THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4 1899, The Weekly Chronicle. 7 rAma or waa wuntv. " PhMmW in Iwo Jarl, WVdneadnya ' BLUM KIH ION HAT KM. aT mail nan-aiia raaraiu, is aovaiica. owyr "J? vlin uwlilha A.lcrtilii tataa raaiuliU. au1 mails known "i'i'.'.HT.i" rtmoiiinlrHiiu to "Tilt (II HON i Is,. I l"s", unr LOCAL UKKVITIK. Wlduewlay'a Pally. The Frank McDanlel murdea trial will begin hi Portland oo Tudy, Novem ber Hth. ll would le a good plan to begin rak. Ing up ll leaves alwnt Ilia Uwo ami along Ilia ildewalk and burning: tlieiu. Tha licit attraction at Ilia Vogt will t Uracil A UowerV lulnslral, a white eompanv, which I to play tier on the 9tli i, thi month. Tl infant aon of Mr. anil Mn. K. C. Drewa died at their liom In Collax M n lay. Ttio baby waf but three week old ami liail rever been strong. Tim ladle of Ilia Foreign Miiouary H i. iv vl Ilia Methodist chu'icli mill giv a nnaaionary tra on 1 1 . evening of lh l.v.h. Ttia place mil t M.uoum:n later. M 1 1. larrlr.gtou lial purchase! Ilia Wax- warehouse rolling mill anil ia going In put It op on 1-ower l.VMile. lit) ixixita la liava It In place am) toady fur roli'ng atxmt the 10t of tli month. rrmn the nnmW of ponle on the Wa-hington aiiU of ilia rivrr mailing to t lerried over, Linnton Inuat I going In have another (apply of hone meat, an I I lia Halle anolhrr surplus of drunken Iniliana. Indian Jolm an. I Indian Charlie oc eupfd Ilia city jail last night, havil g been arrested for druiikehneas. Tin morning lli- couldn't Ami the $2 a hich earl was lined, ami lu rofit-iUmo the c. t jr had lia wood sawed. j . 1 1- a iillle wheat continues to be brought in, though not in am li quantities aa a k ago. The luaikel everyw here la very dull end. th warehouse are d ing aril lu pay &0 cent a buahel, hii'ti ia I ha piiceqooted ttilt afternoon. O. I,, Fields, alio a at arretted at Muton for bigamy, wa brought Juan by Ilia aheritT yesterday f lernoon, ami receiving hall at one the uliee ordered thai he be released on 1100 bail to ap peal iii the juatlce ourt thla afternoon ami receive a hearing. I. ika all holo. Fred Mitchel Un't lu lav or if running opposition to the ana in laar, mid, ratlivr Ihan do ao, threar Up the jib the city gave hi in jrtlrnlay afti'inuon ami tlri. ilo b I l-rrn arfr.'r.l for vagrancy ami, tailing to produce hit tine, ha.l ba-cu pot to work at t'.f aol pile. Ari'l AJiulral I !' ui tl rngiigi' rinM. t it) be a life-long one, fjr heller, d. r -r.i), etc. Mra. V. II. I!ji-n baa a; i; u : ii ,".1 hrr runaent to be bia'n. The A.lmiral haa paaaeil Ihrce acorra ami two iii iri-, anl ia now realy for anolhrr core, ahlrh all title nation hopf-a all! bate a bappy ler nilnatl on. W. V. Iluhbarj, M. ! ,'( tta I'orllaml aanilanmn, caimi up from that place Ut rvi'inng, rrtorulng tbia morning. The ib rior in hrra for tbe purpoa of lo-.kii g over the lUilalliiu ami tip'tl aoin I j give a talk ou b)glin. Aa be bit ipiiie a reputation In I'orllaml aa a phyaiciaii, our cil'i will le g'aJ of an npiKirtunlty to lirar bian. Jiit a little txcllriiient aa raii'cJ at the ih.rk laat night by aberp ahicti Ixtjihb frlgblrnej ami tried to commit 'iiici.. It aaa one el a band which Win. Mulligan wai bringing up, ami a In n they attempted lu drive thrm olT tli boat, tbia fellow dtcldeJ to take a dip. A email bat wai tent out after bun and he came near lipping that over, canning tjine of Ilia wharfhoal panda to g' t very aet. After a time, bowe ver, be aaa gathered Into lb fold with Hie uim ty an 1 nine. . Hhipiiinii of potato to Pan Franciaco from iVrllund haa already begun, aonie tiling unprecedented to early lu tbe 'in. Kaniirr era digging, but there I a i haain In California yawning lor every pot.ito laken out of tbo ground In Ore K in, and they are going for tbfl purpoae Irving to Oil It. Tba California ile ni.uid hiia already canned the price to ri-e from r,0 to til) cent. Tlurn are ld to hn "doodlea" ol potato in Oregon tbia year, however, ami when digging n ally get in full bluet Hie pnrj will Coma down again. II. Huntington returned Ibla after ii Kin (r.mi IVndlnton where be appeared lor the plaintllT in the cuae ol Mi Kenna V". the ( l. it, A N. Co., a cami to r over '-"'.liOi) damage. Wlilia Mr. Hunting ton aitli lil brother, J. 1. Huntington, Appeared for the plalnti!!", Ilm defeiuo ba. fur h attorney Minor ol Portland, Carter V lialey, of Pendleton, ltoheit Water ami Attorney Wile n. Tbe raae jual given over to the jury a Mr. Huntington left lor home. Mima, who lit hern tried for minder, bad not Wn eiitenced when b Ir ft. The raan of Clia. Prat her, charged with aanault with a dangeroti weapon Uon Die ieitun of L'.'onard Field la being tried In Juatlre Ilayaid' court tbUafteruoon. Tba Iroubla arnae la.t Thuraday night about 11 o'cI.h k alKiiH four mile aeat of Moaier, when it ia a!