The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 21, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
" orritut rAt-mo wae:ucuuim.
aJ tf.iteriiaa.
av kail. roeraea rearaio, in aovaata.
0n rr J
UMMll ??
f UrM ImmlllS. ..' ........... SO
Atrlni rata raeeunaUe. ea4 made koowa
mmmtmlcelloua lo"TM (HHON.
h:U. "I bel'allea. uru.
(ih, Iwwoy'" Is In mnrnlnri
Ah4 Itewojr is lliaalay,
Anl Admiral
I hal raiua aalllli up Ilia bar.
Ami Iran aia Ilia oulrd ataa
ill Ilia ami iiiiIum eraw,
Iiul wa lira a l-n lu lUrraf
i iblnk wado,
Wednesday'! Ually.
Tha bui sheet fur "A breezy Time"
III be open tomorrow morning at the
Boiler Drug Company'!. Price, fan
tral idrultilon 25 reserved Matt 60 and
75 cents.
Dlogi-nei bring asked s 'What It that
beast which la Ilia moat dangerouiT"
replied: "01 beam, tha bit of
a slanderer; and of lama beattt, tbe
Tha condition of tha crosswalk! la be
ginning lo make ihoaa who ar com
pelled to rro them crott, aa I hay tpoil
say I""' !hlne and causa tha ladle
to a!k a Ith aklrta much badrabblad.
Wa understand that thrta train loada
of troops will paaa through tha city thlt
ertiiing, tha But arriving at 7 o'clock,
tha tecoii I an hour later and tha third
about V o'clock. So far aa wa can laarn
Ibey will not atop off hara.
A special talagraut from Pasco yester
day mIJ that tha immense coalbonkert
of the Northern Pacific, at thrl pilnt,
wart on flra and burning fleretlj. Tha
company hai a flna plant for handling
enormous quantities of coal, pat In at a
large ritenee, and at Pasoo loadt all
passenger and fralght tralna on the
main Una.
It may ba ol Interest lo tba frlendt of
Miss Clara Grimee in thia city tn know
that lha laft Purttaod Saturday lor Can
Francisco, whera aba hal accepted a
petition in tha diettmaklng parlor re
cantlr started thara by Mndau McClare.
Eveiy young lady may not ha angelic,
bat J ul Ida tame thara ara precious faw
who haven't wing that dayi; not only
Sprouting, but full grown, judging from
tha laogth of torn of tbem. A faw ol
tham would put tboaa of tha nobla lied
Man to shame.
Tharawata good attendance at tba
oiMtlng of tha League of A mark an
Sportsman latt night. It rantr
twanty-IWa maiubara to organlta a itata
diriaion and thrra ara now thirty-three
member! here. Tha writing trom
menled that K bt. Kally ba appointed
chief warden and Lao Schanno lecrvtary
for ildt dlvltlon.
Tha Delict can already toast of tele
phona system which excel thoaa of any
loan In list on tba coast, and tha Ore
goo Telrphoue Company la al present
galling ont a naw Hat, having added a
largo number of natnaa to It city lit,
and Itt country Hat la Incraaalng rapidly.
Each day at wa call np tome nalgl bor
ing (arm aa ara lad to wondar how wa
rar got along bofora connection! ra
ad with that placea ao naar and yl
ao lar.
If well brgun ia half dona, tha winter
in tome of our neighboring it ate will ba
of thurt duration. In Cvlorado mow It
falling at a lively rata, Fr mora thaa
week norm of nnDrecedantrd aevare
It. for thia time of tba year baa brat
raging in the mountain! torrounding
I-a.lvlll. One band of 1400 tbeep and
the l.trdar with them are lot. Other
lara fl nkt hare reported haavy loteei
ud no word baa been renelved from
mtnrothere known to ba atlll in the
mountain paaturaa.
Theiultn! Peter filtran i. tha D.
P. A A. N. Co. for damagra In tha turn
ol$lir!f9, waa tried In tha inperior court
t Vancouver Monday and yetterday
nd want to tha Jury today. Tba cate
the moit InUretllog that bat coma
P In Clark county for toma time. Tha
BliintifTa In tha caaa allege that Hit
Heart of tlia ttaamar Inland Flyer put
tham athore on Motqulto Itland in Feb
""'Tlatt when their dettlnallon waa
Waihongal; that they were compelled
to ndure fold and bnnger aa remit.
