The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 28, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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NO. 5
' .
General Tolc Hard Pressed li Bum Id
incYicinilT o'DQndie.
Burghers art Said to Have Secured the
Scniccs of Iblrtccn Thousand
'ir YmiR.Oct. 24 A ttUpatcli to
World I ruin I. union aaya: Tl.
mlamlfri and their tupiKirteri are now
realising that they plunged Into the war
nitli r- k tr hl", and the ijuren't
menage, in hid) tpeakl of "deariy
bought vicloriet" and "draadful lots of
liie" Indicate with a plainness which the
tii nrvcr helora permitted herself to In
du'ge In, under 1 1 k circumstances, her
disapproval til I lit war,
Tin- llrltiih force! In Natal have al
ready l"t in killed or wounded nearly
j.J aim In three days' fighting. Tim
tiiitil' ii Highlander! loal only oiib officer
ml five mi'ii killed in tliair famoui at-
lk on Daigal IWighll In Ilia Afildi
campaign, while at'l l-m'.u they
Ui' (our cit!l.:rt killed and nine wound
til, Unity mn killed and thirty-three
i'ru'.iii at ion of the war lyond Rrillah
uprcUtloo it no regarded at cerlatc., Oct. 24. The war office here
has Ililt morning been attempting Id
ttp'ain the uiiunarjr of the tituatiun in
Natal. furnished by Held Marthal Lord
Wulte'.rjr t tht) lioutei 1 commons yet
tenia y. Hit ttateuient it now laid to
have created unnecessary alarm, and it
I- a.wrtrd (hat what the official nut
railed (ienerat Yult't tetirement mould
be more accurately deacrilied at "a
change ol poeltion for tactical reasor.i,"
and that the alarm for the lafety of tl.e
nn.r. la nut justified.
lu the absence of authentic neat, there
let iiiimher of contradictory rninort
all at, hut the mott reatooahle Inlerpre-
Utiou i I the variout report! are nit to in
dicate that there some artillery
practice at tilencoe Saturday and
Sunday, tint no fighting at close o,r,Mlert.
There It no denying, however, that great
lusts-iiae and anilely exists, which hat
been Increased by tha report in circula
tion purporting to emanate from official
lartera to tli effect that the Boert have
secured the tervlcet of 13,0(10 nativca.
Nraahatat length been received direct
Ironi Colonel Haden-Poaell, dated
Malt-king, October 15. It condrmi the
tainiient that In tha armoird IrAin
fight the Itrllith had two men killed and
fifteen wounded, Including Lieutenant
Lord Charlea Itentlnek, in tha Ninth
lanci-rt, allghtly wounded.
The lateat advlcet from Klin her ley
oii Iit date 0( October SI, laid the Iloert'
attack wat ttill pending, and that large
liner for oft In the neighborhood had
destroyed big tectiniil of tha railroad line
north and south of the town.
determine,) by considerations mightier
than mera eipe.ilency or
political prereilenre.
"We thoiild be enjoined by every
tentiment of patrlotitm ami
racial kinahip to ,u,J .houlder to
mourner with our brethern acri the
France and Russia Will Not Permit
it Annciation to England.
Minister to Russia Hret-kinridge
Opine That It I la Eveot Rus
sia or France Interferes In the
N'kw Yoag, Oct. 24 A tpecial to the
Herald from Wathlnirlon tayt : Clifton
R. Hrerklnrldge, United Htatee minltter
to Ituaaia during the 'eoond Cleveland
diuinlttratii.n, In an Interview ttatea
that in cate any nation or combination
olnaiiont should attempt to embarrate
Knglaml In the prraent war In South
'", It would be the imperative duty
' the United Btslei to take tha part of
Ureal Itritain and euatain her with our
hole moral and material ttrengtb. He
"tireat Britain'e action In Sontli Alrica
in line with the duly and development
l the Anglo-Haxon race. In her pretent
"riKgla, the detervet the nnanimont
'Tport of the American people. In caee
lier Knropean natlom ihould, through
'iti-rnational JealoUtiee, attempt to
retard her In the clear and timple duty
be it perfurming at thlt time, the ron
dl"t of the United Blatet ihould be
a- Iukk, ttct. 24 -A dirpatch to
the Herald from Ilerlln ): Tclegrami
from lirumelt announce that iu the
Tranavaal legation circlet it it itated
I . . L" .
iii.i riinrn anu lunula will nut permit
the annriatlon of the Tranavaal and
Orange r'ree Slate to Kngland.
