satlthdat. ocrc3ZH i TmmmeiL sl. JL jTf aacj suutan in. 7 aifi a wn-a mici. -jt -iai ei ussjiipjilawtff. MZj ; ViOai-GROViIES i iic rmx- u. u as. a- a il sic icninaija 3Ta-nt ass arson; a xer .riw 'Ml w fcjiaaJa- OkM. mi P. SESSION 2raw SI BIHTH1. C3 i tu nL3C3iB aot "ua ..a j iraim .i,iu- s7ait:r3m aesmnr j lama- a Vr- EL-iL it T Zi.'iO-SS F5T f2r :a. " ana.!-esiiearxBr a. crr u -ii . .ww jt mar i Saanif ir kl a -ins-r taint''' tMi ti But t. lu-r w- . fwrraiiisi.' a tt,r n-mac u f r-Ki wi Buuf m ciKtzL Sir c.wi m. Titf5 csuif 2a ait i ae jHr aa vicil -2-'-- .,-r?'?r u? iMi m -infill v. ' wnuit Livi sv V'T JH.a it- in ,r-ir' fur 'ii -r " nr wsniut. t.HiaiJK."t-ia- - 1 - i I. - it U. iliJli X wiwii m - " ' - Jf HI IT Uff A v&c 111 IIMg ' m. Ttffimt, lAU.Oyf Pii. T I r n 1 v Mr, an IKIT "r . I v aw un - inaic wcra. oca . 1 ar a aow . . - wue- m no-r jnm BVfl W a nasi few m mi ana v 6Mi - tacs an I- I Ve- in lama u r-KiT ux i m f?" iuic jj. '" I Rtsir k !. i 5 :! i t l it :4 ll .f a7?Ti vannuii. vm ma tsss. ? , IMr m t mail ".a . 1 biik v buKt. iaif C in 5J m- vwt urvi. TV" ?t rwn m'n 'iutf- rrr wv tirnrirj H;K1 "laC -l in siir Sums. airtJiaram. UiUi nftn iiaa unirj nnf trm sir Suia use T- . Pw"" i "Li- i W:3a,in itt.i natixil-uiii jUit'itexl- . . . iBa.IsaiS: ti Cpa it- n tr train m.. W m m 5 If Zx&mr klia, n r T lit 5rwac -runng-jiiw 11 . 1 1 " . - 2.1' ?ut fir jb T'i jr3C iaii ICC VkZKKH, -1 -I 2 -4 ll i 'Wit C UTiKI tjri UVliC .out m. w a,-.a.j. at iftj ii.iu-rt w trHm- sic incji tr:.i. it ;rui: Vuu -ui-l wr.A Cucf tirt r- erttjC' :tf 1 i nnr. sj. Tij 11 'mi i iir f-txaif -.Ta tftiurf ii-.S exjie uii if 1 !Wm t 3Wr t U KMUl lita er 31 4ir aw-BiVT" f iarJ tiis in Lit jn-iiiii i-ic tic it;! iu:a rwi so viutr u;;h ti era: riai 31. 17 ii ? .r".tt.rarmo a ti wtt. Li (nt viatr 5ir uriccn. riid tuit .f u jwfiir if 4.V.H-1 enreru. if .jr a iti i 1.1 i JSi Ix --1A vWJst lnia & ",r- .r . .. a -. j 3 Jt .. m-T. v. l r . 1 . r r - oii-Kit; .wwit w r-ijsti c at, tcauier Ka ; la. Tfmsa, mi Xr ,,frA- v jtaki v ,? ii-? i i ,ii-aii-tta?ii.f vu iinCV.a ttki. li".l J It tiit titiiL-HJ-iiift ti it trwsmaiiUi ir ti a i.w;ir-f a. i ia iuu . . ' . " -."-.lunn, 'f 7- rrr.r iB.vrii-ii VJC trttr "' 7 1' rjn'-urt '.vi' -vw-icy Xiii tin". jj: cf a'vrnAtA wit- lit- i? 'u.i t'.f s. iaw-:i a Rit fil;.Lit ft-i.c 7'i.. - lii'.!. iif i ? . .f v.nit m-'Xi-i'i Jft-'t cf C'T HMtjl -.irfxtu . it U1 tus i b tii iafrt-jB in Lit- 1 ti ii'Vr jitj &truJs.i.'