THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1809 Special Attractions the Coming Week. Ladies' Silk Shirt Waists Tailor-made Dress 5Kirts SOME TWO HUNDRED GARMENTS TO BE CLOSED OUT HT AND BELOW HCTURL COST. SALE TO CONTINUE UNTIL EVERY GARMENT IS DISPOSED OF. FIRSTCOMERS always havo tho advan- tasro of choice. UUiN X UXj Xj.AJ.xj. No Goods Sold on Approval. Mail Orders Filled. ale Now On. The Weekly Ghroniele. Adrlliln Kate. Prr ihc O i li.rh or lea In Pally 1 N O r two incho. atul ut..1er f":r tin-hen J ISj O tr (our a:ii under twelve luchet. . ?5 0 -er twalve luch to DAILY MD WKSKUT . On Inch or le, r inch t- vt Ow on Inch and ut.J.'r four inclie 2 n j Over f.ur liu-hoa aud under twelve Inch. . I -V Over twelve iuchea 1 CO TIIK TRAXa VAAL STtiWVLE. If England contemplated the ex tinction or ever, the impairment of the property and political rights of the Boers, the course her statesmen h:tvc pursued with respect to the Transvaal question would be open to censure, lint such is not the case, siys the S(okeman-Revie w. It is well understood that even if the Boer government should be wiped out by the tH-nding conflict, the properly rights of every Boer it the Transvaal will be respected, and the Boers will be permitted to share in tLe work of making bias and ad ministering local government. In fact, they will freely enjo)- all the tights and privileges now pos sessed by Afrikanders in the neigh boring 15ritih colonies. They will vote, hold flice, and share in the law-making power. England, in brief, can confer the franchise on all the white men of the Transvaal. The Kruger government can not or will not no that. It stands for a monopo ly in ioveinn.tni. It has jealously wiihln-IJ from Ena'iih speaking resi dents political rights and opportuni ties freely enjoyed in Cape Colony and Natal by Dutch-speaking resi dents. In such a conflict where progress, enlightenment and fair-dealing for all are pitted against lack of progress, ignorance and injustice to a vt majority of the inhabitants of a country Americans should not hesi tate in the declaration of their sympathies. TLcy ought to declsie for BritMi rule ia South Africa. It i distressing, of course, that brave Boers should fall before English rifles, but it is j jst ts distressing that brave Britons should fail before Boer maiksmeu. It should be remem beied, too, ikat the Boers declared this war an I fired the first volleys. VVKOS VALLEY FAllHISO. Several exchr.nj;es have recently bad more or les le.irned ailicles aljout "Farmir.g in the Yukon Val ley." One of tin se takes for a text the report of the American consul at Dawson, who says the various kinds of hardy bat common grains and vegetables can be raised there suc cessfully. The Telegram ssys: This is, no doubt, true, but this fact is scarcely a sufficient inducement for any man with an Oregon farm, even one of the poorer variety, toex change it for one In the Yukon valley. A few things can lie raised up there, t least in some seasons, but the greater part of the year Is a dark, cold, frozen winter; when life at best is misery. To paraphrase a cele brated line of "I.ocksley Hall," Bet ter fifty 3 ai ia Oregon than a cycle in the Yukon valley. Or better little, half-improved Oregon farm than a thousand t'juore mile up in that hyperborean region. Koberts, the Democratic-polyga-mist congressman elect from Utah, says be will make a tight to take bis teat. Undoubtedly be will. He QlI DTQ . Almost no end to Ihe variety. There are Silk Skirta. Satin Skirl., Orin 1 O j'tmj Skirt, Serge SkirH, Plainly-mad Skirls, lirat.t.d Skill. Tunic Skirli, Flounce Skirt, Piain Henrietta Skirta. ami