The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 04, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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if X
PART Q. vj
Cailnri an Eclire Cjlamn cf the Flv-
; i-iciit
NO. 6
nliiiuti will irt ....ii i .
"" in me walert or all
th" lands, the climatic con
la loin belmr. similar in ii... t ...1.
VI 1 1 J J XJ
THOUSAND MEN Wiiile Assumes Responsibility (he Iijster, AcLnoi IcJy iinj
Dial lie Sen! tbe Column to l a
unable Position.
I.iimm'v, l let. 31. A dispatch frtim
(ico.ral White, e mimandlmr th llrltlrh
furcr t l.sdi tn.lth, r.-poit that t!.
;oyl Hli (miller, a mounted battery
nd the I iioucaterhlre regiment were
turruim led in the hill I by Boert, and
Ihtr after lotiilg hejllly they were
uhliged Id capitulate. The caaualtiea lm
Dot yet be-n arc-rlaumd.
I.on n, (K't. 3l. Following It tli
text o( General White' dWpatch t' the
war other :
"I.vlyaiulth, Oct. 3d. 10:t"( p. in
1 have lu report dltatter to Hid c duinn
Mill by ma I take a poailion on liill
lo I 'urd lli left flank of Ihe tronpe. In
them 0 ("Hi loin today Iho Rival Irish
fmiiien, No. 10 mounted battery mid
the tiloticesterahlre ri-gimwtil ware tut
rounded in the lulla, and after lotln
heavily, lit l to capitulate. CastiallU
have not yet been ascertained.
"A man of the fuallier employed at a
lioaiota! orderly cam in under a fl ig id
truce a nh a letter from Ilia urvivor id
the roliinin, whoatked for aaaiatance to
turf the dead. I fear there la no doubt
of the trutli of ll report. I formed
plan in l!ie carr vlnrf out of which the
dna("-r ore I r ml, and I ani alone
tpomihle for lh plan. There it
b ari.e whatever to Ilia troop, a
v.jitiuii wa untenable."
British Lou la Appalling.
iisioM, u.-l. 31. Whlla minor re
rre were nit wholly unexpected
nothing tika tlia daggering blow Gen
ral Joubert delivered to General Wliito'
force yetterdav a a anlirlpalrd. The
full extent id Ilia ditatter i not yrl
acknowledged, If It I known, at Ilia war
olhce. The Iota, la affect, must lie ap-
pallinii to General White, who it
lically surrounded. Two of the fluent regiment and mule taller;
di-iliiiied from I.idyttnitli gurritoo,
i-akn.a it a hunt fifth of It total
iri-n.Mh and alien tha whole titration
Very materially In favor ol the I! eri,
ho hare again tliow n thrinielvet trotig
fi(l:ter and oillltare ttrateglat of u
nii-n order.
Tin itliatter coat tha Rritlfh 1500 to
-'On) man and tlx even-pound crew
I'll", and a tha Hoar artillery la already
trouper than Imagined, tha capture of
there gun will b great help to the
Hoert. Further new mutt lie waited
before it i attempted to fit tha Maine
where It helongt. White manfully ac
"pled all retpontlblllty for tha ditatter,
l'ti watat leatt partly due to the
tampering of mulet with tha gun.
Suicide of a llorscthlcf.
IUvtj, Wath , Oct. 30. Win. Naka,
lio hat been In jail here alnre 8eptem
ier, charged with liorietteallng, wat to.
dy convicted In the iiiperior court.
Jkewat tent lo jail at 3:30 lo await
rntnca tomorrow morning. At 4:30
"'Janitor went Into the corridor and
"ked Sake If ha wanted Are, but,
hearing no reply, hurried Into tha cell
nd taw Naka banging by the neck.
ThetharifT wat Iniinedialely informed
d tha body cot down. Naka pned
loeltohatig biintulf with, tying it in
tha open doorway of an adjoining cell.
The body wat warm when cut down.
Dar waa and. aflar working
'i honr, gave op the ci a hopelet.
'oka ttola a hone from tha hitching
r k In Iaytn, wat followed to Toineroy
nd arretted, lie had tarred term in
Wathlngton penitentiary, lie once
""'ted arrett In Pino Creek, Dr., but
finally torroim led by the tlierlff'a
Pse and taken.
Salmon Ecu Go to Australian Water.
