THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1399 The Weekly Chronicle. Adsarllalnc ttalss. Ptr tmeh slt,eh nr leas lu t'aity II SO O r te iiicUea miui ututt-r Mir inches I oit vrer lur laches a.iU uuiier twelvs lucbsa.. "t Orw tU iuctitf HILT 1NI WSSSLY. t)ns inch or ls. ior melt ....rMV ter ou inch and under four Inches 2' Orrr four Inches and utidor tweiv Inches.. 1 Osw tweiv inches THE MILK IS IT. Those who don't want other tor. ritory argue tlit"prcsident is nil tight when he speaks of the country's hoiuosoneom lonitory expanding, but when he come to the Pacific ocean he puts bis foot iu it. Phila delphia Times. Here Is the milk in the cocoa nut of great many of the. Kaslern auli cxpansionists, says the Statesman. They are willing to concede that Porto Kico and even Cuba arc "homogeneous" territory. Of course. They lie near the Atlantic coast, and they have a prospeclive great trade. This will be profitable for Phila.lel phia, Boston, Haiti more and New York. But the Philippines are on the other side of the world. They are close in point of convenience and cheapness of freight rates to San Francisco and Portland and Seattle to the Pacific coast cities. Therefor they are not boinogCDCOus" terri tory. Their trade may help to build up rival cities here on the sunset shores. This may hift the center of population and the seal of empire and wealth westward. Hawaii is not ' homogeneous" territory, either. When President McKinley, therefore. comes to the Pacific ocean, he puts bis foot in it. But, so far as the i been named for the high place, there Atlantic ocean is concerned, he dots ' is probably no other who by train not get his foot wet in that. Not atjing, associations and experience has all. (tetter all-around qualifications for These provincial and selfish and j lue presj(iency ihan George Dewey, self-seeking patriots will be obliged j . to get out of the way of the sweep tflOLD GEOUR.lVlIIES Oa.SVI.ETk the tidal wave of empire, however. Theii puny bands cannot stay It, and their we: k voices wiil not avail to stop its onward course. The star ot empire is stiil westward, and ever westward. The world's greatest pop ulation is on the land that is drained by the Pacific waters. Here is the virgin field for the working forces of civilizition. Here will the working;.. forces come, in the restless and re-l sistless march of pi ogress. This is a nation o' do and dare. It will not sit still and retrograde. It will not submit itself to the pro cesses of disintegration that are decreed by the unerring laws of nature to overtake Ike thing or the nation that cesses to grow. Growth or death, living or dying, are the forces of nature and progress. The! American Ticfmle nro nut a. ifvintr 11 I iieoole. T'ley aie n, crowing race.' ' 3 e iiicir iiiissmij in nui i'U'ivh; u uas only begun. To the principles of liberty and iqual rights for nil men to which our forefathers gave their lives, oil the territory of the taitb is homogeneous." HEROES FOR 1'RESIhEST. The association of Admiral Dewey's name with the presidency has drought foith comments from differ ent quaiters that military or naval heroes have rarelv made good na tional thief magistrate. As a matter of fact, the real soldiers who have lived in the White IIoue have been among the best of presidents. Among those soldiers who have occupied the executive chair were Washington, Juckson, W. II. Harri son, Taylor and Grant. For a century no oi.e has been cliso?ei to criticise the administration of George Washington, hith wns Hint of a patriot. Pal lisanship ran !iigh in the days of Andrew Jack-on. Iut the j verdict of later years has been that in spite of bis rough ways, kitchen" ; cabinet and ordinary nature, lie was one of the sturdiest of American and a crr-'lit to his country. What IIrrion and Taj lor inuht have become as j residents was never known, because of untimely decease, and after them Grant was the first man to be diawn from the ranks of the army. Ilis administration of eight years waj not of the best, for It was tho era of recklessness follow ing the war, when many new men bad come to the front, and