The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 25, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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8tunlay PallJ.
lis. Johuston it in from Pofur.
Tho. Farther i lu trow Pufur.
K. J. Middleawart it in town today
Iram lilt homo at Moaier.
Mr. W. J. Vmlerhill arrived on yes
terday' afternoon train (rotu Urauts.
W. . Bigns spent today in the city,
retnraing from a trip down the liver.
Mr. and Mr. J. T. Bethnne were
Ttaitora in the city yesterday from Pufur.
Frank Fulton came down from IUks
thia worning and spent today in the
Mra. Kate Raich loft on Yesteriiay'
afternoon train for a short trip to l'ort
land. Mra. Clyde Bonney and Miss Emma
Bounty came up from Hood Klver last
even in j.
A. P. Vance is down from Dutch Flat
today, for the purpose of proving upon
liia claim.
John SouimerrUIe, Jr., came down
from Hay C'rwk yesterday and will
leave tonight (or Montana.
Mr. and Mra. I. II. ritiniroer left thia
morning for 1'ortland, and will return to
Miaaoula over the Northern Pacific.
Miaa Clara Pavis, having (pent a short
time visiting the Misses Burckhardt in
Portland, returned home last night.
W. B. Treaty, Goldendale't prominent
attorney, waa in the city yesterday, and
left on last night's train for that 'p'.ace.
Miss Lottie Chappe!) came op from
Portland yesterday and left on the
evening's train for her home in Gulden
dale. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mnrchie, who
have spent ten days visiting relatives
hera and in Portland, left this morning
lor their home in Yakima overland.
Men lay a Dully.
C. E. Haight, of Antelope, is in the
Mr. and Mr. John Filioon.of Moro,
spent yesterday in the city.
Rev. O. D. Taylor returned last night
alter a short stay in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown, of Wapini
tia, spent yesterday in the city.
Mra. M. T. Nolan and Mrs. M. Long
left for Portland on the Flyer today.
J. R. Harvey, Centerville's black
smith, is doing business in town today.
Mrs. II. S. Wilton was a passenger on
the boat thia morning bound for Port
land. Mrs. J. C. Meins and daughter, Mrs.
II. P. Ziegle', returned Saturdav from a
visit to the metropolis
Mrs. E. M. Wilson and F. W. Wilson
-went down on the Fiyer this morning to
Portland for a few davs visit
He says they have bad but a slight
showiug of snow. Grass is In splendid
L. O. I. akin, who was formerly a
resident of I'h Dalle, but is now of the
Iraveliug fraternity, is in the city today
representing his firm.
Elder ami Mrs. Clifton, Elder and
Mr. C. P. Bailey and Marshal Hill and
wife were returning paenitere on th
boat last evening Irom Portland where
they have been attendiug the Baptist
Mrs. Chae. Johnson, who has spent
some time past with her husband in
Portland, returned lust evening, ac
companied br her children. Mr. John
son's health has not improved a rapidly
as it waa hoped for, and he willrrmaiu
in the hospital for a time.
W. II. Butts and J. F. Hampshire
came In yesterday afternoon from Ante
lope, where they have been attending
the fair. Dad claims be won the (at
man's race, but John gives in ditferent
reports, and from what we can hear the
coroner was not running races, nor
holding Inquests, but driving about with
all ttie good-looking widows, and more
interested In the human race than any
In this city, Friday, Oct. COth, to Mr.
and Mrs. A. K. Pearson, a daughter.
Official Report cf tbe Death of Captain
Gey Hsvait
Six Insurgents Killed and Eight Cap
tured acd No American Losses
Rebels Scattered Near Calamba.
Wa8h;ngtox, Oct. 23. The war de
partment today received the following
from General Otis :
Manila, Oct. S3. Captain Guy How
ard, quartermaster of volunteers, was
killed yesterday near Ararat while In a
launch in the Rio Grande river, by con-
.,..,, . . , i cealed iniurgents. Hi clerk, a civilian
Mis Gertrnde Reeder, who has been! . . .
visiting the Misses Bolton, returned to
bar borne in Uoidendale today.
