The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 04, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Wedneaday'a Plty.
A. J. IX.iwIa it In from IHifur.
Mr. F. L. Morruw.ol Wasco, i In the
E. C. Fiti Patrick is a Tygh visitor In
tha city.
Alf. Alleu wa iu from Trineville
Kate Bkird arrived on thit morning'
stage from Antelope.
Mrt. C. C. I." Ren came la from her
borne at Kidg-eway yesterday.
Wm. Macnale ami wife and Mis
Macnale are visitor from Kufua.
Mi Bessie Ltritf returned last night
troiu a twt'i visit in Portland.
Mrs. Walter Cook arrived last night
from Portland and it the guest of Mr.
11. 11. Riddell.
E. P. Marshall, one of Pendleton'
prosperous sheep men, registered at the
Umatilla House yesterday.
Mrs. Lottie Chappell, son, Jarues, and
Mrs. EUen Goxiiic came over from
Cioldeudaie on the stage today.
Miss Mabel Sterling; will leave this
afternoon for Sjn Francisco, where she
will again take up her duties at a sten
ographer. Emery Oliver came down from a sur
veying trip in the upper country and
epent yesterday in the city, leaving for
Portland tbn morring.
Clay Uren and Miss Ens, fren ar
rived in the city this morning from
Spokane and will spend the winter with
tbeir sister, Mrs. Kobt. Warner.
J. A. Nicholson came in from his
place at Be yd yesterday and called at
The Chroniclk office this morning. He
says crass is looking fine in his neigh
borhood and everything is prosperous,
Mr. John Kalt, professor of athletics
in the Albany college, arrived in the
city last evening for a short respite from
duty ami will spend
a le
days with
Rev. U. V. Poling? and W. E.
lie is a guest of the former.
Ttauraday's Dailr.
J. H. Pront, of Wamic, is In the city.
Frank Vogt is in from Antelope, visit
ing at home.
W. R. Wlnans came op from Hcod
River yesterday.
Mr. C. P. Batch arrived in the city
this morning from Dafur.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Medler are visit
on la the city from Kafus.
C. H. Lnther, of Hood River, is reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
J. J. and D. M. Gibbons are busintss
visitors in the city from Hood River.
H. M. Prindle and wife arrived in the
city last night from the Mt. Hood neigh
borhood. A. J. Dafur csme in from Wamic this
morning and a ill leave for Portland in
the morning.
M. Thorbonrne and daughter returned
last night from Portland, and lei I this
morning for their borne at Kiogeley.
Mr. and Mr. James Frsrer and little
daughter arrived jestenlay from North
Yakima and are gleets at the home ol
B. F. Langhlin.
It Is expected that Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Sinnott wilt arrive home either this
afternoon or tomorrow morning, return
ing from a wedding tour in the East.
John McGrail, brother of Mr. T. J.
feeufert ami K. J. Gorman, who has
been viiiting in the city, left on Ust
cveoing'a train for Butte City, Mont.
J. II. Smith is in from Grass Valley.
C. E. Shippey, of Lyle, is in the city.
Divtd Fulton cime 'down from Wasco
E. B. Wood came up from Mosier
yesterday on business.
K. O. Thomas and J. B. Terry rime
np from White Salmon last evening.
Miss Beulah Patterson left on last
evening' train to spend some time in
Mrs. Cha. Lauor returned last oight
from Portland, where she ha been Tint
ing her daughter, Mis Grace.
Mrs. D. P. Ketchum and Mis Con
stance Whealdon were passengers on the
boat this morning for Portland.
A. D. Hodson and G. W. Bil'.ington
Ho Tried a
Sample Bottle
Xemrly every day people rome'lnto dmi
torea and aek the IruKrista to recommend
trouble, very
often they re
fuse to do so,
because, as a
rule, they do
Dot believe it .
proper to ad
vice anyone to I
take a patent
I medicine oi
which ther do 1
not know the .
ingredients. It
la the physi
cian's luci-
nM to pre-,
icnne. rums
make an ex
ception, how
ever, when
anyone ha a cough, cold or throat snd In g
trouble.. ' I alwav recommend Acker's Knir-
Iwh K-mely. h-a;io I know Just what it
Will do. It 1ms curcrl every cae where I
has eured every caie where I j
tiaveseeri it tnel. It i the best expectoranf
nd Umic I ever handled In my 1 year.'
ave seen it tried. It i the best expectorant
apenence. I will irire Jut one Instance or
B centlernan w)io had been troubled for
years with a natv. har king oouh. I ad
wised A ker Knalish Itemedy. He triod a
Cample bottle and was cured before he hel
taken hair of It. at no cost whatever. IMS
is an exceptional raw. however, as it usually
ukes two or three Ixrttlc."
