The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 30, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
pUluhtd ia tvo yaru, on Wtdutulayt
it ut.iu ronAe ruraio, u aDvapca.
ohp w
mimoutat .
nnt rnoulil
adTertisini ratea reasonable, and mad kuown
"Ajrlla All canianicMon to"THF CHROS
KLk," Ti 1aU. Oregon.
Wednesday Dally.
Rooms are being fittted op in tbe Vogt
building, ahicb it is said will be nsed
by Paul H. Mobr as an effice.
Prioz A Nitechke are having a new
sidewalk placed in front of their furni
ture store. A good move. Let others
Pauline, tbe little daughter of Mr. and
Mri. C. E. Miller, is still very sick and
ttere is small hope of her recovery.
The other little daughter is somewhat
improved today.
Tbe etreet sprinkler is doing good
work these days; and if it would only
cease to snow suca paruauty toward
tbe crosswalks, its services would be
doubly appreciated.
The machinery and paraphernalia is
being moved into the new laundry
building today, and tbev expect to be
ready for business Monday. A lot of
new machinery will also be added.
Sheriff Holder came down from Moro
yesterday afternoon for the purpose of
securing Ltias. Kramer, w&o is wanted
. t 1 . 1 T I 1 r 1
mere lor oumiuiug uiuiiey uujer laiae
pretense, and returned on the evening
t'ain with bis prisoner.
We understand tbat tbe O. R. X.
crew which has teen woiking on the
Lew is ton branch road, Is now at Moro,
where they will begin work on the Col
umbia Southern. It is said that road
will 1 completed to Shaniko by June 1. !
. I
Governor Geer is in Lmou county
1 ,. . , . , ....
ivuAiug a.icr iua sinic a interest ia tue
, , . , , . , .
land purchased for a site for a branch!
asylum, trouble regarding which bas
grown out of the original grantors not
yielding up the land. The governor will
pass through the city tomorrow.
A new eteamsbip line is to be estab
lished between Manila and Portland, the
first feteamer leing advertised to leave
the Philippines on September 15th. As
soon as i.eace is declared, there will be
no end to good business, and even now
Manila does twice as much business as
Portland, with only two or three ports
A proposition is being considered in
Biker City involving the connection of
that town with Pendleton by means of
a railroad line running from the present
terminus of the Washington A Colum
bia River railway. The proposition is
to run the line up to the head of some
creek emptying into tbe north fork of
the John Day river, tbence to Sumpter.
r t
xiev. t. Hawk, the newly ap
pointed pastor of the Methodist church
in tbe city, accompanied by bis wife
and little son, arrived in The Dalles yes
terday afternoon. They will be guests
ot Mr. and Mrs. Bolton until arrange
ments for permanent location are made,
Kev. Wood and family started last night
for North Yakima overland, followed by
the good wishes of the entire com
An Oregon printer, in making op the
forms in a harry tbe other day, got a
marriage notice and a grocer's advertise
went mixed op so that it read as fol
lows: "John Brown aod Ida Gray were
united in the holy saner kraut by the
quart or barrel. Mr. Brown is a well
known yonng cod fish at 10 cents per
Pound, while the bride. Miss Gray, bas
ome bice pigs' feet which will be sold
cheaper than in any store in town."
Dant Optical Jewelry Company is
flowing a very late, nobby line of jewel
ry goods, snch as ladies' and gentlemen's
Pearl gan metal watch fobs, beautiful
designs of friendship hearts and lockets,
fine selection of rings, such as
diamonds, opals, turquoise, sapphires
n 1 all kinds of genome stone settings ;
nd bracelets of a moat beautiful line in
S'M and sterling silver studded with
tm. And everything to be foond in
n up-to-date jewelry bouse.
