THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18 1899. riurn toe. all know. baturd.) ' lUlly. R. W. McCork'o " in frora Tygh. Tboa. Balfour, of Lvl, s sot toUay In tha city. Miss Vonlah rattsrson came boiue on tha late train last night. N. J. Sinnott and Mra. J. S. Finn re turned last evening frotu i'orllanil. Pr. E. K. VUigu, who no reule in pokau, waa in I lie cilT yrstr-rday. Leon Rondeau, the wall known Tygh Eidite farmer, came in from hit place yee'enUjr. C, L. Pierce, a prominent resilient ol GoldenJale, registered at the I'tuatilla yesterday. J. H. Templeton and wife cam in Iroru Prineville yesterday on tneir way to 1'ortlauJ. lira. M. J. Marlin is in the city from Oakland, Call!., visiting ber daughter, Mr. J. B. Crosseo. Mr. and Mr. Ueo. P. Fell, of Pendle ton, passed down on No. 1 yesterday on their way to Portland. Mrs. J. L. Story came down from Union yeeterdav, and ia the gueat of ber daughter, Mr. Frank Cram. W. A. Murrhle and wife and Pavid Fa; ton and wife, of Wasco, returned last night Ironi a trip to Portland. Charles Heppner, who it attending bueinesj oilege in Portland, came np last night to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. Simeon Bolton left on the stage this morning bound for lioldemlale, where she will visit ber mother, Mrs. Oitrander. J. II. Swarta, who has been employed ia the freight depot for the past week, led last night to accept a petition as night operator in the O. K. & N. cilice at Pendleton. Mrs. J. Fred Kennison, a sister of Mrs. C. K. Miller, is in The Palles visiting ber sister. She came to take Barbara, Mrs. Miller's youngest daughter. to California, as the doctor has ordered a change of climate in order to benefit her health. Mondaj's Pally. K. Sigman, of Dufur, is in toe city. James Stewart is a Monkland visitor in the city. F. H. Button is op from Hood River doing business today. H. F. WooJcick came in from bis borne at Wamic yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Hobson are iu Fortlani attending the exposition. Charles Clarke spent yesterday in the city, returning today to Hood Kiver. W. P. Harding and wife were pasen fert for Portland this mjrning to attend the exposition. Joseph H. Edwards, a brother of Mrs. 3. Wbealdon, is here from Beutou county visiting his sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Van Puyn came in from Tvgh yesterday and left fur Portland on this afternoon's train. Mre. Geo. Mann, who has spent the ! past two months with her sister in Spo- j sane, returned nome tnis morning. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wheal Jon returned on the early morning train from Spo kane. Mrs. W. aiso visited in Walla WalU. Frank Bates, wbo has spent the great er part of the summer with his friend, H. L. Vorse, left this afternoon for Portland. A. 8. MacAliister went to Portland yesterday to meet Mrs. MacAliister, who it returning from a visit with relatives in Minnesota. II. W". Wells has j ist returned from a trip through Sherman county, buying sheep, ami left this afternoon left for tbe Washington side oil a similar trip. Mrs. P. P. Ketchum was it? I as a a itnees in the Seivers case and left this morning for Vancouver. She was accompanied by Miss Martha Whea'.d jn. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buschke are in the city from Kufus. They are on their wedding lour, and Mr. Buschke's many friends here are txuniing cjngratu iations. Judge Mays returned yesterday from Spokane, having settled his grand daohter, Gertrude Mays, at that place, where ah, ia now recivin treatment. Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is absolutely beyond the akill of the doctors. They may dose a patient lor years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never be rid of the disease ; on the other hand, his condition will jrrow ateadily worw, 8. H. 3. is the only cure for this terrible; affliction, because it ia the only remedy which (foea direct to the cause of the disease and forces) it from the system. I was afflicted with Blood poison, anrt the aaat doctors did me no aywHt. though I took their treatmeui faith fully. In tart, I seemed to ire worw all th. while. I t-H.k almost every so-ealled Mood remedy, but they did not seem to reaeh th. dis ease, and It ad no er7et whatever. I was dis heartened, for II aeemed that I would never lie cured. At the advlee of - ie ." a friend I then took - P.7 r a U inrl tu.n V " ' nnm I M.nMnu.H tl. snedlelne. and It en red me eomnletelr. teilld- injr up my health and Inereaflnir my apjietlte Although thlfl w . ten year ago. I hav nevar yet bad a alga of tb diaeaae to return. W. K Kewifi. Mtaunton, Va. ' It is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury ; besides totally destroying the digestion, they dry up the marrow In the ixmes, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of the Joints, causing the hair to fall out, and completely wrecking the system. Blood e.W.kf. The U guarantied Purely VetftabJo. and it U. .... I . k.l A I t I dangerous minerals. Hook on self-treatment sent free by . fcwift Hpecific Company, Atlanta, Ua. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EAN5E5 THE VSTEM r. EFFECTUALLY l UMU PERMANENTLY nt ICIAL tf" but THt tENviNt - Mm'r t ey roa wi st i . oauawr rnu m ru anru. Mr. Mays says it is prelty cold at Spokane now, though (here is as vet no snow. Between that place and Colfax, however, some snow was encountered. Mrs. II. V. French returned Saturday night from a visit with her mother in Portland. She was accompanied by Miss Jesnnette Williams, who returned home this afternoon. Jack McGrail arrived in thecilvSat urdav from the Grant cotintv mining district. He Is a half brother of K, J. liormsn and Mrs. T. J. Seofcrt, and will spend a few days with them. Zachary Taylor, of Antelope, came down from Spokane yesterday, having gone np to visit bis son who is ill there. Mr. Taylor c'oes not feel much encuitr a;el regarding bis condition, he being a victim of consumption. Tuesday Daily. C. II. Southern and a ife are in from l Bojd today. j J. W. Osborne and family came down yesterday from Arlington. Simeon Bolton left in this morning's boand ,or Goldendale. W. J. Harm, a prominent mining man from Spokane, is registered at the Umatilla. Mrs. H. F. Woodcock ami son, of Wamic, left on this aio-nin.'s boat fur Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Crawford, of Centervilie, left this morning for the metropolis. jiiss t,iara .Mcaeisen, who has Wen visiting in Portlaod, returned on I'alies C.ty last evening. tlie Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hill, of Drv Hollow, were passengers on the boat this morning bound for Portland. Mrs. Carrie Johnston, whose home is cow in Sau Francisco, came upon last night's traiu, and Is visiting friends here. Rev. G. Bathing returned home this morning, having been called to Garfield, Wash., on account of the illness and death of his