The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 28, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
jM l.AI.1 .... ' ' "HUM.
r 0fH Ul FA PKH OS O 'M V.
gnii .s.imo'V'-
: rt Hi kll'lH'N
it ik. roaiaua r Kir 1 1), m anvaKca.
. II Nl
l III n.'
ftIK ll.iUllll
Vtw-i"-i::K nwnanie. and, rnmlc kunu
"'i,.'. ' ."i'l't ?-i mi in ii 11 li'itll Ui "Til K I'll '.S
I 1 1 , unii.
I.OI'AL mirvi fl..
Vlnllirtilay I llally.
i; (iiivrriiiir I.oid receive 7."ici
yrr na iuiiiitt r to Hit) Argentine :
,u I I -.
J. . liorle, lor more than evcn year
gmt (or theO. It. A N. lu Pendleton,
Ilia resigned hi position ami announce
(Ik! Im will go Into limlnea them. IU
III be mcceeded by Frank F. Wamaley.
It it to b hoped thai Ilia dlapatch
a-hli-h announces lliat tha it Ira of
atiirky baa been Ut up bv tba United
ritatca Spirit Association, ill liava Ilia
fuVt of inducing fewer wiil to put It
don t li-i r throata.
Mia. J. N. Harney, wife of a former
agent ol the i. I. A A. V Co.. In Port
Uii'l, and alio ia aril known in The
Dalle", died (ilddenly last week at
M ". Malio, wl.ere Mr, Harney la
ana agent lor tba (). It. A N. Co.
Tim hiiiieal place In town today la the
Watru warehouse, which baa hardly
room to contain tba anioiinl ol good
Ihey ar receiving, among which ate
o rara nf mjir, olio ol vyrup, one ol j
ena! oi), a car ol Star I eed Mllla ami a car
ol stove. Tha toice baa breo on tba'
j imp all day. !
Among olber pleasing feature oltbal
Ila'loat '. n entertainment at tha Baldwin
Miliar n'ght all! I tba Indian aar
darcc. It will not l anT eaier to dia
t i ii aT ' alio tba kloolchiiien are llian
todi-civcr tba (Inula !ait year. One
aim ia thoroughly verted In tba dance la
Iraiiiinil the iwihe.
II. II. Perry, a hrakeman on tba O.
It A N. train, mrl a lib a very painful
an i. lt'iit which came near causing the
loia (.1 ba index linger ol tba If 1 1 banJ.
II m engaged in uncooplii g an rn
( neat Cvlilo about H o'clock (hit morn
Injr a hrn tba flng-r not caught anil aa
badly in -shed, lie rama direct to Una
city, Intra Dr. Hudson gave tba nece
Sirly medical attendance.
The riaiern at tba corner of Third ami
I.aiiglilin Ur!i la to have a new cover,
which It la talj Ia a splendid move, aa
the timber of tha oM one arre hadly
Jccajrd Tba reort that a terrible
tern h a rote Irom the water therein la
il l to be a mlelake. Those who live
in II. at neighborhood y lint they
failed to notice any diaagreeahl wlor.
Ilua rvi'r, the aiidicralitin of our rotitcm
porary tbal tba water tbouUI be iliannl
olti'i:cr ia a g..oJ on.
I.aal SnrnUy (be Metboiliata at Ante
lope tU'.liiati-J tbeir near church, Kev.
Hi'. I. Warner Wiog In alt lulu nee to
ii'i'l in the aervire. The bululing la ami a great aiMilion tj the little
city, at aril aa credit to the com
munity :,li h reomleil to griirrotnly
riiimUy, when 1 1, 078 waa raitt.l. Much a given to Kev. I-cech, Wl'.lur
t illun, V. L. Iliiikle ami other to i
wlmte rlTirta la largely due the aucceaa
lul errcllon ol tba church.
In rn'errlng to the eaclnaiou of abeep
Irom tba Caacatle reaerve the .Salem
H'atirinan remark: ''Not loot ol it
ought tti be cloteil to the ahrep ; not a
ingle loot. Tl.ey do no harm to the
f.irent reaerve. Tha 'cieiitlal' ol the
interior ilepartment who investigate
Iheilamaga Irom tha windoa of I'till
loan car ought to be turned down and
kicked out of tha aervice of the govern
nient. h i theae fellow who do the
harm, n il tha hrep. Tha propoallloo
la iiaiiaeating In tlie extreme."