Skirts made ilk and wcjl mis turn, t.50 skirt, are; H-OO tklrt, 2,50; 00 one lor 13.50, and 'J 00 one for u.;0. q $5.00 Brocaded Silk Skirt for $3.80. knew at the time be was nominated that if elected there would be a movement to keep biro out of the bouse. lie was told of this during the canvass in which lie was elected. His part-, though, look the risk, be lieving that the Democrats would rarrv the election and thus let Roberts have the seat The Dcno- crats, polygamous anci non-po.y B - mous, were mistaken, however. The i . I ! Keput licans be. in coniro! oi house, and though they wnl partisanship out of this contest, there is a strong chance that the Demo - cratic party will lose the benefit of liu5crt presence an., vote. Boys should early be taught the r. t ...M!n., i . .ii- , both from the basis of decency and i i , . . .. , ... ,,, ' danger to public health, says the. ! . . . - . , ! ;t)regonian. It is much easier to, b . , .. , . i ! prevent the formation of a babitof, . .. , this kind in a boy than to correct it .... in man anil lwri'in hi'-, the mother a I I n,.rr in warf.ri. aoainst at) tt II!?. ' . . . , . .. , No extension of woman ughU is. necessary to make mothers a power in this neglected realm. All that is requiiedls a return to a duty once faithfully discharged but in the rush ot modern life greatly neglect ed-tbe vigilant maternal supervision of boys during the years in which meir Ilium aic luimeu. iuc -.oj m. lirs .a anrrlit t lifif f A fcllit tin hearth, the stci anywhere about;1 the house is an infringenl Uon tlie'1 riuhts of the family that will not be to!er:.ted, is not likely, as a man, to infringe upon the rights of the public by spilling upon the sidewalks, on Ihp floors or iU-ns of titiblic buihlin". . ., i enable the government to exeit its or in the cars. ; sovereignty over every foot of t. rii- Tbe exiKirts from the United ; lory belonging to the United States. States for the year ending September 'There may bc some copperhead amounted to l,20o,0n0,000, and the j bowlings against the policy of the major part of this vast foreign expoi t : government in subverting Aguin&ldo, trade has been carried in foreign1 but every patriotic rson in tie ships, because this government bag uot given that encouragement to American shipbuilding and support to merchant marine which is a policy with foreign nations, says the Walla Walla Union It has been calculated j that more than 300,000.000 arc , paid annually by the American people to foreign shij for freights. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 18'JJ, the United States spent -ie : : .n a d,tnLtttt.-l despicrble to foreigners. On the authority of Sir Thomas Lipton it is staled lhat the Shamrock i ccst him o00,000, witLout the ex. I penses attending tbe manning of the vessel and other incidentals in this j country. From this it will be seen j that ynebiing contests arc expensive sport'. Dr. Nansen has written book to demonstrate that the north role will never be reached. No better orgu mcnt could be Invented to increase the number of explorers. Admiral Dewey made a speech of 100 words in Boston. A good deal of execution can bo done la that space if necessity arises. insigiiiucaiii sum oi ti,w,MUur , hav0 gone out an,l tie the merchant marine service, -biIc j Kopublicnn con1itions Lave tome in. Spain, impoverished as she is, paid j u Uie mi owncr. an(, rcnt 1,023,927, nearly 000,000 more j employers io gener.d who .are doing than the wealthiest . nation in the tljc ,iulllng in lhpsc Kvery world. It is bad economy for a body who wants work can get It. great nation to pay annually buii- Many workers have more than