The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 04, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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. '141 it. -.t U ct-x. fx c "rS crk w::a c'y oc aad
as4 Da- '
t wUa cu U to ij
; :u;:: ti rw-Il.'
ft t1 1 ! a I. ' -
O v V t? jcu at uts wen iitaas
lr ivun iatza ..... .
. 1
J :aarl r ataax x i K
' -r tf-v au uu ic2a - l
Cm t run ji as - - - -
'bow gosiigl'rca n u other fields f'o
' -'.. . . .1 i'.i.rie fiat Ia i
approve and endorse til KU of the liv- j CM
is I it ,aal to. if bj( better, thin words
. v . . ; Mr to Largest rtL Tt Dwfar !.?-.alen i f'-3i-7 ' . "
! Tfc acve f-nro u troa tie Mti ti. rrpairiag of tie rowJ be- pease r. to wy to too. Esther ani r-ia-l
.. . . . - . . 1 TV a lii' M. and urtliil.iauiTWXiQi prakanDiw
Ti- iS te f.BW yM - r . ,. ..!, Mrmiioo thi charvb wheat
rr cur lc't fcr ft kg tin.' i ibe!ea-4f U!p is tLt c.x-n lfcr ,t,eau.0. it it a I nlUt joar labor Sorth Yakima!
Hiwtver capt GrI er.1 s.v cf t-e Nortiwe'- CVnala'r, tbre a moiwent t j a V-r he of xi:i:f worth nd
... . .i. . v.. ?!"!! uru- for -Lrcr"" ,..ji:ai. Ti l-! iQ cf the rnv t cf relation at rtar cd '
. . . .t t. - Mim - ' - - . - . r
. i . . 1 i . . . ..rtuinaiiii- toi bu bii eTerru. Wbi.e we utmr
t -a..t to tt03t e- cfh i :,i,4;t. a.fa unufri. .... "
, . j ,4 , . - Tie ro J eootlace to t worse not eneme-d the -cuoa of lh confer-
frc m bow mat:! tie re r.t tg . od w;tb eore in tbtst r-r.'f iererine oor reialiont.
'7 -", -trirf;
I v j - - w-ufc.
or..r, cW5 -J ""-j tLeCDoritjcf tCB. tm we r kjj n, oor cuoorn. ua we tw-fTn: -
WE AZi. BILLISj -i l y- iksl ldtcii LU Tie weiu.r :s frosrti-.g sk-wlj u,ri, ;:e n-otUi liter ca lw bJ ?oa God ttJ TQ" fi'' ; H.' 2-5 TCH - .-T?? -p
Wi Lu it Xt-.rt V(Jl;a tJr,a s fTFJ'tct tsrf.:r u,r.i tu oTertsj-.Ui. iE-:.ei06:j. The tr.rel ticf be.T- i I.Ur and t.nst ic ,11;. pwrideoce it m.y ; '5
C.U;J W-Cftl CLJ Fxr Cf.., ..Jge. ! :T tUteni.eedpro.e toeoo a fie.i ol
rex- La M-rn--'-- .iry rtif-s i U f.. , cta -- 2ro- " lrt ia . -u. .rjr.r c.,i.r, wec-alj f r Urr b f.ur c: frtsit5 ia.Jri.nce, aoa .jfr M l dTJ Crow tr.fer, crwther. or nher Watco coonty La:d i Nctfcice tnt rootice bosinef caiae od
c- ir
t-r:i'-.t -.ser. j in f:-.
iirtw'j darker grow ajdce. LaJf tte ct cf a rock erotber to be csed , before (be water coiiimisiotiert at tbeir J u
tt beta irrrei't'-J,t JoczLairH foott.U p'avtrs den -t C-lr. The Uet tbat th:t part- meeting SainrJjy eight. Cotamitiioner j
,t ;Lv: ti tcj at to cici. Gtm- reefer, aol cm to drkk -hot
would !Iefer.