I.uM evening at 6 o'clock, at I ha Cath
olic church, Kailier Ilronrgeeat unilej In
marriage E. II. Howell ami Mia Mary
Miannnn, two young people who have
ma.le heir home In The Palle for year,
Mi9 Shannon having lieen brought lip
l're. Mi. Howell lia lieen employed
hy that). U.A N. Co. for number of
year ami I well liked by hi mny
friend, while hi bride If an excellent
young lady of tplendld character. The
Ciih.imci.b withe to extend to Mr. and
Mr. Ilo vell It congratulation.
The inemlmr of Oregon' gallant regi
ment ol vnliinteer the Jiiatly fainnua j
fwoiiil On-iron are each to receive a !
brut in me.lnl a an evidence of the ap
preciation of the people of the late lor
thi lr noble eivlce. Tliat theae medala
will be inantilaclured for illatrihtition
among the volunteer i now iire:l,
for It'ie, T. T. tieer ha received Irom
the war department letter Informing
him that the department had author
Ited the ptirchaae ol a Spanih gun to
a uaed in caatlng medal for the Oregon
r'oma time ago the Ciibonicm men
tioned the fact that Capt. Waiul haJ
vlaited the (choola when he lait wa In
'he city and nromlied gold nugget to
the pnplla In Ml Wrenn and Mia I..
Klnloul't room who could amwer the
niont queatlon regarding Alaaka. Upon
hi return home Sunday, Fred Waud
'rought with lilin the promlaed priaea,
o of which wa given to Alice Kurla,
of Mia Wrenn' room, and the other to !
f-ugene Davl. of Mi-, Wninnl' ,,.
Fred alao piea ntnl Ida teecher, Mix
Miclmll, with a very handitoiiie nugget :
tick pin. Capiuln Waud ba alv
'heply Intereateil In tl, e!f.':
our n-boola, ami the children greatly a p. i
ireclte thla tokttii of hi Inlcrot in
The Do Kalh, 111., ChronVIe baa the!
following c.iici-rnlng a Iinll.-a Hdv-!
"Mr. .l,elU It.H kwell and Mia N.-llle I
Norton eiilertnii-ed a party of ludiea y-- j
leidny iifternoon nnd to mppcr la. I
evening in l.oiior of Mr. Mary,
ho leave in in i apen.l the winter In
Cleveland, Ohio. The hour were Very
agreeably .nt-.i-. in B ! nl way, the.
laiheawl.o have recently returned from
abroad adding to li e enjoy im-nt of t),
occaaloii by reliit nig oine of their ex
perience ml Mra. Krencli ciiiai.ning !
the ladle with Oregon life by allowing'
them many view nf place of hiteient I
along the l'ucillc."
The grand jury reported a true bill in
the car-e of Frank Mcl'aniel, charged
with the murder of Clara Fitch in Tort- I
land tome month fince. A portion of
the Indictment ay: "Frank McDauiel i
I accused of illfully, felonlounly , pur- j
poely, and of deliberate ami preiiiedi-l
tle. malice, having killed Cliiire Ade-'
laide Ulcb, by choking, uir.itallng and ,
trangllng bur, ami by forcibly stopping
and clolng and cmpreiiig t lie neck ,
ml throat of laid victim, a more par-j
ticular deacrlption of the way in which'
aid crime waacommitt.d living to the
grand jury unknown." Thla, while not
o i-clllclly laying In the indictment, j
ia an Indictment for murder In the lir.ti
decree, a the indictment billow the
tntiiloty ilrtlnlti'in of that crimo.
Ttmr- l.y pniljr.
The trial of Frank McDaiiiiO in I'ort
laml will not take place before late in
Yerterlay a Insrriagn licence waa
grained to John Caldwell nnd Mr. Med
Morrison, both ol Antelue.
No. 1 i up to her old lin k today ami
la repoite.l fourteen hour late. The
paenger were, however, brought
down on a apccUl.
It wa H'.l degree In the (hade at
Omaha Monday, and nobody would be
iirpried if lomorro' di'patche told
ol an early blizzard in eaatern Nt-bra'ka.
