r The Weekly Chronicle. Tllfc II 4 ILK, . . DHIIlim OKKH'UL FAI'KH or WAW.'II COUh TV 'n.fuiW IN (wo ir, vn H'ritiirWuyi ami .VMuruuva. SJt'JIrMKIrTlUN ItATKe. HiiL, rimtai runm, in imimi. On' r"' II M) (III mtmt'iB Tuitw nnmilit ftu AJvitrtiktm rat reaauiiabla, aui mvl known It application. A,Mi.a all rommiiiilrall.itu to "Til IT I'll HON I.K, I li I'alloa, uti..u. LOCAL IIKKVITIKH. Weiliirailar pally, Tim Congregational young ladies, ,t iaihelr cuotoiu, will give a llalloaeen entertainment on ihervening ul tlic :iu h at Baldwin. I'aiieri have been made out for the collection o road lux, ami will U terved If not paid il ii ring th week. Pay up an I avoid Iruulila. (hat. Miller, who wat formerly pat aenger conductor on (ha (). It. A N., It now giving the high ilgm allli Ilia night err in Ilia terminal yar.ll at Spokane. Tlie report that all work hat t een dit cmitimied on the l.yle-l'old'-iidale road aerim lo be correct. Uy toppling work the company forlelti all title to the right nf way. Agricultural. The I'mallUe lfoilaa bowling allev.l wl.hh hnvealwayi lrn tuch a favorite resort during Ilia rool wealher, weia opened lliia morning and in a few dayt b lera w III he rollln' 'nil hi(h. Tin ('iihomii li wat a little previous in announcing that the Inland Filer .nil. I Ix-yln lirr regular ri:n toiler. She will make tier Aral III i FliJay, detailt coicrnlng l U'li a 111 be given tomorrow. An rtchtnge tavi tint a man who fi'cn on hit tiuaineaa wilhuut advcrtit inK ia like a man winking at a pretty gill through a pair ol gren g ggln he mav know what he la doing I nl no one t Ne thiea, W. II. Butts, the wide-awake rral eeta'n man, hat changed tlie h ration of hii i Hire, and la now with Mr. T. A. Ilol-oi, whera tie will he pirated to meet hie many patront. When J on wtnt nirty at your own price don't (o ft to ronault "Dad." h -r. li. Iio.hlrg, of the Christian eli'.r.h, received a telegram thla mom i n K trom hit aieter who real. Ira at liar fle d, Wash , lellingjof the sellout lll- neea nl liia brother at that place. Mr. Itneli i iiat will leave on thif evening'! train f ir dai field lo tie at hla hedfide. Mr. S trail Clevenger, of (iranta Pass, president of the Keliekali Assembly fur Oregon, a ill airlva In the rllr on t i nigtit'a train. Tomorrow evening alia ill I the guest of Aialea lodge, and earh iiiriutier should make an extra elfirt to he In attendance, and enjoy, at well at rrreive benefit from her vir it. Tu victims of over-Indulgence in the firrr li.pild now saw wood, for the rily, ham g failed to pay their d.iea of t" each. J. V Cram Met was arretted yet. h-r lay a'ternonn, and K. Straight laet night. Slra'ght la the iheep'ieidrr w ho lot hit wardtuha wl lie drunk a Unit a ar.i since. At that time he o.-intiid the iliiiiking habit and hatn't been able lo keep Straight ainre. We hear much (aid about the affinity of tl.e f. male persuasion for a tiiimir and are led In Indirva that the "etr.il grr " have no idea what they are med l"r. A glanca Into I'arklnt' hartier thnp iorx 1 1, new mirror raati hat lieen put in ni ovrrthrow that Idee, (.' lo thoae whi' li already rri'opled a place there, lie ha a hied nine new onea. An I yrl nien hae no ute for the article. It ia ettimated the pack of aalinon on 1'iig't eonnd t Itia leaton will he bTO.000 " Ihia ia the largetl in the liittory of the fiaheriee, the record fur laet year li'iiu -ItM.'.tX) ratea, valued at H.IHW.S H) On tl,n ,a,a (l( t,s pricet thit year Dm value of the) pack coinee np to t-', lot, VIM). Thlt doe not Indole a It'iie m-iiiiit of aalt and froten flail Inch have len dealt In heavily Hut eaa.iii. Veaterday morning about 0 o'clock, at one of tha llarrlman brothera, wlioea name we did not learn, but w hoee place 'on Dry Hollow near 8-Mile, waa com ii'Knp from 8 Mil to tha 5 Mile hill ilh a (oiir horre load of wheat, hit It-adera broke looae from tha wagon and '""over the hill Juwn toward fl-Mlle. leaching the road oppotite Hyer'a barn, ' of them fi ll and Injured himtelf to tbat ha died aliortly alterwar I. leaded b'auia ra routing from raeh direction, "'I for a time there wat what might be termed, a "wheat blorkade" In that i'inity, eitwin, however, mattert were dpiateil and the prtceation moved on. 