The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 14, 1899, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Advarllalag Kataa.
Vr tntk
it Inch or lew In Pallv II W
O ar two inch, an.t uu.ler four inchea. ... 1 t
four InclK a.,4 iiQdvr talvt tuchaa. . 7.S
0r twlva luchw 60
iri1mh or pr inch I"- V
Over on Im-h and uihUt lour liiehen 2 IV
o Itmr tttchfa uU antler twelve lochia. . 1 w
Ofttf twelve tuchtia 1 00
Kd. l?oyce, hi lieutenants knl
their sympathizer, want the troops
taken out of the Cteur d'Alents,
lloycc has promised his followers that
lie will have every blue coat re
moved, and to bear out that promise
is exerting all the influences sug
gested to his scheming brain.
The Spokcsman-Keview says
Boyce wants the troops removed be-
caue they are a guarantee of law
order and the sacred rights of Amer
lean citizenship. 1 heir presence
interferes with bis regime. So long
as they stand guard with the flag and
uniform and arms of the United
Sutes, his followers can not terrorize
Uw-abiding teople. They can uot
move up and down Canyon fleck
with rifles and dynamite. They must
not blow up mills, murder their op
ponents, run inoffending people out
of the country tad terrorize women
and children.
The tactic employed now by tLe
dynamiters are the tactics tbey em
ployed with success after the dis
astrous riots of Far-seeing
jiecple saw then that' a permanent
military ost ought to be established
In the Cu'ur d'Alencs, and General
Catlin, who then commanded the
military in that aec'.ion, recommend
ed a site for such post. If that plan
bad !eco adopted the Cu-ur d'AIene
troubles would havo been over. The
district would have been saved years
of terrorism. Murdered men would
be alive today notably Kneebone
and Whitney. Kneebone was slain
in colli blood by masked 'avengers,"
for no other reason than his appear
ance on the witness stand. After
the liots of 1892 Webb Leasure and
others were tried at Raihdrum as
ringleaders in the frightful crimes on
Canyon creek. Kneebone gave indis
crirr.inatin testimony. "I saw Breen,
Leasure anil Dallas in the hall," he
said on the stand. "Leasure was
araicl. Breeo he'd a rt ig of truce
out of the window. The Clem guards
not responding, Breen remarked,
'Guess we will Lave to give them a
little giant, the same as we did at
the Frisco,' " Kneebone testified
further' that he saw the rioters put
boxes of dy nauiite into the penstotk
of the Frisco mill.
Kneebone was a brave man, but
courage is a poor defense against
murderers who hide behind masks
and shoot honest men in the bark.
Boyce ami hit followers want their
murderous reign restored in the Oi ur
sl'Aleues. To that end they desire
(he removal rif the troops. And to
that end they make false statements
to law abiding labor organizations
and smooth threats to trucklinz poli-
tici&ns who are imagined to have ''in
fluencc" with the war department.
mestic circle, than by the men who
sustaiued the relation to bit various
business enterprise of bumble daily
wage earners. Astorian.
As a result of the president's con
ference with Admiral Dewey, a
considerable addition Is to bo made
at once to our tqu&dron in the Phil
ippines', says the (!lobc-I)emoerat.
Those who thought that the victor
ot Manila Bay had come- home to
advise any form of retreat, or any
halt in the most vigorous prosecution
of the war, may now dismisa their
sickly fancies. Dewey's first pre
scription is more armed ships, and
especially gunboats that vau enter
inlets and the mouths of rivers. The
famous aimoied cruiser Brooklyn
will go to head the heavier vessels
with her speed of twenty knots, but
ber draught of twenty-four feet will
keep her out of all except the deep
harbors. For closer inshore work
several powerful gunboats like the
Machias and Nashville wi'l lc dis
patched. They draw but half as
much water as the Brooklyn, and
have a peed of from twelve to fifteen
knots. For the larger puipojcs of
ttie tquadrou the Brooklyn will cive
admirably, and alio would mako a
desirable flagship. The gunboats
will be useful in cutting off ihe in-
surgents from fresh arms and sup- j
plies, and in commanding oints on j
the coast where expeditions will lej
It is strange that any crson
familiar w ith the course pursued bv
Dewey in relation to the Philippines
could iajagin" that he would weaken'
in the face of continued. Ta;i:il ho- !
