The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 14, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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- " I
rtUl'LI (OV At-I. KNOW.
Wednesday thole.
Alt Allen cium i Irom rrinevill on
this morning' rt.
Wm. Bmne. ol lirand Palle. visited
th city yesterday.
Jailk' Joh, Fulton, ol Bis, was
vyisitor in the city yesterday.
W. II. Shrutn and Hay McTimuiont
cam in Irom tirade yesterday.
Mn. Emm. Barrett t in the city
from 0kland yUitinj her mother sud
u..,iu in town veterdy were
Jmaie Walker. C. A. Mt'kee and Ssuuel
vi. .n.t Mr.. t4eo. W. Johntuin came
Dufur todsv. returning! thi
Mrs. E. W. Banker cm op from
Portland Saturday on viil to her eon.
Clarence Bunker. nf Hnrner. snent today
with friends in the city and will leave
oa No 1 lor i'orllaud.
Dan Kobert, having spent eome time
at hit home near thia city, will leave
thit evening for Spokane.
Mr. and Mn. C. W. Dietael returned
last night from a visit to Portland,
where they took in the exposition.
Mr. J. W. Current, who baa been
Tinting in Portland, resumed last night
nd left thi morning for her home in
Mies Myrtle Nelson ha been visiting
friends in Independence, and came up
frm Portland last niirtit. leaving this
morning for her home in Goldendale.
F. S. Gordon, one of the live business
men of Wamic, w in The D.llei
yesterday. Contrary to his usual cus
turn, he failed to rav this office a visit.
Mr. A. P. Freeman, of Vancouver, B.
C, arrived in the city yesterday and is
visiting her father, T. A. Van Xorden,
alto her brother and sieter, rreitau
Xoiden and Mrs. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Plutnnier are
pending a few days in The IUIles. on
their wv from Portland to their home
in Missoula. Mrs. I'lummer was former
ly Miss May Kowlaud of this city.
James Elton, a former member of
Coropanv I., has decided to fit himself
fnr litVs'battiea and leaves thi after
noon to take op his studies in the collese
at Pullman. He will pro&aoiy lane up
electrical engineering.
Mrs. Mary Brittain, who has spent
more than a year and a half iu 'e
vrk- a,.1 ol her Katern state, letutned
to The Dalles thi moruinsf. fhowilll
spend a short time here and probably
make her home in California.
Thursday s Dally
Wm. Csntrell is in from Dufur.
M. P. Isenberf.-cf Hood River, i in
the city.
Mre. E. Teabody came in from Dufur
Mr. Geo. Miller left on this morning's
boat for Portland.
W. H. Srnm.of Grade, returned from
Portland on the afiernoju train yester
day. Kobt. Greer, one of Antelope' promi
nent men, i a business visitor to ttie
Mr. C. N. Thornbnry has returned to
Portland alter several weeks visit with
ber daughters.
Mr. E. fc. Joslyn, of Colorado Springs,
is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. b. L,.
Brooks ior a few days.
Walter Reavis left on the delaye
train this morning bound for Baker
City, where lie expect to remain.
Geo. A. Young returned from Portland
on yesterday' slternoon train and left
thi morning for his borne at Ridgeway.
Ernest Cobleigh, brother of Mrs. II.
8. Wilon, started lust night for Pull
man, where he w ill enter the agricultural
Mrs. L. E. Bailey, of New York, who
has been delivering lectures in the
Prineviile country, came in vesterday
cod went over to C nterville today.
C. Lirsen and family, J. X. Jensen
nd family ami Anna Anderson came
down Irom Bickeltou yesterday, and
Mil rtiKbard I'lisnmsrea rds
Thais annpalt.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
cleanses the System
but ve teNviHt - MaH'r o
raasauaitircwafcirou ruaptu.
left on the boat thi morning for Port
E'gin Parrott, a former resident of The
Dalles, but now of Ooldendale. is in the
city lodav on his way from Portland,
where he has been spending short
Hon. Robt. May will leave this even-
inl lor tpoane, .mere) n- "-,.