- I..uu.l LLI I .. t.t a--", rirni, airi s c-nuipariion, aaa going bouiM drunk ami the defendant claim waa diaturbing the peace and bia propirly. Young Prather onjected and bad loina diat-uaaiou with them, finally ualng deaperat mean by drawing bia abut gun, Field receiving what waa termed a "pepporing." The pl.intiir alli ge ha waa on the public road and (lenleatha chargea made by Prather. Tba court I engaged In ferreting out the ca at we go to prea. So far at w can learn Halloween praiika have nut been carried on lo anv great extent In The Dallea thla year. Complaiul are usually brought to the newapaper ollice, Inatead ul lo the policeman, and we have ,eard ol but on ao far. No lenaible errun would think of objcting to a lit t!t I no 'Kent fun carried on at audi a time, audi aa tick-tack or joke a bii-h do no irjury ; even tba crankiest people ihould make mm allowance for uch timrt. Hut the objection which come to ui ttii morning la a juatiflable one. Soma Ihoughtlea boy (or perhapa girl) meaning no barm, might have Injured omeone (or life, for acroaa the front atepa ol a real deuce In the city bad been placed a gate, which lu the dark could not be aeen. A young lady etepped on it when darting lor the theater and had not her companion grabled her, he might have teen a cripple lor life. Parent would do well lo teach their children that they tuiiet i)i vrlmiiiate when out lor a little lun at aucii timer. Tba Telegram aptly aayt: "Tomubt will he what I egregiimaiy mircalied "Halloween." Il ahould he rechrlatened "Hoodliiinnight." I( it ia "celebrated ' In the uaual way, there ahould b about M) young boodluma lu jail tomonow in irnlng. Fun ia all right, an 1 a little youthful hilarity ia not to I e cundemrieil but wanton injury to and deatruction of proiertv, audi aa eometime occur i n thee ihi aionn , Un't legimato lun, an I ought to t punlrbed even if it I on "lloodiuililllgl.t." 1 lnir.lnj il!y. Kev. (i. K ifhing i riuwly recovering from hit terete illneaa and a at able to ait up a while yealerdar. Peudieloii ia now entl uaiaalic over the occt attained by the lady minatrel which were given by Mit. Kuncie at that place Monday and Tues day rvemnga. Veaterday being the annlveraary id her wedding day, Mr. I.. I.. Lane en tertained her friend ol the (iood Iulent Societv in a very bappy mauner at her home on Tenth ttreet. The cae cf the State va. t). L. Fielde, charged w itlt blga'ny, will come up lor bearing in Juatice Hayard' com I tomor row, ami the proneculing wituea w:lt arrive liom Moaier thi evening. Mi Catharine Martin, who tcicliea th Tliird gradu in our public achooia, haa been con lined to her boxe lor the pa.t week with rheumatinm. In her alienee Mi'a Hattie Cram haa charge ol her room. We iru-t Miao Martin will aoou be ahle to be about. .u exchange trill of a litlin fellow who went to church ou a recent Sunday and waa greatly interetted lu the col lection. He watched the uiuera tor a time, then whlapered to hi lather: 'Papa, uiore'n hall the folk ha got in free." A number of very neat and tuodern cottage have gone up on the hill recent ly. That of S. John la nearing comple tion, and M. F. Cotwrth, engineer at the Piainond Flouring Mill, ia pulling up a pretty liitl home jut eatt ol F. Sexlon'i new rendenie. Tbe eaatern diviaion of th Sta'.e Teachers' Association ia now in aeaaion In Ltlirande. Few teacher from Wasco have found it p. asible to attend. Snpt. J. S. Lander will leave on tbia evening train and lake part in the program to morrow, returning PaiurJay. In the case of Charle Prather, charged with inaiiultlng Leonard Field with a dangeroiia weapon last Thursday, near Mosler, and which came up lor hearing in Jntiie Hayard' court yesterday afternoon. h w Ixnind over in the an in ol 2'K) to appear before the grand jury. A reduction of (5 lo pa-aenger