oertbip ejg:d not Jega!!r ex: nerer cat Ecia:!, Sloore, F;sb, "Phirman and
any fjare, becaate the eocnty beeaxe ' Ssnfert were preeent, with tte latter
r a ti'ent partner at n at itt thare of
; the tccney wa paid. ot w Ly not te.l The rejortt cf tbe tcpentWcii nt and
Jr'te Lx ia tbe fre asl attetvi toj coxe cat to Oregon, wbcre tte county' inUrrett in tbe 'rock ernsn- ( tre-sarer weie read at follow i:
Xtw;.:rt Nrj rt :I Iir zwt ,tnl "B "Ttr - ct&- lede." tbia -pep'
ccetrKl fr tr AttrxLi '-"J t Sr tt irc ; i Loci E?ob:ic
iJ ti Vzice Iroa l Lx 13 tL s'1 ?;"- t; coxe ct
Lpw'fc t h-rt trtr'- S'-sj c:sailr. Dewej L cvt ,we Te co lat LomWe we-iUr , lt "tT uJ bay t-.raw to n:i op cpm!stesdest rxpobt
tP-: Ja-1KtTc5iket; U .Je t!iu.t mi to !:ie . ir..o to such tt,otk:e 5" t "?:t0 Te w ! TouJ book acc't niontb u Ao-...(
, ,,..r,:. m.j.-, .... . . . ; kx m;t of Tbe to the farxer Ua.ooct eolirtteJ
: tf. ksSi.-aj cf l t 1 -A j oouanJah potlrx. Tour lot in that .ho f.jd Li ia ,fca cr3sLer mlA j
Wcrtt t
tis.rt est
la B't
a tarcttt U rtJ-l ia tie ? " ' lau l cf b';zztrij, cyeiijoc. bcrning ( t totxe benefit. !
fa li'j tccn'T tLe wxciri "- ' j teat m tuxaer anl bii'bticg COM "Or. il that can 1 1 doce, an 1 tonje-
Tte wefk cf r-?
"P-" h a rerJ-bfei
f littzz t,if-:.'jt wies ETi Tr-:ti rci'.e-t SutH. TL pfci-clicD j Ja ,St-!esaian
. m v. ll ir Vm i:l ., or Ua frnrl I rt
. i n aar f a.b - t a - . ofL.1 k a. . UiUTI Will aj v V 1 V O v
rtr inti. 1 far:I f vi iim of 10 cents ; w --w .v. -.-.v..
IoJ on tveiy lotJ of het h.a!ed.
vAtz-rsX !y -3 tl crfp! core- 1..-, cf tLei .Le tnoney tbot eoected keep
I 367.00
Sept. 1-E.l. cash... 51.01
rect .
Krsv3 aO. 1- Ttttelt ' z'Ow;r fUle is to fr afcil cf all , a man working the roa t from Tbe Djiiirt . By redremabie
t - " DeniMTii'c iji'lorm m ():.:o cot . .. . i
ti,:: a; ::: ia e ; aai ! oreTk-s tar tLal tL fiiilcz tn in . . - totijbt-mi.e. fcbou.d the later plan be
?rT.rV. I- tJi iMwtr ,vjat cf tLe itir-r tU. w,'!l L:
Ffiiiy cctli t cotMrtd ti. Cikaz core tLaa coa fajiJti for, ao'l tte
1 r.'. rtffr In ttr iwcix. T-t ' j i ., . r- t -,i . Spt J liii. cash
- j - -1 a jop'.eu ir.e i.cpain a lii pay ir.e in j . ,, . ,
McLean insist that tLe contest in- on 109 loadt of wheat. If tome tech
Tbe following claim were allowed:
, J B Crosren, tap't caiary...
asi two cf iht er!j rmtli hrgt a-rjrtgil jkll ia tie coud-; .
cf tbe tw tTj. aad wLUe tiej
Tore bo tslicnal qaesiiocs. Tbe f pin eooli be adopted for the nEi'chas Border, helper..
t'A :ii! to cre cf U.e
:! iJ.rt r-.r. ihr.- Vo it woaii care many time aeNtdbiw. w't a.arv
f try' Liitorr i cow assured, v tte : ' ,. " ... ' anioant expended. ' Mvs fc Croae. mde. . .-
rI. 'IXrte.1 to eoungnj aljiances itbj ' C A Border. 75 !tt rope
jjjk isi'i bv. . ... . a M Balcal Artcra'.oB. : t i- i . . .. ...
toreiyin Kinzaocs aca eanpires. ; " """"'i uu.iuB...
7tce;:r pet ia tossLHiOS, ther are aatlonuf place tte crop as Ligh as
i Secretary Hr kcccketl
it cut in
! H C.ongli. laooronpipe
Tbe fi:tt cf tb afternoon reception a A L'i'iahart. labor
j for the waoo wa enjiyedbya iarge W'ni Mrf n.f.e'.J, labvr..
