The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 08, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Gbronicle.
AalterM.lBg Kate.
Pit tuck
O it li.cta nr In Pally tl 40
O r two meliva anJ unl fur Inch,1 ... 1
0--f tMU llu'lt, au-1 UUtlef tCV tlH-hM .
O .-er twWe i;u-tu- 3
Di:.T .!! WIII.LT.
,ne Inch or U.. i-or oirrt I"- V
Orr on uu h ami n:..l'r (mir lneha 2
Ovi-r four Inelie. au4 under Iweiv lueha . I
Otw twelve Inrtu t
Mr. William PI ugh off. who recent
ly started Democratic weekly at
Yale, Malheur county, in the sixth
Issue t his paper sounds the follow
ing cheery call to his legions:
'Now is the Unit for Oregon Detn
ocrats to bestir themselves, if they
desire to participate in the gram!
national victory of 1900. The Ore
gon Democracy is not to he Warned
btcau!e it did not win the lfDti
election. Just rettien.htr the trc
memlous odds it h.vl to contend
against, nl the wonder i it came
so near winning as it did. Oregun
belongs in the national Democratic
colurr.n, and a thorough organization
ami eood tuatlina will place her
Trulv. now is the tirre for the
Democrats of Oregon to bestir them
selves and extract ell the happiness
they can from the political situation,
for post-election j y is not likely to
be of the Democratic kind ic Ore
gon, particularly when it involves
ihe principle of forsaking our bud
ding trade beyond the Pacific. Dem
ocrats of Oregon are not so likely to
be frightened by the scarecrow "iid
perialisiu" as are some of their
Eastern brethren, for they can put
their hands in their pockets and find
concrete evidence of the f.ict that
national expansion is a good thing.
It is agiuid thing fr the semi-civil-ized
tribes rescued from grinding
oppression, and a good thing for the
tiade of this country. Oregonian.
000,000, exclusive of th post olllce
department which cornea within a
few tuitions of paying its way.
Revenue now it coming in at the
rate of 325,000,000 a year, includ
ing about 1120,000,000 from the war
tixes, which, like the itittgley tailff.
have yielded more than tho estimate,
These result are due to a high degree
of prosperity, and tho prosperity is
due to the intelligent work of the
Republican dui initiation and the
confluence It Inspires. Tho new
congress, in both branch
es, will begin its labors without the
least misgiving as to revenue. It
is refreshing to find Democratic
papers urging a reduction in taxes.
When they had a Democratic admin
istration on their hands deficits piled
up steadily, and bonds were sold
largely to meet current expenses in
time of peace. Now, in time of war,
there is more than enough levenue,
but a different party is on deck,
The fierce character of the war in
the Transvaal, dt spile the assertions
that it is conducted along lines
adopted by nations calling therrselves
civilized, has over-shadowed opera
tions in the Philippines, where there
is daily fighting and against more
tremendous odds than fieneral White
encounters at Ladysmith, says the
Spokesman-Review, There arc daily
skirmishes in Luzon aii-l every cable
brings the news of Americans shot
down, of Filipinos destroyed in the
trenches. New regiments depart
daily on transports for Mmila, and
there is still active recruiting going
on in the United Mates to fill, the
skeletons of regimens formed in
the Philippines. Temporarily the
American people seem 10 forget that
America still has a war of her own,
which will require the expenditure of
millions of dollars and the sacrifice
of hundreds of Americans before the
rebels are subdued. It is peculiar
that tbc intense interest in Philippine
matters should be swallowed up in
The dearth of news from South tue new gensations afforded by the
Africa for the pv two lays cannot j 01erM10DS of Commandant Joubert
be considered good news, according
to the adage, in England, says the
Telegram. It may I that communi
cation has really been interrupted,
fs reported, which is itself net a
favorab'e fact for the lieleagurid
British tro-?, or it rosy be that tLe
only new lint can be sent out is not
encouraging, and so it is suppressed
for ti e present, in the hope tint the
tide of foitunp will turn. In the
meantime, however, the forces of
the li-iers are presumably augment
ing, while the Iliitish car.not be
Bi.iteri.-tHy reinforced for several days
vet, at levt. While's command
seems l be in a position of some
peril, while it is ei lent tint caitiui o! servers are mt so coi.f: lent
nleuit Ki.nVrli-y nnd Jlaftkteg es
they would !;ke tc be. The whole
si. nation is one of confident. !e
tiavi'-y, and only the arrival of I:rgc
reinforcements will c!.mi.ic it in
fivor of the I!, ili-h.
