The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 01, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
lam . 1: "M"0,",
s orrifUL fArKH or wawo t:oi.'wiv.
" ,',,.iW in two parts, uh rtVdiiraduys
4Nii "" "'""
;r UHn:KimuN HAIKU.
,r iL, mmmi miritb, im hitkii.
l .10
at. "" ' u,
lir glol.ln
A..v.itiin "I" BMHiibl, awl aiadskuowu
wi.'im'I "i'i"" innnlfain.i. WTUlf HI HON
11 I.K, I l""" '""'
1.1111. UKIVIIIt.
natbrila) 1IIT.
Mu.l Kuirnor, who ha been 111
lor io tntiir mouth lilt contuiiiplion,
IimiiI li be very "J the can live
but (l llH t IllOJt.
Wu'll kU a you a poluter, and lint li
ihn !licer'll git you U Vou don't walch
out" mill I1" your road In, Aik mint
on( that know If lh won't. j
We regret to lrrn that ltv. (i. Ruth
ng li not Improving rapidly a h
ihnulil, but aullered (light relapse and
It a feared Ms caew hil ilrrelup I In
to appendlcili.
In another column will he found ao
article regarding the new tomitt deeper
hi. li hive been placed uu the 0. H. A
Jj. rinitr, of their advantage over thoae 1
nuw In and other points lo their'
(artir, whirl) are of inlerett to I lie Havel-
lug plllilll. j
City ln.raet ar becoming used to the:
Irani saw, and let It "law omI," taking
so particular Internal it) It) homing;!
but mt so ttli the sounlry tram,
unit object to III air, ami to to-lay at
niou a train belonging; to Kuhler, who
Inn mi Mill cteek, .bowed their dislike
hi nut niily kicking hut running with
ali llifir might up fecoud Street, polling
tiler ll.' in tha farm wagon, Reaching
tin l.r.-a.-ry they accepted an Invitatiin
to st'.p, having dona little damage
cerituiiy not any to tha tteaiu n,
A was expected, a :iitn-h larger crowd
atli-ii led i lie club dance latt tilglit. The
fl Mr ii i in roi lug, anJ wa In line con
diti hi, everyone aeemt to ha inak
im ui lotl lime and j lining more
r r 1 1 1 v ill tha darning. Tlie tendency
to inni.i' tlie parlies notad (or the f.cia
buty al.iili rvvwlia la very cvidnit.
II. v. I'oliig, pastor ol tha Coiigrtva
tinial church ol The la!!t, fur teveral
)nn in charge ul tha Albany church, la
In the city. II had stalled lor Ltigcue
to attend tha ttat convciitiun ol hit
rluirch Iml tha delay of tha train made
ll iinpructictbl to conliuue hit trip and
ha t . p j I nlTat Alhany, whrre liia host
ol at gUd to tee him, and ao
aril. Albany Herald-Rev. 1'olli'g will
ri",uiii huiiio on tiiU aftrrnoun'a train.
!! l.ravy rain ttorin that nafx-d over
fi'ii'loti lait Kalor!ay evening wan
iinii'li heavier In tho Kerry Canyon
r.Kiiilrv than it ill hero, J. (i. Steven
I' li !';.. it Hint on Tvii-rnilu It aumiuieil
the r :-ulioiii tif a cloud hiiral and a!
m 1 mined tha lie load belaern Keny
t'ji: oi and Arlington. Thla i uiilur ( ,r tl.o furineia of thai terllun ai
tl e r ote mi ahoiil on day hrter lor
gmio Imolera that the road via Condon.
It In ilmhtdil If tha rotd can ht re
iaired thin fall. Condon lilol.
Il' l ntla that fotne from Wliila Salmon
ti llo' 1 1 1 n hold MoriiKinlain ii gaining In
that neighborhood. I.aat w ek two of
the li.uling young ladlei lliera ware
hiii-ll -.I and joined that rhorch. Not.
alum there, hut In many plarea In Ore
g hi me tliey w eliding an intlueiiie and
gaining follower!. War ahoitld lie waged
k'liii't tnrli a aect, whoft teaehinga
ranr.ot fall to ha harmful. While we
haieuota llalen (iould who will give
(0 id to he n -e l In ernada against it,
at he hat In New York, tomething
l.miU m done, If in no nulled effort,
in.! viilni!ly at lrar, to ttop it Inroads
Into nnr alnta.