Doctors Can't
Cure It! .
Contagious blood poison is absolutely
beyond the skill of the doctors. They
nay doae patient for years on their
mercurial and potash remedies, but he
will never be rid of the disease; on the
other hand, his condition will (frow
teadily worse. B. . S. is the only pure
for thi terrible affliction, because it is
the only remedy which goes direct to
the cause of the disease and forces it
from the system.
I was afflicted with Blood Poison, and th
doctors did mm no a-'!, thooicn tons
thrlr trmlmnii r a 1 1 n
fully. In fart, I seemeii
to irl worse all lb
while. I " almost
every so-ealJed Mood
remedy, bu t thfry did not
aeern to reaeli the dis
ease, and had no f f?--i
vhilnrr. 1 was dls-h-rtnd.
for It xmM
that t would nrrrr l
eurcd. At the all- nf
t, rt'- " nmw. I continued thr
aedlHn. and It nrM m eompl-tly. bnlld
tn up my health and ln-ralnK my apitlt
AUhfiunh this w len yea's airo. I have nrf
vet had a slgu of the diacaae to rent rn .
htaunt4n. Vs.
It Is like self-destruction to continue
to take notaah and mercury; besides
totally destroying the digi'xtion, they
dry up the marrow in the Ixmes, pro
ducing a stiffness and swelling of the
Joint, canning the hair to full out, and
eomplef-ly wrecking the system.
a.- J . . k l
company his grand daughter. Miss
irnde Mays, wtio will ue unuer ir. niu
erland's cure.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Keioay, C. L. Gil
bert and Mrs. R. II. Guthrie will leave
on the sfterrooti train f r Portland to
attend the exposition. Mr. Kelsaywill
attend court whllo there.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mnrchie. who
are now residents of North Yakima,
arrived in the city y sierday and will
spend a few days with Mr. Murrhie's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I ", Sylvester.
Mrs. O. C. Stevens, who has been
making her home at Ivme Rock, ar
rived in the city lft evening on a visit.
Mrs. Stevens ha been away from the
citv year, the longest absence einct
Miaa Anna Siuhlinir returned 1at
n-aht from P.rtland. where she finished
the commercial courte St the Holme
Business Collnre. She will continue
her vocal lessons, going down every two
Hon. M. A. was a passenger ,
on the delaved No. 3 this morning, re-
turning from Portland, where he went j
to attend tue meeting oi me . nimni "
Commerce in the interest o( the forttl
reserve question.
Friday s Dally
M. F. Roberts, of Mitchell, is in the
W. C. Aliaway and son, Delaain.l
went down to Portland todav.
Mies M. Thomas and Miss N. Watkln
of Wasco, spent today in our city.
Mrs.W. C. Yoran and rl.l:d and Mrs.
F. N. Wintler are in the city from
J. F. Moore has spent the greater por
tion of the week attending cirt-Jit court
in Eugene.
Mrs. T. J. Seu'ert, who has spent
few days in Portland, relumed on the
late train last night.
Recorder Gates was smong the Dalles
iteswho left this morning to attend the
exposition in Portland.
Frank Davenport and wife came up
from Hood River last uight ami were
visitors in town today.
Mrs. H. Glenn and daughter. Misses
Hattie and (trace, returned last night a visit to Portland.
Mis Maude Clarke, of the Ciibonici.e,
went down on the Flyer this morning to
attend the exposition in Purtland.
Miss Maggie Glaxe, of Prineviile, who
hs been visiting In this citv, left this
morning for short stay in Purtland.
Bernie Selleck is In from Id home
near Bovd. He says they have had
snow in his vicinity, and heavy frost
lor week past.
Hon. J. S. Williamson, who has spent
week past in. Portland, tetnrned t?
tniscity last night and left for his home
in Prineviile this morning.
Mrs. Geo. I.iebe nd Miss Valesra
Liebe were passenger on the Flyer thia
morn ng bound for the metropolis,
where ttiey aid visit friends.