Therompany On tba other hand claim
"at tl.eir ac Jon In Ibe matter wat en
tirely unavoidable, and brought up toma
Plandld tvldenre In antwer. Capt.
"I'ort and Fred Bronton were tha prln
'PI witnettai for the company. The
'd!ctwl probahly ba announced in
"'H'ii' Teleyain.
rmi tayi our rainy teaton hain't
JKnn yet, hut that tha tky will again
"clearing" before tha fall ralna let in
n earnest. The itorm of latt night and
to"ly miiy not bava been In earnett,
D,H It wit ni jika, and everybody la
Jlad of It, fof Juaa. now a good ., norm
very welcome. It will lx a aplendid
"''igforiunimer fallow,' grail on tha
and In fact a good thing atl
'nd. people who came in from the
jountry ye.terday tay the rain began
tilling Mry , Ul- tftornoon( , th,i
, ,,(- veral hour tba Hart of tha
'y. Latt night wa bad AH of an Inch.
ii ia iaii toy many Dallea people who
havaatiendad tbetspotltlon In Ponland
lliit year that the pievalenca of the
vaudevilla throughout lha land, Ii dem
onstrated at lha perlorimiicfa given at
lha eipotliiun. To thote of luom rr
Unad taate lliit Ii to tw regretia.J. While
the inutie a Ortt c an and there are
uiauy other commendable fratrirra, too
much of what might be tariued a variety
llvlo i being InlrodiiCKd. Wa have
heard many iak with ditgut of the
cake walk Friday evening, laying that
Ibe walk at given by one couple from
the Lyric Opera Couipauy wnt poritlvuly
Indecent, and all were glad that the
drkli were given the eaka in prefer.
t. I a a
ence to thlr nvala, w ho displayed mcli
bad title,
Tliurnjny'i pnl'r
lUarriaK ilcaniw wa grannd to Win.
E. Wheeler and Mait'.e Uurluii yeiter
dir. The Oregon Hiate SumUy fc'iool Am
tociatlun will bold lit annual inetetlrig
at Albany thlt year, beginning October
20 :h and continuing fur three dayi. !
lit all right three night t when the
light la bung In the iky, but wait till
the moon learet nt and datknete relgni.
mpreine, then bow we will lemtmber!
the light that failed lo connect. I
Magaiine readart ara familiar with
Plogree A Srultb'i "Compoalt" 3 ihoet ,
for wom.u, and will be glad to learn i
thai they are to be had in onr city. A. ;
M. William A Co. ara iale lural d.a- j
"Ihay hate come!" "Who have
comeT" "Pingrea A bmlth't 'Compoiita'
3 ihoet for woman the belt 13 ihoet
oo earth." "Where are they?" "At
A. M. A Co't." They're ready
to ba looked at tried on aod worn off.
Three carioadi of troopt of the Thirty
ninth regiment piiaed through latt
night on their way to Vancouver bar
rat kt. The flnt car arrived here at
T:) and the other two about midnight.
Siturday tha Michigan troopt will pin
through, reaching hera about 12:30.
Although a wealthy ctly, Spokane
could never tie termed a "city of church
ei;" in fad, in a rellglnut line, vltitort
lo that city deem it rather alark. It
teemt, however, to be waking op and
they ara about to build a V).000 Cath
olic church, having paid I'.'S.OOO for tha
II. F. Duvidton, president of the Pa
videon Fruit Co., layt that of the many
carloads of atraaberriei the company
ihlpped thit teasoa, ona carload wai
hipped lo Lot Angeiet, the (auiont
strawberry belt of California. Thit
speaks volume! for the Hood lilver
The ground Ii getting a good soaking
now, and from tba way the barometer
ret inert we ara likely lo have a con
tinuation of the ttorm. It now ranges 20.0, indicating wind or rain.