The Dalles City was compelled to do
double service yesterday. Beside com
lug up lox'el with an Immense amount
l ''tight, including several heavily
leaded team, they were compelled to
make an extra trip to Hoo l Rivrr last
O'K'il to bring np a load of sheep for D.
ketcbura, and it was 3 o'clock before.
the boat got back to this city. It was
tx'sary to pot on an extra force of
deck hands last night so that the regular
bands might be ready for work tody. of incorporation wer today
filed in tbecieik'stflice by tbe Shaniko
Warehoie Company. The Incorpor
tonsrj W. Lord. II. F. Liuhlia and
H. Moore. The ca,itl stock is
'2 000, divided Into 420 shares st $100
hare. The ol j -ct Is to conitrnct and
crry on warebmies, stuck yards and
tores, and do a general forwarding,
torge, commission and general mer
chandise t niness at Mianlko, the pro
Posed Iowp at tbe prewnt site of Cross
Hollows, and other points In the state.
Rev. Geo. Leslie, of St.raul'a cbcrch,
dy received a copy of a ublication of
which he is author. It Is a "History of
me American Diocse 0( Colorado,"
containing complete tistory of tie
Episcopalian cLnrchs, parishes aud
missions id tbat state from ISO! notil
Juneol the present year. At Its iccep-
uod in ISol, the diocese inc'.aded not
on'y Colorado, but Montana, Idaho and
Wyoming, and tbe work covers ali tbe
many changes since that time. It ia
rery compreoensive and ia certainly
va.uaDie to tbat denomination at large,
10 snow tbeir appreciation of their
captain, the erew of the Ora, which rant
fioui White Hoise to Dawson Cay. gave
a sweil dinner for Capt. Waud at the
latter place on 1heir laet trip 03 and
presented Lini ith a handeume g,!d
watch and a tC0-ougget charm. The
captain antes that his surprise in no
wiee diminished b.t appreciation of their
kindness. His steamer iii make to
more trips before the tie-op, and onlees
his fever ever the new discovery, fifty
miles from Dawson, on the American
side, compel, him to go np there, be
in ins ai nome ny tee nrst week in
Railroad tumors in every quarter are
thicker than dust on tbe streets of The
Dalles, and fi 02 ever? direction come
a different report regarding some new
scheme. Tbe following dispatch from
Goldendale Sunday to an exchange says :
"W. W. Ames, tbe well known fruit
grower of Columbus, while visit:og
Goldendale today gave encouraging re
ports of the Columbia A Dalles Railroad,
in progress of construction. Paul F.
Mobr is reported to have been iu The
Dalles yesterday, where he was met by
Engineer J. W. Strack and driven over
the work on the north side in tbe vicinity
of the fisheries. Another rumor in con
nection with the road now being con
structed from Co'.umbus to Tbe Dai lei
is that a spur will be extended from
Columbus in a northerly direction to
Goldendale, tbence easterly to the town
of North Yakima, and then to a point
on the Colombia river above Priest
rapids, where a connection will be made
mith the bot8 lfcat win con:e ,rom tLe
mining section of the Okanrgin. It is
... ...
said the secret of the latter move was
. , . . .
intrusted to a few people; but carelessly
, . . ' .
iuc cat j'juipeu uui. ui lur ung, luu 11 is
said the Commercial club of Tin Dille
are heartily interested in tbe proposed
Hon. E. B. Dufor is now in Portland,
w here be is attorney for the plaintiff in
a case where R. H. Boyd seeks to secure
from the Portland General Electric
L'ght Company foOOO damages caused
to bis son at Woodiawn in 1897, whtn
be was injured by a broken end of a live
electric light wire striking hiui. The
p'aiotiff alleges carelessness on the part
of tbe company. The boy, by bis father
as guardian, brought a former action
ai;ain U the defendant, which was tried
in March, 1S9S, three months after the
accident occurred, and recovered a
verdict for the full amount sued foi,
$5000. This tbe court reduced to (2500,
,nd . ,ppeal WM uken t0 the eDpreme
court, where the case is still pending.
This case is brought on a different
ground, for the benefit of the father in
stead of the son, on the grounds above
stated. It is also alleged by the plaintiff
that since tbe former trial tbe boy, in
consequence of the ii juries received, has
bad fits, and gone into convulsions and
become peevish, disobedient and quar
relsome, as be had not been before; tbat
be will continue to grow worse, and bis
parents will not only lose bis services
in fatare but will be required to con
tinually nurse and provide medical at
tendance and medicines for him ; which
condition and circumstances were not
known at the time of tbe former trial.