they drcds of millions of dollars to foreign j can ;etul 0- Contracts in the iron ship owners for carrying American Ln(! slecl n,iustrj,.. have been freight, which money should be re-1 canceled in many places in the past tained at home. It shows a narrow- j lUrc6 or foiir momh,t according to ness that is incomprehensible and j rr,)0rts, because of the hick of men VIO0K01S AMKRICAXIS.V. Aguiualdo will read his fate when ho si ts his copies of the American papers of October I SUb, or leains their content, ay the Statesman. One item in them will tell him that in a feech in Bscine. Wis., the I president declared that "all hostili- Ities in the l'hilippines will cease Uifi ho blgan Uicn j tu y wi D(1 vvnif) ..Ultil our fl!lg, K,ri.Senting libciiy, ; hutIlal)ilv M,a civilUaliou, shall lloat j lriullM,j1(;,ltv over evcry i,a,J 0f I,, ji.,,,,,, ..dnlago, j lhe umli!ll,u,e(l im, acknowledged sovereignty of the public of the 'United Slates." Another piece of uoiuJ"o " '"-' t wi. ! It, A annw lialu.r Will te 11 Agulnaldo that the entire new 6 army, nuthorned by act of congress ' J to be raised has now been enlisted; that Hen. Otis will have 18,000 ' soldiers with bun by the end of Do- ... .... cember, and thai thcra will be no ' I i.0.iul'nn in tli. vtr nnl il virv rnlu.1 i 1 " ' in the army submits to United States J auiuority. Moreover, a naval force of forty five vesM Is, by far the most power - r,.l ..,.. in il.n i ,...; (t,. I UI .. JLLI kov v . at P .IV ' ocran by any nation except Great j ,JriUin i"'1 Ja'lan' wi" bc ft's1'1'"1 r""1' U'.t..n I... tl.A l.n.n ll.,. ll. ; - , ., , .,. i niiitii ii r 1 1 f n 1 1 1 1 mutin n i fir iiiia ' itrotiaraf inn ' 1 he rein II. on is to lie ." rl-.Nl, III, spectivc of the fate or Agulnaldo and ! his partners. There will be no weitk - ! enins on the t art of the covernment. I Congress, when it assembles, will ; enact all iLe legislnlion rtpii ed to country will applaud the admiiiistrr- j t'on in taking steps to make a vigor j ous campaign against the enemies of J lbe national authority. I'resident McKinlev's remark at tbe ,ron foUn,U-ries in Milwaukee .,.,iOV(,r n ifM,Lin for the laborer and not tbe laborer I for tbe employer," sums up tbe in dustrial situation, tersely nd truth fully. The Democratic conditions to per'orm them. These are the j condition which are going to make the Republican party sweep the country in 1'jOO. Bryan's la t Heard against the administration is that it lias played favorites In the matter of volunteer commissions, giving them to sons of those who have iidlucrice. The state, ment is of piece wittj the rest of Biyan's demagogy, says the S. F. Chronicle. Tho officers of the origi nal volunteer regiments were ap pointed by governors of slates, which accou.'itcl for high commissions to men like Bryan himself who did not know tt stack of arms from a stack of hay. As soon as tho administration organized lbe federal volunteers,1 WAISTS: old heretofore at III 05 are now f.'.TJ ; H M one are fi ..u ; .mm wa.t.t .., one at t 75, and other In like rr. portion. The et.orltiient include: Stripe plaid., brocade an t plant aha let, ailk wal.t.. aatlti waist and velvet wal.t. A. M. Williams now serving with the reguhtis, nil such foolishness stopped and com missions went to men who deserve them. Now that the system of stale appointment is done away with, a man like Ilryan, even iu sympathy with tht) administration, could not gel a billet as second lieutenant. Kiiuberley has been cut off on all side. The 100.000,000 worth f diamwnds there makes it aw Interest - ! irig ,lraU.j,ic pin, for tho Bocn: A signiflcanl historical fact is th it Undo Sam never yet expanded and j regretted it in hter yeaia. FILLINQ AUTO TRESTLE. t. It N Art Slaking Impruvelnenta ou It. Line. The evlehratvd Alio tritlle li focn to be only a memory rirent in the ht.lory of railroading. In a few montl.t noth- ing a III he Ml to mark the .lare her. iLe old itrui tore ttool, Lut Itt hitt .ry Le freed In the mind of many a traiurnan for year to come. It a at I ere that a (re nM train went doan in 1'.'