Since 0 o'clock Tuesday night we have
bad IM inchet of rainfall, and from all
we ran learn, outlying districti have
bad more.
fmallpcs hit not inbsidid by anv
mtnnsrot meant; but It lurking here
aod there, miking ill apiiearanca where
It ia least upected. Two caret were to
day reported in the family of A. fjhnrl,
ust arroas the river from Rufut. Two
young men were taken down and when
a physician waa called be pronounced
them genulm catet of tmallpoi. '
Contrary to tha report that the Inter
national race wai declared off nntil
Monday, the Columbia and Shamrock
tried their speed again today; but 'twas
the tame thing over again, and the wind
went back on them. When the race
wai called off, however, tha Columbia
wat half mile in the lead and lha re
mit waa almoat a foregone conclusion.
Oo one evening little 4 year old Doro
thy had failed to remember her father
In her prajer because ha bad scolded
her. "You mutt pray for papa, too,
Dot," aaid her mother. "But I don't
want to, replied tha little one. "But
you moat, Dol,"taid her mother. Drop
ping upon her kneel again. Dot added:
"And for pity'! tke, bleu papa too,
and let ua bava peace in the family."
Lut night in Salem Wllena Knight,
daughter of P. 8. Knight, and Arthur
Stringer, of San Francisco, were united
In marriage. "Lena" wat ttodent In
tba academy bera during ita palmy dayt
and will ba remembered by many of her
fellow ttudente. Many of the books
need by her frlendt bear the marki of
her artlitlo taste, and tha hat tinea
developed into an artist of great ability.
Dallea frienda with her well In her new
relation in life. '
The annual convention of W. C. T. t
worken, which hat Jutt cloted in Port
land and will be held In Seattle, conven
ing today and closing on the 2Gih,li of
more than unial Interett and import
ance, because It will mare. iii -.
anniversary, or the twenty-five year
milestone, of tha Woman'a Chrlitian
Temperance Union of the United State,
than which no nobler organlistlon out
tide of the churchci eilslt, .and It It
cloiely allied with church work.
The meeting of the Oood Intent Sa
tiety at the home of Mrt. Smith French
yreterday afternoon wat a particularly
pleasant one. At pleasing variation
Mrt. O. T. Terr ting a ery pretty eolo,
and wat compelled lo give an encore.
Rev. Hawk alto favored tha Udiea with
a pleating mutical lelcclion, end Mrt.
French read two telcct nd Ttry touch-
I . . f m aaa-aa-aaa a MHMMMBHBMMBHiMMB
ll" . , 71
Saturday's Special.
33c and 47c
Thaa are) tha
prlcoa for ona
day only on
The line contain some very choice thlngt and ynu bava ample
opportunity to make up your mind. See our Eait window display.
Handsome New Petticoats.
98 cents
for near silk petticoalt In beautiful atriped eflVcti, fioitbed with heavy
tpace cording, tightly and serviceable, worth tjl 50 each.
for beautiful mercertaed illk petticoat! with deep Spanish flounce, well
bound, all the new autumn colors, wonb (4 00.
lor handsome metallic tatin petticoalt. umbrella thaped, with corded ruf
fle at bottnm, solid colort and bandeoine ttripet and dots. You'll And
them 13.00 elsewhere.
and every intermediate price np to $15.00, for elegant ailk petticoats, tba
prettiett ttylet and best valoet in town.
All Cooda Marked
In Fl-urea
ing poemi. After business bad been
disparted lunch wat tervej- and greatly
Purebred ihort horned bulli for aale at
mv ranch in Tygh vallev, compriting
eilvet, yeirl'iigi and two-year-olds.
Oct 1 3-1 in Roar. Man.
In Tuesday 'iChkosii'I.b we called at
tention to tha object ol tha League of
American Sportsmen, interest in which
ii being awakened In thia city, which
hai been made district headquarter.
The organization It but two year told,
and yet In tha United Statu and Canada
it number! nearly SCOO member. The
head office ii at New York, and the chief
wardens, among whom ara the most
prominent men of the onion, reside in
varlom ttatet, while deputy warden!
are appointtd where diitricti are or
ganized. Nothing but a universal move
ment can stop the wholesale tlanyhter
of onr wild creatures, w hen it hai been
discovered that in thirty states and
territories the decrease in the volume of
bird life during the latt fifteen yean hat
readied an average of fortr-als per cent.