Tin) Wind Hiver flth hatchery, whirh
i a rut Intlitutlon, hat made gool
ii..k'i.-fa for tha Aral teaaon. rnntidei lug
tl time Ihav rninmenred to taka eggt.
The hatchery waa flnlthed late In the
fall. Hernhard Kailert, foreman, raporta
that tha hateliery hat alioul 2,750,000
alxiul H) per cent of which will
nutuie. The yliiinji aa'nmn will lie
tiirnut looan ahont the flrtt of April.
Mr. Talhot hit hutlnets
i I the atata I fortunate in terming
hi arrvlre. Thla niakea two flth hatch
riea In thla county, of which It
loeuied on the Mule White Salmon.
Skmnmiin Pioneer.
The (. It. A N. la going to huild a
hraml new, tioi-k and "pan fMW) union
l-l"t nt Higgt, or rather a mile and a
half weal ul that nation, tho work to
cniiuneiice about the I at of November,
at the Xewt. Thla will innke every
Ixi'ly around Iheto jiarta jump for joy.
Tint old ahai k now at Higgt hat been
an eyi-tnre for a good many yaart, and
have teen plfatanter I'laret to wait
'or a (rain. With a fine depot (with a
Iiiih Ii counter attachment) to real In for
three or lourt when going went, life will
'or paaaeugera at the new Iligg h at
lenl f mini-able, ltetidea the new lorft
t'"ii it almott entirely devoid of Ihe
ud iiniaanre.
A afk ago latt nlglita crowd of young
people attended a party in the vicinity
"f Kinlerahv. The roadt were not In
condition to rival the lineal paved
hoiivelanlt of any In tho union, and
cuu.rqnenlly little wat tald concerning
the trip. Sllenra'toinetliiiet glvet con
tent and teveral conjurturea have uriaen
at to the riperiincrt gnna thruiigh,
itrtngthened ,y n,M f,.t ,(,, (t.w
articlet, etc., were found atrean along
theroa l. A port Ion of the parapher
nalia wat brought Into the potlnhVe
during the week, and if any of the paiii.-a
care In claim It, Ih.y can have the tame
by calling on the "male'' young man In
charge of the delivery window.
Ono of the happlct and inott complete
eurprlae wat that tendered Mr. ami
Mrt. Kd. Howell, at their home on Hie
bill Ja-t riiafht . Ileanlng to x pra I
their cmigratiilaliniit and good will the
more fully to the newly married couple, I
the employe of tint O. K A N.
alxiut eighteen in number, called up. a
them an iiimhi la-t evening and look
them completely by niriirine. The
cairled with them iiuinerout ifilta.
among which were a very pretty dinner
aet, hanging lamp, carving act, lahle
cloth, uapkint, etc.. all of which will
uot oulyeaprea to them the good will
of their frlenda. hut a e inat tuch
(relent a are appreciated by thore
who are ttarting in houtckeeping. The
entire evening at moat ol -ataiitly
tptnt and added to the happlnetiof the
bride and groom.
The reform achool It doing a wonder
ful work among the boy of the tuto, at
any a ho have ever visited the inatitu
tlou or are familiar with lit wmkinga
will attest. The hi at hoy received at
that iiialitntiou wat on Nov. (Jih, 1MI1.
He aat.Nol. Tlie lal anival it No.
:ill. There are now M2 boy at Hie in
ttitutlon. Where are the ,.7', lo make
up the ilillcrence hi-taeen '.'M and III.'?
