The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 21, 1899, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Advertising HatH.
Ftr m,-a
O i or lrs In !Hy II JO
O mr two ttu-tn snJ uti.K'r lour inch I
Orvr four liirlu Ait J uiulor lwcl. inches.. 7S Oselv. tui-hoe 40
Daily xn iriiLI
One Inch or less. ier inch ......
Over ou Inch snil ti;nlT lour Inches.
Ovvt (our Inches u4 uuvlor tweivw inches
Over tsrclva iucuea
r.1 v)
1 .
llirti lUe sheep klioulit bo replaced by
goat, which are to bo annually
skinned nil foi tunes made from the
sale of the hides. Ye gods'. Has
Mr. Wilson never icon a bunch of
goat at their favorite occupation of
balking trees and clearing out brush?
Further comment is superfluous.
Moio Leader.
WIKEl. ESS TF.l. El! H A I'll Y.
Experiments in wireless telegraphy
made durinji Hie international yacht
races appear to Justify some general
conclusions with regard to the use
fulness of this mode of electric com
munication. Marconi, who may be
considered the inventor of the prac
tical system thus far developed, has
himself directed the transmission of
dispatches between a steamer accom
panying the yachts at sea and a
station at one of the lighthouses on
shore, whence they were again trans
mitted to New Voik. It is conceded,
of course, tbit this aciial telegraphy
cannot, for various reasons, supplant
that by wires and cables; but the
fact that intelligent messages can be
thus transmitted at all, with reason
able directness and accuracy, is in
itself important.
Many circumstances may be Imag
ined under which this system wou'd
be valuable where wires or cables do
not exist, as between ships at sea or
between a ship off-shore and the land,
or where communication by wire or
cable has been interrupted. The
most obvious limitation of the system
la its present development is in the
lack of piivacy. A message seut
from one station might be picked up
at any cumber of other stations.
But it is quite conceivable that this
may be overcome by futuie inven
tion, the experiments already made
having already indicated to inventors
the directiou in which they ate to
The military uses of wireless teleg
raphy are somewhat problematical.
In the navy, as among the scattered
vessels i f a squadron on a cruise, its
adaptability appears less doubtful.
Thus far l.e inveution has not passed
the stage of curious experiments.
In communicating between points
that are or can be connected by a
metallic conductor, nothing is likely
to be gained from the Dew system.
Yet so rruch has been done with it
in so short a time that it would be
foolish to set a limit upon its ossiLle
corn and wheat nop. fur tho year
are so high that the surplus for ex
portation is likel) to Iw above the
average of the past Ave or six
seasons. There, will bo a shortage
in Kurope, which tho United States
will havo a chance to at least partial
ly supply. While tho American
grain producer will llnd a good
luaiket abroad this jei.r fir all his
slock which cannot bo sold nt home, ! night the entire nupitin ws r-
t.m aud (hsmlral Ku.lua.
Tlirre ar. a great many schemes in
I'll Palles which consist l smoke with
no lire behind them ; t ut wlmi th. lire
boe get out yuu may know them's a
bUj in sight ami they make things
lively. Ami thus it hat ivrti wild
the new tire aim iu system and chemical
outline iincstii ti. At the meeting last
the homo consumer will have food
which will not rango above the
One fact has been demonstrated
by tho yacht races sailed thus far.
Sir Thomas Liplon is a sportsman of j recent averago In price.
the highest order. From the first his
conduct has been admirable, and ifj
he returns a loser he sci'l at least!
have the salislactiou of carrying with
him tho respect of every American
cttizeu who has taken any interest in
the contest for the coveted cup.
lie showed he was a gentleman of
broad ideas when he issued his chsl
lenge. Lord I)unraven slnco 1
has always insisted that bis treatment
in America was such that no ltriton
could ever again attempt to bring
back the trophy, but Lipton was not
a man of circumscribed notions, and
ignoriug the petty diffeiences of the
past, he sent over to this country
the best type of yacht architecture
bis country has produced.
From, the day of his challenge
there has been no serious differences.
Condition were easily agreed to by
both challenger and challenged;
No better estimate of Aguinaldo
has been made than that of Presi
dent McKinlcy at Fargo. Aguinaldo,
ho said, demands iudeH,ndeuce as
tho price of peace, but on a former
occasion ho accerted a different price.