rale from SHikne to Chicago, St. Loui and the east i announced by the O. U. & N. The cut t tbe rraull ol tbe parsenger rate war between Hie railroad ea-t of St. Paul. These line have for several week iiepn maintaining a rate ol 7.jO Iroin Si. Paul to Chicago. The Washington volunteer will reach Portland Saturday, where they will be entertained in Portland1 noal hearty manner. They leave over the Northern PacitlJ lor home. We feel uro The Dalle would have been glad ol an op portunity to give them a generous recep tion had they come our way. All peisom wishing to lko children, either boy or fji'l, for legal adoption or on Indenture, should write to W. T. (iardner, luperintendent of the Hoy' and (tlrls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children ol all age-. All applica tions nniat be filed in advance. tf Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock In the terminal yard at AH in, J. II. Cole, a witchman, lost hi life by being run over. He had run ahead to turn the aa Itch when hi foot augbt in a frog and be w a thrown down in 'ront of the car, which ran over biiu. He lived a hall I. our afler the accident. J. M. Bowers, advam a agent lor l!ec!i & lowers' Minstrels, la in town today making arrangement lor the ap pearing ol hi company hero on the Oth. j He waa determined lo charge 1, 75 and J 50 cents, which are hi naual pi ices,! until Manager Uutler gave him a talk, j and now 75 cent will he all .11. at will' have lo be paid for ren ivid eat. J Not alone 1 liijuor being told to th : older ol the braves, but the young fel- j low t are getting bold ol it and last night I'hirmsii arretted an Indian boy aged IS, a minor. Two other Indians werej a so h iked up. One pah! hU 2 6ne I'ih morning; hut the oiler iwo saw, wml. Crow. 'sol Iheiu, w iio came over i w it l I. orsi a Inlay, are riding our street 1 barely ahle lo t t on their je r. ea. j Many are not aware that The Dalle has a new journal in the field, deeming , two and a weekly sufficient for a. I piirKi s. Put such I the case, and I every month is publisliid "The Star,"' a four-paged paper, w hich ha for it1 "editors and proprietor" Ivlaw in Alia- way and Harry Sylvepter. It ia a neat little paper, putting a great many ol our ' exchanges in ihe ahade when it corneal to the clearness ol print and the manner I in which it ad are gotten up. No stand ha been taken as to politic, to it's hard to tell how the boy w ill vote ! w hen llicy become of age. j New of a fatal accident, which oc curred on Ihe Washington tide of the' river near Coin in ba jesierday evenini, 1 reaches u tod.iy ; not with any particu-, la' details, however. FMgar Pierce, an I old tesident if (ioMendalc, who for' some yenr ha run a aaa mill about : eight mile from that plac, croased the; river to P.ufns yesteiday morning on a collecting tour. At about 5 o'clock he croMied back, and when three or foor j miles on the other tide, somehow drove up onto a bank ai.d wai thrown from his biiirgy. The repoit says that his neck was broken, which, however teem inipoaaihle, since he lived Iron) 6 p. ni. until 4.30 tin morning. Mr. Pierce was a man well known In Kiickitat county, and leave a family cf grown children. There is one very nnpieaasnt feature which iheatei-zoere in The Dalle are compelled to put up with, and which seem to be liie fault of no one except a c!m of boys (and a!i young men) who would greatly rest nt the appellation of swine, but which certainly teem tJ tit their case better than anything e'ee. We refer to tbe crowd which post them selves in the hhilway and along the alk 'leading to the sireet, and proceed to make the exit ju-t ns nearly Im pasaable at they can by spitting tobaco juice in great pool on Ihe floor. Not it it lairly nauseating lo those who are compelled to pas over it, but un lets ladies are Very careinl their dresiet will I ruined thereby. We would aiwgi ft that an cRicer be placed at the d ior, w ho.-e duty it i to tec that this filthy gang is kept out of tbe hail or made lo conduct themselve more like human beings than bogs. A large company of friend gathered at the Calvary lt.pti't rhorch this morn ing at 10 o'clock to pay Iheir last re spect to the meirn.ry of Mr. Lcvioa McNcal. F.'