most of them were on the make. Grant, ho bad been a Democrat all bis life, be came the Republican candidate in I SOS, large')- because the war bad been brought about by the triumph of HepublicanUtD in 1SG0, and with no experience of any value ouUide of the army, he was often imposed upon. Ho stood doggedly by bis friends, even when they wcie un t orthy, but In spite of mistakes made during the feverish years from lf08 to 1874, the general verdict is that General Grant was an honest man, one of the best of patriots, and a hero who never intentionally did a wrong. When Dewey's name is mentioned it Is customary to say that he would be co more successful as president than was Grant. The two men in their bringing-up and associations are wholly different. Grant had had a somewhat featureless career on the frontier, aud for forty years, up to the time of the capture of Paducah and later Henry and Donelson, bis life had been a conspicuous failure." He knew little of men, manners and the world, even when elected to the presidency. Dewey, ou the other band, has been brushing up against the world for forty years. He lm been everywhere, lived for years in Washington, met statesmen, poli ticians, diplomats and men of affairs. He is net tee raw product Grant was when the latter tame to Washington and was hailed as the greatest man of his time. The shadows of coming events in dicate that the beads of the two tickets of 1 890 will again ask fur the suffrages of their fellow-countrymen, but of all the military and naval heroes of the century, who have There was a very important truth in the remark President McKinlej recently mule at a town in South Dakota, that the "little folks wiil have to get a new geography. We have a good deal more tei ritory in the United Slates than when we were S boys." Mr. McKiuley is still in the pnrlv nrime of life, but the man of . , c.... , ,. Hue C imcil ri:ncs una urcit iiiauH ,. . . ... . ui.uj nulla siut-v us .!- ..,ii,, ..i,-, always enlarged. The place in which j be spoke at South Dakota was part of the United States at the time of the president's birth in 18H, but it was in the great wilderness and was in habited by only Indians and wild beasts, except at a few s;oU where there were military osts or trading stations of the fur dealers. The ri. ...... .i i ,i. ,.i ISillWlUS "VIC IIJC UUItlillg IIUM0 Ul lue SiOUX, seven years and the president was of age before the first section of that stale to be given up by the Indians was ceded to the government. The first jieruiancnt settlement in South Dakota, tint at Sioux Falls, was not started until the president was thirteen years old, yet Soutb Dakota Una now 400,000 inhabitants. , At the time the president was born the United States was engaged in a long controversy with Great Britain as to the ownership of the legion called the Oregon country, comprising all the terntory west of the Rocky Mountains and north of the present northerly line of Califor nia, Nevada and Utah the locality divided up into Oregon, Washington aud Idaho, with part of Montana and Wyoming. This region did not be come United Stales territory until llC. A year before that lime, when the president was a year old, the republic of Texas was annexed, and three years later, in 181H, the great domain then called Ne Mex- jco and California, which comprised, in addition to tho present territory aud state of that name, Arizona, Utah, Nevadand pait of Colorado and Wyoming, was added to thy possessions of the United States. Nobody, of course, thought ot that time, or for many years afterward, of the annexation of Hutsian Ameri ca, which has fig111"6'! n the American maps of the past thirty-two years as Alaska. The president was twenty-five earsofage when the present Ger man empire and kingdom of Italy came into being. The boundaries of Austrla and Fiance have been altered since 1844 more than once by cut ling off aotno territory in one part of each and adding a little on another part, liussia lias appropriated in Asia in the past fifty four years a tract almost equaling iu dimensions its territory in F.uropc. Turkey has lost territory in