Signed) A. II. .':;, Iik-fontalne, Ohio.
Sold at 2.V . and f I a Kttl. throneh
mt the I'niu-d ywtri nn Canada; and in
England, lit )" V I . 3d.. 4. Ol. If you
m not niii-li-d iifor biiving. roturn the
rftle to your UrugUt, sud yet youf UMjIitJ
W authorizt Iht abort ftutmfrt, ,
V. IL MQZUL CO., trvurtOon, Aew rrs.,
rH Hl,E BV
Blakeley Sc Houghton.
omt medicine for their
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
ClEAN5ES the System
overcomes Jsrrd ' rfr,
Buy Tug itNviNt-MiN Po ey
..a r'e,
came up from Portland last night and
left this morning for Go'dendale.
Mits Lizzie Farmer, of the Tiuier
Mouiitaiiieer force, left yesterday for
Portland, and will visit in Seattle before
Dr. and Mr. J. Littlefield came up
from Portland and will remain until
Monday with the doctor's daughter, Mrs.
W. I Bradshaw.
Mrs. Bessie McXamara arrived in the
city Wednesdav from her home in Cali
fornia, and will spend some time with
her mother, Mrs. P. Cram.
Boat sad Steamer Kace.
There was a race between the Inland
Flyer and the ocean steamer Columbia
up the Willamette yesterday afternoon.
Ttia race began at the mouth of the
Willamette river and resulted in a vic
tory fur the little river boat, which
literally ran around the big steamer
daring the contest. The Inland Flyr
is now making fast time between The
Dalles and this city and her time is
nearly a good as that of the Fleetwood,
that little itreak of chained lightning
which used to ply on these waters, but
is now on the Sound. The Flyer leaves
The Dalles at 8 a. m., and arrives here
at 3:23 p. m., making l'J landings and
Jriiiti thrnnirl. the fi.l' tflrt Iwka tiii!,
she sometime, get. ihrrngh the locks In
18 minutes. Very BoxmI service is n
being given i n this route. Tourists can i
leave Portland In the morn ng an lafierl
n-eing all the grand scenery of the Col
umbia, cm airive at The lUiles in time
bi connict with the Spokane train,
whlc'i leaves this city at 2:19 p.m.
All Hallowe'en a tlrly.
A Hitllowtt'en and box social was given
by the rchool at Endershy on the even
ing of the 31st for the purpose of raiting
funds for establishing a school library.
Many game were played, after which
luncheon was served. The evening
was thoroughly enjoyed by old and
young. The patrons were very lilieral,
paying a fair average price for the boxes,
some of which were unique and niite
pretty, f 18.35 was netted.
The establishing of libraries In our
public schools is a move in the right
direction, snd Mis Mabel Riddel!, the
teacher, is t be highly commended
upon the z-l displayed in this work,
and opon the delightful even'ng.
Am Important DlfTeraee.
To make it apparent to thousands,
who think themselves ill, that they are
not afflicted with any disease, but that
the system simply need c!esn-ing, I to
bring corner: home to their hearts, a
ostive condition is easily cured by
osing 8yiup of Fig. Mana'sc;ured by
the California Fig tfyrup Co. enly, and
sold by all druggists.
i'lae r Meeting; Changed.
0ing to the evil efTVcts to the wool
industry of the stite thit might occur
from ho'ding a forestry meeting in The
Dalle at thi time, when there I such
an anti-sheep sulfation, the Wasco
Connty Foret Proteciiva Association
nol mef.t The DalU on Saturdav.
1 , , , ,
Nov. 4, bnt will hold a semi-annnal
meeting at Wamic, on Fridav, Nor. 3d
2 p. m., when all the business of the as
sociation will be disposed cf. All in
terested in the aim and object of the
association are Invited to attend.
S. D. 1'KIVKB,
M. J. Amjirsox, President.
Fecretarv. dw-4t
On the 10th of December, 18r7. Rev.
S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church,
South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted
a severe cold whim wat a' tended from
the beginning by violent coughing. He
ay: "Alter resorting to a rm ruber rf
to called 'epeclflci,' r.sually kept in the
Britisli Forces at Kimtjcriy Are Sur
imkl by an Army cf 60,000.
