The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 14, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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M 1
j J
NO. 3
tiMrawal Within Forty-EisU Honrs
cr All Brills. Forces.
tllut vf I lie Vct of (lie lUitualuin
I' pun the Stock Exchange Was
Steading- I poo Ordlnarv Clreum
Mancea the (iuvcrnmcDt Making
the lcniani Also Scads the
I Ititnalum.
CAPr-row, Oct. JO The Transvaal
gove niuiciit hi) trill ill ultiii'tuiu to
dreal llntnln.
I.hmmin, O.-t. 10 A l.omlun newt
agency pnhllaliet the lollow ing tl i t c ti
from Pretoria, filed there l 7 .40 i. in.,
yesterday: "An tirf lit dispatch hat
just hern handed to tVn; tghain (irwiif,
tin Itritiih ili(iloi'itic a iff nt, requesting
tiilitit astiiranca of the withdrawal
itliin forty-eight houra of nil British
forces landed in South Africa aim the
ISluemfimtein conference."
1 lie rrtWt uf Lit newt of I lie I'rautvaal
ul liKBl 11111 iiHjn thettork rxchango wat
steadying. Kafflra were flruirr In the
Miel that the lliott gigantic 'lt In
duairy in the world aill he lncororoled
in tt.n Biiliah colony at aa unti'oma of
the war.
TIib trit of the Tretiavaal ultimatum,
It it understood, It on Ilia way to tlia
Hiitiau foreign office. According to Utrtt
advices, tiin time limit explret tomorrow
aliriiioor) at ft o'clotk, alien, If the
demands of the Boert are not complied
aith, the further lamllnK or dispatch of
tniot aill be considered an art ol war,
ul Imttilillri aill commence. In ordi
nary circumstances, at Great Britain It
the government making tte demands,
lit would be the diapatcher of an ulti
matum, ami llin fact that the Boert hare
taken Hie initiative It regarded aarendrr
lug the tuation more sellout ami In
creasing ItiO hopelessness ol
averting t
Fotj and Calm Prevented Today's Race. ,
Nir York, Oct. 10. A heavy lug!
hung over New York and vicinity at
6 o'clock tbia morning, and Die water!
waa at tmootli at glaat. Nothing could
he teen !lv)0 yard from the tbore. Off I
the Hatlery newspaper and other tugt
and a aide wheeler were taking paasengen
aboard, but there wat absolutely no ani
mation. The rare for today waa declared off a
little after 11 o'clock. The mist wat
thlrk at the time, and the wind wat Dot
blowing more than two miles pr hour.
The next race will be on Thnridar,
tiihariirnt racee being tailed on tnc-
eenlin daya thereafter, eicept 8unday,
until the conteat it decided.
Militarj Operation la I'bilipplnea.
WAainoTO!, Oct. 10. The war de
partment today received the following
dispatch from (itneral O.ll :
' Manila, Oct. 10. General Schwau'l
cilumn moved early t hit morning from
Xante Crua da Malalmn. It it now
believed to lie In Han Krancitco de
Malahon.and not to be meeting with
very determined retittanee. Mattera are
'I 'lite In the limit tertlon.
"General Young with a column ttartt
northward tomorrow morning from San
Fernando. Colonel Hell cleared the
country yetterday west of (iaugua to and
Including Florida Jtatcana, making
c:ituret of a number of oflk-eri and men
and alto property."
Marched to Ferry llttililing Where
Hrcakhut Wait Served Received
an Ovation Alone the Line of
Pas rRANCiaco, Oct. 10. The Flnt
Washington Volunteer! and tho other
toldiert who arrived here yettnrdty from
Manila on tho transport Pennsylvania,
were landed this morning and marched
to tho (errv bulMin where tireakfatl
was served to them tin ler the direction 1
of the citizen.' reception committee.
The toldiert were given a fine reception.
After breakfaat thejr were again muttered
Into Una, an I marched to the Preaulio.
