The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 01, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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.Saturday's I -ally
M. A. Butler, of Prndleton, U in town
Mn. V. 0. Brock cama down from
Wasoo ylerila.
Mr. M K'Xtvr. of Vancouver, psnt
ytsstvrJny in Tha Dalle.
J. P. Van Iloutrn cam in from Hav
Crswk yesterday and weui to Portland
tin worning.
T. M. B. Chastain, teacher of the
srhool at tlis Locks, cauie up to Tlie
Dalie last evening.
A. S. ll.iliuan, the well known news
paper man, renistered at the L'uiatilla
yesterday from 1'endlrton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Local came down
from Wasro yesterday and stent oyer to
(.ioidendali on today' tinge.
Mr. C. W. Johnston of San Francisco,
who lia been visiting relatives! Dufur,
returned to thi city yesterday.
Lewi Edfett, a nephew of H. W.
Welle, left Unlay for Yakima county to
take charge of hi uncle' thee p.
Mr. L. Clarke went up to Moro on
last aveuinit' train, where ihe wilt visit
her daughter, Mrs. V. O. lladley.
U. Bigham, who i employed iu Cba.
Stephens' sloro, left this morning to
epend Sunday at hie home in Vane uver.
r M. Zamwalt ami D. C. Roberts, of
Waruic, and G. V. and F. Payne, of
Rutlede, were visitor in town yes
terday. Mra. Wilson and F. V. Wilson, who
have spent tlie greater part of the week
in Portland, returned Louie ou the boat
last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. William were re
turning passengers from Portland last
evening. They were accompanied by
Florence Williams.
Orion Kinersly ha returned from an
extended trip through the neighboring
counties in the interest of the compa
nies he represents. ,(
Misses Edna and Rei'na Smith, came
over from their home on the Washing
ton side of the river, to attend M.
Mary' Academy here.
Mr. Cummin and Mis Montgomery,
who have spent a few day with Mrs.
Cha. Stephens, returned tuia morning
to their borne in Albany.
Grant Maya nl Victor Schmidt re
turned on yesterday' afternoon train
from Portland, where it is said they
bowled agaiust the Arlington club.
Mrs. S. N. Wi'kins and son, of Cor
vallio, arrived in the city last night on
the boat and left this mornrng for Prine
ill where she will visit her daughter,
Mr. Lee VViget.
Cbas. Crr.8e'.d, who ha been em
ployed in one of the leading drugstores
of Portland, spent Thursday evening in
The Dalles on his way to take charge of
IV. J. H. Hudson' drugstore at
Victor Sampson went to Cascades this
morning, where he has accepted a posi
tion as time keeper (or bridge iiantr
who is at work near there. Jnaie
Creightnn lias taken his place in M. J.
foniiell s drug store.
Mrs, A. Buchler and Mr. and Mrs.
GericLten came np from Portland yes
terdav. Mr. Gerirhten has sufftred
jveatly with rheumatism for some time
paet, and recently took trip to Cali
fornia hoping to be benefited thereby,
but in vain. He and Mrs. Gerichten
will remain in The Dalles for time,
where he expect to improve.
Men lay 's Daily.
O. Kinerslv went to Portland todar.
Alex Stewart, of Mosier, was in town
J. L. Story, of Union, spent yesterday
in The Dalle.
Mr. H. T. Murchie came down from
Wasco yesterday.
Mr. Nancy Blakeney is np from
Mosier visiting ber sons.
Mr. and Mr. C. J. Van Dnyn re
turned to their home in Tygh yesterday.
Geo. Knaggs came np Saturday and
spent yesterday with hi (laughter, Mr.
W. Vauee.
A. J. Sf.rum. Day Shrum and V,
Shrnm and sen, are in the sity from
Grade. ' '
Mra. Thos. Kelly was a passenger on
t in boat this morning, bound for Port
land to spend a short time w ith relatives.
Mr. Fred Fisher returned yesterday
afternoon from visit with her daughter
who it attending the buslDet college in
O. O. Benson and family and Mis G.
M.Jackson came down fro.n Granite
veeterday and left this morning for
Mr. and Mr. S. French retnrned !
borne Saturday evening from Portland,
where Ihey spent a few day with their
daughter, Dr. Gertrude French,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mays and Mr.
Slay' mother, Mrs. Ainsworth, came up
os the boat Saturday and spent yester
day and today visiting relatives here.'
