WEEKLY fllTifcf )X X wii ii a j ii n . . ii 3 VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY OCTOBER S3, 1899 NO. 4 BOERS REPULSED AT MAFEKING I ni Liss of Tbres Handrcd British M Eileen. BRITISH WON AT KIMBERLEY Trsnst.i.il Force Caaaut Advance low oi.l Pundcc Wlibout Coining in Contact With British Cat airy. I.oM"i, Oct. 17. special cl ! (ti-li from tape Town y 300 Ruer am! 18 British have Inn killed In lull al MavfrklDK. LoKt MkjI', Oct. 17. Kefo gret ho have Juat arrived her fioiu tht Trantvaal report hat th Huera have been rrpultcd at Mafeking, list a i n irn heavy lowet. Kiwiit.Hi.fr, Oct. 17. An armored train, while reconnollering near Spvt louteiu, engaged Hi Boert, killing flv and wounding vo. The British Lad B ) lue. From foletbargcom preilttent reiter ations nl ti rrHrt that the Boer! have attacked Maleklng, being t hi let repulsed ith heavy lotaea. StnalljRix hat broken out here among native from Johannet burg. Eight caart have been discovered. Ci Tjosi, Oct. 17. ft It reported here lliat Ilia Hoar had an engagement ilii another armored train from lihode lit. I.imhix, Oct. 17. Ilalatad dispatches frooi lh arena of action In South Africa throw liitlarrtwh light opon Ilia situa tion. Tlia Boon appear to be itrenglh enlng their position In Natal and biding their own time for attack. The Orange Free State burgheri are Urratmlng to invade Cape Colon by ay id Noralont and Allwalnoreh, txitli uf which are at their merer, If they artillery. Ho far at I known, theunlr British force italloned at Ai!- ii irtii la a delatchment of the Ifoyel l!erkMa regiment. . TxUy'a new from the wealerti border rr.lti. t, alleged heavy fighting at Mali-king io ordinary proportion!. Ti e earliest tentatlnnat itory originated in ikirmishet between tba armored train and email detachment! of toer, al though since then tnnch may hava bap pene.I to the little garrison. It It difll cuil to underttaod bow rtfiigeel arriving to l.orrnio Mariies have come into ot tessmn of newt of teriout lloer loteet at Mafeking. At the tame time, It matt be remem bered that inuch ntwt from the Tram vial It likely to come by way of Dela g bay, at moat other cbannela are trirtly censored. Situation at Duodce. I.i.v.nn, Natal, Oct. 17. Tie tlirratened attanlt opon Glencoe if be lieved to be a feint In the hope of weak cuing tht garrlton here and t not inf. the townt on the wettward. The Boen are retting, preparatory to completing their encircling movement for an attack Dunn. Dundee. They cantot advance inch farther without coming Into con-t-t with Ilritlah cavilry, who ic'reen lie poiittan. Neverthelenthe tllnallon I" inch that little fighting la ei peeled in the near future In thla lection apart m detoltory oat pott ikirmitliet. All (lie women and children have left Dun die. SHEEPMEN TO BE PROTECTED Interior Department Ha So Informed Congressman Jonea of Washing ton. l'sni rro. Or., Oct. 17. S. J. Cam eron, of North Yakima, one of the "eelthleit and heavleat handler of beep in the Northwett, I In Pendleton today and talked of the itatui of the ex clution of theep from the forett re wrvei. Mr. Cameron, ai a bnyer and ellerof iheep, travel throughout the country utoniively, and find that the Mniiiiient ! ..rate-tin. I. .,.,,...... i -Mwiiimvui III Oregon and Waihington in oppotilion to keeping the ,,,, (rom ,h guverniltIlt reserve. Mr. Cameron ti'iitei that Congress man Joiim, of Yakima, hat received a letter from Mr. Hitchcock, of the in terior department at Washington, In which the assurance it givtn that sheep, men III be protected from umli-iiirahle reitrutlont with reference to the forctt range grating. Mr. Hitchcock wrote tr. the eir.-ct that the department had been liililrironne.l at to the factt, learning later 01 tlie ininrenretentttllon. It ha.l Iwen the undrrttanding of the depart ment oliklait that the hevomen hail gone into the reaerve contrary to the provUlont of the dcpartuieut't ordert, and had rldilen rough thed over the command o( the tecretary. The Yakima aheepmen are well tatit. lied with the aoauranco given In the letter to CoiigreMinen Jonet, and have a committee at work Informing the de partment at to the factt In thecnte. Hospital Refused Indorsement. Wamiim.t.in, Oct. 17. lieneral ISeebe called upon hurgeon-tieneral Sternberg, al the war department, to urge the proposition of the Chamber of Com. merce, that the government erect a large army hoapital at Vanrmver har rickt. Sternlwrg waa urged mott ttr.ng ly to recommend the plan, but very Hat ty declined to do to. He eiplained that the preaent pott hotpital at Vancouver barrackt wat ahundanlly able for the preaent need. The general hoapltal at the 1'retidio, he eiplained, wat a new ttructure, mpplied with all modern appliaDcet, and at all returning tr.xipt, tn tick leave or other wine, panted through San Krr.Dcirco, there could lie no potalble necentity at preaent for the additional hoapllal fer vid at Vancouver larrackt. Kain in Morrow County. lUi'i'saa, Or., Oct. lrt.