Their Mute took li,ein through the bntl
ne.t tecliun of the city, and all along Die
line they were received with aild
htirraht, the blowing of whlatlct and the
firing of coiiii in.
The new arrlvalt aero escorted to the
I'retidio by the. Presidio band, to
hatterlet of tl.e Third artillery, and
troop (i of the Kind cavalry. On Van
Nei avenue the regiment wan reviewed
by General Shatter, Governor Hogert, ol
Washington, und Governor Stanley, ol
The camp for the Waahlngtone hail
been prepared for them in advance, and
on arrival at the reservation, very little
hud to he (I. me to make the men 0111
forlaliie. The toldiert w ill remain here
lor toiuo time. Arrangements have been
made to take I hem to tlieir northern
hornet in tperial train provided by Levi
Aiikeny, the Walla Walla millionaire,
w hu bat a ton In the regiment.
Ask Tor Portage Railroad.
Poim and, ti,-i. !i.--At a tpeclal meet
of llie Chamber ol Commerce of tbia
city today the Lewiaton, Idaho, Corn
menial club submitted a communication
asking tiiat resolution hi adopted
urging congrera to abandon the proposed
boat railway at The Dalles, and build a
portage railroad Instead. The reai.lutiour
a-k fur an appropriation of HoO.Oon.
TELLINQ. ' A very tunny alory waa told yeaterday
by Mryner, the electric dm tor, about a
yonng lady who came . to him while at
Astoria to have her fortune to'd by
electricity. She bad heaid of hit re
markable ability in reading diseatet by
that ini ti o I, and iiiuat btve pretumed
the ret'. When arrotted the doctor
taid: "Why, Mist, I am not a fortune
teller. " "Oh! jou are not. I am to
torry, for I wanted to know who I wat
going to marry." To thit Styner tmil
ingly replied : "That would lie hard to
tH i it might be Tom, Pick or Harry,
for all I know. "Oh! doctor," ex
claimed the young lady in aurpriae,
fow did you know all thsir names T"
The electric doctor It never inrea li
able in hit claims, and r t-t nothing
but w hat he lee! a can tie accompliahed.
When he treats sickliest by electricity
be limply practices what tclriililic
research hat taught him.
Styner It willing to pay any doctt r
11000 reward if he can prove hit e'ec-
t'lcil diagiioait an unreliable method of
reading disease, lie court iuvettiga
tion from all Interested In hit work.
Advice and electro diseaan reading free.
II mrt 10 a. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. Obarr
Motel, until O. t Slit.
Xervout anil chronic diieaaet of both
men and women ran be cured by elec
tricity, and cured to stay.
Well-Developed Case Wa Discovered
There This Morning Patient Has
Ueen Quarantined.
Astoria. Or., O -t. Dr. Ilithop, who
waa called to attend one of the Sloop
brother!, Young'i river dairymen, tbia
morning, found and diagnoaed a well
defined case of smallpox. He called Dr.
Hill Heatings. I'nlled Slatet quarantine
olllcer, who pronounced It a well
developed case of varioloid. Chief
Hallock, who alto health officer,
quarantined the patient in a home near
the rcow bav foundry, at the city hat no
pett house. A tpecial meeting of the
city council was called thit afternoon to
provide for audi matter! by arranging
for a pett home and physician aa health
officer. .
At Waerlfloa.
Forty acre!,
mile from Surague
lauding, )i mile from Carton I.
Skamania Co., Wash. Good box house,
four roomiand bath. Outbuihlingt good.
Two acre! young orchard winter apples.
Land all good, mid easily cleared. Five
I! . anil ..or w vi.'ll
or tlx acrea seoi , .......
Sacrillced for r.'..0i worth :00. Don t
ipend lime writing, come and tee it.
J, K. HHon w.
1'ie Clarke A Falk't quinine hair tonic
to keep di.mirulT from the head.