P Francihco, Oct. 31. One million
'fir of the Chinook tatmnn ara to be
'ntliy the United Statu fltli commit
'"n to New Zealand on the tteamer
M"n. They are from Uttliery In
"Kon. It It belieired that the Chinook
Vice i'rcHidcnt Better.
Nnw Yoiik, Oct. 31. Viee-I-reaident
Hoh.irt thowed linicli l.uproveineiit at I
p. in. Hit wat able to tit up in bed and
fiolt coiul.lerabia iHiiiritlimeiit.
NiiW Yomk, Oct. 3l.-Viej.preiId.-iit
Hubert, iu the opinion t hit phynidan,
It not likely to die today, and may tor
vive lor teveial day. Hohart at 8
oVloia tint morning, waa Hill asleep
and retting ,.il.-t!y i natural iumb.-r.
Dr. (iaylor. the family phytician, teiit
Ihe greater pait of the nii;l.t In the room
a-l lining this patient, lie aaid llol.arl'
nervout tytlem wat wrecked at tha re
ultof overwork, and hi heart tulfered
in the general breakdown.
Captain Ficacb Dead.
M hm,ton. Oct. 31. A cablegram
Iro-.i dmernl ( , the war depart
ineiil announce the death lodav of
Captain Chan. Kren. h. Thiriy-i-ixth in
lantry, who wat wounded in yettenlay't
nnht at I- londa I'.larc o.
taptaui Charle. rrench wat muttered
In at lint lieutenant, Kital Montana vol
uo:eera, ami terved with hi regiment
in Ihe Philippine initll July 21, laet.
w h--n he accepted the appointment a
c.iptain in Ihe Thirty-aixth volunteer In
ln'.ry. He wat a retideut of (ireat
Fal'a, Montana, where hit father now
Eculisb TrooDS id Gicfl Snirits Ftel
CoDlWeEt They Can Hall Garrison.
upheld the beat tradition of the Biltith
army, the tension bat been relieved
tince there it no longer any ground to
decide that the Joai of life waa accom
panied by divhonor.
Call (tut More Reserves Ilocrs
One Thousand.
I.omjox, Oct. 31. The war otlice hat
tent the follow. ng ditpatch to General
Puller: "Three extra battalion of foot
an l one mountain battery with reervet,
will !eve Kngland during the court ol
len da)t to make good your catualtiea."
I.oMxiN, Oct. SI. It la learned by the
At, ciated Preaa that the war oflice hat
ordered the tecond army corpt to be in
readlneea to be called out. The military
offli-ialt have not yet decided whether
the coiitiimination of the plan will be
necenary, hut they are determined to
hav) every thing In re linett either lor
a dvmonatralion In Kurope of (ireat
Itritain't cnpabililiet, or lor the tend
ing of evon a larger force to the icene o'.
I'ntil the receipt of newt ol the I.dy-
until ditatter, the latter courte wat
considered out of the quettion. Put
now the.e I no knowing what tie pi will
be decided upon.
I.o.Kioc, Oct. 31. A apecial dirpatch
from I.iilytinilli tayt the Itoert tuffered
aeveruly during the engagement, aoine
per. n eatimatiug their Iota at 900 to
llkJO killed and wounded.
Brave Britons Foui-ht Asainst Creat
Odds All lay, and Surrendered
Only When Tlicy Had Not a Cart
ridge Lett Mules Also Carried
Away the Entire Gua Equipment.
Ixmmix, Nov. 1. It waa announced
today in a apecial ditpatch from Lady
tinitli that the B lert again cloaed around
that place on Monday night, tending
hells into the Iiritlah camp. Two gnna,
lauded from the Pritith crniaer Power
ful, opened Tiro on the Poert at dawn
Tueaday. The Hoert brought up more
gum, but tome of them were tilenced.
It it added the Puera' lot must have
been heavy.
The (inrrinon of Ladytniith it de-
tcribed a leing in gooLepirite, and con
fident, and the troopa are laid to be full
of fight. The artillery duel wat (till in
progrest Tuetday night.
linn is, Nov. 1. The Tageblatt tayt
Count Pothmer, president of the Ger
man Peace (Society, hat telegraphed to
IJueen Victoria praying hej- to accept the
mediation of the United Statet in the
war with the Trantvaal.
Took Hat Poison.