! ' , ' . , , . , i short order,
t c.'-r. , be fir atl of . tte best years cf '
Tie :3ttcf were fsvl, t-t -tb f-ist, tbe L gte-t fTiocs yiej Ji In 1677 the TraosTaal was pne-j LaoghUn
Ta.r -tar tvew at l belter war-j tio ttil cf wllcb was put i tical'.r baLkrutt. Gobi minic;: soon : tome on the hill. Ifone featore that L A l'.rter. team hire.
i;4 were aileJ to ccr Ccet br tte gorertmeof deprtn.e&t cf i afur became a pavinx iDflnstrv. and j "ool(l b,T dje,, to the cow-en'M oi Lnt Bw. biacktn.itli.n,. . . .
tow tL ffci-t-l tt ct:n.cj tbe: azTkoUorc. afttr til tbe retorts were ' ja Ibi'j tbe lirect receipts of the i .,"., ,p . J F S tianniaie. repair
t 9r,r.- an f ' t .vri7VlC3 Iahp. Tl.',...... f ,.!-. ! 1,01 nMiCL e- . . -benck & Beali, in, pretoiot
- - - -. - - , - - - , - w - - ; v v aavsu j 1 1 ia f. j i ej luv " . i v v - i i fm n a I
j i r I r. i
F. , , , t i ii wuciriv, iwirji . . . .
( , .. - Kobt Slorrar, Iaor
was a veritable garden ofi
60 00
. CO 00
. JO 00
. 76 87
. 3 75
. 2 00
. 3 40
. 6 00
. 3 40
. 4 10
. - 00
. 3 CXI
. 1 85
. 7 13
7 60
w aVH
rr j Tim i tr-n.r.j. !
roa faowtaiiaT u2
Fart Salt lakr. Iw"t.- .
11 Ji Ifc. m! aaa i ir . i . r
1 . . - w a
vtuexfu acl Eat
S:p.m.i loth.ii:..ili;jif
Clueaco ai.a tan,
CKvan iTnxu:,
For San Kranciv
j Jat oar;
i aud ererr iWt dtj.
Ez.Mintlay Colombia Rt. 5;
10 as.l
caiuraar iMiirt.
j lu p. m.
I -I
ta.m. I ITiLusmi Sim Ida
Ex.uulaT Oretrt.n tiir. Ll-mb
i at VtmJ LtL4 a.
i.:p ia it wo-M. ard fotr ct C re . beat crop i be!sewed to have ex-s 9515.070. Members of tte Volksraad 'everreenf, and here Mist Bessie French
ixrrc tbipbsilfit eub!; jbaetU ' ceelejJ all fonxer rieMs except tbit'now receive a salary of $0000, or : P'8-' and terveJ Umonaie to the;
Lave Utn create J 1 re '&Azz a 'of 20 per cect more than the pay of aD PMt4- The P"!crt were beaoti.'ol in .
proftro& bu!i-.
When tbe recoM'.r tc.i
In tearty every irspor'.'.t.t Gel! cf
n cf tte : industry tte p-oli.ction is ahead
wry lezn tiere were Br.'Ai'n taval-cf my yeir :n tbe pst- Tbe pro-
"Americsn conjresstnan.
experts who toll tbeir coTntrynvcn -daction cf p'g iron has been steadily
to looat ''-t fur tte appeiratce cf a ' breaking records for several months,
rival in the world shipbuilding. '. notwithstanding the large increase in
Tbe majority cf Esg' sbmen sai l we ' price. The output cf the woolen
were not to be feared, ts we, ba l no , and cotton facVorie is apparently inHor the Democratic party
p!anl, do mole!s and no experience! tbe lead cf all former Glares. Rail
i.i aimor p'ale manufacture. But road earnings are reflecting these
the experts were light. More than advances by passinj op to higher
the extreme Sowers and plants hang-'
ing from chandeliers and placed in evert !
. , , , ! available space; wbiie tbe dinins room:
cu...-v,, daintily decorated in pick and
elected president since 1856 will de-jvhite. In tbe center of the table was
liver college lec tures next year, while j n immense bancb of pink roses, and
a suprxtrtcr of Weaver's wild eyed I roee were 'ir!.T "ed over the table,
platform in 1832 will do the talking! hich' tb the pir.k ribbMs.fortred a
- nr.ll w . . . . r. If, ...... 1 .1 .. . I
fifty mrKiern ships have been con-' figures thin were evtr te'ere reached,
a'rutted and the building cf over j Iiatk clearances, which have 1I alorg
one hundred authorized. Moreover,
we have built ciuisers for Japan, and
a battleship and other vessels are
being constructed for the govern
ment of R'Jisia.