Judge Bradshaw and District Atty.
Jayne returned yesterday from Prine
" Title, where they have been attending
Mayor and Mrs. H. L. Kuck, who
have been attending the exposition in
Portland, returned borne on last eveu
ing'a train.
Mis Maude Clarke returned Saturday
night after a week apent in Portland
and at Hood River visiting ber grand
mother, Mr. I- Ciarkr.
E. 8. Joelyn left this morning for
White tialuicn, and will aI."o visit in
Portland a few days before returning to
bis home in Colorado Springs.
Win. F. Grnnow, formerly of The
Dalle Mountaineer, paid the American
a friendly call Thursday. He thinks of
locating in Sumpter. American.
Mr. and Mrs. Geieendorffer, father
and mother of Dr. J. A. (iewendorfftir,
who have spent a week in the city, re
turned this morning to their home in
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Davenport re
turned last evening from a short visit in
Portland and Palem. The rainy weather
prevented their visit to Mr. Davenport's
old borne in Silverton.
D. S. Dufur and J. P. Mclnerny re
turned yesterday from attending conrt
at Prinevills. They say the roada are in
a terrible condition and little headway
can be made driving over them.
Mrs. Chas. II. Bass, wife of the fore-n-aa
at the Time Mountaineer otlice,
arrived in the city yesterdsy morning
from Colfax. They will go to house
keeping in the Chapman building.
Mis Ella Giihousen, daughter of W.
II. Gilbonsen, a former Dalle photogra- j
yiher, arrived in the city (Saturday from !
Missouri and i tbe goeet of Mr. W. fl. I
Groat. fSlie is accompanied by her
cousin, Miss Clarke, and they are on
their war to spend tbe winter in Port
land. Fred Wand, who has spent several
months with bis father in Alaska, re
turned home last evening. Mrs. Waud
rather expected the captain ; but he ha
gone into the Dominion mining- district
and taken np claims, so that he will not
come out this winter.
Tnrariay's bally.
Joseph Hinkle came in from Prine
ville yesteiday.
E. S. Pratt, of Wamle, is a business
Visitor in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kankio came over
from Goldendale yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinton are in
from tiieir home at iiakeoven.
Arthur Kennedr, of the Wasco News.
spent Sunday with his parent in this
G. E. Thompson, one of Sherman
employe, and a native were wounded
A scouting party of the Thirty-aixth
volunteers encountered insurgent in
southwest Santa Arita, scattering them,
killing six and capturing eight, and ten
rifles. No casualties.
Geneial Law ton I operating at San
Itidro. Forwarding of supplies to that
point continues, attended with some
difficulty on account of lack of transpoi
tation which will be supplied soon.
Insurgents in Southern Luzin at
tacked Calamba, but were driven off.
No casualties.
Tbi morning Kline, commanding at
Calamba, vigorously attacked the In
surgent force concentrating on the front,
routed them from the trenches and pur
sued them three miles. His casualties
were one private killed, one corporal
and three privates wounded. Enemy's
loss unknown.
Of th County Treasurer of Wasco County, Oregon, for th six months ending cn
th 30th day of September, A. D. !Si-t of utonev received and paid out, (n m
whom received and from what source, and on what account paid cut:
f.'H.SM 65
ItUli) si
i,:hki M
3,07" 1
isj :tj
. . till fx)
To amount on hand from last report
To amounts received from taxes
To amount received from sundry fee
To amount received from Dalles City
To amount received from llit'ims
To amount received from, road
To amount received from instil ite, County tSupt.
To amount received from Dufur
Balance on hand, school fund
To amouut received from taxes
To amount received from state
To a '. ouut received Irom criminal fine
By amount paid out on county warrants
By amount paid out on School Superintendent's warrants.
Hy balance general (ond on band
By balance school (und on band
Dalles City warrants
Dufur warrant
Koad, by balance
Institute, by balance
4. '.'77 51
ti.rxrj (xi
J 23 2S
ItU.lSj 1)7 ltf,3o 67
. .(30.015 74
16.108 23
3,07'.. Ctl
23 -H
81 3'i
7tU 10
3.2M 3tl
13 15
$12,578 10
0.7SS 47
103,1 S3 07 l!,::0ti 57
srxctAL aruooi. tax ri'sn.