Chris Scow a be and If. Bigham re
turned horre on last night's train, the
former having spent a few dayt in Port
land and the Utter at hi home in Van
coo ver.
Mis Mable Sterling, who has spent
soui i month in Pennsylvania, returned
on yesterday a afternoon train. Mrs.
Sterling wi 1 remain some time longer
visiting relatives.
K. M. Win gate, who accompanied J.
Ii. Cradlehangh, and T. J. Keufert as
far as Sn muter, returned home on yes
terday afternoon's irain. Like every
one else who visits there, Ed is enthuid
aslic over that booming little loan, and
think it I "it."
Captain Lewis, who five month ago
left this city and lin spent most of the
time in Spokane, came no from Portland
last night and has today
a .1..-
hi friend, here, who are glad to see hiin u'";"or-' proKrets.
. k. Ife will, however, return to School district No. 42, at Wamic, ha
Ppoktne this evening. Wherever he ifoes a good two-room school building, with
the captain has the best wishes of hi Mr. (i. W. Ilondnrant a principal and
friends for hi success. ,,. .. , , ' ,, r
Mis Kdna Iiroan, of The Dalle, a a.
L. C. Csnton was over from Center- ,ift int teacher. Here i an excellent
Tiile natnrday and made Tin Chromu'LI ; a ,, . , . , . ...... cali. Mr. Clanton savs he!B,',', ,or lfo0', ,cho0' work ' 6i brlhl
iaa rank Democrat, and therefore being-1 lirl, n1 lf Stand ready and willing
fully op in the Democratic (actio he J to assist their teichert In educational
doe not deem it necesary to take their
papers, but subscribes for number of
Republican journal just to find out how
. i. i.....,t. it. ...... .. ...
by hit jueaence, and is in turn highly
honored by being a tieightair ot Ilia
Chronici , ha returned to hit duties
in tlie l'acino f.xprea nines, navinr
taken a tnontli's vacation into Idaho.
He has given no account of hi behainr
while absent, but hi complexion is
such a to assure us he was not locked
up long this time.
Supt. C. L. Gilbert returned Saturday
night from a visit to the various schools
throughout the county. When asked how
their condition pleased him, he spoke
very Hatteriug concerning the success
attained ly Ihe tea. tiers. Although
looking much better, Mr. Gilbert found
the riding very tiresome, particularly so
a Ihe riding jar hi hip, which has not
yet recovered from the fall received
some time since. He will (tart out
again tomorrow visiting schools.
Saturday's Inily.
Emit Hachler it in from Wapinitia.
B. F. Swick is down from Canyon
Mr. ai.d Mr. J. 11. Eubank, of Wap
initia, are in town.
J. M. Reeder, of Antelope, is a busi
ness visitor iu town.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Everett are visitors
in the city from Dufur.
Percy Simpson came in from hU home
at Grass Valley yesterday.
Wm. Vanbibber has returned from a
business trip to Portland.
J. F. Phillips and daughter, of North
Yakima, were visitor iu town yester
day. Mr. aud Mr. G. V. Hilderbrand
came in on the afternoon train from
Wasco yesterday and spent today here.
W. K. McCormuck and wife and L. A.
Moss and wile came down from Paisley
yesterday and remained over today in
the city.
Lawrence Ainsworth is acting as pur
ser on the Dalles Cuv during Mr. Itron-
son's absence on other business for a
few days.
Jos. Andrew, who has spent some
time with his sister, Mrs. H benldon.
returned to his home in Benton county
this morning.
Thos. M. WInniford, a cousin of J.
F. aud R. E. Haworth. arrived in this
city last night fiom Oakland, Or., and
wnl visit for a few weeks.
Supt. Gardner, of the Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society, left last night for various
places along the railroad to visit wards
of the society. He will return in about
a week.
John Van Metre, one of Tygh' ub
stantial men, was in town today, giving
us a oil which sra appreciated. He
reports everything in line condition iu
his neighborhood.
Lee Moorehcuse, who has gained siu-b
prominence by hi remarkable ability
as an amateur photographer, and who
make specialty ot Indian pictures,
came down from hi home in Pendleton
vrsaterda v altftrnttfin anil Ittft thia mnrn.
1 in? fnr Portlantl.
Dafjr'l S)chfnl In Fine Condition Some
other Srhabijln the Cuaaty.
Further interfering information con-1
cerning our countv school ha been
gleaned from a reliable source, and that
our reader may know what is going on j
in the school about us, we publish it
below :
The town ot Dnfur, in school di-trict
No. 29, has been known for year for the
iutnrest shown in paplic school work.