-!i u M .T'f I W4it t ir k i-i X jrr ; ir-.rM j-.ii . if'.i-n-!'",- w.n.f vj-t. ' V tviil fK. i W - ti jvt k.1 Si frsrr .... -1 - - k.'i Jiiauami a it U tlA-i t fUVl.'l ".'.l'jTJ!' CU art- Si?' to- i tun tr-v.t.-: ti .-uiv t '.lt ii jr,t.t3 f-.ejt tool x'.'-a-' i'.frw s-t'A-u iaUT?ic rrtrsti :i oitry cfi'ar til otj frtaj - aiil -iv! -.rfctick ti- Ttt-' ti t.-aj 5i.; fc m i trvti, .:-4r -t DA.STX (xm.oc- IVl (mI k IlMtnt Lt C 7 4ul lpt 1 (MMrv. taw U. ..." " ' . . . ' r ; 5 -m . m - I . J J r. -jm .. . 2jcrt k. ttmM. FjliJtlt. It nxi'.tft j ti tr'y"-I til tUt 'Tfilt it C' titt H . .-1. t .'t , . . . J . : . . fit tvf JfvtMir T'JL 2 ' ULta tJt M il2 M it U trrtv STti tut ?A "7t ; ;t ut. a fv t'sA &fr a . fit t ii .f n r..l ! Ti i5" Jlfr,t :'.-.i Srn5 ski ttcif t.nt nrrnr n tst mm -a ai t: tl eur. sunk'n r tMr m km t a . , . .... , j r . ... . . kmu mnw w i. I T Tti. njiftm ii'i. 'i m w T ft-K. ts-t; uh4 jiii 1t .ac: a a I tTtj, t:zlr Li ft ti is Or- i c-.:!,- afviwj f . . i .... i j . j : rfiKajr li uit t-vr li I l'tJ't ft i . . . " " -'- wwi - - tt t.-l li tre tatit; - . ? - a? r --i a i. ef. at. '.i . t i ro , u att Unit. rOfl ; H maid fc7 twx. Cf tf. t tI3I.V, -L. lie txyjrtt1 ' ar f- t.oczt. aaiiJ( tnsrs. tal a o in w A.jirnrt irva Lt lvai al Pr-tt- Ottt:if. J y.xra aa i a-e-. t, tal after . ra. t3 w-t '.tmr-iiratM . mvt kw la u 'oi.l4-i.-. f , rt f- - - , Jr. r- i. vraQ.aa; wi, S lf7U3f ( a7 ' - . m I i ir-v.tV l : . . a . . w. . www. :Krr tsar m - Aloft ir to li r, - .u,n, ,r. Mnia tivrk lr.iV. -.t t fxjir a r-K- ttjut t t 'Uai'it eoVfc!. U tt.j-j f l-; LitA'Au mt tt.J 'iVJel aivJ (.,U4 by ut ;.-r fbtii-A, Uit It liyhU'.n Im vf LtV artrqu.,ua4. T t ftMH i-.f Atr!.D fitoa witi IL t'tfbUAff tA ht uvtf?j 14 ta !;. tat io of tt tt7 ttvi K(s:t ti tbtrl)eJ t-.r,. If IawAo t Lh't tt ttt w h'ntUt, Urtii-Mt'lzt tA kii .U Wltri wbo tuzA tUa k,'i,H kirn io tie AaU tiu'A of l Aty ? ntt Re. Ihl I tAy co'Jtrj'lIih. We tMr' tu- tr neit of one loctl A.'rurkt IJp9f, tiv TrttTttl, iarprrtt ottf 1 1 0 !) ttvl ti export tre I tl L't: jH Su orti wtlle to rtiyttt. a t to btmtf, .V;-y tti lLe fatofiut tr.'l t Uveir fectixi ti aotv" cotr on ta cffcr of tL litt: It t rery itk, arjl at the , Uto.ect. n-riea: mat ls,tl at ir, l Mrxk b'-ij ii.r won:? be no adTotj bat ' j r- u V - 4 . ..X " a. irv 1 to. ray ctr4 to eeur into a tostact 1 T???i'?zV?" i-JZZJ I' ;:ir ttaT ,( te a teraa of not 5a thaa trr mrm iWmunTi'iina MtT(Tja, ; nuja m mi Utt are r la s r v-r be p -ai it tie Mm :Jjr -? - "UTjaT S . the forrser ar r.'