WEEKLY ilil Cfr rmtxcie VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1899. NO. 7 Rl'ilOli NOT VET CONFIRMED U Laivsmiib Has Been IcTcMcd Might Be Possitile. RUMORS OF ALL KINDS AFLOAT Out j l i n White II J Retreated British War Office lonlsta Tbrre d Xeva of Further llocr Movements. Nov. 3. While there It habit Iiitk In aaaniue that the liawt i.l Br victories emanating from tin Continent f n not be true hecatiae o( I lt eoorthip, !)) (act I forgotten that foreign g'Vernniente ara fully privileged toMndand receive cipher tiiegr In ml frutu their representative In 1 1 Africa. Wljile tli wiret to Ladytiullh ara nil, Iht optimism of Ilia war bltlclalf to even balitve that Ltdytnillt) wat com pletely inverted or Co'nnto capluted, epara to b ju.tificd, aa tlilt morning It wat Married lhal tlia railroad Is allil opvn, lliuogh traffic has been cuuducled with tti irratpit notion. What, however, wat only rumor yttterday evening, It It claimed may t a raalitr at any mutuant, a General Joubert with hit large and' wonderfully aoblt force, It expected la detach a for cv uf several thousand uitn anj make a dnh at tli railroad. Romort of all klmla rt tiiriilng np liar. It la tven aertcd that General W hit haa been compelled to fall hack on IVterinarltsburg, leaving hit wounded behind. Prola'ily inch ramort have their origin in roliiTiiui o( tlia ouiiuout tilanea which preceded tlia evacuation ol Dundee, llut.on tha other hand. It la sttrrled ilia conditions ara altered ami th Kriii.li v ii n a teeru uiort than equal to tlia artillery of tha Boers, thin en hancing lha dilllculty of any assault or. Ilia Hiiinh lines. L.Mhix, Nov. s Tha war offlra thlt afiri.o,n, replying to Inquiries, aaM that no iiihiriiiatlon had been received tliaraol (re.ii l;IM.r movements at(.'oleneo 0' elwwhera. The nfllclalt were not aaare il tha railroad to I.adytiiiith wat lotact or not. Report of Uot-r Losses. Lni.x, N,v. S. Belated dispatches If u in tha llrilirh camp ! I.aI yiiiHlh ail I lill'a Inlorniation r tj rtl i ri ai Monda"'t fight except estimate of tlia Iloer loates, hich ara now aalj to be ninety-five killed ami 200 wounded, mostly victimt ol artillery shells, which hava wrought "n il Rival liavoe that it la tald General Joubert hat wrltteo A letter to General Whita, Ilritiah cujiiaiandvr, proteatiiift tlia n.a of lydjite. Arcording to all account! , the preaenre at I.ailytinith of longrranga naval (una nd the aplemlij ahooting of tha blue irkp, have materially Improved the trillion of the Brltiati. A temporary rrii,ti-e wat declared Monday evening, to allow the collection of dead and oil tided. A Cajie Town dlapatch report! the re P"l" of the Itoert by the llrltltli yec terilay, Arrrted fur Kurglary. Eu-a-Kanmo, Waah., Nov. 2. A tele fiu wat received from FherllT Brown, tCle Klum, thlt afternoon, aaylqg he d arreated a man on tnaplcion of be lnU ll robber of the Hehinke jewelry lore hare yesterday. The flloiv had "''I a waich or two and a few rtngt. il:lm Kahmke at once drove op, a litnre of twenty-five mller, and tele l'pl,rd back that ha had Identified the jowelry. Thit ia all that It known that f". but the mppoaition la that all ol "r1y all the alolea property bat been 'wind. Free Deliver) fur Baker. I!"t City, Or., Nov. 3. Baker Ciiy'e free delivery lyetem, to aniioualy '"it walled for by all, will lie Inatigu 'ed Nov. 10. Three carriert bave been ri'ointed, Walter Mecham, Charlea Kl''nnr and Koy Corev, with 11. Corey "'tra man. Blizzard In St. Loui. sr. I.OI M, Nov. 2. A veritable blit rd reached here today. Fnow began Mling eary n tlt morning, tut melted fl at It fill. The mow wai ac compani-d by high , and a le. e!drd droit In the ti.i,i.raliiie. Fniijlit tara Are Tuo Few. I'a.M.l.inoM, N. .