By balance
By warrants redeemed.
To recap
To balance
. 7.708
$ 7,:m lis
878 12
t 8.222 oO I 8.222 50
Stati or Obkuox, County of Wasco ss.
I, C. L. Phillips, do hereby certify that the foregoing 1 a true and correct
atatement of th amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the
county treasury of said county lor the six months ending on th 30lh day of Sep
tern ber, A. D. lS'JS).
Witness my hand this 14th day of October, A. D. lSU'.h
C. L. riHLI.IPS, County Treasurer.
Of the amount of money and warrants received for (axes, and money paid to the
county treasurer by the sheriff of Wasco county, Oregon, for the six n.onths
ending on the 30lh day of September, A. D.
To amount received in coin and currency during month of April, 18.10. . .122,7111 ei
To amount received in coin and currency during month of Mar " ... 5,738 50
To amount received in coin and currency during month ol June " ... 5.311 21
To amount received in coin and currency during month of July " ... 4,Ht3 34
To amount received In coin and currency dining month of Aug. " ... 4 ,.''.''.' 8.1
To amount received in coin and currency during mouth of fcopt. " ... 2, 114 W
Total received and paid to treasurer io,:4 78
By amounts paid to (he County Treasurer as per receipts
April, 189
122,701 81
5,738 50
5,311 21
4 M.3 34
..Mi.' 8.1
Maw, 1SK.I.
June, 18W ...
July, 18J ...
August, 1819 .
September, 18VJ 2,114 IW
Stati or Oregon, County of Wasco s.
I, Robert Kelly, Sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing
statement is correct and true.
Witness my hand this 17lh day of October, A. D. 1S09.
Sheriff of Wasco Comity, Oregon.
)( the caunty clerk of Wasco County, Slat of Oregon, showing the amount and
number of claims allowed bv the county court of said comity, amount of war
rants drawn, and amount of warrant outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st
day of April, A. D. 1HW, to the 30th day of September, A. I). IS!'", both days
On What Account Alloued. Amount AUoufd.
For salaries of County Judu-e, Commissioner, C'ei k. Sheriff, District
or tpecisl Attornev, .chuo Superintendent, Assessor, Treasurer.
Mock Inspector ana Janitor f B.t.HI
Sterling silver mounted tooth and hair
brushes, nail files, button hooks, shce
horns, paper knives, combs, brushes,
mirrors, seals, and complete toilet and
manicure sets of different designs are
found in slock at II. C. Liebe'i store in
the Vogt block. 20 4t
For paupers and county hospital
Kor road and briilnes
ror jurors ani witnesses in urciiii Vouri . .
For fees in justice court
For stationery and supplies
For conrt bone and jail
For armory rent for U. N. G. aid G. A. R. .
For bailiff s Circuit Court ,
For coroner' inqnett
For fuel and electric lights and water rent. .
For rebate on taxes
For insane account
For supervisor account
For bounty
For printing and advertising
1,401 M)
1.H..5 Oil
1!ll 37
508 Oo
no 30
22"i to
42 00
180 41
21 fl 05
245 28
28 50
130 57
80 00
513 40
i- of Ortwu, f(ir the County of auj.
Charlra G. L. Henaon, plaintiff,
Hett'e A. BePfon, defenflent
To Heine A. Itcuaoii, the above named defend
ant In the Name of the Ptate of Orei-nn:
You are her-iy notihl to appmr and answer
th complain! in the lUtvi entitled court arid
rmion or before Ik wn-kifrom tLetlateof the
tint puhllrallon of thia liotlr-e, tn-wlt: th 61 Ij
day of rteriteTiitir, lv'.r. and If vou fail to an at
fariiiilin.Meror otherirta pl'-ad. the plain
tiff will am ly to the court for theiellirf firmed
foi In bin eoinplalnt herein, to wit: that the
Donna 01 matrimony now exiatiria; nfwen
plaintiff and rrrf-it'lant lie dipanlved forever and
that plalniirl have Judirment ajralimt di-f-alant j
ior inn ' u. Mini jirur.f ,ii..iia aim lor kill n
other and further relief aa to the Court aiay
acem meet and illtnhle.