against armies composed of the next
best fighters in the world. Press
wires are no longer laden with
bulletins and accounts of tkirniisbes
and battles' in Northern Luzon, yet
lhee advances jtfisstss the s.'itac
significance now that they ili I a
twelvemonth aso. Perhaps the people
arc sated with news of bloody deeds
and Lave opj elite for none but
accounts of terrible slaughter. 1 hey
have lost caycrncs for news frcm
the front, perh tps for another re.von
the return of their volunteers frcm
danger and privation.
With the arrival of all regiments
at Manila the United Stalest ill have bti ;
business or social life; but let it be
announced that a prize-flight Is to
come off. ami they ate wild to get
"tho news." Men and women who
never buy a mcr, or even look at a
paper at other times, then are crazy
for It. Multitudes who would lake
but languid interest, or wouldn't
care at all if it were announced that
the whole American artuv in the
Philippines had been destroyed, will
sit up half the night to get tho news
of a piize-fight, and the-, remaining
half to talk about it. Well; we have
to deal with man as ho is, not on any
ideal theory. It will be a long time
yet till consideration will come like
an anucl, to whip the offending Adam
out of hint.
I' any of the European nations
believe that story that the United
Slates is seeking a "zone of influence"
in China they know very little about
the sentiment of the American people.
The United States wants no teintory
on the mainland of Asia. It would
accept none of it as a gift. We have
some valuable Islands in Asiatic
waters, the Philippines, but we are
not seeking any territory on the con
tinent in that part of tho world. All
the country wants in Chin is the
continuance of the "freo-for-all" con
ditions which have prevailed hither
to. These we probably 'will have.
Hut we have no desiie for possession
of any part of China.
The Pendleton East Oreguman
finds fau't witn (he style of the presi
dent's Thanksgiving proclamation.
It thinks each man ought to be al
lowed to frame his own Thanksgiving
proclamation. There is nothing to
prevent now. I Ins is a free country.
But we fear the Thanksgiving procla
mation of the East Oregonian would
not Ik-suitable leading for the gen
eral public, li respective of politics or
religlor. Salem Statesman.
The murder of a young man by
college biutality is none the less
iilroclous because it happens in an
educational institution. When this
form of crime Is properly punished
ho bsne'S will be q'lick to find some
other form of amuscintn'.
Carfrw ahall Mini- federal dir.. I la be
1 ubl Trala .Wvivlca to Wan Fram-laeo,
On October lo:h t!:- .S'tithi'rn Pacific
Co. will Inan'irate a "layli,i!it Ki
pref!," leaving Pwlland at 8 ;."! . in ,
iwi'I reaching an r'riie:e al 7:0 next
evening i o!y o:.e i. gt out. It -th
atari. lard I'liitriiaii and t.,urit r-li-rpor
aid te atiai-ht-d. Tliis new lriu la in
addition to the present 7 p. m. ShaMa
Overland, and will five iumiy paf i ti'Ti
i!t-irdl fi .-,iltn.ilr 0 v-a ti r- iiti-ili-
drt-m 0,', ieti I'uip'pia and S--ruii.entv
V'-e w it I., ml .a f.f iit,
ir:,l mil! in Oiklnn! un-l m
Kr i.i-i-f ) ht a ' u Tour.
A flXAXi I M. MAT.
'I hough an Amr-rican nrrr.y of (''',
OCiO mi n w ill be op-ralin on the
o!ln-r side o' the Pacific ly the end
of the cr.r (he n vi nue of the United
Swu s is ijre.'.ter thiiii the expmscs,
enis the (i o'uf-De nocr.-i'. Probably
no other courtiy ever relieved uch
a res'dt while proeciit:ng a war on
the same scale. I'Le treiury is
nhnd on the fiscil year which began
July 1st, and also ahead on the ten
month of lH:rj lUal have elapsed.