TLe progress made in iMs great
work cf navy building bat stima
lated tbe reconstruction cr tbe mer
chant marine. Large orders from
the government for a period of
seventeen years have pot several
large shipbuilding establishments' on
a solid foundation. Capital has been
attracted to tbe business, splendid
bodies cf sbipwr'ghU bare been
organized, plate-making plants and
steel woiks bave been improved, and
tbe new concerns are prepared to
build merchant steamers tbe equal of
any other in the world and far more
cheaply than could have been done
ten or Cfteen years ago.
Already two magnificent Atlantic
liners have been built and now fly
the American flaz. Two more bave
been ordered by the same company,
and with the beginning of the" PaciSc
Mail leviathans and tbe IcyiDg cf the
keel of the Pacific merchantman at
San Francisco there is reason for en
tertaining tbe bope that the work of
rebuilding the American merchant
marine is well under way, and that
the work will continue until we have
once more taken a prominent posi
tion as leading ocean carrier of the
pretty picture. Missea Adam and
Ruch who served the guest were also
attired in white and pink.
It wil a hannv thrmvlit m-l.i.h'y information given Mrt. Gjorge ' nroinnUl1 t(l .. , . . m.,
qiartet to furnish mnsic for the after-
Prcvcateil a 1 raced j
information given Mi
Lot?, cf New f-traitsvi.le, Ohi. pre- !
Judge Schilling's Best
baking powder
flavoring extracts
and spices
by the evidence produced
they are their pu n wit
nesses. For sale bv
Vandugn, Adams 8c Co.
Tygh Valley, Ora.
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
i noon, for while the gentlemen were not
Admiral Dewey has been inter
viewed in New York, and, according
to the Evening I'ost of that city, bus
made some observations thit are full
of the osu.l Dewey sense. Among
other things be say that the Philip
pice difficulty should bave been
ended by this time, and he intimates
that one reason why it Lasn't been is
because Gencial Otis his tried to do
too much, having been anxious to be
general, governor, judge and every
thing else. lie has ins sled on hold
ing all the ie!is, something which
cue man canno', do. At tbe admiral
been recognized as a trustworthy
barometer cf business conditions,
bave passed far beyond all previous
totals. This Is not odI' true of the
clearances in New York atd Chicago,
where they could be affected by the
operations of the speculative ex
changes, but it is true of tbe other
business centers cf tbe country, large
and small.
Tbe government is feeling the
tonic effect of these exhilarating con-1
dition. Its gold reserve has passed
far up beyond the highest line ever
previously touched. Moreover, the
tendency in Ibis direction is likely to
continue for a time, for gold is
coming into the country from Austra
lia, and more of it is likely to soon
start from Europe to us. The treas
ury returns for August, notwith
standing tbe heavy expenditures due
to tbe increased army burden, sbow
a sui plus of over 1,000,000. August,
it is true, is ordinarily a month cf
comparatively light disbursements.
Tbe indications are, however, that
the tax laws will, nndcr the spur of
the immense business expansion,
piovide very, nearly enough of
revenue to meet all the government's
expenditures hereafter, and may
furnish quite enough. In an in
dustrial, financial and political way,
these are among, the greatest days
which the United Stales has seen.
lives. A fruhtful cona-h had long kept Tifiliei without Jlylli. ,tt
; The Dalles. Portland anl kilm
Navigation Co.
her awake every niadit. She had tried!
many remedies and doctors hot steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle a holly cured
her, and she writes this tuarveions
ruedxice also cared .Mr. lying of a severe
attnk of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit tf
this grand remedy for curing all t hi oat,
chest iud lung trouble. Oaly 50c and
ft 00. Everv hot tie icuaranteed. Trial
bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton'
DrngStore. 6
for fcalr.
Will uke one-half in trade for po-
latiee, chickens, floor, pork, bay, see
on I or third grade wheat, or a No. 1
bicycle: On span of good rcong
horses, well broken, good life; , weight
aSont 1050 to 1193 pound. Call at Dn
fnr & Menefee' office, or addrera box
710, The Dalle. Ore. Oct3 lw
sound of their voices, which wafted I
sweet melodies from the parlor above,
wa appreciated by the ladies, and to
this was a very pleasant feature of a
perfect a'lernoon.
lhe entertainment furnished by the
hostess tended lo the musical, and in
securing partner for the afternoon the
lady which held the name of the com
poser wa found to be the partner cf the
J one who held the name cf the song he
had written. Article representing dif
ferent musical term bad been placed on
a large table, which the guest were
oiled upon to decipher. Several couple
were fortunate in guessing all, but when
put to the test Mr. Warden and Mr.
