The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 28, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Wedanday a Pally.
11. J. Sums, of Iu(ur, ! in th city.
K1 Hen.lereon run in yesterday from
Mint Pearl Ward left on the Flyer
morning (or lVrtland.
)ln. Frank Fu'.ton, of Tuff. and Mrs.
McCorkle eut do-u to l'orllmoj today.
Mr. H. F. Davidson rame op from
Hood Kiver yesleiday, returniu. today
lln. O. . uJ xii a passenger on
the boat Ibis morning, bound for l'orl
land. Thoa. Fargher arrival last night from
trip to tli metropolis, and left this
morning for hit home near Oufur.
Rev. Frank SpauMiog, ' pastor of the
M. K. church at Hood Kiver, came up
on th boat front that piaoe yesterday.
Mra. Sin Cumniini and Mia Mamia
Montgomery arrived last night from
Albany and are guest of Mis. C. F.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Anderson, of
Dufur, returned last night from visitiug
the ez position In Portland, and (punt
today in the city.
Mrs. J. P. Mrlnerny and daughter.
Mis Mar, accompanied by Miss Rose
mary Baldwin, lelt on the Fiver this
morning for Portland.
Mr. L. Clarke arrived in the city last
evening from her borne at Hood Kiver.
Kb will remain a few daya before leav
ing to visit ber daughter at More.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, who have
been visiting in Portland, returned laat
evening on tli'nr way to their home in
Prineville. Mrs. Smith was formerly
Misa Mary Adams, o( tbU city.
Rev. D. V. Poiing will leave on this
afternoon's train for Kugene, where he
will attend the Congregational State As
sociation. He will also visit in Aioany,
returning to this city on Saturday.
Mis Annie Dehni, who is now em
ployed in a store at White Salmon,
rime np from that place last evening.
She was accompanied by Mrs. C. M.
Wolfard, and the two ladies spent today
in the city.
J. U. CraJ!ebauh became restless
roaming about our cuy with no gold in
eigliland lelt on last night's train bonnd
for (jreenhorn again. He was accom
panied by T.J. Seufert. who is inter
ested in the Gjlden Kigle mine, of
wbicb J. H. is manager.
Thursday's Dni'y
S. C. Andrew, of Eiletisbtirg, is in the
C. N". and H. O. Thomas are in from
J. X. Burgess came in from Antelope
this momiug.
R. D. Cameron, of White Salmon, was
in town last night.
Mis Pearl Joles left on the boat this
morning for Portland.
Mr. T. E. Jackson and daughter citne
op Irom Mood Kiver yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L-xmey are j returne.1 Iroin fort. and yesterday alter
visitor in tbe city from Mitchell. no"n- T,'eT. --' the countenance of
mnmiprnri hnt tha.v linn t l-w,lr hartl
T L ir ' - - f ci i 1
uuii . uumi, ui miFiu, rrxisirriru
at the I'niatilU House yesterday.
Dr. G. E. Sanders was a passenger on
yesterday's afternoon train for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lem Linrgess were in
from their home at Bakeoven yesterday.
Otto Kohler, a former resident of The
Dalle, arrived from Eilensbarg yester
day. G. J. Pearce, wife and two children
a -rived in the city yesterday from
John Winston, T. K. Winston and
Henry Mitchell are visitors in The
Dalles from Joseph, Wallowa county.
Mr. and Mrs. Gen. W. Johnston, who
have spent several davs in Portland and
Salem, returned ,9t night and spent
today in the city.
Mra. H. M. Morse, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. If. II. Kid
dell, returned to her bou.e in Portland
yesterday afternoon.
Mra. O. C. Steven left this morning
for Portland, where she will make a two-
weeks' visit befure returning to her
borne in Gilliam county.
Mr. Leon Curtiss, who ha been
visiting in Portland, came np on last
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the ystem
eiry rue 6f.NviHt - miny o ty
'jK.,lr mw
raAu(ri-MM4ik rau Mi naKKiu.
X r JL. . Yyesi
night' train and returned to her borne
in tirand lallee this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Puyn, who have
spent several daya in Portland, returned
last uight, and" will be guests at the
home of B. F. l.aughlin for a few days.
