The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 04, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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rirn sec in
. , . ' tit.ia:f S-
J. M. C-.-, :r -3.r. m j b u .
J. O hn1 1 !- ski..! Si i itAS.fc. 3J j m rx is
-jr i'M -m f-'? t !
its.":-: cf ti i.rm !if. a-i ,-r i
:.i ioh-iux wr jr:ri
i itui r lia or a n.ia rsca
Vr. a:, X- 4 Ei-wk w-r
lit fc. y.m u ta iJrt.
and Motors
Aj ft r;if-ii- .rf iT ca ti:i- it W. C. Fr Prstir Am i.
(j f a jtwi'P m i.:. w- la.rt mntLt -i yui'J-f. XT. ..A-
Lit vi inm. I'M K.- w .- F
S-jr .icas -x-.Anes aL.ia.cL. ?)(ium S am ttTJ. fw rM-4:t.i S
X k5 CFACTT 113 IT
M. - Jaamna a ...
i - f riMHM it tkn A W
fcyic k'r. J.', w.i K-ii Liiw. T;Ti. "
, 'Sf "w ' "--" i- f Jfr- i-T ;:: l-r;
winrt ri ir. -1 jtr Li 5. iia inw-tt- n .
r"l ti ii'rr- if ti 1 fji F;?.i.l. ; a3:7C!, 4 - i;tr if cj cl
K.'t. H. IT. Frwi t Por: ti Ti tal V;i:
Mt Clr 2,r",-i. io ! t: r.:- iri, ir i.j tr ti e iii!m l i rs.ot
Ivrtna tn jtj 5r U-" : i-.-i- u----.r aJ .tr. : , i9Ti yt ta Ut-xi'Jt Vis.-
mg tiiMilW!tlillrU . r.T.iv;, a !5 '-.rat r. ! ... fcr . . W r,f
rJki-i lit blJL , , .
Ta. 13 t .f ta rra
J C 5-W.rif " i r J fr niU fxe-a L
J-c: ,"-rll 1 - Utmr. es :b Sra ; . , . .
iv. f-.-r. KV TTt rtT ..t, iJs't tt wwzi yst ttp
-'-jsr.. ft j.1 ii Fr- : ' ti 4. Ti eo3:f:;t
X. . .t. --. . .T- i.. rif2 iT res- ' --
l , r t-.':' tit -i -'' i ' s ii-r-i J-? fi3 ni' b9 r fixKUr with tb ; WKItIXT rou i75 co w pr k-ti
cii--rt 5-i--T ca ?t vr rw y p -;vr .;-t I m o.i. 'to! to ieqa-re m to wtesir
traM?. ?rtT .':rt; fc " . 'A .ri iti ic;irkx U futtit. tct t
Xvoiti'i U:;. tv: Jif. P.iiz t.rtii. ! m if oa &7cosat ci teaTT r?r.'"l ti.: ! Uet. n.ot etrirr ar cf tt or shim i
: i a sir? ti X'-
1 V1J.
Ti.r;rtefC;--i W. W. Hrtt
.s L ci-ijyci riTresict crtc-3
:i s;; Ccr-l-i, t la t to
Wiiiix::-a fc ti eciciicl Aif--Trlf
r-".rt, i ti:"r p, ticrt "
ti tfii r i tec !.-Kt r trfi iz.'.o w::i ;
U. O. L 4 S. Cx, r.'-Jr to m rlit c- (
t i:r ti t:I ri'wy at Ct'-io.
i ij. .fiT la psillt.j. tfc O.
.4 5. Ca. i,-n to ti f 5Tr- ;
it: X:4 ecr xa.t !i o r!rrfia li Jrti J tin
iiT'fi ia r-v f t s.U lie trf'mrj iae:s-t
f.'K! ft Vat riJ ft! ti pciat tll'-J
-ml:ly.Z. tk.-( tx trc ti O.
irirtf. ?