brother. Elder and Mrs. YV. B. Clifton and Filler C. P. Bailey and wife left on this morning's boat to attend Ihe Baptist convention in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Coate anil Mr.' and Mrs. R. A. Byrkett came over from the Trout Like conn try yesterday aud are visitors in our cily today. Miss Nellie Mclnnis, who has spent a week in Portland, returned home lat night and has again resumed ber duties in ihe uflice of the Wasco Warehouse. II. Diiditenmuller came np from bis place at Mosier yesterday and Snt the day in town. He is always in g'id humor and ready for a joke, and his visits to our office are alwars welcome. Mrs. Leslie Butler, who came down from Skagway last Wednesday and has been visiting In Centralia and Portland, came np on last night's train and is the guest ol her son, I ruman. Mr. and Mrs. MacAliister arrived home on last night's train. Mrs. Mac Alliiter has heen aheent for three weeks visiting In Minnesota, where she savs they are having winter; hut not thev lone, for she encountered snow after he rearbed Oregon, and at Helena, M jot., they are neighing. Vaid McFarland anil wife were pas tengera on the Palles Cily last evening, returning to Portland todav. Yard is now in the drug business at Juneau, Alaska, and having had a eeijre of ty phoid fever, made the trip to Portland to recuperate. With his wife, he has spent ten dare at White Salmon ami came np lat evening to see his grand mother, Mrs. Eliza McFarland, and other relatives. (OR. At Salem, Monday, Oct. f:h, to Mr. and Mrs. B. F Meredith, a daughter. In thisritv. and Mrs. U. F Friday, Oct. 13th, to Mr. , Hylti n, of I.yle, a son. Cask la tear CBeeks. All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 181 It, will he paid at my office. Interest erase after Ser t. 14th, I W. C. U Phiuips, Cflnntv Treasurer. 'o"' 'olion will cure wind chapplnr n ' onburn. Mai uficur d by Clarks A Falk. MAHKICU. Once more the merry note of the wedding bell has chimed out in Pufur, oiling two from the lonely path of singleness to walk together in the un tried road of married life. The little bark was beautifully launch, ed on (Vt. 11, .lS'Vl, at 3 p. m. at the borne of the bride's pareuls, Key. O. V. White officiating. At the sound of a wedtHng march, Mr. Harry K. Richards and Miss Jetta Iuti Starr entered the parlor where the waiting guests were assembled. Amid a solemn silence the words were pronounced which declared them husband and wife. The congratu lations and words of advice were poiuted and many of them well worth remem bering. The bride was quite bewitching in a cream satin dress, prettily trimmed with chiffon. Among the wedding presents were two beantilul pictures, a set ol tableware and several valuable pieces of china and sil ver ware. The dining room door was then open. Tbe bride aud groom at the head of the table with their friends about them, were soon busily engaged in partaking of the bountiful supply of daintily served chicken, coffee, cake, Ice cream aud other eatables which loaded the table. Mr. Richards lias been a resident of Wasco countv the greater part of hie life and Is a young man of true moral worth. He is steadv industrious aud in all wars a man that any young niau may well pattern after. Miss Starr, who Is alio a resident of Vaco county, ia a talented young ladv of geuial wax a, loved by all in Pufur where she has spent'the'past six years. She was organist for four years In both the churches and ber musical talent ill be much missed in Pufur. I.Me in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Richards drove to their residence near Fairfield, where they will be glad lo re ceive their many friends and acquaint ances. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Starr, Mr. E. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Haworth, Mrs. J. M. Mann, Mrs. Ii. E. Hawortb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gulliford. Pr. and Mrs. G. C. Eihelman, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. White. A Fuifsn. Dua l, tlu( 'I'hoa. It is peculiar how many different ways there are that infectious diseases are nourished. Receiving contagion In let ters or by direct c immiimcation is a common occurrence, but it seems almost ridiculous that microbes ran be bred in telephones. Of yinrse the microbes are not traiifmilted through the wires, as, for instance, an individual afllicted with smallpox at one end of the 'phone could Inoculate a perfectly well friend at the other end. ihe process may be thus explained : The aperture through which man speaks when nin the wire is so i small that one's involuntary habit is to I fcet as close as pofsihle tothe instrument, and lo almost touch the lipj to tlie transmute-. Then, accrdi g to the d cterii, people who have throat and ii:ng diseases are likely to deposit their loan particnlar breed of microhes within Ihe delicate instrument, there to lie in a ait for whoever afterward, and to spread their noisome trile among healthy folks. It uin be eell that some consideration be given this matter by those who everlastingly bug the 'phone. At any rate, sanitation in 'phones would not be a bad thing. The meeting at the club parlors last night resulted in the dancing club being a sure go. To prove that it is to nut distancs any previous social move it was named "Columbia Punning Club." With over sixty members its prospects are certainly bright. The first parly will be given Thursday evening at the Baldwin, and two parties a month will follow, continuing until April, making a series of twelve dances. Prof. Birg fe!d and Mi;s Schmidt will furnish music, which assures those who attend satisfaction in that line. An executive committee, Onsistingof Mr. J. C. Hos teller, A. L. Gade end Grant Mays, will have cnarge of all bnsinets connected with the club. These parties will as sure lovers of dancing, who are so fortu nate as to belong, a good, time during the long winter months. The League of American Sportsmen will hold a meeting tonight In Si han no's hall, commencing a' 9 o'clock. Few understand the purpose of this oigsnintlon, which to os seems a worthy one and should receive the co operation ol all sportsmen. Its object is the protection of game and game fishes; the song, insectivorous and other inno cent birds, not classed as game birds. Its prune ol j-ot is to enforce game laws, and to foster in the minds of the people a love of nature and nature's works. It if opposed to excessive slaughter of game and flh nnder the name of sport. They pledge themselves to work for Ihe education of the public, and especially the boys, along the lines indicated. Ho we say an organization with such object in view is a good one In a community. Would there were more such. Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., ssyt: "Ko lol Dyspepsia Cure cored me of a fivers rae of Indigestion; can strongly recommend it to all dvspept Digests wh it yon eat without ai l from the stomsc'i, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Prog Co, MADE THEM DliUNK. Strange Story of the Origin of Whli ky Gap, Wyoming. Uelwwtw the Wales et Us PSI Created Tenable ! Bowie laws) There. One of the historic places In the vtat Is Whlaky Cup. Wyu. The old time dwellers of mountain and pluin, the men who "fought Indiana utitl hunted buffalo out wct" during the ocrlund truil ilnja of the etirly V.i:a, have ahruggid their shoulders with autlafuc tloti ut the meiitioii of Whisky linn for ncurly to jrnrs. This ia the place, ac cording to their belief, where real "tire vtuter" guahed up out of the rinks in a beautiful mountain spring to iiifiuh the thirat of a whole company of t'nclo Sam's trained Indian fightrra. "It was uothlng but pure spring water," they say. '.Y writable fountain of youth." Whisky r.ap received its name In Wi. during the building of the ucrlund stage route from Denver to Salt Lake City and the Pacific coast. It hnpciied lu this way: The people of lH'iixer had long been working lo se cure the regular overland at age nnite. then connt'i tiiig the cast ami weal. Iu Wi "lteti" llolliilay, a veteran stage man, became Ihe proprletorr.f the great overland line, and he Ufrrred upon a route running through Hcntrr to the west. He ilecided to dist'oiiliinie that part of the road running up Die .North Platte and the Sweetwater rler, anil across South Pass, W jo. '1 lie many In dian dimi-ultiea experienced on this route waa the inducement to abandon it. The niw trail led by way of Julea burg, t o!., to Denver, and on over Ihe established wagon road to Fort I. op ton and north acrosa the l.nrumie pluina, then due west through Bridge water Pass, Wyo., joining the old trail lending across the country to the Pa cific coast. The change waa made dur ing the summer of W- All Ihe rolling stock, horsea unil other property of the company were gathered at the sta tion Just above Detil'a (iute, in cent ral Wyoming. Company A of the Eleventh Ohio cat airy, with MnJ. O'Farrell in command, was the detailed escort at the time. During the first day the long train of con !ns, wagons, horses aud mules made 11 miles from the station where the property had been gathered. The route chosen was directly south from the Sweetwater river. The camp se lected waa in a gap iu the uiauntaina, where there was u line spring and plen ty of wood f'ir cooking purposes. Short ly after going Into camp the nmjor dis covered that quite a nuinlwr of I. in sol diers were intoxicated, nnd he nl once sent for f.ieut. W. if. Brown, who wua officer of the' day, and informed him of the condition of many of the men, and gave it na his opinion that some one was selling whisky In the rnmp. The command waa doing escort duty not only for stage, stock and stores, Imt also for a number of emigrants who hail availed themselves of the opportunity for safe conduct over the plains. I.ieut. Brown received orders to search all wagons, and if he should dia- cover whisky to destroy it. -Taking corporal and three or four men, he com mrnced the search for the contraband article, nud found at least n barrel of whisky in nn emigrant wngoti. 