the nights of November lolh. H'.h,
and l'dh. The maximum display of
meteortemaiiating from theconntellation
lo comes three times in a century, nnd
IS'.i i is one of the years. Photographic
plates are m ire sensitive than the eye to
ail celestial movements, and without the
aid of plmtrgraphy some of Ihesatel'ilies
and attero'.ds would still be umlitcovered.
An ordinary camera with a lens, from one
inch to three inches in diameter, simply
mounted to be shifted In position and
r linted nt the conrteila-.ion from w hich
i -io iiH'leori radiate, will give good
results in the bun Ij of an amiteur.
Kxpot ores may Inst from f irty to sixty
minute). The constellation rises alter
midnight, and observations should be
continued till near sunrise.
Saturday m iruii g Sapt. J. S. Lirulers
returned from I.l lirande, where fie at
tended the eastern division of the Staf
I Teacliers' Aasi ci.ition, and where lie
I I .okH mi "The Value oj O.itlines in
! r-v'wo!." In speaking of the meeting
I he su:d it was the most eiuhusiastij and
! tmrcctful he bus atloiid.' 1 on tba coast.
I iVni.lcs patrons and friends, there were.
Iltil nii'uitieis rrgi-tered and all seemed
so alive and interested in the work. A
I'H fi"ion l e'.i'CiitiutiUl took pnrt in
1'ie programs and a splendid quartet
furnished music. State Supt. AcUerman,
Supt. Kler, of lbs IVrt'and schoo's.
I'rof. Str mg, ol the stale university, and
I'rof. Campbell, ol the Monmouth Nor
mal, weio present from west of the
mountains. It Is to be regretted that
more from our own cmnty could n- t
have been present. A Urge number
will no doubt attend the meeting of tho
western division In Salem oa the 27th,
JSth and 20: li of December.
Tuextay I 1 1 y .
Try Ilaimony Whisky, a pure bour
bon, for family and medic d use. Sold
by Hen Wilson.
In the matter of the W. K. Rmehart
estate, brought up in the prolate coiiit,
an onhT was ls.-med approving the final
account and the administrator was re
lented and bondsmen exonerated.
Yestcidav whs a lively day for tie
arrival ol w h at teams, but today has
been souieahiit slack. For No. 1 tho
warehouses ".repaying 4'.' cents; while
at the Diamond Mills they are offering
:.2 for heavy weight nnd 50 for 58-lb.
Tho Seattle IVst-Intelligenccr, one of
the l-st pupera in the Northwed, h -changed
hands, and formal transier v H
he made December lit. The names o.'
the purchasers have not been given,
but It is understood the deal is mado In
the inteteeti ol Senator John L. Wilson.
Yesterday's Spokesman-Review enmo
out with a supplement containing splen
did cuts ol thedifferent companies w hich
the Washington volunteers.
clear, every feature
'Read this and then ask yourself where else can you do as well.'
We otr-rr Inducements which easily make this store the center of
attraction to the ladies wanting
Black and Colored Dress Goods
Our stock we can truthfully tay is the largest in Eastern Oregon, ami con
tains a lretter assortment of the fashionable weaves ami colorings, as well ai the
gxxl, dependable staple materials, than many of the larger city stores. For fear
that many of our friends are not aware of "this fact, also to help j'ou decide to
make :n early purchase of your winter dress, we offer the following inducements:
- . 0
AAAlAA At V S -ft W T.; itr A .
ft Everything
ft in Linings
With the purchase of a dress pattern frlVP FfPP Any design of a skirt or suit paper pat-
of goods worth from 2c to 40i: per yard, ,JAVO A X CD tern (roni t(le Cosmopolitan p. ttern
together with the liniDgs, etc, we this rfp sVl Q Trri companies' fashions, also choice of a p'r
week Ul VXAclI 3 tJ of any 1.00 kid gloves in the house.
With the purchase of a dress pattern Givft Free A"-v dep!8n Cosmopolitan paper pattern,
of goods worth from 50c to 7oc per rard, wlvo A x CO ,, . .. . u . , '
together with lingiugs for same, wi this i? -CU o r.rA " " unre9tr,i;te'1 cho'c ol Palr
w'ek OI Unarge ofkidglovesfrouiourn.2oline.
With the purchase of a dre.s pattern GlVe FrCQ In JJit:on to any d.eign in Cosmopoli.
of goods worth from 8).; to $1 ol) per yd, - v y- x j a
togetoerwith linings for same, we this f rViorv P P " P,,tern' c,'0,ce of P alr
week OI Unarge our enest $1.50 kid gloves.