'f. llMrriinan began to think that nilt 'oriiino never cornea a nglv, for not long "re he pnld $100 for a ti am and con o'l'Tcd that he had a good bargain. A '' aceki ago one of ttiem collided with lurhed a ita fence and killed lilmti'lf J'"' now hit mule baa t :lT.'red a like fnte. Thtl radar. Innilard faihiona for Ncvember now rea.ly at IV mo A Maya. November itandaid fatlilona at Pc-ate n Monday Oct. Kith the round trip P"ltlon rata via the ateamert of the H'gulator Mne will ba $MX). V. C. Allaaay gen'l agt. A change hat bean made In the cap- THE b " w w .a 1, XO77 " I". A. ,N. line. Cantaln Allien l.klng tha Dallet City and Capl. Short tha Ki gulato,. ( ,,!. Whitcomh hat charge ol the Flyer. Yetlerday Ilea lin t, thlpped rlghteen carloa.lt f .u,, wlIt.,, u,n t'nght of I). 1'. Ketchun, over the C. II. to St. I'aul. T.flav tlx teen car ioada mora will be .hipped. Judge W. I Itradthaw, who hat held Iheolllce of pielale In the graml lodge K.ol l'.,hat t een elected grand vlcechan. tellor by the lodge which hat jnet uiet in Portland. J. I Kennedy, of Portland, it grand chnncellur. ild the iikit on the Kiickitntt thit morning miike ion feel cold? Never mind y-t a al.ile; we have had no froBt yi, Hot even tulllciint to dentn.v the liio.t tender vegetation. The llrat froU In P inland wn rerrted yetlerday. Among the paatengert on thlt morn Ing't delayed train a at Mrt. Cletenger, f lirantt Patt, preaident of the l!ehi kali ' Attembly for ttregon. She it the guect of Mr, and Mif l.yle, and will meet; with At ilea lodge thit evening. It It deilred that all mei-:Urt be pieaent to' meet the dhtinguiahed vitltor. I The lint tleaiiiahlp ol the Portland Manila line will leave Manila abcut November 1. The fieight rate helaeen ! Portland and Manila will be about 1 the tame at the rate between I'aeitlc coatt iKjinit and lloiu Komr. Thla meant 'a raving of the charget iM'twren llong Koiia- and Manila, and in aildiiion ' a raving of much valuable lime. The preacher who can preach to pleaee i ever hearer, the lawyer who ran ieak to plee every liatener, the mercltant ' who ran rell giKxIa to pleaae every cuttomer, the ilrett maker who ran do her work to plraae every woman, and the editor a ho ran a rite to pleai-e every reader are all dead. They may lie wear log wingt and golden croant, but the chancet are that St. Peter aould lie very tip.cioua ol an iinliudual like ti.at. Tha author of "In Hit Slept," the faniotit rel gi.jiit book, of which over three nullum roplrt tiave now been told, hat been induce I to antwer, in an article a hit-h he hat t. nt to the l.tdirt' Home J jiirnal, the iiieatioti ahidi nil roimiomly rouiet to the mind alter readingl.it lx k : "It thit plan prac ticable in our present daily life?" Mr. Sheldon duel not rvado the (juration, h' I antacrt it iu a d'tert and vig irout manner, and tellt nact.v ahal he be l.evet aould be the ellYct of hit plan upon modern hutineta mrtluxlt and preaent day rociai lile. School Supeiintrn lent liilbert never lotet an opportunity to via,t the tchixilt under bit charge, and it igain on the go, vitltmg the achool dittrictt near the rily during thit week, among ahicli are that in dittrU-t No. 9 In the Van Hihber vicinity, where Mit. Ina Kill (ierald it tracher ; No. i, Chetioaeth, taught by Mim Marguerite Shelly; No. "', on Hutch Mat, Miit lletter Kent, teacher, and No. 1M, on I'pper 3 Mile, taught b) Mlta Abide Taylor. He lln.lt them all In a flattering condition, oning tha atate courae of atildy. He will continue bit tript into the country until all ichnolt have l-een vitite I. Kcprenentative Moody hat received a letter from Srre!ary llitchc ck, ttating that no order a ill be iaaued at thit time countermanding the privilege! enjoyed by Ilia periniti lo eheepuien for the graiing of theep in the forett reaerva tiont of thit ttate. Thit letter ia in reply lo a rnurat of Kepreaer.tative M xidv itrking that no order be itnied canceling the permilt granted before coiigrcat r onvetie, a hen careful ronai.ler ation of all the iiilerctte Involved may be had. The rciuctl w. ma to on ac count of the department! order