Under the prir.cipaiship ul Prof. Asron
Frazier the school has sent out many
able teacher who did good work in their
chosen pro less ion.
A new f ur-room si hod building ha
been ereclcd recently, which Is the pride
of the town and the surrounding conn try.
for in the ahtence of saloons parents feel
safe in sending their children here for
more advanced work in their studies.
Mr. R. R. Allard is the principal ot
the school for the year beginning Sept.
IHth, and has charge cf the seventh and
eighth grade with an enrollment ol 'Jl
Mr. Geo. W. Brown teaches th inter-
meJiate department and has 30 pupil
in attendance.
Mrs. Rebecca V. Wilson i at home in
the primary room and is taking par
ticular care of the good moral and
gentle manner of the children entrusted
to her care.
A visitor would note an air of cheer
fulness and faithfulness in the several
room which matt bring'ood result.
Clean fl tors , polished stoves, potted
fljwers, neat black board work, good
school library and a reading tabie are
found in this schcol.
School district No. 6, two miles wrst
of Victor, ha new school building.
Miss Sus Ward i now teaching a term
in this district and hat an attendance of
23. Mis Ward always leave a record
of the classification and standing of
pupils for the guidance of the incoming
School district No. 47, five mile west
of Victor, hat new school house. Mis
Neva K. Harvey, of Wamic, began her
firtt term's work here Sept. 18:h.
School district No. 48, known a Fair
field school, has an enrollment of 34
pnpil. School began Sept. 25th with
Mr. II. W. Kelley a teachor. The
people in thilistrtct are Interested in
i ... t -
advancement. The school library book
were well selected by the teacher last
year, and the children have profited
greatly bv reading them
Mis Kojinia Campbell I teaching in
school district No. 44, eight mile from
Schools are not in session iu district
Go. 43, 4S, and 37, while Mis Maud
Sigmnu ha just closed a ter.u In district
No. 3 , near Dufur.
Ihe Waacta County Cases.
The supreme couit at Salem yester
day handed down opinions in two Wasco
county case a follows:
The case ol Oregon Lumber Co. vs.
June, wherein A. S. Benuett and J. H.
Cradlebangh were attorney for thedt
fendant and Huntington A Wilson for
the plaiutiir, was attlriued.
This was a suit brought for the pur
pose ot having the defendant Burns
Jonet declared a trustee for theplalntilf,
for a one-half interest in certain land
near Hood River, Wasco comity. The
cause was tried in the circuit court for
Wasco county, the testimony being
taken before referee. The result was
a decree in favor oi the Oregon Lumber
Company, from which the defendant
appealed to the supreme court. The
opinion revieas the evidence and holds
that the testimony supports the decree
of the lower court.
The case of State vs. Jake Andrews,
with B. S. Huntington and F. W. Wil
son for defendant, was reversed.
Tlie defendant was indicted, tried,
convicted and fined f"00 on the charge
of shottiiif, an I having in his possession
with intent to show, obscene pictures.
The trial r.i bad in Wasco comity,
where the crime is alleged to !,ave been
committed. A motion for a new trial
was interposed and overruled. Tho de
fendant app: -.led to the supreme court,
alleging many errors In the lower ciurt.
The supremo court holds that the
names ot all twelve witnesses should
have been endorsed on the indictment.
Minor questions were also passed upon.
, There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe disease put
together, and until the last fuw years
was supposed to be .incurable. For
great many years doctor pronounced it
local disease, and prescrilied local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science hits proven catarrh
tube a constitutional tlicrs-e, and there
fore require constitutional treatment.
Hall Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la Ihe
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken intornally in dose from ten
drops to a. teasDOonful. It acts directly
?n :t.e o.ooti and mucous suriacet ot tue
system. Tnev oiler one hundred 'loiiar
or any case it fa:. to cure. Send tor hikI teatriionia.a. Addrpaa,
. J. Ciiknk v t t'o.. Toiedo, O.
i fl.Sjld by Drug4its, ". 7
fllsmarek's Iron Ni ts
Wat the result of Lit spimuid heitllh.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
a.e not found whe-e. si"incli, liver,
aidney and bowels are tut of or W. If
) i want thee finalities and the success
tl.y bring, use Dr. Kind's New Life
Pills. They dvef, everv iioaer of
braiu and tody. On!y ;.') nt Biakeley
& Houghton's drngitore. 2
The "Plow -Boy Ireacuef," Rev. J.