Mi-.vcia, Ind., Oct. 3t. Pay Ilallerofl,
33 yeart of age, took a (I jfo of rat poiton
tonight. He imagined hit young wife
did not love him and left a letter con
fetting jealouty of one of hit wife's
women ateociatet. They were married
a year ago in Kan Francisco, where the
it highly connected. Hallorofl't father
1.1 a P.iptifct n.inieter in Portland, Or.
Since he waa married, Ilallerofl hat loy
$'00 in the musical inotrii.i.ent bosi
nett In Flndlay, O., and hat been in
tevere financial Units here.
Archbishop Ireland to Be Sued fur Litel
Kashas Citv, Nov. 1. A fctar tpecial
from Albncjiierfjiie tart:
General Fnneton, who It en route
home with the Kantaj regiment, hat
wired bit Topeka attorney to bring pro
ceeding againat Archbishop Ireland, of
St. Paul, and '-The Monitor," a Catholic
paper of San Francisco, for criminal
libel. The proceedings grow out of
chargea printed in the Monitor that
Funtton bad taken two magnificent
chalicct from certain Catholic cbuichet
in the Philippines ami aent them borne
to bit wife.
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent.
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar.
Open Weather Bcnliecial lo Farmers
and Stockmen.
Hkci-nkr, Or., Oct. 30. The plca.nt
weather of the paat week hat been very
benrllcial to the farmert and ttockmen
of ihla county. The farmert are towing
larger acreage thlt fall than otuul
Owing lo tha raint In Augntt the ground
wat In proper condition for teeding fully
tlx week earlier than ntual.
Sheep are coining out of the monnt
tint thlt fall in fine condition, and the
range, which at thia time last year wat
nerfectlv bare. It noai covered with a
t - -
good growth of grata.
Your faea
Showi the state of your feeling and the
ttate of your health at well. Impure
b'oi d make iteelf apparent in a pale
and tallow complexion, Pimplca and
Skin Krilptlont. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do no, have a
healthy appearance you thonl.l try
Acker'e Plood Klixir. It cniea all blood
dlacjte where cheap Sartaparillat and
to culled purlllert fail ; knowing Ihit we
tell every bollle on a positive fc.iarantee.
Plakeley A Houghton, drugglata.
Xo Change In Condition.
lATKKn, N. J., Nov. 1. Vice-Prcs'.
dent Hohart paaaed a comfortable night.
He tlept fairly well and there la no
change In bit condition from yetterday.
The "Plow Po Preacher," Kev. J.
Kirkman, Belle lilve, III., V. "After
nir.ning from Bronchial or lung trouble
for ten yearr, I win cured byOno Minute
Cough Cure. It 1 that I claimed
for it and more." It care couth, col.',
grippe and all thioit and lung trouble.
Butler Hrug Co.
To tbe Six
People He
Held Ip at
Ixindox, Nov. 1. The Pritith war
olllee today made public a dia patch re
ceived from General While, describing
the operation of Mouduy.
"The main advance waa incceeafully
carried out, Ihe objecti'-e attack being
found evacuated. An artillery duel
w hich ensued between our field batteriea
and the enemy't gune is understood to
have caused heavy lota to tbe enemy.
The reconnoiaeance forced the enemy to
fully di?c!oee hit position and after a
strong counter attack on our right in
fantry, the brigade and cavalry had been
re ui I ted. The troop were lowly with
drawn to camp, picket being left on ob-aervation.
"The circumstance which attended
tlio movement of Carlton' column are
not yet fully known, but from report
nceive.l, tlm column appears to have
c.-irried out the night attack nnmoleeted,
until within two mile of Nicholson's
Nek. At tiiit point two boulder rolled
from the hill and a few rille thott ttara
peded the infantry ammunition mules.
The etampede tpreaJ to the battery fjittera it tbe best medicine in the world
mule, which broke loote from tbelr ! to retcnlata tlie atomBcti. liver and kid-
pENDLtTox, Nov. 1. Officer are
tcooring the country for the high
wayman who held op six people at the
limit of tlie city last night. Track
found at tbe place of the hold-ups were
followed a short distance, but have not
led to anything definite at to which
direction he went.
A. J. Benham.tho second man robbed,
describe the lobber at G feet 10 inches
In height, weight 175 or 1H0 pounds, full
of face, with a mustache, wearing a dark
suit, and had a low, bats voice. Ben
bam said the man'a voico and manner
of tpeech were those of an intelligent
man, and his action showed a man of
steady nerve. He thinks there was a
confederate in the bodies near bv,
covering the entire party of six, while
the other did the job.
