THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11 18G9. I'BOI'LM TOP ALL MW. aturua's IMlV. W. II. rt!son, of Putur, it iu the city. O. I- l'ao,iiet vUitor la tin city yesterday Iruiu Wspiuits. V. 8neoiil ami wife earn in from Dufur yesterday and. sinti. today in the city. Misws Julia and Clara Nickelaen mud lDa Thompmu boarded th boat tliit morning- (or l'orllaod, br they will attend th expedition. MiM Male Kltnn, of ths Oniion Tele phone I'tfii, went down to Hood Kiver vswivrday afternoon to sprnd few davs with her iter Mm Milium Klton, mho it a teacher there. Pr. O. C. HollUter arrived ia the city last evening from Portland and srwnt toda here. He ia accompanied by hia daughter, Florence, who will visit ijenevieve Kiali for a few days. Recorder Gates, Marshal Ilunhea and C. K. Borders returned from their trip to the Meadows tbi morning. The necessary repair were made in the water trough, but the cool reception they received caused, them to abandon their trip to Badger lake. Monday's Pally. Frank Aldrich came over from Golden dale today. A. J. Brigham was in from Dufur yesterday. Chas. Lord, of Arlington, is spend ng few days in the city on business. Miss Bessie French returned Saturday night, after a week spent in TortUn 1. J. W. Poak, one of Hay Creek'i stock men, came in from that c-iuutry today. E. T. Johnson, railroad contractor from Portland, spent today in the city. Frank T. Hurlburt. cashier in the Arlington bank ,was in town yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Tatterson came down from Wasco yesterday and speiit today in the city. Mre. Wm. Ro.-ers is np from Cali fornia tUiting her relatives on Mill Creek. Gus Bonn returned Saturday from a trip over into Klickitat county in the interest of Mat s A Crowe. Pr. Kay lgan spent Sunday with his father in this citr, returning to Portland on the delayed afternoon train. G. T. Tarr, of the Eastern Oregon Land Companv, left Saturday evening for a. business trip into Malbenr county. W. A. MoKenrip, the Goldemlale bardware dealer, accouiranied bv his wife, is doing business in the city today. Mrs. W. B. Hamilton arrived in the city Saturday from Portland to attend the wedding of ber niece, Miss Ethel Kiddell. J. H. S earti w ill arrive in the city this even'ng from La Grande to accept a position in the Irerit depot made va cant by the departure of T. A. Camp bell. G. A. Campbell, father of T. A. Campbell, who has been visiting his son here, lelt yesterday afternoon for Elber ton, Wash., where be will visit his granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soinmerville ar rived in the city Saturday from their borne at Hay Creek. The former left tbat evening lor Weiser, Idaho, and Mrs. Sommerville went to Portland to day. John Gavin left this sorning to repre sent the K. of P. lodge of this city in the grand lodge which uirets in Portland tomorrow. II. H. Ki Ideil is also a repre sentative and will leave tomorrow, as will also Judge Bradshaw, wlu is grand prelate. Tuesday's Daily. Mist Alice Pitman came in from Dufur yesterday. E. J. Surface, of Dufur, was in the city yesterday. W. J. Lauder is in from bis borne at Sherar's Biidge. II. C. Coe was in the city last night from Hood River. J. W. Morton came up fr mi Hood River last evening. A. McLennan is a business visitor in tbe city from Antelope. Mist Clara Davis left this morning for short visit in Portland. Mm. Delbert Porter and son, Pert, were registered at the Umatilla from Wasco last evening. Wm Crossen returned last night from Portland, wbitber he went to take the civil service examination. Mrt. T. J. Seufert wis a paseDger this morning lor Portland, where she will take in the exposition. Mrs. Mary Smith came doan from Pendleton yesterday and left this morn ing on the stage' for the Wapiuitia country. Mist Benlah Patterson started this morning fur Salem, w here she goes to attend the wedding