I: i ticrfit:it tie frT'axct mill
i;riTti: ccctrft, tJ tit ti O. J
E. 4X. tri w:II b rtr;i:i.iij m t i
' to s.ik c r:;Ll ef y f: tj:L:c g tie f
r:TrBE.ct c t dwiie to l-ciJ at tiit ?
. . . '
p:it Ja:3 ntn tnE:.
Tif re cn mho tare etas:i
qif:i".3 trio d j cot tr.itk a boat
err !e ti.t at i: 1 .r
Whclesa'e and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agercy lor the Greate t American Lior
;;Yel!owsione Sour Mash Whiskey.
I to 15 TrjTi oni.
rvoctT at tK at yottdj
beat Til'.mmj mvt'.4 be pnnicAl.
Let Ih.zl a ? iKPOSTED OCCl AG -a a;.00 io i2.C3 r!it.T
Ia.CALIIOBJIA EE13III8 hrnt iS.2S to Mr rlk-D
U tO "0 Tlrt.4..
io ) at
Ml. M. Parils isf. tiit &vrvc j t.r
s twrt Uss t CMa.i.
Kf. ill Krf. O. W. Oy,i
Vsmrt 0i. t sst rcia all
ji. rr.frin lotit, U sa :.-.-. ;
Cft. Clu e fras hrt
jfearer-laf aa-i -at ti 47 :a tt c.:y. j
t-rV;, i twsui u is napi.ja to a
t Lm. r-: aai tiU ttk. of ti rttrre
j at or 'rre-J c.'cd.
at ocr ,
that a beat raaar at aor l-.Dt it a
mj lac ractiea! th:c2. J
! FrtiiraKO there it oir.e ta.'t cf CLTFIA EEIR on drbl, aa l
tfte trt-!ihe abaodocxe&t cf tfee beat ra.."iT ' lapviim A ifi Pcwtr.
lit. af Mr. Ea:
iare brr-a nt'i f rU
' "f'V".'.," rr. atj u..t ; t::,. c tte y-iy fro.tb frooi tt, iie. A nan ho La a-Ten the uK:t J
eot:ir. U 1 ! t itit ...... .. ... -
Fr.f m--cu ootrttx.n to to - J "f" u'e Gtt'.tvasja toc.t t cont.cJrrab tfcocgit eat that a cacal
ts.a tLre. j o iy.c'z.g te:ioc opoa which iepj i the ynper thing at lie Jn 'n. Itii
era iitcre-J, eooTincel erery tua i r.ii cp:o ta, toaerer, tiat the
Yal BUlx and Oltmpa Eer u bnun
, cr.i;.
it tra aa at-
tri5ic cf the
If r..;.. T - . . . ..j ' . . ' t ....
. 1. J u uu IV C .bU.l.l.VUltlf ipr. I . - c .
ir-i i5 ..r ai -jjr";T t&- . ro tai tB tf.e i!t c! It. nliiw itTi r:ri ii.av ea njoi 1 mi woo. a not ear :o r to tLe hear
tff. i'fi nr. Prr " .'f - ma! ff.rn f ' V n 1 1, . m. I,-, t. -. . . . . .. . r .1 . . 1 - k 1 . . 1 ' 1 . ... -
- ' . . . - ' - ti,ic,.iut. irvia i;rft'ja'fi l.. iLCifiprnte ci 1 rsoa:
ni'im. to tiir hestv ia -okar. .tttererr.?. t ...... . . . ; a t.. .t .
are defri lct. The eizht or or-per Co.amiia wontd iosiifT the oallav i
o.ea intertl in prerentic? tie , ; of o rnccb mcnj, for canal are xpa- j
cte:czo! I'.e t:i b.i: aikd lor dare ! iTe th;c?. I
act re'je't the depart o.eot to foi o Ti.i rxan c;gfi that a portage ra:!- i
o-.firja JiceJ f pfe al agent to ex c'.t way t cor.?jr3c.H at :h:f potct, mi in !