NnP'ghlti. I (linen.
The woman who is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive mutt
keep her health. If she is weak, sickly
an I all run (low n, the will be nervous
and irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impnre blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
merit w ill be in tbe cemetery at McMinn
ville, where the deceased's Lome had
been for the past sixteen vear.
More Smallpox in Salem.
S.w.em, Nov. 2. Pa'eui is grea'.ly ex
cited over two new smallpox cases dis-
rnvprpil last ftvaninv R-ith
To Orier WitMrawal of the Annyaci:
from Albany within the patt few day
and have renewed the tcare w hich had
sutti led with the cuppressinn of tbe
dreaded disease. One of the afllicted
persone it a child of Mrt. D. P. Perkins.
Both mother and child have been taken
Nary Frcm Its PiiliHfa
leaden and ran away with practically
the whole of the guu equipment and a
greater portion of the tmall-arm auimn
nltion. The reserve wa timilarly lost
"The infantry battalions, however,
fixed baronet and accompanied by a
personnel of artillery, celled Ihe hill on
the left of Ihe road two mile from tbe
Nek. with but little oppoeition. There
they remained unmoleeted nntil day,
their time being occupied in organixicg
thedefente of the hill. At dawn the
skirmish attack on our position wat com
menced by the enemy, but made no way
until 9:110 a. in . when reinforcement
enabled their to ruth to the attack with
great energy. Their fire became very
searching and two companies of the
Gloiicealers in advanced position were
ordered to (all back.
"The enemy then pressed to short
range, the losses on our side btcoming
very numerous. At 3 p. m. our am mo
ult ion was practically exlianated, the po
sition waa captured Bnd the turvlvors of
the c iliiinn fell Into the enemy's hands.
The enemy treated our wonnded with
humanity. General Jontiert dispatching
.r ... .1
a loiter to me oncring laio runout, iu
loctort and ambulance to remove tbe
wonnded. A medical oflicer and partiet
to render first aid to the wounded were
dispatched to the scene of action from
I.adysmith laal night and an amoulance
at dawn thia morning.
The gloom caused by the Briliah dit
atter at I.vlytmith was in a measure re
lieved by today's story, g'virig an ac
count of the heroic stand made by the
decimated battalions nntil their last
cartridge was gone. The britisli nerve
was momentarily shaken by General
White use of thn wird "capitulation
In tho first telegram, but now that it la
known that IheGlouchettersand fusileera
longht sk'' ovrwhelming odd and
ney and to pnrify the blood. It gives
trong nervea, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a good looking, charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents
at Plakeley & Houghton's drng store. 2
Noonday Burglary.
Ki.LKNtBiKd, Wash., Nov. 1. The
boldest robbery in the history of Ellens
bnrg and possibly in the state occurred
here during the noon hour today, the
jewelry store of II. Rehmke A Pro. being
the scene of the work. The brother
have been doting their atore on going to
lunch, between twelve and I o'clock.
Today they did not go together, bnt over
lapped so that the store was closed only
fifteen minutes; yet In that interval
entrance was effected through the rear,
and good worth at leatt (3000, possibly
much more, were taken.
Senator Allison Cannot See Two Sides
to the Question of V bat Is Cur
Duty in the Distant Isles.
New York, Nov. 1. Senator Allison,
of Iowa, di.cissing matter in the Phil
ippine in the forthcoming issue of the
Independent, will say :
"It does not seem to me that there
can be two sides to the question of what
it our present duty in the Philippine.
By our treaty with Spain and with the
exchange of ratifications of the treaty,
these islands became ours. Our title to
them is clear and nnquestionable nnder
our constitution and under the law and
usages of nations. The insurrection
i to the Mutser residence, where tbe first
! eases of smallpox were confined.
An infected family named Woods came
l from Albany a few days ago, and now
I reside just north of Salem. This family
j has been quarantined. The Salem school
1 board N considering Hie question of
closing tbe public schools.
If Grant Be Lucky in War He May Be
the Favored One, Otherwise Root
Will Probably Be the Man.