Kirknian, Belle b'ive, I,l.,iavs. "Afier
ulffrin i om Bronchial or lung trouble
f it ti n yo-a, I was cured by One Minute
jCough Cure. It is ai! that i claimed
for it and more." Il cure cou jh, colds,
grippe and all throat and lung troubles.
Butler Drug Co.
Ask your 1
tor a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contAiBft no eocairttft,
mercury tvr an oliir
iiijii ru job drar.
It Is quickl Alorbetl
Give H43ii-f At one,
Tt fTtfrna unit eUmtm
Allftra Inr!sttnrnslirm.
n sla sn4 Protects t)i Meiniirsn !! rr tha
rnwea of Trt-t anrl hmtl. Kill tin toe. j TruU
fttzft.T at lrtiiiaTta or by mail
H.LX BiHTilitk. 64 H ai cam ittraat 5w Tork.
ctv tni as. an
Wild to tt. St St St
yur i
tetskt Slid
nunttasr In
alStt '
IVsrlr si s(4 snq
sssaifsi ri..s as to
f "Prep,, .
Nklsrl t
msibsii. ton rsrt
lsrulrts sikd try It
on st your rtMrsst
iprftws umrm sn.i
tr ((Hind pttrfsctly
SStlafsrtory, St
Mtlf as rtriii4
f.d thm MOtr
BesW or hsssrd
pSf IhS sf.
Xrri aAsi-tssIMa.rsMll
lj arssssW l.Ott Mltss.
Thlt Circular Plu.h Cape XZZ'ZXZH
Bslt's asJ Hawk, m tt'ha I'-ngf, iit full pMn, llnd
Mti"urii"ut th rl4 Mis la fclsrt, hi mrr. Vrr
lsrrstlr smhrol'lored with ssslssM trsM snrl hlsv k
bvln(f sk Hlu-tr-atf1. Tr1mmsd sll sr'f1 with itr
fins Rltsfe TMH4 rr, hs-)iy Inlwrilr.fd with wsl-lin
Snr n"r "hsm'.f Wrtt '" fWw ( lowh islslsxrus. IMrssi,
a s HCSTiaoToa m s wilsom
Fl'sf Nat. Hail
Itles m '
Oflios ovi first Nat. Bins.
7 A
"But, dear cousin, have you many
debts?" "No; I can olumat marry for
love." Flit'KViide llliieltcr.
"I see villainy In jour ftire," snld ft
Jndj;e to a prianiier. "May It pleuae
your honor," wild the latter, "that Is a
personal relied ion." Melropolitiiu.
Of Course. The Count "I lonf youl
I vould iiiniiy you!" 'I he Girl "Yea;
but It tiiWea two to nuiWo a ImrKnin,
couiit." "Suirtuliil.vl 1 will ace your
father to-morrow." Yonkera States
man. Conditional. Little Ed-ue "Pa, la
the a In Colorado pronounced o in
liuiiden or ua in ghuMcu?" Pa "It all
depends uu whether you want to make
Colorado rhyme with dado or shadow."
-Chicago Times llcrnld.
She "I'll grant thut your income
would be enough for ua to mnrry on, if
only you didn't have such expensive
fads." He "I? Expensive fads?
What expensive fail have l?" She
"Me, for one." Lustlge ltlnetter.
lloueat Dealer "'K's a gMMl 'oes. But
I mukt tell vrr, 'e's one fnult 'e's a lit
tlo (jivin ter rtiiiniu' away with cr.'
Client "If thnt'a all, he'll tlo splendid
ly. That hut horse I had of you was
triven to running away without tut'.'
l'u ncit.
Simicci "I beKeve that If Shakes
peare were alive at the present lime
and trvlnir to live by hi pen iu Loudon,
the comio pupcra woidd reject many
of his best jokea." Humorist "I know
it. I have tried "cm all." ltoaton Trav
"I saw a statement In the paper that
a German niaiiiifaCurer hna add un
Otftrretfate ,,f 3,ihhi,poo thermometer,'
sniit Mr. Manchester. "He must l c very
rich." ' it uependa upon when he sold."
ndded Mr. Birmingham. "How Isthat?'