.der Clifton conducted the services, taking as a basis for bis words of consolatii n the t it "For if this earthly lioue of our tabernacle were dirsolvcd, we have a building oi God, a house not made with hands, eternal in Ihe heavens." His remarks were very fitting, and hi Irilmte lo Ihe deceased was oue which niurt reioiin at a legacy to tbore she left behind. He taid of her that the had a most (table character and above everything else was peculiar ly adapted to motherhood, the highest pivilege ol womanhood. The choir sang three election "Home Over There." "Memorie ol Esrth," and "Jesu Lover of My Soul." The casket, covered with a profusion of flowers, ws carried by Messrs. Vickers, Falk, K. Hsrretr, S. Johns, Kobt. ami Chas. Mcintosh. The interment was made in Odd Fellow cemetery. FiMay'a llly. Don't forget Pease A May' sale on towel tomorrow. Cm to Dr. P.usa for first class dental work, let-tli filled and extracted pain le. Vogt block. 2-tf See the "new woman" at Pease & May' ami buy towels for home use and adopt tome iiieiin for making them clean. liovernor lieer Iued hi first Thanks giving proclamation Wednesday, setting tcule Tnnreday, Nov. 30ll, as a day for thanksgiving throughout the t'ate. Whbkey is n respce'er of persons nowadays, and yesterday a hob) was ! discovered trying to sneak it in to Ihe prisoners at tbo county The ollicers "didn't do a thing" but tneak him in. Another drunken Indian, who was o,nite as vicious ' drunken, unwillingly It'll into the hands id Marshal Hughes yolerday and was fined J thi morn ing, which be is paying at the city wood pile tod iy. In sieakingof ti e can? against Chas. Prather a few days since, the Ciihonu'I k mentioned that the plaintiff. L. Fields, had been charged with drunkenness. In justice to the young man, his friends request that we nn-nll. n the fact that Hlin Is in To GiB." Nothing looks bo well on wash-day :n a clothes line hung with good linen towels. With this idea in view we will irov-le you with good linen towels of all descriptions on Saturday, November 4th, i8gg, at such low prices that if you do no buy it will be simply because you are thorough ly stocked or have become indifferent to the needs of this age and generation. A few rjuotationa will give you the drift of our intentions, but to see these goods is the only way to properly convey to your minds the actual values we aro giving: 1 line of unbleached honey-comb fringed towels, 18x30 incbe 1 line of bleached Turkiah fringed towels, lrix37 incbe 1 line of unbleached fancy fringed towels 1 line of fancy cotton towel, beautiful in design, 24xtt incbe 1 nneot bleached lurklsn Iringeil towels, l,x41 1 line of bleached Turkish frinned towels, lSx4l Inches 1 liuo of onbleacfied Turkish frinired towel. 24x41) incbe Thi particular towel is excellent value at 30 cents. 1 line of bleached Huckabnck hemstitched towel, 22i3S inches ; 1 line of linen towel, knotted fringe and colored border, 24x41 ioche We continue the Juvenile Sale during the balance of this week. 4 cent 7 cent 8 cent 11 cent 9 cent 12 cent 19 cent 19 cents 21 cent All Good Marked In Plain Fltrurea PEASE & MAYS. the charge was not proven and be haa ; whole host in himself, and which shows towels are all riglit and the idea of ad always been a young man of ateady J that tbe influence of the club is to ex- vertieing them anovelone; but in be habits, and ia now a student of the ; tend clear up into the Greenhorn district, ; hall of the ladies (voung ar.d old! we Agricultural college at Pullman. I where John will no doubt hold his re- winter month. The case ol James McKenna vs. tbe O. K. A X. Co, for $oo,000 damages for the loss of a leg in an accident at Athena to Thst End. wonld be-eech the firm to let one of ita It will, no doubt, be good new to the j ceptions. ! good looking c erk ( male cr female, tbe young men to learn that there ia now an Traffic passenger and freight i good ! fortuer Pfem do that waehing. oyster trust. It may make oyster j on t,e upper Columbia, although there , STOP THE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS higher, but it is aomething to be ; js not as much grain being shipped as a j "trusted" for that delicacy during the tev wef.h. -. ti,r steamer R-imlatnr i a- a . u u ...j. brought the largest wheat cargo ever; shipped ontof The Dalle by water. The cargo consisted of 2&"j3 tack or about i We are often led to wonder if our cit 5716 bushels. Thi