Ihla umrnona la rmhIUhed by virtue of an
order made and tltfued hy Hon V . I Hrad-haw,
Judirenf the aryrre entitled court, on the id day
of September. lw, directum that Mid Hiiminoua
lie puhil.hed oner a week for a period of not lea
than six consecutive week.
mnii. w.
sep!M Attorney for fluiuuir.
Outstanding Wirranti (,'njxiid
Outstanding warrants unpaid October 1, A. D. l8!K).
Ftimated accrued interest
: 1 1 5,004 20
Prinrifial. Inttritt.
I.ASO Orrn a at Viscoi vsr. Wahii.,1
Cetolxr V, Wrt. I
Notice Is hereby given Hint th following
named settirr haa tiled notice of his Inlet, -tlon
to make final pnMrf In suptpott of hla
claim, anil that ald proof will be mnde b-fore
the Register and KecHverof V, H. IjidiI tyiflcaat
Verieiiiver, WavhliiRtirti, on Tuesday, Novem
ber Klat, I, vl.:
Joawph S'baaaiberllai.
II. K. No. Ut th west half nf northwest
iiuarterand west half of southwest uiiarter, Hee.
In. Tp. t N , R. 12 east, W. M.
He namiai the followlne witness s to nrov Ma
eontlnitirtia resluenc Umiii and cultivation of
ensnls's IssHins ...;,lui. i. i ti. aald land, vl:
- - - inomss m v. niiefimn, jamea .viorKan, r rril
AAile. 'It -'iiifh auil V iliiaiii larori all of I vie ft-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swkk and Mrs.
Sentry arrived In town from Canyon
City yesterday.
Bert Baldwin returned on yesterday's
stage from Antelope, where he ha leen
attending the fair.
W. H. IWadale, Cordelia Ragsdsie
and Jennie MiCillnm were registered
at the Umatilla from Moro yesterday.
Polk Mav I down from Joseph,
Spending a short time with hi family.
)i. Wash in; ton.
tx t II it
. It. PI SHAH.
Ki Kilter.
Notice is hereby given that I,. Ifenneglian,
admiril.tintJir of the etat of Albert t' lief y. ile
ceaseii. hns niert his account fur final settle
ment of snld estate and Monday, the rlny
fff Mivemiier, li'i'i, at loo cli k Iff the forenoon
of siitddnv lias lieen .-t by If i.ti. Koliert Mny,
coriritv jtiitire of VI NM-o county, (reg u, for hear
lug oitji'tlons fo the sain,-.
iiati-d riepti.'ln lr r-'J
BepWt II I. v.. Hkowkoiiaw,
Ad .tor.
Stati or Okkgom, Connty of Wasco ss.
I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of the County of Wasco, State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a true and correct statement of th number
and amount of claim allowed by the County Court, for the six month ending on
the 30th day of September, A. D. 1809, on what account the same was allowed
and the amount of warrant drawn, and the amount of warrant outstanding and
unpaid a the aam appear upon th records of my office and in my custody.
Witness my hand and th seal of the County Court of said eon my
sial this 10th day of October, A. D. Win.
A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk,
By SiMEoy Boi.tox, Deputy.
Of the financial condition of Wasco County, Stat of Oregon, on the 1st tlay of
October, A. D. 1809:
Amount of warrant unpaid April 1, 1800, a per report f 00 718 28
Amount of warrant issued from April 1, 18'J to Oct. 1, 18'.U. .
By amount of warrant paid from April 1, 1800, to Oct. 1, 1S00
Warrant nnpaid October 1, 1809
Estimated amount of accrued Interest on outstanding warrants.
15,904 20
IOfl,fl.-.2 54
30,01. j 74
1 (17,113(1 80
Dt.OOO 00
Total liabilities .
