THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1399 The Weekly Chronicle. Aittarll.lac Kat... O i It.efc or lew lit Pall? O r two tnce.v. an.l ui.,ter fntr tnche. t -or t..ur luelie. Knvl uador Uvlrc tiu'tie Ofar twelve iiiebtw II V) 1 w Ti SO young couple lias lived happily toil 'matter until the want and needs of o far as li e worltl knows, it hat been ! a cold winter, now coming on, have au ideal match. passed, and Its dcuiauds in the Of course the late railway king j th reshoMs of souie of the great army bad a rijibt to do with his own as he ; of industrial worker have first been aw fit. Hut his name will not rise I ttet bcfoio any provision is made ftlT 1SD WEEKLY. t)u Inch or l.nv tr tticli 9- ,V OTer .me tueh anil u:t.t-r f,ur lnc!iee. . . . 1 iv Ter tour In.-.-. uj un.lcr twelve Inch. . I V Ovur tel e iuvitv 100 SGI. A.XP TO MAKE VA li. viaoiious Yesterday's work in parliament shows iliut the war against the lhwrs is goiti- to he pushed with vigor, l'olonious' advice to Laertes to 'he- waie of entrance to a quarrel, but, being in, beai't that the opposed may beware of thee," is a guide for England's conduct these days. Eng land made no adequate preparation for the war. The opening ot hostili ties found ilio ltritisli outnumbered on all sides by the L5oers. British territory in the east and west has been invaded, but no reverses of consequence Lave been met bv the IWitish thus far. The Globe-Democrat says: The militia and the militia reserves are to be enrolled in the ai uiy and an additional force of 35,000 is to be enlisted. This is the substance of the latest news from England. The entire extra force thus provided for is in the neighborhood of 180,000 men. This locks like an abnormally large force to be employed against the two little Itoer republics. In deed, the chances are that the militia will not be sent against t-e Itoers at all, but wiil be utilized in England to replace troops sent to South Africa. The policy of raising an army which will be able to ui:ke a long resistance on the part of the Ibiers hopeless is a rreuiful policy. It will probably give a chance to patch up a peace Itfore much serious fighting takes place. Wbat the woild wants to see now is an end to the war at the earliest possible hour. The war is likely to be short in any case, but the prepara tions wtich are being made by Eng land will have a tendency to make it shorter than anybody supposed at the time it began. The talk, of ouise, that the r.oers will never give up while a man of thera remains in tho estimation of bis fellow countrymen for having practically disinherited bis oldest boy because that boy married tue girl he loved. Had the lad run awaj with a variety actress, or formed a matrimonial alliance with an adventures there m ight have been ' reason family uisj leasure, but as he chose for a life -partner a very worthy young woman, fully bis equal in blood, breeding and social station, it seems rather unjust that parental dis satisfaction should arbitrarily have divested the young man of his heritage. The late Cornelius Vanderbilt was a good and Just man all through life, but the world will say be made a mistake when, in a moment of im patience, be cut eff his eldest boy because the latter found a girl he loved and was willing to stand by her even if he did lose the New York Central liailwav. for me. With expression of deep gratitude to you the matter is left to your consideration." , Says the New i'oik Suu: "Col. Itryau is now beginning to complain that be was counted out in lSOii. ... ,i. Curiously enough, he begun his 111, ,IIV I - XO ISTEtiVE.XTlOX. On the strength of the liritisli mili tary and naval movements, which include the calling out of the reserves and the dispatch of tho channel squadron to Gibraltar, rumors and roorbacks are rife concerning a grand continental union against England, says the Spokesman-Review. The speculation which was started by sensational newspnpeis is now dis cussed as though it were a fact. Ei a nee is to aid Russia iu a steal lamentations in Kentucky, where he bad gone to talk