Poling were the successful winner of
two piece of sheet music.
The refreshment were dainty and
very tempting, the more so from, the
manner in which they were (erred.
The home of the hostess It in every
Million of dollars, it tbe value placed
br Mr. Mary Bird, Harrishurg, Pa., on ! w,7 adapted to euch a gathering, and
the life of her child, which the saved
from croup by the use cf One Minute
Cough Cure. It cure all coughs, cold
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drag Co.
t30 ltwr.l.
I will pay $20 for Information that
lead to the recovery of tbe 1350 Cedar
hakes, that were stolen near the Trgh
Valiey tore last summer.
s?l20 1m Bake Oven, Or.
"Itdilms mora go kI i ha n anything
I ever used. My drspep-i was ol
month.' standing; after eating it wa
terrible. Now I am well," write S. B.
Keener, IIoi:nUn, Kan , of Koc'ol
Dyspeptia Cere. It digest whi.t yon
eat. Butler Druj Co.
'Standard orders arc kept on 01c
at tbe vaiious employment agencies
for men to do section work on the
three lines cf railroads that go
through this city, Lut the agencies'
complain that thtie are only a few
applications made for that kind cf
work, although tbe wages offered are
good. Many men are wanted on
what is termed extra gangs, where
work will last until winter seisin;
and more men sre wanted on tbe
regular gsngs, where tie employment
is permanent. In several places in
Montana and North Dakota on Loih
roads a number of sertiou foremen
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
mature In strengthening nnd recon-1
siru;.mrin: exnausiea digestive or
gans, it isthelafestdlscovereddlge
ant and tonic. No other preparati
Biipruncn n in emciency,
allogeiher the entire affair cjald not
have been improved upon.
Word or l.nnndauai.
Concerning Rev. Haa k'a removal from
Yakima, tne Republican has the fol
lowing :
"A large audience greeted Rev. U. F.
Hawk at the M. E. church last Sunday
evening to bear hi farewell sermon, and
gave him marked attention during hi
discourse. After tbe sermon the secre
tary of the official board of the church
addressed the following word to the
pastor and his estimable wife, which
were endorsed by the entire congrega
tion by a rising vole:
" 'A number of the members and at
tendant of thi church having ex
pressed a deIre to manifest In a public
way, their appreciation of the work per
formed by, and tbe worth of the one
Ki.a ).i .,,r ., a.m. fciij.a br
e"" ' rt iM-rt... nuMt lnCiiii
11 la a
S1-1 Uty, heirt M..Md kkk.
t-M a .4 an. U .1.1.. L. I L :
Wm-aarrrr .vnV.M. tkt.
ToeOtinr.; biumta. Ha. ...
auil sat.
Urr-eon Otr. t ve. ugf
! auU VVftj-l.afc4iL;.
tm.m. Viuiimi Eivii lf
Tut.Tbur. Port:a:il lo i ...rvat. Te..i:j
and taU aDd Waj LauJ.Lft. . aUst
Lv RiparJa'
dai.y ;
P. ir It. : UiTt
Rlpana to Lean. tea. U.-t.i
sirs. Regulator Dalles City
Illy (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Lock?,
and Portland.
Touching at way pnin't on both side ol tbw
Columbia liver.
Both nt tb above (teamen have been rebuilt,
nil are in eieeller.t ahai for the aeaaon ol lw.
The Kacnlainr l.lna will endeavor to live lla
patrona the beat aenrice praMiblo.
For Comfort, Keonomjr aad Plaaanra,
ravel by the steamers ol lha K.aalator
The above ateamers leave The Dalle at S a. m.
and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at dratl na
tion ia am pi time lor outgo! m tialne.
rortund Oftlee.
Oak bt. Dock.
file Dalles orflc
Court etrevt
'W. C. Allaway,
Oanera A cent.
o' Oregon, lor lha County 'of Waaco.
Charles O. L. Ilenson, plain 11 rr,
llntt'e A. Benron, defendent.