They are out on parole, mostly. Some must have rioen in revolt, and ttarteil attack of appendicitia hat bet e de
of them have attained the age ol 21 ! ano'.her encounter much more creditable j ve!oped.
years, and Hint groan beyond the j.iri.- ,,'n v"e hicb is laid to have No abatement in the tale of liquor to Koor or five have j originated here, lint the Chuonh La . In,jan( seem to be noticeable in enite
died. The paroled boy have n riered j ' V not! Ing nhout it, and cannot 0f t, ,,,, proteatt aguinH it.
throughout the country. A number are i '"r " nothing land care lets) evening on one of the prominent street
holding good potitiont. Other are hot j ronc-rning it except vthat hat reached crner tome brave and klootchmeii
doing to a ell, according to re.rt that j rar "' "H"t "' 'ur citizen regard- j w,.re regaling themselves a ith two hot
reach the achool, Aliotit twenty of the " the alhiir; and it 1 iiuppoMible to ' t!ea of whisker and having a biyo
paroled Iwyt were lth the Oregon vol- Vo!.e alio attended; none being Lknokuui time. Shall thia thing go on
unteers in the rhllippiiiea. One a as a Tao were with IVaey alien
he sunk the Spanish fleet In Manila bay., Pall).
Ihd t.iiiiinne say neat had bren re
ceived that the Kngiish had surrendered
to the I! em? What a j ike, and yet
tome tay tuch a rumor is all oat.
W. I.. Hoikebv and J. 1). Iteniley
have taken charge of the stage lino 1
tween White ralmn and Trout Lake,
and made their first trip today. The
latter hat been driving the Mage to
John I .e got hilarioiit yesterday after
noon and as arretted, when he put up
:l for hit appearance belore the re
c ir.ler lldt morning; hut "he never
came hack," and to he forfeited the
III. Hello llinehart left on the morn
ing train lor r.iril.ind. and will take the
Canadian Pacific note on her way to I
New York, v, here the ,ll rpend j
HreKS or lid lllilll n. main- n i'-'pi
I'radiiate course at Ihe Polyclinic Not
only her patient', but the doctm't
many will mist her greatly, and
while wishing her success in her studies,
await anxiously her return.
Last evening Kev. t'. F. Hawk de
livered a very impitssive Hill cl.-.jurut
termoii, I .king at hit tubj.-ct "Who is
the. 1irdT" and for the twenty-five
minute in which he tpoke Ihe large
audience teemed lo listen wild hteath
let attentl. n. During the month if
November, at the reijiiett ol Ihe league,
he ill deliver a teriet of termont on
"The Ideal Home," beginning next Sun
day evening, when he will tpeak on "The
Harbor of Hotne.M On the l-'ih the
subject will he 'The Ann Chair by the
Fireaide;" l9'-h, "The K icking Chair by
the Firetiile;" and on the 2Cih "The
Home Circle."
The Sund.iy Oregmian devotet ao
entire page to a description of tript
along the Columbia and Willamette
rivers, giving a tpl'mlid Idea of what a
treat may ha expected on tuch ex
cursion. Among other thing ii tayt:
"The voyage up the Colombia to The
Dallet I justly accounted the fliiowt
thing In the line of scenery that Portland
ha to how lo the visitor. All summer
long tho two tlemer that ply daily
over thlt route are thronged with tour
ittt, whose cxprettiont of d.'llght, at the
mountain l-egin to rise on either fide
and their majesty dawns upon them, are
liuiiled only by the number of adjective
in their vocabulary.
We understand one of our cilir-en
the dark misted III cairuiuii,
and, imagining it was rummer at
the seaside, took a bath Saturday night
which he did not really intend to take,
lie scarcely expected to do anything to
rath, at leatt not in tuch a large lull as
the Columbia, but he went doa n t.) see
the boat coino in and ttepped iff the
bout Into the water. That is, to he tavs.
That' eonietlilng like "Checkei," who, (
when he Marled down tlatr in ihe
iiioriiinjr, mot hi intel f coining home at
night. How he could meet the boat and
step off of it Int.) the river before It
lauded, I beyond our ken.
Wo are glad to announce that the
Students Literary Club was organized
Saturday evening at Moore A Gavin'
olllce. Unite a number were present
and became member, and it l to lie
hoped a large number of young men will
Utinia Interested In the club, a it i
the only organization of the kind In the
city exelniively fr young men, and jntt
what hat long been needed. Harry
Curtii choten chairman and T.