't. I f'a
a taowc tA ta saa
5r 0xf&r, J-ft lat n:jht f'-r a
t:'A in tf. ake rxxr cio'r. Lmr-
Mr. AfB r'irri f her fc r,n J" bt W;;UaiM ta
lb t.v! afur a fw k tUIs 1 cI ,te --
wit Vr. J'. ! M'. 0. B'owo at.-l :;r, Mi
Mr, fj. II. Frei aa-f M: ! K"' "rt,l ;t r,i..t frro a fe
traia. ' ' p ace
M Ka'.irjn f4rjr.t wr,t to Y'.n
ItmAxy trjyrt r.g. wltr the wii at
Mil tie ttXV.B.
Mr . P. P. MtO
:t ea-& rTr
a jit to her
l Mi i c ubic; acj gn and Tirnpr ereo I .
w.m on tie xr.viud,. I b,i report.
r. ... . It d-in't tak a "forf
, ir. an-j jr. yarn FO';er;aca lelt
, j '.n lat ernin' train for ti.rir don in
from I tokat. Ttr i aneorr ini-l tr
trie cn .r.ioi) ci ir.e (.rKiw ica on- , ts.t air :io tte Intc ol lie river fo
protected Uni on $-M;:, P.inoter, aa-J , d:oe. If in a few rear it ebow
lS-Mi'e creek, aod ret their ci on tbat there if ecSciect besioen to isitifr
Wasco Ware lioHse Company
! Headquarters for Seed Grain ofautisds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otFii Hads
tie I ci dicj of a canal, then there wi;
1:1 Head nnnrtpra fnr T?! n
ry crack to , b no trouble in etitinz tie appropria-! v,
dneMe whether thefp are doing aa in- tions tircog h cor.e;re. Tekram. ! XAeaQQUarterS for RrOTI RTinrC! nd a kfnda
" .w vm. of MILL FXEO
Oo. Kvrh, Jr , t) 1
wee with hi cttrr.
ill pij'l
Fft Jnen. who ha ma.'e h?t
ttrn,t in Thr Di.- f.r eo rnaur year.
n i.X Uare ll.U afternoon fur a few dara'
ritt in Hood Hirer, afrer whirh de wiil
. . . ... . : . 1 T 1.. r- . 1
j the ja.iit( grr eery and hardware dt-al-ler.
fcf.ttt aSwar eertial nd readr to
arrired Mud a heipiuv hand in any entertrriee.
Krnet ha a bott of friend in The
I'a'let, tnd their good wiht go with
H-U la -r'jy .n
ymrrut in tf.. er.ty.
Mr. acd Mr. N. ft. frzrt, who bare
Pl tr pt fw dar in tt etty, ieft
tyjy tfjf tfcsr Lotl in I'ortUcd.
Mr. Ja. T'. who ha been
arwtof Mr. E.M. Wiiwu. left
fD4ri(Cf fvr tr h'.di in Portland.
Mr, and Mr. Cr.a. !te'on
bot ha' or lay from weiding trip to
AwVjiria aa 1 rtrxmt piatra in the Vai.ry.
Hon. and Mr. F. P. Mara aod famHy
ad Mr. atd Mr. Rtwin Mav retarned
tAlkMrkiiMMin 1'. .r . i L. w t V . .
nvmi. Inlhurity, Monday, Of. 2,
j l:Wo eiock. at the home of Eider Clif
A.ert U,.mr., who ba fil'cl the, ton, .f the. liaptiet ehorch.aho per-pvtitk-.n
of to rapher frr th hatrn j forrd Ih ceremony, M. . jCoberth
Ht'm Lwtd t.n,paoy,!eJt thi morn- i and Slit Ir.a Head, both of Ihifcitr.
UX for Portiacd. j Th. froom ha. been engineer at tbe
Mr. Ocar Koi!. of Monmontb, who Diamond Flooring Mill for tereral year.