-Sblppert are con ttanlly railing lor car., and they ara nowada)t being denia.l them, an much to tha regret ol the railroad nfliclala ai to the Inconvenience of tlm ahipper. Wool Indu.tilea, lumU-r inillr, liveHork lnlere.it and all clunaet of activitiea in thlt Inland Kinpira are calling fur cam, and the ilemaud apneam to U lar in . cett of the anpply. Thia ia true with regard to th vlieat lying untold, and not moving from tho warehoux't of 1(H) lownta'ongll.eO. It. AN. and Wa.hing. ton A Ciluiiibia K.ver and Ni.nl.ern I'aciflc. One linn of fuel dealertin I'eudlcton hat IJOOcordnof wood pileil up at Meach-a-r , ready for the market, it)i adMiiaul preoaing in the ektri'iiie, and yet they era compelled yeeterday to refu a re 'uel f.,r filtv tonla to one ruttomer, merely hi iiia they were unahlu to pro VUie cart in ahich to nhip. Fatally Injured In I'uotb.ill Came. IMii imi, Cat., Nov. I Kroru the ef fecta of liijiirii-a enttained In tho Inter c!at game of f.tolhail on the college cariipiie at tho ntata linivernty lale ye irrilay afierii'Hui, Jr. Nurrit Hick, a rnlor itudent In the college ol mining, died In thit city today, lluaal tlrurk in the neck while making a hard tackle, and the Idow ellVcted hit apine, for paraiytit followed Innlantly. THEIR CAVALRY IS GONE The Amci icaa Lossc Sliijht Rebels Lost Heavily in Killed, Wounded and Ciplurcd'. American Loss, One Killed, Two Wounded. WABiiiNi.ro, Nov. 3. The war de partment haa received the follow ins; cablegram : "Manila On November 1, Lieutenant Slavena and eighteen men reennnoitered in MacAithiir'a front, and elriick forty or more intrenched Inturgentn. They Immediately attacked and difperned them, killing three and wounding a number. No caenaltiea. "Yetterday, in l.awton'a advance at Aliago, he ttrnck the enemy both wct ami touth ol the city. Bataon't .Macleb erout. reconnollerii.g auiith, ttruck the Inturgeiita in ambih. Lieutenant Hou Iclle arm killed and one tcout wounded. ILitaon routel the enemy, and left "even dead In the thli kett. "Yeaterday Hell, of the Thirty-tilth volunteer", with regiment an I tro; of the Fourth cavalry, cleared the country of all armed Innurgenta from Florida ltlanca toa connlderableiiittance beyond I'orac, purtuing them into the mountain", capturing nine of their cavalry force", teveral gun", contlderabie property, killing, wounding and capturing a number of the enemy. The Inturgenta' cavalry of that aection ia practically deelroyed. Boll'a catnalties were one man killed and two wounded. OTIS." It will not be a turpriue to any who are at all familiar with the good qnalitiea of Chaiulerlain'a Cough liemedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure In relating their experience in the ute of that aplcndld medicine and in tailing of the benefit they have re ceived from It, of bad col.lt It has cured, of threatened atlackt of pneumonia It bat averted and of the children It hat taved from attacka of croup and whoop ing cough. It It a grand, good medicine. For aale by Biakelev A Houghton, drug- glata. . Tare ahunt. There will be a turkey and pigeon thoot on the beach Wedneeduy and Thuraday, Nov. 2!Uh and 30th, conducted by A. Y.'Marah and Iiiaao JiileJ. td-d. Clarke A Fa Ik have a full and com pete line of houe, carriage, wagon and bain painlt manufactured by Jamct K. 1'atton, of Milwaukee, Witconain. Mr ! -'- rr.TZWrnr.ii i imThia ..K.lkltK.I. "'T", ..u.B.llv !"' - u r m MAN H n' '' . I,. nr. or .e..il l..r..; ' - " ';i7r;V;V,mr."i m y ,..i ' ; " ....... - '-'"'" Te." 7. :.. CUT OFF Csmplctc Investment of Lsiysmifo iy lbs Eocrs. BRITISH EVACU ATE COLENSO Juuhcrt'a Force Open Fire on General White' Camp, and a Terrible Artillery Duel Is in Progress. Iimjon, Nov. 4. The war office bat i'aoed the following announcement: "The colonial oflice hat received In formation to the effect that the BritUh troopt have w ithdrawn from Colensoar.d have concentrated further touth, but we have no newt of any engagement In that neighborboo I." Tne