Itroaiihlll tei ietary. The neat meeting
ill he hehl on 1'hurailay evening, Nov.
od. at the lame, place at Ihe hour of
I i .., lor the purpnae ol pei fectlng or-
KHiiizition. All mem her and thote
who ileaire to heroine memhert are le
'luealed to he preaent. The (iieation for
dehatu It "Ileaolved. That Kngland it
Justillci in I'rotecullng the War Against
the I!,).-ra In the Traiitvaal."
A'I kn il of properly fortale, A farm
'" 'eu mile creek, ten unlet from thia
'"ity, Ihe Southwell hometlead, having
0 ecrca p oaed land, 'Jo acret bottom
ilnid. Creek ritua through place. A fine i
home h r tome and to cheap thut P """"
It,. ;.het,aN,,.fanvor.e. S,., and"1'1 Uir"' AiJ iocietJr of on- at
c.i.aider thia. One half' a bkek, Military l'"rtl0',. wl" " P'ocure for them de
Ail.liliun to H.lle, Citv, of til '"hle children of all age. All applica
full lot.;city water can heobU.ued, good t""" ,,e filed ,n (,"''ce- '
location well tettled locality. ( ) tier mutt I The American public tchool at Manila
ell, and will be told at ihe following ; onder the management of rioperinten
acrice. $110.00 will buy the alx loit, j dent Anderton, an Oregon man, are
which it f ID and two-third dollar per i t-rowing rapidly In popularity and el
lot. I aould a-k any prospective buyer l 'cy. They have practically been
oftheaeloit to inriiiire at to the coal of j
other Iota In Ihe locality and I
gorantee that he w ill llml that they will
tell from loO.OO to TIO0 t each. See Dad
We have been reiiu-ated lo tay noth
ing concerning the "twell, relined ami
altogether elevating eociuty event,"
whii h it f tirported lo have tnkeu place j
on Memaiooaa Island: ?: S.itardav night !
Hln.ut the hour a hen Xin.lay wat about
todnan. II it did occur at the place i
tp. ki n of, turely the decaying enrcartet .
ol every retpeciahle Indian buried there !
Billing toe inlet lliey were engageu in j unheeded when the name of those who
tuch u elevating pastime, lleaide, we j , thut lolating the law are well known
aould not care lo have it known that j 0 everyone?
inch a thing wat even thought of in a , .... '
,., . . ,., I The company which y to present
Christian community like ourt. i ' ' , '
"My Friend from India at the ogt
There aa trouble In Chinatown Sat- i tonight will arrive on tlie afternoon
unlay and the pig taila were flying train from Portland, having played in
about lively for Jarkton wat after their I Haiein last night. Kvery indication
owners, tome of whom had been ar-1 pointa to good production and a
retted the evening before for failing to f crowded house. The curtain will rise at
pay their toad tax. It wat decided to!g;.-) sharp, to that plenty of time will
allow them a test cae, which wat tried he given for the production and ale3
in the recorder'i court Saturday after- ! allow the company to leave en the east
noon, W. II. Wilton and F. W. Wilton I bound train.
appearing for the plaintiff and F. Mene-I Papert published in town near The
fee for tho city. The attention of all e, are commentin g rather freel v and
ho have refuted to pay it called to the j
fact that tho case was occi.ien in lavor
oftheciiy, and taxpapert who wish to I ((Xik . drop too much when lhe Minne
fight the matter a ill have no course j wU ,roorig stopped there recently for a
..pen to them i-xo-pt to have their cases nnJ ii,s011:z .J tllf, until they
n-.ieaed in the circuit court, P-j wffe black In the fHCe," says one paoer.
peals to the Circuit COU.-t C.inilot be !.,.. n, ,,,,, -,.. ,never. nhelber
uk(.n ,, ,, ,,,ney !eS, than (10. j
J.rks., aay. he thinks it would 1 :
.cneapi-r io .: imn '
t- I ......1 I.. I .
a n to he seen he is dclerminfU to en- I
force coilcclii n.