recently iaaued excluding tlteep from the Ilainler reacrve. Nearly every city and town in thi ttate hat a curfew ordinance, which to an extent at leant It tucceaaful l.i keep ing young boyt and girla off tlie ttreett at night. Anyone who rpendt a night or two In The Dallet ran readily tee that uch an ordinance It not a part of the lawt in force here, for have, yet. and Tonng girla without etrurta. may be; teen prowling about our Hreclt, nol onlv during the early part of the night, hut many timet alter midnight. We were pleated to bear that tho matter of a corfew ordinance for thlt city wat dit CUlted at the council meeting Tueaday evening, and eincerely bnpe it will lie carried Into elTct before long. With the CnitoNti 1.K today readera will find a iiipiileinent which will be of Interett lo traveler! up and down the river. To the already.rflicient tervice ol the I. P. A. S. Company hat been added the Steamer Inland Myer. She hat alwaya teemed lik veritable pleature boat ; an I the more to now ainre the hat b -en Htled tip in tucli a complete manner, and a trip down the Columbia on ber cannot tail to bo itijoyahlr; particularly ao tlrre the maket n i long waita In loading on freight, only ilopplng at way itatlona to take on pnetengere. One objection to thlt tleamer hat alwaya been that ber facililiea for furnithing me alt have not been good. Thla dillicttlty hat been obviated, and the coslett little dining room liaa been fitted up where eighteen can be terved at one time. It lialto ao altuated on tha npper deck that the view it I't-rfi ct. To look at the dining room niakei one fiiirly hungry. Then her pilot bonne la ahead of that rn either of the other iteanien, being io DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. II""" .. .1 aneciai,, Our Eatt window will give 70a to idea of the Wu'.iful liae of Plaids and Checks Tht e are olTerinaj fur one day only at tliO remarkable price of 13o per yard. women s, Minn's and mmts' Dejiamnent. Cold wavea are on the way and there garment! will lend themselves 0'ily to the needt of our patront. W'omen'i Flannelette, night gownt, chu kt and atripei, trimmed Willi braid 90c each Women'i Flannelette night iiowna, elegant assort men t of pat tern, trimmed with torchon lace. 1'rice $1.75 each Faciuntort for women and childoen, made of fine wonted and ire wool, ranging in pricet from 25c to $3 00 Children'! hood", tllk and wool, w hite and colore !, ranging in pricet fro r 50o up. Women's Heavy Underwear. Wonien't fleece lined veen and pantt, ecru or natural 2"c each Women'i extra heavy fleece lined vena and pantt, natural gray nOc each Women'i cream and natural wool veateand pantt, non ihrinkatile 75c each Women'e natural gray union tnitt, cotton fleire lined 5iir. each Women'i Oueita union tuitt. utra heavy cotton tlfere lined. . . $1.(W each All JooU Marktci In Plalq FliaTurffwt. arranged tbat paoaengert ran be very comfortable while they view the icenery from her luftr height. Several ttate rooiot have been added for the rrew. She a ill leave the dock hrre tomorrow morning at 8 oVl.x-k, with Capl. V hit comb at the helm, Capl. Coe pilot, Chat. r iuham purser, A. H.Andrewt engineer, and Chrit. I.ult tteward, reaching Port land at 5 o'clock. Friday a Dal) . Mr. I.. II. Nichols is very tick at ber hiutecn KigMh street. The attention of the members of the band it called to the act that thit even ing's rehearsal will begin at 8:."0, in ttead ol 9 as heretofore. Word received at ae go to pre si styi the Inland Flyer tied up at Oak street dock in Portland al 3 :'M o'clock. Seven hour and a half making the run. If you like vaudeville, which it claimed to be high-clast, hear "Vanity Fail" tomorrow night. Kemember Ce curtain will raise al 8:15 sharp, in order to give .mn ...... .0. . r w( m,kI , pro(e..jonil Cill ,nj permit the troupe to catch the 111IU- ..... 11 . . . 