1 hi- of ficer ordered his men to roll the l.nrrcl out of the wagon, knock in the head and empty the contenta on the ground. This waa done, but It chanced thut the spot w here the whisky waa emptied wna jut uIkivc the spring, nud the fiery liipiid went pouring down Into Ihe wn- , saw v l.,,t wna poi.llf on nml tl.ey ruslo d forwnrd with t upa, rnnteens. I.u. ket. find ramp kettles to snve wlml t liey could of tlie coteted "spirits." Mnnv u limn stopped over the spr:ti(f and tlrniili I on Mar 1st; hla as Acting Rear AS almost witliout l.reiilliinif until he wna ' "ntral, tbs honors be reeeir.4 from CongTtaa, and drunk. A half hour later Ihe Intoxi cant wns showing Ita effect plettjr jrcn erally nrouml Ihe rntnp. and soon hut few soher men could he found. One sol dier who find succceeijed In getting n full ennteen from the sprinjr pnld his respects to Mnj. O Knrrell at the hend iuartcra tent, assuring his romtnand Injr ofTicer. with maudlin mein and many a "hie," that Hint wna the finest spring he find ever seen ami the very best water fie hnd ever tasted, Mnj. O'Fnrrell wna apprehending an attack from the fndinns I Imt flight, nud the condition of his men fairly dlahenrt ened him. He snw at a glance Hint even a small Imiul of anvnires nmM mnke a successful rnld on his rnmp; conse quently the aolier and less Intoxicated men were kept on the alert that nljfht. Fortunately no fndlntis put In an np iwnriince, ami by mornlriir the de bauched men had slept off their Intoxi cation. Thus the irnp In the mountnlns u the enmp wna mnde received Ihe mi me or v msKy l,p. Kor miiny years It wns the fnvorife cBrn,lnr plnce for the more credulous of t'.- old freighters nnd eml irranta of the "Irnll dnys." hut th, little spring wna never a "foiititnln of youth " as It hud iM-en in the l.l dnys, when fire wnter" (rushed up nut f th rocks Jo quench H.e. thirst of a company of I nlted States sohllers.-Chlcifro Times Ifernld. "I wish to eipress my thai, Its to tl manufacturers of Chsniberlain'a Colin, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the maiket such a wonder ful medicine," rays W, W. Mailngil. of lieaniiiont, Tcxas. There are many thousands of mothers nhose rhitdren have been saved from attacks ofdjsen tery ami cholera Infantum who must Is feel thankful. It Is lor sain by liluke.'ey A Houghton Druggists. Subscribe fur The Chronicle. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPEN3 IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1809. Horticultural and Auricaltnral Products of Oregon, Washington and Idaho In greater variety and pro lusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND AmorU's tireatesl lly turusl iMolL Tbs I'nriiualln! FLORENZ TROUPE t Anrt'ttsts, direei frora the Ktnplra Theater, Umitoii, their Orsl ai'i'earane m Aiuvrlca. A Ureal WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE t'uiur.aM'J Aeiiall.u. In lln Ir Hunting arts. ANDOTHER CHEAT ATTRACTIONS A Srason of I i real Surprises and Astounding Feats. Itsduevit Italas ua 1 raa portal loa AiisnniiiM t lilUlretl umh-r ! lenra. 10 ct lits DONT MISS IT! Admiral George Dewey vTUl raralra the avat royal waleoeaa OO Oet. 1st. cm it, that was svar aceontoit to an AaMficas aussn. Yoawtll flrsl a eomplata btngrapay of thai mat bsro, tncltalliif ala brtlUaiil vtolurr ovav the lah fleet In tlie great, aulborltaUva aa4 to- data work of ralaraoos, tba ' New Werner Edition of the V. Encyclopaedia Britannica This Is tha on!r IKTeloraMlla nn the market Uial losntlons A'lmlral Ilea tf. It (Ires lUa data ol bis Una; tow ha s(ant hla bortmol days; lha wrt ha took la tha Civil War; bow after the W ar ha was raiplorad on tha Kumiaan raUun; In the Kara! ' vnu. , ww 'l '-IL u. 1 WWIIII.H.r .W Prrlldrnt of th, B,MrtI ,,w,um Iy1 j tta eommao