The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 25, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
' 'UYfH lAl FA fK K or Ww: CUt'NI V.
" I'Mnhfil in lua part), OH HV.ikiiii
,H( .Vilurifuv.
ttl'HM'UH'Ilt'N KAIHH.
i u., rnnTAui raarain, in anram .
On yr
jlirta in"""" "
H,W'','I1 ',r rnwmialil. all 4 mad kunwu
"l1," 'I "i'l'r'ommtinlmtti.lil la "Til I' I II HON
Id..' I ll l'll, KKi'U.
"I Imr l"il urn fi,iK"tllm inr,"
hln a'lt'l til l"lir. 'lttn,
am U....'. .1 Itil K'-Mll K !"
'lliut why I ratuv In nUlil. '
(turair Dully.
Mia. I.. H. McN'eal U ry 111 at her
Itmiifl n Flghth and Court atrert, and
hrr recovery la c"tialdircd doubtful.
t d'H-an't Ink a I'egue to prugnoatb
cat a ruin)' Hunday fur tomorrow, ami
l li.okt at il h would niiik no tnlstak
rheii ho rnyi "Tonight aaj Sunday
contiuual ralu."
Tlirre been an unuaual amount of
arreata fur diuukenneai In trm city of
late. John Iturka il III latest ollenih'r
that ! tlmt ha been caught, and h
pi .l over hit today.
At a trial jury la to be auiiiriioiiin) to
appear In the L'niied Slate rourt earlv
In November, th rata of David M.
(ianiron, In which a true, blil wai found,
charging Mill witt having preaeutrd a
fraudulent 'iialou clnlm f ir collection,
will probably com up during thai
lumth, or at leaat lie(ire tlia holiday!,
lie left for I'ortlanil yeaterday.
l f.-rtm lhat tlie Imliana have a bnrv
in; if r-.ii i.l torn plac nur Molillt'i
I.ainlina- called (ireenleaf, ami the
ol J. Ainlrvaa.a ho waa. kll!d Tlio r ly
riiklit, wa lakeu down mnmlng.
Ilia tirntt'trr, Jako, tuik Hi body up lo
llii-ir pl.ire, a short way up tlm ilirr,
laat inght, ami thru l.r.njJit. It in
a tki.'f tt.ia tin it li In to I ahippr.1.
Jake Mva l.o ha oftrii warned hit
brotlirr atiul drinking, but lie aid no
ttf (iti ni, anil now h'l memalooae.
In Ilia probata court In I'urtliuid
Thuia.lay, Judge Cak disallowed th
!( i 1 1-) ol Ditigla ami liiKirge Iulor
ami K'litli Menefe fur the payment of
a specific Unary In tlirm tiy the x
trutnrs ul I lie will of Jacob Zimmerman,
drresM'J, on th ground Dial lb prli
linn U'rd linfura Ilia rlrtt nn.
annual rrHitt ty Hi rarciitoil. Tlir
(Willi rl t ilitniiafdl.
Mr 1!. F. Ilynd reluinel Turiday
fn.iii a '.rip lo hi iliwp rancli In Sand
lliil.ow and rrfKirta ti e aim p in tine
Cuii litiou. ilat on tl.n ranur i KIK
ami tl.f wmily trt'.e are Dot liable to rx-'ririji-e
iiuirli aiilfririg duiitig the c nit
lug a inter. Mteep generally are in ex
cr.leiit lip In rnruuiitur ctnhy llla
ol ll, e in it lew inuntlit. Ilnv ia plen'.
I il .i:. J rverytliing looka riiruuratiig to
our groaera. llrppiirr Tui.ea.
A dtapatcli from (ioUendale, apeaking
ol tlm nialljK t are, ra a : M. A. Slmrt,
ol I'.eaaaiit pnati lll.-r, l-eller knoan a
'I'jiiv" hiiurt, and Ilia only ln?eder ol
Ante hi g ala In Klickitat, I raid to lie
atri, km a illi amailpoi at liia line on
I: n k t'rei k. It la aaid Mr. Mmrt ru
Cfin y larainn rxpoaed to the Inathriime
(I,t.ik Kiiti on a v'tit to Arlington.
Tlm peopla of rieaaanl are very iiiucli
eiiilrd over the appearance of ainallpoi
lu that ai ctlon of kllikitat.