.', I making one of the worat wrtckt in the .hi.tory ot the O K A N. line. Tl.e I reeked cahoote ttlil lie at the bottom ' of the gulch as a grim remludcr of the ! ten i hie c taal rophe. 1 he old tretlio It along in year and u.u.l be either re placed or tilled in, and the latter rouste Ii,.g taken by the company. In ll . 1 1 1 . ' " " ""proTen.e.., ,er..,.-, in n, ,,,. i, ' . . mini in rapidly a men ran I e trcu'ed to do the work The great Alio lrctle hat len a mi'.- ter of anxiety to ttalnmen ev.-r tine it j wa fir?t uted.aa lit location and inor.- "'on, r"""' 11 o-n.-ron place I lo picvent nrnat arm protect the i. 1 heavy pattenger iratti: on the line, two a atchnieii have het n employed to con - , , . . ,. man was required during the 1.iy and another at night during theepring, sum mer and fall of each year. Now that tl.e old land mark I lo go, tl.e M-rvici of hoth the watchmen will 1m dirpente.l with. Theae trettlet all rover small water court, ami provision hn to he lie made for the apring frethet. To do thit lar-3 culvert are living ronttructed In tie lied of the g'llchea, the filling helrj uore over inete riilvertt. In thlt wayj no further troohle it expecle.) to occur I at Ihe old tretlio tltet. 'A'. W, Union. Am I eailurneil lien.ral. Recalling (ieneral George Crook in the day t ui hit Indian campaign, lieu er.I Cha.le. Kin. .,. i Th- 1 ontli (companion. "Young ollicert freah from Weal Pulnt looked at him in wonderment. Inatead of a somewhat onapproach hie dignitary in precite uniform and epaulet anil em broidered tath and belt, they were wel comed by a cordial hand rlatp from a tall, buihy-hearded man, with twinkling gray-blue eyes, in an old thotnh fell hat, flannel tl.irt, rough ranvat shoot ing coat and trousers and common toldiert' boon. "Generally hit heard was tied up with a airing or rej tape the only me he had for that nmial military inditpen table. lie tat at camp fire or In the (imply fiirniahfd parlor of hit army nome, imi nmg to the chat aUmt him, rarely rpeaking, and piny- ing tolilalre with peek of card p-o- tuned from an inner pocket. He could play a capital hand at whitt, out fought thy of a game with carelest or forgetful player. He heard everything that wa taid and saw everything lhat wa going on about him, hat seldom gave a sign. "From the tb-ealletl pleaturea of so cicty, dinner, dances and receptions, he shrank in dismay. He ate only the simplest food. Me never tmoked. II hated wine. He wouldn't touch spirit; he marveled that any man thou Id. 'It poll hit mooting, said h; and nor general wa a capital shot. He could foot it through an old-la. hlnn.,1 quadrille or Virginia reel, but nothing else, and would always get aatv on oclal occasion Into the flrtt ohteore corner h.emM fln.l il.AH . Com. tbe old pack of cards." Thla tale off. ra youth opportunity to po.acta a pretty, k.iw w.i.t t mil of tli uul outlay. W it ..... ...... .. .. tl IUI. & Co., The OUR COUNTY SCHOOLS. Who the Tea. I..r. la ... r t hem aej UI..I Ih.jr Are lloleg. - - Kverr perrjii who I lnlereted III Wati-o roiiiilr, nuit of uecreaity feel an intereat In her arhoola, and therefoie we have gleaned tl.u foil.. lug otieertilnB portion of them that all may al leant know who the teachers