Last Octobr the ('elicit of ihe month
whs t .X,-l.-2ii;. This year there is
a surplus for Oe'.ober of 3. 000.000.
Th? first surplus since war piepnra
tions began ripjieared ht Match and
was followed by a surplus of over
J'i.OOo.OOO in May and June. The
f.tst monlh of the present fiscal year.
July, showed a deficit of ? t..Vi;,&.'J2,
but August, September nr,d October
w.'jk- that out with a inMgin of over
;j,0iM.niO. Sine J.-.nunry 1st last
tLc-re have been five month j with a
surplus aid four with a diGcit.
October calls for a heavy pciiiion
payment, but the welcome monthly
surplus is repotted ns has been usual
of late. Unless something unforeseen
happens there will be a handsome
surplus al the end of the fiscal year.
Before the war the nnru-il expanses
of the government were about 375,-
in lha Philippines an army nearly
equil in point of numbers and fully
fU il in point of courage and fight
iug aliili'.y to th annus of Oencral
ir Rrdveis Puller. The rivalry
between news centers will then be
more keen. It may be possible to
record thectf tcrc of scveial thotu
sn 1 rebels in n l unch, or the capture
of apparently impugnable entrench
ments with a h:mdf:l of men. Iie
tween the in South A'rica, the
rebellion in the Philippines, revolu
tions in South and Central Ameriia
and native uprising in Sjuth Sa
i-ands, China and Mexico, wars ot
l-iiig il's'.Huce may soon become so
popular that no wcil regulutcd nation
can do without them.
CIT IMfn . ! T anit
trr.A I., n.. Hl y-'Ur
a.iv,! tH h.iM mltn
snjiJ) fully.
A numbtrol minor and ulto linporUnt
Oueniiuits roiic-minn lha lulerrsta ul the
city wr brought up tx-fora Its eounril
last night at inn chum tiers lieu tha
follviwiiitf wr pretvnt : Cuiineiluirn A.
Keller, II. Cu.ngli, S. Johiit, K. S. tiun
ning, C. F. Siaplirna, Win. Ishi kelhird,
Jaitivi Kallwy nud K. V. U iliun.
After tha uiloutet ol the previ.iu
meet inn mere diieime.l with, a petit mn
from tha Kleetric Mgttt Coiupanr, U. K.
I.iiighliu and others was nail, asking
perniltion to put In a sidelraek on Hrjt
street, near bh.ek 5. lii iiiolmu ol Wil
son this was relernd to the cuuiiiilltee
on streels and public properly.
A (wlitinn (rout L. Kobinon was than
read, arklug that lha cliy reliiud to Itiiu
the til in ol 118.-10, tha net ol a hor
that was iinixiuiiileil and told by tha,
city. Tha matlar was referred to tha
tin line co.iiinlllea.
Ciiiniiing introduced ordiimnea No. j
304, making il a paaaliy to hi sit or lake !
rocks (rom any public street or HJre
In tha city, mheihrr open or otherwite, '.
without peruiifiion of tha luarnhal. On
motion, lha ordinance was isfil.
At tha last meet ing tha bid ol llrnwii
A Jonri lor lite onttiuclion of lha iin-
provauients on l-cderal street (ruin
Fullou, was submitted, and last night j
tha tame was rejected, being connidnieil
too high. Oa motion of Johns the cny
was aillhoriitHl to expend -HH) on Ihej
proposed improvement, on the condition j
that lha properly owners in tha vicinity 1
donate the amount already uhteriUM
and lueiitinued on tha (uheciiption to
the council. Also the further cindiuon1
tltat the proper conveyance ol iteresry i
property ba made. It was estimated lha ,
cut will ha about fiOO, and the work i
will be under lha supervision ol the
city. j
ll was concluded by the ctuncil that
hereafter all hi.U lur hailltng the tire
engine, etc., to Urea be lleiiiine-l to at l
tpeeify lha appuratu doing Ihe hauling.