Rkv. and Mrs. D. V. Poling returned
this morning from their visit In Walla
Walla, so that Mr. Poling will oo npv
his pulpit at the Congregational chnrch
B. F. Langley and wife snd B. F.
Langley, Jr., and wile, accompanied by
The stockmen ol Oregon will have the
support of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce In their effort to hold the
Cascade forest reserve for grsimg pur
poses. Support was pledged at a meet
ingot the trustees Tuesday morning. A
committee of the Oregon Wo ilgrowers'
Association, headed by J. N. Willlmnrjii
of Prineviile, conferred with the trustees
nd convinced thorn that lu the
reserve would not bo Injurious to tree
life, would not decrease the water sup
ply, and that the danger of Ore resulting
from the uasturage of loc in me re
serve I too mall to be considered.
Other member of the committee were :
Geo. A. Yoang, olTh Dalle, president
of the Oregon Woolgrower' Ast elation ;
A. A. Bonney, of Tygh alley; D. i
c..nh and Jiidce Robert May, of The
Dalle: Fx Governor Z F. Moody, Hon
John Minto, of Salem ; State Dairy Com
...!..!., J. W. Bailev and Dr. Jame
Withvcombe, of th Oregon Agricultural
college, attended at the requeet ol the
association. Trustees ol the ctiamtier
of Commerce present were ; Geo. Taylor,
Jr., win presided; Henry Mann, K
Llvinirston and Geo. Lawrence.
No order excluding tockuien from the
Cascade reset re has been Issued. Stock
i,lnr lawn ordered out of the
Rainier reserve. In Washington, it is be
lieved tlistt an older closing the Cascade
will not be long In forthcoming
For this reason Oregun woolgrowers de
cided to begin campaign against li e
fl i I.e. order, rather than one
for the revocation of the order after it
hsd been Issued.
In his speech before the meeting Mr.
Mlnto said :
"About :WO,000 sheep are summered
on the eastern slope of the Cascade
mountains near the desert. That desert
is inhabitable only because of the range
facilities afforded to the Inhabitants.
The eastern slope ot the lascaues is
more valuable for grazing than lor tim
ber. It is valueless, so (ar as limber is
concerned. The timber there is not
merchantable. The American forestry
Association demand the reservation
and withdrawal from sale of all lands
containing timber. The state ol Oregon
ha 5-per-cnt interest In the sale ol
.ii land sold within her
border. If the American Forestry As
sociation wins Its point on the with
drawal ol the timber lands in thi state
Irom sale, where is Oregon going to gel
its 5-uer-cenl? Would not such with
drawal be violation of the compact be
tween the L'nited State and the state ol
Oregon? I think the United States
should give this land to Oregon, to be
rented or leased or old, In order that
the state msy get the Income from it to
which it is entitled. Oregonlan.
It is very gratifying to our sheep men
to feel that they have the co operation
of such body of men as those of the
Chamber of Commerce of the metrop
The Tlel.aHwd.a ws
Iran "P
Inalya Seeks lleiaratl
VV ronx.
.n fur I'aat
for Rlnnrl
i guaranteed Purely Vegetable, nnd I
the only blood remedy froe from tli
dangerous mineral.
Book on lf-tr'tm;nt sent free by
. if fc Sjecilic Conipnny, Atlanta, U.
Mis Alma .lone, arrived in The Dille
from Wall Walla yesterdsy. Mr Lang
ley hss ieen freight solicitor for the
f.reat Northern, hot will now go Into
hn.ineaa in The Dalle. H i t ll ll IS (a 111
ily he will occupy the house hich will
w on be vacated by Dr. Doane. Many
of our citizen are arriiainted wilh Mr.
Ijing'ey and re glad to welcoin i him
and hi lamily residenl of our city.
In thi city, Monday, 0t. 8'h. to
Mr. and Mr. Jas. Ree. daughter;
weight eight pound.
Ue Clsrke A Falk' Ho;afoui for the
Concerning gentleman ell known
i, er and who is now visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Brooks, the Hood River San says
"Hon. E. S. Juslyn, of Colorado
Springs, Colo., has be.-n visiting this
section ol the world foi the past week.
Mr. Joslyn is the pioneer settler ol
White Salmon, having moved there in
the spring of 1853. In the fall of l
the idiotic meddling of set of military
dougt. heads with the resident Indians
of the Klickitat tribe, wrought them np
to such s pitch of hostility that Mr. Jos
lyn was obliged to move hi family to
safer quarters. Early In the spring of
lH-'-O the savage burned hi home ai d
building, ud after the Cascade mass,
ere the government took possession of
his farm, nsing it for three years as
reservation, and almost completely de
stroying what the Indians bad left. In
addition to the loss of his improvements
thelndisns killed or drove off his live
stock, so that on bis return at the end
of the government occupancy of his farm,
Mr. Joslyn found absolutely nothing left
except couple of log bouses built for
tha nse of the aueocv. Not only lias
the government relnsed to make good
his damage done by Its dusky wards,
but has also refused to reimburse him
for the time they nsed bis farm for s
'"For over forty years Mr. Joslyn bs
urged the Justice of claims upon congress
without avail snd now when all other
plans bsve failed he proposes to invoke
tin strong srin ol the law. During the
par, few years he has watched with In
dignation the thousand of robber pen
sion claims that, having been refused
recognition by the (tension bureau, were
rushed through congress, while the
righteou claim oi tusu who dared to
trust himself far beyond the pale ol
civilization I thrust aside. Alter en
during all the danger end privation ol
pioneer life he cancot obtsin paltry
rental of bis home that the government
took from him by force.
"Mr. Joslyn Is well preserved man
of 74 years of ge ami ha host ol
friend who wish him every inrcess In
hi endeavor to obtain justice.
Claike A Kslk have full and com
plete of house, cerrUge, wsg'-n and
bsin paints manufactured by Jsmcs E.
Patton.of Milwaukee, Wlicotisin.
The approuch of the straw hat season
encourage t rnvis wi'.".i"' -
following observations:
No one know who wears
lrnw hat In striiw hat tune. J
niaii, and If he tloeau I ''
that he ww other men went ing straw
Lots before he bought olio he I prob
ably King. But pprovhuat. 'y. a kuiI
June i the average vitiren II ml him
self removing his old leu nut
garding the imiateneo and durkeucd
Kind therein with little fnvof.
A few ilnxa later he stalKs persplrlng
ly and desperately Into hat store,
where he is pleased to note that several
other men are smirking at tluir relleo
tioua lu the glass from beneulh nice,
Uiko new alrsvv hats.
The smiling suleaman dives deep Into
a cylinditcul box and producea apoi
leaa straw hat, which he acts gently
mwiii ilia riifttoiuer s head.
To be more exact, he seta It u;on the
customer a car. nu ne rvicwun. -tnge
Another dive into another cylindrical
box bring to light hnt of smaller call
U r, which rmli insanely Un the ens
tumrr's crniilum and vnuaea Is 1 sis locust
a rvlUclion in the piergluasosuf a prat
tling inf. i nt In trousers.
Finding thut through the mnglc In
fluence f st ni vv hutsul diver kinds he
rckciublt a u Methodist divine, llnrlcm
sort. tJrtsver Cleveland usul a l.reess
River pirate, he select u hat by i
rather llinu sty le.
He reasons, of course, that man never
look his lust In a hot. The new hut Is
still und gummy as to touch; it grip
his temple usid poaaesie air spaces
fore nnd aft that a New York Sunday
imiier could not till.
In forcing It down to make it ru, me
brim thereof acquires thnt patlietic
tlroop vvhieb characterizes the Salvation
Army bonnet, and hi foreliend tne pc-
culiur finikh of Misaoui I corncob.
Hut he hns Uiught a atrnw hat.
He enlovs uudikputed pusarsaion of
his new hut for severul blm-k. when It
is disputed by a sudden gnat i f wind.
In on Instunt he la lumU-rlng after an
elusive straw hat, which rolls and
bounds hilariously before him on Its
ktitT nrw brim.
Finally n newsboy Jump iikhi It with
both muddy feet and restores it, a bat
tered wreck, to its indignant owner,
who carefully wipes the s:iud into its
rough surface and smoothes out the
battered brim, which greatly resembles
n circular saw after an encounter with
a rafting spike
It I no lunger a new hat, no longer a
thing of beauty, the envy of his ac
quaintances. From a well-dreaard man he hss de
generated Into simply mon In a straw
After few weeks' use, and with
hnzy Idea of the probable result, he
takes it to a done-whlle-you wait reno
vating establishment.
It la returned to him three siiea
smaller and of a Iwauliful ecru tint.
And when the poosrflrah hreee
make an overcoat a necessity, and con
ventionality protests bitterly against
the use of a straw hat In conjunction
with the same, the hat Is cast Into tho
old-clothes closet.
There it rnnuin, caricature of It
former self, to be, given to the four
when it shall have become cold enough
for the p'Mir properly to appreciate It.
Chicago Record.
II . I
. , IVnver. H.
. iMiisiia, Knh
... uy, el. I""'
I hlctKu snd kl-
e-'k nil
9 ' u. IU
f. to.
Walla Walla. ".ksn
Uoou'aiHill. "I. I'alll
tulh. klllaaukea.i
t IUi''i and r.aki.
rsi'U t'lmtttsn.
t)c.i Hteain.lila.
rur San riaiielMe
Jaruaiv li,
and every li days
Hint ral tor.
S p. m.
I lis sa
IN THK I Hil l ir Ilil'Nf or TIIH hTiT.
1 ol iir..i, lot th. com, lv .. ..,,,, '
llalllel A. Hill. Ml, IMalliliir,
William II II Mim ii. ...,.i.M.
aJ!: ".m -m " " '" -m
lu (lie .Von of lliv Slatei.l lirea-.r, v
h. t. l.y liollll.wlloU a,. a an, o,.'".1! "
,iilllll is,i,rl on or l ..r. Ih. M,"''I
l ululc ol II, la .u.iiiii. m... lolt oil , ji
Itien and llietw to an.w... II... .''
""" II..., aMMOi.l ...
h ti s. at
tp. ss.
if. m
Cs huuday rolumUa Hv. Si rattier. Ii.uuu.j
to Aeroala and Way,
Hattintaf I 1jiiiJII...
10 p. m. !
(a.m. i WiLUSini Rivsa ,Wps. uir. Newiars;. ks susulaf
I i.ui way lud s..
Tin-., t liur.
and ral.
S p l
,v.. . ami Van
mii i. kivsaa. klun . w ail
llteaoii Illy. t'afcJ,: audril.
aud W a) landings. atillllisl .nil. aiHl II ,i,u
ati.wer sal. I l-oiiipiallil, ..
I. in I., ,
I Ika
lu llw
I I. ii. nil in R .iy in .al.l is. ii, i,,, o
l.tatd lot In bvr I.. . . . T ,t",S
enw ol the al.oiaetilltu-d n.,ur ( (lt
a...l .l.i.llllln. l.e I.....I. ..I
and heretolo eal.tlna laitwe. T
ilvlelldanl, Mild fr all alauihita ilai ree,.! .1..
Itom Jim, Ilie aald ilWoitlinl
1 hi. .iinitiioita I. served tiM.n v.mi I,, mh,i.h
Ion III. i,. . I by or.ler ol II.. l,.M w ( L"
Ha. )n.l nf tha ah.,a eiilllml lot
tader lMMt. dal, iff III Jti.l day ul Is-L.t.- tLj
s k
Ii m.
Tue.. I loir,
and sal.
r Klttla
Win .! Mil ss. 4ipm.
'orliand lo oivmIII.. Ilie . I lull
and Way laiidln i aud Sat.
auddlfw-talliatsaldeuiitHinii. be .etved uJI!
Ill said dijeadanl by l.ulilli .11.,,, .
r., .. .. II,. aeeka In 'l I.. I..O-. . .. - 7." "
islly ti.Mia-r ol .m..i.i riti
ll.lud III 1l llallr.. WaM-o l..uiil,, iil,.,av
said luiblli sllon In le-alii uu ll. ,,R B" "l
nJ.r, aud aud oil the Imi, ' 2
N now bar, law. '
I'I'M'K A MIM'.rig
el7 II Al..iii). l ri.iidit.
t'. S. I.aan Crru s, al Tm Ii.h (., .
IM-T..SRM ., WA) 'I
Nnllea la her, It given Ii. a ,.aiaa.
Iiatne.1 seltlef ha. nirt imtn e i to, Intriitiua w
inak filial In sul-.t nl hi. rlaim, .14
thai aald .fNil will be n.a.1e 1 l..r h. Hr.,,
and Heeelirf al 1 h t'allea, Orrgnn, imi katar.
day, Snvambef It, lw, Ij.
Malklaa Thlel, f Waaler, n,(.a.
Holneatead rnlrv Kn TITV, f,.r the sV , s7
V, W and sW , m.u.mi , Wamt,.
j ll-.tlll. talige l. e-l. VV VI p
II liwlnea lb billow Ilia IIim. In pfi.ia .u
e, realdelie ua.u and iiiUnaiiua
aid land, v la
l haa. siller of Miatlrr, lh..n I'.n Ttnmiay
lletlitan .t.ilictsaii and r.nat ytkeltirk j
1 ho I'aUsa, lllelnit.
JAY V. I fl'AS.
oetT II k...tef
Kim Ktvsa.
KI)Hitia to Ual.too-
I lirl
a i.tS
I al lie;.l.lier
I lis liallra al
l-anlrs ileafltif In 1 t" lleppl er .h.lld
la.e No 4. Irlli Hi lialli-a at V m
eia.ll.a tllrei-l e..iirell..l.. al ii.t't-ner j ..w .."
Kent ml us niavlrs.llraiii.i.u,'t.
Iiiin allh No. I. aitlli. al
l I.'. ! in
Nil -'. Ihn.iirhl freight. wl tsmnd, d."-a liol
.arry i-.-en.:.. anlvea i M a. ui.. depatla
4 4) a nt.
No Ji. I fielghl, eatllea pa.el'ger
boilll.l atrlle.4 P III . d. parts I . III.
No. :l,e.t le iilni ll.o.nah lolghl, i. "
rarry .a(-lg-ta. arrnea a U p l . d aitu
t 1 in.
No. ...I, e.l ls.lind l.-al ftelghl. e.ttlea a
ariigft., art l r. 1 lj p. In . UeiU 8 V a. w.
For full parllrulale rail on t). K. S. !. '
aint lh pallea. or aiMtea.
Cell I' as. Agl.. I nrllaud, I f.
lnilusiiiiil Exiiosilioo
shirt-waist parties
A rroniabU Comblaallaa of Soalal
mmd Ussneatlc Kmployaitsl tor
Ih Home.
Shirt-waist parties ere the latest en
tcrtoininent. It is a very pretty way
to pass an afternoon with one'a girl
friends. And one boa no Idea how
mony of these necessary adjuncts of
the summer outfit one cuu turn otT
in several of these afternoons together
C hatting, the needle Hies, and if one of
the iririst has a machine she "runs" the
hardest Hurts of the waists for the
Of lourae, each girl brings her own
work bag, which may be of sosne dainty
silk, drawn Into a pouch and slung
over her arm. They look so much like
otx ra bags that no one would suspect
they continued emeries, needle cases,
scissors, thread and even patterns.
The hostess generally furniahea the
sewinir circle with strawberries ami
The waists ore made very simply, and
all are cut from tha anme putlern, tin
less there be those who can originate
bit In thi way, and then there ore
endless possibilities for expression of
nice iileiiM, Jiihots. fancy yokes, lace
Insertions nnd iipp!iiiie of true lov
ers' knots or lleur-tle-li. In ribbon and
embroidery, can be adopted.