"Tho United Stales," the president
added, "pays no gold for peace. We
never gave a bribe for peace iu all
our history and never will."
ladtau Jo Andrews Lust flla llaad by
Itriakmg S ir Water.
there was no squabbling oyer details, ! .nowing
and during and since the races Sir
Thomas has acted so handsomely
that thete arc few who do not wish
that bis sturdy craft might win at
least two races out of the series.
There are few nautical enthusiasts
who will not say that Sir Totn is a
prince of yacht owners.
Like manv of his foolish white
brothers, one of the Indian, of w hom we
tpuke yesterday, allowed hit love for
tiro water to be the cause of his death,
and Joe Andrews not on a spree yester
day, which resulted literally in the lots
of his head.
lie came to the Chkomci.k (dire In
the afternoon selling ludisn baskets and
signs of being somewhat
"happy," we immediately tent him to
the neighbors. It teems that tie con
tinued drinking all afternoon, and at 0
'clock Indian Pete met him down on
First street and lie asked Pete to go
over to Howe's taloon and get a drink,
lie refuted, and told Joe t go home,
hut Joe taid h was going up to ti e
feet ed and tho Imanl authorise-! their
secretary, K. M. Wing.He, to alart nil
todai and collect the mm f
which had been tub.cril.ed, principally
by turning over the Inn per cent Intur
anee which will l laved hy the new
syateui. It it to he hod that the col
lector will have smooth tailing and the
project not he hindered by the failure of
aubscriher to fulfill their promises.
Correspondence has been carried on
with I'. 1. S. Olney, manager of the
Iward of underwriter, and the stipula
tions which are made to tecum the five
per cent reduction with the Art alarm
tytteiu and another five per cent on the
chemical engine, aie at follows:
A tytteiu of boxes or signal ttatlont
are to be put in, having direct electrical
connection with a laige bell that will
strike the number of the box, indicat
ing the locality of the fire, (Seven sta
tions, placed at points to be In. Healed
by their representative, will be estab
lished to protect properly located below
thebluir. Kit It Intended to protect
buildings located on the bluff the num
ber will have to he increased In accord
ance with the extent of the territory lo
be protected.
The chemical engine must lx) of a
make approved by them and consist of J
two fifty-gallon tanks or one too gallon j
tank, mounted on a vehicle. W believe
the lOU-galion tank has been decided
The reduction will apply lo all build
ings and their contents under the pro
tection of the tvttem, except dwelling,
and private ttables.
Some time tine the Columbia Ibue
or i UK
Second Eastern Oregon
Districl Agricultural Society
rMllllAi'ISil Tit K lOINTIKa or-
Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Crook and Umatilla,
Will. UK AT
On lt;o grtuniU of ttia Aiitil")- Fair AirlaUnnl cnmmer.ritirj
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1800, and continuing 3 days
A 1111: amount in Cash Premium for Agricultural, Stuck, and Merhanicil f
hil.iis. Wmk id Art ami fancy Work, ami for Trial f N'il
f l.tok) Cash given by the ttal (or Agricultural Fihihit.
A. K.
Dewey wliitt wnli? Yos, ami wash white. Yu rati
Havana thing waluil at tho Steam Laundry. Tho
Maine point is iualtty and tho
Merritt our work ia Mich that jMitU p)
Miles to patronize us. Uur prices are not
Hobson's choice, hut the utaiuhml rate, which are not
Cevera high as mmie people think, and wo want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Tlie Woodburn Independent is
responsible fur this story about the
hast ti.d here ome gambling m.t C(JMI,,.ny n,e application thai II.
going on among the Indiana, and tlarted .,, U riven that eomranv.
ami the board to recommended at taut
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phono 341.
op First street. At 10 :;D J. 11. Furlong,
nght yard muster. J impe.i on the c- ,lut,.', niretinu.
Our citiieu will ail fei-l a ali.factiou ,
that the matter has aatumed inch far- i
orabls proportii.nt, and tinrerely hope'
that no ditlicnlty will arUe to prevent
! it successful termination.