of bercousi'i. Miss Lownsdale, to R. H. Sinnott of this city. Mist Josie Jenkins will leave for Port land on the afternoon train, where tbe will tnkenpthe study of. stenog raphy at trie Holmes Business College. J. If. Rinehart, of Sommerville, who has bee i. visiting his daughter-in-law, Dr. Belle Rinehart, for a few days, left this morning for Portland. X. J. Sinnott and sister, Mrs. J. S. Fish, left this morning for rialem to attend the wedding of their brother, R. B. Sinnott. Nicholas will act at best man. R. II. Vel he', who ha spent tbe past three months in Ktorr, Oermaay, where be went to settle np the family estate, hi father having rtcenlly died, returned yesterday afternoon, accom panied by bis sister, Sophia Webber. 1)1 1. II. Clarence, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ('. C. O'N'eil, at Muddy, on Sumlay October lit, iWj. The interment took place at Antelone, Tuesdny afternoon, in the presence of a number of sympa thising friends of the iieresvej father arid uiotner. Antelope Herald. itur.x. On 8 Mile, HaiuidsT, Oct. Til', to Mr. ar.d Mi. Ilonaid l'cttv, a daughter. IL Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAN5E5 THE SYSTEM c, EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES i hAB,TUALC-SNSTIfAT'ON ' 1 Wr.a nrnui kirunv PERMANENTLY ,TSB.?IAT& Buy TMt (CNUINlMaH'rD 6y roa lusinmiWi o nuaniu. STYNER THE ELECTRIC COCTOR. Ia Here Aad Will ICamalo Oaly. Tea Days There is no 1-e ter way to determine thetrus value of a new i?m than to investigate it. Styner The Electric Doctor, from The Electro Therapeutic Co., of Portland, arrived in this city yesterday, and will remain tin days (with oftiee at the Obarr Hote) in the interest of his firm. He will he pleased to explain to sick people his new E'ectro Therapeutic System of treatment for tii cure of nervous and chronic di-eas-s of men an 1 women. In lint age of l.niul.twgery an I bon advertising, the people want remits, and that is just the object of the doctor's visit. To prove with proof positive that electricity applied properly is a per manent cure for diseases if a nervous or clironij nature. Styner has signed indorsements from grateful ones he has met in his trsvels who do not hesitate to sing praise and acknowledge what electricity has dune for them. The feature of the Electric Doctor 'r interview to suffering ones Is that he reads disease ty electricity hereby he tells you your true ailments detoibe' defects Slid IcCites disessed organs with out asking questii lit. The doctor will make no charga for advice or Electrical Disease readings during the iret part of his stav in The Dalles and invites all who suffer with disease caused from improper circulation of the blood, or of a n-rvoos or chronic nature (if they have used aiedicine long enough to know therein!') to call and investigate hi new method of applying electricity. O&srr Hotel. Hour from 10 a. m. to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Advice sn I Electrical disease reading free. ataprrss Thalr Ttiauka. Mr. Editor: Please allow nt space to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors who gave us such delight ful snrpr.M paity c.r. Saturday evening last. As a surprise, it ass a complete and delicioot success, and will linger with as as long as memory lasts as a re minder of the spontaneous goodness and hearty good wilt of our neighbor! In The Dalles: also, for the token of esteem from our neighbors, presented by Mr. Gourlsy in a very happily worded speech. We hate to leave so many good friends behind, and whi'e this expression of their esteem has made the parting more hard, still, "by the same token," it has been sweetened. And to all those who took part in the program, mtisl -al and otherwise, our thanks are due; and especiailv to the ladies who so generously and bountiful ly provided and served the elements of the feast which followed the other