"In winter thermometers are down,
while In summer they are up." Pitts
burgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
Tka D.parlnssl ol Jaallee ( ssdsfli
w kolnsls Bnalneaa In W vil
las Mateelala,
"The department of justice runs one
of the mVgest stationery fiunerns iu
the country," said n clerk of that de
partment. "We have V do that to sup
ply the various otllt-iala of the depart
ment throughout the country. Not
many years uiro o r stuliom ry bun an
waa used solely for the benefit of tills
iiniiiediute di purtment. Judges, cli-rka
of courts, tuursliala and other othYialt
throu'hiitit the country pim-hnrd
their Jpplies from stores in their cities
and tow us and sent ua the ai cotints to
pay. By thia method we paid the retail
price for everything. Wc found this
wyild tioi ,1,,, as the hlglu st prices were
punl for everything. I inter our pres
ent system every otliclnl of the jfoterii
ment ciiuing iiud'-r our deport jirnt
makes reiiiait ion on ua for scppliea,
and we seiul them at little coat, most of
the time by mail. As we buy everything
at coat prices we save to the (fovern-
ment thotisnnda of dollnra each year
over the old method of doing buainr-s.
"We carry a stock worth at let
f,0OC) at all times, and all the Judges,
rnarshiila, clerks and others send to ua
for their pencils, writing paper, etc.
It's funny, too, what trU;t! fancies
some of them have. Kor instance, there
is a certain western judge who won't
have nnythlntr else but a red pencil
w hich is peeled ofT ivlwn it is sharpened.
We carry thia fiici) In stock for no
other person, as not "many others have
ever taken a fancy to It. I suppose he
loses or misplaces all the other kinds of
pencil , but finds this one to his liking
because he ran easily see It. I'i'ht hi re
in the District of Columbia Is a Judye
who listens to nrirumcnta with aix pen
cil in hia hands, lie rolls these be
tween his finirera while he la busy, nnd
never has leas than half a doen. lie In
not particular about the kind of pencil
he has. Other officials have peculiar
Idas about tlie kinds of paper, pen and
Ink they want, end they will have no
other. Thus, you see, we carry a more
varied assortment of (roods than a sta
tionery store." Washington Star.
Leo's lorrtmir Will Melsrn fnr Trew
lr-rmr Howes, Hat Will Not
Be Call4 I'op..
When I'ope Leo XIII. dies Ida immedi
ate successor will be Cardinal I.ulffl
Orelin, rnmarlinfroof the Uoman Cath
olic chore h. He will no4 lie called pop,
but according to the law In force he
vil be nctingr pope until the new pojic
is elected.
The Vatican r-ifulntlons decree thnt
the election of the new poe cannot
tnkc place until after the huriiil of the
late pope, which tnkra place ten days
after his ilecenae. In innnv Instiincea
tl.M au!,.n (aa r... nr.illii.) ....1..
or monlha, no that thp inmnrllno nmy
enjoy hia pnjjnl owvr f r a lonr time.
Leo XIII. held the iKiaitlon of ciimnr-
lin(o when he himself was elected to
the pontificate, hut it does not seem
possible that his cnmurlinifo will suc
ceed to the papal throne. It
lnarliiiKo who formnlly deidnre the
rrfK- dead after tnppirifr hia forchend
three times with the silver hammer,
lie it I who breaks the sen I a and
"rlnif of the fisherman," and then as
sumes the direction of the npOKtolic see
until the new pope Is chosen.
The cumiirliiitfo presides over the in-
"I wish to express my thanks to the
manufacturer of Chtinberlain' Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy, for
having pot on the matket such a wonder,
fnl medicine," say W. V. Massingill.
of rtenimont, Texas. There are n any
thousand of mother whose children
have been laved from attack oldysen
tery and cholera infantum who must
also feel thankful. Ii 1, ,)r tale by
lilakeley A Houghton Druggist.
Thousands arw TrjrlatJ It.
In order to prove the fjreat niarll of's Cream Balm, thn nit afiiwtlv cure
for Catarrh and Cold In Head, wo have pre
parwl a ui'iienm trial sisa for 10 cent.
U. l U of your druggil or solid 10 rents to
ELY .., 5d Warruu KL, N. Y. City.