tilities. He devoted mote than a
Kopublicaut of F.aslern Oregon
should gel in line harmoniously and
make a fight for recognition. The
Mast Oregonian sensibly observes:
The next United States senator
from Oregon should coino from
F.aslern Oregon. Western Oregon
is not "the whole thing" in Oregon
and should uot bo allowed to moiio
olize all the representative olllcet as
well as tnott of tlio others. An
F.-tstcrn Oregon senator is a need
that should bo supplied. F.aslern
Oregon is entitled to be represented
in congress, and by a senator, too.
There is plenty of good Kepuhlican
Oaa uf Ihe ltinriat t nudum "I HlH-
Smm atra.
In preaenting intureallug plmact of
tilenlitic anil economic problem!, hlgh
tlaat neaspai era frequently g've infoi-
mation of as great value in their adver
I tlalng olumnt at In those devoted to
the publication of the principal eventi
of the day ; ami wlien Ilia lame of a pro
duct If etlendcd beyond its natural
timber iu F.astcrn Oregon with which limita into foreign Ui .da, ami a large oV-
to fill the (dike, nnd there should be
no hesitancy on the part of F.aslern
Oregon Republicans to proclaim Ibis
fact from the housetops and the bill
tot of the Iuland Kinpire." Dem
KUelrlc Honor Writes Loiter.
Ma. Koitum: .V man who sells short
for a living should be able to look at a
customer' foot and detenu in j without
asking a question what find ihne he
wearet that is, if the shoe man knowa
his business. That it the reason why,
when I first entered my profrtaion, 1
cam to the conclusion that a reliable
meant of ascertaining trie true cause of
eickneat would he t lie great essential to
tucceat. With my knowledge of the
human anatomy and tcientitlc rxperi
menta a ith electricity, I oriuinated the
rusthod I now employ in telling lick
people the true caUfS of their troublra
without asking queationt. My tyatem
of home treatment cure nrrrniis ami
chrouic Jiarasea. It it not poitoa a oil j
drug, it it a bringing hack of the nerve
energy and vital foice that If nee.leil to
reatoro tick ami low ipiritrd lorn mij
women hack to health, at riMijlli and
manly anj womanly vigor.
My May in The I'allei on account cf
preaaing apointmeiita elrrwhere, aill l
mand creatrd throughout (ireul Uritaio
and her rolonirt and the principal tea
portt ami citira of Kurope, Aaia and
Afiiet, it hecoinea a plraaant duly to
note the fact and to tall of tha poinlaof
eicwllenra on w hlch ao grrat a tuecrat
it hated. We reder to the now worM-
famed laiative remedy, Syiup of Kiga,
the piodnct of the California Fig Syrup
Company. The niaritt of thia ell
known tacellnit Itsttlve arrtfirat inaile
known to the world through the
cal j'lurnalt and neaapapert uf the
I'nitrd Statra; and ia one of the distinct
achlivenipiitt of the prraa. It It now
well known that Syrup of Kit it an
ethical proprietory remedy, approved l y
the mutt eminent phyticiant every whert
brcauae it it timple an I rlT'ctive, yet
plearaut to ttie teate and ecoptahle to
the tyatrui, ami not only prompt in lla
hr in-Ill-in I etrcctt, hut alao a holly free
from any unpleasant after-effrcla. It la
friuently referrel to ai the remedy of
the healthy, beonae it ia used hy penp!j
who enjoy g)d health anil ho live well
and feel well and are well informed on
all tutdctt generally, iochiillrg laxa
tive. In order to get ilt beni'tlcial rt
fecta, it ia iieceaaary to g"t the gi-nulne
Syrnpof Fij', which ia nianufait'.ired
hy the Cslilornla Kig Syrup Co. only.
or THK
Second Eastern Oregon
District Agricultural .Vioh
r. ji nil. i awi ii'K tin i i ( r.ff
Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Crook and Umatilla,
Nil. I. UK IIH.l) AT
On llm (iiitiuili i't Ilia .Inli'liip fair Ahik UIIuii, pmi rl!l
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1809. and contlnulnn 3 day,
A libera! amount In Ch Premiums for Agricultural, Stork, and Mwl i
hlliila. Woika of Art t ml Kaney Work, and for Tr la oi'mIj " '
l.oikl Caah glvtu ty I lie tlate lor Agricultural Kxhihtn.