Tanr IMe "tl"10" mid defend-
In the Name ol the State rt Oregon
You are hereby notni to aptK-itc and snswer
SVri.W r,0'V Ike date of the
Aral .tiblieatl..ti ol tl.ia notli-e, to-wlt: the ih
tTa Lui "n?"TrT '"""" I'leo'l. theplali -tin
will apyio the i-ourt lor the relief i ra-ed
b.n. I. !" ' ,'"H"1 "t lhi
i P"tntiMnjr now exla-lng betttren
fh-,".' ff."V.1r'.:",r,",Mn.t ' rti""lved ".rev.-, and
thai piafutiiThara judgment agalimt delendanl
,,7rJ '.'L rtl"hr''""-ni and lor m h
other and further relief as to the Court may
seem meet and r-pillahle. y
o.?h.". ulmm,'n, l'ii'hed by virtue of an
Older made and t.v llor. vv I b...i...
i-. w. Hi,rl..irt tr. ur.l.l, fr.111 .n. .J . . i . i -innin, on lnr.-llfjav
,hV-., .ii ! ,w,'-rt""" that anld aummoni,.,.;i.1) 11 "ibiMiMl one. , lor a rl.Hl ol uot is
Fituuia to glim, r""'M and .w-t I ' """tuu weeta.
'211' '"''"' wninnamtL ... FKKD. W. VlljON.
Par.lea deninng to go to HeweraVail
la.e Mi. 4. leaving the l'..t-t at a m f. n
making direct cooijeeiion-. at Hei.W5er.twua
Ke'.urulug making ill rvi tco'.neru -a at Httw
Junction aith No. 1. arrn;nj at The baues
4:15 p. m.
No. 2. throucht freight. eat brood, flcei v
carry pa-seDgera; amvi-a a. sl. Srfin
I .'Da. in.
No 2. Kwal freight, Carrie xmrvtm. m
bound: arrives 4 . p. m . d. iru li
No. 21, wert b.uud throuc:! Irwaat. 4j
carry paaseogers; arrives f f
: p. m.
No. 23. wetbonnd local frelrbt. W
seugers; arrtvesi:15 p. m., oejartt S a a.
For full particulars call on O. K. X O.'l
a;eut lhe 1aliea. or aJdrea
w. u. HrEwrn.
On Paa. AgC.lMrUaat.
Industrial Exposilion
Eorticnltiral aci AEriculrJ
Product of Oregon, Washingtos id
Idal.o in freater variety nd pro
fusion than ever before.
America s Greatest Lsdy t ornet SoloW
Tb t'nci'l'
of Acrobats, dlraet from the KmrJJS '
London, their rlmt a.i"'nr ta
Vusurpassed Actiall.t, In thfir thrl'.ll
A Season of Oroal Surprises i
Abounding rims-
Itedoeed Itates en All Irsa'P""
"I"1" T M ir.a .1 ,-.,M.a ,
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it in- l-is' ,..-rtr ;:.7,-... v."i
icanuy relieves ana perrnanf-ntly cures ai'tciau fHfcWMjTS OFFER. wui,.m.c. r.,m,i ,,. , i,
DvspopMa, I ndigetlon. Heartburn, i . .s..,. C,'.,!. ZT'j. fj' ,"r'.r.f"i:,,. .
Kfattilence, Sour Stomach, Nausea i i.'TiZ"EiiV"f;'1 n"V ","h ""'" ''T.",1 ,",""r "r ""y ''"i topr "
Slcklleadachw.GMtr.laTlt.cVmpa!rra K'VK'ES "--'J-- i'
Hlother reHultsofimp.-rfertdlpestion. w,.v!,. Vh..,! 7" I,' rV,n .!" .": 'x m,,m"
rroord by C C DaWitt a Co.. Chlcoao. In" " " p'a.....,i ,, ,,i.iUfc ri,kt21 ""lt,,' Mh day ol July, i-.
a, , . . I"" "S.l. prlt'w. A.'ifrr ' L M . . l- iii-wti',
Bdtler Drug Co. The lilies, Oregon. SEARS, ROEBUCK A. CO., CHICACO ""' of th. it uL Nj ,',M
K..ta .CkM ralll. nns, dweaatd. JlT II
Execntor's Notice.
Nolle la hereby glr. n that the undersigned
r vi'uiiiii I nv
Ltlldren under
MASONIC cril.!'lNi.
Third Street, between Court and 'h
ton Streets, lhe VUf-