.B-. iax price wx:j 111 a ;:fht.'rrr a anjr-r-n f' ta sit 4t rtf cL tcL-JT. TL WAt2-. !. .ivii-ii meet . ... 1 ' Lc!j tlttbar ateMtvia ttra aa ! lira arra lrr Lata- tv w :si a'.h tf ? - . .J i ri.tteai i-jc Eflctf. ibe crert4 j ated. T. ll Lk ll t hr the foT'oaicg rear a4 that tte j orc-i tiv lor laet year. ftrtLer 1 r:ta:;tT U the 14 if rirtea.: WtixrH j rtatad itat thoeij coairaft t acreed j 7"- a to lt oixo, :l aooij te inpomt to att; ceatt iwrt thaa ihr j NOTICE FOR PCtI.!CATIiJ. ...111 JT- I I MOT U tbe Uafl dl and aral l:rr. W ' i-m I. I k . 1 T . . 1 aiiMd mrUmrr tmmm, -mi aMd-r Tt . " Tt7 are ar.-. rt.vrr act . Ufm tie ttot: a: to rfarice theM Em Gnuim mL4. . .v.. ... -. i ' I- vr. I ainMi ctvcarre4 la tU: ! fu, at4 ti..t x-nve Inn tte f.ep wooM be 10 jjrdj. Irait.i eater ioto aeootrtct (or ihecttie. ahkal e.ifci- twi. M-. orr V After Dewer. feebly . . w.c.,. .ri .neo ite are motioa wae Joru The committee frrSTJ-M.-t W.t tben. WLea lb af. - ' , 7 '" "k cr,Te"u ,M u - E' jtbea dwarfed, a.d tb qaeetio. ol !...f;ttcw, KAt'itVtlMtn. UV at. ra pelvJ10 jtJ iU tA tlarted. bot ae tb!t ooctre lata in thai ti,.!. o .:...... . - .tr" 2 of the Aecericta Motile ttidU j.T I..,, wv..,, ! f.;I .ft, th. ?. ... t. ' a. " 7 .T. . . . ' " I JZ?Jr9' I - - ..--.. - - -1 iiiwimiuin i uae a bo tote aot tne l . .- .... tviTHaai (t.tbolata of lb Hlt,ea UrLio',hTv.iaa tf c:;ed to attet.4 t tot liu.e replace to be oot io tbU ' darkara 1i I u'JL!. .1 L'l0f!L iTtLT -roa. tarr, it'i licit for tbe dtftriicfciit to Uke a qoiet tip. A tatn m ju l ir,ne re cerAi'7 becaoe of bit bWt of thro- cotbBiue dtc'srelfctiMtUgeabere'"' rKtjr ot of bU wiridow. It ll ,y oftUr of tbe FJali" Ca ! I'' to rtooi thtt tb com- A petitioa wae tbee read from Kerf A llybt(.d rriiVe trij tal e;x iocix iU:tpf tA'U txb ib a likeiv of tbe lw!r Nfzirene to-J of liryao f ijfeti of ao;rtl rA tboero TliOUltl.hSOMH LL'JY. r!aint a?aifit Lim 111 rir.t m a! t.a- tbote wbo btprBel to le below during tbe boer. '"' AguioaMo, wear of xtitig xtvq nized with tbe rifie, wto'j rwriiUjn in a diplomatic waj. He won't get OT.'ri rtt ettcct to efccotir.terS . I r-ontfderab.e diiKco'tr in er. 2 ' .t . ' . , '. . 7 i 'a the tat of jonr and tbe t). t..ffrw .Vol tr,.rij ; . c( J(,n, ,,;ih M Irfipa,. ffiob-r, it it ti be boped, te! bo" I n.aku !,. apir)mt in iptjt b4. He afarettly bad eu-a!! bop ; lor te et:in4 of tbe Creeaniin of i'.a rf,trr. i eacb cat woaid be a Ia re- "U tbe babr terya k,dxt or T'aked krd to t.e damage done to tbe lorett ihe motber. I rrotth it bat tot bea foaoJ aUri! 1.1- - . .. -. ... . . . .. t t-j bci, Bikoaai, Try rira.