New Yi kk, Nov. 2. A special to the
Herald from Washington says: Vice
Presidtnt Hohart' announcement,
through member of his family, of his
there against our authority began alter retiremeent Irom pnblic life will make
During the winter of 1 897 Mr. James
Reed, one of the leading citizens and
merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va.,
struck his leg against a cake of lee in
such a manner as to bruise It severelv.
It becauiervery much swollen and pained
him to badly that he could not walk
without the aid of crutches. He was
treated by physicians, also used several
kinds of liniment and two and a half
gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but
nothing gave any relief nntil be began
using Chamberlain's Pain Palm. This
brought almost a complete cure in a
week' time and he believes that had he
not uted this remedy hi leg would have
had to be amputated. Pain Balm i un
equal ed for sprains, brnlecs and rheu
matism. For sale by IVakeley A Hou.h
Ion Druggists.
the treaty was signed at Paris and con
tinues to thia time. Our duty require
us to suppress this insurrection and to
establish peace and order there.
"With the restoration of peace and
order there I take it for granted that
congress will provide government for
the people of the islands in the spirit of
liberty and justice and witli a view to
their highest possible civilization. Here
tofore, when possessions have been
quired by the United
dealt w ith the people residing in those
lerritoriet in the spirit of liberty and
justice, which prevaila in our constitu
tion and our law s, and I have no reason
to think or even suspect that future con
gresses will not make such roles and
regulations for these inhabitants as will
provide for them tho largest measure of
liberty possible for them as well aa the
largest local participation in the govern
ment with the situation there nnder our
sovereignty and nnder our flag.
"So far aa I cin see tbe only practical
alternative to this la the abandonment
of the islands, the withdrawal of our
troops and the withdrawal of our navy
as well. The president has no power to
direct this, as he can no, alienate terri
tory acquired. Congress can do so by
law and will soon be in session, and
those who think we should surrender
what we have gained there and with
draw our army and navy will have an
opportunity of testing the tense of con
crest by otTering piopositions to that
Fatal Apoplectic Stroke.
Fokkst Guovs, (Jr., Nov. 1. John
Dumphrey, who wa st.icken with apo
plexy here last Thursday, died this
morning, aged 63 years, never having
regained consciousness. He was born in
Baltimore, Md., in ISoti; came to Oregon
in 1X79, and for the last f.irty-three year
had been a locomotive engineer. For
twenty-one yeart be bad been con
tinuously engnged on the West Side
train, which first had its terminus at St.
Joeph, then at McMinoviile. bnt now
at Independence. Mr. Dumphrey waa
it necessary for the Republican national
convention to choose another running
mate for President McKinley, should
the president lie renominated next year.
It will uWo necessitate the choice of a
president pro tern for the eeua'e, to
preside over its ilt liberations until a
new vice-president takes office.
Republican pol' are practically
agreed that Mr. Hihait'a successor on
ac- the Republican ticket m-xt year must
States, congress , come from Ne l ork state. Senator
Piatt was in this c ty to lav, and it is
understood tha. candidate were dis
cussed. If Governor K-o.evelt had not
so clearly Imlic.Ued his disinclination to
acct-pt tbe second plact on the ticket,
be won'.d be an important factor in the
speculations as to the candidates.
His nomination is regarded, however,
as being practically out of the question,
and the two men mo-t discussed are
Secretary Root and General Frederick
Grant. Which one ol them receive the
Republican nomination may depend
upon the fortune of war in the Philip
pines. There are men who have served
with General Grant since hi appoint
ment to the army w ho believe that be
has inherited to a great degree the
military genius of his father and that all
he nee-Is is an opportunity. Ho hn not,
thus lar, had a chance to show whether
these opinions are well founded, but if
he should command the trooi s in some
brilliant action against the Filipinos, or
perhaps direct the final movement in
overwhelming the- insurrection, there is
little doubt that he would be the man
Should this opportunity not come to
General Grant and should the Philippine
w ar end successfully within the next few
months, the nomination would probably
be given to Secretary Root.
Cla F.lm cal I.S.50 p.r ton; Rock rriB 1 in 1Si;i) ' ,v"1 x'lon' r - '
Spring coal '.) per ton, c'elivered, at I Mist F.IIxibeth Shallenberge. He left a
Maier A Benton'. I widew, two daughter and a son. Inter-
Iron rve
Wa Ihe result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not fonnd where ttomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the tuccess
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only Coj at Plakeley
A Houghton' diugstore. 2