But General White Is Still Holding His
Position Boeis Have Sent 850
Prisoners to Pretoria as a Result
of Monday's Battle.
HoriTOwx, Cape Colony, Nov. 1.
Magistrate Harnsworth hit arrived from
Klipdam and reports there are COCO Boer
around Kltnberley and all road are
strictly patrolled. He say he passed
c!oe enough to Kimberley lose search
light, and was informed the defender
of Kimberley were satisfied they could
holdout, but were wearied with iuactivi
ty and hoped a relieving force would
arrive soon.
Stories of Boer victories have spread
rapidly along the western border and
Magistrate Harnsworth estimates over
half the Dutch residents of Bechnanaland
and Criqnaland will join the Boers alter
the declaration of annexation.
Losihv.v, Nov 2. The war office this
afternoon posted the following dispatch :
"Ladysmith, Nov, 2. Lieutenant
F.d.-erton, H. M. S. Powerful, was
dingerously wounded this morning by a
hell, in the left knee and right foot
Hi life is not In danger at present "
It was inferred from thi dispatch that
the artillery duel between the Boers and
British continues, as Edgerton was a
gunnery lieutenitit with the big naval
Losdox, Nov. 2. The war office of
ficially declares it has no information of
any further engagemtnt at Ladrsmith
or of a British victory, a reported in
New York.
The war office received a telegram, dis
patched from Ladysmitb all :25a. m.
to lay, faying General White was well
and holding his position.
A special dispatch from Ladysmith
say twenty British dead and KX)
wounded have been counted on the scene
of Monday' disaster, whilf S-'iO prisoners
were sent to Pretoria.
Another list of cadi a! ties at Dundee
w H,u-d by the war ctfice today. It
ive eighty-two noncom missioned of
tir-rs and men of the Dublin fuiiliers
mining, indicating that the Boers
j KA l'lUre'l n-ny fibers a. they
On Western H order.
. .. . . ,
l.iiK Tim Nov. n If i& aa..rtM.I
SlitH) Boers have collected at the Bethulee
briiige, noder Field Cornel Dntuil ; the
Orange river is in lull flood, and fording
j is reported to bn itn'msriMc.
liocrs in Zululand.
PltTEBMARITZIllBO, Natal, Nov. 2
It is reported the Boers are occupying
part of 'jlnland, and they have taken
Pomeroy, fifty miles from Grertown.
Important Kail way Bridge.
Loxoo.x, Nov. 2. The brevity of new
from Ladysmith since Tuesday night has
not relieved the anxiety prevailing re
garding the position of the British army
in I.idysmith. The war office ha no
information of General Buln-r' having
left Capo Town.
Colenzo, in the rear of White' force,
I believed lo be well defended by a com
posite naval and military corps, and It
is understood two naval 12-ponnders
mounted near the bridga over Tngela,
one of the most vulnerable point along
the railroad from Lndyimith to Pieter
maritzhorg, ought to be able to defend
it and prevent its destruction.
If the Boer succeed in destroying this
bridge, it would mean Interruption of
railroad communication with Ladysmith
for an indefinite period. While the Boer
attempts in thit direction are not con
firmed, it i claimed they may be ex
pected momentarily, and the reported
steady shelling of Lsdysmith, it I added,
point to the intention of the Boer com
mander to keep Wfiite occupied, while
their strategy Is carried out
Voleanla Eraptlnna
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of jy, Burk'en' Arp'm Halve enres
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruise, Burns, Pcaldft, Chapped
Hands, Chllbla'n. Best Pile cr-e on
earth. Drive out p:ns and aches.
Only 2.j ct. a box. Cure guaranteed,
f-old by Blakeley A Houghton, drug
gists. '
Millions of dollars, is the valne placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Hnrrlsburg, p,, on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the ate of Oner Minute
Cough Cnre. It curs all coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
Paint your house with
fully guaranteed to last.
paints that are
Clarke A Faik
have them.
Peculiarities of the People Under
Dad Eistrltatti mt wele tawa's !
leva mlih (he Wily Natives mt
Laaon Their (via ol
Thl little black man who la causing
us the same kind of trouble that the
boy experiences with a hornet's nest
caunot be understood In a day. When
captured he acta ns if his lot had fallen
among old fiicnde. lie griua and points
beyond our sltirmlshcrt, seeming to
think that the aspect of his IIcvIhk coun
trymen is a hujf joke. The next min
ute, but give him the chiince, he ia likely
to tend a bullet Into an American'a
buck. For such nn offense Maj. (Jen.