-- att ' a triraoor eooe m tbe therepfy, j mooauint. Wbea. the itheep are in "Cmtuv yt do a-jjthitf io tare it?" "ioter q-jartere tod tbe rni it deep azia aked turn mnAl.rr. Ibere it a ponibHity of ibem nibbiiog Toe dict.r ibook bit brad, and taid ! be thrabe and cooet bot never on the tbt.otely aothiftff. .1 lal! range. lad tb baoy eoddeely opened in j Kelatire to tbe damige done to tbe eye, looked di'tiy into itm doctor't tr apj.y tbe foUoaiog are facta not I . . : i. .1 . . l . . : i i t . . i c . . - . i . . . . . . . ... .M.. ... u,.j-im1w7 ono-i '-m ioineiiiir.eti.Kobt.Mkre aod French A Co., againtt '"" .-u Uir.n ir,. famroer aweing eruin property for tbe eon I ar.d erof t and rrroft tbe moontaint bat j ttroc-.ion of tbe propoeei intern pu3cipa,.y ar.ere w.ey are drtitiate cf wtt read and on tnot Kelfou prayiog foe a aarftcn iiceaee for nine menine, tb aama being arm m pa nied by a receipt b 1225 aod tb are. tary bond. Oa taction lb Ucent wae granted. A petition of B. E. Brook t atkiag low deed from the eity for lota 1 and S ia block 42 la Gatea Addition, w, oa motion of Gunning referred to tb jedi. c:ary committee, aa wae alto the petition of 3. C. O'Letry for t deed to certain city lot. Kemoettranoee from Matt A Croee, Ta tUei. :-tt jit p ir"tt NOTICE FOB PI-BL.CATI05. C. s. LaOrr:ct,Tt i .-rvCaJ Jilt 1. ' 5a t, 1 ktr rl" i wi:k IM orm-ta.fn ct lit a! TZ , Job io. iittr -A at " ,, tabtt ua4a la tb !! 4 . ,7 XrrmAa W.MoB , w . of Ta !:. cuatT - af J i ;-L:jial 1 4 , -' '" u So. I N. mt n So. I." K. ! , tKxa trial tar hum) ! "TT-j-iutimbrof a(.xi than U VJV) V ran. aa Maiuatuh , u r-ji--- aud rvrri.-r of ' -1 h lllw.. rtrwai.oa frvtaj-. fTria. J Trr rn v i. WMimorr. ' . !, t I a4.aif.r-wa at nrfa Bire fT-n- " d mm timbtrr. Snoa fa"tcn ibete'rar., b t e MnmUtee on eewert j-Mintr. " l.,f. i mt: on the ezpred place and win n Tbe reror!er m Inatrm-trt in the teaiher tnn.t warm the ertporaiion.. hH ail claim la faror of penon owin? , :e greater here than in dittrict aith j tje elty road tit; r.eaey titnrr conHqamtly the theen The nutter ol th rf.n... CONTEST NOriOE. foori I ft-frrd iba cru; alio0'1 ''" c '", Irr.pV and 1 1 llQ t ft flQ I Q .pf j charged w!tb caoamg the mow to of t'.e roin cf tbeol 1 lannirr lui'din br . v" tb.mdlbeflb-f-Mfor Ukif.? a airlj1" If yon are f .n, 00010: VUI O. J mU ...d m.king . ec.rcity of wter. j ... broogbl op ,Bd left In tbe hand. 1 1 ' :UiZ?A?"