is a record hr?akinir ! izens and these of aiti lininc districts na latt year, and which hn just been i load. Cirtater quantities have come to j aware that there Is an ordinance on tbe tried in Pendleton, was deeded in favor Portland from The Dailes by rail, hut statute book w bieh reads thm'y : of the defendant. I lor water shipments, the amount carried Anv person who si. ail cruellv beat. Miss Mabel P.MdeU came in from by tbe Regulator takes tbe leal. Ee- torture misuse .deprive of food or water Endersby. where .be ha been teaching j the .rain the boat had on board an VrVZ uUt.c "ntefor.," school, Wednesday, and is now employed j assortment ol other freight. The boat ; reorder, be punished bv a linn of not at tbe delivery window In the postofiice. i ,ro,n 'be upper Columbia are coming in les than nor more than 23, or by t- n... r- 1..11 l.. ,.i i i' 1 with oassenirera and fn-iirbt i imprisonment In the city Mill not ex- . ... .... ivilinj lr ra r1-ra nr l.i everv dav and business can lairlv he . . - - . ... said to be booming. Telegram Fossil is now connected with the out side world by telephone, tbe Oregon Tel- her school and will fiuieh tbe Urn). Small(r x is coming pretty near home, w hen there are a number of cases in tbe hhoit family acres from Rufus; a case at Krskinville, and one reported atMoro, both fine l and imprisonment. i Surely ignorance abounds regarding i this law, and that it be more fully deeig- ! nated and understood, we wonld tog- epbone Company having completed the j ee5t ,hat the following additional though the latter has not been confirmed o""icn line ) eanes.iay. beginning at ! pial)l,jons, which are in force in Pendlc- Arlnwton, the new line runs across tf ton, be adopted by our city council, that and we do not give it as autbeutic. Capt. Hiram E. Mitchell, eon of rx- ,,',,''a Ud ,' 0!! " R',k C'"k' ,he w"Ial cruelty practiced in onr P.iri. i " " c " "".'1"":' '"r 'cilv tedunettiv silli: distui ce to Fossil is sixty-one miles and the line is constructed of Senator Mitchell, haa ret irned to land from the South. He was major in theOrew'on militia at the outbreak of the war with Spain and received a com mission as paymaster in the army with the rank of captain. He was mustered out with the volunteers. That black euit tale at A. M. William A Co.' tomorrow strike a good many people just right. gold dollar i n the street to buy f 12 suite at 17 30. And Ihe black worsted are among Ihe most desirable of all black cloths. N ) doubt they will have a busy day. I'usiness men of The P.illes have a great advantnga over those ol place farther inland in the shorine ol time it requires to transact business with Portland. Yesterday morning t 5 fre,h in our minds and Ihe loss which i "Everv peison who shall cruelly use. uminum ; lu.nt. torment, overload or overdrive wire. The first message was sent that Lny hone, ox. mule or other animal in morning by Ja. S. Stewart, of the Fosil I Uie cltT) whether belonging to himself Journal, also president cf the Oregon j or another, shall, npon conviction there Press Association, to Albert Toxier, see-( (, he fined in any saui not exceeding retary, at Portland. Mr. Stewart in- j ii,.b,, rto'lar". nr shall he. snhiert ... - . - 4 qnired after matters in South Africa. He is a Scotchman bv birth, and has If a like picking up , re!lltive in the British armv now making it in'ereiling doa n there. The second ciesssgewas from Mr. Tcxier w ho asked concerning the appointment of delegates lo the next convention of to imprisonment in the city jail for a term not exceeding ten days. "Any person having charge of any horse, mule, or team, who shall permit the same to stand in the public street or upon any lot or pnblic place of the city without food and water for a period which meet in New Orleans in Feb ruary next. When we visit the F.sst End, with the experience o .Marion cDunty farmers o'clock Chas. Stephens left for PortlanJ, orderej a lot of cood?, returned on the 3 :30 evening train and this morning the good are in hi (tore. Ernest Jensen came np from Astora on Tuesday and (topped -at Hood Klver till Wednesday on hi way to The Halle. Mr. Jensen w as disappointed in going to Astoria. The firm that engnged hi service there, he fouud out, wanted a cheap man, and as he w.'tn't if that calibre, didn't go to work for