In our own Hate the ilaughter of deer
alone hat heen enormous, not to men
lion other game.
The manager of the Metropolitan
Opera Company must have chaniied hit
mind about the "linpoteitdllty of (lay
ing inch a company for 73 cents" for
they are playing In Salem, where, al
though the facilitiet are not the belt,
they have a much better Hage than the
Baldwin, for 73, 50 and 5 cntt. Alto
at Albany for the same prices. Eugene,
like The Dalles, evidently containa only,
wealthy people, who acorn to pay less
than $1, for the pricei are held op there
and 150 had ilgued an agreement to pay
that much.
Two Wasco county catea were argued
In the tupreme court Tuesday at Paleui.
Ona wai tha care of the Slate vt. Jake
Andrews, who wat charged with having
in bit possession and showing obscene
pictures, and in which tha circuit court
brought In a true bill on May 25, 1897.
The other case wai that of tba Oregon
Lumber Co. va. Levi Jonei and Burnt
Jonet, of Hood Klver. B. 8. Hunting
Ion appeared at attorney for the de
fendant In tba flnt case, and for the
plaintiff In tha latter; while Judge Ben
nett wai attorney for the defendant In
lha Jones case.
Much complaint it heard of late re
garding tiie number of diunken Indiana
in our city and the wholesale manner in
which liquor must be dealt cut lo them.
Surely If the government refmei to
prosecute thote who thui bresk the law,
there muit be tome way to put a Hop to
it. A drunken white man ii more dis
gusting we admit; but perhaps not
quite to unmanageable. These Indiana
are returning from hop picking and
other piirsulti and bava planted them
selves down in camps at the head of the
brewery grade until inch a time at they
have irnt their """? on "flre
waler." In the meantime they ara
fighting, running about half naked, and
ao conducting themselvei as to frighten
the women and chlldicn In the neigh
borhood half to death. They are not
safe to hive altout, much len a credit to
my city to allow them inch liberties.
Those who tell them liquor should be
deallwith flnt and then they should be
made to move on.
FiI1h Eallr-
The Butler Drug Co.'t Golden hair
tonic It potitive core for dandruff.
Try bottle.
Dr. Btyner, tbe tkctrie dector, will
21st, 1509.
a al
50c and 65c
Pease & Clays
leave tbe city Sunday. If you wish to
consult him improve the time.
Wheat hat dropped aomewbat. In
Portland tbey are paying 57 for No. 1
and here the warehouse! aia giving 52
for No. 1.
Bacon I tee they tay Dewey descend
ed from tonie of the old Engliih kings.
Egbert Well, be teemt to have worked
up again, all right. Yonkera Statesman.
Harry C. Llebe earriet the most com
plete ttock of diamonds, watches, Jewel
ry and Sterling silver noveltiea in the
city, which he sells at a reatonable price.
Call and inspect tbe assortment.
Tha soldier boyi are ait i 1 1 on their way
home, and at about 1 ;30 tomorrow after
noon 050 Montana troopa will arrive
here and take dinner at the Umatilla
House. Let'i give them a more hearty ,
greeting than the Minnesota boya re
Sterling til ver mounted tootb and balr j
bruthee, nail filer, button books, ihoe
hornt, paper knives, combs, brashes,
mirrort, seals, and complete toilet and
manicure sets vt' different designs are
found-in stock at H. C. Llebe'a itorii in
the Yogt block.
Reportg from Antelope lay the fair ii
a howling success; that it ia Ibe best
ever held in this district. Tbe itock
exhibit ii especially good, aud all other
ezhibiti in proportion. The racing baa
been ipoiled by tbe rainy weather, and
tbe mud it very deep.
Tbe band which the "Breezy Time"
company bringt with them i-oniisti of
tizteen pieces, and wa are to be favored
with two concert! Monday ; ona at noon
and tha other in Ibe evening. Be aura
to bear them. Bring all tba children
out and get the benefit of tbe mmic.
Walla Walla county Ii making her
boast that 114 marriage licenses bava
been recorded with tbe county clerk ao
far thit year. Wa thought Wasco wat
doing extra well thia year with eixty
nine Jlcenees; but it Isn't in it witb
Walla Walla In that liue, and we venture
to lay we haven't bad aa many divorce
casei either.