J. II. Ciadlehaugh, of tho Greenhorn
dittrlct, and Then. J. Seufert and K. M.
W ngate, of The Dalles, paid the Ameri
can cilice a friendly call Wednesday.
Mr. Cnidlebaugh is a trained newspaper
man, and is now interested, with Mr.
Wingate, in tlie Golden Eagle group of
seven claims in the Gr nhorn district, j
Mr. Cradlebaiigh slate that he has
opened up tome rich bodies of ore in
that district, but will have to do con
siderable Hoping beforo he can com
mence to thip tho ore. He hat frequent
ly struck pocket of ore in thi group of
claiini which will run a high a $1,000
to the loo. J. C. CaUhr. secretary ol
the Siunpler Towntite syndicate, kindly
located quartert for these gentlemen,
otherwise they would probably have
lieea unable to tocurs lodging for the
night. Blue Mountain American. Aud
thut a lecret it disclosed, which E l has
kept from The Iallea young ladies, for
this it Ihe first Intimation they have had
that he ia a mine owner. Explanation
aie in order.
Papei were, filed in the clerk' office
today wherein Henry Gardner ' plaintiff
an I Wasco county I defendant in a case
to recover (tiVH) damages for injuries
received by the plninliffon D.'C. 21, 1."S
on Kico's grade, eight mile this side ol
Dufiir, In the Fairfield neighborhood.
All aill lememlier the dreadful accident
which resulted in the death id Mrs.
Theresa Keese, and the injury of Henry
Gardner, while on lhe way to the city to
obtain a marriage license; how the grade
was covered In ice, raining the wagon to
go over the grade Ihrowingthe occupant.,
.1. r.iii'l t.inn I till... i
OUI, Willi I nr If I . mm
Tlie i.lainl.irclaiiiis the county has never
I..: .. n. i .. . "
kept the graue in en........ - w -
traveled; that numeron, defect. In ,
which drains the water
I, , 1UIIH U..I 111... I..' ... ......
melting snow and ,ce, cansmg it to I & n
ivered with iw distance of,. ,. , .,. ,..
twenlv to thirty rods are sccoiintahle j
fr the accident which caused him lo be, ,.,, Hnil wlPte down
badly maxhed np and hi. limbs a, so. hrtVe tliv,(ri.e rroceo.linn com
bniken to that he was unable to perform imnoe(lon he o( m
labor for six nioniiie. mu m"
nritnt PT CeilSe llirt'froin. lit ther- -
"- i -
V: " T?f lulirnev. Moor; and
for his attorneys
T'icimIuv I'Hily.
The collector will no doubt soon call
upon those who have not et pa'd over
their sul scrlptiom to the proposed Im-
provementt in the Or' '. lyttem. Look
out for him and he prepared tl meet
your obligation.
At the Knderthy trhool, taught ly
Mira Maljel kiddell, a baeket tocial will
be given evening, pro It to he
uted for theri-hool library.
He tald hit name wat John 1) e when
I'liirman arretted him latt night; hot
John Ioe mi up yetterday, to we
think lie miiat of been too drunk t J re
member hit name. However, he paid
hit (2 (hie i.'ioruing and it ready for
another apn e.
All pertona wiehing to take children,
"'"'r 'J' or k"1'". ,or adoption or
...ou.u kj ... i.
organiZ"d but about three months, yet
the auperintendent' report for Ankjst
thoa an attendance of 2,738 boy and
l,7tM girla, a total of 4,504 aud an in
crease over July of 600.
I'l.y tici jus lu the eaet now nltribn'
the. prevalence of appendicitis to the
habit of crotsing the legs. They tay
by trotting the lega, and it it generally
the right 1 g that it put upon the I
Itretch, the undigeated food pauses into
the veriform appendix and eelt up an
inflammation. In the tpace of a few
hour pathological procea tet in and an
(U1fHVOrabiy ,, ,iie alleged fact that
.,,, i ,i, .!-.. oirls" nf that loa n
ie criti,ism is aimed at the old, old
oM (t0ry of a drop loo much, the vigor
and force of the assault, or that it was
msde on Minnesota instead of Oregon
soldiers. Sumpter News.