Mrs. Chas. Johnson returned lo Port
laud this morning, where she will re
main with tier hustand until his health
has improved sulhVienlly to return
Konrad T,. Housercaiue in from his
place at Kakeoven today. He has a
thousand head of sheep on their way to
this city, whii-h be has sold to I. P.
Ketclium, aud is here to deliver.
Iho. Harlan, who, with bis son, Mil
ton, formerly editor of Tiik Ciikomi lk,
is now publishing the I'aoilio lVuio
crat in Portland, was in The Dalles yes
terday in the iuterest of that publication.
Ha returned to Portland this morning,
rridny s Dally.
Miss Lida McCown is in from Tygli.
J. W. Osborn Is down from Arlington.
E. C Burllngame is a visitor from
North Yakima.
Capt. Cowan came in from Warm
Springs yesterday.
A. A. Bouuey, stock inspector, ia in
from Tygh today.
Harry Liebe left yesterday afternoon
for a businee visit to Wasco.
Marmaduke Maiwell, one of Ridge
way'i leading farmers, is in town.
Mrs. M. T. Nolan and Mr. M I-ong
returned on the Flyer last night from
Hon. M. A. Moody was a passenger
on the Flyer this morning bound for
the metropolis.
J. M. Filloon and wife returned lasi
night from a trip to Portland, and ill
leave this evening for Moro.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Clausen and family
came in yesterday from their home at
Deschutes, returning this morning.
Mra. A. Moabus and son, George, ar
rived in the city last evening and are
visiting Mrs. Moabus' daughter, Mrs.
M. T. Nolan.
Mrs. C. M. Grimes and daughter,
Miss Peail, left this morning to spend a
week with Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Grimes
ia Portland.
George Ruch, having spent the past
three weeks with his sister, Mrs. J.
Sutherland, in Spokane, returned home
this morning.
Chris Schwabe laid aside his duties at
the Chronicle office and left this morn
ing to spend a few dava in Portland and
attend the exposition.
E. Y. Judd, of the Pendleton Woolen
Mills, came down from that place yester
day and was a passenger on this morn
ing boat for Portland.
Mrs. Fred Fisher and Miss Vesta
Bolton went to Portland Wednesday
afternoon to stay over Sunday with
Misses Josie Jenkins and Ed a Fisher.
Judge Bradshaw and F. L. Houghton
. ' '
Mrs. D. M. French returned oa last
night's tram from Seattle where she has
lieen attending the W. C. T. L". conven
tion. She reports a most pleasant trip
and a splendid meeting of these noble
workers 'for humanity. Mrs. S.French
remained over in Portland until tomor
row visiting her daughter.
Near this city, in the Mill creek
neighborhood, Wednesday, Oct. 25th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kneahel, a son.
' Atartta Letters.
Following ia the list of letter remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalle un
called for October 28, WM. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which tbey were advertised :
Mlm la.
Allen, Miss Lucy Herrieks, Mrs Lizzie
Allen, Mr Chas A Hull, Miss Ida
Anderson, Mrs Jon Ivans, Mrs Ida
liealtie, Mrs John Miers, Mr liettie
Bauer, Mis Annie MeKinon, Mrs Lula
Blooser, Mrs Marie McCann. Mrs Xora I
Burgoyne, Mrs Annie Mack in lie, Mrs Jaa
Balm, Mr E Plamel. Marv
Evena, Ida Price, Miss Maud
Gilmore, Mr D V Hoos, Miss Ien
Gilmore, Mrs Med Scut!, Mrs Mv
Harmaus, Mis AlidaTnoinpson, Isesia
Albort, Mr
Brown, M A
Bricker, M M
Burs, W M
Boydston, Jasper
Brown, Cha
Braun, Otto
Birniizki,C R
Covntram. Arrie
Carman, Fred L
Carlson, Adolph
Courav, K II
Cook, H K
fiavis, William C
Duchisn, W E
Drake, K V
Ellwood, John M
Evens, 8 M
Elb, Frank (2)
Ferguson, P
Frederaker, J A
Hall, Edgar B
lleltgron, Andr
Hasligur, Win
Harris, Pup
Hill, Robert
Hashing, Wm
Holmes, Cha
Hutrnan, Cbas E
Harrington, C II
Herrieks. M
Howe, F W (2)
Howe, Henry
Man-, Philip F
McTemmonds, J P
Prli e, Richard
Purdy, Hen
Richardson, Mr T
R'ggs. T A
Ricnardron, Mr
Skelton, Freeman1 .2)