Oracle Free Stale Troops Reported to
Crossei the Borier Into Natal
Diplomatic Relations Hctwecn Great
llrilain and the South African
Republic Have Keen llrokcn Off.
I.on!xn, Oct. II. Word of a clash be
tw'een the opposing force! of the Boer!
and i'ritish In South Africa ii x peeled
momentarily. There are rexirtt in cir
culation that troopt of the Orange F'ree
State have already crotae I the border
and are now advancing on Ladyimith.
If thit prove! correct newt of a
hattla may come at any time. The
Itoera are said to have entered Natal by
the Cnndy Clongh past.
Montague White, consul-general of
the South African republic in London,
abut up shop and left thit afternoon fur
the c inlinent. Conyngbam Green, the
liritiiili diplomatic agent in the Trana
vaal, will h-ave Pretoria thit afternoon. diplomatic relations between the
two countriet are broken o(T.
The (iaxette of the South African
republic containi a proclamation calling
on all bnrghert domiciled outside the
republic to return and present them
selves for service. If tbev fail they will
be fined and Imprisoned and tlieir
property confiscated. Thit action it
taken ill order lo catch British subjects,
with auspected lioer tpmpathiea, and
property within the South African
A force ot 4000 toldiert of the Trani
vaal, under General CronjV, are threaten
ing Mafeking, and the inhabitant! of
that place are excited.
The Itoert are expected to occupy
Newcastle bv tomorrow.
Lok , Oct. 11. A Petermartixburg
dispatch tays: There are persisting re
port! that Orange Free State! troopt
have alreadv crossed the frontier, and
ate advancing on Ltdytmitb. The l'.oert
entered Natal by the important pass of
Cundy Clough, thirty miles touthweet
of Newcastle.
London, Oct. 11. A dispatch from
Petermartizborg, Natal, tnys that Intense
excitement prevails o ing to the persis
tent report! that Orange Free State
troops have already crossed the border
and are advancing upon Ladysmith.
Shot Down I!) Ilia Wire.
Nohtiumht, Wash., Oct. 10. L. J.
lirown, proprietor of Iliown'tcafe and
dancehall, was killcJ by a shot fired by
liia wife about 10 o'clock this morning.
Mrt. Brown and her father went to a
room and knocked at the door. Brown
and a woman were in the room. After
waiting thirty minute Brown came out,
and locked the door behind him. Mrt.
Brown asked Imn for tome papeit,
which he had agreed to give ber on the
previous day. He gave her eorae ar
castle answer and turned around. At be
turned she drew a pistol and shot bltu in
the back of the neck. Brown lived
about thirty minutes. Mr. Brown gave
herself up immediately after the shoot
ing occurred, and Is now in the city jail.
Bicyclist Severely Injured.
H11.1.HHOKO, Or., Oct. 10. Charles
IVimihtv. late a private in company H,
Second Oregon volunteers, and who re
turned from Manila in July with the
regiment, had a narrow escape from
death yesterday evening while going
homo on a bicycle. Y'onng Doughty was
rrosdni: a strettwalk and hi! wheel gave
him a he.idcr. He fell on his hea I and
shoulders and wai unconscious for about
two hour. He received a terrible blow
on the outer angle of the left eyebrow,
and his upper lip was badly torn. While
at first bis physician! thought the
accldrnt would prove ftal, he Ii reeling
easy, and w ill recover.
I'nctc John Wrecked.
li'TOHIA. B. C. Oct. 10. The barken-
tlno I'ncle John, bound from Honolulu
i...i.i Sound, went ashore Sunday on
. . -
the west coast of Vancouver island, and
1. . total loss. Tho Uncle John left
Honolulu September IS, and made a
smart nris-sirw. being bound for Port
Townscnd for orders. She wns driven
ashore Suml.iy evening during a gale.
The officers and men escaped by taking
to the boatt. The officer! and crew will
return to Victoria by the Willapa. The
wrecked veasel left Kureka, Cel., with a
load of lumber for Hawaii last August.