Alto that tha billt bo preaeltted al the
lieit regular mreilng after the lire !
orcurt. The finance committee
alloaed further' lime to consider Ihe hill
of II. liuiham for hauling engine to
fire. I
On motion ol (iunning it at ordrred
t mt the city xecuto ileedt 10 J. C.
O'l.etry and Si. K. Urixikt (or city lott. '
'! arcou'tt of tnialliK x lie lug to pr
4lent throughout Ihe ttata tha niaHer
of the condition of the cityet hou.e
was brought up ami rftrred to the!
"ouiuiillee on ttretland puhln' ( n- erl v. !
Tnatulj'ct of tin curfew ordinal i-e;
a t r.,il,-lit up st the liW nieeiii g anil :
last night tho iiurthul wat Julhiriied to
enfurea tha tatnr. I
Since tha road tx casta rurtesieil
ere iiii id e-1 in luvor of tha idly, tin
round instrueleil tt.a In cIU t lor l.
vigorously pruceed with the coKeetiou.
After the report i f the ollirert were
rea'l and provril, the on i.i il ad
j nirned to ine.-t 01 Mo;pI.iv, the 13. li.
The follow ing hill acre ordered pal I :
Ths following lines are lo be found al
Mays &
linden To'iln, Peep Well Pomp
I' o.U-r and I'ullnii lint
Wuiehefrr and Murllil Uitlot, lalrtt litoJels
Kirhing Tai -kit)
. . i 1. 1...
iviev eie Rflil .-iiiiui luimm immi I 1 1 MHO r lltlliia
. :.i t- I ....I.i...a II.. i. ,-, . "
r in 1 1 ii iirnen inu h--iui,vi nam n ira ami ni:r.
Har 1ii.ii ml M,.i
It Kekuniil,', t
Wagon Maker's xuppii,,
tough! Iron I'M , p,,,,,
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
Wa will replace every piece II found rutted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete Line of
Planet Jr. titrdiirt Tmta Ituthfnnl Wt,,nt
J.ililt heel I'low and Harrow Itaelne Knggiet tn-l Carriagr
llean .prv 1'niiint llurkev and I'lano Moaera an. I ;,-r,
Cuilivalora and litk Harrow Tiger Drill, lighted Uraft,
Our stock of
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
It complete in every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsawherc) examine our Stock.
Ili-h Grado Stock Saddlos
and Shop-Made Harness.
Tenia, Wagn Covert, and all art;r!e ii.iially
kept lit a tlnl-i laM hail. en thnp.
Thl Stamp a Uviarantaa
T .- -Ill-
.M.wrii B r-l.oiiM',
of Quality.
. ua- i .
talaslla. emm
tatiii'iMtd try it
un at 7iur rts i ps
jitr-a uffl'- mn-t
l ir t ii f f , a
n is .r
v or Iifr4
Thi Circular P!mh Ct'X Jrj7.Tt'?oVS,V.,
The Orc'Hiuri ei-nftihly rciiiark:
T. e ingcrntss ith which fiorti if
s pr:z-(L-ht nie awnilel hy great
crowd, and the enormous increase
of orders for newspnpers id which
the reports are expected, arc facts
which to to prove that there arc vi I
Diiiliiturtcs who ti.kc little or no
intcient in the (ircnt afTaiis of the
world, nnd (e k newspapers only
when reports are expected of cveiits
of vile or vicious clurncter, which
ought in fact never to be leportcd at
all. Whit enres the tirr-nt mvs of
t'io?e who run enperly nftcr the news
of prize-fijflit what events of the
sort llint m ft l;e lavtory, decide the
course or dcs'Iny of nations, clmnjje
I llo.i It.. I- Tt, r'S. lull lw-P, IIIM-.1
Oir'.flii'.t .-lt l w14 Ml., la ai.fc, mrrm. IT-
.inratf .nhftill llh ualMM br.M i -I bt l
hM ti-.i. . II .i .-,l.l Tili...l ' nf-iii -I wlh .itii
ftr.v t-,. ThlW, rmr. f Mr!tiM tia .-lllr.a
ra, ulia tlaM . !.. wlu.n. lili
r.s-.t .ak 3, W l ' I I f f O 7 C
is i iuifl r -9 fit i j
). out
tic ir SH-iarttl sttasl v !), Mot mumhri
sWiaa p4 sts krstvt, tha
r tssW rl, a-aja,a at a atatator srawam, mt.