- bader ,ixt.. l,o-e f,or . Iww .law.. 1 i.ZL'l Digests What VOU C-t Lnrt0'? 'W W7 tbe the fir. ..d - ater committee. lVXJ? i.t . , ,, bta.thy p(arnce yonthvild try ""Wl JfUU 641. lopny of ..ter ba not ten lift than ! Thn the qoe-non of wood far tl.a no. ' ' ' .all, .).r,ir tbe wa oM enoogb Acker'. ISlo4 Elixir. It care. .11 ItartifldxllydigesUthefoodaDdaltJ.' hn the aheep wer. not taken to the ! of the rtr dari.L th. .-TnS , ''r1 '' V, UU e.r Of LerK-lf j yet lbre are Unu a her. cheap Karaapariila. a,.d XV?SKb?2A.t .reC0D I b!r ,titn lM in F'".. doced and re erred to 7, . 1 ' , " i '-. '..5 ' ! i ..-.. . .. iKrnctlntrthe xhauHted dlrt re or- t . . . u 1 na reierrea to the committee on orik w. i ,r'vi tfwl many tarcnt io lb i c!tr abo ; '"t!!, f'0""" ft:!; knowing thieiruL I Ift r-ard to theep de-trorii.e irriir. I itreet .nrl r,ni.n- . i.u a...i fiiVo. '.i ih? l iui "dJ on and . ...;,.,.".." i . .. ' f-i-7 . . -.- - tV .1... I Th. . .4 MhlMUni P - ' " - luuiuuiwnn in eniClftlCT. It In. i there ere in ti.e f aacl r.n. i.v.ui d'o't f-re l re tburir tbildren nrt or wbfit th-y A't. In aiicb caw. the enf'yrcemf-nt of Ibe ordinance be come d.CI'.tilf, yet all jraaicaMe effort to enf'rce it, io th.tplritof It orgnnlziUon and tnacttccnt, tnuit eell erery Wtle on a pomtive gnarantee. ' tot tnd torc. 'o ot her preparation ' li can approach It In emctency. It In- j there are in the Cascade ran two bald l!iakeley A Ifonghtin, drnjrgin Acker. Kngiith Remedy will atop a ITp-pila, Ir.diKMtlon, Heartburn, i mhmm c-Tfigh at any time, and will eare th i 1 thence, IViir KUniach, Naoaea, i ,r'e' wortcd in twelve hoir, or monfy refund J. Z't ct. and 60 ct. fclakeley t) ...... . . iam.tarlt. fi'.fl Julv lt. i tantly relies and perman-ntlycurei ; ,.,, , . , , 7 rM. oi in. omceri were read and him .h th.t .ft.r d,.e l',;; i. & Iloajtiton, drog;(iu. while the other i. not and tb. Sick If eadache,Gaatrtljfla Cramp, and ' 'Hel''n nd anow ara identli al on aether wuluoflmrrfectdlfrpatloa ach. There it but a tmall atrip of re- Ent.erDroC. Ih P.! tt, Or,n. , thi di.tarUnc, bvi,..n ttaek' . - Ii-r-U tI'i ! "ii" - - nineteen trreatt, and Hecorder Gate f 2 ' itn b iu aud pryr P,,t'1!'7 collected a finea dnring th. month. I'"'--" ' Wh.nik..:.;n .. .L I .... vi.iui, Kgj.ii.8a iii, roomy , were read that of Oncer Johopon for 11.50 T ."RED. W.WIIVP AtlORKV AT , l;V;; oR.iiO I II a, . wat dUalioted, and a porticn of tb. oato evei I'rH 5at b.