In char are: s..i,n,.l Nn at Il.iv.l. twtfan Si . ,,, ni, , rorolllBnl thirty nine) pupil. Mr. ('. K, Peema, 1 lech-r, has Introduced Ihe ninth grade aork and will soon have an lalanl teacher. This it a g'd tcl.ool coin - munity and tl.ey aptirci ial the good work heing ...m. Mit Mall O I'.rii it it teaching III di!rlcl N.i. tieur Kiifur, having he- I go ii teaching Sei.t. lain. Mia lleeaie 1'iiderhill begun her flr.l leriii'a work In dialrlct N . t'l, ne.r P.akroy II. Sept. I'j h. Mit Kelie Itrogan of The lllr began her tlrtt U-nu aork of three month Iu dietrirt No. H at Lower Auleio e. Mi Itarhara M. l mal.l, (.1 1'orlUn.t, . ,f . ,u iitrii.t No. ,Mi,. Antelope, where the ha tan lit tereral trni helore. Mr.tieo.W. McCltlte beun t hree month' term In diatricl No. ii, on Light Mile, Sept. lS'.h.- Mit Malel Kiddell, o Tl.a Pallet, w ho graduated al Monuinoil. recenlly, la teaching at Ln.lerthy. She will letrh two month and ha an enrollment ol nineteen. Mit Lillle Temple It teaching a line .ninth.' term In Mountain Home d.i- trl.l.eattrd Pultlr. Mif Margaret I.e Due i teaching In II., I!... .h.irwi ..r lioi..,, an enrollmei.l of n v. niei n. P.ttricl No. -Wat Tjgh Valley , rr. ilt Ihe l e.t one-KHmi ,,-1,.1 centiy uui.l the nei one-loom tchool hui'ding in the county. T... ...i ..,.i i patron are trtlug l Ixin.l no a g... ...l..u.l I ....... .n.l ,v. . ....Ml . . , , , . t-euii'ii.! a ill. fill lilt u rr ami .nuari til. - .. . I ... ... '.' , , I attendance al the Hole unlvertitv, It i lojw i-nriiifig iii. a a, ion. i. The tcl.ool at Nti.acne and L'id.'rway have no fall term of tt-hool. There waa ahont :i.'i0u) apent in tchool work In c unity for the year end ing March (I h.lh'.iO, and that nich an amount il.onld he expended all will agree. The tute roiirte of aludy It being ut.d In all of the aova mentioiitd tchool, which if properly uied wi'l te a great economy of lloni ami ri(r". Every teacher In rioting a term ol tchool la mppo.ed lo leave a statement fof the grade work done by each pupil for the hriieftt of th school and the Infor mation of the teacher that lucre 1 them. They are alto expected to (lie a '"''V" "J programme wiui I ne iiittrin clerk. lie Wa. a lio.l. Jtiat a common everyday goat, with horns and a tet of , ir. i w Maker. He was hungry. IU cnldn't Mud a thing to eat. He had wandered down on alley and up another, and all al'eyt wer alleetamee empty and clean, for the city marshal had hern ar iund. Tterewatn'l a trrap of meal, or any old tin ran and the hill wer glint! to the hillhoard to light that they couldn't he moved. The more he tried to find a lunch the hungrier hn grew, and hi stomach took the cake fttomnchake.) All at once l.ia eye caught tight of auuir.thlng fluttering Inthetlreet. lie ran lo it. ami. will - I out hesitation, be wall,, wed It: They f,,,,,,,) hi,,, , ,,e gray daw n, dead, After turning I. lot over, a piece ol paper wa found nicking In In throat, and when they puiled It out they found a ' newspaper. He had swallowed It, all but one part, and that wa an ad. of a tore that we felling aomethlng worth '-'0 for $2 07. Even a goat cmldu't wallow that. People tiwliy are I ka goat la that re spect. They realize that tome atorei, with better fariliile for buying and lett greed In telling, can nndertull other, hut nobody reads or believe In exag gerated ad. Peas A May, well, you know we utiially coma pretty clot to the truth about goili ami prices, and you can (wallow Prat A Mays ail and not have to take anything to wath It down. And than when we tell you that com menting Monday Oct. 30, we will In tyllth that Ill lb. v - and Dalles, Or. j augural taleul youthtend Uytclolh. log and at surli price at i t'i tow n rln, you ran twMcre it. M0B. I Jar will he a .mi I .lav to tin, I n..i .. . I . "JUi j theae prleei now that the g. al Ii dr,J, " A 'b Terrr. "Aaful aniiety i,H f.rtl.t j widow of the I. rave tin.era! Hurulmu ot Maeldaa. Me., wlen il.e d .c'nra uii (he Ciuld not live til! murium." a,n.. Mra. s. II. Lincoln, mI.o a'tei,!r. r j that fearful nl-ut. 