Kit llunUrrd Hollar. Hunii.
Wholon.Ho and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency lor tho Great e t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey,
WHISKEY from 7IS to H no wr gallon, (i lo IS rear olit.i " '
; Imported oogn ao t'"' .00 1 i2.ii per k.hoi,. ( 11 to :n yi."oi,i.:
1 4 to II cra r.ij.
hooe atep of a freight train I ich wat
coming in fro-n the West jit a it
reached the Watco warehouse, ami
banner tliat tbe econd i eaons car-j fUDd Joe on the step on the oppotite
ried to victory in the Philippines: I side, wheu he made him get off.
. . 1 1.0 -, l 1 . . . :
'Tue .Second tiicon regiment B-i i ' 'r'" w" com- (
was Id only one engagement, and " ' ,u l'"'!U' n',l i,t,;'J
J . . ' " "!" track, K. F. Mills, the brake-I
tbat not a serious one, at 1 asig. In . W)tu pi ,notWf Mm , ,ja),r Qn
the march tbrouuli bush and in other ;,lB lrMk .bout 100 yard above the, TIim tlllv. I'.irl ImilL A.t.irla ri
battles the emblem was cot taken as Watco aarehonte. Investigating they : ,r,tion Coinimnr at awar li .l liioO
i it was considered too much bother. ! '"""J ' 10 be "n Indian, whose bly ; , by the jury In the S'lfe'ior1 ' . , . ..,
: Yet when the flag ws. turned over to v.r,g -cm ,h. track wiU, hi. neck ( courc thl, , ng. M !.. were ffifA,? Zu "
I Governor Geer iu Portland it wa I 'J t.. east and hi. head about ,,o .u.H ten da,, in which to 01. a - - -
irent with bullet, Tattered and "! , Z'e o, Coroner IMtts. He . "'rT, V"T, L" JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and
j torn, It ;recnttd the nppearnncc of conler Oates ami an umlerlaker went up , j4J afternoon, and at U o'ciock in
ri.ln.itrinth.C... of IVle, Sie,e,.'5ALlr0BI,IA BRANDIFfi ..., ..V-f, .o . U. jer
having pone through a ten years
wr. While civilians beheld the
Stars aud Slripcs in shreds, through
tenr bedimmcd eves, and shuddered ! bj'lv of Joe Andrewt
at the terrible story w
and bronglit the body down and Ihit evening a verdict a. reached. The
morning an iniiest wa he. with the iria began Mouday morning aud occu- j
j following result: pie.l the alleutioii of the court for t w o j
In the matter ol tt.e u.itiet over the day,. The amount ak.-d f ir by the i
' piaintitf . The plaluliirin lit1
l).l'e t.'itv ami es-' C,"B alleged that I, is wile tok passage;
... . ! . . I 1 ..
Iil..i . ia e me jury snmnionro nv .,it
' : Ctatea, recorder ol
Referring to Secretary Wilson's
views as to the Northwest, ,ubli;hed I struck it.'
id the Oregoninn of Oct. 1 Jlh, it is
amazing wbnt a grasp of the situa
tion Mr. Wilson has taken during bis
the returned volunteer j;szi;d In tli.'to j.i-tieo of the peace, to Inquire i on lh steamer Inland Flyer for Wash
amszement at the Second Oregon's i tltul:: V ' . "'8
i iii . .i . . i ' Meu lo ami at that place, ami carneil
hat h id body, anil the te-tiun ny of the wit-i ,
ne-ii pro)iii-e. Ij.-lore its. ami alter ,u ""T"1'' i.o, auoui isnuj
careful consideration, libd I he folio ing I mile nlmve, anil put her athore ailh
l'ls: ! the unilemtaiiilinu that the ltalleCit
would stop aud pick her up. The ofl'i
Ih and sllctill)' wondcicd '"I
PVTTIS'J IT ll'illT.
The good ladies of the W. C. T. L".
