The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 04, 1899, PART 1, Image 1

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liar I
NO. 2
0) Katnre of tie Britist Prapossls WU1
Rfst the SeltlemEnt.
Include Payment of Indemnity to Great
Britain for the Sending Out of
Troops, Disarmament of thcTrans
vaal Forts. Admission of British
Supremacy and Other Conditions.
, London, Sept. 29. The meeting of the
British cabinet, on whese deliberations
practically hangs war or peace in South
Alrica, begin at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
President Kruger'a reply to the last note
of tlio imperial government has now
been receiver! and will bo the pivot of to-"
da) 'a discussion. The cabinet adjourned
at 3:15 p. ru. The ministers were heartily
cheered by the waiting crowds.
It is said, from Boer sources, that Sec
retary Chamberlain's proposals, as sub
mitted to the cabinet, include an in
demnity for the cost of sending out
troops, disarmanent of the Transvaal
fort?, the suppression of Dr. Leyd's lega
tion, judicative and legislative independ
ence for judges, t lie equality of English
and Dutch languages, and full and com
plete admiesion of the supremacy of
British interests throughout South
A larpe force of police was stationed
about Downing street, but perdct order
was maintained.
In the meantime dispatches from the
Cape continue the story of military
activity in Tran vaal, Natal and Cape
Colony. The Boers are concentrating in
the country contiguous to Natal, where
the first outbreak of hostilities is likely
to occur. Large contingents of burghers
are conveying from various-parts in this
probable battlefield.
The excitement continues at fever
he tt. The commandant-general has is
sued a notice calling commanders to as
semble at a specified spot on the Natal
border. Commanders from Krugersdorf,
whose burghers checkmated the Jameson
raiders, will embark in trains for the
frontier tonight.
There is great activity at the war
offices at Pretoria. The artillery reserves
nave been called out. Arrangements to
oerend the frontier are now complete,
and the work of equipment !s proceeding
rapidly. The burghers are congregating
'n the towns ready to join their com
mands, which, however, have strict
orders not to approach too near the
frontier, and to avoid collision with the
nMtieh forces. The Boer forces are
gitlienng at their bases of action, a short
distance from the border, at Harrysmith,
Vulkesrnst, VrybiJ and Breraorsdorph.
A a Result of Cigaotic Swindling
Saw Orleans, Sept. 29. Intense ex
citemont prevails on the cotton exchange
J""'. n 1 the directors of the exchange
"v met and suspended business. The
"w York market m ringed tndav. and
only quotations this morning to
"idi local Investors were from Ltver-Pl-
The market had scarcely opened
when the operators had become parr
'Jedby advices clicked from over the
ean. It showed futures jumping In
lepsand Iwimds. In half an hour re
Prti showed that the Liverpool market
jnuirerl nearly a cent. The whole
change went wild, and the excitement
(reading to the street, multitudes
er(wdedaroand the doors of the building.
A' 10 o'clock a meeting of the directors
c"ed and prompt action was taken,
"'pending all business. Operators were
triable to sxplaln the tremendous jump,
n' 't was the common belief on the
""or that the wires had been tapped and
. hat gigantic swindling game was on
'ot lomewhere.
Private cables were going to Liverpool
J Hie doxens seeking Information.
'" lt' telegraph wires were bringing
news of the advance a, Liverpool,
private cables to prominent local cotton
firms were bearing the news that there
had been little or no change from yester
day in the Liverpool market. This at
onco aroused the suspicions of the oper
ators, and caused a hasty meeting of the
The action of the directors in ordering
a suspension of bueiness checked the
panic, but only temporarily allayed the
excitement, and there is suenreseed
anxiety to know the solution of the
The directors officially announced
later that today's suspension is due to
traml. Operators estimate that the loss
suffered here on account of the swindle
will amount to more than if 100,000. '
Ooe Transport Sighted.
Astoria, Sent. 28 The Government
transpoi t City of Rio da Janeiro arrived
off.the river this morning. A pilot was
pot on board in the afternoon. Owing
to a thick fog, which prevails alone the
coaBt, the transport will remain outside
during the night.
Not Reed's Kind.
Portlkd, Me., Sept. 28 Amos L.
Allen, formerly private secretary to T.