Anyone I hat would enter barn and
ateal a horae ii certainly mran enough
to "il-al sheep ;" nd to Jal!e people
had hetler krrp a aheep'a ey ou thrir
flia-ka. Iiat night aoine on made
liimaelvea at horn at Mr. Jarkaon'a
home on Ninth atreet, and atepping into
the ham aoumhuw got hold ol hie mar
'T mitlake and walked away. Mr.
Jarkron raja no ael( rerpTting man will
rldo hare hack, and if the thief will rf
turr he can borrow tli laddlo and
A 1 1 Indication point to rather a dull
iit r f r Sherman county, although
Hi mill It running and conlideral.le
heat la changing bundi. The caure la
y to tinderatand an indifferent crop
coupled with (he ildlculouily luw price.
Out near the renter of the ciuntr timet
Im Utile better, owing to the con
'riii'iion of th Coin in hi a Southern rail
'.v lo Ciiiii Valley. Tiade activity
'rum that lection will he hut remotely
'i ll here. We are not calamity howling
r kicking about th hard timea, hoa
ver, hut Jmt Mllug. Vaco New.
':en the newapaper fraternity In
fcl'cruian county are J dnliig the great
""ij.irily and enloiiug the u atrimoniul
"'Id. Thia iiioriiing we were aurpriaed
lo receive carda announcing th mr
'!"( of Franrii O. Ireland, fecund ion
l . C. Ireland, of the Moro Oh.erver,
'"I Mina Ahhle M. Mingworth, at. her
'"no. in Kiilla City, Polk county, Ore
K' . Inat We.lneadiiy, Nut having met
I'i'iiicia fur a number of yeara, we re
I'oiiihcr him a but a hid working at
ho ciihh in Tiik CiiHoNiri.N omce and
run M-arcely Imagine hi in aa benedict,
"'it Krnnci wat alwavi a favorito
hirli hit. unit a r bit early marrlagf,
"'t 'I n k Chimin k i forco extend their
I'eartfHlt congratulation!.
There it no dillieulty whatever in find
'"g Ihe pnrllea guilty of lelllng liquor to
IniiUna, and before tome great damage
' been done by llioie red men, a lew
white men ahould be put through. The
teatlmo-iy brought up at Ihe Inqur.t
Veaterday la proof of the nirnt to which
thia trallic wltli thn I, j, M.illt
carrinl on. Nt m,!v ll, hvi 1 1 tl,
Indian are in ihinger (that wnuMii'l he
ao ba'l) but tluiHo tl,,. people n,
ahum they coma In conturt are in
Uiigi'iiMl by tlnir drunk' linen and
The Hiamnck may in;t bo In It, but
jnt Ihe aaiu thv IrUli apul have Hot
given up the. race, but lira exp.t'iding to
"lient tl,o bBiid" at I!, yd. Ab-oloio
llciltun hionlii In a apecimeu of that
"litiH" thia iiii.i ii ; n that la cnrtniiily n
cm iueity i i,. ihuiild h:ive bei u exbihitrd
at roiitn ol lb" t spohiiloiia. Ii vii ik'.
i lgit inn hu I a hull, and ia gulu ti
up in th.t ii, i. -t p. rniiur ro-iuu.e a iitMiu
ever tur, To !im inuin apud a
tal lied ttlve giud iri-d p .t.i'jca of tti
mot pei uliar ahapea iuiu:ii:il,!u. It ia
cnilalnly to frenk cttli poiuto luniily,
and can be tern at :hlf ollice.
U'lllu a croad of young pwipl wuit
out to apend laxt veiuiij with Mi Lola
Kiitiank, at th bo.n of I., lin e, near
Kmleraby. A number of their Iriendi
eudeavored to permade them; that the
roada were not In a cmditiun to make
the trip plvaaaut, but the n.j lymeut at
th end of the J .urury Induced them to
(orgt ih mud and tally f irth. It Ii re
Hrted that they reached home early morning, and that thu walking ou
li e hllli between her and Kr.derabv 1
line. However, that mav Im-, all who
arnt out lefrain (rum apeukir.g o! ti e
di(licu!lie overcome on the journey anil
are enlbuslaatic over ihe fun bad
while there.
An i) per cint raip In aeat bonnd
paraenger ralea ia predicted by the
Helena Independent In Ihe following
ankle: "Alter November I tecuiid-claae
ptaaenger ratea betaeru Chicago and all
pomta weat ol St. Paul to thu pad He
C'"l will h nearly M percent higher
than at preaeot. (ln that date Ihe
N ullum Pacillc and the (ileal North
ern roada a ill raiae their aecond-clan
or culoiilala' rate lu-tarcn St. Paul and
Portland, Seattle nod all other North
Pacific r atl ciliea, from .'') to flit, with
correaponding advanrea to intermediate
tHilnta. Th fiial cln-a fare from the
tain citii-t to Ihe da-t will remain ae
now, V). Tt.ia will catiae a general ad
vance throughout the wetrrn territory.
Competitor! of Ihea I j roadl have
been trying (or montha to have theae
ralea canceled and higher otiea auhati
tutrd. It ia that the low
ralea that have been In etfect during the
paat four or Ave montha will be put in
again about .March ltt."
'ery few were at Ihe Cuiatilla Louse
to meet the Montana hoy a aa the tiiat
arctlon, foiiaiatltig ol eleven cara, tilled
Inatl:"'. Ke knea they were r x
prcted, and beiide it waa at audi a buay
hour i Ii at It wna linpoaaihie fur many to
leave wirk. (Inly a ahoit atop wa
made for dinner, and the accoml fection
arrived at 3 I'.O. Ihere were ahnut 7)0
In all, line lo,, king mm; but in apite o(
the (,n t that a aoliiler iiltvuya attract!
atti nil 'ii, peihapa the m int intereitii g
perron In the crowd n lie little
Filipino hoy ahoiit i yeara old, whom
Ihe fol lieia wi,ke (rom a a uii I eleep to
biing out and introduce him to the
young ladiea. He waa a nice lookini
littlu fellow, but ia nut a full -blooded
Filipino. He raid bia name waa Pee,
ami tipped I, la hat aa pjlllely at any
lull fledged gentleman could do. Iee
looked a little baahfol, boa ever, aa he
lound bimaell the renter of attraction
and all Ihe girla eiclaiming "Oh, how
cult he II," "Poor little fellow," etc.
.Monday'! Pally.
A goat chew a anything, but you ahould
ihoote the lateat. See that l.ew line ol
net kwear at Peaae A May.
Another drunken Indian named Sain
Spoil, waa "run in" by Phirman laat
evening and thia morning paid hi! I
Bne. Tnat new full overcoat j ou rimmed
yotiraell tint wei k la waiting (or you at
A. M. Williama k Co'. Nowhere elm
luch goml cjati at price ao moderate.
Saturday evening Thoi. J. Harford, of
Centrilit and 8. K. Thompaoii were
married In Kill city, and they left on
th boat thia morning (or a wedding
trip to Portland.
The date for "My F.bnd From India,"
which wai to have been played at the
Vogt next Monda, ha been changed
until Tiieeda night, the DM. T. W.
Caldwell, tlio manager, ia In town today
miking arrangeuienta for their date
Like Pagii and the reat of th weather
prophet. Tint Ciikomii onietlmea
makei mialakea In ita prognosticaliom
aiwaa proven yeaterday when the aim
hons moat of the d iv. Tlm Iroat laat
night wai alight, doing bUle i'
It II encouraging to ail In our otlicf
and aee improvement! going on about
ua, even ll it n nothing but a new aide
walk going no In front of Waggermun'a
ahoothop. Had the ehocniaker an eve
In biialnen be would have Induced Mr.
liucli lo leave the old one down, with
Ita fringe of palla protruding.
Kx-tiovernor W. P. Lord has accepted
the appointment ai nilnlaler ol Ihe
United Statet to the Argentina Ilepnblic.
The appointment lath bigheet honor
yet conferred on a citlun of Oregon by
Hie adminlatration and c.irrlea with It
the title o' envoy extraordinary and
minlater plenipotentiary of Ihe United
Th Albany IVmocrat itatei that the
Metriipolitaii opera troup failed to meet
their rngigeineiit Bl that place and thut
itaaa repoiled at Albany that the gay
aingera ere walking luto Portland from
1 1 il, pedi alriaiiiam ;boing enforced
by a ihortagu ol ready coin. At Mc
Mlnnvillij they played to an audience of
Tho city resirvoir received a good
cleanin out today, luing entirely
eui tied mid thoroughly c.cwucl. For
a time trout Cahing waa aplendid in
tlioe ipiarlera, altnoat a hundred beim;
iiiptured, iiii'l aevinl who lotppi-ned to
be watching thu j-.h hud Iruul for din
uer. Ii there went any ct-W no tepoit
a given in, j
Jatuca Jordan, w ho ow na one of the
tl ii e -1 ,ck rnnchca In the Subtle liutle
country, hm Juit got back from a trip lo
The Iullea, where be apt it a few week a
vUl ing. II formerly reaided at thht
place, but he lava It hat made wonder
ful progreai be raw it Inat and baa
now the appearance of a flouriehing and
progreaaive Utile city. Burn New.
The Inliin I F'lyer I becoming very
popular theae dayi, particularly with the
ladies, wlio are all aDxiona to travel on
the little ateamer. She ii doing berielf
proud and linco ahn haa been on the
route bai not varied t hree mlnutei in
making the trip; but every tiip dow u
haa beat her rchedule time by an hour
and a ball and !u coming up a ball
Newi (rom Starbnck aaya: "Fireman
Otto Piper ex pecta to go to I.ouaekeep
ingio.n, but it will be with bia parent!,
who will prubab'y move from The
Iallea." Tiik Ciihomh lx forco will
vouch for the fad that Oito w ill not loon
go lo housekeeping aa a benedict, un
leaa ha haa gotten over the aversion
which ha had (or "troubleaom e girla"
when an employe ol thia ollice.
Seaklngof the death of Mra. Henry
Hewitt, mother ol JuiUe Hewitt, the
McMiMiviile T. R. aaya: It Ii claimed
that Mr. and Mra. Ilea itt came through
with the fir ft wajon train, and that
Mr. Hewitt drove the first wagon down
ttie western slopes of the lilue mount
ain!, and the second into The Italics.
He would have driven the first wagon
into The D.illca but another man hap
pened to get ahead ol him. Ite.'ore thia
train o( emigrants came w ith wagoua it
il claimed that the running geara of a
wagon wera brought acrosi the Rocky
mountains, but that waa all.
Rowling is reviving again and will
aoon be in full blast. Wednesday night
a team (rom The Dalies will play the
Arlington Club team in Portland. Fred
llougl ton has rcUeated Secretary Mal
loryt) arrange a (our cornered match
tournament, to take place the early part
o( January, let ween tennis from the fol
lowing named clubs :, ol Salem ;
Y. M. C. A., of Portland , Commercial,
The Pallet, and the Astoria F'ootball
Club. Tlie preliminaries are being ar
ranged, and the conditions and schedule
will be announced tome time during
the coming week. All the dubs men
tions! will enter thia event, eo tbete
ail lie tournaments lo burn this w inter.
I.a-t Wrdncre.iy morning in Portland
Mist Wlnetta Champlain and Albert
Cousin were united in marriage. Miss
Champlain f irmerlv resided in Hood
River, and baa many Iriendi in The
Dalles. Another marriage in which
Dalles people are interested ll that
of Mtsi I.tura McCoy, and Logan Black,
which took place in Prinevilie on the
10th. Mifi Laura made her borne with
Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Wilson for tome
time and attended rchool here.
The dead body found near Scott laat
week hat been Identified ai that ul Rert
Whitney, who waa drowned in Snake
river during Ine lummrr. Mr. Whitney
went to Scott, with a number of buttons
(rom borne, inch ai were on the clothing
ol the young man w hen be led home,
and as those on the clothing corre
sponded, Mr. Whitney was iatis3ed that
it wai hii ion. Tbe'corpse was accord
ing boxed up and shipped to St. Helen's,
Oregon, where the parent! reside, (or
I, F. Toby, luperintendent of Ihe
Oregon Children' Home ol Portland, ii
in our city today in Ihe Interest of this
grand Institution, w hich ii working in
twenty-seven itatei of the union and
hai placed 10,000 homeless children in
good homei in the past tixteen yean.
He hai a number ol children between
the agei of Vt and 7 yean for whom be
iadesiroui of finding homes. Judging
from Ihe photographs he carriei Ihey
are Hue. locking children, and be cornel
hero (or Ihe purpose of eliciting the
aympathy of the community in securing
theni home protection. He w ill temain
here lor two days and anyone who
deirei lo adopt a child may conrnlt him
or address him at 0011 Maiquam building,
Portland Or.
A week ug) Hon. W. II. Dnfur, of
Pnfitr, met wild a serious accident,
which will routine him to his bed for a
long time. While riding In the burn
above White river bia horrt fell over a
log crushing the rider beneath it. He
was rescued from his perilous position
by Archie Moad, one of the rangers who
accompanied him, revived Irom bia
unconseiona state and look him to Har
row gate where he sutbtred great agony.
He was taken to bia home near Diilnr
Tuesday. Dr. Podd's, who has the case
in charge, report! two ribt broken and
bia patient aum-ring very much from
the crush but the Injury not ntcetsarly
From J. O. Mack who haa juat re
turned from attending the fair at Ante
lope, we learn of the lucres, of thia
year's meeting. Ibirring the rain, Mr.
Mack thinki it la the moat aiicceaaful
yet held, particularly ai regard! the
itock exhibit. Wednesday and Thurs
day night the amateura gave a minstrel
performance in the new ball, in which
two Dalles young mm took part, and
Mr. Mack aaya Rert Raid a in ai pianist
and John Hampshire in his Irlah tketcli
captured Antelope, and he doubt! if
they will be allowed to retnrn or want
to ainco they are having aucb a time.
Other reports coining from there wero
to the iilert that the two young men
had heeii placed In a tide show, w here
llaldwin was doing the playing and
Hampshire the dancing, while Wilbur
Rolton acted aa barker and ticket agent
and Newt Burgees door keeper. The
same j usher laid that C. L. Gilbert bad
heen captured as ha wit returniug from
visiting a district school, and having
Improved so much in health they had
attempted to have him join the aggre
gation as fat man. No doubt the re
mainder ol the Dalles crowd were posing
ai "African dodgert."
Tueauay Dally.
"My Friend From India" will be the
next attraction at the Vogt next Tues
day evening.
Mra. L. K. McNeal ii much worse to
day, and it wai not thought she would
survive the day.
It doei't look much like w inter today,
but rather one would imagine spring
bad come again.
Tbeteond of the ceriei of dancing
parties lo be given by the Columbia
Club w ill take place Friday evening at
the Baldwin.
There will be a business meeting of
the United Artisans on Wednesday
evening and all member! are earnestly
rqoeated to be present. 2t
Harry C. Llebe carries the mott com
plete stock of diamonds, watches, jewel
ry and Sterling silver novelties in the
city, w bicli he tells at a reatt liable price.
Call and Intpect the assortment.
The last unfortunate to get bimtelf
into trouble by drinking was Win. Polan,
w ho found himself in Pliirman'e grasp
last night, and then before Recorder
Gate! this morning, when he paid over
his $2.
A bowling team, consisting of Metin
Houghton, Rradsbaw, Nolan, May.
Schmidt and Baldwin will leave on tbe
Flyer tomorrow morning for Portland,
where they will bowl against tho Arling
ton team toiuoirow night.
A large band of cattle, about 1200 in
number, are corralled in Saltmarshe's
feed yards today. They are on their
way from the Valley to Montana, to
which state they will be shipped ibis
. We are always reminded of when
Hallowe'en comes by the young ladies ol
the Congregational church, who make it
a point to give tucb splendid entertain
ments. This year it will be ou Monday
evening, and they will entertain us at
the Raldwin.
Prof. A. Sandvig announces that bia
opening dance will be given next Thurs
day evintng at the Baldwin, when the
"lion Ton," a new. dance, and the glide
lancers will be introduced. Any w ho
may desire private lessons address I'rof.
Sandvig, B..x 5Ct5. 21-lf
Upon inquiring today concerning the
road between here and Antelope, we are
informed that the worst portion of the
road ii that leading Into Tbe Dalles.
While the remainder Ii nothing to brag
of, the terrible condition of that at our
very gate li something to be ashamed of.
At the initial party to be given by
Prof. Sandvig Thursday evening at the
Baldwin, Piof. Birgfeld' otche-tra
three piece! wilt furnish mu-ic, and
several new dances will be Introduced.
The doorkeeper will see that no one
enters who is in the least ol jectionable.
Admission will be 50 cents.
The latest thing cot in magi t'tet I
published in New York and called
"Everybody"! Magazine." The price It
ten cents, and it contain! nothing of a
heavy nature, but light reading of
general interest. It is their nrpose to
furnish interest and imu'tment to the
large clan of rea.teri who de-ire tl.elr
interest quickly and their au usetnent
Montana ii the ilato where ti er are
having winter in eamtst. The northern
part of the state ii digging itself out of
the snow. F'or four or tiva days last
week snow came down unceasingly. At
tbe town ol Choteau, county teat of
Teton county, it wat ten lo twelve feet
deep in drifts, and at least three feet on
the level. Oldiiniers thera gre that
nothing like this tail of enow has been
eeen in October for twenty yeart. The
loaa of life will xeeed twenty person!
in Teton county, aid 20.000 sheep per
ished in the atorm.
About 3 :"0 yesterday afternoon a man
bv the name of Kizer, who lives r ear
I Spring creek, was driving a four-horse
team up Union and Hurled to turn the
corner at Harris' store, when the double
tree broke and the leaden became
frightened and lit out up Second for th
Fast Find. F'.nrountering Henxie't ex
press one of them ran into it and thut
lound bimaelf iligbtly mixed when be
again started out; I lit they t'nally
reached the feed yard and stopped for a
meal, Mr. Klzer tuppoased on of the
horaet at leaat would receive injuries,
but, barring a ilight cut on the leg,
neither of them aaa injured by thoir
Jmt a little ol the story of "My Friend
From India," would not be amiss In view
of its presentation at the Vogt next
Tuesday night by SaivtheA Rice'i Com
edy Company. The Irene of "My Friend
From India" it laid in New York, and
deali with the advent of a very innocent
personage, a barber, who is lorced in bis
deairo to clothe his nak:di.c , to don a
yellow lied prcad, and being introduced
in that atliro by a son to a retired Kan
aai City pork-packer, who is over anx
ious to ehina in loriety, the doors having
heretofore been closed to him, and know
ing of tho "Order ol the Yellow Robe,"
Ihe barber, havir.g been called "My
Friend From India" by the ion, selzet
npon thi means to introduce to society
a real social lion and thereby gain bit
own entrance into the charmed circle of
the 400. Tbe many amusing complica
tions arising from this sla'o of atTalrt
have been the means of affording tbe
author lull scope for bia inventiveneri,
and out of it all haa arisen the most suc
cessful comedy of the present period.
Mr. Walter Perkins, who originally and
till playt tbe part cf tbe hupleM barber,
it more than ably aeeieted by a company
ol comediani especially engaged for their
excellence In their several roles, and
therefore a perfect rendition of "Mr
Friend From India" may be reasonably
It was not supposed that any difficulty
would be encountered in collecting the
subscriptions promised to the chemical
fire engine and fire alarm fund, as most
of what was donated was to be again
realized on tbe reduction in insurance,
which was lo be given when we were
thus prepared to figtit the liery demon.
But we are informed thut many who
were in favor of the proposed improve
ments and bad promised their aseist
ance, now iail to meet the requirements.
Some actually have made the excuse
that they wonld pay w hen the reduction
ii given. This is absurd, and for the
sake of tlroee who have already paid
and are therefore anxious to have the
engine and fire system in soon, that tbey
may receive the benefit thereby, others
ahould do their part toward securing it.
1 here is a very important facter In
the success of every gathering be it a
church service, a school sesiion, a con
cert, a theater or what not, and in mott
cases tbii factor, which baa sj much to
do with the comfort of the and ence, the
lu ixju .
'JMtx Tjirvtrtoost "
r--- -iZ aak.-
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'KMX'--- liz
eouM iwtntMT tai tent IM arti-t'-W "-Horn-1 M nfily.t hii-ami.
-Their ti.'L-u -t (ora-ment 're b -Uo fi.iw'i.,'-At.r.t r.-.r.t!tt(nTT,.
taw vh til I he ra--tr,nire'll(r thet-t.f tlM-rsf:il. vtl iTtnlL ivjf-llra -fc ...' -1 t.e Port O. A oirt
Ve fh! -lUi e f h.ii-ani-fm"a-e f,-f a. wl li tiU at " fi- III rrl Ik 4-pmm4 hmh k
The following linea
Mays &
Garden Tools, Deep Well Tumpa Blacksmith's Toolt
Kubber and Cotton Hoae Bar Iron and Steel
Winchester and Mar I in Kiflei, latest models Blacksmith's Coal
Fishing Tai kle Wagon Maker's Snppliea
B. cycles and Sundiies Wrought Iron Tipe and Fitting
Smith Jt Wesson and Colt't Kevolvert Barb Wire and Naili.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
W will replace every piece il (ound rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete Line of
rianet Jr. Garden Toils Rnsh(ord Wagon
John Deere Plows and Harrows R.icine Bmrgies and Carriage!