A fire at Ileppner yeaterdar morning
deatroyed the raloon of McAtree A
S agart, Cbaa. Matlock and Wni. Heed.
Iaa, 42iJ; Insurance, 1K). Origin of
Ore unknown.
I'n'eM the Uritirb toon uc'ed in
whipping the Doer, the etale of alTaiia
will he like one author claim nx-iely ia
one c nnmon horde, formed of two
clc, the lioer and bored.
Nu new ha been received from lt
night' Lowlirg contrit. No lira
iny he good new, but (till we're not
no anre. If our team had won, no doubt
we'd have heard bow It hpeiied.
The Indiana will di'placo the gho'ln
at the Halloae'en par'y thi year. The
young ladit-l who are to furni'h the
aweel prt of the entertttiiimcnt are
t,ii ay preparing tlie candy booth and it
The fumet Telegraph and Telephone
Company are putting in au underground
yateni at Spokane. Hell at the central
ollica are to be dona away w i Ui, and in
tea. I a ruby light flarhe in front oi the
operator, which indicate a call.
It I the puriioite if the Columbia
Dancing Club to two partie a
month. It I therefore nrreary to
have a part follow two week in nic
cetaion thi month, and tomorrow eveu
Ing the wcord ol the erie will be given
ut the I'.al.Uln.
Colli P. Huntlngtun recently itated
that the young men of America pmt
entirely loo much time in the echonl
riMim. A better ertion wnuld have
been that the young men of our cilie
pend entirely too much time in the
pool room. Rural Spirit.
The Udie of the Aid Society ol the
Congregational church (pent a very
pleant afternoon with Mr. A. C.
tiigcr yeaterdny. Several musical
lection were given and other entertain
ment bad been prepared ; beside a lunch
wa served at the close of the afternoon.
A large number of member and friend
were present.
The (eat for "My Friend From India"
will be on (ale tomorrow morning at
o'clock at the Butler Drug Co'(. (tore.
Mr Butler tell n that more Interest i
manifested In the opening of lb box
.beet for thi play than in any previom
engagement thi season. The fact i
people are becoming tired of vaudeville,
and are anxiomto bear omalhlng with
. !t. Ilcaide "My Fihmd
of .
$15 00
Only One
Tomorrow, Saturday, w ill be the end of thi Big
Sacrifice Sale f ).Ii and end In Men' Suit and
Clothing, that we have conducted lo (iiccessfully the past
ten day. Our (lock of these good ba dwindled away
hint, nnd to mle thi ii!m particularly interesting, we
have placed a few freh line with th last .f the broken
loleaud let you tk your choice Tomorrow only, at
Tin o are some of the '.jest value that you ever
M, au I tomorrow ii t ui
Very liast Day
You can have the opportunity at these Prices.
The near line have I een added to make thi last day of
the (ale The Banner Day of the whole week. Come
early and don't be kept w aiting. Commencing Monday
next we will offer apecial value at ipecial price in
Youth's and Boy's Clothing
Look out for Monday' A JvertUement and tie
window .
2Gth S7lh 28th
Wo will offer all KeinnanH of DUES GOODS, SILKS
and LININGS at
AH liooda Marked
in i'lain Figure.
Discount fur three days to clear them out.
They consist of short end of all the best thing we have carried dur
ing the (eason, and are In lengths suitable for Wailt, Skirt arid Full
All Good Marked
in Plain Figure.
India ha a reputation which ia known
to all theater-goor.
Tneadav night in I'orllund an organi
tatlon called the "Oregon Afssocialion
of Optlclana" wa perfected. W. K.
(Jarretion, of thi city, wa elected
treasurer. The purpose for which this
association is constituted ia the etab
liahment and maintenance of all legiti
mate optical trade In the date ol Oregon,
and the Interchange and discussion of
optical, aocial and limine matter, and
the encouragement of literature and
acience pertaining to optic.