evacuation of Colenro It un doubtedly a mo"t "eriont matter for the t'rltith in Natal, aa it not only teatiflet to the complete inveatment of Ladytmith by the Boer", hut maket the relief of (irneral Sir (ieorge Stewart White an extremely dillicult operation. Colento it the point where the railway from l.adyruiitli cro"ea lie Tugela river, which It li tw In II xid. The teriou'snefa of the evacuation, however, liet in the (act that Command-aut-(ieneral Joubert, while comoletely inventing Sir (ieorgn White at Ladyamith can teige thit Tugela bridge, and, if be hat "ullicient trooa, can detach a force and mnd it southward on Fietermaritz burg, and, In any carte, by deatioying the bridge and railway, can preveot any relief expedition reaching Sir George White for tome time. Military men optimistically predict that deneral Joubert will wilhdraw from Natal immediately Sir Bed vera Buller't force en ten the Orange Free 8iate, but the later cannot be far on bit way, for a lea-1 three or four weekt, and even fien Cieneral Joubert may not decide to intercept tho Britiah on the Free State'a open veldt, which would tint the Ilriliuh admirably, but be limy wait until the last moment, and then proceed by train back to Pretoria and take up ttrong defentive potilione on the range of hiila lying In front of Johantieabiirg and Pretoria. Thus General Joubert might remain in Natal aeveral weekt lonuer endeavoring to force Sir George White into capitulation, the dettruction of the Tnge'a river bridge helping him in cutting off Britirh relief. Moreover, another -Bier force it re ported to bave marched through Zulu land in the direction of Ihirban and al ready to have reached tho Natal frontier. Tim", it will be teen the poaition in Natal, taking Into consideration a poatible n prising of the ditaffected Dutch, it much disquieting, and, In fact, may be described at critical. British rein forcement! in any event cannot reach Pin bin before the end of next week. MIMS GETS FIVE YEARS Also Required to Pay a Fine of One Thousand Dollars. Pendi ktos. Or.. Nov. 4. Judge Low ell thit morning pasted tentence upon Kdwin L. Mlui". convicted of man- alaughter in tho killing of J. Henry Miller on the night of August 23, I8SW, in Millert'e saloon. The detente bad moved the court for a new trial, and for .ettinir aside of the verdict, setting up the finding of new evidence, and the fact that the jury bad merely coin promised in reaching a verdict and In timating that the jury, Instead of con tidering the rlghta of thedelendent, bad been actuated by motives of economy in saving the county further expense, which would be incurred in c"e of a disagreement. Thit motion, Judge Iiwell denied. Tune for passing si ntence having been waived by the defendant, Judge I.owc!l pronounced the judgment of tho court, which was tlmt be be confined in the ttato penitentiary for a term of five years, and that he won to pay a fine of 1000. Mima v.t l"n remanded in the custody of the sheriff, and the Minis case, the most celebrated ever tried in Katlern Oregon, wat at an end, unlett an appeal shall be taken to the supreme court. WAS CHAIRMAN DICK'S STATEMENT Predicts a Plurality of Not Less Than Fifty Thousand for Judge Nash. Coi.t'Miics, O., Nov. 4. Chairman Dick, of tin Republican ttate committee, tonight gave out the follow ing statement, forecasting tho result of the election in Ohio: "The situation it entirely satisfactory from a Republican standpoint. The larg est Tote ever polled In a state campaign will be cast, approximating iloO.OOO. (kin ceding Mr. Jonea from 75.000 to 100,000 votes. Judge. Nath'a purality will not tie lest than 50.000 in the ttate. The legisla ture will be Republican in both branchet." Chairman Seward, of the Democratic committee, hat to far declined to make any statement. Democrats Ignore Silver. Chicago, Nov. 4. The Chronicle, will