J. O. M ACK. ' A. H. M at All Kti.,.
Secrelarv. '
tJ&K ln,pulsii
,18-lnrh Motor.)
and Motors
ma.xi r.(Ti'iitii av
limited to ten daya. I court inveatiga-
J-car of the most earnest effort at i tion from all w ho are inier.atcl in my
Manila Itov to secure the victory ork. Very truly,
against all coraeis. The treaty with
Spain met his entire approval. He
expressed the hoe that the United
Stales would never give up the
islands. And now, tin returning
home, his first act is to counsel an
important addition to our naval
Stvxeu, The Ki.kcthic Doctor.
Advice ami electrical diaetue reading
free. Office at Onarr Hotel. The Dallet.
11 jura from 10 a. m. to 4 and 7 to K p.
ui. daily.
I'aanar Tr.ia Ikelayml. Itul l
t aa I wj urvit.
atury af a Mlava.
i To be ' nund hand and fxit for yeart
I bv lie I'liaiot of diaeaaa ia the worat
strength in our new iosscseion on ! ..rm oi naveiy. George I. Williama. of
the other side of the l'aciflc, bringing ; Mncli-aier. Mich., tellt how tuch a
the tolal of armed vessels to over ve ,",,,e ,rtf'- "B ",: "M
wile bat teeu to helplraa tor five yeara
that the could not turn over in bed alone.
fifty. This is the second biltcr dis
appointment Dewey has just admin
istered to the party of surrender.
After Ufii.g two hotllet of Kl-clrlc
Bitterr, the it wonderfully improved and
The first was his assertion that the I able to do her o n work." Thia aupremt
Filipinos are unfit for independence I remedy for female diaeaart quickly cures
at this time, and that, instead of
nervoutneaa , aleepleaaneaa, melancholy,
headache, barkache. fainlinu ami dizzv
being a later Washington, Aguinaldo;,p,. Tlli, ...iraele working in.-di.ine
is directed by Taal lawyers, who ; d a godsend to weak, rickly, rundown
make a tool of him. At the sword people. Kvery botile guaranteed. (July
jl0 I 50 cents. Sol ty llliiaeley A llonghloo
Uru,giat. 0
presentation Dewey applauded
president's declaration that there w ill
be no faltering in the completo asser
tion of our sovereluntv in the I'hiliit- i
... .. . , 1 m ri hanta of Clav, Cav Co , W.
Ilia ri.ifiitn - a ruricniin !.,' ...
' ' Btruck liit'tg tKBinrt a cake ol ir
all except those whose pnsit n fori
During the winter of 1'.'7 Mr. Jamea
ed, one of tha leading C'liztn and
re in
Dcti a manner aa to bruise It reverelv.