Tbnndajr'a Dally.
Biggs "Tell me what your wife said
when you got home from tbe club last
night." Jiggf "But I can't, old man,
I've only an hour to spare now."
The little steamer "Klickitat," which
bas been plying between Hood River
and White Salmon, was taken down to
Vancouver yesterday to take the place
of tbe Vancouver ferry boat, which is
being repaired.
Although much better results would
have accrued had the state fair been
held later in the season so that more
farmers could have attended, the finan
cial result was quite satisfactory and a
surplus of S81.4l was realized.
Homer Davenport attended the trial
of Dreyfus, and baa been making some
comparisons of tbe heads of Dreyfus and
Mercier not much to tbe Utter a credit.
The pictures indicate that Dreyfus is a
gentleman and Mercier a brute.
The horse which was stolen from E.
C. Kilxpatrick at Tygh -Monday was
f.iund wandering around in the East
End of town this morning and taken
. . - 1.1- I l.-i.llo
O0. It was minus esuuio miu
aod no clew was obtained ss to hew
it got here.
The Regulator was very late in reach
ing the dock last night, the delay being
caused by loading cattle at Lyle, which
were bought by Woid Bros, from A.
Bertschi of that place. When going up
the gangway some of the cattie took a
notion to take a bath and thus he'd tbe
boat back nntil they were got out 01 tue
In an iction concerning the owner
ship of property on the river front,
bordering on Mill creek, wherein J. C.
Baldwin la plaintiff and Dalles C.ty de
fendant, and which was decided In favor
of Dalles Citj In our circuit court, an
! . ,1
War will be Declared Between
England and the Boers.
It is a question of time only.
We have troubles of our own. WE HAVE DE
but against our
The fact is, we are overs locked greatly overstocked;
and if you hxik in our windows vou will see we have
enough NIGHT ROBES to supply an army, and
they must go. If you need anything in this line, this
is your chance.
Gents' Heavy Twill Night Robes, all sizes; usual
price 75c now 35c
Gents' Extra Heavy Twill Night Robes; all size9;
usual price 85c now 50c
Gents' "Fruit of the Loom" Muslin, embroidered
front; all sizes; usual price $1.00 now 65c
Gents Warnsutta Muslin; embroidered front and
cuffs; usual price $1.25 now 75c
Gents' White Sateen; embroidered front and cuffs;
usual price $1.50 now 90c
Gents' Pink, Blue and. White Sateen; embroider
ed front and cuffs; usual price $2.50 .. .now $1.50
We carry a full line of Pajamas and Slumbering Robes.
appeal bas been taken from tbe decision
to tbe snpreme court of the state. H.
H. Biddell is attorney for the plaintiff
and Da for A Menefeefor tbe defendant?.
Capt. H. L. Wells, of Company L. has
been delivering a lecture throughout the
state regarding experiences during tbe
Philippine campaign and particularly
those of . Company L, which bas been
greatly appreciated and well spoken of j
by the papers. Dalles people will be
glad to know that the captain will vieit
our city on the evening of Oct.5tb and
speak in the Vogt opera house. He will
bring with him a stereopticcn and g:ve
views which will add much to the in
terest of the lecture.
Among the stereoscopic views of the
Philippine campaign" is one especially
interesting to Dalles people. Sitting up
on tbe embankment f the fifth trench
at Malabon is E l Lmison, looking as
natural as life, but gazing complacently
at two dead Filipinos lying in tbe
trench. The picture is a perfect one,
and gives an idea of tbe horrible scenes
which become to familiar to soldiers.
Earl Sanders is agent for these views,
and will begin delivering them tomor
row. Misfortune seems to be following Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, who are now
in Portland, Mr. Johnson having been
in the hospital there for some weeks.