'K tt,..u.l,t ah i tnutt anm die l'ieiiii...nia, luliU t-g'l lor Pr. Mr. j IhH-orery, 1 taylng It had uu.r than on re tavej her h'e, and had cured her of (.inuni.iiu, After three aiiiaH tl.e t'ept taniy a'l hlgl.t, and lit l.irlher ue r uiipletily toie, her." I u'.a ii atvelont iumIicim It gitaranlre.l Ui cure a" Ihr.ul, tht i and I.ui.g I ilteatee. tlnlv & and Trial bittle free at Il aLeJey 4 I H ligbtbl,' drig tl re. I " Kavaitc ef Hog tholen. I '4l I i Wai I .., t.-t. '.'5 tienuici l.if cholera and plug ue are uia ng l.ig ic- ,,, , herd, of .,. In tl. (,,. ' State Veterinarian S. 8. Nelt of fait. inaii, I lo the cily , and ha. Inen tiltliini ! a oa ner of Ine. S. Ilk k A Kppl .y, nrar the rite, loet 3i) In the patt three aeekt. J. (i. Thomat In a lew dirt lott , x-y-Dve, and othert have lut rut nr. I f.e ttate penitentiary her.t it IndrteJ, IM, taeuty have died. All th rnt tit ' alt k. I,. M'- U- I'. Oliviat, of Ita.i .4..ia, SPi, rpei.d hi wil.teit at Aik.n, H. C. I W,k hnl e"rii ,,"ir" I'1""1' ' lb back of I.I head, tin iimi.J Lleelil Ultlett, A met lea's grea'e.t K.'owl ttJ Nee Lemedy. all pain ' "r' ''' .r""' "" .il lr I t,iu. icine in alitt bit ' ; e tinirr nee.i. a.i a tin-to a ei u.. , ,i II I iltea liver arm ki.iuef iroume, r I Het the hit l, tonrt up the tlomtcn, ttren.rtt.eiia the nervea. imn tun, I " 'rengmein in. ner, r., , ..., v ig r -,an.l new lift. Int. everv n.n-, aerr and organ ol the body. If weak, Hred or alltng, you need It. Lvery U.lllt 0iiMr..ii...-.l .VI ceiita. Si!d bf 11 ako'ey Houghton, drn.i-tt. Kriiislna Will bc Unuigbt lUmt. Naw Yohk. Oct. .' A tpecial t It World Irtui Wathlngtt n tayt: D. H. Ithwle. an emtiU.v id Ihe ipitrtn- matter' department, who tiipetinlrn.M Ihe removal ol the dea l tol.lteri Iroa Cut. this spring, hit departed Manila to make arrange ntt lor brinp Ing to I liiaj country the bodies of tit lioys In blue who have fallen m bail i or dhd of dieate in tie I'lilUpP'0 I. Ian. It. . Ihirlrg the winter of Iv.C Mr. JJ Heed, on of the leading ritii-nl i merchant ol Clay, Clay Co., W. Vs., tt.uck hi Vg agaimt acakeol i tuch a manner a to hrtiite it ev""T It Ucao.e very mm h aaoi'en md r"n him to badty that ho cmM not wtlk without the aid of cinirhe. H "' treated by phy tl.lan. alfi ned tTr kind of liniment and two tnd S ta' ga'lon of whitkey In bathing It. M nothing gave any relief nniil u.lng Crumlrlin' Tain Halm. T!" brought aljiott complete cur In week' time and be believet that had not uied thla remedy hit hg would b hadtoheamputale.1. Vn IUI.i. ! i irpialed for sprains, brultet ami I ' " matlain. K..r tale by Illakel. y ! l"" a ii""." Damage II) Smnn. Aa. t. or.. Oct. 25 -lbe rrpt ,ome. from Chln.K.k that H' At""' done lo proHirty In that vlcinllf I'T" recent storm will amount tu bf" iliHlOandfoOOO. Nearly 100 ' ten ll.hing.loat. were driven M beach and .m.thed M pl'-f-logs wer forced through lha flth tw and In many case, the netllm " com pletely lulneiK That Jriylel I ' rf With theeih'W'ng tense olrtn" health nd nd Intern al a line.., wl.'ch follows lheneo IV olFlga, Unknown to the not i,r..reael beyond the o not pr..greae-i ur7.. . - (f, medicine ami the ciietp .metl,..nff..ed l.ul r -PjJJ tbe well-ln.ortnea. . fit M.nul.ctnnd by the C.lti,M Hyrop Co.