Mistaken For a Deer.
Ohkiom City, Oct. 10. Lett night
John A. Ilowland brought in from the
Upper Clackamaa Ben Kinibley, of I'a
maicut, who it euOering from a rifle
ball wound in tho flethy part of the
right tide below the armpit. The two
men were following a deer, taking sepa
rate routea. Ilowland mistook the color
of Kimbley'a vett in the brush (or a deer,
and fire I. The bullet grazed through
the fleih to the depth of about half of lit
diameter. The accident occurred Thurs
day afternoon, but they di I not reach
here until last night to have the wound
d reared.
Eic,ht Americans Slightly Wounded in
an Engagement Near Angeles
Enemy Responds to Artillery.
M anila, Oct. 11, 5 :.r0 P. M. General
Schwau'a column, having accomplished
iti purpose uf pnniobing the rebels, it
returning from San Fiancisco de Mala
bon with artillery and the transporta
tion service.
The naval expedition that recently
went to the mouth of the river Pasig to
raise the Spanish river gunboat A ray at
report! that 110 resistance has been en
countered from the Filipinos, and that
the work of salvage it proceeding slowly.
10:o0 P. M. Daring the early morn
ing houri today there waa so inn firing
near Angeles, with the result that eight
Americans were eligbtly wounded. Ar
til'erv waa used, ami the enemy re
sponded. General MacArthnr does net
attach special aignitlcance to the incident.
A imall party of Americana wai fired
upon by the Filipino! near Maraguaytn,
two of onr men being wounded.
Schwan's Movements.
Washington, Oct. 11. A cablegram
from General Otis to the war department,
received late this afternoon, confirms the
press dispatches regarding Colonel Sch
wan's movement on San Francisco de
Malahon. General Olis save:
"Schwan succeeded yesterdny In driv
ing the insurgents south, with loss, from
Sao Francisco de Malabon. He report!
their forcrfi difrintergrated and retired on
divergent roads, which are impassable
for artillery or wagons. There is no
lutention of occupying this country per
manently or temporarily. Transporta
tion will return by way of Kosario, and
the column w ill move in the direction of
Das Marinas, probably retiring on Imus.
The country U of 110 strategic impor
tance." General Otis disapproves of officers'
families joining them at Manila. He
garding this question lie today cabled
tho department as follow t:
"The population of Manila is much
congested. Provision for officers' fam
ilies cannot tie made. Those already ar
rived, together with the families of cc
listed men, have caused much perplexity.
I would not permit my own family to
come nnder existing circumstances;
nearly all officers and men here are
absent from Manila on duty. Families
should wait more peaceful conditions."
Another message announced the ar
rival at Manila of the transport Victoria,
with 403 horses; ten died en route, and
teveral, found to be 0 filleted with gland
ers, were thot. The Garonne tailed
from Manila on the 7th Inst., and the
Athenian on the 0th, both for Seattle.
Vulranle Eruption
Are grand, but tkln ernptions rob life
jof jiy. Bucklen' Arnic Salve cnrei
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruise!, Burni, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only '.'.") cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by BUkeley A Houghton, drug
gists. li
More Honors For Dewey.
Boston, Oct. 12 The watch which
will be presented to Admiral Dewey by
the city of Boston In front ol the city
hall next Saturday has a heavy gold case
with the monogram "G. D.," and con
tains 21 diamonds and ruby j -wels, with
two pairs of diamond raps. The plate
: jewels are in a raised gold setting. On
I the dial is the picture of an eagle hold-
ing in ita talons an American flag, paint
ed In colors, and c.iiry:ng a scroll 01,
! which are Inaeribed Dewey'a words at
the battle of Manila, May 1, 18:
''Gridlry, you may fire when ready."
Bo o 1
are made with Royal Baking Pow
der, and are the most appetizing,
healthful and nutritious of foods. ,
Hot biscuit made with impure
and adulterated baking powder are
neither appetizing norwholesome.