for the election of tho maker of a notoriously unfair election law. On the whole, the colonel is not adding to bis reputa tion by his present performances. We had not supposed that there was any man capable of discourse of reason who believed the wild yarns pet forth by the lion. James K. Jones, of Aikausas, after the election in If JO as to the counting out of I'ryan. Since, however, the latter doesn't know that he was fairlv licked j in 18'Jti, it is doubly the duty of the Republicans to lick l.uu handsomely ti. l'JOO. The colonel seems to be a bard learner and a hard lotcr." A GRAND INSTITUTION. Wtil th ! and falrle' A I.I Nuclei I ItblH for th I hlldmi. Superintendent liardner of th Hoys' , Uirls' Aid Society ol Oreg. n. Is In town today, visiting wrd of lh ociely placed out in home., of which there a a number on the line of railroad at far a Maker City. Mr. liar.lner cmuu up from Hood Kivt r, where h reports tho children all In good homes and wall crej (or. Tli children when taken chargeot by the society ouly remain In Hi "Homo" a short time, and at this writingonly una child taken from thi cilv is there, and that is th lit Ho Wolhtrth girl, aged about three year, atl the others are in good home la dif ferent parts of th stale. Some are legally adopted and therefore oil" the society's book I, other are placed on Indenture, hut all are doiug well. Th objucts of the HojV and liirls' Aid Society ar to men Immele, neglected or abused children of Oregon, to esre for ucli until luitabl home or employ ment ar found for ItiHiu, and to con tinue a vteiuatic attention to their condition and treatment. This institu tion is doing excellent and prleortliy j work for unfortunate children nd Is! under the direction of some of Ue state's best eitisent. They aie II. W. Cort'ett, president; K. K. Iteaeh, neere tary; I.. I.. Hawkins, treasurer. Judges W. U. Uilhert, C. It. llelliiiger. lieo. II. Williams. Mr. A. It. Hrevman. Mrs. W. SEND US ONE DOLLAR YOU CAN fXaWINE IT ..r..." "'I- l.rl...l, ,i.f.,,. .,.,,, 4 An , Ml,h crano i;: ttm , lit. I ri... wa. thla M ,lIU . . ...- ,v Tvriiffio on It Hit- Noltion H.m.. m. .: . ''"' roiiMin iiihiu h him i.. LI Jm $38,50 s 'uWtrjtt OUR PRICE "j3R 'i'fT i or ihi ! ...,i . .u.i '"' m Or tl.ii,. , H.B-. h-tlJ1 . il...lfc.l ta.,. "'"..M "', J " -l t i. tt , tr htnat i m -tl. f it. b i,, t r.'M -it Iiln1 V - h (! (r.-. W lkHar (la. (t . h. Vwiiruvt iiit ).'. f alt 1 t-ii It tttrCAWT HAWO wAI3epjrt M D .. iti,i.-. u.iht mi mmM',r .K.-mTTT!! , .rk t I .1,110.,.,,!. u..l,4k IMII. Tl. u.lf"1 (I M lu 1 1, H llf 1 ' "" WKin foa Mil VtMlCll, HAHNfmsounm. Owinii ! Hi. ImmI I'icu .,.r an!,, ,l'lJ'""m SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO in ...CUARANTtCO... BEST AUTOMATIC SELF EJECTING SINGLE BREECH LOADER MADE.fl. V SENO ONE DOLLAR tMia . M f H, Mil. I. U. , lll MM ew k, Hr uomllc )r. Sk torinal aarrei Iihcd OUR PRICE $6.73 W It "TaV v a V t " ' Jfrtit tint mnu uw T arrr wnw 7N: SV. l - l Jr Trllllfilattarn1topln Siilommri nui-i bIWH W ' ! .TM. , t-. ..- ...,..(rLj aruuiruti. S0.7S Tin l in lalaal anrt patent Automalu lector .rial Harrl ! n Loailmi Briotau Mari. rr it m u t i m ii . t.,i,r. .!... t,',.tii'.l " " l'i.' I" a.. p.n..r..-, nur.xiiiiv ,! .I.,.tf,tl .r,-,,.- rria H"a. ' ' rtia ll t t if at ttrna 41a a aiu a.iin, ,,H. J,u7t" j MAOE BT THE NEW TOHK AHWS CO. 'ZS;ZXXSZZlZ?&2, IT.S wOvfUttJ iUWM al. ui WAf u - " wvm wnv i i4LAMa4 SfARS, ROKBUCK CO. .Inc.', CHICACO, ILL A. iluclianan, Mil. I.-vy Whit and Ir. Admiral Dewey haa aaid again, ! T. L. Kiiot aito ar very active in II. e ami ouite asemtihaticallv as before, i wufk- An advi.ory bo.rd of prouiincnt 1 I. ,;.. nf I', inland aimrviaii tin, I real- r. .!.,, ,t .1-. k 1 , . ". '' 1 "'. that he U not, n.,.1 never will he. a 11 " ' .7, , "1 ! r..AS!S AUTOWaT.C tltCTOH -i .. 11 ' n'"01 cliiiiiren wiiiie at me 11011. , oy pcil . rmc 1. -' p '-''-' t-ainiiuaic iui n.c ,.. can iv.ik j . ..: con,istillg 0 Mr. W. A. Huchan.ll. dwells upon the fact that the career j pre.idttnt j Mr. C. U. Templetou, Here of a naval otlicer can not ho tint of j tar r ; Mr. Levi White, Mi. Capt. a politician, urn! that he must be crtn- lJen. M". K. T. C. S.even. and Mr. ....... ... , . Amanda Smith. Ttiene ladle rvi.rereiil tent with the honors of his profes.