.,.,, Mil. m of th rniinlv. as tha tame appear of record hnn. n - . .
cmntv, In my otllf an I cuatj ly, and from th report ol the Troa.ur
Sheriff filed herein. " ,B
Wtti ea my h.vid and Ullelal teal till Hi 10th dav nf n,
,ku A. D. 18.0. '"".
A. M. KEI.KAV, County CI,,,
BjfHiMtsoii,, t,,,,,,
...CUAHANTaeD ...
- f ' i atr aa .1 -a AliiHT
Sffc, . .ililMMill. M...J Will BrnJ
i us Nta AutMitm lsr.
a. lorainale aarral
ajr w wu..iB amtnun 1
OUrt Price
"iim. 1, .. . ... " " -s n
. s ' Mnt ntttuM. uasvw si. wrm a.4v
, 'Sj Ti ! ae.fl beat aln Automatic) V-. .
. S tlecior ainai Barrwl ra.i Loadina anotaun onthaSL .N
ltflfr Marhat. try ll as 4a,saiJ If -a t aa4 II as su. il si...,ur u l". iii ajIV-..
- ra.kilr ttist lle-iaalsla tarjc. eiefifl. a. .fur. Mill, ,.
l-ri fiu-, ftiuut .t". b 1.1.1. I Uii. fa" f '"It. fti.niMainalm-a.i.saili,eb , f,, T7,'.T'a,wUs
tM.uflf.,.1, n.n.h.l. ""'.VV"' .1 " ,"? b,i is Us
nua ssirilL SICI a ! e-iw. i j f-ss-.a . r 1.11,1.., 11.... .,.. .
...,T7 a..I.uuUi,r ..i..iii.r..i !. nana iwa rasa mi ih.lou t ... """laiauiu.
T Impulse
m- 1 Wheels
., aH 'mi e "
113-Inch Motor.)
and Motors
uam r Train ar
Circular and par'iciilars lurnlalird on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
un.r, TIIK PAI.I.M. ORE001
Dewey whito wah? Ye, and wasli whito. Ymi ran
Havana tiling a-ln l at the Stoam Latindry. The
Maine point is quality and tho
Merritt of mr work is Mich that jH'oj.le
Miles to patronizo tn. Our Drift's art) not
Hobson's t hoico, but tho standard rates, which are not
Cevera hih as some j't'tiplo tliink, nnl wo want to
C-U-B-A rustomcr if fiurs.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES. OK.
Wholesale and Rotall
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
whiskey u t o is ir aiio0. " (iu .liVaar oia.) "
IMPORTED 00GNA0 Irom 7 IK) to I2.()0 rr rllnn. (II to 20 jri-ars old.'
0 A LirOEHIA EBA NDIES JiMx:'.'. to t rr alu.n. j to 1 1 i''jiAjL
OLTMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Blati and Olrmpi I1"' ,n k'1"
lui(MrtI Ala and I'orter.
IVascolVarehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail ktn&
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi rii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kiad
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of MILLMO
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flmir Thl Hour i manufactured aiprsssly '' ""'
tUU IlUUr, UB. f Mck g KnrntWN, to gv. sati.fsrt''
W sell our good losrar than any hotis In tha trad, and If you don t Wins.
call and gut enr price and he convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
f i:i,o:k) ho
By funds in hands of Connty Treasurer applicable to the
payment of connty warrants IR!i.'iS23
l!y funds in the hands of ftheriiT applicable to payment of '
county warrants i (jjio, fjj
I!y ratimatfd atnonnt of taxes on roll of Ki applicable '
to payment of county warrants ;;
By estimated snionnt ilnn tho county on tsx salf for tlie '
years isisj vi wi-w.i vt )9 w U7
o,0)0 00 t7,H(M) 1!)
ll'i.K.m 1
Kxress of liabilities ovsr resource
('tat or OmnoN, County of Wasco s.
I, A. M. Keltay, County Clrk of the County of Wasco, State of Oregon, do
hereby certify t'.at the foregoing is a true and correct statsmsnt of the financial
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes