The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 21, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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riurn OU ALL. KNOW.
Wcdurslaj lUll.
HowrJ of Prinevtlle, if In toco
J. W
Mr. Otii rtterson has returned from
Mis Anna Frsxier carue In from
Mitchell yesterday.
Mr. J. W. Smith arrived In the city
yesterday from l'rineville.
Om Kingsley Friend G. J. was in
on a business trip yeeterday. .
F. M. Zuniwalt and C. Robert are
tVauiic visitor in ton today.
J met Ward, Kingsley' merchant, i
doing business in town todsy.
F. D. Simmon and daughter, of
Fort land, spent yesterday in Hie city.
Mr. Geo. Miller and children were
returning passenger on the boat last
Mr. and Mr. 8. R. Slayton came In
from Prineville yeeterday and loft thi
morning tor Portland.
Mr. C. W. Dietiel and little daughter;
Norma, were rtnning pa.rger from
Portland Ui-t e,i.i.
Mire Mvrtie .VI i -tie
r.l. who ha prni
the pat i " .k
vi-mnir frienil in
I'-.i i i-n-'. inn1"! '
H;er jester-
. Nailing i uow in Hood Kiver super
intending ome work which May
Crowe are doing on the new Blower
G. T. Tarr, of the Eastern Oregon
Land Company, ha returned from hi
trip into Malheur county.
Mr. G. A. Lieb and daughter, Mia
Valeeca. returned on the river last
evening from Portland, where they bave
been visiting friend.
Walter Mom, the advance agent for
"A Breeiy Time," wa in town yester
day making arrangement for the appear
ance of bis company here neat Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Davenport left on
yesterday' afternoon train for Portland
to remain a few Before returning
they will visit Mr. Davenport' old home
In Silverton.
C. i. Hay, special V. S. deputy sur
veyor, came np from flood River last
evening and spent today doing business
in the city, lie made the Chkomclk a
substantial call.
Rev. J. C. Baker, who formerly made
hi borne at The Dalle, but for several
year ha resided at liart'and, left this
morning for Seattle, accompanied by bis
family. He will take charge of one
of the suburban Baptist churches there.
G. A. Van Anda has retorned from
tbe vicinity of Mt. Defiance, twelve
mile from Hood River, where be has
been wjrking at Davenport Bros.' mill.
It is somewhat more wintery there than
down in the valley, and the mill has
been closed for the season.
Thursday's Dally.
O. E. Haley anl wife, of Albany, are
in the city.
II. P. Dunham is a business visitor
from Cross Keys.
W. C. Hawson, of Arlington, spent
yesterday in tbe city.
E. Larsen and family came over from
Bickelton yesterday.
Mrs. B. 8. Huntington left yesterday
for Portland, where she will spend a few
H. J. Ginn, Moro's hardware dealer,
came down from that place yesterday on
Miss Gertrude Reeder came over from
Goldendcle on today' stage and ia the
f.est of the Misses Bolton.
Mr. and Mr. F. C. Walton, accom
panied by Mr. Walton's mother, came
down from Moro yeeterday.
C. II. Dodd, one of Portland' promi
nent men, came up from that place
yesterday, returning this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt arrived
veeterdav from loaa and are guest of
Mr. Schmidt's brother, C. L. fcchmidt.
Mr. F. E. Horton, who has been
spending some time with her mother,
Mr. M. Parkins, left last night for her
Lome in ebraeka.
Mr. 8. French and Mrs. D. M. French
left this morning for Portland, and from
there will go on to Seattle, where they
will attend the W. C. T. V. convention.
Friday's Dally.
Mrs. M. II. Morse arrived in the city
last night from Portland and is the
Asthma's Clutch
The sufferer from Asthma is constantly
Urhersing, gapping, hacking and clearing
the throat. When a storm approaches,
hen there is a cloud rf dust, when
a room is being swept,
or when there is a bad
odor, breathing be
come most difficult.
Often it seems as
though someone was
clutching the
sufferer by
the throat
with a terri
iblegrasp.The I choking sen
sation is al
most unlx-ar-able.
trou hie some
time laU only a few minutes and attain
Juuifr on for many duy. There is only one
ftafe thing to do, and that ia take Acker's
Knglish Remedy for Throut and I.ungTrou
Idea. Just w'nat this medicine accomplishes
is shown by the following letter from Mr. N.
JI. Andrews, a prominent resident of Hpring
field, Ohio, who writes:
' W. If. Ilvker & Co., Aw York :
'ficntlemen. It affords me a great pleane re
toaniure you that I have received both Im
anediate and permanent relief from throut,
bronchial and asthmatic, troubles by using
Acker's Kngliih toniuxlf. taken strictly to
curding to dinttioiu. It is a hk-ming to
SVrM IK. n4 f I a boul. thronithonl tht ritU4
ioa ai,4 Canada i mid l Knsland. at la. SjI..j M-,
Sa 94. if y-rti are not aailafWd aftjsr buroi, mum tbs
SmCUb to yvur drnsnlat and gl jvut aaonay urrk.
SJV anlhnri& the tiltrr fftuirnnUr.
. JT. U. IIOOktK CO., l-rotmAvri, Ana Ynrk.
Blakeley &c Houghton.
I k-aTjaw..--
5ot of her daughter, Mr. H. 11. Rid
II, and on, K. Morse.
J. R. Henael, of Lyle, I In the city
V. A. Murchie wa down from Wasco
yesterday. -
V. If. Bigg was a visitor In the city
from Wasco lat evening.
11. I. Moore came in from hi place
near Chicken Spring yesterday.
Charles Lord spent yesterday In the
city, returning laal evening to Arlington.
Frank A., Peter and Charle Niemeia
were business visitor from Centerville
Mr. E. M. William went down on
the boat yeaterday to Portland, where
be will remain a few day.
Mr. and Mr. Simeon Bolton returned
ou vesterday' itage from Goldendale,
where they have been viiiling Mr.
Bolton' mother.
At the residence of Mrs. Sarah Cam
eron, in Viento, Wasco county, Oregon,
tVt. If, I8, bv M. F. Bird. J. P .
K. W -..I Ml- Mll-i llirior.,
I. vl 1 I .1 liiVei .
In 1 1. -
I. WOI1,-mI.4' t I'tnJ tVt
i s i, i
Yi.x-lr. J.i.en'i L i.ienx, of
n I VI'!-. lrv K. stiles, of
i Mi,.niri.
Dulnr, VViu. Michell iieiUruilng the
In this city, this morning, Oct. I'.'tb,
to Mr. and Mr. A. V. rargher, a son
Hre.ay Tim." at Cordraya.
Frit A Webater' farce-comedv, 1
Bretty Time," made a decided hit
Cordray' theatre last night, taking the
large audience that packed the bouse by
torm. Considering the (act that a farce
comedy beld the boards at this house all
of last week, the success of "A Breety
Time' is phenomenal, and evidence that
it contains much to commend it. The
standing-room sign wa out early in the
evening, and fully 300 people bad to be
turned away.
The play move with a rusb, and the
audience is kept in roars of laughter
from start to finish. The conventional
love story serves for a plot, but it is the
amusing situation, clear cut burner and
bright repartee that give the perform
ance it "go." A number of catchy songs
are interpolated and ludicrous novelties
such as Rollirg Deep, the three-legged
sailor, and the dancing chicken are intro-
duced. J. W. Smith, the lightning chalk
artist, i a wonder, while tbe cakewalk
finale in which Ethel Van ' Biorklin and
Prett Reed carry off the hooors, is
revelatiou to those who imagice they are
pretty well np in the art themselves.
The company contains some very pret
ty girl and a number of excellent voices,
whilethe comedian are stnetcy opto
More Reports,
The latest dispatch from Goldendale
to an exchange, which is a follows,
come branded a simply another report,
so we do not vouch for It, nor anything
else regarding the much talked of por
tage road, but simply print it a we Sad
it, and let oar reader to judge for them
telves. Iteays:
"A report has reached G jldendale and
was today confirmed by W. W. Ames of
Columbus, that a seven-mile contract
of the Dalle portage railway extrac
tion had been let to a Mr. McDonald of
Portland. Also that active rock work
had already begun on a portion of the
contract. With the seven miles con
structed it is said boat may make con
nection from the lower river at Big Eddy
and aisoat Celilo Flat on tbe upper
rive. It is reported the Central Navi
gation Company ha recently puichaeed
the Jenaen farm near Celilo Flat and
also it ia said that a rival town to Rock
land I probable to spring into existence
at the Jensen homestead. The fisheries
at that point, which supply the Celilo
cannery have national reputation.
The Klickitat valley wheat field will le
ten mile nearer the prospective (hipping
point than to The Dalles, and by a
wagon road that will avoid the present
sand blow.
"Mr. Ames ha great faith in the
future of the Columbia river country
nd he i firm in the belief that Paul F.
Mohr and hi aaiociate have on of the
best proposition on the coast, and be
further believe the new town ought to
be aamed 'Mohr,' in rcc gnition of
Mr. Mohr' indomitable energy of year
In giving in open river to the Inland
empire. '
A trigatfal Blamler
W!li often etuse a hoirible burn,
scald, cat or bra'se. Backlen'i Arnica
Salve, tbe be it in tbe world, will kill
the pain and irornptly heal it. Care
old core, fever sorts, alcerr, boil, corns,
felon and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on eartb. Only 25 ct. a box.
Core guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A
Houghton, druggist. 1
Kodol DysTepsit Cure is a scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physician and the medical
pre'. It "digeite what yon eat" and
positively cure dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron,
Blooiningdale, Tenn., say It-cured him
of indigeston of ten years' standing.
Butler Drug Co.
Tbe "Plow Boy Prerc'ier," Her. J.
Kirkman, Belle Hive, III,, says. "After
suffering from Bronchial or Inng triable
for ten years, I was cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. It is al! that 1 claimed
for it and more." It care ccajhr, colds,
grippe end sill throat and lung trouble.
Butler Drug Co.
It a Thin; ar the I'aal-irae, Why I
Sura the .'
In a previou Issue of Tux Chkoxk I x
attention w a called to the absence if
the old-time singing school j anji of the
great need which existed for such in
itrucllou among the young.
There are high priced vocl teachers,
but what we need 1 class teachers,
where for a nominal sum the young may
be taught to read music and cultivate
their voice to a reasonable extent.
We clip the following from the Ore
gonian, a it expresses our sentiments
exactly :
"The mother of two girl of ten and
ixteen year, whom ih withe to learn
to sinir, said yesterday: 'I wish there
were old-fashioned singing school now,
the ame a I used to go to down Eaat,
when I was a girl.'
"It appear that uch school have
lnn nut of fashion, and the queatlon i
what ha taken their place, and how
are the boy and girl now taught to
ling. The woman who mad the re
mark was asked if the public schools did
not furnish instruction in music, but
seem to be of tbe opinion that they did
not. A few rear ago all the pupil li
the public school were given instruc
tions in music, and the time devoted to
singing was greatly enjoyed by them,
and tbey learned to ting all sorts of
patrotic songs. Then, for some reasoo,
music was dropped In the school for
several years. Of late it has been taken
up again in the upper grades, and is be
ing extended, it is said, down to the
lower grades hy degrees. An educator
y that a child can learn more about
music in the ten minute devolrd to
it daily in the public school than could
be learned In the old-fashioned singing
schools, which met once week. This
is probably true, but it seem that the
instruction in music given, or supposed
to be given, in tbe public schools is hot
entirely satisfactory to all parent.
Many teacher in the schools know
nothing about music, and mny parents
would not complain if their children
were not taught singing in tbe schools
if there were anyotber place where they
could be instructed in this accomplish
ment. Of course, there are pluily tf
teacher of sii jfing who take pnplls wl o
are far enough advanced and charge $'2
to t-'i per hour fur training them ; but
thi is an expense that not n.l parents
can stand. The question ia, how or
where can children who have no in
tention of becoming opera singer or
member of a church choir, bat who
hae voice which are worth being cul
tivated to a reasonable extent, receive
their cultivation, at a reasonable price,
outside of the public schools? Are there
any old-fashioned singing school 'now
adays, and, if not, why not?"
After a stsy of ten day, Dr. Stynerof
the S'yner Electro Therapeutic Institu
tion, of Portland, will close bis office on
Saturday night.
During his visit Dr. Stjner haa inter
ested a great many In his new system of
treatment for eradication of many dis
ease to which human fleih ia heir, and
be ha demonstrated hi ability a well
a the efficacy of the elrcto theropentic
system of treatment. Many will testify
cheerfully. Many well known residents
are now taking the doctor' propriety
remedies of the Styner institute, aod, to
their delight, are reaping; the benefit
ariaing therefrom. The doctor' eltctric
belt ar now worn by scare, all of
whom ar sensible of the fact that for
the cure of nervous and chronic disease
electricity i without equal as remedial
Saturday wU give the last opportunity
to consult Dr. Styner. His office I at
tbe Obarr Hotel. Hoar from 10 a. m.
to 4 p. m. and 7 to 8 daily.
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to be beld at Portland, Oregon Sept. 26
to Oct. 20, the Oregon Railroad A Navi
gation Co, will make a round trip rat of
13.25, which will also Include two ad
mission coupon to the exposition.
Ticket will be good going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
3, on Thursday. Sept. 28th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and Including
Thursday, Oct. 2Uh. Ticket will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday night following the Wednesday
or Thursday on which ticket Is sold.
Thos) who desire to take instructions
in dancing will now have an opportunity.
Messrs. A. Sandvig and H. P. McCord,
who hive had a successful class In Baker
City, are now in the city for the purpose
of organising a class. They will engage
the Baldwin and give instruction Tnes
diy nights and soirees on Friday nights.
They are very gentlemanly appearing
and will no doubt secure large class,
a Dalle people who formerly resided
in Baker City are willing to vouch for
their excellency a teacher.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cure dyspepsia
because It ingredient ar such that It
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon It as a insster remedy for all
Disorder arising from imperfect dig
lion." Jame M. Thomas, M, p., in
A merit' in Journal of Health, N. Y.
Criminal Branded and Hare Their
Ears Cut Off.
haute Kle s This t'oaalrr la IH4e
Their Mark of Hbaaif-The kaa.
lah Method I ael la Sooth
The arrest In this city a few ilnysaK')
of a jounir woman who..e back bore the
marks of the thr i-liiidied SpanlaU
whip, and whoftc left ear had been
"hirtcned" by the executioner's knife,
bear evidence to the fuel that burlmr
uua treutmeut of criniinnla Ia at ill prac
ticed in the South American aa well a
in Mime Kiirt an couiitrii a.
Louise Johnson, alias "l.lltle Ihmi,"
whom the xlice cull the clevert con
fidence woman ill tin country, wusar-rvs-tcd
recently on the charge of tdio
Iiflilifc'. The Hilici; seldom bave iliMI
culty in apprehending her, for the luiaa
Inir car ia a tell-tale mark.
In this rt!.ect the woumn'a rase i
similar to those of a score of other
crooks who have felt foreign prison tor
tures and have Iscn released, marked
t..r nr..
The case of the Johnson woman la re- and you are a i.k.i; ei.r you cam ...r,
Krded by I apt. Mcl luskv, chief of de- low down to get around their tricks
tectivea. us pr.dillv one of the moat , Treeing, ahnking dow u and a HkUI w ill
remarkable in its extreme cruelty that do for ah coons, lie coons Is different,
baa ever come under hia observation. Besides their strength and endurance.
The wife of "Hig Tom" Hip-low, the every on has his on way to dodge
English bank rohlx-r, ,Voinir, educated doft.
and beautiful, she arrested in lira-1 "Not Ioiif ap Jim Plcksn aclit tne
nl lea than five j ears ugo, charged word that a be coou was rating ell his
with robbing a Spanish countess of com down in a lioltoin next the awamp.
several thousand dollar' worth of dia- Jl knew It waa he coon 'cauae be
inniida. She had a typical South Aiiur-' couldn't ketch him. 1 took
lean trial, waa sentenced to receive to and Stonewall Jackson over to help
lushes or. the lre Imi-k and to have her ' Jim out. tienrrul ia a cur with a
left ear cut off. Forty lashca usually little hound and a little p'lnter in him,
meuna death to a woman, but this did and Stonewall Jackson ia a half hound
not alone satisfy llrn.iliiin Justice. ' and a half bull. T hey've got sharp
That the woman survived her punish-' uoaee, pluck, endurance, strength and
incut ia remurkulde, but as a criminal ' chaructcr enough not to run rabbita,
rhe is no loupr a success, for though foxea or poaaume under no rarcum
she wears her hair plastered down over ' stances. Beat of all, they don't get
the SHt where the knife passed, she j.aloua like real officers iu the nilllu
cannot hidi- the disfigurement. tarv.
Some months iiiro a well-dressed -Ma and the dogs ran that coon
ltuliau was arrested by detectives who through water, bogs, rattan, grape
regarded hia actiona In the linking h,ra, brauiblra, canrbrakra and
district aa auspicious, lie was quea- v press knees, and would 've run him
tioiijMl at xdice headquarter, hut pro-' through the Atlantic occon If It had
ti st. , hi innocence of criminal intent, feen in the sw amp i list rail of somewhere
lie waa atmut to he relcasi d w hen one ' tht Kvery time tienrrul and
of the detectivea observed an uifly acar stonewall Jaekaon trailed out to high
ou the man's forehead. On exainina-1 an, nu, ,,.t the scent at a rail fence,
tion it proved to 1 a brand, the letter j tr(r manner of circling and hold
"T." Questioned, the man confessed jlllf (,r,,,rl J-r'a noe along- the top
that he had Urn released from a Ss-r- 1 tluit ,x ,uj t It up for a bad
vian prison, where he hud been brand-1 j,hi )lllc jKi,t j made a iilBKcr stand
d as a thief. Several instances are on B, ,, ,., , ,re ,al the coou did
record at headquarters w here prisoners n, himself. fainbo, that's his name,
have been proved international rrimi-' (MI,rc t(, Kr.,.ous that a con went
i. ills hy the mark of the knout and un,,.r the fence, tusned around and
whip upon their bodice. 'came out a rabbit. All the nl,rgrre got
A remarkable case wos rhat of A ban ' .r.j. -ihey ,,,1, t iuU, their h.-ada
Snasen. a ltulpnan. recently captured . mv KrandfiHher ghoat.
in Boston. Sassen had committed some Tll, ,,lin(f ,,, i,;,k ,ui,.r ,irlous, but
political offense in his own country, j ,, Iliy mil lo Ketch him any-
and the law demanded that hia noae 1 ,,,, ,hmlKh j,-, ,rn ,fe the
split. was wanted in . vrral frj,, ,, m. wasn't.
ities. among them ( hicugo. on charge. , .., wr, , p( Bm, , full
of swindlii.K. and. thoiiirh a skilled sur- ,(,.k r(ir. ( urUkVt wlir ,,ie .,,
pon had lonir U-f.-re sewn up thedis- ,(r ,,
flarurrd nose, the scar from the tip ' ' r(llI1, ,ml off after him.
the forehead was too plainly visible to
he overliMikrd. I
At the bnrp; oltlce are stationed gov-
rnmeiit detective whose duty it ia to
prevent foreia-n cvmlnals from enter
in? the country. Here the Indelible
murk of the Iron and whip often make
detect ion certain. I
Frequently these poor linfort unatea I
he if for admission, saying that, marked I
forever, they eaunot live lonp-r among
their own people, inl they have come j
to America to- hide amonT tranp-r. '
Many were convictnl of m li t in I of-.
feiiMs, and these are p nernlly admit
Ve. we frequeutlv come across
,r fellow who has' been comm lied
KHjr fellow who lis liern coni lled ,
to carry the mark of cruel punishment -to
his irrave," said ( apt. Met lusky. "A
marked criminal, like a dead Indian, i
almost certain to lie a pnd crook, for :
be ha but a small chance of getting c
away." N. Y. World. .
W k r He lleellaeat. I
The fnee of the civilian glowed. J
"Hare," he cried, "you ar-r-re no
rheiitlemun!" 1
The hot blood lived the nfficrr'a brow. '
"Sm-r-r-re!" he hissed; "do you know
who eet ees zut you insult ?"
"I'onf:" cried the civilian; "I do riot
"P you veesh to fiifhtT'
"Yes. Now and at once."
"Do you not know rat I am one of re
at swor-r-rdsmen in Fr-r-rance?"
No. It makes no difft-reni-e."
"And you want to die now?"
"Yes. I'iyht now."
There was a moment's silence.
"1 would gladly keel you," said the
officer, "but eet ees not possible at ree
jir-r-reent moment."
Not possible? Why not?"
"Because I vill nevalre consent to
ftrhtwiz swor-r-rda zut nretmt pr - r - rop -
erly r-r-rendered antiseptic. Bon Jour,
monsieur." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Hive yon smoked a clear Filipino
cigar made from the finest selected to
bacco which I captnrrd on the Isle of
I.nx n? If not, VO'I are behind the
times, as I hsve only a few llitrh-l.lfej ""''"'tti'' I ns w djiyllfrlit to Hie plio
cigar left going at 1.1 cent apiece. 2 rn pl.r r first I that I believe them
for 25 renlt, or f2.() for a box of 25
Remember that the Hivh-I.i'e cigar Is
made from the very best Filipino tobacco.
Factory No. 105, next to Baldwin saloon
on Union St. Ben Clrich, Manf. 14 Iwk
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, ileep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money beck. 25 cts. and 50 ct.
Blakeley A Houghton Druggist',
Use Clarke Jt talk's Kosafoatn for the
Deceive Ta Ham Jwstw l'
" Cow awl C'usu
lost Oat MahblC
For many ycura Manuel Martin baa
been ihainplou coon hunter of the Pee
Die couulj-y. Koc.rci of wily ringtail
have fallen victim to Ida cuiiiilii(f. and
stories of hi exploit hno been spreud
fnr and v. id by sportsmen who ecvoiu.
punied him u his hunts. Puckers from
the north and rc;urd a immiu hunt
with Martin a one of the fiuturea of
their outing, lie gunrded corn piitchei
and hru rooata aiutust midnight drpre
dutiolia, mid farmer lire dial reaaid now
that he haa furaworn coon liuiitlnif.
A few night be took several deep
pulla at a dlaiiaary Uitlle and strad
dled a aiwk of ctdTee lu Ben Edgs'a
tfrooery to Rive his reaaona for twear
ing off, as something du the commun
ity. "It linppened tli' wiiy," be bepan.
"The fellows as I took hunting told
cikiii stories in neapaH-ra and sent uis
the papers all ink marked. I came al
most to believe their j arua and thought
1 waa smarter than any coui that ever
shucked an ear of corn. To ketch coons
you got to remember they nr wise
like they were trailing a lsx mr full
of ciMina. I went home Hivverful mnd at
cur doc. .Vest niht 1 went n-nln with
curs, 'cause f wa bound to keep thinpi
lively. It took bolt of me to ketch that
coou like a Irei h take holt of a rot
ten log. And we caught him. That i.
te curs got lu a fight with him under
the fence, and I biiated his bruin out
with n club before he had time to lick
them and p-t away.
"The thin? seemed simple enough
after I found out, but it showed bow
much sense a he coon can have. A rats
bit had his bed under the fence. Into
il'iVh !" c,";n r"n " ut "rr
. M,k'"'f "n B ."" ,,""'
urully, the rnbblt pt out, and In doing
an brushed his side npiiuat the motith
of the bed. Kabbit scent among wild
animals is like pat sr-ent among tame
ones. It's rank. At the first sniff both
dopi were completely fooled. After
the cure made a moonlight meal on the
rabbit trailing- was easy. .What I want
to know (a how In thunder Mr. Coon
found out he waa safe in a rabbit bed
and that (ieneral Ie and Stonewall
Jaekaon wouldn't cross a rnhhit troll.
"I took ths coon home and let (ieneral
I-ee and Stonewall Jackson smell him.
They stuck their tails between their
legs and sneaked off with their bellies
close to the ground. Both are ashamed
to look anjlMidy In the face. While 1
was hunting: all night and sleeping all
day November ralna gave my corn the
sprouts. One look at the meal made m
I wife so mad that I had to swear off coon
Hunting- to pacify her." N. V. Sun.
Arllllelal lollaht.
Tesla has succeeded In niuklnir art!.
! fleial daylight. In his laboratory hi
.shows numerous hall of iHn of dlf.
'r''nt siscs w hlch look like miniature
, "" The balls are empty; there are
"0 " in them nor outside of them,
They do not burn the flnirer. The liirht
does not hurt the eyes as sunlight and
ordinary electric lltfhtdo. A numbrrof
lending New York and Chlcapi pho
tographers will hare thli art iflciul day
light supplied to their studios. Tesln
snys: '"Tho reason I have chosen to
to be the severest critics in the mat
ter of light. If it succeed with them a
new light will aucceed rywlier."
I. Y. World.
"I wish to express my thank lo.the
manufacturer of Chamberlain Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy, for
having put on th market inch a wonder
ful medicine," ssys W. W. Masslngtll.
of Beaumont, Texas. There are many
thousand of mother! whom children
have been avel from attacks ofdysen
terj and cholera Infantum who must
also- feel thankful. It It lor tale by
Blakeley k Houghton Druggist.
Executor's Noi 1rn
Nolle la herabr (Ivrn lhal II,. . .'
hsa Un .Inly, l o
"""'r ' Male ..( ' " V"""'L,
county, aa aec-.,ir , , "
Ilalahl, u.el. A ..''"' "' rh.i.7
aaalM.I a.1.1 r.l.,1 .,. ',, ' "" ' ri. .
"'"HI" '. Iilolartlw i ""fa.
l.ltlc.1,1 ..ll,.t I.,, ,',, h"!,,. '' '" SI aij
tr.'lll the llalvi.f una In, lie- " "HluJ
lll Ihl'. Mb ila) i,l Jul,
sr.ut.a- ol th. l..." r 5rr.
dia-MMl. .'!! J. H,h
- -- . 11)111
Administrator' Notice."
V..llm la. V..t. l.
inurlof Ilia II,. M. I.I l ., "-mr
eoiiuiy. aa ailiuiiu.uaior ..I n. ".i.'i,., , .,"'
asalual aal,U.l.Wai hereby ni, """s
ll same .r..wrly verlll.l t , .. t''ul
my aii,.ri.. ,. Imlur M, i.,,.
luonllia from Ilia .11, OI lhl, ,,' ""' t
Haled at 1 l.a Uailea, Oi.-g,,!,, n,,,,. y
NOTICE OF HNAI.;skiti.Kmb7i
Nollcs la herebr slveo that t, ,.,, '
ha. nl..t Ollb 11,.,-lrrk l. 1 1,.
iho aiai. of .,..-.... i,At::
final aiH-ouut aa aiiinlhlslralnr l u, '
aal.l e'iirl na.l. ou II,. u,, ., '. " '
ll. Mmi.tay.lh. nth .lay ! S.., , UZ,
lbs ketir f ji, rl,. l u , I,.. I-. ,, V - '
llw ami Ihsooumy r...,n i.. , b.uV.'.T
sa Ih eiae. b,r Ih. bran,,, ,. . , .7
Arlnilulsllllnr Of E.UIe ,. j, ,, ,. .
'e,,llc a
" """1, All Im'I , i, i"
Executor's Notice.
Kottee la hareby slvetl Ih.l II.. .t,,,,,
baa bn a.b..lnl.s by or.ier ..( u,r .., ',rJ
Ih. .Illl Uary hllla..l.,i .,","l.'Zk
laal Kill ai.rt Iclanuul a. 1,1 Mari Hi T tl
""""I- All to-raona havlet el.liii.asilwl a
aalalaara liar.l.l n,.lill. ,, , tlm "
Ilia pr,.r vnuelirrs l rna al II,.- . I,n i .., , ,
lnl..u A H .... 1 h. Imiiaa.n,,,
ttti'tilha from Iba iImIv nl lut. unit,-.
1'alcd Or er Unit.
,..,. JlillN II VtAKI.KV.
Executor's Notice.
Atl rrx-n. havins nlairn.
nt KlKabrlh Ann I aln.
'U'.l Ih taUk)
notified lo .reanl Ih. aante. ,r
ai iitvemi-s triti;i
pnllllrtl avaeutirr of aal,; ral.le
trrg,.n, wrtthloals mnnllt. Imm
Mihileallnrt t.f Ibla u.MIe
1'alnl lbs l.'tb Uay ul is-l.-lr
'I. Hip 4iilj .
al Ixlin I iit
lha 41. af laf
.it I'san,
I wtih.
NOTICK FOB I'l ltl 1( ATlOS.
LiSB Orru r Taa t'tu.a.. ,
s-.t.-ti,lwr l-i. l-. i
N. it Ira (a harrhy sln Ih.l it, a Mlrf
harnrsl aeltlrf haa fllr-l H.,lltv.t hi. lulaaisoo
niahf nual firiaif In aii..(t .,f lu. riai. ta
that aal.l urt.if will ba I' 11m ?,.
ami lMlrr al Tba Ihjllea, I treg m, om Irvl.;,
N.iveuirsar t. Isww, via.;
loshart M. Msohoe. ol Tha Hal l.a. Or,
llntneslaaj fntry Kit ... I, fir Ih. M,,
ml a Nt1.. acrlb.n b,wliltl I Siu,
laun U ratal. w . u
Ila nartiaa lb. Inlhiwltif iiimm in ansa
hia asmtlliorioa realoVlar. uMiti,alii rultltat:
nl aalil laml. la
Sainurl I ralfblnn. John M I..-I. W!!m
ftaMani, ar,(l barsra llaaai.ti ail nl His totaa
III r Lfri.
aetl."l II k-(!,trr
V. a Lasd Orrii a, at torn lu lis. out , leu. t
S'ofle I ttareby lltvn Ittst Ih h4slat
Itamtsl arltlar baa Alatl Itnllre nf hia Inunitl'OO
rnab final fnaif lit itiHir1 nf hia rlain, aal
Dial U KM., I will Im Miailr Mm Iba KrelxaT
ami H --! rvr at Th Pallra, Orinn, ott SatS
iUy, hiir.iiibsr , lw, u
aao.nro oia., or aavaiar, a.rwyjas.
IfiHnnleail gnlry No. TiT fnf Ihs S ,
Ni, Wi. ana SW a',. ais-llu S, WaasVa
i nurib. ranfe I: e-.i, w. M.
Ila nam. Ih fnlhiwln oltltrasn In arerf US
ei.lilliomu realitenr UHS Sbil etillltatlos at
aahl laiiil. v la
haa. Hilar, i.f Mnslrr, ffrm. Iian TtMtsat,
H.rinait ati.tiemaa and krisssl rilrslrs-ha, at
I h lll, Irrrtrtm.
,AV I'. If ,
oet: H kasiatw
is Tiif. riMi i tT i-rirar .r tih stati
1 irf nr. fin. t Ib.enoolr "f e"
ltrrlt A. !, PUInilrT,
William If H lmr-n. ilHeml-.,!.
Towmiass 11. II. himim. ih sho aasssi
In lha S.m.iif lha Slate. if Ina m
berrby nolllssd bi ls nl M"l I "6?T!
afilllltrl fiMtrl mi inT Iwlnra Hi. d. l U
MiMllalhrtt nl Ihla aumnli.ns Inwll On S
lunr halnr.l.y. lha Islh day i.t Nn.aoibn. IS.
IhMt and Ihar lo n.wrr I he r. .ni i.lotnl l
alrya liaiitnl l.l.lnlllf fikil a-o l )" ll.le.f .nil. ail II l'i " I'1
anil tl enml.laim. h.r aanl la"
rlalnllrf will S.nly ! saul chiiI h Ih
Ka.l fiw In h rsNli.lallil, In "II
crew ,4 lbaal.vaenllll..lcrl t.iretrf )!."
u4 rtnulllna lb nl n,.lrliu.ii
ml Iwreb.lnr. eslalllis hele. ii slaliilj" sss
lelenitanl, and fi.f an ahai.liile .In nw ""
from yin., Ih aaln 4rf-rn1anl
Ihla auniinmi la Mrrnral ill-'" ' Wr"
ri.Hi i.iarwii. ny iwner .i nw .. -. .
.haw. imlaanl lha .Dn.a enlll "! e'l.
. . ... . ... .... II. .H w I.
ornrr oawra naif in in ..... ..-j .
nil dlrorU lhal aalil atlllimnlia l 7sli
IhcaalU .IWen.l.lil by liuhlli " ,
etmarrnlly oeaka In l h. Isalle. "'"'''i
wra-hly .W.-r III r..l . "e"'"', In lb ...lie. Waarn "'IJ-!!jg
anl sitjblleatbss lo bf-Sln mi Ih ' ' j
la-tulasr, lis. ai ixi no U '
... .. i ..I I leLiner. ws
Merantwr, is-s.. ,.iU.yiI.
II n i - .
r ri.i""-
NOTICK OF FINAL KF.Tri.EMEST. k.r.h. iri.etl that D "'"V
diiilnlstralrls f ill ealslanl '-."fj.., a)
h.,1, rteewaarsl. ha tiled her lln.l T,'.,
aueh It. Ii . e-Hirl. .(lh' si aw i J
..r Waanieounty, ami theernnl b, K (..r
Mnnrtor th. ma i n . i u
cif iii ..eb-si s m., al lb emit'ir eo" i J- m
lllr( lly,Oie.m, Ih li" an t"",,
Ih hawrlnsaml anlniiil Ihcreni. "J
llllerealasl In aalil aalaia are ,-,-. bay
(smnl or 'ny nl ih Hems
,,,..,.,. wr . r-r. K HINf'MsT,
w. ii r i
sw.ssr- sa
I .asnrrul lull ,'
iK-t.-ts-r ?. i T.'11
v... i. k..,a .Irr II Ihsl Ih ""',.
" '. . .o. nl hi. Il',
liaiueri aenier nas nie.. n.--- , .1.1,0, al
io niak anal prisit In aii.i'rt "' ' Mi,s
that a.1.1 proof will be mail.' b-' '" "Mltrii,
ami H.selveyst Th. Halle,' " "" "
Nnveiiilssr JA, law, vi: .... OM
I... V. Hessian., of Th. Iiallss.
l. ,rf l.l Mr, ni, fnr the w aU,
SW 'a NK's snrt Hr-' H '
rne U K . W M. ,,... f f!
II. Ih. follnwleg H'' 7, eultlv!"
hueonilnuim reslclenea u'"
nf ulil U11.I, vis: , Hr.n ssl
J. I). Mvr, J. w. "I"- r, ,,v,.n.
V. J.ibnatmii all ill Th l' '", H.l
. UanOrr,..aTTH.Iio.;riirt
Snllr la herehv given lh " f,,,,!,."
nsme.1 selllw ha. fll"! H""" 'h ', ",1,11a
I., m.ka anal l.r.s.f In -Mr"' ,r, ,h. n" '
Ih.l . ,1.1 ,.r.. ; HI be '' 1 , raw'
anil rr eelver al 1 h llalles. "I'll""'
OtloU r 21, IHW, via: .ii.s. "'
Alessorl.r Tea.. 1h .p.
II. K. Ks. H f-rflier'., iiS.V
See. 6, sntf N' NK's H
II. nsme. th f w!" TTulH'"
hlar.iiilliiiiiiis lesluelK "l- " .
ail aalil laml. via: ,, Wells
I H Hal , Jioiies lisii. -f.
VtekUani i all of 1 he !';N' " '!'' gnl.l
aepll.l I 1 1 '