Euroio and Asia aud now occupies a much smaller spaco ou tho map than it filled half a century ago. The sound of Kng land'. drum beat, which, in Webster's words,' was already circling the earth, is beard today in many spots on the globe, which did not know it In tho 40s. Spuin, the first of the nations on whose dominions tho sun never set, has virtually shrunk to the di mensions which it had before Colum bus slartc l out on his first voyage across the Sea of Darkness. On all sides the map of the world has been changed in the past half century, and iu no part of the earth has there been more striking changes than those made in the boundaries of our own country. The maps of the United States drawn when the presi dent was a year or two old, and bich put its western bound ry at the Sabine, the red and the Arkansas rivers and the Kocky mountains, would not readily lie recognized by the average American of today. The capture of two of the best fighting regiments in Ihe British army is a facer for Kngland, but nothing else could be expected when it is consideied tbey are outnum. bercd, their forte being 10,000 against 50,000 Boers. But ju.-t as the union recovered from Bull Kun, so will the British come out of this, says the Walla Wt!la Statesman. Of course many will icjoioe just ts the coperhcads did in the north over the reverses of the federal troops. The royal Irish fusilers have always had a reputation fur fighting, and twice in their history have had their ' colors taken from them for not obeying orders to retreat. Btitaiu has known all along she hail a brave and desperate foe to contend with land this experience will confirm the opinion. hort llcotlog of Water CiimniUiltmrti. There a nnt a largo altemliinre at the meet in uf water runiniiHiinm Ust evening, there tielng presrnl Commis sioners I'lich'.er, I'l.irumn, liollun, Kan dull and Surieritilemleut Cruferi and Secretary (isles. In tl.e atieriicn el Chairman Setifert, I'hirmsn wns ap pointed to fill tli chair. Tlis report of ttie superintendent M"l treasurer aero read and adopted as fallows : HI I'KIIIM liMJtM ' bKI'OHT. Total book aceomit. Sept $M"2 '-'i Amount collected iu OcloU-r . . . I Uii H" TfcEAKl'bEk's litl-OUT. rPh nn hand Oct I j.!7U 'M Kee'J li E Hroukf, ta'a Iota '."-'5 OO llee'il from Cro'fen, water rent , 1 1 : t- 4 ) Total -:M 71 Warrants redeemed 2i4 00 Cash on hand Oct .tl fith2 71 The folloainif claim aere real and ordered paid : J li Crocsrn, superintendent t'I0 00 C A Jtorders, helper HO (H) Nr-d (inter, secretary ID 00 W K H-own, laiior 2 nO Wm Morifanrleld, labor i OO (ieo Itsno, lador 2 00 Krarik Stone, labor 1 1.11 II Carl, labor 1 Of) Francis L'rarn, tabor. . . I fx) A A Uninhart, labor . . . 9 in) Maier A llenton, rri'laa 5 f7 Mays A Crowe, rndtfl -I 50 Wilson A Mdirnth, team hire ... 7 Nt I T I'etera A Co , md 1 04 Dufur A Menefen, legal services.. 6 00 J li Crosi en, pre-payment claim.. 2 00 IS Appliea to Ilia Iralira. A New Iirunswiek editor would like to have, the following new game laws adopted : "Book agents may 1 killed from Oc tober 1 to Septemtier 1 ; rpriri poetr, Irom April 1 to IV.rnary I ; umbrella borrowers, Irorn Auyii't I to November I and February 1 to May 1, l,ili every man who accepts a tieaspiiper (or two years, and npon being prt' nted wild his dill, says, 'I never ordered it!' be killed on the rpot without receive or relief." It will n.jt b a tnrpfe to hiiv ho are at all familiar with tho pood realities of Cbambnrlaln't Coi((b Iietiiedy, to know that peop'e everywhere, take pleasure in relating their i xperience In the ti-e of that splendid and in tolling of the benefit tbey have re ceived from it, of bail colds it has Hired, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it bus laved from attacks of croup an I whoop ing cough. It is a grand, good mcdic!ii. For sale dj Illakelcy A Houghton, drug gists. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf A FRIEND IN NEED. Waller rarblaa ' -l'" Oalusd Maajr Las! Kignl. Wr.lm.iUy Pally. "My Friend From Ind a" "d many friend at the Vogt laat night, nd ail wera mora than happy to make hi ac quaint ne, for ha proved a friend In need. What a pleasant relief to again hear genuine it, sea good acting by r flned actors and actreaaes; to ml the sverlaitting jangle ol siiucaky voices and the attempt to display homely forms, which I done under tli guise ol dancing. Another thing wa happily conspicuous by it absence and thai was the orer-abuodance of make-up, which i to disgusting on a stage where every delect 1 noticeable. The actor were flue looking, ami the actresses pretty and tylish to a pleasing degree; while many of them showed in every move ment the Pel Harts training, adding so much to every lilualloo. 'lb costumes ere also tho latest, showing .by their clean, new appearance that they had not been handled roughly nor worn any length of time. Some of them aere very beautiful. The ( lay Itsoll I all right, containing enough plot to make it interesting and abounding In the most ludicrous situa tions, affording almost one continuous laugh throughout the performance. The efforts ol the retired Kansas City pork packer and hi family to gain an entrance into society and the novel means ured, whereby A. Keene Shaver, a theusophie al barber, is obliged to assume the lole ot a tbeoaopbist from India, form the basis of the plot J and whiie somewhat exaggerating the scheme resorted to by the shoddy people of soma of our largo cities, it give an insight into the absurd tr.tU-l employed to enter "swelldom." Walter Perkins 1 immense, having attained a happy medium in precniint hi chnracler, neither overdoing nor un derrating the dilemma li, which the role places him. ilis facial ei pressiom are a strong factor in the incceta be achieves. 1'. is a dilliciill character to sustain throughout an entire erf r mani-e, but he la fully jal to It. Perhaps the best feature ol the ev n ing was the mirror act, which waa perfect- Frrd Mower was aph-n lid In the role of Krastui Overball, as was aUo l.ulti Mower as the tierman maid. Hut we must desist, for they were all ib-jerrliig of praise, and furnished their aiidieuci) with over two dour of genuine pleasure; and all are grateful to Mr. liurier for sccDiing such a pleasing at tract ion. Itleil uf ( fnsumillin. At 9 o'clock laat night Johnnie Mar, eldest son of Mrs. Win. Hmlmo id, died at her home ou Weal Third street, of consumption. For the past eighteen iiitntdi Iu das been a nillVrer from that disease, and over three months ago waa token from dia ranch near Hutledge to St. Vincent's hospital in I'ortUnd, where he remained for two months. Finding nothing conld be done for him ho was brought to tl.e home i f his mother In this city, where be has since received every ossible at tention ; but in vain, and.'w bile his half iatrr, Sadie, was watching over hi in last night (his mother taring ill) tie passd verv quieily away. He waa born in Peru, I.Iinoie, Jau. , I soil, and is therefore 3d yeara and 10 mouths old. He waa a cripple, for w I en tut 7 yeara old he aulfered an ac cident which, italed the annota tion of one of his legs. Ho inherited consniuptioii from his father, who (lieu of that dieease, and in ronirqunnce has never mrn very strong. lis leaves beside his mother and step, lather, aaialer, Mrs. Ferguson, of Untie, M'.nt., a hail-sister, Mias Sadie Hed inorid and half brother, Jos. Itcdmond, boih of The Ilalles; also several uncles, annts and con tins. The funeral will take place from the Catholic church at 0 ..M tomorrow morn ing when reipiiem high mass will b sung. The remains wiil be buried In the Catholic cemetery. Ms Demand rr wheat. L.