---Contiderable rain fell here yetterdav, and lart night, which will be of great benefit to farmer! and tlorkmeii, at il s 111 ttart tht grain and grata to growing. Sheep are coming out of the mountain! at fait ai men ran move them, dually they are allowed to remain in the moan tain until November 1 or later, hot the mow of lat week, which fell to a depth sd til to ten indict, hat canted an earlier removal. Kali and winter range i nn utually good. Coalminrrn Entombed. I'ottsvii 1 1, I'., Oct. 17. Shortly be fore 11 o'clock today an eplolon o mine gat occurred at the Sneiiandoa'., City colliery, by which '-'.! men were en tombed. Ten were reamed alive, but it it feared the othert are dead. The mine took fire, and i ii'iw burning fiercely. The colliery ia one of the largett in tlie district. ELECTRICITY CURES FOR PROOF, ASK STYNER. THE ELECTRIC DOCTOR. Kheomatlim, catarrh, heart failure, kidney trouble, and female trouble can be cured by electricity, and etirtd to . . . . T I - itay. For poaltive prool a yonr irienue and neighbor, who are nting my ajttem of treatment, what it i doing for them. It guarantee you will not timl one wno n dieiatilfled w.tll II. inoee wiiu luiit. from a nervont or chronic dlteate, and have tried medicine ) n enongh to know It remit, call and let me explain mv new method ol applying electricity ; It will not eoet yon one cent. I court yonr Invettlgation at Saturday, Oct. 21it i positively my latt d.iy In The Dalle. Klectrlcal dleae reading and advice free. Olllee hour from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., ami I io o p. hi. unnj. Stvuick tii Ki ai TRtt IKm'toh. Itnubl Train aervle te aa rrenelaee. On October 15th the Southern Pacific Co. will Inaugurate a "Daylight Kx prett," leaving Portland at 8:30 a. in., and reaching San Francltco at 7:45 next evening only ono night out. Hoth atandard Pullman and tourlat tleepe will be attached. Thl new train I iu .1.1, linn tn Die nretent 7 P. m. Sliaita Overland, and will give many paatenger IhedetlreU opportuniiy io the Great Willamette, 1'mpu.n and Sac- V.ll.ta althootlot cf time, reiiiiiiiit.' "-- and till arrive in Oakland and San Franclrco at a leaponabie hour. Chettcr II. Hrown, Kalamaxoo, Mich., tayi: "Kodol I'y'PT''' Cur" t',,ret, n,e of a tevere r of indig.'ttion ; can ilrongly recommend Ittoaildvupeptict." Digest! what you eat without aid from the ttomach, an 1 cure! d) apepiia. Ilutlcr Drug Co. Oneen Wictoiia Will Call Out the En tire Militia and Military Rrcsrre. ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND Action is Presumably Intended to Check III Will of Germans and Blacks Latter Arming .Now, intending to Participate in the Scriuimae. IiMioN, Oct. IS. In the home of common! today Flrtt Lord Treaiury and Government Leader Half ur brought in the following meioage from the 'ieen: "The atate of alfairt in Africa having constituted in the opinion of her majeaty a ease of emergency within the meaning of the act of parliament, her majesty doein it proper to provide additional meant for military aervice. She there fore thought it right to communicate to the houne thai her majesty la, by procla mation, about to order the embodiment ol the militia and to call out the military reserve force or inch part thereof at her majesty may think necetaary for per manent aervice." The calling out of the militia and military reeerve ha occasioned wide spread wonderment. Old atorie' of preparation against the continental com bination are revived. Il il freely rumored that the government Is deter mined to demonstrate to Europe that the ISritith army 1 not an unknown quantity. Both the attitude of Kurope and that of the native! of South Africa having something to do with the atti tude and the laviah display of force ie intended doubtlet not only to check the ill will apparent on both aide of the Hhine and beyond the Vistula, bnt el no to guard againtt the black peril. According to itatittica published thi rear, the militia, including the perma nent tUffand military reserve, number 132,4'J3. It ia not believed the militia are to be tent to South Africa. Pre inmably they will replenish thedenuded rtritith garrison town, and thua per mit the government to aend tn the Cape all regti'ar rendered necettary by de velopments in South Africa. LukKSo MabhI'xx, Oct. 18. A repre sentative of the Transvaal government hat arrived heie and I buying up all the provision obtainable. One hundred and tbiity person just released from the Parbenton jail, Trant vaal. have been pnt over the Portognete border. The Volksteln, the Boer official organ at Pretoria, give the following account of the occupation of the British cpmp at Kamathlahama, just north of Mafeking. The liritith camp at Kainalblabama ha been captured and lacked by Oeneral Cronje, alter severe fighting. "Many burgheri were killed or wonnded; the Brltith Ion it not known." The VoU tein addi that "Sueceti baa thut far everywhere attended the borghen," al though it admit! that in the varioui akirmithei near Mafeking and at other pointi the Boeri' cntnalliee number Diue 00 or 70 killed and wounded. The Attack on Mafeking. PnnroniA.Oct. 10. (Delayed In trani mision). Oeneral Cronje, after warn ing women and children to leave Mafe king, opened fire upon