them. II will ko to San Francisco, where a man of his abilities is pretty sure to Btrike a good salary. (jlacier. Among the latest scn'iitions at the height depot ia the arrival of Johnathar. Colby Clay, who has just returned from the fishinii grounds ol Ihe upper Snake river, loaded down with a large quantity of dried minion for winter use. II is j friends were well awaro of bis (ailing t Ihe National FMitorial Association, j 0f n)or9 than ten hours, or shall al low the same to remain so standing later than 11 o'clock at n ght, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the re corder, shall be fined not les than five or more than twenty dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the city j iii for a periooT not exceeding ten days. "It ia hereby male the duty of the city marshal and hi deputies, and every .policeman of the city, to arrest they (iistuitied in the recent burning of the mill at Salem, we are led to con template what a terrible loss our farmers would meet w ith were tiro lo take in either of tbe warhouse here, where, when the season is over, w ill be (tored, at a rough estimate, about 3C0.000 , any person who (hall be fouud violating bushel of wheat ; w beat which the ware- any of the provisions of this ordinance, houses themselves are not responsible , and also to take charge of the animal or for in case of fire, but would be a loss to ' animal so cruellv used, and to keep the farmer alone. Vpon inquiry, we leain that all Ihe wheat bought bv them i is insured wilhin twenty-four hour of j ihe time it is taken in. Would it not i the same at the expense ol Ihe owner I until such case ia disposed ol. Ills Lir. Was Kaveil. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen be well for the owner stored ! of Hinnibal, M)., lately had a wonder therein to protect themselves by follow-! fill deliverance from a frightlul dtath. ing the rximple ol the warehouse In telling of it be says : 'I was taken owners. Wo nnder-tand the Utter have I with tphoi I fever, that r.m into pneu made arrangement t insure them t a ' nionia. My lungs became hardened. I low rate, and make this suggestion that ! was so weak I couldn't even sit op in onr farmers may think it over. j bed. Nothing helped me. I expected We have never had any particular ad-I lo joi die ol cmsumption, when I I. r tian ; but that he should have laken i miration for or love ol the typical "new ; heird of Dr. King' New Discovery, them dry is now puzxiing the boy at j woman", but at the cune time have ! One loltle give gnat relief. I con t lie ntlice, aa he was never p.irlinl to dry ! given her credit for being some w bat tinned to use it, and now am well and goods. He has resumed bis position as ' more attractive than Peae A M.iy evi- j strong. I cin't s.y too much In it operator at the O. K. A N. otli.-e. dentlv consider her. That tirm has ! praise." Thi marvellous medicine is Sninpter is a'l right in more ways alw ays been very popular with the ladies ; the surest and quickest cure in the world than one. While booming in a business I but we much tear are jeopardizing their j f r all throat and longtrouble. Regular way, her social interests are n it to tie j laurels when they place that much-; s:.i ou cents nn ti.. jrmi ooiue 'overlooked and a club has been otgin- dreaded, mcasley, "pie-Uced" wooden tree at Blakeley A 11 v.igMon's drne i . .... , i .Ilia cv .rv h title uoaranteeo . z i?d consisting ol 120 members, the man in their show window to represent limit to be TV). Its purpose is to pro- I any species ol the feminine svx. If there Kud-,1 Dyspepsia Cure cure dysj epsia mote the business interests of the com-' Is any i r.e thing in the town which hs because Its ingredient are such tt at Ik niuiiity ty fostering a nnity of c(Trt and j been the terror of nil the ladies since le j can't help doing (O. " The public can time he occupiiM a conf iciiouj place in i lev upon it as a master remedy lor all front ol John Hertz' clothing store, and j Disorder arising from imperfect Jige made them all jump as be loomed up in j tion." James M. Thomas, M. P., in all his homeliness, it is thai Image. The , Americ in Journal of Health, N. Y. also to look after the sociability of the thriving little town. We notice among the reception committee appointed, the name of John CradleUugb, who 1 a