Kncli girl nt the shirt-waist party Is
asked to bring a color to match the
confectionery of the day, nnd nil pink
prevails ona afternoon, blue another.
green another, and so on. Cincinnati
Itnubls Train Sarelra to Naa Prsaclaen
On October loth the Southern Pacific
Co. will Inin. urate, a "Dsylight Kl
press," feaving Port'and at 8::id a. in
nd reselling San r rat.cisfo st 7 :" next
evening only one night oaf. Both
standard Tollman snd t urlsl sleeper
will be attached. This new train Is In
addition to the prerent 7 p. m. Shasta
Overland, and will give many pssengers
the detiied ni poi (unity to see enronte
the (,test Willamette, Umpqua snd Sac
rsmento alleys witl.ontloss (.1 tune
and still arrive in Oakland snd Ktn
Frsncito st sesaonsble hour.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. MantiNtclurtd by Clsrke
4 Falk.
LaMb Oirli S T 1 H i,i I i .aiiina i
Sr'li'ii.lM'l 1 i. l.,
Nolle la hrrebv given ttie. tiloalb.
flaunt M-tllet haa h Ir I n.Ue l I. Intenlkai fc
make Sual pr-f In um-"I"' lo. aid
that a Id pfnof wl.l I- ins.. U I'.o. lb Nuwy
and f'eiiryf st I ha l-all.-a, Hog -n, i le4J,
Noiuber 1, I'W. 111.: It, sleeker, ml Ik. Hall... Or,
,.iiir.lrad rntry N.v V I, '..r tl.r
and art1. Nl seetloll ;., loan.:, I; 1 k.u,
ran.- I I .l. . M
ll.tialiiee III fntlnallig MitlrM s. prr
lit. e.niiltium. re.iiletM ii -u. , i.l ruilo an.
..I said land. l
Samuel I fright. .n, John K I Slllltu
KaMs..n aud t haf.i. tlaasnit. ail . ( Ik
eeptJJ II
i tv l' tri m.
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Mic!tiiral and Apita.
Pristncts of Oregon, Washlnirton and
l.lalio Ii ereater variety ami pro
(usiori llian ever tn-lor.
Aniarh a l.teati-al ll)T t otnel Kololat.
The I'm quailed
ArrotMits, illte.-! (mm the Km idr Thealer,
tt.ilon, their nrst al.M-aratira m Amnlea.
NoriCK FOU ri f.l.lCATION.
I inn tirrus at tus ti 1 1. ot'i
i t, ii i-
Nolle la lu rel.v (lu ll u . Inis.a tg
nam-.t aettler ha. Il'ld .1 hi. Iiil.l.l.
I . uiaks l.lial J.""'1 " "! I" " "' ' ' rMm "
tttat .Oil t'f.s.l Mil le me.r l.l'lf II . II.Mt
and rvrl'r al 1 he Iialle, ir. g. .it. nti sals-ilai,
turlola r JI. I-". n
Alesasder !., th llallea. Or.
II V hn s4, l-.r th si, l ami r', "',
se.- V. and NS' Nl sw . 1 1,
W V4.
II name Ih loll" 'i g alii"
hi. eontlnuou. resldefi'- u(-'ti
ill mii I -lot. via .....
I K Hall, Jamra Hall. Willi. m VI 4 I
r W let ham . all of 1 he 1 "...
se,tl.l II
le seiej
.d ruill.le
JAV fill VS. Kejld
A orral
t'n.Uflaiased Artlall.t., In their thrllllilf acts.
A Peas'm ol Ores I Knrprises sml
Astounding Feat.
Kadared Hate
aa All
NtlflCK OF
K..ile la hefehf sUen that ni.el4.
,l...n.i.lralrla of the ealale ..I lr
hafl. deteaMvl. Iiaa fllrl I." i "-i
n Her rtMlllll -Ufl. .d Ilie .l.teid otega.