the town wilh cannon this atternoon. No response wai made. The report current at Delagoa bay that 0000 Boera have been repulsed at Newcastle, ia falte. PLANNED ATTACK ON MANILA For a Paltry ,5",ooo, He Will Abandon This Intention American Have Been Wondering Where the Ccn cral Was. Manila, Oct. 19. General Otia hai received mfsssaee purporting to come from the insurgent general. Piodel Pilar, offering to sell out and deliver bis army Into the hand of the American. Al- though he ii net latisHed that thii offer ii authentic, It It not Intrinaically Im probable. The policy of General Otii il firmly eel againtt buying any inr render. Pilar offer for tb mm of $50,000 to refrain from attacking Manila with hi army, for the sum of f2."j0,000 to lurrec der his army after a lhain battle, both lidei firing in the air, and for -'00,0(0 he tayi he will procure the overthrow of the iniurrectioo and capture of Agui- naldo, Paterno and other leaden. In the course of the communication he referi to Agulnaldi In contemptuous term-, indicating that strained relations exist between them. Report! are being received from district! occupi'd by the enemy which elate that Pilar has an audacious plin to break through the American line into Manila and seize General Oiii and the archhlahop. Poi ilbly ttiete rumora were started with the Idea of helping him to make a deal with the Americans. It it needles to lay the Americans would welcome an attack of this tort. Skirmish at San Mateo. Manila. Oct. 18. Patwin'i Maccabee tcouti encountered the enemy at San Mateo, near Aryat, at dawn today and attacked them on ihe front and flank, driving them out of the trenchet and dispersing them completely. Several Filipinos, including a captain and lieu tenant, were killed. A quantity of arms wai captured. The Maccabeei had one man killed. Trackwalker Robbed. Astokia, Or., Oct. 17. A trackwalker in the employ cf the Attoria & Columbia River railway waa held np by rubbers a short distance below Clifton, at an early honr this evening, and relieved of a gold watch, worth $125, and a contider able mm of money. Newt of the rob bery wai at once telegraphed to Superin tendent McGuire, in tbii city, who in formed Sheriff Untitle. The sheriff itarted with a potee of picked men in hot pnrtuit. A telegram wa received at Clifton ttatlng that the therifT would board the train at tome point between Astoria and Clifton, but inasmuch at be failed to do to, it II thought be hat t pot ted the trail of the thievee and will be nccetaful in running them to cover. A Night or Terror. "Awful anxiety wat felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machiaa, Me., when the doctor laid he could not live till morning," write! Mri. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she mott toon e from Pneumonia, but the begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, laying ilhad more than once Raved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three (mall dote the ilept easily all night, and it further use completely cured her." This tunrveloni medicine ii guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley A Houfhton'l drug itore . Chance for New Enterprise io Oregon. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 19. The Enquir er tayi: The publisher of a local trade paper has just received an inquiry from Smyrna, Turkey for ready-made frame hooaei or cottagea of two itoriee, with veranda on the first floor, shingle roof, either painted or not, complete in every detail, excepting the window panel. They most have from thiee to five room, not counting the servants' quar ters, and range In price from $200 to $1000 and upwards. They mini be ihipped "knocked down." From 1000 to 2000 houses a year will be ordered. riaTa ot. Dull Headache, Pains in various parti of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the stomach. Lots of appetite, Feveriiluiese, Pimple or Sore all positire evidence of impure blood. No matter how it became to it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker' Blood Elexir ha never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poison or any other blood diseases. It i certainly a wonderful remedy and we tell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley A Hough ton Druggist. On the 10th of December, 18'.i7. Rev. S. A Donahoe, pnator M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted a tevere cold whicn wa attended frbm the beginning by violent coughing. He tayi: "After resorting to a nn in tier of io called 'specifics,' usually kept In the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlaiu'i Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheer fully recommend it to the prt'ilic." For late by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. BAKONCr Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. SAGE TO CONGRESS No Doubt as to His Stand cn the Pbilii - Dine Qot!Li!. AS REGARDS OTHER ISSUES Expected to Be the Most Important Document of the Kind Since the Civil War. Wasiiingtok, Oct. 18. President Mc Kinley'i message to the next congress is expected to be Ibe most important docu ment of the kind