say: "The first nninbcr of the Democratic National Bulletin, the weekly publica tion of the Democratic national com. in it tee, will appear today, under the auspices of its new editor, Sam B. Cook. It will be chiefly remarkable for its failure to dincust the silver question, except in one or two unimportant para graph", which were Inserted to ju-tify columns. "Thearticlet which it will contain will deal altogether with trust! and imperial ism, and it it understood to be Mr. Cook's policy to limit the discussion of public questions in the Bulletin to these two issues and matter affecting the national administration, so long at be petforms the duties of editor. "The significant thing about the omis sion of silver articles from the Bulletin ia that Mr. Cook it supposed to be acting under orders from the chiefs of the na tional committee. He said vee'erday, in speaking of hit work at editor: 'I will endeavor, in preparing matter for publication in the Bulletin, to represent faithfully the Ideas ol a majority of the members of the national committee. The object of the Bulletin w ill be ' i dissemin ate ideas on current questions that are likely to be features of the next national campaign.' " ELECTIONS TAKE PLACE TODAY List of Those That Are Slated Six States Elect Governors All Eyes on Ohio. Chicago, Nov. f. Elections will be held in twelve states tomorrow : Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Maryland and Massachusetts will elect governors and other state officers; Nebraska a judge of the supreme court and two re gents of the state university; Penn sylvania a treasurer and judges of the supreme and superior courts; South Dakota three justices of the supreme court; New Jersey and Virginia legis lature!. In New York itate, member! of the lower branch of the legislature are to be choeen. County and judicial officers are to be elrcted in four counties of Greater New York. There are five tickets in Ohio, five in towa, tix in Kansas, two in Mississippi, three in Nebraska, two in South Dakota, three in Maryland, five In Pennsylvania and five In Massachusetts. In Kansas and Colorado, connty officert are to be elected, and municipal elections .will be held In San Francisco, Salt Lake, New Orleans and IH'troit. , SEND 50 CENTS -:?,'., II. I toti mil Mtbrsle. L RIHlt 1.1 II A DJ iiirfis I'. O. fc. Mhtorl ta Ml aetata.. It im fitas L IWrt A tr !. iiimiIf IiiM t umvtit ot KrtaS DraillY, PSIIm-i nwit nittJ vrry lulil in ilt aha f HnmUonirlv htUttl arMaee) mnsJ knlc Itttl IttlaM wlHp la kart, rHIalaM mmm4 if. Knitff rlMnl ati'uratf I? frtttl tlh rait! Oflw, IwlwM afar I xltla Amfiicail Shaatr palml atsat, Aiittanr-M altWI aUItrl talluraca. A tfnUtal 100 QUITM, rowfrful nl awt LI M.t bani auailit otf! .Irt aatl a talaaftlf laMrat- I, liiiTMrlit-tl tiiMip'f" with an wiraara I dat fit Itl'fi t-a In- tii onr how U play H K ilK THI 4 MM at taar rtM aM h " f"""1' '" an rrl'Wai-tittil and ! 7f tho erraM-! aarsjata jmm tirruatr at-artl of ija MXiv III. eil'rt-fa llt "l 1J.D3 -vi 83 .it- at. U att tiar faanrea am the rin- l1ftt iMitm It yourw. tuiiif at'tlun fUaW- ifai4 ,r tiii-ittv r-wfiiriiicit In full. special premium OFFER. ;;,;,7;;;;;;;? v,?;.."' I'riih lii fml t!l aCMd a Ulifivt! taettirtl Wart, It W an tvureit irut'le, havtim all notrn. t'li fhanw ami flat In fi.il Yirw. aii'l can r ra H ailjiti-tl to inr ir tit tar without fliatmli'ii thf ims'Mimsjnt. W Ith tti !ir .f lha letl'ni nncrrh.tnrtl ftttvopa ,tn Irain t !la without tin' alii ot it nv It.T. Wrltr for fut mn-l.-nl lntniiTit and piann ami nrjran ratalotfU. Rterylalac t tiwexl waolfkalo arle.-w, Aililrt'"". SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO.. CHICACO (Man, BotkMk I (otmw M nlitUt. Ulwil ANXIETY IN LONDON TURNED Toward Piteraaritz-am Enelist Giy ici Atteatisn la Gea. Jaabert.! PLANS TO CONQUER.NATAL Such a Movement is Regarded as More Daring Than Shermm'sjMarcb to the Sea. Losdqm, Nov. 6. The movement of Boert in Cape Colony is beginning to awaken British fears that they bave greatly underestimated tho forces tbey will have to meet, and thatjGeneral Buller't tak it not to easy as antici pated. It is becomicg appareot that all British Cdlcultiti'jnsl'jised on the loyalty of the population are hopelessly at tea, or there hat been a very serious leakage o(, Dutch sympathizers from Natal and Cape Colony. Otherwise there is no accounting for the large forces of burghers reporteil from all directions. The war office is consequently being urged t3 bave more troops in readiness for all poesible de mands. Londjn, Nov. 6. An immense weight was lifted from the pubiic mind by the brief dispatch published this morning by which the continental ttories of dis aster at Ladysmtth were proved to be false, although the dispaU-h itself re vived anxiety of the timid in another direction, as it indicated that General White, Instead of sitting quietly and acting only on the defensive, as it is held in many quarters he ought to do, persists in making sorties and risking another Nicholsen'j Nek disaster. Generally, however, the cheery tone of the dispatch showing there is no anxiety at Ladremith as regards the ability of the beleagtued garrison to bold its own, has had an excellent effect on the country. From the fact that White Is able to take the offensive and shell the Boer camp, it seems I.adysimiu is not so closely besieged as was sup posed. Not much importance, however, is attached to the shelling of the Boer laager, as the war office b.is no confir mation of the story that the Orange Free Staters' camp at Bestera has been captured. Were this true, it might have considerable effect on the future atti tude of the Orange Free State, w hich is not so directly concerned in the conflict as the Transvaal. Tbeevacuation of Coleneoand reported withdrawal of the British from Storm burger is still unexplained. The former may be due to either the B.ier artillery rendering the place untenable or to the fact that pressure elsewhere, possibly at Piteriuaritzhurg, has necessitated con centration at the threatened point of all available troops. With regard to Storm- berg, it is claimed that if it turns out to be true that the place has been evacuated it may either be due to impossibility at present of providing an adequate garrison to defend such important tuppliet against Boer raids, or to a change in Butler's plans, whereby General Menhulne's division will be landed at Dunham to relieve General White. If the latter plan is decided on, the nearest available ttoret are at Stormlierg and the quickest method ol making the necessary provision for advance will be to railroad these stores to Etet London, whence they would reach Durban before the first tionpship. HIS ESCAPE IS IMPOSSIBLE News of a Big Engagement is Expected at Any Moment, and Sanguine 0f!iiials Assert That War May Be Ended by the Close of the Present Month. Nkw York, Nov. fi. A sjecial to the ; Herald from Washington lays: With ; forces aggregating more than 30,000 j lighting men, Generals Lawton, Mc- Artbur i d Wheaton tie now closing in on Agulnaldo's army. General Otis set November 5 and 0 as the dates for commencing the campaign "all along; the line," and the war department has information today that th programme Is being carried out. General Otis' dis patches are optimistic in the highest degree, and the r fficia's aro predictirg that the rebellion will tie cru ihed before the end of the present month, and that important victories will be announced within a few days. New Yobk, Nov. 6. A special to the Herald says : Tho military situation was tbus ana I) 7..-d toi'ay riy an official familiar with General Otis plan of operation, as re ported to the war department- "Aguinaldo, with his army greatly re duced, owing to recent disintegrations, it at Bayauibang, twenty miles north of Tarlac, which wat his headquarters and the objective of l.awton'a and Mac Arthur's armies np to a fortnight ago. "General MacArthnr moves north ward along the railroad to Uayambang. General Lawton moves northward from Culanatuan as bit base' and with columns terving to the right and left to sweep the country to the Rio Ano river, and to bead off Aguinaldo'a escaps to the mountains through Rio Agno valley. "General Wheaton moves southward) from Dagnpan to Bayam'r.ang. His move ments up to this time have leer kept from the public, bat now that the cam paign is in pn gress, I am at liberty to mention that be beaded an expedition sent out on transports for the Gulf of Lingayen last week. The navy's task was to shell the tewesonthe sontberm part of the gulf, so as to effect the tafe landing of his expedition. "Unless Aguinaldo has etciped to the eastward through the R'o Agno valley, he ought to be caught between General Wheaton's forces from the north and) General MacArthur'e from the sontbt within the next forty-eight hi urs, as Piyambang, where he is supposed to he Iceated, is lees than twenty miles from Dagupan and about forty u.iie-t fr. ia Angeles." Ilia l.lfo Vt aa Sai rl Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannihal, Mo., lat ;ly had a wonder ful deliverance from a f rightlul death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with t7phe'd fever, that r.m into pneu monia. My lungs became har.lei.el. I was so weak I couldn't even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heird of Dr. King's New Dii-overy. One bottle gve great relief. I con tinued to ii o it, and now am weil snd strong. I cin't siy tx much in its praise." This mnrveilous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and hi ng trouble. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Triai Lottie tree at Blakeley A Houghton's ding et ne; every bottle guaranteed. 3 Hobact Growing Weaker. Patterson, N. J., Nov. 3. Although) Vice-President Hobart is resting easy this morning, it is admitted he ia gradually grow ing weker. His failure to take nourishment n sufficient quan tities is responsive f-T l.i. t'acd By litltii.li K.,i.iirr ia Aft lea Capt. C. (. Dennisoti is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured tire famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 184)7. from Vryburg, Bccbuanaland, he writes i "Before starting on lt iat c. mpiign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DW'rhce. Remedy. which I used myself wben troubled with bowel complaint, and had i ive i io my men, and in every case it p'O.'ed mo t beneficial." For sale, by Blakeley Jk Houghton, druggists. Yuur t arw Shows the state of your fee in;i and the state of your health as well. Impure b'.ocJ makes itself appirent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples auil Skin Et apt ions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have healthy appearance you should try Acker' Bloc J Elixir. It cure nil blood diseases where cheap Saraparii'a nd so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley A Hon thton, druiti-MS. Vulcanie tbruftloD Are grand, but sain eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnici SaU e carta them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felonr, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Bums, ;ScUIs, Chapped Hand", Chilblains. Bet P.le cure rn earth. Drives out pa n and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. J I had dysi epeis titty-fev.-n years and never found permanent relief till I nsedl Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man,'' writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is fie best digettant known. Cures nil forms of in digestion. Physicians everywhere pre scribe it. Butler Drug Co.