Atnlersou once had a 'Filipino strung
up to a tree on the spot, this ldii(r the
only American military execution thus
fur recorded iu the Philipplnve.
A gliint private of the Muiitnnas chose
a dillcrent method. hen he w as fired
on at a distance of about ten yortis and
iniksed, he caught hit enemy, took hit
(run away from him and then laid him
ncrosa hi knees. After he hail vipor
ouslv applied a piece of bamboo he
seied the tiiemv by the seat of the
trousers uud threw him toward the
There!" he said. "Don't you let me
catch von pla Ug with flreiirma auain
The little bluck man's confidence in
the European ride has waned. In lh
hcginninir he thought that he had only
to diM hurge his maimer at a white inun
and the white man waa dead. Thia led
to the lirinir from the houses ond the
reckless chuncc which the Filipino
took ot first when their losses were so
irrrat. Now they apparently are "gKid"
after they are eoptured. and they do
not fire from house. Must of whutever
their leaders know of military practice
they have learned from the Spaniards.
They are as fncile in imitatkn as the
Chinese. Their buglers now do our calla
at well a their own. By watching1 ut
they found out thot thev have been
flrinif too hitfh, and now they ore try
lug" to fire low. They auetecd until the
tollevt fnini our skirmish line bejfin to
pour iu. Then they cringe too much In
their trenchet to aim on a level. Their
trenches (of the Spanish type) are built
under cover, at strategic points, which
admit of easy defense nm! etreat. with
the smallest possible exH sure, once the
Americans advance. On a wall above
the line of one insurgent trench were
IC abrasures by bullets In a space two
feet by one.
Such music ns was plaved there Is
disconcerting'. The little block man will
not remain to heur It after our men are
within 2oO yards. At running he it
easily the American's superior. His
bare feet never get sore, lie ha no
clothing to impede his progress except
cotton shirt and trousers, lie knows
the bypaths and the fords of the
streams. But he feels that it is very un
fair of us to make him retreat. We are
not practicing warfare as he un
derstands it at all. What is the use of
ri lies that will shoot 3.5 0 yards if you
are troiiifr to try to catch the enemy w ith
your hands?
Atfuin.-ildo's officers are highly In
censed about our artillery, it Is said, if
they have no jruns we ou"ht to use
none, and If they hnve three or four or
five, we oufrht to use only three or four
or Jive, as the coe nmv be. What lias
happened, however, was to hove been
expected after we refused to fire back
and forth between trenches In the
moonlight, which is the only kind and
(renerous method of making war In the
In the march to Maloloa our men
marched and fought all day under the
beating sun. slept on the ground, anntu
rivers ond did everything which it was
supposed by the natives vlint white men
could not do. They thought that we
would not attempt to drive them out
of more than one of the Intreneh
ments at a time, and then rest at least
a w eek after each effort. A prisoner ex
plained his feelings by saying:
"Thr-r-r-r-t!" and making a rapid
movement with his hands. Frederick
Palmer, in Collier's Weekly.
Shoollnar Clar Mass Throasr. Iron.
The tsilow candle which it, shot
through a dr,r must hide its hesd I Mi
fore a aeven and ti half ounce plug of
clay which has been to fired as to per
forate an Iron plate on Inch thick. The
velocity of the cloy plug was tremen
dous. It hns been estimated that the
speed necessary niusl I over J.fioo feet
a accond. r.x-rimtntt of this kind I
were conducted by Capt. Cooper Key,
of the British army, at the Hoynl
arsenal. A special gun was employed
and pressed cylinders of raw dry cloy
three inches long and two Inches In
diameter were used. Eventually (inn of
these plugs went through a enst Iron
plate one Inch thick from a distance
of not mors tlmn '.'I feet. . Y. W orld.
I.,ul,la Train .SatTlea lo Mas franelaen.
On October I'th the Honlhsrn Pacific
Co. will Insnvurate a "Daylight Ki
press," leaving Portland at 8:.10 a. in.,
and reaching Han Francisco at 7:15 neit
evening nly one i !g a out. Both
stsn bird I'u'lmsn and tourist sleeper
will he attached. This new train lain
sddition to the present 7 p. m. Shasta
Overland, and will glvemsny penger
the desired opportunity to see enronte
the freat WllUtnette, I'mpqna and fac
ramento Valley without los r.f time,
and slill arrive In Oikland and Kan
rrancico at a seasfmable hour.