I suffered f :om calarrli of tho worst kind
ever sime a U-y, and I tier hMd for
cure, but Ely's Cream Halm saain lo do
run that Many aopianihuinis have usvd
It with esoelleiit maulla. Oscar Oatrum,
43 Witrrou Ave., Chicago, HI.
lily's Cream Halm la tha acknowledriitl
euro for cutiu-th and oontulu no soealue,
men-ury nor nnr iiipiiiona drug. 1 rive,
td com. At dregKiHl or by mad.
visa scMsnm.a. Aaaiva
saoM psu-ss. .).
i a
Salt Ijkr, raniver. H i rat
Hi all
II ..hi p. m
VV.tila,, (Ciirtia, Ksn ! Mali
MS ll. M. I'HIII.j I Up m
ll.u.ju and kast
atuksiia ' w slla
Visits, Hkal.
r Iyer
Muoiralills. M. t sill,.
I .! p. 01.
t ii I u ( It. 4i liikv.i
t lilengo ami KaL ,
i p. m.
J iHfifl panilll,
: Kt'f ') I- iii'i lM U -j
Jut tiar v J
and r'-ry Utya
a p. tn.
4 tv in.
Kb Miiiday ColiimMa Ry. Htrimir. Ra uiilM)
u A-.ti ana r
Haiurflay , lAUUlngs. !
Iu p. tu.
a m. ' WlLLAHKTTB Kl (Dp
: ftA.t'iu ki War iltlU .
7 a m, WtLLAtfVTra Van I w m.
Tuw.l hur., mii.1. rti aav Mun .Wa
aiiU (. iFftritut liy, tnrtn. RU-l I rl.
i u4 Way Ii;.1iuk. i
Ii. m
Tut-.. 1 lt r, i
at 1 4 tl.
H ill arm Kivbr. p m
'nrl si it in i rtiii, Ttttf.. l )tii
llil Way Ijiiuliua;. mil lwL
Hw.aa Rivaa. I vivi
Kijria Ut IxmnXun. ; I-awc-To
f V rsr.Ira di'ir ff m i.t Ht'.mi rr i.rtii4
Us 4 nviiif h it Vr ml U Mt p.
.iM-f t'l Wl (t.n'.rc til I t ll-t'. trf jiinftt.
j. n.t .i. ,ii it i j. arnviua at n L'aUraal
ii . in.
No tJ. Ihrtturht frt-lffhl. m; tanfii f, i
' f,'lii is. iffitus 1 M m. fat.. i'tsBfla
I. MH'ul firltrrt rArflrB astr rai s-m swstl
wuni' mrr rs .tut. O. tl. t-ii Is . i m.
i n ii til, iiii , a1 n(
t ut, K-srtiavi. ftftstr a IA b m . dftiils
Sia, ? ; if nrt.l lr .1 frWirhi, rf.i t
avu ra, rrir A lj i, . drt-.ttLsa u a. m.
ti. A N. i o. a
tvtil I ti
W . llt'KI IM'RT.
Ymm. Ant,, J'nrtUntl, Of,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or Tni
Southern Pacliic Comp'y.
Trains leavs anil sr clii lo amv at Portlai.
f (ivr.Ki.AMi r x i
ntr, HMlem. 1'iwv '
I bl ra. As ,Vni, K.M' I
J rnUtrnlo. il(ir . M4I
.aa r. tl
til A. U
!- vns ies.r.1 l Ufl, I i
S su
' I rt 1 1
ll.m-bnrg uu4 wsy ttm !
('"is .itaof
: I Via,.ir . I. , i
I I Mt. Ansel. HI'sortoti,
j Hsllf
1 V&crf.l
sun.l.r. ' viHa.a.rinrnM and
' ( NaUou J
Istslldtis. ,.
,)P. M.
INotl KMiKM It P'SrNCKK. Ktraa trsls
Pally (i-l huui. jy),
-Mb. is. l.v f'lfiland .. Ar. t s. m
i St p.m. Jai . ft.,.m
S p. in. A r I ikIi i,,i in 1 ) 4 wa. at.
fally. tl'alir. ssoMauiiaair.
PC 1.1 .HAN BfrrKT .ltVT.M
AND RtCOND-t.l.Aha Ht.KKI'lNfl TAR
Atlarhrd lo all TaroiKh Trains.
ntreet rnnetnB at San sranelsro with Oe-i
duliul anil o.'.iil.l m 'M-lilo wall alramshla
lines for .lAfA Sand CHINA. Sillliii daUw od
a Mleatfin.
"sua and tickets tn r..lrn rsitnts ard Ko
7VtTA'r',J.A,'AN' "'A, ilONtiU'LU ant
All sliova Irnlns arrtva at and AmMit
tiraiid ( antral station, KKUi anu Irvins atrssla
TAMItll.i. plVtatiiN.