B. Reed, was nominated for congress by
the first Maine district Republican here,
in convention today. Iu his speech of
acceptance, he came out squarely in
favor of supporting the president in
prosecuting the war in the Philippines.
The Democrats of the first district
nominated Luther F. McKinney, of
Bridgeton, for congress.
Ex-Senator Wilson Robbed.
North Yakima, Wash., Sept. 29.
Ex-Senator Wilson Wednesday night
lost his watch and $100 In money to a
burglar. The senator and Assistant
District Attorney Claypool were guests
of Court Meyers, a leading citizen. The
thief, after taking Mr. Wilson's valu
ables, departed without disturbing any
one else. The officers have found to
clue today.
Prisoners Soon to Be Freed by Filipinos.
Manila, Sept. 29. The American
authorities are arranging details for the
delivery of the American prisoners at
Angeles tonight or tomorrow, A Filipino
general and his aidc-Jc-jamp and sec
retary will accompany them to Manila.
The insurgents have been Instructed that
they may send a representative to confer
with Major-General Otis. The regiments
are. resting at Porac.
0. R. a X. Shops to Be Moved.
Spokane, Sept. 28. The O. R. & N.
has bought thirty-three acres of land at
Winona Junction, in Whitman countv,
on which it will establish carshops and
division and dispatcher's headquarters.
The shops now at Tekoa and Starbuck
will be removed there before January 1
next. From Winona five divisions will
be established, ranging from 102 and 138
miles. The place is having a great boom.
Fire at Grant's Pass.
Grant's Pash, Or., Sept. 29. The
most destructive fire in the history of
Grant's Pass began at!2::!0 today, in
tin Palace hotel, a two-story frame
bui'dingon the southwest corner of Fifth
and Front streets. Hie vnai ions is
about 75,000, with insurance $20,000.
Epworth Leaguer Will Fight.
Chicago. Sent. 28 Fred O. Brown,
nresident of the Epworth League of the
Chicago northern district, lias enlisted
fcr service in the Philippines. He left
his home this Bfternoon for Fort Meade,
where he will join the Forty-
seventh regiment of volunteers.
Mrs. Ilolhrook Dead.
Portland, Sept. 30. Mrs. Ma-y W.
Ilolhrook, president of the Ladies
Iteliaf Society, for thirty years, died to-
riav. aired 70. Mrs. Ilolbrook was widely
known for, her philanthropic work.
Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will
diirest what you cat. It cures ail forms
r ,1... tnl stomach troubles. F.
R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "I
relieved me from the start and cured me.
It Is now my eveilatting friend." Butler
Drug Co. ' ",
Ha . uiiii 1 a 11 mm nrt l VI I M. 1 1C
(Ml. jmmr I..I.M mm4 kl. I ". I
vrat n4,rtMl, ttmtm ap aaa.r ai-aw, and
wa will arlul T"U lhli'iit h aU,
C.J.D., aab.l la a.awlaatlaa. 1-
amliia anil ti Tit on itl ymir neaia-t MT immmm .1 .H' I
,. ,Ppmn,m aaa la arfal
mrm nf. mmd
i TM- 1 - - r ' - - . ' - -
a r " "'m i
arm HL I'HUK, S2.7S, "
"'.Tv''':".t.iiii.t...t i
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,(,!,., aiunir, r'l '"' "'
t'latai full Irnmh. ! ' '"
l.a'r -vM .llr. f r
n,.,h ft ll..r
oih.T h...i... rr rr-a i i.t - ;
and Mail "-M i"iraHilltni1 (Irar
as., teuucH co.
- 1 ;
Walter Clyalt Deal and H Wite
Indulgence in Liquor, Is Thought to
Have Been a Powerful Contribut
ing Factor in the Motive.
Portland, Sept. 29. In a jealous
frenzy, probably intensified by liquor,
Walter Clyatt shot his wife and then
sent a bullet crashing through his own
brain, dying instantly.
The tragedy occurred shortly after 1
o'clock this morning, at 364 Russell
street, where the Clyatts resided. The
dead man was a plumber, and lived with
his wife in the rear of his shop. The
woman is still alive. Dr. Hamilton, who
attended her says she may recover.
Miss Haberccttel, who lives with her
parents at No. 339, across the street from
the scene of the tragedy, and Miss
Lenora Hcrton, who lives at 382 Union
avenue, were aroused by the shots, in
quick succession. A moment afterward
a woman, attired In a black robe, reeled
across the street to the Habercettel gate
and said something about a revolver.
Mies Horton thought from the woman's
strange actions that she must be In
liquor. The Habercettels, however, soon
saw something serious was the matter,
and helped her across the street to her
"Give me some morphine!" she ex
claimed brokenly. ''Walter wanted me
to follow him, and I want to do so."
People who went to the Clyatt house
noticed a pitcher of beer on the table.
Ti.a dead man, they learned, had also
called at a near-by saloon for a flask of
whisky, but it was not given to him.
Hence it is thought that over-indulgence
in liquor was the direct cause of ti e
The woman, who is at St. Vincent's
hospital, told her story today in a some
what incoherent manner. Stijsaid her
self and husband had been to the expo
sition. When they came borne, Clyatt
got some beer. He kept repeating to her
that thev would goto Hades together.
She thought he was only joking, as he
had often made such remark;. He would
not undress or go to bed until she blew
out the light. There was no revolver in
the house. He said he wanted some
tobacco, and would go to the house and
get it meaning his mother's house at
Sacramento street and Union avenue,
near by, where live his several brothers
and sisters. When he returned he
crawled over to the rear part of the bed in
which Mrs. Clyatt was lying. At the
some moment he placed the revolver
against the back of her head and fired ;
then turned it upon himself. One of the
three shots he fired missed its mark.
Insurgents Have Arrested Ooe of Their
Generals, Charging Him With
Treason Many Rebel Soldiers
Are Deserting General Garcia Is
Ready to Surrender Insurgent
Forces in Eastern Mindanao.
MANILA, Sept. 30. Fourteen Ameri
can prisoners, all vnlisted soldiers, have
been delivered up by the Filipinos. It
is reported from Ho Ho that the insur
gents have arrested Viarayan, a general,
charging hlin with being a traitor.
Tribal discord, it is added, it growing.
Many rebel soldiers have revolted. Many
European prisoners are escaping in tho
Ready to Surrender Mindanao.
Wasmi.notov, Sept. 30. The war de
partment has received the following from
Manila: "Adjutant-general, Washing
ton Communication dated feptember
18, from General Garcia, commanding
all the insurgent troops In Eastern
Mindanao, expressed a desire to turn
toe country over to the United States
anl to surrender the Insurgent army."
Transport Sails for Home.
Washington, Sept. 30. General Otis
cables from Manila : The trinsportOhio,
with three officers and fjrly-nine men
of the Nevada cavalry, and 215 die
charged men sailed yesterday, via. Hong
Kong and Guam. Two men of the
Nevada cavalry are in the hands of tho
Says Aguinaldo Is Winning.
London, Sept. 30. TheTimes publish
es this morning long extracts from a pri
vate letter from Manila, dated August
21, whose writer asserts that Aguinaldo
Is getting the best of it; that the Ameri
cans are making no practical progress;
that Aguinaldo has regained bis influ
ence over the village, and has lately
obtained a lot of money, with w l.icli he
is endeavoring to torment dis.urbances
in Maniaos.
Your Fan
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health ai well. Impure
b'.ord makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and "o not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
One Man Burned to Death.
Spokane, Wash., Sept 30. A Cascade,
B. C, special to the Spokesman-Review
says :
Cascade received a terribln baptism pf
fire last night. " Alex Arvall was burned
while heroically tryingto save others.
The property loss is about $33,000; the
Insurance $-HjO. The burned district
covers a solid block In the heart of the
toffn. Six hotels and one cigar store
were burm-.d in an hour. All the burned
buildings had sleeping occupants, some
of whom escaped only in scanty attire.
Arvall was imprisoned by falling walls,
and before be could be rescued a sea of
flacjes swept over him.
filmnitrck'a Iron erv
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeya and bowels aro out of order. II
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
Displayed a Flag of 1K61.
Centralia, Wash., Sept. 29. Yester
day, as the Dakota regiment was pass
ing through this city, the stars and
stripes of 1881 floati'd from a hastily
erected flagstaff at the residence ot E.