Chester If. B nisn, Kalatnaoo, Mich.,
ssys: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
of a severe cme of indigestion; can
strongly recommend It to al!;dvspeptic.M
Dig -sts what yon eat without ai l from
the stomach, and cuien ill (pepsia. Butler
Ilrug Co. I
The Dalles. Fcrtland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
V. w,i
Kesulator S Dalles City
Pallj (sxcet't tlumlav) blwsen
The Dallos,
Ilotid River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching st wsv txiiii's nn Ndu sides ot th
l ohuutils river.
tlnth ol th iNivs tesmers hsvs tieell rhilllt.
Slut sr eieellMli; hs for Hip ww'O wl l.
I h l.(ula'r I. no will ei..l,.,,.f in ii IU
ontrotii the pvI mnu puulble.
Kor S'ottiforS. Heonnmv anil I'loaanro.
tiarel tr l teiuats ol tlio Itegulalur
The lemers ft Hie Rrwnllr l ine will lesvs
illea l 7 a. m. eviuliieneilig Moudiiy Ilia IMtl
forlland Olllee. I'll Pallm tlrflen.
Oak at. t'a k. '"' Mml
W. C. Allaway,
uaiiant AauL
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or TMK
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Tralna leave aud ars du lo amvs at I'vrtlai
; . . . . I .
' f dVt HI.AMi 1
1 I t.rrM, aalrm. Ke- I
' I Lmrtf. .Ife.ilatnt, aae-
I raluetlUi, (rfi,'ll.ha
1 r raiH'lati. HoiiTt,
T 00 r. U
r. v M
M.a Ausela.r.1 rati, i
Naw orlvalis sod 1 I
I Kaal
f '
Pal IT
NMburf sud way ta
ItMlta . .....
i jo r. a
1 la W.Kali'iif.i for
i j Ml.Arisl. allverUm,
iWrat M, lo, Hninua
Tllla.a.rtlignl(l suit
17 a) A. M.
iatatlona .
and war)
INIlkrEMlKSiR fA--.KM.KK Ktnnas IralB
1'ally (airl aumlar).
I Wp. m. tl.r. I'..til.n. . Ar t S a. m
7 . i. m. !i VeMlniKllle l ) S.'xa.m
1 JU . in. (Ar .ludiMi4ftir..l I
i oU a. m.
lNlllr. MallT. srtt SUlxlay.
Pi u.MAX "ffritT HtrgfKRa
Attached to all Tbnutn Vralaa.
IMrert eonnaetloo at ean rraoelaeo with (ori
lalilal and oriental and I'ariAc mall alraniahlp
line. I..r J ATA.N and I Hl.N A. KaJliiig dalaa on
kalaa and tlrkata In raatHrn ttltla and Kn
AImiJaI AN, I, HiSul.t I.U anc
( nTKAI.lA.
Ail trains arrive st and dart (row
draod ( antral atailou, riltb and Irvine stranat
YAMHIt.t. MVlalnM.
faaatrngrr ivpo(, Iin4 ol jaftaraon sfrtwL
4wt for Hherldan. week days, l 4 ao a. ss
Arrive at I'orlland. V .SJ a. lu
t-ave tttr AIRI.IK on Monday. Wadnewtay and
r ri. ar ai .t. a. in. i-n ai INiriiand, Taaa
dav, I litirvtlay and aalnr, a) tl I uft p. to,
!l l Huuday. llerj. Saturtlay.
K . Ki.tM.ER, (I. H. MAKKIIAW.
jUuaasr. AaaL o. K. at l aaa. Alt
Thnib Tl kel OtTire. M Third MrM, where
through tlrkata to all M,liita In lha faaloni
tutra. Canada and k.uro ran be obtained al
lowoat rau-a (rota
1. n. KlRKLAStl. Tlrket Agent.
K.ic'i ilny our Luslncu sbowi
llir veoplo arc finding out we
ore pushing lo the front with
licttcr good, lower prices,
salespeople the very test, ami
Inst, but not least, buytri who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Wood Saw
Will rrtn every day except Sunday .
Bate Iteasonahle.
Telephone 201.