Wsj il.-r.' H-rki,y . ai m ,
C. :.., ..l.ff BlSSa-B. t I-
vrol! mrni Irt It on t 'ir ftr
)ipr a tffm, m4 H tm4 sisrt 7
r tk wot sssswlt I
j n m ww ItatsrsJ mr4
) I (of tan tmm aVil
t.Ml. - V tt.a ta-t.f)- mj-Hvt fM tl
mmLdOM rttiin, 92.70. ki4
1 111 U . U I "-TO"!! !r t.f m
t if. y MMrtf, RiKlM fr-'tn ltattj
'erfjtra-r f. lu tSwl"', mwmmt ! I n
(tt f II Iffh, 'i ntern t,tit..,
rMtrs-r ''I" I I'Ssf . ts-' a r I I;.)' I Mull r,
yTT"T'fit e."a-J .,,. B'. 1 1 tilr fr.f
Iv.rri . im r ft 1, r,1 tamt4
MHIt.Tt.IH i-r-r-M 'v t(. ,.r
tl v r, l.rlff Ii'.n,i r frm f talk ta,l
C' V i!'-liint-r'-- rp ft '. 0,
alIWtF 1 w frimMtr.l"'.', writ f.,f
liT a- ri.trt W'StH . t I. 4 'Mr as.
Af19, rOEBUCK & Co. (net Cnt' ACQ,
TRHSSFSt65ot 31.25 AND UP
I'. sirs rsHi TVstN a I
I rti(lil fHUfU (m tnsin ctrsthirr
th prl'-si tt.ri"l T.t of)"., (ia Wl
Sua'U to fir rou MitTi. f't
m lili..-t y i wi I -ll f r ) TrtJ nt f
sil the affairs of tl.c world, msy be Jl'V,iJ!4.'Vi.'.'ila C" i7"-T. ,,',7,
transrurinz fro'n dnir to dav in tin. i .. .i.h... .,oi.i- tih.i.i
, r'.i!r-t, wifii.-r
Tour quaitcn of tl.c glol.c? They
do not want a newjpoper for these
Itiingi, nor for opinion or discussion
o' cj alters lLat relate to morals, re
ligion, education, politics, Industry,
wf lt.-b, "ill Ih.j i,n a ll!i II
1'il.ur. my vl.all-.r -n flil '-r l.n.M.
r.'l - will aiflKf I - ii to r'-w i'l II or.-l.r
tr-ltrtf ir II I, i r..l Mad .l ! Irn. laM
r.i,ll M tar tlmi- r prli-a.r'-ucan nr.urp itaixl wa
will return our monoy.
WTTtSf)fSCt TRUSS rtl Oil!;
w"lr.-. I-- I. -. ' ai-i'H In- SO 1 C
6CAKS, ROEBUCK 4 Co. Chiiaco
N 11 Hughe, marshal
tieo l'.roan, a-iirftn-'r
li A I'l.liii-KM, liil.t a atcliiiml. .
C J Crariila'l, tri uoiirer
Neil tialea, i-eiriler
Iiailn City wisler w.jrk water
Ofear John run, watching at lire
I W llaKeii -y, hail. lug
Wm He, itie. fitiliiie
It II ll.xxl, haillinir
June Like,;
.luliii V. Kerg'iann, hauling
Ward A li'jhinton, t-a:n hire . . .
H W I. itiiu. re, lil'ii eliiiuiiey. . . .
W A Johnson, rii'le .. .
Klw.rtr I. il.t Cn. light fur
Aog, hept and )et
Ka!p:i I'-ijie, :) unit ia ho. iI. . .
I in., a M. iinl jiih i r, a Iv i r i- im
I'.urt I'uiniihry. . inir ik,- ....
K h (inr.ii;, rr(Mjr
IIih ialia l.iiinl.ering t'o, inline
and w ood
K"i tier, la'n.r (ill einein
cufert A Cod-hii, T-i-t hi ne V;
tflept.iiiiH rent for Nov
Mav iV t'riiwc. imNr ... ,
)r, alti-ni'f j ii-,rn?r
I (' Niekclii, iihU-
A Saml'rek, repair" on l.ote cart.