num bers of the program, and in ahich all present took an ac ive part. And, now, thanking you one and all for reasons, a lew only of which are enumerated above, we bow ourselves out; and invite you, when we get settled In our new home in the Sunny South, to drop in on us there at any time in ti.e same informal and hearty manner. Yoiirt Sincerely, Mb. am Mrs. C. A. Cami iiki l. The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 9, 1S'. On tl a lOtri of December, 18!'7, Kev. .S. A. Donatio, pnsior M. E. Clinrrh, South, I't. P.easant, W. Va., contracted a severe cold allien was aitended from the beginning by violent rouirliintr. He says: "Alrer reoriiiir t) a nn in tier of so called 'specific',' usually kept In t lie lionse, lo no purpow, I urrl.ascd a bottle of Cbsmb .rlaiu's Couli Lemedy, mrm which acted like charm. I most cheer fully recommend It to the pn'ilfc." For sale' by Blakeley A Houghtou Druggist. Ailvarllssat taller. Following 1 the list of letter remain ing in the postotllc at The Dalle un called for October 0, lS'.'O. Person calling for the same will give date on ahich they aere advertised: Clark, Mra Ollie Brown. Llm I'vane, Mrs J T Brown, Ll I. Fagar, Mrs lVnisa I'ulibiley, J M Johnson, Miss Alma Conneck, Clarence Johns, Mrs F L 1 Whs. Wilhelm Keller. Mrs L 1 Eib, Frank Mires, Mrs F K English, A II Malm, Mrs L O Evans, Will N Poterson, Miss Jnix Evans, Wallie N St Martin. P F Hurvey, U W Taylor, Willard Martin, Jap Henry II. II. Ripuxll, P. M. Hlauiarefc'a Iras Natve ' Was the result of bis splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeyt and bowels are out ol order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power ol brain and body. Only 2oc at Blakeley A Houghton's drugstore. S Tapers Will l)uab Drnfus Verdict Losih)n, Oct. tl The Pari corre ipondent ol the Dally Mail says: I learn that Germany is about to hand over documents hirh will lesd to the quashing of the Dreyfut verdict. Volranie Eruptlooa Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of y. Buckleii'e Arnica Salve enres them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruise, Burns, Scalds, Chapped H inds, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drive out pains and aches. Only 25cts. a hoi. Cure guaranteed. Slid by Blakeley fc Houghton, drug gists. - Eat pletity, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure aill It cures ail forms of dysoepsia and stomach trouble. E. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., ays, "l relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. t CasB la ton Chacka. All conntr warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, ltt, will be paid at my ofFcw. Interest ceaws after Sept. Uth, C. L. 1'niLi.ira, Conntv Treasurer. ''I wish to express my tliaukt to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rsinedy, for having put on the mat ket such a wonder ful medicine," sayt W. W. Massingill. of Beaumont. Tens. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from 'attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It it lor tale by Blakeley i Houghton Drnggitts. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J. Kirkiuan, Belle Rive, LI., savs. "After offering from Bror chinl or lung trouble f ir ten years, I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It is all that is claimed f r it and more." It cures coochs, colds, g'ippe and all throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. .Villions of dollars, is the value placed tiy y,r: Mary Bird, ilarrlshurg, I'a , on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the uh of One Minute Cough Cure-. It cure ail coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. That Joyful raallag With theexhilerating sense of renewed health an I strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use Of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the cid-time medicines and the cheap tnbstitues sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Bt) the genuine. Maonfaciurtd by the California Fig Syrup Co. For Kent. A nice four-room bonse, convenient to high school ; 17.50 per month. Enquire at N". Wheal. Ion's office. 