Pusenf er De.i, lool ut jeflersoa stmt
lsv (or fHifrl'lari wms -( i wi n
Arrive at fortland. V :K)a. ra.
IBVS for AtkMK nn UiifiAmm tv..1..M.
Frlo at a us a. ,r. Art '",. .i .. a 'r..
dav, f liiirMlas aed Mature it it I ua m '
Kacept Huudajr. Eseeit Satimlar.
R K,K"-.i.KB, t, II. MARKIIAM, As... l. .l'aiui. Aal TlcSet Otflee. 11 Thltd alrml !
Itiroiitli iichsu tn all -aiinu in ins Kaau-rs
Niaica. Canada and Kurope can Us uhtalniid at
limeat raUia m .a
or N.W,,K,i.,iHN,.R,,-AN,,T,'t'A,',
ws srs aiiiaf u frt mm
i wm mini raiiaa, iss itAn on third
hm n n rhsrisd hv ntiHra. ..t sue
SAA)Tt( T f IT 10s SltniTH. ai;
wn..,M.r rxi.iin inrWflmi.liTraN rie oar SI
x,.rMla SIMM Ir.. hi. ,,.,,. rt ,,,. rut Ihla
ad. ii .! .nj n. ..,,(, oi a araii.L paiitawa.
rnptursd, hll,r riHU,a Is laiavoramalli alan Maui
nu.r,lr Inahas around Hi. h. .Ir n m Una ollh O.a
ruptura, M.,- ru4,a I. rlhl or Irfl Mia,
and awlf sand rlll,.r !,,. toys llh lha nM.r
BUMIna MM I. aM a a.rSH St laM
l.V! '- . ""' si-l.-a.rwi a ratura It and as
will return your money,
WRIT mm rare ronaa i-iriinnin Mi
r a t - j c-i i-c-y- .vj.'j.'i a. WW II..
ar lnM, Irt. lh. Hm SIU .MI Ua Treat Aft IE
!( mn, alaw.1 a 4 .ki a. ..H a 4 li I j
si; i i i saaasassswsawaawsssaasaaasssasawas
VI esc. W
ft lllll BSl I
NU1BWVK m. GO. trlltAOO
Rooms on Third Streof,
Frsnch A Co.'s Bnnk.'
13S ONV 3sMOo
I'.a. I sSDCrrii. atTna Ptii ..(,, ,
Nolle. Is hereby tliren 11.. I 11,,. h,i,..iBi
liauinl arlllcr ha. And n,.l, ,. ,, I'.nal .n III auw.rl ..I ,i. rUl,.
that said I.1.-.I .III La ,... ut, u ' "J
and llreellrrr a! Ihr: .l 1, Ot4,in, ',"7
da;, Nxrembvf II, iwu.tit; ' '"""''
Mathlaa Ihlal, ut M.,alar. II,,,,,,
ll.inir.lra.1 Knlrr N,i. ti:.s ,,t ,r svl, ...
S',tt'., .1,4 aw i, aw,. fc,.u, , Uraats,','
He naliHM lha l.,ll.wlti( tllw,, fa, pflin
r..NUi.ic-ua K.lnr Uaju ami rultliaii. j
aid I. lid. ill
I haa. Ullar. n( MiMlnr, Ctr,,n lan Tli.aoai
Herman hu.i.rm.n .t,d Krumi ru.yiniu J
1 11 iMtltw, lT'.
JAY p. ts,
'" Kitier
taxo orru a t Vs. rirvs. tt ,,u ,i
OelxlK-t . l.-s. '(
Nnllre la hereby leo lha artll. ff haa alnl Bi.u.w ..I l. i,rti.
I!..n In Itiaae tlnal r..! In .ti.(.,, ,4
rutin, and Ihal .aid !..( H III nr Mots
lha Hrffl.trr and Kfvlvrr.d I n 1 ami I'd... .t
ane.nir.r, Vt aalilunUm, uu Tilcla;, .Nn,..,.
bvt .'1st, n, tu .
J.a,h 4 h.Mbrlla.
II r. No -.-, I. tha snl halt 14 until,.)
nns'ler and .cat hall ,f a..iiti.r. ,iuatu-r mm.