M'rVaV'iV ftSSS ! '"" -
ui theboatlhi morning f.r hi home, j The '"r "bout haying
M, f.. f if i . come here from N-.rth CaroMni.
r. and Jlri. j. If. Teroplebvn, of
Pn o-y 1 1 'xrDp-inel be the Miter Tha Juyfal Feetlaa;
w i. 5
i,.- ;;,, . . With lebiltrmliBf ne of renewed
down haltir.lay, and will Irara on tbn !.,.. , . . . . , ,
'teriwxin train fr I'orCand to attend i f,eth fntth and internal cleac
tb ezpoeitioo. Ilinecr, which follow the nie of Strop
Po k Mar I ft lat evening for hi ! ' ' onknown to the few who hare
fiorn in Wal'owa coootr, leaving Mr, not progreted fyond the old-time
tlVl'K "u, c.VIir,,n i.",W,e,,J '"'j medicine and the cheap foNtitoe.
the wintrr, Mr. May having r nif 1 . , r
th Fowirr properly on the hill, adj ,in- j 'uered bat never accepted by
lag Root. May' residence. 'the weii-ioforinrd. Boj the getuine.
,M Km mi K c arrived in th ! Manufactured by the California FiB
eity on latt'a train from her SyropCo,
Daring the winter of 157 Mr. James
jarytothe etreaicr, forest acd farrx
l!lfi7 thia rrirtirnlt r rjr.rti.n rit fk
Eoonuint; in fact no man woaid think Et3' ooe cf ,he 'Jitg citizen and
"f dipnting it unlef he bad been, like
j Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
Mr. Bonner, taenty-foor yeara in the
cheep burineie and acquainted with
ninty per ceiit of the people. So hi
m nivea being known, hit nnderitand
iug aoa'd not be qie'tiooed.
Thocgh thi anti-heep fjht i bitter,
and a?moet every man from Moaier to
W a-nicwho it not director interested j f130" of ''!y '
in hen. ha acked for an extenalon of nothing gave any relief
This Floor ta roaonfactored ezpreealy for hkmLj
ntmi find ' - " n . .1.
Wa eil oar good lower than any bone in tie trade, and if yoo don t tLakm
1 and get cor pr;-t and be convinced.
nserthsn: of Clay, Clay Co., W. V
crack hi leg agaiott a cake of ice in
och a manner a to braise it revere! t.
It became very rooch aaolien and caincd I
him o l,3:y that he coold not walk I Highest Prices Paid for Whoat "Ro-rloir ar.r1 Oat
I w w WW akaaw w w u aalA W
Distinguished Testimony
No aecret x:iety in the world atanda higher in noble aim and charitable
Accomplishment than the Knight of Pythia. That order is doing great good.
.i vuv v. n- iiiivnt lunma
tion i the Ohio Pythian
Home, at Soringfield, tJhio,
which i ably presided over
by S jperintea'lent L Fevre
aod hi wife, Mra. Callie I.
Le Fevre, the matron. The
latter ha recently written a
letter, which will command
widespread attention because
of the prominence of the
writer. It i as follow:
Messrs. W. If. Hwiker &
Co.. New York: Lait year I
wied Acker's Knlinh Remedy
at tbo suggestion of a friend,
for seriou. lo9?-tanding
throat difficulty and extreme
ly bard cough. Had used
tnaoy well-sp'ken of prepara
tions without relief. I can
hoocr.tly say that Acker's
K nsliish Remedy removed the
difhculty and stopped the
Vi Ifrh f AiA tint t-ti rt aa jk
or use more than three hot- w r irw, uo. r,,n n.
tie., and at leait one-ha'f of the lat is still on hand. I also consulted phy
iciaai with no permanent results." (Signed) Callie I. Le Fevre.
The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevre refers as having suggested Acker's
Knglish Remedy is Mr. W. Ft. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy
Transfer Co., of Troy, Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other
rures in Throat and Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance
Mra. Le Fevre also said: " If you will call on Mr. W. II. Schauss, a prominent
ch na and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has bad
any amount of experience with Acker's English Remedy in his family, and
think they cannot keep house without it."
Ackvr's Rnclih Uamtdy I sold by all d'ut-yin'l tinder a poult I va gaarantra
that your monry will t ralundtvl In ra of lailura. tc. foe. and $t a bottl in
Uoitr4 K'atra and Canada. In Eofcland. 1 td . , id., and 4a. 6.J.