(i. I'attullo, of Tacoma. represent ing Ilalfoiir, Utithrie A Company, waa at the Hotel Pendleton. He ha been looking up wheat mailers in a general way in the county, anil Informing him sell on the condition ol Ihe crop of IH'.N, sava the Kiat Oregonlan. Mr. I'nttullo discussed the wheat situ ation briefly, saying: "The market is dull, as every one knows. Tho situation is attributable to the absolute lack of demand in the world's markets. Then there Is the ele ment ;f high ocean freights. These have ruled high during Ihe entire season ami are yet far above the average. "Alone time this season, we could have paid 70 cents a bushel for blue stem of No. 1 grade, but at the time could MiT'iru out only (V.) at Ihe sea board. This indicates, as you will see, that some element wai entering Into the market of the time, and that element was hiirh ocean freights, which were sis to seven centa above normal." --.j-- Mrh and llowera' Minstrels. The fifth minstrel company this se. son occupied the (irnnd last night, H is related of Uriel Acostii, the great scholar and philosopher, tl.nt he should have said "There Is nothing new below the sun !" Well, that was not the caae last night, for a lialveslon audience at tended for the first time a minstrel "show." That w surprlae number one. Number two, the nilnatrel show did not perpetrate "Itretk the News to Moth, r" In any manner, shape or form. Number three, Ihe company had no song folio for tnle and bene the happy and unauspectlug auditor none la pur chase. No 20-cent fullo for 10 cent! And ui prise number four, the mosi aurprisiog and agreeable of all, the audi ence, which aeemingly did nut ef peel to witness much of a performance, were treated to a good uilnstrul r(or nanca, a production decidedly better than that given by similar organisation traveling on the atrengtb of "passed" reputation. The second pari Included a number ul clever specialties. The feat of 1'aseatel, the poaturer and contortionist, were really marvelous. The vocal features laat night were aa g-iod as the specialties. Ueach and lloaers In their "bono solo," a the program call It, were very clevtr. Strange to sav.on of the beat featuir of Ihe "show" last night wa Hobby beach aud hi troupe of informing dogs. !ti actually hard to tell what the dogs did not do and what wonderful feal Itesih could not accomplish with til lot of dogs, for they wee trained "par excellence." There were wlwut snieen of the eaiiinea, whose tr eks would lipid the best witnessed In tial veaton in that line. It wa excellent. lialveslon News. DROr-PEO DEAD. 4tlrar t'siissa Ihe UslH nf Jantsa limited This M iming. Oils) a Oall). James Ilinneil. who drove into The l'slies (his morning at II o'clock, bring ing a loa I ( f w lieat from hi farm on High I'ralri, ner Hariland, and who ....i.. i- ... ..i i.-i,i. . . i I was up jar,-n 1 1 j in mi w in-miu n j he stopped al M iidy'a warehouse .snl unloaded the wheat, now itea a! curp-e at th u i l-rtasmg room ol Crandall A llorg.-t. After disposing of his wheal, be, stopped to talk lo W. II. M o'xlv in tb east w arehonre, and suddenly reellcf, as . 1 if d xy, f II to the flxir. Mr. Mnody aid ihe W'okni-n atones l.e.aii doing' a.l tl.ey could lo bring him 1 1 and car-; ried him to the back of Ihe room, when aphtaician waa at once sent I r, I 'r. Hudson arriving soon alter, but too late, J for his heart seemed to cease beating the ' moment be fell. His remains wet j removed to the undertaking rooms, I : where an (-lamination was made and ! the verdict was apopl'ty. The coroner i waa lent for, but did not deem an in quest necessary. i Hi w lie w ho came up on Ihe Inland Fiver iasl evening and waa to return home i with him, waa shopping, ami it waai some time before it was discovered she j was her and before she could be fnui.d. 'Ihe shock wa a severe one, hut shell: said to be very brave. She says de has ' been aw are thrro was a alight delect of; tho heait, but that he b is n-ver aulfered i from it. She waia.Mns Pitman, and i was a teacher at Warm Springs unlit eight years ag islirti they weio married. Tbey base on child, a Ixiy of 7 yeara. Mr. Huinell waa a man of lis y.