VllilN.H. II ra.l, M M
lla himrt lha f..ll.wlng .ilnru. I., nmvablf
eintlnu.ia raldvitr. UU..U .i.d rullliall.. i4
aal-l land, tu
'th.nina M WMImiiiih, James M..rff.n. Frwl
II S'nllh and "lltlain Im all ..I I ,, f
l. U a.hluslnll. n.( ll Mill,
t II 11'ier.
NOTICK Ft) K I'L'r.Lll'ATioN.
UssdmntTTai tmu o.i ns.i
r,.i ...1 . 1. 1-0. t
N..I1.S l h.lrh. slvrll Ihal It. I"ll-alr-
llaiMrtl M- tiaa tK n.i c .. . la
mai.. llnal ft fa.f 1 au-.. ... ... r.tlni. i-d '('l . I n.lltia iria.'v .ur. I .a mfl.taf
ar, rt-rviv. ! I .li.tirs, t'lt-s.ui, uu today,
SixraiMorl 1.1 ,..:
Il.tbsrl II. Ma.kar, mt Tit. fl.llaa, Of.,
Hnme laail KnlrT .' i.'-'l, lhr.',Mt'
aiidsM'4 Sr. 4. w.l.itt tn.H..,l; 1 a-rfia,
rant. 11 a 1 I . . M
11 Um-S IS .(.Ihi.lnV .lr-r. l. .ftff
hli r . illnene. idcirv umi. snd ciilllvstliSI
,f Mid lati.l, r.s. :
Miimial I n-l -hl.Ht. J.-hil H Co t Wllllra
Itaai.u .1 d t L.i Irs Ra.Mttt, .11 nl ll alr
arplii II LWii.trr.
til Orm, l et 1 1
Ulitjr ti. nwu,
C'tvarlca U. I I 1'iis.n, .UhitliT,
lls'ltlw A. i.l, tlr;'fnrfil.
T lf l A. Imiiss-u, ab.tva tisnud lUirvi
hi In . Nitti' tSf il e itafi nl iftr'
Vu r . j ifiHn utiitiri hi m -Ht a! nsa,r
(It it. n it'r i tu nM.. smiii'tl r'i'ifl atd
rsii in it .p p .4 1 i.s fftfit 11 r 1f nf lit
Ilfsl iuhr at'tm is. ita i4i.,(, l w t : lit sth
dav o. t.i(sinif in.( ( 'Mj f.iiMit M)ft- flit mti rr n i.llipfsti 114I. trp'KisJu-
tlfl Wl mp IV I . 'SOIIft I-.r tlif irllri fsr4
ut hi s 4niii .Hit bfir 11, In mil li st tha
U'twla i, m.tftti.ity now rtiA'im riara
pfsllHif ( tlitUttt It t!lssi!sl irnt
Ihsil i.ltltt, if h tint taiviit anslitss rtrifiitlsiil
Ktf Ills If S)" i,lkl,tifk. tDt i( at.'l l"f wifB
m' t ami luul'pr ifllW aa l h iMirinaj
strrtQ IIHtf. Niui it.iilt 1 1-1.
1is iii-nint'i Is MiitllshiMl b nf aa
o cm m44itHl Mii I ov '' I- ian
Jml- u ,l' s sfip rtii.lM 1 1 iHiri. ( 1 in
111 tvrH.silir . I , tjiwl.ttti 1 1. I sum smawtaM
! ttntiliiBl tirj m v rri. hf a j n-i ii
lhati ftta tmwrnl.t t.rrks.
1 1;.. W. H .iM.
mrt I Atl'irnry t.r I'tatDUa.
Tiae Dalles, Portlanti ail Istoria
Navigation Co.'
ll'nllj (ranrpt Hundar) t-ln
The Dalle3,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Tntirhln it way P"
,ln's n bnth sldrt
Columbia rlvr.
. h.vr lii rrs ""
r.nlri III ina SIWI'.-S airan.r.. " " SSI.
and ssi. :r-l'r . sh.i s nr ! ' ' "
Wt.oPSlllSW.,arrTM. r- ,.,,..ars,
Kor rsmfnrl srrnnnm ..isnr
tMVKl b
Ill stsinrs
.lltura ui -
. 1,.,. .Ill fa
Tha 1 Xnimo' lha BWiii""' M SI
7 S. M. OliT'HWin I". -
....1 ntii
Pnrtlsnd Ortli s.
Uak at. 1.H'..
run 1 fa...
t , .it rt Sirs
rv r. Allaway.
,... At
OmcoTr f,.nrhro. s.n
I'hons A,
a ;
a I