vt II,. AalatM a.inmi bow on April rih bs led Hong Kong with hla squadron, i tound rwl th. s,itiih Manila. how on March 2nd, ivt, bs waa created full Ad miral. It speaks of hluaa astrlcadlac1tllnanaa, an all around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and snrlallr a gd club man sod a renoral favorite. II tails of hla aaarrtac to Mia) Bus? Contain, a daiif hur ut lha "f!f htlnf gov. crnof"ofNtw llampihlrs, who dladta U7i, laav lug a sun, Uorf (iuulwia Ixw.r. a Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and snores of other noted p.rar,nv. not arsn msnUoned In anf other Encvelntmiia racalvs tha samsaUantkiaintblssiliUuaoftba Encyclopaedia BriUnnica I It speaks of (lenaral Wood aa Oovarnor offend, ago; of (ien.ral Henry as Uovernor-denaral el rorto Rlcoi of AgtUnaldo'S declaraUoa of War aalnat Uis C. R. TOU HEED TI1IS COIPLETE SDII1RT of human knowlsdiw and progreat, whsrsla ln maUon Is mnta aasllr found and aniiUred than In any other book or snejclopaOla la tha world, IN YOUR HOME, rot iau ii I. C. NICKELSEN, C. S. Smith, TDK ilp-to-dateQroeer Frssh Kggs ami Crcaiiifi'y lluttr specially. 2d Street. 'Phono 270. OeN Vl( SUMMONS. in nig nit niT tut nr or tn ... Charles t). I. ieiisn, .altitiir va llell'e. A. Menaiiil, leein1al, ...He..,. A II,..-,,,, .. d4t(n4 III (lie Nam. nf the Nl.te i.f iirr,. Vim si. Iierel.jr ii.mimi t ..-, ., , Ih. e.ini.lalut Iu Ih. al.v. i,ii,,l , i. u wnii nr UI.....1, anks Ii., in il , .i"!'"."" Ilrsl I Ilealli.ll ..( Ih, ,,, ", " " U lay nl hcnleinU.r, ism, ami u y,, , "'" k" I ...r anil au.a.r i.r ,, ,, ""''" I'll .III I, I, ,, ', ' " I... In In. e.,i.,i,.i herein, V, I i' ,"!"4 U.nil. i.l una. el.oi J . iUm l.l.lntltl ami '. l. i, ,l. u illw.1,,,1 f J""" " iii.l i.ui.uirrii.,. j,iB,., M4l " ;; ..! i.Hier an.! huilier rviiel .. t,, 1 , .e.,11,l.. Ihl. .limn,. .n. . ,ul,il.he. ,y,.t. ., onler m..le .11.1 Ik., !,, W I ' JllilS.ol III. sink, .litlllnl r.,,,,1 i,. i ," ..I . .l-t,ilT i, i, t,i, U,. .," "t - I". hen -me, a ... ,,V. l"'0 'r,T' lliau sUciliseeiillv. week. 1 ' '" "", j Alt.i,e, f, l-1-...aaar. NOriCK FOR Pl'lll.ICATlDN IssDOrro s at 1ms n, IS. II. name,! miller ba. rlll nolle, nl ,B'.1.", Iu m.k. nual j.n-1 In iiH..,t ,,( ,,, rl , thai will a III h. n,.jr , , ami KeeWier at 1h. .allr.,iu., ,,, s.m,a.7 i li, ill. ".wsr, l.aa. . Havlaad. of TK. Iall.., ., II mr.ia rmir Nn aim. tor n .,. k-u lie III. I.ill.iwe( w,r.M ,irm hlsniiolaiiiai. miil.ui uMin si.. I riiiu,.u, ul ul.l lanrt, ,1a " t Ii tll., J W. Jefrv. Kr h..,. , i m4 , w J,,bn.i..ii. all of 1 1, Ii.ii.., in.,. " i' J a v r i.i . a,, u,,itaT Executory Notice. Nollr Ii hrrrbr Urn !! ttr itn-lrefalr, llM ulf nMlr1 ,r th h.-nifiUl, i s'uitir i out t of lit mi tiMit.iti, (or u rsmnty, mm vi't..f nf itt ris(v ,( th.tJ UmIkIH, sirrwmaMl. All arrDtt bt irar rim mt MKMlital mIi r-ll mrm Umt I r tMUfi.i ., att ---ut th -.n. . ritriy vff,nxl. t.. f.flirw 111 .'(sllvk lit. trti-s, NMttlli u m.iM linin tti ilniasi f ti.t ni'iirt. l-tst.i tlit Ml. .lay uf Jul, rlASk tlrVfU r rrrtiinr of lh nu:i ,4 ii.riK- j f.if),i. Administrator's Notice. hmm larvil iltilv t It Iral bv Itias lt,,n i ....b. I iHirt it! (lis lit Htaitf H Ortfnii, i.r W Mni rviuitly. lininiatrs.itir ol tti rtlr.f Aiii ij-h AtllM, t-a.