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder.
Take every care to have your
biscuit made with Royal, which is
a pure cream of tartar baking pow
der, if you would avoid indigestion.
Beers Occnulel Lainn's M tbe fo
ment toe Ultimalni Enirefl.
Attack on Mafeking is Expected at Any
Hour and the City is Preparing for
. a Fight British Diplomatic Agent
Made last Formal Call on Presi
dent Last Nicht
Cap Town, Oct. 11. Newt has been
received here that the British diplomatic
agent in the Transvaal, Mr. Conynghara
Greene, paid his formal farewell visit! to
Krnger and high Boi?r official! at Pre
toria last evening, In the Cape house
of assembly today Premier Sclireiner
made an impassioned appeal to the
country and press to preserve peace., Oct. 11. Aothorltiei of
Mafeking are hourly expecting attack,
in which events wire! between Mafekicg
aud Kimberley will be cut and informa
tion entiiely shut off. Tho latest infor
mation regarding the number of burgh
ers assembled along the Kimberley bor
der Is that it does not exceed 35o0. The
Boers have only four field guns. A suc
cessful attack npn Kimlierley ii there
fore ci tuidered impossible.
London, Oct. 12. A special from
Lidysmith says: The Boers occupied
Liing'a Nek the moment the ultimatum
expired. They ore now pouring into
Natal, and Ingogo Heights have been
Natal Reserves Called Out.
Dirhan, Oct. 12 The imperial re
serves in Natal have been called out.
F -My body has left Charleston. The
: it h dragoons arrived this morning
from India, landed immediately and at
onco proceeded to the front.
Boers Mine a Bridge.
I.OKKNXO Maiuji'EZ, O.'t. 12 Infor
mation has reached here that the Bjers
bave mined three piers of the bridge at
Komati port, on the Komati river.
Boers are Active.
London, . Oct. 12. The free state
burghers, according to a private message
j net received, have cioesed Orange river
into Cape Colony snl have occupied
Thilipstown. Their otjjcf, it is sup
posed, Is to cnt the railway at Deear
Junction, which is considered an im
portant strategic point. Aecnrd'ng to a
dispatch from Capo T.jwn, it is aeserted
there that the Bjera have arranged with
I Chief Linchwe, a pioimnent chief of the
I northwestern border, to take np arms
against Great Britain.
A dis; atch from Mafekin?, nnder to-
day's date, says Colonel Ba ten Powell
has just sent a strong British force from
' Mafeking toward the border with field
1 guns and ambulances, presumably with
a view of reenpying advantageous de
! tensive h'gh iroun '.
I Dispatches from Duban c nfirm the
1 report that the Free State authorities
I seized a Natal train leaving Ladysmith
I yesterday morning for Harryemitb.
I Tbey also stopped a train due to leave
I Harrysmitb in the afternoon. All roll-
ing stock has been ordered out of reach
: of seizure. It is understood telegraphic
communication with the Transvaal
ceased punctually at 5 o'clock yeeterday
Opposition is Expected There and Rein
forcements Being Scot Forward.
Washington, Oct. 12. The war de
partment today received the following
dispatch from Manila, dated Oct. 12:
Schwan't column it moving on Sapang
and Dasmarinas today, where opposition
it expected. Hit artilleiy and wagons
of transportation are returning to Bachor
bv way of R jsario. A column of 500 men
Is marchinj from Imus to support
Young, in the north, his occupied
Ararat, and Mipplies are being moved
up the Rio Grande by canoes to that
point. L:iwton will command the col
umn when full c mcentraticn is effected.
Insurgents attacked the Angeles lines,
but were quickly repulsed, tlx enlisted
men beiu slightly wounded.
To Car w Coltl in cinw Day.
Take Lax ttive Bromo Qtiii.ine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tl.e money it
it failj to cure. 2-";