1 , )lr. Morgan wat in her studio, they night tra n. gathered at a neighboring home, donned Among the South Dakota soldier boys a, iorg of T9g u e-,Mumes, masked who have ju-t returned from ihe Philip- tt,eir (,. ,nj proceeded to the Rine pines, was Zan K. Iliondin, a broth er of ! (,,, borne, where they took possession. F. A. Hirudin, of the F;at F:nd barber wt.en the ladies returned, they thought shop. He arrivtd in tint city Wednet- be.n,,,,, bad been tinned loose at they day and It now employed iu hit j .j rn a crowd, a hich looked like brother'! thop and will probably make I ,.y ,iltlt be ,ijrei., from ,ll(J ineane hit home here. I asylum. They at once went to work to U ig. a anted lo keep it a secret, but most of hit friendt know that he and hit charming bride will pass through the city on Die afternoon train bound for the Kt. They aill make a six aeeks' visit throughout the Fist, re turning by the southern route and visit ing relatives in Los Angeles on their a ay home. The American visible supply ot wheat according lo crop return! ii 41.215,000 bmhele, which show! an Increase ol 2.0S.1 000 bnliels. compared with 12,- 2IO,lKO bushels a Vear ago, when the j increase was (1 17,000 bushels. The world'! shipment! for the past week were 8,.V1 000 bushels. Ueceipts at Minneapolis and Duluth fur two days were I'.'IS carl of wheat, and at Chicago 4.14 ran of wheat and 10SO ran of corn. Q VII the farmer! in the vicinity of Cen lerville have threshed their grain, while east ol (ioldendale in the N ). (I rounlry threfhlng will close this week. The yield in different localities exc.-eded ex pectatlona. It hai been variously esti mated that Klickitat valley this year would market at least 1,000,000 bushels of No. 1 wheat and the principal market aould bo made by local buyers at Co lumbuJ. This aeek wheat hat been selling at M-C'Sccnt at Columbus. Tl.ere are two firms buying the Klickitat prod uct, and it is reported that another will soon arrive on the scene and puichae at least 100,000 bushels. Agricultnrirt. Hit name was Dick, nut he went out duck hunting this morning about 41 o'clock, and before he returned bad J adopted the pel nsiiia "Dork." No one had ever accti-ed him ol titk ng to water to any grent extent, hut there are timei when one Is compelled to take water, and one of those times Is on a dutk morning whentho wary duck lead! one to venture beyond his depth, and at times tolose even those ilucki which lie hath, not aavinir a word ah nit hi! narrow es- 1 cape from drowning. Hut reporter! don't mind a little thing like that unless some other reporter nines along and get! icoop. If it hidti'l been for a For Saturday, October 14 Pease & Mays little Fish, who must have b:en in the water near by, noone would have bten any the w iser. From the number of wheat teams ahicli have been constantly going up and down Second street today, it wonid not teem that The Pallea market is be ing slighted by Klickitat farmers. It has been said that Columbus li receiv ing a greater amount of the wheat than usual; bat thit It due to the fact that there it an extra large crop, and there is an Imint nse amount a hich goes there, The Dalles also receiving a greater amount in proportion to the increase In the yield. Most ot the crop frou; south of here hat been hauled. The ware houses are still paying 54 and hi cents; the mill 60 and 67 for No. 1. In Port land the price has dropped cent. One evening latt spring Dr. Kinehart and Mrt. Morgan invited a number of young ladiei to ipend the evening with them, and to enjoyable wta the occasion that last night they invited themselves to duplicate the pleature. While the discover a ho their , after tome time sutreeiled in unmasking I them. From that time until midnight I there was one continual round of pleai . tire, all formality being net aside, a bile I games, uat.ring, refreshments, etc., oc : rnpied Ihe lime. The lunch was served in picnic style and was in keeking with the general good time which prevailed. Forerunner of Winter. It will loon be time for newspapers to remaik, "Now ii the winter nf our dis content," as snow is making its appear and throughout Kastern Oregon and the weather tint a wintry tinge. Last night the thermometer registered 34, a hich was cold enough for frost had it not been for the fog which prevailed. Night before last one inch of snow fell on Dutch Flat and two inches on Govern ment Flat, while at Prineville quite a little snow and sleet fell. Fa.ther east