C. M. Grimes will leave on the alter
noon train for Portland, where he will
spend tomorrow wtli his parents,
and Mrs. E. 1.. Grimes, it lieing the
fiftieth anniversary ol their wedding
day. Mrs. Grimes and Miss Pearl went
down last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes
nrre residents of Tlie Dalles for many
years, having left here for Portland
ahout ten year ago. The woilhy cou le
therefore have a largo n imt-er of friemli
here, who gladly join in congratulations
and the wish that not only may their
golden wedding annirerraiy he a happy
occasion, tint that the t unset cf life may
i bs golden to them.
The young ladies of the Congrega
tional church were ery tnccessful with
their Halloween rri'.erlainuient last even
ing. There it alwavs an immense
amount of work connected with all tuch
efforts; hut if the desired end is accom
plished no regret is ei pressed, and that
end is that a sufficient amount of money
is t.iken in lo recompense them for their
work. The gross receipts last night
were (81, and the audience seemed well
satisfied with the entertainment. The
program was novel, heing sojiewhat cut
of the usual line followed at tuch a.Tairs,
and the different parte were well ren
dered. The war dance was so true to
life that the genuine Indians who took
part expressed themselves a willing to
travel with at least a portion of the
aiwashe and give entertainments.
A rase of marrying in hasle and re
penting in ahout as lug a hurry, is that
of O. L. lields, who about a year ago
- h- flfjt w,f- RnJ (wQ
months alter married a woman w ho
lived at Mosier. Thoy w-tre married in
,M. ritv in January and when tumnier
thaw out find he realised he had broken
.,.,., , P.r,iinw
ri.itfp. Hut U takes jretty shrew!
....... . re nlw.ii.l i.f ntrtat n-itn.An irliian !
U come, to divorce case, and hit loving
spouse in turn had him arrested for
bigamy. He was arrested at Milton and i
Sheriff Kelly went np to Pendleton last ,
night to bring the too-umchly married j
cnlprit down.
Mra. LstIh MuXaal lld at liar llnnia
la Tina Cllj at I3-.30 Tlila .Vlora-
After two weekt of waiting on the
very threshold of eternity, Lr. Lavina
McNeal ttepped on Ihe other tide thia
morning at Ihe early hour of 12:30.
For year the ha luffered with itomach
trouble, which a old age crept on be
came the more terious, and for the past
three or four months the hat tuffered
intensely. Betide, for the past twelve
year the his been a cripple, caused
from an accident r -eived at that time
in Grant comity. And yet despite her
allliction the wat possessed of tuch a
ttrong, beautiful character that tho wat
a blessing to all about her. Not thnt
the ha performed any great deeda at
tome are wont to term greatness In these
dayt, but in her tweet motherly way baa
exerted an influence which cannot be
measured and which will t exemplified
in the livee of thote the leave behind,
and who now mourn her who, though a
cripple here, now walk the atreeta of
the heavenly city.
Her maiden name was Lavina E.
Fullen, and the tu born in Belmont,
Ala., on May 6, 1824, being brought up
in Green county, Tenn. At the latter
place she wat married to John McN'ea!
on Oct. 20, 18-11, about fifty-eight years
ago. They moved to Missouri in 1S03,
where they lived until SS4, coming to
Oregon in that year and settling in
Prairie City, Grant couniy. Here her
husband died on June 30, 18S7, and in
the following year ehe came to The
Pallet, where the has tiuce lived.
When hut a young girl she j iined the
Methodist church, hut in later years,
hen her health would permit, hat at
tended the Baptist church. Not in her
church work, however, but in the home
circle, has the been privi cge.l lo exert
the most lasting good, and will she be
mihsed the most.
Six children survive her W. E. Mc
Neal, of thi city; Mrs. F. J. Bavlesf,
r.f Watson, Ma.; Mrs. W. C. Allawav,
Mrs. F. T. Clark, Mrt. J. P. Buark mil
Miss Nettie McN- .1, all of this city.