Bean Spray I'liinp Buckeye and I'lano Mowert and lieapert
Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft.
Our stoi-k of
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
Is complete in every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock.
acton, and in short tbe whole entertain
ment, it in nine caaei out of tea over
looked. We refer to the ventilation ol
the building where ruch gathering im
hold. N' t epeaker or actor can do justice
to himself or hold the attention of aa
audi t re in a crowded room, where the,
lime fetid air is being inhaled and ex
haled during an entire evening. Often
a ipeaker wrndera what ia the difficulty
with hia lisienera, why they aeem drowsy
and be cannot interest them, when the,
trouble is with Ihe atmosphere they
are breathing, making them llstlei and
spoiling their pleasure. And yet it i a
ditlicnit matter to correct this fault ia a
public vathering, for in nnarly every in
stance when a janitor lowers a window
or transom, or endeavori to let little
freHli air in, some unfortunate person,
who hai accustomed himself to lit day
in und day cut in a close, stuffy room,
will arise and undo the good work of
bi:n who Is employed to look after the
wants of the congregation. And thus
the greater part of ti e audience raisae
tbe real enjoyment, tbe real benefit
wbicb tbey had expected to gaii, aa
return to their homes with a wretched
headache or a terrible cold, which most
always result from inch a condition of
Volnuteer hj Cities.
A list made up by the chief clerk of
the adiutant-grneral'i office, from the
muster-in rolta of light battery A, Ore
gon volunteer!; light battery B, Oregon
volunteer!; the Second Oregon volunteer
infantry, show some interesting facts.
Every town in Oregon hut one furnished
men. Thai town Is Astoria with a pop
ulation of 8.500.
Tlie twelve towns furnishing tbe
largest quota are as follow! : Portland,
G74; Salem, 112: Eugene, 89; Oregon
City, 59; Baker City, 56; La Grande,
55; Ashland, 52; Pendleton, 46; Mt
Minnville, 42; The Dalles, 36; Rosebor;.
31; Woodburn, 22.
Hint Jojrul FeclloK
With tbeexhilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap eubstituea
1 sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by tbe California Fife
Syrup Co.
Clatke & Faik have a full and com
plete Una of bouse, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by Jame .
Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
CATALOGUE ir' !? x ' 1 "J.T"'
Hu-IraL. i .- lh l.t ( la- mn4 l"el BH a?!
IVtRTTHttiQ in. .i.uji, tver; tinii-' in ."rir, ltttc, irj
tl a., t uUtmr. lUaka. Irwm fUwta mJ 6ftx. Wat.. 4krwrf-y, fcrfcu,
Mrwaxs .at-. tmf aliaral I m pi r ita, mlmrr, Hn Ha.!,
Kelt!. arklaii, rw-k"7, 4rw flam, Soaifftl la w ,
iatraiaMaxi boot), tattaw, Rr'tilver, I lUlmf TmLI, Klcj-!-, lttafcir4Ml
kmii, .e. Tell j'ist :at jovr "tair. ket'pvr. d- 'nc mnl imy for
ev rMl.inr h huys ami will fiTwut bim fr'm oTtiiTharsrinfc,
am 1 1 1 1 1 if v.iu tm ; i-xpiains ju-t h..w tu onler, how iui:i h l!i fk-vWtaa,
mpri or "laail Mill t on anvthinv? tn your town. The Wf kak.
tit-fat: aenrl I.OO. th -ture aiiTf i M cntt.
h. ip j i ifu- ... oi"ita i" Hi- A"" will he ' Jm turn
ai: r.paM,!iR(i tf oud--n't thirk It l- wcr'h lltimwth
y'm wml. a - a v Tr tiu l- et whf-Uval prtcta vt -' U". Jf
lO a" it r IM imairallalr Iv ff.tim yr I i
II KV T1K I'lfl-" mv AHOl T TWI C.TA.I.Ol f
"Ii i - a or. u wLue ut bttsiue-- ialormatloa." Minneajyolia (Mut
UwTnrl4Tfu1 p1- ef wnrte Wmrhinpton National TrlbauM.
Th t aia.ijrf ir a woniur.' Mat.. -tiff ter i S. M. I niTi.
'Sroia K ft k i'o. I- nn of the UlVCSt houau of Ita Und IM.
("M.-it.-o."-( hlt-an Irtri '.-ean.
T! hift ratal gt!C forirs oi.a of the finest abopplng RMXiluwa uau.
are to be found at