-ara and a native of Kngland, Has taen In this country fourteen years, living mutt of tho time at High Prairie, wlero he1 i has good profH-rty interest. Ilia In telligence was far above tho ordinary, and bis character and Inlegriiy of that sterling quality which nukes the large number f business men who know bun here, apeak in the highest terms ol bill . He was strictly honest. He leaves two sister In Kngland. Mr. Pitman, father of Mrs. Ilintiell, has been sen', for and arrangements for the removal of the remains to their home will be made upon bis arrival. i Nareess f tlaslil Heraui. The three hundred sn I tenth thousand ol Iiavid Hariim I now on press, and; the vitality of this phenomenal book Is shown by Ihe fact that on one (lay In the first week of October the orders amount- ' eij to over four thousand roplea. It la I also of interest lo note one significant (art regarding the sa'rs, which is that the actuid record show sn Increase, The average sale of David Ham n fi,f every husinras ihy In A..i-t waa j tern hundred and six copies, w hile the; avenge rate In September waa fifteen! hundred and twenty-one f ipiea. It Is of course obvious that n book of recent ' years has approached tho record already made by David Haruin and the future,! judging from tho present antes, promises' even more remarkable result. There is morn Catarrh in this section of the country than all olhn diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to lie incurable. For a great many years doctor! pronounced It a local dieeiiso, ami prenrihed local remedies, and dy constantly fulling lo cure with local treatment, roii iiniced it Incurable. Science ha proven citurrh tube a constitutional diicare, and tbi re fore require constitutional treatment. Hall's Cutarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.; Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It i taken internally In doses from ten drops loa teasnooiiful. It act directly on tne biood and mucous mr.aces or tne system. Tiicv ofler one hundred .V.mrs for any rase It fad to enre. Send for circular and 'estmrmlal. Address. F. J. Cnrsur A Co.. Toledo. O. eTaaJ-Suld by Druggists, 75c. 7 'WVSS.V 1 Admiral George Deiej w'ltl rerels lbs mnat mjal wolcm, oa OoV 1 Mil, Utal waa evwi aceunlsd to aa AjbsiJ!. Utlssau You will flirt a com r Ms Mrahy of iharnsl bara, Inclinllng tU billllaul vii torr t Uistoa lab fl In II graal, sutSiorllativa ass aa. ' dat work ot rsIxrsDes, Uia , New Werner Edition oftlr Encyclopaedia Britannica Tbla la Ul only tnryrlnpAlia nn u ntriai di OMDUnna Ailmlfwl Uatjf. It iivrslUiUnah tilrtb; bow b s;nil bis Uiybuul -1t; Uis put Is U.S la Ihs civil Wr.r, tin sfi.-r tlis Wubssw MnpkirsUoa Ut Iunn- s:u.n; la Uia Kanl aoadenri his rise U lit rant . r i ..mir.Msu4 CrcaMont of lh Boat4 of .iseciina and airrrr, bis oanmawl of Ihs Atioo a,'; bo April J ib be fen Hung i:h Mst4K, ajutelabiliiestti ys.1 the Snnii r lisala. Ml Way Uti hM eppuiiitmim as krs. uxlral, the buffers be r--'i;. frm;i (ti rm, 414 how 00 Marrb 2nd, 1. I was cmisd full a lulral. It Swaka erf liliaaa astnei Jisc'plltwiwa, SB all arouitil atblele, a Uarliig Ituncmaa So4 huntsman, and anelsily a S'1 cn.b ra tut I vsnsrwl fsrorlls. I! lolls of 1 :1s r ms to K sy Ooolein, a iluiiirr i "i.s ' rjhiiin a crunrtrf Saw llsnii.l.lrv. hn .1 i.-U la leTt, saw llig aaoO, Owga OuuUwIU P.-ae;. f Governor TlieoJore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and aroeas of othoi 0'"t rNM twlrwi utsnlktiinl la any uiltrr fc:tcj U - itvslrslat ascus aucitUua la Utls .liu..m.f il.s Encjclopdia Britannica Ilsprwkaof (Isiwral Woi1 as Unmoor f (ata sent of tieneral llsory as i,irFrtiisistsl 4 rorto kiroi ef AulnaUu's illajsiiua of aaalosl lb 0. a. 'tt9 YOO REED TUIS COMPLETE SDHill ofhumaa knoals-lrs and it. wtiswalaa Biailun Uoxite easily f.aiitd soiuteil Us any elites book or ucjrcki'ha la Um wn IN YOUR HOME. I OS SALS ST I. C. NICKELSEN, Trilby For wood, Chips, know, ihavlnmsi corn cobs, hay or poat. 0$0 fsofo- Conatruf lion Thl is sir ll,il,l m-alrr el H.- "l " tH'. II haa CAM' 110'N 1 INI riiaslus II .Inr.i.le: iii- I'ts .1 ta.l sr.,1 h"1"'" " nrn.m-iilal sali.a l-f. '""" rovrr uiiiloinrHtlt. . all ami S.T Mir sl-a-S L !' elst-ttlteiw. Dyspepsia Cure. niWctc what vou cat ItrtinclH(llr-tathcfoiaaDdlJ nature lu slrcnKinmin.K or tructlnifthci cxliiiusfd iHif fr fana. It Istholnlcstrilscovcrw W ant ant! tonic. No ol icr V'r, 1(. can approach It in em 'Vi.rurea stantly relieves and prrimn'-nt!y c Dyspepsia, Indication, "i Kfiil ulciico, Sour htlotimrb. iNBu sppronclilt in enicie.i.j. Sick I lcadacbe.fJaitralifla Lmnirj all other roHi.liai.f Inipcr?-''-' dlCos PrepBrad by t. C- OrWi'T -EnllcrUrngCo., Tba i'""' i Plato 8 etfiii