Ferguson, WillardA Stelrnant. Dn
rredenbnrg, T htolkle, F
Ferns n. Geo W Schmidt,
Gnnger, Al Si-hurasings, John
Gorxlfellow, Mr. Van Orsdall, J G
Yweber, fc'c'll
Gokser, C Harris, Mrs E
Hawthorn, C M Wright, D R
Vangham, J R
Bronyn, II E Lu ky, J R
Neely, Samuel Livingston, A W
Mallory, M A Rhodes, Clara
II. II. RllHllLI., P. M.
"I wish to express my thank to the
manufacturer of Chamberlain' Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv, for
having pat on the market such a wonder
ful medicine," say W. W. Massingill.
of Beaumont, Tens. There are many
thousands of mother whose children
have been saved from attack of dysen
tery and cholera infantum who must
also feel thankful. It Is for sal by
Blakeley A Houghton Druggists.
Gen. laics Forces Entered LadysmitH
Witluiit Molestation.
He Was a Prisoner of War la the Hands
of tbe liocr at the Time of Mis
Death, and General Joubert Con
siderately .Notified General White
of the End.
PkiroKii, .Oct. St. Via Lorenio
Marque. The bombardment of Male
king by General Crnnje' command
began this moining. The women and
children were given ample time to leave
the town.
Pkitohia, Oct. 25. Via Ixrenzo
Marquei. The (helling of Mafeking was
resumed at daybreak this morning.
Several bonses are in flames.
Lonoos, Oct. 20. The death of Gen
eral William Penn Symons, British com-
minder at Glenroe, who wa she I In the
stomach, in the battle with the Boers
here October 20, was officially announced
in the house of commons today. The
parliamentary secretary of the war office,
Mr. Wyudham, in announcing the death
of General Symons said:
"The news was considerately sent to
General White by General Joubert,
which conveys the impression that Gen
era! Yale bad to leave hi wounded at
Dundee. We hope to bare shortly full
Information on the disposition made by
General Yule for his wounded before
"The bouse," he added "will be glad
to know that wa have a further report
from Mafeking, which wa all right
October 21. As the establishment there
of tbe Nineteenth hussara wa complete,
there i no explanation why the Infantry
officer fell into the enemy' bands."
Order were issued today for an addi
tional 5000 troops to sail for South Alrica
between November and November 18.
Tbe war cilice received the following
dispatch from General White:
"Ladysmitb, Oct. 20. 12:40 p. m.
General Yule's column just marched in
here after a very hard march during the
night of exceptionally heavy rain. The
though done tip, are In good spirit
and oniy want rest,
not molest them."
Tne enemv did
Sounds Bad For Britons.
London, Oct. 20. A l ela'ed dispatch
from Glencoe camp admits that very
few Poeri' dead and wonnded were
funnel on the hVId alter the buttle in
that vicinity. The correspondent at
tempted to explain this by sav'ng :
"Throughout the fight, the Boers, In
accordance with their custom, buried
their dead and carried oil their Bounded
immediately after they fell, those left
representing the casualties during the
last moment of fighting."
Another correpondi-nt say the
reported capture of all Boer cannon by
the British was incorrect.
Aguinaldo's Strong Talk.
Manila, Oct. 26. The Filipino con
grew ha (elected a commission of
native priests to proceed to Pome and
eiplain to the pope the abuse and in
iquitle of friar and ask for correcting
intervention. Agninaldo, in a recent
speech at Tarlac, characterized tne
friar as intriguer and abuser of bonor,
law and morality, and declared they
caused Spain' downfall in the Philip
pines. The Thirty-fourth Infantry, nnder
Colonel Connor, proceeded t j San Isdro
thi morning.
Dewey In In Possession.
Washington, Oct. 25. The house on
Rhode Island avenue recently purchased
for Admiral Dewey by popular subscrip
tion wa formerly turned over to hi in to
day by Assistant Secretary Vanderlip
and United States Treasurer rtohert, of
the Dewey house committee, fnbi cap
tion amounting to 11275 were received
Soldier' Free Library.