-itin. ; ,. ,, ' all trie proinuient churcne of l orlUn.l. The aclmiral-a atnbilions are evi.lent-! u e ..,. Ml4. j ,,r.,m ly a'ong the line puisueil throuahoiit lt been the illiuieiit luntrun for the his life. He has no desire whatever pt night years. to enter an untried Arid, hy the The i.K-iety it ,up( jrted by tte and , - ... . county aid, tlie inlerrat id htiiilcath advice if Ills iihysician, Dewey has:, ... , . , i ii . r i I . ' - oeen comiKiic.i to reconnuier u;s au-. Th, u , m,)()l ,ul,,rUui .. ... II . . .. .. ui in. ii:nmii3 iu sc,ri;n ttlrir maintenance, ilr. tianlner tl S'l .1.1,1 4nutma) c. on India and is to have her revenge for Fa.-ijoda by extending Ler Afri- i ceptancc can possessions; Italy is to make a I cities anxious to give him a welcome, thai mm peoul have tiie l.le.t J. STUBLING VVholosalo and Rotall Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agrncy lor the Create t American Liqr.or lYellowslone Sour Mash Whiskey, hostile showing at San Mun Hay also The strain cf going into polities , ihey hav couirihule.1 to the tupp.rt of; WHlSfCKi ff-m '" to ni i-r ..i.,u. ( to 15 rear. in tLe spirit Great Britain (.'locked the Italian game in that quarter; finally, tler- rvn,r I, I ,rr.,d..nt I 1 ., n. I i I I . arm, I d I m f n r . " ""J "' B' " " I M f U tt I L II UUll Jl A U rr- m t .w I I S w tr IT. I Hill , ur 'iiv iv 7w.t nj inii tfi ii iii( n I children' tocielr, hut thi is a uitake, arts of the on'y lubi-riptioris ottalr.rd from 111 lo '.'ll vai. old. sreatcr. It is clear that the admiral; is not to he caught ly the many, speaking for herself ami for ; silflsh politicians who would use hislThe Halles are from the c mnty cum I, i AlIlOFNIA RAKI)IIS (i n. 3 V.S lu lh i0 trr iralU.p. to ll .,r,.,;,1." ONLY TIIE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. Uufsia, France, Italy, lk-lgium and Holland, is to suggest the settlement of the Transvaal dispute hy arbilra tion. Russia is prohably scheming in Afghanistan, hecause that is her set tled policy. Iut scheming and fighting arc very different thing. real nsme Tor their own purjioses. Mr. W. Iyrd, Mr. F. II jukIiIoo , alive is absurd. Sp;iin made a boast nn" a ,KUcr causc "'"e 10 ,,e of that sort iu 1'.'S. Every country I 4,1 vanceil than any that hns as yet which fce'.s that It is goir.g to l,0 1 bttn 8iven t( ProVC tl,3t slie uie,1i- beaten docs this when it enters into; tlUs "1" hostilities. There Mieo. C. Itiakeley and Mr. French. Mr. ..... . i tiarJner a the toclety I n . ii.u, h Hrya n say he looks for success n ,, . .. , ,, . , J 1 ! active work that it ha little tune lo Ohio, Kentucky and Nebrnska, an 1 1 ,. lva9,( j,ut j,., ..!. u u.cnpii..n "ould not be surprised by the capture! inn mi U voluntarily. There are ( n hand at the llo-nr '. il.ia tt'nty of whom are lior and t-viil tn k i r ! e ; Ihey a 1 io have n urn n m iiitln-ol I buy 0LYMPIA BEER on ilrauht, and Val B'.ali and Olju.pi l!r in Imporlt-d Ale and I'orler. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Uitlle of Iowa. At the Chicago convention ! he predicted that silver would carry j x'm thirty..even ch.hirr.,. every state in the union. The tlis-, war. No civilized people, however, G:!jt in this way. Men who have sense enough lo got a place 8iuong the pcoj'les above the savage or bar barian status will not keep on fight ing when they know that further fighting means certain destruction. No possible good can be accomplished in that way. Ity accepting the situ ation, as r-he Hid soon after S:itiliaio, .Spain rdiowed that her political lead ers had humanity as well us sense. The IJoer politic; ns, notwitfutiind ing n few foolish sansuinarv loats which they made just iu advance of the beginning of the war, will un doubtclly show that they are civil ized men, and accept the Inevitable after a few defeats. The terrible dritriictiou of life aud property and Jhc