From the oc cambric for skirt linings, to the
modiste's favorite mercerized silk cloth. For waist lin
ings we are offering jean at 8c; silicia at from 10c to COe
per yard, and for a first class article call attention to the
famous near silk lining, which we sell at 23c per yard.
In fancy Silks, Braids, Spangles, Headings and Jets
are the admiration of everv customer. Our Fall cata
logue illustrates faithfully a number of our new bea I and
TrimminS braid trimmings from which you can order with confi-
donee if ou find it inconvenient to call. A p jstal card
will bring our catalogue.
Your mail orders for Dress Goods, if sent this weak, will ba en
titled to all benefits mentioned above.
A. IV!. Williams & Company,
ofc iTV J- V
v -y
V v-V !.! V i i-V hi Wv
v vvv -w1 v v- w
the; iDAXrTLsizjs,
, . . --.'Ma m --
They are
sbowirg up distinctly, and will be
souvenirs, wonh preserving. The He-j
view is always doirg the right thicg at
the light lime.
i;,i,t (.inrn i). W. Mar.o sold his
business interests in this city and j
Iwiugbt property at Stevenson. lie j
lift this morning for that place and his j
wife will follow in a few days. Wej
understand a IUilea voting nihil has;
rented tho house vacated by them on j
Kelly avenue and with his bride will I
toon tnke up their re'i.l. nee there. j
Tomorrow et Ho id li.wr will take 1
place the imrriuge of Mi's l.riu-e
Graham to (.'. liirlM-h. Graham
isateucher in tl Hood Wiver school
and a young bdy admired by all. Mr.
I'.artscli was fnfnerly in t.-.e
business at that p's ce, b:it U now in
bu-ine?sat P.iw'ou City, where ,e has
gained quite a competency. They will
make their home at Imwsod.
Person! who watched the ueck hands
load the freight on to the K-gulirtor this
morning, wero in a query to know when
they were going to stop and where all
the wheat, flour, wagons, goods and
,o..irvta were coin! to tie put The last
thing to be put on -veie two rails, which i
wcte resting on the deck, but mosi 01
them hung on to the atmosphere. The
I), r. & A. N. boats are doing an im
mense business these las end leae
every morning loaded to nlmost the
fullest capi-c:ty.
At 4 o'clock yesterday morning at
Hood Kiver, Mrs. I.ncy I'.eli, wife of
C A. Bell, proprietor ol the Mt. Hoid
Hotel, died of typhoid fever, after an
illness of but five days. She was l!
years of, and was f iruicrly Mifs
i.ucy Ivlisoli, whose father, now de
ceased, was ai-eiii for tho O. It. A N.
there, ai d was married three years
tlnco to Mr. Bell. The luneral look
place today under the auspices of the
order of Kae'.orn Star.
As it is their wont rcMsicnally to (et
aside their lessons and spend an evening
in pleasant coiivereo and sociability with
a few of their friend, the Taino clas
had such agathciing at the homo ol
Mrs. Wilson last evening. A number
of choice si lections on autumn, and
other subject; s we'''. ""re "nJ
some very prcttv vocal and Instrumental
music rendered. The hostes then read
ctchy bit of original rhyme, the end
of inch verse cillirg for the quests to
supply the i:iisin j geographical natue
of some place in Oreg n. This was very
amusing and some of the unruly boyst?.
were'threatend with lieinz compelled to
stand on the floor. Lter, lunch was
served and more'.c enjoyed. Alto
gether it was a happy as. well as proiit
ebie evening for all concerned ; just f uch
a tiiiu as makes everyone enj.ry life
more and feel they have gained thereby.
On account f failing health from
over taxation and too close application
to otlice work, Ci. E. tlewart has fuur.d
it necessary to rcs'gn bis position us
stenographer foi Jud,-e Bennett, and
ill leave the city in about ten days for
Linn county, where he will spend some
time nenpersting at h's uncle's farm.
Mr. Stewart 19 a first-class stenographer,
coupling wild hi knowledge of gbor'.
liand an experience gained first as a
compositor and then ns a journalist,
which makes his copy the delight of
every printer w ho chances to get bold
of it ; and Ju.le Bennett is unfortunate
in losing his services, lie in turn, re
grets tho circumstances which compel
him to leave such a desirable employer,
with wl.o.u be has been connected for
the past full" years. Mr. Stewart will
also be missed in church circles, being a
prominent member of the Christian
cburcti here. We trust, however, that
lie will soon recuptrate and ajaia be
able to take up the work for which Le
is so well suited.