That the nn.i.e of the deceaseil a as
Id lndritrl I htt I I m rjlis 111 i, ia lima I h
hi-tween the hour ol 10 p. m. Oct. I r' ' 1 h"1 Keamer did not do to, and
1 ti. and 3 o'clock a. in. Oct. '.'Dili,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail k-nds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot r n kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ai kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,
net all kind.
short visit, or perhaps wo ought to j eng(lgC( jn k rao5t worl,y work, j lHie.i' hy Iwing run acros the neck I y a lon ,he iHlatnl over night. They were
Mr., s.rver. ... compelled lo rem.m Headquarters for "BycTs' Best" Pendl8-
ssy it is amezmc the amount or
rubbish he has been jtuffed ith
during his trip to the wooly West.
Mr. Wilson, after a few weeks of
this atulliag process, knows more
about sheep-raising, cattle-raising,
lumbering and farming, than the
thousands of men who have spent
however hopelets the accomplish
ment of nil their objects may be,
though they cannot fully suc
ceed, nnd though the forces of
good and evil will continue to
battle for supremacy long after the
younsest of these1 devoted women
j has passed from earth, yet their work
j is not wholly in vain. Xo good, un-
work ever is alto-
Their proper sphere
their lives at these various occu pa.
: I r . it - - a . L -
.up. nr o. uie.. . c vu sclflsb, earnest
aheeri r.iier. with I hp mips! inn." WUt I
r 1 gelher id vain,
is the brst thing a
when he goes into a timber country?
He sets fire to the trees, clears the
land, and hopes thereby to secure a
more extensive grazing land."
Can the worst enemy of the sheep
.1 .. i . -. . i . : . : . . . . i . . .- !
uieii iil-ov luii luia 19 uvitri uuusense; ; , , , . . . . . .
J I better than those of today.
If the sheepmen were lo commit this j
folly, what would be left for their The Western Joumev undertaken
fl,ks 10 feed on during the summer?. IJV the ..resident nnd the cabinet Is
j , -
serving Dot so much lo awaken
ctr or cars, on tide track No. :i, near the
Wasco warehouse, while In Dalle. City,
Wasro comity, Uregor., in an Intoxi
cated condition and a far a. the jury can
aseertain, no blme can he attached to
anv one for said death except ifeceased.
bated at Daile. City, Oct. i'O. IMf.i.
I'ACf. K. pAt'l.aEK,
N. L. ilcoilta.
Ciia. A. rciiii.rx,
K. W. Wii.ho.v,
C. F. KTcriit,
J. II. Jacksox,
lall I'ubllc tchsolt.
- 1
Fnllnmlnir i the renort for the ntiar-
sueepman noes , of irjfl,lence lies c-lsiefljr with children ter :4 weeks) ending Oct. 13 V)
and youth, and no one can measure
the influence for good that they may
exert within that sphere. If the
children can be trained right, the
men and women of the future will be
Does Mr. Wilsoc imagine tLe black
ened earth would send forth another
growth of gras. and the burnt trees . KOVC Low wj(le ftwakc l((C ,rit
clothed with foliaijo
II. is it ever dawned j
patriotism in the region vi.-ited as to
flut III" l'rmain.
Mlsa Nan riamer... . 1 anil 7 .11 : is
Ml-s K.iKTtn 2U, .'ill anil III Us 3 I , ,l,a
!! ' 11 II 17
.-I (o ii a
M .VI r 7 S
.. s a, .'
loyalty to the fl-ig already is. Every
where that the president has spoken,
again lecome
tint summer ?
ur. u.m u.av encrp u me umocr , t,C j,a,t of lig wt)ith in,r,irc(J
just as much for slu.-le as pasture? . J(J warmesl entliusiisin was that
1'robably this t.ticmai. never saw j m.Lid) dccIsre(, ljis wtttxlUe ,.
a band of tbc cp hunt shade on one pof,c t(J wvvort ie fl:1J at any ccgt.
of our blazing August days. If At CLicRgo the sc-ntimcnt took this
did he never would say the sheep- ( form . ..Tu honor and integrity of
raiscr would wilfully destroy the , Uje flfl wLerevtr it Is cnrriccl by our
trees that give that shade. , nMim of M,,or on ,an,, 0f CJ) tcn.