L. Baker. This flig was made by Mr.
Baker's mother for the Fourth of July,
1861. It is probably the only '61 flag in
the county.
Vulcanic KruplloDS
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of jy. Bucklen's Arn'c Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Ouly 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. 2
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 26
to Oct. 26, the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co, will makes round trip rate of
$3.25, which will also ii. elude two ad
mission coupons to the exposition.
Tickets will he good going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
3,on Thursday. Sept. 28th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and Including
Thursday, Oct. 26th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday niuht following the Wednesday
or Thursday on which ticket is sold.
25-1 in
Floral lotion will enre wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk. .
M"I AM' ft Kk. IIUdLtllfliSUWin i vtw
riMK hMxK rvMN MIlS AT $1.90.
A nr SUIT MFC rOR ANT Of THfSt 8blfS
bf.NO NO MONiV, f Mmm4, mhhmI
U-...t I.. alal f hal at tail MV t altlier
(5 Hat or Mint il l.-f wisilUml yuu
tn run y r pi '. . . ;"
animation a it m r a main ll t your
JL ttHTM i.fltri'anj 11 lotiiel (fi trtl wall
r frtrl.Tj iH.iial 1 MlltMla la jmmr law lr
9. Ml. nny ruurrtffwii aii oar "pcnai
OHVr rrlf-. I.!, prt'- rl.
ur aura kiur ruilA l,.r 1 til
1J fit. Ul OK- "rr rrimll- vrrvwiirrv t
t fl.Mh Until a MR HIM Bl.r snn arsn,
latt 11HI n;w lliaairiiM. nuaa mm a
lfa krit !! mtrrrMiih il'Wal
Miaalna 4 .tlrr. flt-at. kit Im! fill 11 ft-ri.
fla Italian .mill, f--alia Jr-4.. lairrll-ttiir. I...-.
Ia.tla aaa rlfHr-4, tllh a4 laa .-, Haclalla-)
lartaNMwf,aailt hi tT ar Mtrrnt n aula be prl or.
frit Ha IUIIH fltHfl.r mt IU' 4 lalhlaa tmr toy 4 ta
f V Kill rll far ap' IUh UK t.iitaiii rn hi'Xl
lil4ra tai tniaiir-antl t u 1 1 timtrut iioim lu.w (onnli-r.
Nwlta na4 tm mr.Wr from .VOI mp. Mm
p4 nnt lii" nn m i! tcatiort AiMraxi.
SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. (Inc.). Chicago, lit.
(Man, aaaw ta. an laarauaal; nllaMa. - adllar.)
A f
Makes the food more
"vt gawtwQ
Enlist Eiuect Early Kcrerscs in
Sonttt Africa.
Boers Gathering on Border Eifebty
Men ol the Orange Free State
Artillery Have Arrived and Taken
. Their Positiono at Vollisrust Point,
Close to the Natal Border.
London, Oct. 5. The general drift of
news indicates that the position of the
British troips in South Africa is critical,
owing to the delay in sending reinforce
ments, and In the event of liostilitits
early reverses are regarded as probable.
The latest advices thow that the Trani-
vaal mobilization has been rapid and
comprehensive. Many Boers, it is said,
did not wait to be commanded, but pro
ceeded to the border spontaneously. It
is calculated that the Orange Free .State
already has 7000 men on the border.
Artillery at Yolksrust.
London, Oct. 2. Advices from Cape
Town says dispatches received there to
day from Charleetown, Natal, announces
that eighty members of the Orange Free
State artillery, with six guns, have ar
rived at Yolksrust Point, in the Trans
vaal close to the Natal border.
Officials at Charlestown has received a
telegram from the colonial secretary in
answer to the inquiry instructing them
to remain absolutely still and oiler no
Absence of News.
London, Oct. 2. The announced In
tention of the British cabinet to meet to
morrow has apparently been recon
sidered. It is now said that the meeting
depends largely upon the developments
in the Transvaal.
The date for summoning parliament
has not been definitely settled, although
it is laid to be October 19. The queen
will hold a private council at Balmoral
at an early date, when the necessary
proclamation will be signed. The remark
able absence of news from South Africa
this morning leads to the belief that
there has been a widespread cutting ol
telegraph wires or that an extra censor
ship has been established. Tli rj is no
Transvaal news yet todnv, s there is
nothing to soften the txcitement and
bellicosity caused by yesterday's dif
patches; neither is there anything to
indicate that the authorities at Pretoria
have the slightest desire to crme to terms
peacefully with Cireat Britain.