..f W asro pouoll . and ll.r ennii e,e---
11... Ida r Ilie . Ih dav ol l..f . "
nl lo url.a k a an., at ll.e cut. l ei nfl is
llallea t HV. I'tegou. aa Ih lin e .lid s ee
ll.e hearing and .elllrmenl tli. fe.1 All V"'
lulerealed in said ealale. le ho,.h, re.,a teta
ariaf al said tin. and Mar. ai4 si-?1
:' .. ..... i.-.. i.. nul S:mI ar
t.jrellon., II 4'i? ..
onnl ttr anr of the Hem. th.n-f.
Pallcal ltjr,lr . s-.l ' 1-',.,
KMII.V lie. I I KIMS'"'.
..BII r...-
NoncKoK us l f-nrn.KyKST.
Nnlll-e ! herrhr glien Itial I
admllil'lialor ol thee-late ..I
r.aa.-d, haa IU en nia a. .......
Bieot ol aald ratata and
ol Nnreifile-r. I-"', al h'
I .aid da haa la-ell art
ft I Ikff 4r
Snai II- " '
, , . Iii th' l"resu
t . .11. tl.Jart "
eouuir Judge ol Wawr-iiiii)
tug id w-i'llon. lo Ilie n.e
I .an d e,iieiu iMr
a).!.-; ii
I r.
tnig m, ls I
xoticf: OF FINAL
Voile, la hreh alret. thai Ih "'Tj
tnerlrfg nl '
for -
haa ll.e.1 a I III
Ih "late id Otrg.ui
final a-e. I sa a.l.n "r . . ,mr,
john I. rant. dere-l. and thai mW
said roiirt I
l--ai, ali.iula.
the htMir
llni. mil llifeiiiiiii- i -..ilnn.s"
aa lh .lat lor "" ' ' K, 0i,n,
una. aeeiein, - .
AdnilillalTMlnr ot r.siai
,t mail, on I-"" ,' "LT
l.,. III. ..ih da; nl YjiTiT-J
Ofjn.l.-Sp ''"'''"."w,
I the eonm, eouft f.. e I"
Executor's Notice.
tS Caala
I hlldren under 12 Hears, lOmnta
LOST vuun
Curei Impotency, Night F.mlsalon and
wasting UIhcubcs, all effect of self-
ahuse, or execs and lnai
crctlon. A nerve tonic nml
IiIimmI btilldcr. Urine the
pink clow topalecliecksani"
restore tlie fire of youth
Hy tnall BOc per lox; Uixrs
lor 'at.r(U; tvlth a written KiiirBii
W to euro or relsiml the money.
Clinton A Jackaon St, CHICAGO, ILL.
Hold hy Hlskeley A Houghton, The
Ialle, Oregon.
ha. been S,.r-Hn"rt rX.'llrl '
of ll.e alale of lltegofl for " "'"
Hi. will ul Mary Hills, rter-aed.
I... - Ill and le.lMinnlll ol -l'l 1,1
!ed. All le-fsou. - lb, w'
al ar. hetel.f nollhe.1 so V'T ' ,,,
. , vouehers I""'"' ' . allkl""'
lion Al vll-m. me
ligion - - - .
asonlha irom ineuaie.-.
Dated Oeto: el luth. I" . MtSt'M.
I let it ll
.... . .l..n thai th. SH" I
none ia nerr,., a e..ualt "''
VI ar Sr-
, acel'iei i
Exeoutor's Notice.
All neraoiis hsTtli eiaim. -"
of Mlale-lll Ann I alee, . t,ne
lod- -h! .';. . ,4 l
litecHl. wllhinan "' ,""n
tuihlleallon ol Ihl iee. ,
lall Ilia IJIh d. ol ," " ' :,;,'H l.'
' l.irml"
(let II II -
tielrx tlio team. Save wenr nnd
expense. Nilil every wiicre.
Mat. a SV
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you et .
Itartl flclH- digests the food .
tructln(r tlm ',ial ,!verl'1
Snt and tonic. No or hi , r
can approach It In M
stantly relieve and V1
I ysp,psl., I ntlltfeMtlon lie
Kft .Hence, Hmir W0Amr
111 ... I.e man 1 1 I'f I nin,,f j?:
all other result
Preoora vy a
I'.uller Drm Co