lince the civil war. After the president'! Western trip, there can no loniter be any doubt aa to his in tentions regarding the Philippines, for it has been amply demonstrated that he will recommend that the islands become the permanent property of the United States, leaving their treatment to con gress, but asking that a policy be early outlined, in order to quench the Filipino hope that there will be a change in pub lic sentiment in the United States which will result in the domination of the anti- expansion element. The president hope to see marked ac tivity in the legislative branch of the government, ai well ai in the army, and will early take active steps to undermine the purposes of the anti-expaneioniets, undermine their cause, and force them to fall back npon silver aian issue. The president's sudden determination with regard to the Philippine ia very gratifying In adminis'ratiun circles, and has upset the common supposition that he wonld throw all the responsibility on congress. Aside from this Issue, the president will probably recommend that legisla tion be enacted which will provide for tome control of the trusts and combina tions. The establishment of a colonial department to control affairs pertaining to the new island possessions will also be recommended. While President McKinley has not been disappointed In public sentiment as he has found it during his tour, bis openness in advocAiing a permanent American lovereignty over the Philip pine! and tin hearty indorsement of the course by the people everywhere bat occasioned the anti-expansionists tome concern, not because they hoped for a different policy from him, bnt because they acknowledge him to bean accurate measurer of public sentiment when he get! among the people. Output of Olympia Oysters. Olvmi-ia, Wash., Oct. 18 At the close of September, the first oyster month of the year, the increase in that industry over that of the tame month of last year is most gratifying. The shipment! by the Northern Pacific ex press office alone amounted to an average of 75 lacks of shell oysters and 80 gallon! of opened a day. Theit. thlptr.ent went to all part! of Montana, Oregon and Eastern Washington. These oysters sell at $ 1 . SO a gallon for the opened oysters, and $.1.75 a sack for the oysters in shells. The total shipments for the month of September, 1H09, were: Shell oysters POWDER and clams, Gl.t'7) pounds; opened oys ters, 14,920 pounds. For the same month In 189S the shipment of shell oysters and clams were 35,040, and of opened oys ter?, 12.93d rounds. STARTED EXPEDl- j f0N TO TARLAC Reached Sao Isidro This Afternoon With Force of Three Thousand Men. Manila, Oct. 19. General Lawton and General Young are at Ararat with a force of nearly 3000 men. The gqn boats Florida and Oeste are preparing to move along the river to San Isidro, which will be held as a bats for opera tions to the north. Extensive prepar ation have been prozretiing for aeveral day and the expedition, whose objec tive point is Tarlac, is expected to Itart today. Snppliei will.be taken on ciecoea. General Liwton'i force consists of eight companies of the Twenty-fourth" infantry, onder Colonel Ke'lar; eight companies of the Twen'y-second in fantry, under Major Baldwin; nine troops of the Fourth cavalry, mounted, under Colonel Hayes; a mixed regiment consisting of one company of the Thirty seventh infantry, six gun?, comaianded by Captain Scott, one company of cav alry and Captain Balson's Maccabee tcouts. The Third cavalry it eqiipping at San Fcrnnndo to j in the expedition. Heavy rains, the rtret in weeks,'- began last night and Have continued steadily. Manila, Oct. 19. Evening Lawton is supposed to have reached San Isidro. No communion n hat b-en received from him, sin e he left Arayat this morning. Rain in Umatilla. Pendleton, Of., Oct. 19. Rins have prevailed throughout I hie county during the past 24 hours. The precipitation was quite heavy and the effect has been to improve the prospects for the crops in all parts. Need ol ran had been urgent, as the growing grain wat suffer ing badly, and the t?s on "11 Ibe win ter range was dry and not making the usual fall growth. Dust was ankle-deep on all the ountry roads, and sanitary condition! were tuch as to make rain desired. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his" winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of hit bead. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. ile says thii grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the b!ot, tones 0,i the ttomach, strengthen) the nerves, put vim, vigor and r.ew life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, lired or ailing, you n-ed it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, druciista. Dewey Accepts Hospitality. Washington, Oct. 19. Admiral Dew ey last night met a select committee of the municipality of Philadelphia, headed by Mayor Aihbridge, w ho tendered him the hospitality of Philadelphia during the latter i art of this month. Admiral Dewey r cc 'pt-M the invi'a ion, naming October 31 aa the d ue of the arrival, returning on the night of November 1.