1 he funeral will take place from the
Calvary Baptist church Thursday morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
Vulcanic EruptloDS
Are grand, but tkln eruptions rob life
of j iy. Bucklen'a Amic Salve cntes
them ; also old, runn'ng and fever sores,
Ulcers. Bil. Felons. Corns. Warts.
Cuts, Bruises, Burnt, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblr ns. B t Pile cure on
earth. Drives out l .;ns and aches.
Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Soht tiv lilakeley A Houghton, drug
gists. 2
s i. airrr. u i o e- ;y
y.'a sf ml.
OOUin po.n.j n.n ...... - " -l . " "k.i
. .1 . -.-I-. nvne'. Unn.hlv
"Thpiro.tal-..-ur t a va.t d.-iiartmpnt M..r ooiled
m.r-h7i'..iwfm-vrt..plia." t liioaif." 1 pwrtli IKeaM.
lw shoiil.l na-..l.-.inipi'ntrir thm-M-or tin.
The following lines
IV ays &
Garden Tools, IVep Well Tamps Blacksmith' Tools
liubber and Cotton Hose Hr Iron ar d Steel
Winchester and Marlln Kifles, latest models Hlacksniith's Coal
Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies
Jhrycle and fundi ie ' Wrought Iron I'i pe and F.tlings
bmilh !k Weston and Colt's Revolver. JJarh Wire and Nails.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
We will replace every piece if found rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete I.iue of
l'lanet ,lr. Garden Toils Etihford Wagon
John I'eere I'lows and Harrows Racine Huizgies and Carriages
Bean Spray Tumps Uuckeye mid l'lano Mowers and Reapers
Cultivators and Disk Harrows ' Tiger Drills, lightest draft.
Our stoi'k of
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
is complete in every detail.
..a . .. -- -
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsewhera examine our Stock.
Kallroails Are Acceding ta Denude !
ftllildl C' M ho Want Ksttar
Rlccpina-Car garvlce.
In response to the demand of the
; time the O. B. A N. and It connections
j are placing in operation a much better
j grade ot tourist tleep .rs for Pacific coast
I service than at any previo is time. The
I largely increased iratlic to thi section of
the country ha demanded all ilu Im
j provementt of latter-day transportation,
j and in consideration of this the railroads
are establishing a servio which ia n
cellent in every particular. Not only
are the wishes of the fi'tt c'as passen
ger t terved, but those who are traveling
to and from the East on second class
tickets are aplendidiy cired for. There
was a lime when tourist t'eepert ap
pealed to a limited iiu-nber ot aople
who were traveling on the "cheaper"
order, in every meaning of the term.
Now, however, there hat been a radical
change. With the better tourist sleepers
in operation the clatt of passenger baa
been improved, and one may now
travel upon them and enjoy all the priv
ileges of a first class sleeper at a greatly
reduced rate.
Daily, on the O. R A N-, east-boun.1
fast mail, it attached one of thee latest
improved tourist sleepers, a model of
beauty and handsome appointments.
The new cars are almost an exact
counterpart of the first class sleepers.
One notable feature of the new tourist
cars is the absence o.r a tmokir.g apart
ment. The new cars beiig built by the
Pullman company are not provided with
smoking apartments. Thia new de
parture has been taken because of tha
fact that most through trains are pro
vided with composite cirs. which pro
vide a smoker for the tltepiog car
(ft. SEND 50 CENTS I'a.TrJtSS
M.ST 1 ,J,'r BT4 falilAft 4y
rtiilrK 1 . it. U. , tittri M tllBMlltM, II U
ft-aiHlM La HerU A tax-r least instrument of
trr-fat l-auty. iseiH-rt r bhbvIl, very
hltilT p-ill-hfL J-ltlllOlIlt-tJ ial.J tMafl
tBtsd holt k4 tat ,11 tlrif la , rrllwtaM saattt
lua rwr. t iTiiferfni a.H-urau-lr f rctic! witti
paiwt frrlt, la 1st) ftiri awiLaa ttala, ArrfriaviM
aia a a (rat bt-atl. uilloeH acil tall iataitMw
a. 1 DFT'll ID fK fW r'ilTlB rn.f rful and WtC
r- fc1 "n il. Ii;rm-iitl ( .-in't lt-ie with an ntratt
i r .f Wal ajaaiit slfvl atria. sa4 a .ataaMa lajalrut
a mmi rip-n n-a. ii- an unt- now w piar.