In the late premium list of the Youth
Pnmnanlon will be found a cut giving
an Idea of what can be done In the
Florentine bent Iron work. The cut la
taken Irom A photograph of the exhibit
of bent iron woik made by J. C. Hos
teller last year at the fair pavilion here.
ilia work I certainly beautiful, and he
should feel proud that a photograph of
it rearhei so many reader in the United
Mules, for the Companion It read in
more home than any other journal
I iib'iiehed in the nnion except the.
l.a.lies Home Journal, which rank
highest, having very nearly 800.000
The employe at tho Oregon Telephone
office in thi city feel positive now that
they "take the cake," the atsnrence be
ing furnished them by Mr. Summer,
wife of the agent of that company at
I'rinevillu. During the yacht race that
ladr made the promise that if the girl
would keep her posted on the races, a
cake would be forthcoming, and true to.
her word, yesterday the hungry oper
ator were delighted to receive by ex-1
picas a laige ciroanut cake that even
theJColiimbia couldn't beat, for the proof ;
of the cake i in eating it, and we know j
w hereof we (peak. To ee it disappear
ike a fUsli, showed the boy and girls
were used to the electric movement,
whether dealing with message or cake.
It wa amusing thla morning to watch
the dilatory manner in which a work
man i n Second sited wa handling a
me; but taking a second look ono would
discover a Lali and chain in the vicinity
of hi feet, w hich arcxlliited for hi lack
of enthusiasm. A few day ago he was
found me.indering the streets, and ack-
ing nsHstanec. Mr. ttes ollerea nun
woik on the toiu saw, but he refused
and tho marshal forthwith called upon
him to leave the city. Yesterday he j
made hi appearance at Joe Stadleman
place, where he wa told where he could
secure work. He then began to swear
an I demand help, and thf. marhal wa
summoned, who aoon landed him in
jail, and he waa fined w hich he ia
woikingout on the treet. He I an
ugly customer, and accomplishes but
little. There is no excuse whatever for
idleness these days, for everywhere
workmen arc in demand, and 'ti not a
deed of charity to feed or in any way av
aist tramps now.
Krl luy a Pally.
Yesterday's afternoon west-bound
train, No. 1, reached here at 5:.!0 thi
morning, about fourteen hour late.
Troi'ble on the Union Tacitfc caused the
On the Hih or l.Vh of next month a
magnificent display of meteors is to 1
expected by person who watch the eky
at night especially late at night, toward
S. M. nUmlford, o long associated
with B. S. l'ague in making weather tor
the wehfooters, and now in charge of
the weather bureau olllco at Boise litv,
waa married to Mis Emma L. Wells, at
Portland last evening.
You needn't coi.k any pastry tomot
row.forit will not be necessary when
the ladies have nch tempting pies,
cake, breed and everything in that line,
on sale at Crosa' store. Help them out
as well a yourself by patronizing them.
Engineer Charles Evan, of Albina,
wbose right leg was amputated (ome j
time ago, is getting along finely, and he j
I able to be about. will I
bave to undergo a (light operatim on
. . i ..l.ll. . ill I..V lr, hm I
account oi a vein. moi '
removed. O.-egonian.
The old maid are all Invited to be
.resent at the Hallowe'en party Monday
evening, for they will have a splendid
opportunity to learn the ecret ol be
coming young again, as the agent for
"youth renewer" will be on hand. Ad
mission 20 cent.
Thoe who expect to attend the clnb
danco tonight t the Baldwin will take
notice that the entrance to the hall ha
been changed and inted of gaining ad
mittance by the east door it will be
necessary to follow the w a!k around and
enter at the hall do .r, or w hat is termed
the dressing room door.
Still the wheat team are continuing
to arrive in large numbers, and it
doesn't look much a if the season's
haul i about over. The market is said
to be knocked to pieces, but 52 cents is
still being paid for No. 1 at the ware
houses, so we were informed at the
Wasco this morning.
Wonder if the morphine fiende i man
and woman who, without the slightest
provocation, invaded the bog pen at the
brewery for some time recently, haven't
favored Hood Kiver with their benign
presence. The papers at that place are
complaining about some fiends which
answer their description.
Hi friends were greatly pleased to
again see A. J. Tolmieon our streets to
day, and he was kept busy skaking
hand. Mr. Tolmiei now ia business,
in rullumn, Wash., and though he does j
not like the climate a well as at The I
Dalles, he is pleased with the business j
outlook. He is on his way heme from a
trip to Portland.