3 Ht Acker's English Heinedy still stop a eonWi at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2- cts. and 60 ct. Blakeley & Houghton, drupjiiat. NERVITA VirLITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cure Impotency, Night Emlsalona and waHtlnjr dlaeancs, all effects of -'U-AltHLUSh atbuor, or excess and lndi llTme "l011, A nerve tonic ami VrW IiIimmI builder. Hrlnps the V. P'nk plow to pale cheek anr' jMsrc' restores tho fire of youth. TTNit By malinOc per box: i boxes lor with a written griitraM- te to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Hold by Illakeley A Houifliton, The Dalles, Oregon. jR'OEitivniiHrrcu Physician and Surgeon, ftpu:ial attention llrtu losunrery. Room, 21 an-) li. Tel. it Vt Rl Dn.GUriFj'S 9 a ONE FOR A 003E. FILLS ftrmnwm Pimple), Vr-rmtt flui.Mi-iMti, Purify it,- Mi.witi, t tr 1 1 ,! It and JayxiN-nis.. aarr rtnr w-ut vrt. will mail sai-, ,, .,. ,,f F f (, ... s. buibaruagma. Oft MQ.ASKO CO. Phila fa THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION (if Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society KUIIItAl'INll T1!K ('III N III: OK Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrcw, Crock and Umatilla, Wll.l. UK IIKIII AT ANTELOPE. WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. On the f rounda ol lh AntIo Fair Asawlallou, eommeiielng WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1899, and continuing 3 days. A libera", amount in Cash Premiums for Agricultural. Stock, and Mechanical Ex hibits. Works of Art and Fancy Work, and for Trisls of Speed. fl,r00 Cash givu by the state for Agricultural Exhibits. O. MACK. Secretary, lia-lnsh Motor. 1 MAM rn Impulse Kt Wheels - rb ..k Pa.ntnrc AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVINO GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circular and particular furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. onJt'i THE DALLES, OREGON THE DALLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey whito vaii? Yts, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that ju-ojilo p Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First 'Phone 341. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Create t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. V7HI8KEY from llTo lii n ( r gallon. iVu, H years old.) " IMPORTED COGNAC from 7.U to JI2.H0 rilloii. (ll bl1yar7old.; CALLFORNIA EBANDIE8 Iron, rt.'-'f. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ala and I'orter. and Val JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oteii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr lVmr ninn'cture! MpreM, tor family ... ,, ",s "wvaacli I Knaranlewd W give satisfaction. Wa sell our noo.1 lower than sny house in the trade, snd II you don't think so call snd get cur price and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. Crandallfi IjEAI.EIW IX All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Funeral Supplies The Dalles, Or. Til K A. 8. Mac AI.I.HTER. President. Tt HID HY not and Court Street, THE DALLES. OR,. to (n lO per gallon. (4 lo II years old.' illatt and Olyuipia IWr in liottle Barget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. SUMMONS. M Tier mkcFIT tnt ttr r r tiik iat ( onvii, l,,r ll, al umn, ,, Al" Charlea U, 1, llen.un, ,lliillir, va Itett'e A. Hen. nn. nYfemlettt. 'ai'.i''"'' ,tl"""' '' li.iiuil Uilen.t. In Ilia Name nf the Nlale e( ilrt s.tti the M,i,lHlnt III llta enlil...i .u T e.,iu.,n ,i w k. l r ,i, , Ilr.l ,.nl.ll. .,( 11,1. ii.,l. e, I.. i, . i,i'T hi n, ... . ........ ,. I ear ami Mit.a nil u...r or .