fclk THk 1.1 ll tK at issir exaroaai
and if f.iiinii jar'ly as rn-rrt-nld and
tne frvalrU aarvaia rraa ar aarl ot
! tt:e tjipre-H aitVnt S3. 65 aatl riprru thirart in'l tha enn.
tlete outfit ia ur. hatirfarti'in sfttisa
anrewl .f nmner rfnnilril in full.
' i-a,lilii fu.l ) will cue a Uiieroa Haarrrfawar Chart. It
I in ait accural aruni?. Iiaviiirf ail n"t. atth whaiTaantt
; flatt iii full rifwr. inrl cni N ?a ily adjuttl to any
I fru i tar without chartrftnar th InKtrunient. ilh th na
i.f th leIti M niiirertx-ara ajivt-.n ran iram hi
wilh"tit the aid cf a f-h-r. Writ for fre siaaM-al
tntitnitnaifit and .iann anU nrimit calalotfua. Btrrwthiatj.
a. 1 1 ekaleaals mriwm At'.ii r W.
.bwara, ilMkatl a ia. ara taartwathif rU
TWIQ RlR P&TAI nfllJf- MaitailMa 1H pafta, if VllXi Itichasa
Iflia PtU lftlLUUUC illWMiCOnTA1M(1,erilo.tJUOquotMMt
10 iiA, lU'j-iriiU..:---- lat? lanrcwt. anl t?tiaiaita and latt prf n4 rataiaa
IVEHTTHiNQ iU'Uiiif er in Draara, U'jUsaaa, W-
tloaa. tlwUlnr. Claak, lraaaa, HeaaU aatl Sao, Waichra. e-iry, ataawka,
HarJwarsx. tiar, Aa-r iraltaral lap.aMala, luralmrf, Haraoaa, SatMltw,
But if, tVtac laralaaa, t raa-kfry , Orr, fiaaaa, Huairal Iswlraat late,
Isrwiihlat fcra'H, tan, Halr, ls.hiac Tarii, BkjPlra, rhatatrraaahia
(rood a, hi. Tlla jurt w Itat your pMn ke fr at hnie must pay for
vt?rthinT he huy anil will prerent him fnin oTerrharn-ina yu
an-, think ynti bu ; ej.lains ji:t how to onler, how muvh the (VriaAtw
itprtaiir aialtaill h on anvthincr to your v-wn. him fck.
rrxtaa'Brnrlv 1.M. the i . -ti L-f alne if M ceote.
hf .i l. 111.' .1. cr.l Kt.-f. .J Ih. S'S k will b. w ym IKIB
r -.1. mipmia.nnd you .1.. n't think it t orth lOOtimestlie llenta
. kpv tfl Co lwst wh. If4le prices ol everjuuDK.a.
-It in a Djuiiumtnt ul buiuOM. mloruiAtton. auuiwiwla ai4
AUwonarftil r1" or work."- xvatilnrt"t Sstloral TrlboB.
"The l'stl vul.a Mati.-h-nr IS. 11 1 nl"n.
"ar. Ki-el.iirk A Co I. ni or tlia lajgt h-juaea ot 1U KilMSlai
CbK,Ajr..1"-Chi''co Iiitr-ean. .
Tl.; blir oatalnene tornu oris cl the BiiMt shopping oudltuna uas
tlnt ron.tlt.ltlon.
. hii'&jTO.
ratulo zn In alt publl.
p.-b . l." The Hon. I. A nvnthttam.
.a lllcf .-paaa mm r
ire to be fonnd at