Hugh tilenn, imlp
I I ivtera ,v to, In in her
Z V Momlr, coal
A IJiipiharr, lahor
T T Kannr.n. Ialir
Krni at i'alton, lalur . . ........
Win Morganfielil, lalmr
Chat .lonr-a, lahor
W J llarria, lh..r
.I.mio Kane, hauling
A H Catlirart, hauling
iJhnt Ohamiilln, work on riMern
laek SianleN, Ulior on citern. .,
N l lliivhe. killinir ldira
J II Jui ken,, ttriret,iiii.i,iier
Oi l. . :l cah g-npral fund, f .1713 7"
Ilcc'd during Octohcr fij j
T.,tal rfc ipt- sp;pj 19
Warrants issm 1 fin Hj
Inlereatori ti..nii 1110 (ill
Total diahtirscnirrits Ili.'i3 1!5
liaiaiH.oi n hand Nov. 1 2;',f) h
7 i i)
ui ui
I'll (i.
.' 0 tl
60 r ii
1 ;,o
2 I'-S
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j ri
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It OUR $38.50
t& : ''.r.Vvi-Vv
I." Lr-i -i'i: 'i ' V.1 This Sriillo l ntndn on a 15'ior
It- l l ''i '!' , .V'"1 lf.-lit.H Com. Ino L.o1e ta Of
r.'i -1 li . ' v 1 II holuon H Sl..-l l-ork....
I 'ff J I I ' ' .- .. f I u:i I I I I ! I I ' 1 l I V VMHI I i m
t 1 TBI sA
IX a.ltaail
1ft I -lH
mt ttoiaua.
I'-lI'MU'r ttCltXI. HK.H (iPADF JJ''
t flflgbl . I. I. ua' 1 Saaia.atS)S
you Ci t. AMINE it ;;;,"'
(rlaatty Mli-laM Isal J . S )-. I i t fa sr Sttosj,
An Kiri Flno Mlh Cr.ii8artrtl
'- a iiat i i !)' ' t r r- - r ! fS.
tit.n.XXV"'. CL'S PKISE, $33.50.
TSit 6 IS fc'Aftr-. r"THASj!'PS"
r.. I- - ' ' r '.. l- (. 1
. , ,. -.1 vt. .1 . t I 1 1 - I
l... .n" a. i H - li. - i I- T
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.i.wti.-.te , ... a-.. ...... -.v i...
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mu. Aa.ii, RORttUCK tk CO. lln.)t CHICAGO, ILLINOIS
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Iwniiarrk'a Iron arva
Wja the res.i'.t ol hin mlid l.fallh.
Indomituhle III and treincndont energy
are not found whero ntomaeh, liver,
kidneys and howels are cut of.order. II
yon want these qualities and the tuceeaa
they bring, ue Dr. King's New Life
Pill. They ileliip every timer ol
hrain and Only 2 at Itlakeley
A lloiighloti' drugstore. j
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line
of taint ami artitt's hrusher.
... CUARANTf tO ...
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t..u Maw Automatic trier
torSmala Barrel BraeoH
LDtinna aiiuiaui
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lector ft In Ml hurrttl irai n Lt-ktai linear bfiotswun Oft th
maarssawi it h;ii.i j ii) I"M tMt aVM;riitr ss aiin.iier, a r aMllfc rtT
m - kr l H ts-r fi'iV In U' Iff t nl m Ion, r1nrUH' n I smf r ts ."
r'Hiit nf prt-s. ttii i si riii it i fsi i r ui it ferr,k H4. uriui 11 1 V' w, M
MADE BY THE NEW V0HK HW3 Cf). 'r"" n'" ;f;r;.rt--,,
) a i t., - Milt, I li llr, . h, . if, .r-sm k . rial Mi St - ru la
Iwhti n iiis afifu i- in'"
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rli.g Iuim utrcvi vu vur an.aiil Nil K lim H - ma I 4TMa . ilLs
8f AR3, ROEBUCK at CO. tlno.', CNH-avv,
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