W. A. CATES, Prop.
1 l (ingon. lor lha vouiiiv ,,) J BTTK
llaniid A. Slmuii, I'lalnilir,
t a.
William II II. allium, did.nd.inL
InVMIIIau, . . . ,,,5 ,
In Ilia Name il lha Mlala ,, (I,,,,,,,. .
har.l.y unilllMl !..! and a, ,., ",' ;."",'
anlliudeoiirtonnr l'l.. lo 1 '"
IXltlllOMtliMI 111 tilts ll Ml tllillll, t)M II
..r nalur.lar. tin. Ixll, ,y Nv,. , " ' '
lltan and llivra M .,,.,., n, ,,"'
l.v nam I pi. I. , Hit nn, ,,,,, ,' '' "
l.aaiil.ll.. ..ill and II jnj , , , "is
and an.aar aald eouil.l.lnl. lor a-,,,'
i.i.i.iiiit .hi .,.,.!) u. ,.
I. lor In hur,imt, in i,
radlhaalavaanllllrdi".lilt l.., ,., ,i, ,
and aniinllliig Ilia I I. l luairi,,,,,,,, . I;
and h.Tel.d"ie rvl.llna l,.. .,uu,,' ""
.l,.,,,.l.l, and lor an ,T.,, d rl ,' ,i
If. 'Ill y Iliaaalddalandaul. "'IU .!
1 III, umuioiia U a.rvl iiihH vnll h .,,.1 ,
linn IU.rr.,1 hv .' ,,J (".""'V' f
aliaw. ).!. ..i lha above ,.nllll r. ;,,,'.
nr.l. r l-ar. dal. id Ilia Vnd .lay ,i H,,, ."' n
and dlrveu dial aald aiiiniiH.i.a lm ' "J.
Ilia .aid .l. l. n.l.nt l.y all,,,, H.,...
eonaniillva .vk In 'l lia I '.II... t Ma ., i
kly na.,-.r ,d . 1W.I eireiil.n,,,, ,,'.
II. lnd In Ilia PallM., W .,, ,,
aid fuull.'tl Ialii ui, u, v,h ,.'";
l.-l.d..r I,... and ,., nn II,. l, dJ j
N.iuitar, 1M, u"'
Dfft'H . MKNKlir
ne'ill Atli rnej. l, i i.illlf
Executor's Notice.
....... 1. Ii.i.hjr sl.rn thai lha itiot.-r.l.nni
ha. bra-il a -'lol.xl l,y ur.l. .,1 il,a r.,i,, r,,Vj
id lha .lair ..( Ilr. .,n l, u i . uhlr , .
Ilia a III ol, liuia, dai aau-l. ., ,
la-l a 111 and It.tanivil td M.iv in ,
"a,, All wr'Hi. havlns eUlni. .-,li,, 'lt
e.Ula are hanl.y Uodlml In .ia nl Hi, i MJ
ll.a l.r.'lM'r Vi.liul.vr. U ma al lha o"i, ,,( ll(
li.((i.n A Wlla..n, lha l,lla...r.T,,,,i, ,,U,.J
utxnllia ll.a data d lhl n, tir,
lal-vl (M'lolat luih, l- i
JollS Jl, MAHPrX.
Oel k..ui:,,
IjkSDOrru a r V.mnni, ,)
Oabttwr v, iivw. 'J
Nullr. la heifd.y (Iran thai (ha lull 'ah.
Iiamv.1 art 1 1, r Ifaa Slr.1 Bnl,v nl hi. it,,.,
lion b make foiat r.-d it, u..i uf kla
rlalnt. and thai Mtld ntll t mn.l- (,ir
lha H.HII'V and Keraivar t I . A 1 alal I 'lllra .1, I'-lilnsl.Ml, nu iura.ur, St.m.
Wl Jl.l, IKHi, I
J ' a h nainherltn.
It r. Nn ..,(. (he nl halt ..I imr!l,i
t.iaMor and .at liall id ao.itLav.l .ittallar, Mr
M, In. ,1 N , H l.'aa.l. W. M
Ha nau.a lha Inllowlli MllnaaMft In .na hiff
(Sinllnu.'U. rv'.ldc-tu. unou and u
aid land, via
Ih.ima 3d. VVhllra.inb. Jamas Mi'.v.n. I'M
It. amlh and t uliam lwlon all i. l.t.
II , W a-I!l.KUiu. i siiak.