-l All t111" havliif r It, rut fai.tist Mill rll rat hrrty Uilnw 1st trrartt thr mmtn o(wf if vrflflrwl to ttir at lls ttrm 4 lllf ssttistlM iMiftir r llsfr, tSu tig tiiltlti (rum thrlt of tlua iHitn-i I'tlUtllll la t UfrBiM, Itiur , S I' A. .Idll n, Ailinltilwlratiif uf ()) ICU( of Atllh AgtOitta. lllaa)-j. ) J NOTICK KOK rCltl.UWTIuN. Orwu at ViUMintg. w ..H .1 twts-U-r 1 I N'oli- U hrTfbT ytrrn fhal It.c MI'W.t:f fiajmol M-tllr Um Olll It.sU.vof him Hill U'il to make final t-fitf t mn ltf hi rUlin, aiil Ilinlail pfs.f will 1st- nU rUm Hi Hrffl-tcr aiitl tr-wltrr'f I H t 1 i riir- t Vtmsiirr, W Mwliliiglolt, uO 1 iicvl y , Nutrai- l-rr a'll, !!, U. Jomf i htawbarllw. M K No O.-.-m, fr lha hmit of ti.-r'ar, iiialr ai1 v half of aonU,i qutitrf, Mr. . 1 I , H l.'ru-l, H ii )l nauo Iha folotM ltnrai i t - ynrm in fi'Mliuuotia mitlvlM Uf'! "'I ruitoa tua ol Ml (I land, U ' 1 !aiii M H hltrtsinli, Jainra Wntgain, ftM II. Hmuh ml ttiHiairt ct a)l ( I t to. r. I. Vi.-tnugloo. H W SHAH, M .l-lrf. NOTICK FOR l l llI.ICATMX. I. sun lrr. itTsi Ii i . h.t. II 'n r-ntlre I. hrrihr ftvsn thai ll l.,u.l, n.inr.1 m. I leff has Sltil Uiillr. i.f M. li,lrli.hH l.i make Hit. I (in ' III tl.tMrt ft. hi rl.lin. n4 til. I i'll p rmu Ill Im II..U. tir.t,.. .. . oa'alvr nrl let-tler sl 1 lie liallv., tlreaoli, cxi tuiilsj, tieo la r .'I. 1-v u Al.saarl.r t aa.s. alia. Hall... Or. II. E. Ko Mill, fur Ih. si, st1, and K..-. S, and M' h t 't eee s, I I .. i H. . at Ii I, M. II. n.mea It, Mloa!t:f altli.'se. le srrra lil. 1 fill 11, ii. .ii. resl.leucv U.ll ami ruait.lMa nl .no I- oil. vlt J II II. II. J., nr. II.II. W llll. m V...lla',4R. f. Irkli.lll. all 1,1 1 I.r .II . 1 111 (,11 efillJ I J A V J'. I I An. Iml.ler NOTICK OF FINAL rKTlI.KMKST. Kotle.l. berehr sl'en that Ihe lit ,1'iHll"' hu Hl.4sllh Ii erlelS ol Hue. t, r..arl Ihe stale i. lira.ii, li-r Wane 1. ..i-l. his final aeeiitinl aa ailinltil.lrati.r ul lh iul. ol Ji.titl Oral. t, dm, Mil, .I II Ih.l h " 1.1 rmirl ms! .11 ih. I iih d l ! " IM, sl. 1,1.,. Il.e sill il.T t.l Smmlri. lni. sl Ih. hi Ul 1 I i .. i ll. Il p til. . he, 11 l" IHn. and H.e e lililv curl n m In l .lea IKV Ih . Im th. healll.s ' "' III,.. . i-..i,nl J . f l'IK Aitmlnl.llaler ol Jehu '"'. eaxil I"!"1 " Executor's Notice Kntlc. flveil Ihsl Ihe amlettlris t,a. U-en avp.lll.ed I.r '"er Ihe e. ,,l,l r. ' nt I I.r lal.i.1 11 ir Sl emu, 1 1 f Ihe .Ill ol M.rv lulls. 1,ee.Ml. ft.i ii'. r ..I we la.lalll and I1.1.11,. nt ol s.1.1 M.'r "J er.-.l. All Frs.,n. having el.lm. ss.lnsi ssm r.lalr ale b.rel.f ni.tllll l In .ie. l.l ll.- l" Ihe .r,.hrr vi.uekeis In at Ihe nltlre ..I IHiril Ingli.n a W llaon, 1 h, alllilasls ni. nlhs Ihe dale ol Ihl. ni.llra. fated Oetu. 'J- , . MAIIpr,. Cre-t IS tt hl.TUlla'. Executor's Notice. All nrrv.n. harms elalms aslnl 'h'V"l'J "I Kllsla.!!! Ann tale., dreraw.1. ""7 n..tlii-d to pirwnt lha same, pnifwrlr '", al the l.Rle. I Ihe lllirl.islsi d, Ihe rtiu "J l.rfnledelerlltiiri.l salil rstnle, sl I'11 .J. iii..,ii, allhlnsli in. .1,11,1 Ironi Ih.ilsle .a i" l, i.l II, Is m.tlee. liale.1 Ilia l.'tU dsj nl '""'"l'j "f(, K, Oet II II ' """' 2T45"60LDJLAIi5 Sssaso aal an.l ""''.' JTm. .u.s..wi. V',. . s ml."""' ' r -IZmm ..I,. - . , , n.,.i ii i'"'1'' "'; hrinrlli. fl "".'.VVs , ui i rsi. s. W aii'l ai.ra . i..a'- J Don'l bs Oscslrs Bf ..irr M a.aa- w ,h ,ii. " r. ... IV St. tt t. aa. Ik. .k a. Mil ,",V.'..l"t OUH I2.4M WATCH JT:-' n I f t Mls-ru fesx-ispf. -9 W.lw rrstta . ,.i BEARS, ROEBUCK CO. ( lnc.).CMcM I'liysiciiin and Surirt'iN MKiclal altentl.m tl lo sureiy. Room. 21 aud ii, T.l. J Vot " 1 I . (A F ' M' A1 Ve ' i.l 1 Vi. Millartl, ! "-vs - a- i . triet. Iim Anisni ii, wrr-nl. 4i"i ! ttt