H e OMlhoriu tlx dJVW yuarmuc W. It. UOOk f.H V IV., ProprUUrt, Aw York.
the line of the reterve, t there is no
fubt the pasturing of (heep on
the reserve farther tenth wbere there i
no chance of conflicting with agricoltcral
interest, and where the psitnre i worth
id rich more than the timber cn ever he.
The few (heepmen who have been
rooting along the foothill are largely
to blame lor much of the agitation, and
at Mr. Booney ha gone into print I
wiil 1 it mention bis portion of it aa a
(jjip.e: Only a week or two before he
wru'e the communication to the Cn Bow
ie Le, he moved a band of theep from
Tyh to Fivc-M:ie (ihroa;b the bisvyi
fir timber abmt Kingslet) and drove
them twice throoh a f.rin fncJ with , Jj
foor-wire bar'jed-ire fei c , pasturing 5
them in the field on each occasion. At '
another place cn the line cf hi drive, ' 5
..I . . 1 . . . 1 . r.
nine lai'iicr itaa iirrtui iruin riooje
luioov ir.e a.a 01 crntcbee. He wa
tre.ted by phyficlanf, a!o nied eeveral
kinds of liniment aod two and a half
bathicg it, but
nntil be began
using Chamberlain ' Pain Balm. Thi
brought almost a complete care in a
week's time and he believe that bad he
not need t!.i remedy bis leg woold Lave
had to be amputated. Paiu Balm if on
equaled for rprsin?, broUe and rheo
matitm. For tale by Biakeley 4 Hongh
ton Lm?giit.
Ce C.arkei Fa.k'qa:oine hair tonic
to keep dacdrefffrom the bead.
Yoa will cot have boilt if yoo take
Clarke & Falk't tare care for boil.
w ith a threshing machine, be returned
to find hi rail-fecce had been taken
down, the baud of theep deliberately
let into the enclosure and oaatnred. and
the fi-nce afterward replaced. The Crtt j
mentioned victim notiGrd Mr. Bonney fr
and receivel pertonal apologies and,?
promise. The second vietim Uttilli
measuring foot-print and iheep-trackr, j p
and hooting evidence to go into court ! t
Hoch thin at the above are of very
frequent occo rente; probably half the
larintr along the timber edge hare had
irailar or wore', and Mr.
Bonner ha the tati.factinn of knowing
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall S Barget
The Dalles. Or.
Burial Shoes
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer.
Tiiirl ani Jelli. Ptoce 153
nt im a rr
end to us, tat your
hd -tttM BICO
f)unbr lnrh avrvan(i
b"lr at feel antj t-k,
n4 fjI twa4 !
rtaawi SM to
1 ofj jf vpmrtw, C.
. mm4i ft
Mtt)iiwk. og rmtt
tiimlne sttvl try it
on at yovr ntrt
sprt o(flf arwl
it f'urvl ran rf el If
Mtiy rrrw
M wr or baM
of, pmj lb f
a S.
itj - J fhtrrasMHt
wT will , M a
I wufirl,NlaUN,
Thll Circular Pfnh Cm i-i. art (W r.H
. r
btr. rifvL oat nnt
pan ! rtai.h, m itM he. fnw, rnt f Nil ., Unw
rnmarUnn with Wsr Mlk th Mae av r4. Vary
aiaraot atl- aw, rprfttrarl vita aaaleeae fcraM an1 Htv d
bemrtinw MltiwtrNwtxt. TrlmmtMS ail r"l r4 srllh aitra
a ma Tw rr. hat ntrtMt-1 ila wr1 nn
flrrf rham'id WHe fW llaab (atl. aMr,
kMn, inurt a u. an'r wlni ' tmr.
fl I n ...
-uk.K una uunimitn, y
and Machine work, P
evnnd ht. II
i orip JohntiiMi. Z
Charles BurchtorL
'waj -asi awae -wiw w wwwasarveffwH
This brand of Whiskey Is guaranteed to the consumer a a
HAM) MADE S01R MASH VY.I.SKCY for . jmilj
and Medical I'se. Sold bj
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
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