Till II
V. . I-d ( rei. s. at 1ms 1i.i i mm i
(llli'liRI V, l-'.l j
Nolle, la ftvan llial lha . ih.alBt
named aatllar ha. llia.1 n.dtr ,l hi. lulniliua bi
link, final ,rnd III aUtH,rt id hi. rt.tta. and
thai .aid noad will he M.a.1.' la I, .fa th- K.vl.ivf
and Mara'lvat al lha )al laa, Or.-f"l, nn Satur
day. Nuvaiubrf II, lOt,vl.
Stalhlaa Ihlal. mt Slaalar. dragaa.
Il.imaalaad rnlrr ! J ! the w Ni
N1, W' and ' SV'4. an-lion , (..auvtiy
I north, tanfa I:' aa.l, W . M
lla nalnaa Ilia ftdiipw I n wltnaff lo print h-i
e4.l.1lliumia r.Wan.. Uan and r.l!ll..ttoa id
aaid land. Vl
haa. Hilar. id Sd.nlar, (rvif..ii, in TKotnM,
Marmaii Mi.tirman and Km.1 PruMo lit, i4
1 ho I a msia.
JAY P. H i AS.
oelT II krst.ln
lasodrrn atTms iuiis. hil.I
la lola-r I. I
N.illoa la tiafrby (Ivan thai Ih- ..l.wti,t
tiamr.1 wilier ha. nl.l l.olira id hi. I;ilanlltl
Ut maka Anal l.r.a.1 In id til. rl.lm, .i..
(.a( aald pruid nlll ba' ladorall.a ht l.lrt
at.d b.aalvaral Ilia, on aamnlay,
N.n,iul an, IH'ju, via.
laaa. V. Ilawland. af Tk. lialla.. "r I
II meatrad Knliv N . ", Inr Ilia t , M,.
4 h ' and S W .J t.t e. 1, If ' SolU, 14 K , M.
lla tiainr. Il,a It.llnwle wllnraMa In
hi eoiillnuoua rwldaue. Uan and ruitliaUs
id Mid laml, in
J. i llvra, J U Jafrv, frrd Xaivnt at,d J.
W'. Jol.rt.hin. sll ol 1 lie .alla. UOK..11
Oct II II JA V I 1.1 I A a, Ho,llr
Kntlaa la harvhy siren lha iim.i.- Ii in1,
adiiilnl.lialrli nl ll.a a.lala.d Pr VI I . kuia
harl, drtraai-l, has Md hr t.l.a: a-vxui.l
anrh in lliar.,.inlv Ilia lah-ol on-n-ai,
.r HaM'.av..iitty, snd lha court h.v!rd
Monday lha rlh day id Nov . I 'J. si the lar
nl In o rl.a k a m., al lha 'omt I''i" '
Pallra I II) , (lira. n. aa Ilia lima and tlrt I'
th haarlii. and elllrinenl Hi.-ra.. Al) tfa.
Ililimlr.! In ...Id aalalaara liarrhv r.n.lllrd h
atiar al uld lima and a and .ia "t thai
l.j.y l..... nuy Ihry hava. In Said llll'l ac-
eo.ini i,r any nl lha lu-m. iiir..
Ihilla. ( Ily, Or , .-( .st. I
pOII Iv.vulill.
Knllrwla harvhy llan thai U ('. Il.-nltashs.
a.linlnl(ia(..r ol Ihaaalalaol Alta-rt! Ilnv. 1
iva.-l. haa hla K-.-...IOI lor llnal
maul id .aid aalaU and M.avday, Ilia rlh nay
id NnvainU r, i". at lni. rl.a k III Ho' lorrlB.a
..I snld d haa lawn aal hy Hon. Kol. rl M.
raiunly Jndaid Vt aaro eiainly, Orr., h
In. .d.;at'll.ll In tha Mina
Ial,il nri.lrmltrr Aid, Wl
H.l.-d II I l lssr..HS,
snd Fopmers
Kaensnnrtrslisht th. eelahr.lad
KlI.CMMIA KKKK, s.-kn..l-a..-.
lha tawt baar In Tha I (alias,
al th. li.ual nrle. Citma In, l(V
l and h eimvlnee.1. Al"' '"s
Klnaal hrands ol Wines, U H(C
and Clgare.
of all Klnda always on
C. S. Smith,
Til K
Up-to-date (Jroeer
Fresh Kggn "d Creamery
Ilntter specially-
2d Street. 'Phone 270.