pro longed tlistui hnnce on the pt dilative exchanges which most person feared a few days ng' as a rcr-ull of the wsr, will fortunately b:irdly be realized. THE VAS1 EtlHILT WILL. A great American estate has been ' livi'lcd. The wj.'i t-f the late Cor nelius VandtrbtH was made public Thursday, nn.l while the eld-st son, Ciirnelius, Jr., was uol cutoff with a shilling, he was given only one million bikI a half out of a fortune which probably aggregated one hun tliel millions, says the Spokesman I.eview. The reason for th's discrimination was that youi.g Coit.clius married Oa'.iinst the wishes of his parents. is certainly not pronrse enough in a Iloer uprising to cncour.ige tier to break her frontier agreement. Italy in the character of an ag gressor against England would be false to her own tradition and would cut a pathetic figure. Joy over a naval parade in San Mun Hay would soon bo succeeded by grief over the destruction of the Italian fleet, and he must be a pretty dull Italian who j cannot see this far into Ihe future. Hut perhaps the climax of absurd, ily is reached in the surmises about Ciermany, tho mouthpiece of Ihe continent and the head of a coalition including France and Hussia, which is to intervene in the Transvaal. For it has been repeatedly intimated through the usual official organs that the German government approves of Oreat Hritain's course. That certainly would be the natural official altitude not only in Germany but in every great European tale, because each of them wishes to remain supreme in its own colonial sphere, ami to encouragl- the Ilocrt would be to enconrags a principle that the several powers might find exceedingly inconvenient at some future dale. It is doubtful, there fc re, if arbitration will be suggested even in the friendliest manner, and forcible intervention may be regard ed as nn absolute impossibility. - Admiral .'Schley's response to a committee from the Woman's Na tional Industrial League, which called on him to ;irr".jnt a copy of count on h:s estimates can be judged bjliy o( g))1, ,,,rnU,,. Tim boy accordingly. I rjniie in ae from .! In I.' yean nn d t'i - girls from 8 to 11!. The 3 year old Irl Five trsijfjioils will convey Irish . mentioned a', ive ha already a j.rot troops from (.icenstown to South I't've home. All the other. r f i,;, , -I-. . T, i..,i . i . ,. laioption ur .n l'-nlnr.., ami anvine their recent biush with 'C from , the Dublin i ... . . rrsoliilion adopted oy the Icpgue, the well-informed Mar; ii fur tort d by Syrup to. While a student at Yale he fi-ll in . . I love with .MissWilsun, one of the ' asking contributions from industrial brightest and best of New Voik'i woikers to purchase a home for him, young society women, and, in spite was worlliy of the man and his of the fact that she was ten years his 'record. He said: "While I feel eenior, pressed his suit and won. ; deeply touched ly the desire of your The father's protects were unavailing, j committee, which the resolution Young Cornelius had met the woman brings to mj attention, and sincerely lie loved. The marriage took place, appreciate the purpose and wishes but all of the Vanderbilt family re. you o kindly suggest to me, I feel fuseJ to attend It. Nevertheless the that I ought to ask you to defer this lha Cold ll.o,rlea Ml. flood. lVter Kelthaii'en ca led at the Glacier office last Friday and informed n thrt he was the thrroverer of the qnarti mines near Ml. Hood, lie tnul nnr item of lant week in regard to Ihe dis coveries was incorrect. He and Oeorg-e Winner have ben pro tit jj on ti e Iteadwaters id Hood river for the pa-t to ewrnmer. Piirlntf taut rummer they dircifercd lore le.lue of gold bearing quarts. 