There may be "many a ilip 'twlzt tbe
cop and the lip," but that doesn't mean
when the Columbia haa anythlhg to do
with it, and the cop ii onn again. For,
having won the race today, making her
three timea the winner, tba Colombia
again give! oi tha cop. At 2:40 the
race wai finished, with tiie Columbia
almost a minute abead of the Shamrock.
"Kieplng Cowl For Profit" it the
well chosen title of the neweit work on
practical dairying to come under our
notice. We understand that a large
iftoe of thit little publication la being
gratuitously circulated with tha compli
ment! of The De Laval Separator Co,,
74 Cortlandt atreet, New York, which
courern pfTert to tend a c ipv lo every
reader of the CiinnMcLt upon request.
It is announced by the management
that "A Breezy Time," which will be
teen at the Vogt Monday night, It con
tinually comical and alwara interesting.
1 1 ia laid that no farce comedy upon the
road contains so many captivating tongs,
so ninny well-built chorut girls, and to
many original comediant. The individu
al talent of the performers it what the
management rely upon to make the
entertainment worth while attending,
and to that end each member of the
company hat been given full liberty to
elaborate hie or her individual ablll-
"I have occasion to visit Tbe Dallet
How can they Do It?
Our answer
Is simply...
We hare adopted thit method of cleaning op what odd tizet wa
bava Instead of carrying them over and doing it later. You are tha Bene
ficiary, fr you have all the winter before you. Thit ia no after-aeaton iale,
but a clearing up oi Bran New Goods. No ihoddy or thelf-worn good!
here. These are regular $10, 1 12, 11X50 and tome $15 toiti lacriBced at
We have a
line of Men's Suits.
When you tee good thing take it. . .
Wa bava tha largeat and belt selected stock of Gent'i
dltckintothet aud Overcoat! in Eaitern Oregon.
N. B.
every month of the year," aaid visitor
to our city recently, "and I can never
remember of being here when a force of
men were not tearing np tbe atreet! to
mend aome broken-down sewer." There
ii more troth than poetry in tha asser
tion of thii gentleman, and if the money
expended on repair! were need in put
ting in new lyitem, aa contemplated,
bow much better it would be. Today
workmen are busy digging np Washing
ton ttreet to repair cave-in at the
corner ol Third. Woold it not be better
to remedy the entire evil at once?
Thete be tbe dayt when cyclittt
"watch their chance and taka it a foot."
From November lit nntil May 1st in
Portland they may ride on tbe aide-
walkt ; but not to in Tbe Dallet, whera
the ordinance it In force the entire year.
There are not a great many of wheels
in our city,' and if a section were in
ter ted, compelling ridert- to dismount
rtthln thlrrw tuat rt nadn.l.idn. It
ould not be out of tbe way to allow
them the use of sidewalks during the
muddy season. The trouble ii there aie
alaaya a few "scorcben," who race
along regardless of other people's rights,
and tbe careful rider mutt bear the con- j
sequence of their selfishness. j
Engineer Andreaa, of the Inland
Flyer, got a bath yetterday which be I
didn't order, and although be doesn't
obj'ct to taking an "annual," he would
a little rather don bit bathing toil and
ba prepared than lake water without
being warned beforehand. But ona of
tbe deck bandi neglected to fatten tbe
guard gate, and Andrew! took a iwini
in consequence. Leaning over tbe gate
to tee if tba Regulator waa in tight,
Andrew! found it waa not ao lubttantia)
aa it should have been and wai soon out j
of light bimieif. It wai then no jokang
matter, but ba held on lo tba gate nntil
email boat wat lent out to hi! rescue.
It it laid the engineer waa in tha water
for nine minutee; but be didn't tay to.
Next time be'll leave tha guard gate
alone and lean on the garden gate.
If the opening party given by the
Colombia Dancing Club la a criterion by,
which to jodite the remainder of tboea
which will be given during the winter,
there it any amount of enjoyment ahead
for tha membera of tha club. While
there ara teveuty memben, only about
forty couplea were present, which, how
ever, ia tofficlent number to make
dancing comfortable, and will perhapi
be about the average ol thoaa attending.