Nun .(K, (),t. 24. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Ismlon tayt: The
Bailing of the channel nna.lrii today
fur (iihraltar now rcgardi-il bv the
keciii-tt oheervcrt aa an indication that
noma iinnciel attack upon Itritish
Interran la ml.le. The magnitude of
the preparation! for war, which are out
of til proportion to the requirement! of
the military tituatiun, can only be ade
uately explained on the theory that the
govern meiit impeded that to.:ie Kreat
poaer would be tempted to tio the
opKirtiinity for ttnking a tmlden blow
or rarrting out a deeply cheriihed
Fall Season a Failure.
AtToNU, I.L Tliernn of fish hatabout
ceaard, and it ia doubtful if a giilnetter,
trapinan, teiner, cold ttorage man or
canneryman hai paid eienei during
the fall teaaon. The recent itormi have
injured nearly all the trapt in liaker'i
hay, and they are being taken up for the
canon, ttillnettert are catching only
dogfish, but they find a ready tale at
live centt each. It wat hut a few dayi
ago that tha mort unpleasant thing
which rould be tald of a ctnnertman
ait that ha picked dogtith, but now
they are put up III )uantitiei fur tale in
the South. The up-river teinei are
reported to l doing nothing, and one
haul at Miller'i tandi Saturday netted
only three flah. The fall season it now
practically at an end, and wai a dismal
Appointment of Ex-Ctovernor Lord.
Washington, Oct. 2.1. The appoint
ment o( ex-(i ivernor Lord, t minister
to the Argentina liepuhlic. it looked
upon with general favor in Washington,
and much gratification bat Ix-en ex
pressed by those who are acquainted
with the new milliliter. He will take
hia r.ew otlice- In shoot two weeks, as
the resignation of Mr. Ilin lisnsn expires
in about that time. Tiie appointment
would have been madeat an earlier date,
hut the retiring minister hesitated in
order to make tore of hit new position
before turrenderliig hit cilice in Arzcn-
tlna, (iovernor Ixrd'i new position
will pay him "' a yetr, whereat had
he been appointed to Persia last winter
l.e would have received but ("KKH).
Fitae SavSnsr of
by the use of Royal
Baking Powder is con
siderable. Royal is eco
nomical, because it possesses more leavening
power and goes further.
Royal saves also be-
. 1 4
cause it always makes
fine, light, sweet food;
never wastes good flour,
butter and eggs.
' More important still
is the saving in health.
Royal Baking Powder
adds anti-dyspeptic qual
ities to the food.
There ia no
powder so
In practical
use, no
matter how
little others
may cost,
aa the Royal
and make the fucxi bitter,
Id Kroner's Pecrla or Their Lit
W hat Can France Do Alone? Moreover,
tbe Latter Is Mure Interested in
the Paris ."Exposition Than Any
thing Else Just Vow.
Made River N'aviuahle and Enabled
Them to Get Tbeir Supplies
Native Cascocs.
In His Home State.
Linc oln, Neb., Oct. SB. Colonel W
J. Ilryan arrived in Lincoln early (hit
even inir. went to bit home for a three
honrt' rett, and ttarted tonight for I oik
a i . I t
county, where he liegins two ween
tpeech-making in Nebraska tomorrow,
at Stroinburg. He tan! bit health is
excellent, and he It confident of being
able to conclude hit campaign at
ichednled. Mr. Hryen tald hit long
tonr In Nebrarka hat no ipecial signifi
cance. He had, In year past, neglected
hia home ttate, and he la limply redeem
ing promise! of ipecchet made long ago.
He laid he it gratified at the reception!
he received apd the lenliinent of the
people In the tlatet recently visited.
Drove Rebels Out of Neros.
Washington, Oct. 24.-The war da
partment ba received the following
cablegram :
"Manila Ilughet report! the Panay
Insurgent! driven out of Negroi ; Itvrne
ttruck one band, killed ten, captured
thirteen; native troopi itruck another
band, killed lix. No cssnnlties. OTIS"
On the 10th ol Iecember, 1S.7. Itev.
S. A. Ponahoe, pnstor M. K. Church,
South, Pt. rieasant, W. Va., contracted
aieverecold wbicn wai attended from
the beginning by violent coughing. Ha
Myt: "After resorting toannmlier of
o called 'pcclfiV usually kept in the
house, to ni purpose, I purchased a
bottle of Chainberlaln't Cough Iiemedy,
which acted like a charm. I most cheer
fully recommend it to the pu'illc." for
ale by Illakeley A Houghton Drnggitti.
Manila, Oct. 2'). The Twenty ti In
fantry arrived here on the transport
Urant yeatenUy and tailed for Ilo Ilo
today without embarking. Insurgent!
have returned to tl.e vicinity of Calain-
ba. They have increased in n timber!
and are surrounding the town on the
land rdet.