8a FaANcisco, Oct. 20. General
Hlialter has provided headquarter in the
army commissary building lor the com
mittee of the Ked ('roes Society now en
gaged In collecting books for a free libra
ry to be established in Manila for the
ose of American soldier. The committee
ipect to coon have enoogh bock on
hand to make a first shipment to the
The "Plow Hoy Preacher," Iter. J.
Kirkman, lielle Hive, III., sav. "After
suffering from Rronchial or lnng tronble
for ten years, I wasenred by One Minute
Cough Cure. It is al! that I claimed
for it and more." It cure coughs, colds,
grippe and all throat and lung troubles.
Butler Drug Co.
:'rzri and Motors
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
Dewey white wash? Ye?, ami wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point in quality ami the
Merritt of our work is Rich that joojle p
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the htaiulanl rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First
'Phone 341.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency lor the Create t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHI8IEY from ri.T. to r gallon. " iiTTi 1) year a old.)
IMPORTED C0GNA0 Ir"'" 7.lK) to I12.IX) per gallon. (II to ".D ye'ersToll,
CALIFORNIA ERA NDIL8 ? -r'.. I"0 er gallon. 4 to II ;ears old
OLYMPIA BEER on draught,
Imported Ale and Porter.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kird
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmSo
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr Th" lluar " nnu'tu"l Mpreesly for family
, , evervsack I guaranteed to give satisfaction.
ell onr good lower than any bones in the trails, and if yon don't think M
call and get cur price and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplied
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
f I m it I n t
think, ami we want to
and Court Street,
Val Plat and Olympia Peer in tmttles
& Burget
Burial Shoes
Advertise in the Chronicle.
! Exocutor's Notice.
I Kullr la hfri'ln ali.n i
'V..,?rl,,'.''vr. i,",
I ..unly inurl ,. , , 1 ' ;.h,
II. ikM. U.-mM. All ir...h. i "' ""'-j
...In.! ..I.I ii .,. ',,., "" ,
In.i.i ll .I.I.. I ii'i. .,"." " i"..liiu ll,f- 4tli ilxjr til July
Administrator's Notice
N.;llpU h,rl,riv.n ,im, '
l. lii .Inly H..i,l., I,, ,. .. " "ti'M
t ..url.. u.. II,. M , ', ''"" ..ItMl ,, Hi. 7. ".'
l.1liis...-al. All-i. I,i in. 'I'
a. .111.1 .l. ..UI. .i. i,, iHilin,,, . rl,'u
Hi. Hin iniairlr v'f l.i m. ,i I'l'i't
in r .Ii..rn.(.. Imlur a Mm,.i,, '.. '
in. .nil,. Ir.nii ii,,, ,' "" Nx
1'slrO at llMJ IMIIm, Olrg.,11, l, y
mlnWreMU lb. r......,
Executor's Notico.
Knluw l...ribr iln il,M ,. ,,,.',.
..I Hi. .ui. ..I orrann ..r u ; , ';"' '".-
II11..III..I Mur, Mill.. .Ir,-.,, .,,.;;,,"'' T
i.iiii .mi i. .I..,,. i.i ,,i fc.i.iM.,, i,,. ;""
r.Ml. All IMMi. ,!.,., ,,,
ll" llr.l. IX'llllnll,, ,,..,
III. .r.r t..m,irr. I.. ni .1 ih. iu. ,, i,?'
l.,...l A Wli.l, h. l.ll,,nr allhluit
ai..i.lli. Imin ll,. ,l.i.,. iuu ii,.c """'ls
laUl IM'lul .1 IIKIi, lm
...III II JH!tW. wAMi.r.
Executor's Notico. ""
All -i-m. hariti -n,. ,, uw
ni-wm Aim .i. u.-.i
nollil..! l.. prr-.ul l,. ,.. ,,,,. ,, ,rM77
al Iboultlr i I the un.l.r.i,.
.llilr. rt.rulur nt -I,: r.l.i.. . i.n,Vcii. wiihiu.ii,,,,, u,. .i.i. ,,, '
tM.Hir.ll. B (I, I. hotl.- 1 "',
lialtil (lis l.'lh itar iA urMor, Wri
I H Ulof.