Cinrt- . . , r. I I . . t .... 1.
.11.1 .1 I IJU ClUI ,11. VI Ifltl " V I
Second street has leen in a very muddy
condition, (he sun having little oppor
tunity to strike it. A great improve
ment has, boa ever, been made by the
work which is now being done, in scrap- !
ing up and removing the surplus u-.iut !
and stones, w hich made it so disagreea
ble to travel over.
We understand there i an effort on
foot to induce Chaplain Gilbert, of com
pany L, to deliver a lecture in the near
futnre in The Dalles. It is to t hoped
that he will accede to the result, as
everybody in Oregon ha a fiiendly feel
ing for the brave chaplain who ha so
endeared himself to every member of
the Second Oregon.
Though the number was not large
which attended Frof. Saodvig's dancing
party last night, those who were there
report a splendid time. The music was
fine, and the bon ton and glide lanciers,
which were introduced, took with every
one, and rcqueats were made several
time for their repetition. These will no
doubt bo popular partie.
The Hood Kiver Sun bid fair to be
changeable a the moon, that ia r. gard
uig publishers. E. K. Bradley, com
petent newspaper man, has rented the
paper for a year. This change wa oc
casioned by the proprietor having prop
erty interest at Sumpter, including
minng claims and town property, which
owing to late development, may become
quite valuable by giving It his personal
A really good farce comedy and one
that most every one has seen and all
have beard of, ia "My Friend From
India," the attraction at the Yogt next
Tuesday evening. It is played by the
best company that has ever presented
thi piece, and headed by Walter E.
Perkins, lor whom ll was written, and to
whom the critic in the larger cilie at
tribute much of il brilliant success.
Waller Moore, A. E. Hammond and
K. T. Hurlburt were in the city yester
day for the purpose of holding a meeting
of the Shaniko Tot nsite Co.npjny. The
suljfct in question wa putting in
water work at the new townsite. We
understand the materials have lcen
ordered from the East and the works
will be completed by the time the
Columbia Southern reaches that place,
which is ald to be by the first of May.
W. M. Moore, who Is blind, will be
married this week to Miss L'xxie Brow n,
also blind, at the home of Geo. W. Pe
Weese.a blind man, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Justice of the Teace Dwight rainier, a
blind man, will perform the ceremony,
and Win. Yandrnyst, who Is blind, will
be the best man. Fifty blind guests
have been invited, and an orchestra
composed of blind men will play the
wedding march. After the ceremony a
literary and musical program will be
rendered by blind people. If the com
pany should all play blind man's buff it
would be a tight worth seeing.
Our conjectnre was right concerning
the contest bowling game between the
Commercial Club team and the Arling
ton Club iu Portland Wednesday even
ing. No news waa bad news, and our
boys got beat. Of course there were
good reasons for it or they never wouid
bave suffered defeat; there are always
eaflicient reasons for that sort of thing.
But the bowlers didn't put on crape nor
wear a shamrock either, and they will
show their colors later all right.
Chaplain Wm. S. Gilbert, of the Sec
ond Oregon regiment, was both tur
prieed and pleased to receive by express
this m'.rning a purse containing f3o in
gold, and a card on which wa inscribed :
"Chaplain Gilbert, complientsof com
pany K, 13th Minnesota Volunteers."
The Minnesota r.oys were as proud of
Oregon' chaplain as the Webfoot boy
w ere, his many acts of kin-iness to them
during the time the two regiments were
eidei partners on the firing line not be
ing forgotten. This token of esteem
was bestowed unostentatiously and tells
feelingly of the regard in w lch the
nun h:msel( is held. It is an act prob
ab.y enprecedented in army service, an
officer of one regiment being compli
mented by the men of another legiment.
Eugene Guard.
A Novel Appeal.
Oregon and Washington Will H ramoaa
Through Una Medium of Advertising.
A Mississippi editor makes this ap
peal to delinquent lubscriberc "Fish
down in your pocket and dig up duet;
the editor is hungry and the paper 'bout
to bust. We've trusted you for several
month, and did it with a (mile, so just
return the compliment and trust us for
aw hile. Our wife (he need tome stock
ing and baby needs a dress; Jimmy
needs some breeches, and to does Kate
and Bess. Pud is on the bog train and
Peggy sick with grief; and good gosh
almighty, can't you give a man relief?