Rains Helped Tbem Out.
M anila, Oct. 2 At San Isidro, !
thirtv hours f rain hut raised tbe river
and roppliet are arriving there in caecoci
of the natives. The health of returning
column! it excellent.
the tragedy occurred. In April last he
rented I'erry'i farm and lived on it up
to a few week! ago, when he moved to
the city and became part owner of a
cigar-itand. Deceased came from Kantai
and lived at Liberty about five yean,
moving to Salem a year ago. He leave!
a wife and two children. Willard gave
himself up to Sheriff Durbin, claiming
to have acted in self-defense. The body
of Perry waa brought to Salem, and an
inquest will be held tomorrow
il abjut fifty-five years of age.
An examination made tonight by
thiee physicians disclosed the fact that
lour of the five bnlleti fired by Willard
punctured Perry'e body. Three of them
were fatal. One passed through the
heart, another through both lungs, a
third through the intestin ! tn i the
fourth lodged in the left arm.
I Woman Tried For Murder.
I Coi.viLi.E, Wash., Oct. 25. Mrs. Nan
, nie Madden Brown il now on trial for
j ber life in the inperior court, tbe case
coming op yesterday, and the work of
: securing a jury continuing today, with
failure eo far to provide the necessary
I twelve men. Mrs. Brown, October 10,
I shot and killed her husband, L. J.
Brown, a dance-hall and la'oon-keeper
at North port. She discovered him in a
Vt"y locked
Americans Do Not Loot.
Nxw Y'okk, Oct. 25. A tpecial to the
Time! from Washington tayi: "The
ttoriei of American loldieri looting
churches are false," said Colonel A. S.
Krost, of the South Dakota regiment,
who had a long interview with Secretary
Knot iu regard to the Philippine situ
ation :
"Ai (ieneral Mac Arthur advanced,
the principal churches were let fire by
Aguinaldo'i men, notably the cburchel
at Stn Fernnndo and Maloloi, and the
looting wai done by the Iniurgent
straggler! and Chinese. It is not true
that the Philippine prisoner! were in
humanly treated. There 11 no kinder
man In the world than the American
soldier. 1 have teen him share his food
Filipino!. The Filipino wounded are
taken to the hospitals on the same train!
with our own."
Colonel Frost highly praised General
Otis, declaring him to be a man cf splen
did character. "He niskei enemies,"
aid the colonel, "because he il a it ron g
Will Be a Great Test of British Valor
Lessee Kills Owner In Controversy
Over a Farm.
Sm im, Or., Oct. 24 Ted Perry wai
hot and killed today on larm lour
miles south of Salem, by J. A. Willard.
The latter had rented the farm for a
year, and controversy existed between
them " to the time the lease
Willard formerly kept a itore and post-
office at Liberty, a mile north of where
room with another woman, of
whom he bad become enamored, and
when he came to the door she killed him.
When arraigned the pleaded not guilty.
Mrs. Brown, who is out on bail, retiret
to htr room at the hotel on each adjourn
ment, where she is seen ouly by ber
attorneys and intimate friendi. It is
said that she it under tbe vigilant ere of
her brother and attendants, for tear that
she w ill commit suicide in a fit of mental
Eugene Man Killed.
Ei'GENE, Oct. 2t. Randolph Wenger,
aged forty-six, wai killed this morning
at tbe mill of the Eugene Lumber Com
pany in this city, soon after beginning
work. He and J. B. Crawford were
running big laws. They were short one
man, and there was no one to take boards
away from tbe taw. Alter taaing off
board Wenger thought It mas going to
fall against the law, and stooped to push
it away. The carriage reverted and
Wenger was caught by the upper taw
and his head cut just above the ears from
the back of the bead through, leaving
only about two inches on the left cheek.
In falling, part of the right arm wai cut
off. Wenger had worked in tbe mill
seven yean. He leaves a wife and seven
Vlajed Oat.
Dull Headache, Pains in various pnrti
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriil.nets,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so il must tie purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker'i Blood
Elezir has never failed to cure Scrofnloui
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we tell every bottle on
a potilive guarantee. Blakeley A. Hough
ton Druggists
Minnie Davis Free.
Davenport, Wash., Oct. 24. Minnie
Davit, charged with murder in the first
degree in having made away with her il
legitimate child at Wilbur a few week!
ago, was on trial in the superior court
hero yesterday and today. A jury was
impaneled Monday and the state's evi
dence was introduced. After tbe state
had made its case, Attorney Merritt
fked that the jury be excused while he
argued for a dismissal o' the case. He
to 25 cent!. The other compauiei have beUt that the slate had failed to make
not yet met thia cut and the passenger j i,a f,e fr0l 11,8 ' " bJ n"t
department of the Astoria A Columbia proven the facts set forth in iti opening
Kiver railroad annonncej that it has no statement. Jude eal denied the
intention of meeting It. motion.