NOTICE Or FINAL SKTn.KMKNL Is lirlrbf lrM) II,. I 11, tlM.tri, ( ll ..uirol lir '
baft. tiMN.I, h. hi-r tin. I ar,jn M
in h In Hi. r..ui,ly .mil. n Hi. .1.1,. ,, ,iw-,,
..r .-cninl)r. muA Ih. n.u.l I,.. ..,iirf
M'.ii.Ur . th. r.lh lay ,( , l-.i. .t u
.1 In., i I. ir, ai , al lli ri.umy ..,!.,
lallr I It. . III. a. m Inr. .,..1 ylmn ,t
Ih. liMrlh anil .rllLuiml lli.rn.r
lllt.rvl 4 In MUl ratal. I. lu-rrl.v rr.,ul(H 1.
.-.r alaalii ll.u. a.iU tilx ai.. fr ,, ltMt
rlij-rlliHla, ll any lll.y !,.., U. flu,
tHHinl nr any il th iutn ih.rv..f
liallm I llj. Hr . Vf( N
eB I' I irtuuir.
l4BOrris iiTki i.u..oa.
ln...'r ., (
Ntlfny t hr-ty ftv.n lhal Ihn f.-ii..wt(
tiam.l wHll.r ha. fl Inl tiotli-. i.f l.t. Iiitel..ri
it m.b. rtual lir..l lii .ii..rl ..f hi. ;.,, ,,,4
lhal .alii ri. will h. lf..r. th.
.1.4 hr.i.r al 1 lir liallM.lifvfttn, .10 ftalunl.;,
NuriuUvf JA, li.
V. Haw land. f Tha Italia., ttt ;
IT tnr.tra.1 r.iilty .t. (..r th. K'j Mfi((
' M H and MS v. S H sr. In. tp I ouftt,
r.l,r II I , M.
II. Iia.tira lha fil.ialia wIIicmm 1.1 pro.
hi. e.nillltu.'U. raaMaure Uluu ami rullli.L
ot aatil lanil, I.
J I. Him, J W. I.frv. I frl Mryvtil as4 i.
M J.ihn.biii. all Ml 1 lia lllc. in.-.. 11
NOTICE KOR mil.K'ATlnN. lirm it Tni I'iiiiv no.:..
w 11, 1
Knflea la Ih.l II. I..ilil;fl
ll.tllr.1 aatllrr ha. plr. Uollr. 1.1. Inlri)tl.a
to ma.. Anal lir...f In .ni'in.rl ..I hi. .,.4 l.n.rf alll lai wi.-l. 11.. r.-).lrt
anil rrl,f al 1 ha li.ilc, orig-m. un altllUJl
Url-.har Jl. IMA), l.
Al.laaa.r . af Tha llall.. Or.
II : ho MM. (.. ih. a', st n4 .1 '',
Hr N, atnS N tw. n s. III. 1 tilh. H 1. tt
H M.
II. n.mra lha follo!n wilnr.w. In rti.s
hi. rlilalir U.itl alwl rilllii .11.41
ul .an l.n'l, la
i H llall, Jamn Mall, Willi. m ll .nil B.
t W u Sham . all ol 1 h. I '.Hi .
r.ll JAY f. I I I A". hrfUlrr.
f. . I.AHO t;rn a. al Tas Dai !..(
lii-T.a. a , 1-'" I
Nilllr I. h.fvhT (Urn thai I' II "lt'-
nalliMt M'tllrr h.ahir.1 itnlW r ..I hi. Il.t 11 lltt m
in... nti.l ir...l In anviMirl if I... '"''i .n't
Ih.l a.1.1 I-I...I alll lat l iailr I. h.l. ll K.-..if
an. I l(.lr.r al 1 hr li.llr., nr. t'.'i, on n-Uf'
ilay, Niiyamlar 11, lVtl. la.
Malhlas lhl.1, of Nailil, ll,.o..
Ilnnirtra.t rnln Sn Ti;, l.t Ih. ', ',.