Shell out those nickels and turn loose
the dimes ; turn 'em loose and whistle
and we'll bave better times ; there will
be fewer patches on the bosom of our
pants; and we'd make the paper better
if we had half a chance. Don't give ns
that old etory, long gone to seed, 'bout
takin' more family papers than tie
family wants to read ; but help to feed
the printer, and he'll help our town to
grow, and thus escape the sulphur iu
the region down below."
Boa Modal at Bnyd.
The teachers and pupils of district
No. L'l will give an entertainment and
box social In the Boyd school house cn
Friday evening, Nov. 31, at S o'clock.
General admission for those taking no
part, 13 cent. Proceeds for benefit of
school. Lidies arc kindly requested to
bring boxes of luncheon. Below is the
Sun "Happy (irecling '
Ki-H.ltnc .
M uie .
Tal lea il
Kc. lt illim
kecltalln ...
M. Hull song .
IVriMiiiaUiin .
. ...B ami C Division
liHtlie Attains
Ethel douthern
Tunny Wing
The Flower ol the Family"
K-tll lloltnn
M. I). Butler
. . . . . . Fillth fnilerhlll
C ami I) IMrlnlon
Ilallie btirtiweia
!-now BlrnV'
"Old Black Joe"
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy In any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 ctt. Blakeley A Houghton
This morning B. F. Gifford, our pho
tographer, showed us some views which
caused the remark that if Oregon had
no other advertising than that which ia
received from the nnmber of beautiful
views which are constantly being taken
by her professional and amateur photog
raphers and scattered broadcast through
out the East sent to friends, sold to
tourists, displayed in expositions and
placed in railroad offices, hotels and
other public place she would not lack
advertisement sufficient to show just
what her scenery, her products and ber
Industries are, and to what an extent
the latter I carried on. Only yesterday
the Chbomcle mentioned the fact that
a Dalles lady was displaying to a com
pany in Illinois photographs of our
wonderful scenery and telling them of
the Pacific coast. And so it ia through
out the union, and Oregon ia becoming
Mr. Gifford is furnishing the Ort
gonian with views which will probably
be used in their annual edition, and to
that end made a trip to Columbus and
spent jesterday "(booting" everything
which whs worth being thot, and he
secured some fine views; one in particu
lar which to our taste ie perhaps the
most artistic he has yet obtained. It ia
a view along the bank of the Columbia.
In the immediate foreground are two
India,! tepee?, pieced right on the stony
bank of the river. A dog stands guard
over the "home," for the artist could not
indue the tiwaeh to endanger hi life
by being taken. At the water's edge is
tied a small row boat, the shadow of
which is reflected in the water, and in
the distance Mt. Hood is faintly seen
towering above surrounding mountains,
which make a beautiful background.
Olber pictures, which are also splen
did views, are of the wheat stored on
the river bank, (and Mr. Gifford sayi
80,000 sacks were piled there yesterday)
while the ferry boat stands loaded ready
to take its wheat across. A similar view
ia that of a band of sheep being driven
onto the boat and others waiting their
turn. These will be worth a great deal
as an advei Using medium.
In these day when so many photog
raphers are in pursuit of the wily siwasti
with a view to obtaining bis picture,
one would hardly imagine that the old
superstition against photograph still
existed among them. But while some
ol I hem ask but to be recompensed,
others sti'l refuse the Boston man an
auditnje ; and Mr. Gifford found him
self in e. tight place yesterday. De
termined to secure a view of their huts,
or tepees, he at once endeavored to per
suade the owner and his klootchmarj to
pose, but they were stubborn in their
refusal and running into their rude
abode shut themselves up. When he
had prepared his camera and was about
to take the picture, a young girl ran out
and i egan throwing rocks at him, but
finally disappeared. Then a young
brave rode dow n to the but end held,
consultation, which he feared would
prove disastrous, but, in spite of all, he
secured the picture. Whether they,
l,ke many of their brother, feared to
have a certain number of year taken
from their life by having their likeness
taken, or, like the Celilo Indian, had
dread of being buried standing on
their heads as a result ol the photog
rapher's art, he knew not, and cared
not if he but secured the desired view.
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