0 :e, which is H'j feel wide, ay fO CI in gold ami 18 rent in silrer lo Ihe ton ; mother ? fl SI in gold and 21 cent in silver; and the third 3 72 in gold and 21 cent in silver. These mine are on the East Fork l Hood river, foiilhaeiit cf Ml. Hood. They are about fifteen noiie from the Ml. Hood road, ftartin at a point two and a half mile below the K,k B-d. A waiion road can be mad ever this fifteen miles without nincb eipenee. These difroverie ere made in Ihe latter part of AnM)f, end since then the weather ha been o nfavnrMe that fhJ difoverer cmlj not do much towarJs developing- their And.. The a-jy were made from surface crop ping, and of course it i ezpicted the rock will prove to be rirher when the leads ar developed, Mr. Felthauaen feel highly elated over hi prospect. Glaeier. That Jojful fealliiK With theezhilerating ene of reneaed health and strennih and internal dead lines., which follows the use of .''yrup of Fig., i unknown to the few who hav Dot progreeft l beyond the ohJ-iimel miilirine. arid the cheap mhstiues' sometimes otTred hut never accepted by liny the genuine, the California Fi winning to i.ike a ein.'.i siiouiii ai Sunt, liur.lner. Iim A (nr.V Aid So boys that rumors of Irish symptthy i ,-iety, I'ortlan f, Or. The aoeiety place must be taken w it Is a grain of salt. on an averse of tm-nti-tlve children each monlh. I.snt year the children if our pnMic fchool broiijfl.t , re, i i,i. f,,r the children at thank. giving which were highlrap- I preriatnl, and it i to be hoped they will do the tame tin tharik.giring it very much lt the nianarri enl in providing for the) bide or.ea iltirmg ihe winter months. Mr. lner also np preeiale the kindne. of Ihe King. Iianirbter me lima ago in rend n nox of rloihing for the rl.ildren. At, thl lime they are verv 'mrl t.l under wear and all m Ii pre.eut will grate fully rri-elee.l. I'laca uf Me.llu thaa(erl. Wasco Warehouse Company M Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii k-n " Headquarters for Feed Grain t,. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a.i kinda Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TwXmd Headquarters fci "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Thi HoUr i maiitifrtnrrx expre'.iy fur 'auillf ll.e : ever a,,clf Ir tfti.ranti.M.1 I., tfiv- .nil. fact :DB. We sell our goal lower than any hour In th trade, ami If Vou ihm'l thins call and get cur price and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-rat. Barley and Oats . "Harmony SaTS 9J 0ing to Ihe evil effort to tho wool tnrln.lrv t.l tl.M .!.!. tit. I n,l..l.l from ho'din a fme.try m-eting In The t Dalle at th: time, when there i. nu ll an nli-heep egitatiun, tint Witro Cmnly Fore.t I'rotecMve A.'M-lntion will nol meet In The I),ilU on "atiirdsj , Not. 4, but will hold temi-arinnal ' meeting at Wamlr, nn Friday, Nor. .1,1, 2 p. tn., when all Ida limine., of ihe a ocialion will he tli.poeed of. All In terested In the aim and object of the a.todation are I'.vited to attend. . I). IlrilVKR, j M. J. Anmii.ov, I'rienlent. i Secretary. r'4 -fl I Clarke ,V tt.k have on a!e a full line of paint and artist's brti.her. CUhiskey. OfmM Funeral Supplies ft. 't .III M.j airay Mua ut Carl t l.lg... f'ome lime since a g';od eiz d hot of shotgun cartriilgeii, l"'J Ki- cemior i, were irii at nig ciiiiomi i.g I H.- - - This hra ml ef WhUkcr I fjarnnlccrl fe llit cnnsuairr a I'tKE II AM) MADE SOI K MASH WHISKEY for family anil Medical I sr. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. j OKAI-FI IX All kinds of ur It mt lour sik.. ... r Ml ll f. atl rrMf ' laa. irai urs h 4.rttl al f . 11 ( u umie-r a.). It glt-aX,V lM-'tl'rtt S klwlst fH(l, U.rM ..'. I..I4 ll4 ..r - I 2tl SfiHei M.tratMi.l !( 1 NiMltes. 1; Jf ' ! nn't It 11 .(iiajl Crandallfi Barget UNDERTAKERS ifi EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. trfiU r t)tan ( li i tie-" r lha tire ( Ii iui t bargee office. Al ihe Tree have no tle:re to ,IJH WATCH ! " i ."..; ' r 771 : ' mrmm R.r, a4 u,. get shot, w. wiil glad y return them to l;-..XlV;i.r;:ZW the owner if b. wiii caii. tf ! txtv: xrt uiarae ram ntvoriiig i zract are 1 T. """ m i.irii the be.t. Ask your grocer for them. I !""U"A'0-L'?-)..N C. C. COOPER, UAMr.ll TI rkr or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. I'kAl.iH IX Tenia, Wagon (.'over, and all articles n.ually kept In a first-class harnei sl op. r.f'tKHaire MoiHly a Ware hntie, Thla Stamp a Cm ante MAKER W DALLES, OIlEliOX. of Quality.