N', ort an. S s't, HTU..11 1. h.Hn.liip
I n.iith. ranr I.' !, M M
llr ti.niM Ih. f...illi( ltnr..f. I" f" "ll"
etmiiiitt'.ii. rai4.ic ami i u;ni .ti.u vt
aai.l iaii4, 4 la .
h... Mll-r ( M.l-r, iinirmi ln tiwn
ll.rinan amt l.rnr.1 riir.lflilia.ta
1 he llallra, lilffi'U.
jay r. if .
net: II h.a later
Snllr. I. hrrrhf l"l thai lir..1.Talfr
h.a lllrd llh li.arlvra l Ihrm.niit, r-url ,
Ih lal ul lihinn, hr a-" "'!.
fli'.l ..-..Hint a. ailmlnlalrali.r i.l Ih. r.lal of
Jnhn llranl, 1nHra-rl. and Ih.l h, "
ai'l n.iirl niaiirnn ih I nh rtr "' "' r1" "''"
l-wi. kli,i..lay Ih.'ilh rtay nf N.. rnlr. If .
Ih hmir ul I n'ewark tn. h.a I1.-11 h"l "
llms anil Ih ra.uiiljr eonrl h'tn In "J
aa th flar 111 bnilai "I ..hj-rii""- I" aais
Una, am.unl J. fil M. IM'IK,
A1mio.iralnr ot I.iai nl Ji.l.u i.r.i.i. i"
naH s.-.i:JI
UanOrrK s atTmb mi i "'"'.
IM-trliltMf I'i, I
Knur I. hrrrt.f alvrn Ihat Ih.' '""'"J:
naninl M-ltlrr ha. Slr l nolh enl hla Inl. "Il "
mat llll.l Bfia.l In .H.l"l rl""'
thai a.1.1 .r... Hill I I. I.T.' II"
and rrri.. al Th Intllra. llr-.'M, nn rHJ
.S.iVhiiImt S, l"1-"', l. :
111 ba rt M. Mkr. ef Tha Itallr.. "r.,
Il'imratnid rnlrr Nn. tV.'.'l, r Hi' !'''.
aildsrt', SK' awrllnn I'., tneuahl; '
ran I I raal.w. M .
Il.tiatnr Ilia l.illnwlnf altn.---" ,',' ',"
hl.p inllntKMi. ml.U'iir"l riilll'"""-
nf aalil land. Tla.: . tt , ,.,.
Salnu.l rrla-htnn, John . ' "J" M
Katan.ii anil I liallr. K.)l'. "II "I H '""
Ill f latrr.
im Titr. rmri iT romT t"
1 ill irr,,ii, h.r ih enuniy
t- . Tff
II. r ilil A. hlmon, I'l.lntirr,
William II. II. riinili,d.-..i.l."t- ...m
1., William 11. It. hliui.ii, His aln
di-fi'itd.nt ., .it
1 11 the Nam rrf Ih tal "I rr..n "" '
hrrrhr notlllrd In l" and T.,r In "' "
rntltirdPiinrtiihiir Ixrlnrs II'" ' ; '
pnhlli-allon nl lhl..nminiMi.. I.iwll
fur halur.lar, Ihe llh d "I '" " ";,
Ih.-n anil Ihrr in sn.wrr nn- i - .
...1 ..I.,,,., n ill. .1 .aalii'l r '.
alaiee siilllirn' .nil; and II u " ". '.'J
and ananvr said ei.tnilllil. '"r. ,"".,,. ..Ikf
M.lntin -III l "!''.P".".'i i r 't
iranl Inr III lirr t" '' ' ' ,,,,,,
er.n..,llhr.t.v.rnllll.nlr..ililh".'' ; ,,.,
and annul Una llm lailnla m n.a.. " ,
nil hi rrliilnt. e.l.lln ''""T" ''"' ,r
d.l Innt. and l..rn hilute l ri "I ' run, Ih. aald drl. ndaiil. uhll-
I Ilia .liiniinin. ia ariTmi '"l-'( ' - ' f r.l
..n lhrrr.,1 hy nfdrr n U" ',,,J-whl. It
haw. jnilK "I Ih" - rnlllli-l .,"'';r7,v,
nnli r la-r flati nl th inn nny ,.,a
and illrr. la lhal aald aiininiini. i, ill
Ih.. IWrnilanl lr inihllralK'n h';' , nlyn am-.. Ill 'l h la les '""',, h-
ii-i kly netaiar-r lf frnrrai " .,r,(..n;
i.h.d in 'ii'. nan... - . ni
lid iiiililli-allim lii in-Kin A.t t
l,.l.-r. Ivri. and Oll.l
SiiteinlHr, I1-'.'.
rel- II