Briton vs. Yankee.
New York, Oct. 2. The Columbia
and Shamrock will meet in their first
race for the American cup, at about 11
o'clock tomorrow morninir. Experts
expect that the race will prove a content
as earnest and as Interesting as any that
has preceded it for a international yacht
ing trophy, n here (kill and judgment
will play as important n part as the
speed of the respective boats.
On the lOtli ol December, 18V7. Kev.
S. A. Donalioe, pnstor M. E. Church,
SjiiUi, Pt. Pleasant, W. V., contracted
a severe cold which was attended from
the beginning by violent coughing. He
siys: "Alter resorting to a number of
so called 'specific,' nsiully kept in the
house, to no purpose, I urchnsi'd a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Renitdy,
which acted like a chaiin. I most cheer
fully recommend it to the pn'illc." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it Incornble. Science ha proven catarrh
delicious and wholesome
WVwtw w co. , tr W VfMW.
tube a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
ouly constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in dopes from ten
drops to a teusDoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case It fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.
,TSold by Drug.'lsls, 7"c. 7
Engan Decided to Appeal His Case to
Congress for Consideration at the
Coming Session of That Body.
Ev Vopk, Oct. 2. A special to the
HeraM from Washington suvs: Brigadier-General
Charles P, Kngaii who
was suspended from rank and duty as a
result of the language employed by him
befoie the war investigating commissioii,
hopes to obtain vindication from congress
during the coming session.
General Eagan Is at Washington to
settle matters connected with the furni
ture of tho honso ho occupied before his
departure for Hawaii. It is understood,
however, that he is trying to t nlist the
sympathies of members of congress in
order to obtain a congressional investiga
tion of the beef scandal.
There is no intention on tho part of
the administration to restore General
Eagan to duty. It fact, it is desired that
he should apply for retirement in order
that the president mv appoint Colonel
Weston, now acting commlssnry-jenera',
a brigadier and commissry-generjl of
subsistence. The president is anxious
to do all he c m the coloni I. During
General Eagau's stay here a determined
effort will be made to induce him to
apply for retirement, but many think be
will not do so, in view of thefict that
he is now drawing full pay, and wonld
only receive thret-qiarters on the
retired list.
Story ii r a Klave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
lorm of slavery. Gtore I). Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tflla how such a
slave was in .e free. Ha s.iys: "My
wife has been so helpless tor five years
that She could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two lottlis of Electric
Bitters, she is woinlerfulli- improved and
able t do her ou wmk." Tliii supreme
remedy for fern lib dineui-ei quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a Kodsend to weak, sickly, rundown
people. Every botlle guaranteed. Ouly
50 cents. Sold by Blakeley A Hoi:ghton
Druggist. 8
At Kacrlfiro.
Fort) acres, mile from Soragno
landing, j4' mile from Carson P. O.,
Skamania Co., Wash. Good box house,
four rooms and bath. O nimiUliiija good.
Two acres young orchard winter apples.
Lnn 1 all goo I, and easily cleared. Five
or six acres sediment, soil very rich.
Sacrificed for $2.0; worth fo00. Don't
spend time writing, come and see it.
J. K. Chowm.
"I wish to express my thanks to the
manufacturers of Chamberlain' Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoe.i Bemedy, for
having put on the mai ket such a wonder
ful medicine," sayi W. W. Maseiugill.
of Beaumont, Tex -. Tliera Hie many
thousands of mothers whose children
have been save! from attacks of dysen
tery and cholera ii f intiuii who must
al feel thankful. It is for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
The 'Tlow Boy Pro. c!,er," lv. J.
Kirkman, Belle Hive, III,, my. "Alo r
suffering from Bronchial or lung trcub'o
f jr ten years, I was cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. It is a!! that is claimed
for it and more." It cures couihs, colds,
grippe and all throat and lung trouble!.
Butler Drug Co.
Clarke A Falk have a full and com
plete l.n of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by Ju nes K.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.