Mr. Wilson then goes on to y J Xha phraseology va-ies, but the
that a hungry sheep will turn savage- j ,(Illirjl0rit is alwav, ,Lo tttw0 nml
lyandeatlhe young pine, a RtRtc' lhe ,,uipo,e , the same; and the rc
ircnt that every stotkmnn knows lo ' cri,,ion hy Uie (j( l))at sctlli.
..e siumiu lie pre-ncis ; mctjt nn(j dct.ufttton 0f
the utter ruin of the timber range, if ! likewise always the same.
the sheep are allowed to remain, but j .
as a pmacea for this evil Ruggestij All the estimates of the American
t niirt Nml,
Wl.s rxmthlt
Mls K l ''irr
Stlsa Martin
Miss It'll ri ...
.I'Viiy I'ari.
His. rtitrmmi .
Mi. M.K-ha
Ilifjf, Srhml.
Mrs IlsHwIn ...
Miss I Klhtiml
Mix T IllMt.iiil
. M. I)'tittrtmr:tt
Mlns Hill
Mr. Nirfl
... Il If, M
v It :h is r.
in ;n i- ii
. .. Ml. ' l.
..t ;.
. . 'Hi
. . hll
. ( II ;
1 'itiils
; I I
r,2 .vii ei
i w t. s
is :, o
i I
v. m; si 11
; ii .nit; ;
purpose is
Number of days of school, 'I'y,
F.nrol'.merjt first day "'id; first dav
'!!, (18').
Enrollment first week "JH, l.' l ; first
week 't9, rj'ifl.
Eiirollment first rpiarter ''Jl, 7 IS; first
quarter 7'Jl.
J. S. Lanokiin,
Kit i.iTin teri'l -nt.
Casu iu Soar c;
All conntv warrants ri"gisterrl prior
to Jan. 1, ISHi, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after hept. Hih,
W.). C. I I'im.i.iHs,
CVmntv Treasurer.
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artiel's bruiher.
taken off in a small Ixjst. The failure of
the Iratles Citv lo land and take off the
people was due to the strung wind blow
ing, a hh'h made it daugeicus to attempt
a landing.
The evidence Introduced by (h. in
tense showed that Mrs. Vogel was given
an opportunity to go ashore at Cape
Horn, but she refused. Telegram.
As far as we can learn the plaintiff
had no case whatever, anil no doubt
th. rase will be carried lo a higher
During the winter of IW Mr. James
Ited, on. of th. leading citiz.tns and
merchants of Clay, CUy Co., W. Va.,
struck his 'eg sgainst acaksof lee in
such a manner as to brui.e It severely.
It hecam. very much swollen and pained
him so badly that lie could riot walk
Id of clutches, lie was
treated by physicians, also Died several
kinds of liniment and two and half
gallons of whiskey in bathing it, hut
nothing gave any relief until he began
using Chamberlain's Tain Halm. This
brought almost a complete cure in a I
week's time and he lielicvea that had ha '
not used this reiupily his leg would have !
had to be amputated. I'aiu lUlin i. tin- j
tijiialed for .prains, brube. nnd rhr-u-
inatlmn. For sale by tilakeley V llnuh- '
ton Druggiats.
rir aala.
Five head good young horses, about
U'lKl pounds j halter broke; will be told j
reasonable. '
ootid 2 sk J. C. Mm.., i
Experience is Ihn bent Teacher. I'se
Acker's English Uemedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should It fail to
givo iiuruediatii relief money refunded.
eta. nnd .10 eta. I'.lakeley A Ilotightou
I)rnggiHts. 1
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at th.
Wasco warehouee. Finest kind of
thicken feed. Iiicl.lie-lf j
tOIl FlOUr '"ur manufactnreil eipresaly for fanillf
" use; eerv sack I guaranteed to give .atnlaclioe.
W sell onr goods lower than any house In th. trade, and II you don't trunk as
call and get cur prices aud be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wh?at. Barley and Oats
Crandallfi Barget
I)KA EF.Kfc IX l)eS(
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes
Funeral Supplies emblmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
mam rA ri iikm or
High-Grade Stock Saddles
and Shop-Mado Harness.
liK.M Kll I
Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually
kept in a first-class harneis shop.
MiNxly . Wsri-lioliMi,
Thl. Stamp Ounranta.
of Quality.