Iteait Hi Koail Tax Law.
collect of the delinquent. In addition la
tho tax c f four doiiars, twenty per cent,
thereon by way of fcerialty; but If any
such delinquent shall pay the faid tax
before a levy upon bis property, such
twenty jercent. shall not be added
ee. 8. When the street commissioner
cat. not find enflicient property cf a de
licqucnt out of w hich to make the eaid
tax aforesaid, or any part thereof, h
must collect the jam? or any part there
of rem tiuii.g ut collected by an action in
his own name. agnin?t Ihe delinquent,
in atirsiort having j iris liction thereof,
ai.d if judgment I e given atainst the
d fondant il shall b enforced in the
san.e manner as a j 1 lg ment in a crimi
nal action.
,u Im;rtail IlrTf-rrnce.
To mike it apparent t) thousands,
w iio think themselves ii!, thai they are
not all! cted with any disease, but that
the system simply ne.ds denn-inp, is to
biing comf.irt home to their hearts, a
a coiiive condition is eiily cured by
using Syiop of Figs. Manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
sold by all druggists.
In view of the f ct that tho r iad tax
question has reached such startling pro
mt and there eeenu to 1 e such
ignorance regarding the law, causing the
coi'ictor any amount of annoyance in
exulainiug. we publish lie following
section of ordinance No. IT":
Ctt. " .....
... . . .. , 1 1 .1 .. I
to pay saul tax 01 iour c.ouara upon ue
mand l.all bo deemed a delinquent tax
payer, tnl the lax a delinquent tax,
nnd the street comnii: ;i n -r shall pro
ceed at otice to collect the tame by levy
and a!e of the property, real and per
onnl, within the citv limit o! such de
linquent, or sutiie'ent t hereof for that
purpose and to psy tho penalty pre
scribed by this ordinance for such de
linquency and the costs and expense of
the levy and sale.
Sect. The ttreet commissioner must
1 r. i.
.t tlil a I. ut ni J to u.
H0o 1itKt and rt ni mi,J
u till t'-ii hy pis, 41. I.
VXtUllMlf 1 m JOlT lrfi wwaraj
II H'Utnl rrriij itwia
( frt. ;iumlrr rrrh
ftlKla M y If, A tacr-tvfjd
Mllf, ini-l Ulleilor
! I.lltxi Vtslfh, t. If
vi'tt it ill r
peltert tanaiiVvl ir,-i
w. y ft ,i bi!'jr t inniiv vi ir.
i ' M wait ht's. that Mrs
HA fI igmf DIH rHHV.tlJ
Jf mi it eii't'PM ctiarursi.
tV.-5'yVe? Don4! be Deceii
V'i.4 M.;i."ii.ii'..i5.'i
ye mm -v. Ul aft
flti.lOatr 'B.(lrt ojirk
fhr 91. 75 to rt. ii. whrt we mII tlruns wale inr S?.43.
OUR S2 45 WATCH m" " h-
rr..r opm I tt-f, Mi'ii v-iri.i ftinl ,-f . f.-n til plattfd, h'nt-om-V
nel t m errrat lr4i mrb. it' t rnt-nl 1- a ni' k,i 1 jewel,
t-l xtfiu t:i, Am rti-an, wavrrnMoi. tni a it-wm! ti
.H'i.,r. for Witrhf tVnM rH.i mp, r-ll-ltr1 atkaaf
9. Tl jbJ wrlif for tr-t W mA it wfiry ta'.al'n)w
s". SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. 1 Inc.). Chlcag,
(Inn, BsstMt B Is. ai tawssfkB- tlln. Uu
MKsH .H fUKYfc Vtt PT1T, Ur-
hi4t"t. tifirtit i rt t in., 3 rt ft In. or 4 ft.
MtukM ll U rl l in. Kr y otbr
-iic en.l f.tronUili'tfti. Cut t)il ui- 'H
n-lii i ! u wtth Mt IMU.I. KtaM hMl wntfii fnd f til n l thm
hr rreU-ht 1. U. V. K1K IHsl M
yWur frftarht depot and lham w
ti tilisrs. l.Wrta.n.l frfitrht rhatrmav
a. i y