they have had storms that would do credit lo Derrinber. Yesterday at Walla Walla scattered Hikes fell all morning. This is the first snow storm that city has had In October lor nineteen years. At Baker City three inches fell, and at Meachetn there were several inches. At Helena, Mont., it was five inches deep. Still further e.it in I'tah and Western Wyoming eight inches covered ihe ground. In our own state the snow was what is teiined a "wet snow," and nieltid soon, which Will be of benefit to the grar-s. Weather renditions are not such that It ran be snid that the approach of the winter rainy season is indicated by current atmospheric movements. How ever, the time for such season has ar rived, and it may he exH-cted almost any day. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker I'ytpepsta tablets, une nine Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 ct!. Iilakeley Ji Houghton Druggist!. OCTOBER 14. 1899 Mo Reason Why A 6 SS.95 We are fhowing a line of fulti in Tweeds, Worsted, Velonr, Cas timere; Serge in itripes, checks, plain and oxford mixed; Sacks and Frocks, with tingle ami double breasted veMe. Overcoats .f Thihets, Oxlords, Caseimere, Vicuna and Covert cloth and all the latest noveitiet at the time price. $2.95 is a Heap of Money. If yon bring a bright bouncing hoy and 2 95 to our children's de partment, you'll soon learn hat a lot of money i 9 is. or that the above amount has a higii purchasing value at our store. Yon'll also admit that our children's depattment has no equal hereabout. If saving a dollar ia your Hobby, come in and we will encourage the Hobbv. HUUH BORTHWICK DED. An Aerldrnt at Guide Catiaea the Heath or a Man Well Known Here. H. 15. Korthwick, who died Monday morning in the hospital at Portland, was very well known to Dalies people and all along the Columbia river, having i... t 1 . , cMigayeu ia me luujoerirg ousiness I for the past twenty years. Io the early 70's be came to the Upper Cascade! and for veari was in partnership with Walter Frame, until the mill burned in ISSS), w hen he went to Goble, where be again purchased a mill. The accident w hich caused bil death, happened ai follow! : Mr. ISorthwick was engaged in mak ing an inspection of a flume connected with his mill, a hen he slipped and fell a distance of twenty feet. He struck on a broken spile with full force. On le- i ing picked up be was found unconscious, j An examination disclosed that one of his 1 arms was broUn in two places and it j was further evident from his continued I bleeding from the mouth that he was ! also injured internally. On the arrival j of the train trou Astoria Mr. Birtl.nick j was placed on board and taken lo the hospital at Porlhind, where he died. Tlie new s of the sad occurrence was tele-graphe-i to Mr. Edwards, the loc.il agent of the mill, who Immediately left for I the ii.j ired man's bedside. j Mr. U irtbaick was one of the most enterprising lumberman on the Colum bia river and had largely buiit np and extended his business the past few yea; 1. His death will be deep'y regretted along the river, and none more than his em ployes ic the null, all of whom speaa of him in the highest terms. All during the panic times, when mills were compelled to shut down all over the country, he kept a crowd of hands at work at his mill, regardless of the losses that be was sustaining. When the better time came he began prepar ations for an extensive business. A new lug boat had just been completed for him, and was to have been put in ser vice this week. Many other improve ments were to have been made at his mill, and his death is not only a great shock to bis friends, but Is a blow to Ihe businrsi interests of the town where he operated. Mr. Rorthwiek'f wife died last spring, leaving him without any family. He has brother living in Canadit, who has been advised of his death. The funeral was held Tuesday and tlie interment was in Riverview cemetery at Port land. The Masonic order and the Klks participated in the funeral exerciser. Married at Itufur. At 3 o'clock today at the home of the bride's parent! iu Dufur, Harry It. Richards and Miss Jetty Siarr wire ! united in mair.age by