-II, .T. I., i.i,..,!, ,i ,"'' II u. ly lo lham.iirt l..r ,. .,,, 1.1. herein, l,., tt', 1.. ! tnalilininr tioar iain l..,. III ami n, lul Iw iIImmiIvmI l.,n,., ..... ! lilt Mill M III Im,oI I.UIliltil ailtl '(leliilaltt Im itlaaiilM.I II, .1 1'Ulnti It lme Jii.liiiiiriit aa.ln.i i,.,,i ,' , lot hi. eaola anil ill.l iii.emenl. aill i. . mm ,,. ,v i.uuri tn.v iti tu.vl ami i"iiiti.M. Ihla aiiNiiiiona la ftnlilliiliril hy virtue i,r Mt. 1. 1, l-l nia,e anil .imieil liv Hun W I. MiaiMia JinUa itl I ha Ham rntltleri mii, u, j,. . .,1 a. .emlr. Il. ,llreel,, a ,11M1 ' I- .ul.,.inl iinra a at li.r s iwll, , lliall aU eouaerullv f MKII. W. WILKIN. "I't" AHurnay lur I Ulutlir, NOTICK Foil rLKI.ICATION. l-afft Orrii a at Vtamerss. v. iMiiiiwr v. ' Nolle la hrtel.y (Irert that tli. l,,!!,,.,,, tiaineil will. C haa Slill nollraiil Iiu,, Hull In maaa llnal roif In .,,,..,, ,, ,,,, rlalin. ami lllal al,l inia.t III U, n,..l,-, ,,r. iha Hri.ier anil It. 1 a laml imii.,,. Vaiipi'iKrr, M a.lilnilim, nu, n,,,,,,.. bar alat, lw,vla, 1 Jaaah haaubarlm, 11 K Nu ir-.n. ,.r Iha ar.t l,.ll ,,( ii.,rii,e.t Uattr anil wiwt hall of anutttwial ijuail.. M. . I N , K. I.'ea.t. W. XI ' ' Ha liamia Ilia I,, III, win wttnrat l,i ,r,,m f,lt p..iiMnii.,ii. ir.l.leiHa ii.,n alul rullltaili u ,,l aalil laml, l; 1 1, .hi, a. M Whlteomli, James Muraan II HiiOIIi ami llllam I,'. t.,n all ,, I,, e ,l , W .uh,l,,u. V. . It III Ml II ' ' ti'lllll li....'r. NOTICK KOIl I'l'IlI.ICATIoN. 1 n Orrii a it 1 Hi hi i i . , I't li'a-f 7, l-'-i Nolleu . Imral y lltrn lli.l , , li,..i,,r,-.! .. ul. t l,. nl,.l m.iiiv ill l.i, im, i,., lu maaa nnal iil lu auitrt i.f hu rlah.,, ., ll,al .Mill .r,( III l Iliaild ra-lufe llt K,.r, ai,l UeeHtrf al Ilia iallea.llegiii,uu hatnr,!. Nuirintj.,1 Jsl.fJ, tt laaaa . Itowlaiul, at Tha llallaa, liM II llir.lri Fiitir Si .!. ,a ' ,, W , M at , S r tor In, 1 1, ,,' ,aiae til , W !ll H. Ma.ll'a Ilia loUuWtna: Wltnraaaa li. t.-i,.a hi. ri.iiilmiiiu. ivalilaiiea u mtlAx rului.iii.i, ol aal'l lantt. , ' i l M"a, J W .t "ar, i , J Mr Jnliii-1 hi. all ot Tha la la. il ea;,,ii OIIIU JA V I'. Ll 1 , Ke,UIf Executor u Notice Knllr I hrvi tr r thai Ihi llluls tslf i.r-J m Utn sjitly r l.y lttt h. ti ih. 4 UlilV ( iMirl nt Uitr MUlt nf Otrtf'iD, h,r . mmi, tvHinir, rkr-j uti.r i Oi rui ( 1 1 1 t. llNlaflll, tl-ataMI All trfSfa) hsiSl r.ssllll Httiist i ra(Ml sr i Is lirtillrs ., ,rr M-nt Ifisf sts.inr. rsrrlf VfUHvl, It m mi uf urtW-r In I'Nlis m i Hy . M,f,iii. M I II' I it sik tin. mi,, I ( nr. Iht ilnlr I I tils) liolli-. Iatri II. 1 jin tlmy il Jnlr. t hank srtrr, Vtr-ttir i. h9 In I it IrL- J, llxflit Administrator's Notice. Not lew In hfirvby fhin Itittt lh tinl ,if nit hmm lr-ri tlr t'l-ilttr. lif Itlst Hun I "iiitt 4 Kirl lI lis liJ lsISI t (iriaaf'HI, llf H ajm Nitiolr, svttrslitutrt.lor of rUls-i'l At'i-h k'iot ll rl4t at hcrvtir iititll.r-.) U m nl tfir Mint V"Vf'T t"ini l Wi al ti . till- my allsiriM va, I mi fur A Mflivfr, I thl H Bit nitiiii (mill llill i( llil iHtiit- lttrt ml 1 Im laMa, lfrfii, Inn in j r Ai.ii'ii p. A.1mlnUlr(if it tha rtt n A1IH Aillti, ilfwataivl, 7 j VOGT Opera House "It is to Laugh." Saturday. October 14, '99 Vanity Fair A Malsnk-a of llurlrsiiia anil Vamlrtilla Willi artliri'lv naw starilrnlis anil an a,litilrat)l c uii(ii. Prices ttatrrvsil arals .VV ami .l; (rnral ailuilssion 2V; rli'lilrrii l'w. .'rats nn sal at lh Mutlrr I'ruit Co.' stnrs) morninf. DnlfltiMii Opera uaiu win House K' luin cnf.rmnt ol Ui favprltr., Metropolitan Opera Co. ONE NIOHT ONLY. Saturday, October I4thr ITewnllns (, I ll-f rt A Sullivan I urn lo Ura llniille. iViikado. 35 PEOPLE 35' Inxlii tin sn anVlmit mal ai.if Imiiale clinrm. . . . 1 la nf, Admission I.O(). KPSKrvm 'rB", " aanai iiuiranay, FiTiuiiwr , A Houghton's drug store. MRS. OLIVIA W. MORGAN, STUDIO and ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC Ilt'll.DINU, Tlilnl Ptrw , l,twen Cmtrl ami Wh ton Htrcets, ins uane-