pulling down the flag has reached j It t ecame very mui li swollen an I pained
the siae of fully devtdo;d coper- " '-adly ihat he con .1 n ,t walk
hea.l mania. ' without the aid of crutches. He wat
treate-I hy ph aiei n, alao uecl teveral
i kinds of liniment ard lao and a half
Mr. Dorthwick't death is a cenuine
Ion to the lower Columbia river. He
wis a man of retrarkalle activity
and his busiuras enterprise knew no
bounds. He came to Astoria with a
bran' h of hit mill and, in spite of
the distance from his operating plant,
Boon had a practical rnonoply of the
retail trade. His lumber venture In
hn city wis followed by the estab
lishment of a wood depot from which
the town today rtraws perhaps its
largest fuel supply. He was a man
of the most stalwart lulegnty and it
is said he never secured a customer
vho-e patronage afterwards was lost
through any dissatisfaction with the
cj-mlity of this commodity sold him
or out of ii.isuhilerstanding about the
pricp. Oregon his loo few citizens
d the mold of Mr. Korihwick, and
with the possession of lie If dozen men
of like courage and energy the de
velo merit of Clatsop county's latent
resources and the future of Astoria
would be easily assured. In his
private as well as in his bu'ints re
lations Mr. Il'jrthwitk was universally
reflected, and he will be missed more
by none, even In bis intimate do-
In the coming campaign the land
force will nnmber from 50.000 to 00,
000 men, and the risvnl squadron w ill
be the largest yet assembled in the
Pacific. This means that the war
will be pu-hed with all possible
energy. Kven if more men and more
ships are necessary, the voice of the
country is for supplying them
promot'y. The people were united
in the war against Spain, and are
ready to sustain Ihe responsibilities
that follow. Wars arc ended by
treaty, and our treaty with Spain
will he observed to Ihe letter. Only
by maintaining sovereignty in the
Philippines ran this be done. The
false Interviews with Dewey aro now
exhibited in their true light. His
first conference with the president
results in more gunboats to press the
war against the Tagal conspirators
The islands are peculiarly vulnerable
to naval operations when men enough
are at baud to garrison captured
ports. No position the Taalj can
take is free from the danger of rear
or fl.Dk attack by gunboats and land
ing force combined. Dcwey'a con
su tuion with the president has
emphasized this idea.
Kaslcrn Oregon has played second
fiddle to Western Oregon politically
long enough, and the time has arrived
for the Republicans of Ibis part of
the atate to assert their rights and
see to it that Kastcrn Oregon is
given the next United States senator.
The required ability it here nnd the
gallons of whitkey in lathing It, hut
nothing gave any relief nntil h began
uaing Chamherluin't I'm 1 at Ilalin. Thit
brought almost a complete cure in a
week't time and he Iwlievet that had he
not uaed thia remedy hit leg would have
had to be amputated. Pain I'alm it un
equal ed for tprtina, brniact and rheu-
maliain. For rale hy lilakeh-y A Hough
ton f)ru,'giat.
For the Oregon Industrial Kaitltlon
to be he'd at Portland', Oregon Hept. illS
to Oct. 110, the Oregon Railroad A Navi
gation Co, will niakea round trip rata of
13.2.5, which will alao include tw ad
miation coupons to the exposition.
Ticket! will lie g od going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27ih, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
3, on Thartday. K -pt. 2-J.h, and every
Thuraday thereafter to and Including
Tbnrtday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will be
limited for return paaatge to expire the
Sunday nlnht following the Wedneaday
or Thursday on which ticket it old.
25-1 in
Vuar sr.
fOiowe the tate of your feelings and the
ttate of sour health aa well. Impure
b!oo I makes llaelf appurent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimplet and
Kkin Fiuptlona. If y.u are feeling
weak and wmn out and c'o i.ot have a
healthy appearand you thi.nld try
Aeker'a Elood Klixir. Iteuiea all blood
dine- a t w I. ere cheap .Snrfapiirillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we!
tell every bottle r n a positive i-uarantee,
lilakeley A Houghton, diugiets.
Kodol l)spepd;4 Cure it a rricnlillc
C'jmponn'1 having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
pret. It "digaate what you eat" and
poaitively curet dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron,
Ulooiningdale, Tenn., aayt it cured him
of indigeaton of ten years' standing.
Duller Drug Co.
AH aorta of minora w. ra rife
when busineat men came di wu I i thrir
offices thit morning. No. 2, Ihe eaat
txinnd paasenger, a hicli arrivet at 1 1
lid not make itt appearance until
1 1 o'clock thia morning. Iteporta had
it that a general imaah-np had occurred
at Cascades, and that F.ugineer llarrelt
had been killed. Many euro atoriea
aent the roundt and everyone waited
anxiously for Ihe arrival of the train.