New York, Oct. 25 A dispatch to
the Times from Paris shvs :
There is much uncertainty as to the
real state of affairs in the Transvaal,
ind until tbe French know which way
the cat will jimp, their opinion is not
very frankly expressed, and is therefore
difficult to guess.
The viewsentertained by M. Del Caste,
the minister of foreign aff.iirs, are pre
cisely the same, and it is nonsense to
declare, as some of the Paris papers are
doing, that France and Rus-da propose
to intervene in Africa and help the Boers.
France is watching with greit interest
the attitude of the German emperor
with regard to the war. For some years
past every successive French cabinet
has been hypnotized by ibe movements
of this yonng potentate, jatt l,ke some
historical subject nnder the manipula
tion of a professional mesmerizer. What
ever Emperor William does or seems in
clined to do calls for a great outcry bere.
Paris, which is empty more and more
both politically and socially, bids fair to
become a mere hall of ichoes. The
French are inclined to believe that Em
peror William is no longer sympathetic
with the Boers. Russia is entirely dis
interested in the Transvaa'. The Russian
press denounces Great Britain on broad
principal! of morality and justice.
With Russia indifferent and Germany
friendly, Great Britain has nothing to
fear from France. Moreover, Franca has
now but one idea, and that is the Paris
exposition. Any statesman who would
jeopardize the success of that show
would brin about a revolution.
I.ondos, Oct. 25. General White has
telegraphed the war office from Riet-
fontein under date of October 24ih, say
ing there was fighting ntar Ladysuiilh.
Twelve of the British force were killed,
eighty-nine wounded, five missing, the
casualties being ' largely among the
Gloucester regiment.
A special jditpatch from Cape Town,
dated al 9:15 this morning, sayi there
has been another battle at Ladyimith
and the lioeri were repulsed. British
carnal tiei were placed at fonr killed and
even wounded, all rank and file.
A tpecial from Ladysniith dated Oct.
23d, tavi the troopi of the Eighteenth
and divide ihelter with wounded j hussars, which got astray in punning
the Boen after the battle of Glencoe,
have arrived at Lsdyimith, tbe troopers
having fought their way through with a
loat of three horses.
The Lady and the Burglar.
TacoMA.Oct. 25. Last night Mn. Eva
Llewellyn, keeper of a lodging-house,
wai awakened by a burglar ransacking
her room. Springing ont of bed rhe or
dered him to put up hii hands, and re
lieved him of several articles he had
stolen from her. She then ordered him
out of the house and notified the police
immediately, who arrested him.
She has had various interesting ex
periences with burglars liefore.
To Astoria For 2$ Cents.
Astoria, Or., Oct. 24. The passenger
rate war between Astoria and Portland
has been started anew by the reduction
of the fare by the O. K. ,V N. on itt boats, j
Germany Not In It.
Berlin. Oct. 25. The T.i:eblatt de
nies tbe statement of tbe Ec'air, of Parii,
that Germany, after promising assistance
to France and RusM for the purpose of
intervening in the Transvaal, teems now
to w ithdraw it. The Takretilatt declares :
"We believa we sre well informed
when we state that the German govern
ment did not participate in any combi
nation for iLterven;i c."
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country tlmn a I othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
wai supposed to be incurable. For a,
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
tobe a constitutional oilcan-, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It ii taken internally in doses from tea
drops to a teas Doonf ill. It acts directly
on tne o.ool and mucous sur;aces oi tne
system. Thev oCer one hundred, io'.iars
-or any case It fai.s to cure. Send for
circulars and testmoniais. Address,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.
avSold by Druggists, 75c. 7
Bigamist Farnsworth's Defense.
Chicago, Oct. 25 Walter N. Farni
wortb, the eelf-confus-d I i. amis', who
claims to have man led c v -r f( rty women
in different parti of the world, (ays be
will offer a unique dtfei se I e i his case
is called for trial. "The ni tan of Suiil
has many wives and it nnder the pro
tection of the United Sut'i govern
ment," Raid Farnsaorth to Icy. "I also
have many wives, but tl.e police, not
the government, have n e in char.e.
This il not according to the constitution
al provision gu iranteein quality to all.
I will lee that either I go free cr the
sultan of Snlu gives up io:ne of his
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cnrei dyspepsia
because Its are such that It
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely opoq it as a mast r remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.