Rev. O. V. Wl ite i pjstor of the United Brethren church. The parlors were prettily decorated, land quite a number of intimate friends, as well as many relatives, were pre-ent. At the close of the ceremony a wed 1 1 fig dinner was spread for the gu sts, which a as greatly er j yed as lively c n versation and jest was engaged in. One was heard to remark that Mr. Richards' Star-gazing had a happy termination in the possession of a Star; while another said as Harry was constable of his precinct, it was only fitting he should have a Star. At the same time all joined in hearty good wishes. Mr. Rii'hards ii the ion of V. D. In view of the nnprecedented offer which we make today there it no possible reason you thou'd not wear a high grade, op-to-date, fully guaranteed Suit or Overcoat. In fact, we sell only High Grade good", the verv best make of clothing aDyway. Cheap, trathy, thrown together goods find no place in our store. Our line com prises the very best goods to lie had. The prices have been red iced. The pro fit is all yours for one week, for the modest turn of Richards, of Fairview, and a very worthy young man. He has indnstriously gained for himtelf a competency and bosineea ability which givei the young lady the assurance of being well cared for and having a desirable life companion. Miss Starr is a very popular young lady, who ia foremost in society and church work in Dnfur having been organist in the U. B. church there for some time. The many presents betokened the esteem in which they are held. The yonng people will make their home in the neat little cottage which baa been fitted up at bis place eight miles from this city. Tux Cheomcle wishes to join in the numerous good wishes expressed. Mi. and Mrs. J. F. Haworth, Mrs. K. . Haworth and Mrs. J. Mann left the city this afternoon to attend the wedding, the groom being a brother of theirs. F. VV. VVllaon rirrlrd Councilman. A short, but important adjonrned meet i 1 g of the couucil was held last evening at 7 :30 at the recorder's office, when were present Councllmen Keller, Clongh, Johns, Gunning, Stephens and Kelly. The object of the meeting waa to take into consideration the bids for the ex tension of Federal street from Fulton to Clay. But one bid was submitted that of W. K. Brown and C. T. Jones. For ronstructing the same, not including covering with gravel, their bid wat $&). A separate bid for covering was 55 cents per cubic yard. The ouccil delayed the acceptance of tho bid, considering that the expense was too great for the city to bear unaided, and It was decided 'o give the residents a.ljicent to the street an opportunity to assist, a leport to be given in at the nxt meeting, on October 17th. A bill of C. J. Crandall'i for $25, (or surveying and making specifications of street, was allowed. The committee on stieets and public property was directed to sell the old stoves which have been in use in tha city jail and recorder's office. Sometime since Councilman Michel bach resigned, having taken up bia residence in another ward, and last night F. W. Wilson was elected council man for the First wsrd. No doubt the youngest member of the council will prove n efficient warden of the city interests. Hit Mother's I'lrlure. After the battle of Manila, when the Olympia was in Manila harbor, a powder boy lost his coat overboard, and atked permission to go over after it. He waa ordered to remain rn the ship but dis obeyed, and, I'ipping around to the other side of the vessel, dropped into the bay and swam around, and finally recovered bis coat. He was hauled on board and placed under arrest for dis obedience of or.lers, and was finally brought before tl.e admiral. Dewey questioned him abruptly, and team came to the boy'i eyes. He reached into ti e pocket of the dripping coat and lookout a woman! picture, "li'i ray mother," be said. "The only j lcture I've got.'' "My boy," said Dewey, after a moment of a. It nee, "a lad who would risk his life to recover his n other's! picture will not be punished by rue. Yon ought not to have disobeyed the order. But I congratulate you on hav ing do ie it." Clarke it Fa k have on tale full tine ot paint and artist's bruiaer.