When alia pulled In at the t'mati'la
Hon. It waa discovered that nothing
teriout hail wurrej although tin acci
dent wat of tuch a uaturt that the traint
were nece.aarily delayed. When No. I,
the. weal-bound paasenger, which left
here atxjnt 6 ;.'10 last evening, reached a
place a mile and a half thia aide uf Ct
cadea, a tire came otr una uf Hie
wlieela of her engine, which it No. M,
O. I.. Itarrett engineer. Word a at tent
to Alhina for assistance, n 1 tha de'ay
wat ciiiacd hy the d llh'iilty in getting
the engine to the l.oeka.
The paawnert on hoth traint must
have bad a merry lime. No. 1 waa
crowded, it h-ing tho regular ticiiraiou
day to the Portland exposition. No. 2
had or.lera lo meet No. 1 at Vlrrito and
pulled in there alNiut U .3 ) and tt it la
not a telegraph atntion, waited in am
thing I. ut hliarful Ignorance until
o'olock, alien an engine came by on the
way from Portland to aaiat the ho. ken
down train. Alter that had passed No.
2 came on to Caacadea, aliern they
waited till tiie traek am cleared tint
morning and came iu.
Accidents will hapiien on Hit beat
reguUtrd railways, and delayed train",
mail, etc., are not to bernnaidered when
compared ) I la the aa fill eastern a reck a
where ao many lirea tra lint.
Circular! and par'iculart lurn'shnl en application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
Wholesai and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency ior the Create t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash
WHI8KEY Irom .' T4 to noo tr (Tlo . Veara old I
IMPORTED COGNAC from 7 DO lo$l2.tM per alloii. til to VU yeara old.'
CALIFORNIA BRANDIFft I" m It '.'Mo K. ID ier r.l'on. 14 l.i ', 1 1 srara old.
OLYUPIA BEER on draught,
IlliMirtd Aloaud Porter.
and Val lilatt and Olympia Iteer ia botllte
liver I'. Jarksoa lieaat.
Tuesday inornii g at hit home In Spo
kane, O. P. Jai kson died of toegeatiou
of the lungs, his death tielng tomewhat
sudden, lie waa 62 yeart of aye.
Moat of our citizens will remember
Mr. J.ickaon, who built, oa ned and
managed the Jiickaon Motel whieli oicii
pied the lot adj lining Fits Oerald'a ttore
over fifteen )eart ago. He hid been In
the hotel business in Oregon ami Wash
ington for about twenty yeart and there
are few of the early resident! of thit part
of tha country a ith whom hei did not
claim acquaintanceship. lla at one
lima managed the Morton H'iue at
Kllenaburg. In lbs early dayt of the
Northern I'aciflu be ran tbeOket bout
at Cheney and the Villard bouse at
Hprague. From the nature of hit busi
ness bo made many tciialntnncea and
be will be remembered hy people, in all
parts of the atate.
Mr. .lark son leaves a widow, a ton
and erne daughter, the wile of Martin
Maloney, of Spokane, The funeral took
place from the family at 10
o'clock today and the services wets un
der ttie auspices of the Old Fellows, In
which order Mr. Jackson bad for yean
been a prominf nt member.
Wasco Warehouse Company
j ;! Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii wads.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, :,ndM
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr Thit Hour 11 manufactured eipresaiy for famllf
' llae; averv aark la guaranteed lo give aalialtrtioa.
W tell our goodt lower than any houae in the trade, and If you don't thin"
call ami gat cur pricet and tie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
This brand nf Whiskey is guaranteed to the cnniiimrr a
and Medical I sr. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Millions of dollara, ia the value pUeed
by Mit. Mary liird, Murrltbiirg, l'a., nn
the life other child, which aim aaved
from croup by the usa of One Minute
Cough Cure. It ruret ail coughs, eolda
and throat and lung troublet. liutler
llrug Co,
High-Grade Stock Saddles
and Shop-Mado Harness.
Tentt, Wagon Covert, and all arllelet usually
kept in a Urat-elaaa barnett thop.
M'MHly Wmi-hoiiM,
Thle Stamp a Cuaranttt
of Ouallty-
Advertise in tho Chronicle.