The club waa bappy in it! choice of a
hall, for although another ball miitht
be cozier and more easily decorated,
there il no flwr in town to easv tadance
oo, ai that of tbe Baldwin opera house,
having a spring which it lacking in
tbe other balls. Prof. Birgfeld and
Mist Schmidt fnrnlthed the music, wnicb
waa greatly ' appreciated, particularly
tbe lateit catchy lelectioni. There wai
a freedom and friendly atmosphere prev
alent which ll lore to make these parties
fill a vacancy which wai ao noticeable
latt winter, and all are expecting they
will be tbe tociety eventt of the season.
That Joyful reeling
With theexhilerating tense of renewed
health atjd strength and internal clean
liness, which follow! thanseof Syrup
of Fige, ii unknown to the few who bava
not progresred toyond the old-time
medicinal and the cheap inbstlluei
sometimes oflared but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy tha genuine.
Manufactured by tha California Fig
Syrnp Co.
Subteribe for Tba Chronicle.
that told heretofore at pricee ranging from $5.50 to
$3.50, and good valuea at that. We have decided to
run for the balance of tbia week at
Heady to D lha Vrj Beat Wark
Patronise It.
Previoui to tbe fire which deitroyed
the laundry building on First itreel, Mr.
Mac Alliiter had titled it np in tplendij
tbape aod had every appliance for a
first clast laundry. But bla labor cam
to ntught, and be wn compelled to be
gin anew, so put up building 36x100
feet on tbe corner of Third and Federal
streets. Yesterday tbe reporter visited
them at their new quarters, which arw
much superior to tbe former tne, front
tha fact that everything ii new and to
much better light ia obtained.
An office 12x20 and an assorting room
20x24 occupy the front of the building,
while the main work room ia 36x70.
This room hai every modern invention
for laundry purpose! and everything ia
in perfect thape. Here they employ a
large force of women and girlt nnder the
topervision of 3. W. Smith, of Chicago,
a thorough laondryman, who baa been
employed in one of the largest laundriea
in that city. Our laundry hat alwaya
been in need of just such a perron, and
at we watched him tuperviting every
detail, particularly the ironere, we felt
satisfied there woold in the future be
no complaint along tbat line.
It ll natural that people should expect
to have their' clothei brought horn
from tbe laundry in a aatitfactory con
dition, and if inch it not the case, to
tend tbem elsewhere. But there will
certainly be no reason for patronizing
such an institution outside of our city
now. All our own laundry aski n to bo
given a trial, and it feeli aatiafied ita
patrona will bare no causa for complaint.
Not alone should be considered tbat a
borne instituticn should receive onr
patronage,' bnt tbe fact that a large num
ber of our own people find employment
here thould ba an incentive to give it
bearty lupport.
Report or tbe Hoy rnklle Sekawla.
Tba following ii a report of tha Boyd
public schools, fot tha tint month be
ginning Sept. 19 and ending Oct. 13. '99:
Number of pupils enrolled: boys, 13;
girli, 24 ; total, 37. Average attendance
during month, 34. Average per cent of
deportment, 90. Popili musing no dart ;
Elmer Smith, Ethel Southern, Addi
Smith, Flora Baker, Harry Southern,
Grade Biker, Lorena Smith,' Berlba
Lower, Gertie Abnet, Iva Lower, Led ah
Covey, Effie Taylor, Roy Covey, Emily
Baker, Clarence Wing, Archie Darneille,
May Abnet and Edward Darneille.
Visitor! were : Mittet Dora Moore, Hat
tie Adamt, Erma Bolton, Nora Alcott,
Mr. George Willard and Matter Roy
Bell. 'Parent!, patroni and all frienda of
education are cordially invited lo visit
our tchool.
C. R. Dexms, Principal.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, it yon need
Dr. Kiog'a New Life PIUi. Thonsanda
ol tuflVreil have proved their matchleae
merit for SUk and Nervoui Headachei.
They mnkj pure blood and atrong
nervei and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Oaly 25 cent!.
Money bark II not tnred. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1'
Paint your house with paint! that arw
fully guaranteed to latt. Clatka A Falk
bava tbem.
Use Clarke A Falk'i quinine hair tonie
tq keep dandruff from the heal.