Sunday their little daughter, Irene, who
is about 3 years old, was playing at the
window in the second story cf Mrs,
Johnson a aunt's leeidence, when sbe
fell cut. Sbe was very badly hurt, ber
face being severely bruised and her arm
broken in three places. It is not how
ever, thought that sbe has suffered any
internal injury, but that she will get
along all right. The shock to the
parents was very great, especially to Mr.
Johnson, who is just able to walk about
a little.
A cannon was shipped to this city,
from Portland, last night, and will be
placed in position under tbe direction of
Mavor C. P. Bishop, today, to be bred
in honor of tbe arrival of Admiral George
Dewey, on American soil. The govern
or's office will receive notice, by tele
graph, from New York city, the moment
Admiral Dewey sets foot on land, and,
upon a signal from the capitol, the can
non will be fired in an admiral's salute
seventeen guns. Jt is expected mat tne
reception to the admiral (and be will
land at tbat time) will take place to
morrow, aod not only New York city,
but tbe capital of every state, and all
the large cities throughout the United
States will celebrate bis landing at that
time. Salem Statesman.
f-haniko is a sure go, and articles of
incorporation were Died toJay in tne
clerk's cfiico by W. II. Moore, li. f.
Langhlin, E. C. Pease, D. M. Frencli,
W. Lord, II. A. Moore and J. W. French.
The capital to be 13,000, divld-
..1 imo 4S0 shares at iOJ a share. The
immediate towns.te contains 30J lots.
The ol j-rt, among other thinjrp, Is the
acqairing, platting and laving out of one
or more townfites In Wscco county;
constructing and maintaining water
works and electric liht plants; the
carrying cn of Insurance agencies etc.,
And now as to the name of the new
tjwnsite, abo'it which much bas already
been said. While Mr. Scherneckan was
a respected cit z?n of thi section for
some years and a very popular one also,
it would seem that as J. H. Ward, lather
of Tom Ward of our city, was the second
oldest inhabitant of that plce, having
settled there in '03 and remained seven
teen years, it would have been better to
N. B. We arrf still giving one of those ele
gant Watches with any Suit or Overcoat.
call the new town Ward. But, "what's
in a name?"
County Cleik Kelsay basjust returned
from a trip into the Antelope country,
and through Sherman county. He
visited the famous Silver King mine, on
Trout Creek, near Antelope, and tells
us things are lively in that section. At
the little mining town of Aehwood they
are balding a two-story hotel, have
bank, a general merchandise store and
saloon, beside many houses, barns, etc.,
which go to make up such a town. At
the mine they have a large amount of
ricn ore on tne dumps and are shipping
it out by six-horse teams to More. A
great deal of machinery for operating tbe
mine has been purchased and is now on
the way. Prospectors are numerous in
tbat section and while prospecting is
yet in a crude state, everyone bas rea
son to feel encouraged.
About twenty-five of tbeir most in
timate young lady friends were invited
by the Misses Ruch to spend last even
ing with their sister, Mrs. Sutherland,
at their home on tbe corner of Fourth
and Court streets. With music and
guessing games (he hours were very
pleasantly paesed, Miss Alma Schmidt
carrying home a pretty umbrella plant
aa a proof of ber superiority over tbe
others when it comes to ber.'aptness in
suiting tbe names of trees to the an
swers given. Afterjrefreehniects, an
amusinggame was played which brought
the initials of the guests names into
prominence and pozsled tbeir wits to
answer the questions with only words
which began with those letters. Some
of the combinations were comical in tbe
extreme, particularly tboee in answer to
the question, "What is your opinion of
woman's suffrage," and it was remark-
aoie to note the number of young ladies
who seem to have no tendencies in that
line. It is said tbe gentlemen friends of
tbe ladies played even by enjoying a
stag party at tbe home of one of their
number, but as we have heard no ac
count of broken furniture or arrests in
consequence, we judge tbe social
function was postponed.
Friday's Dally.
W. R. Meneiee, of Dufur, was ap
pointed a "notorious public" by the
governor Wednesday.
Tbe Thirty-fifth regiment now in
quarters at Vancouver barracks, will
till on Monday, Oct. 2nd, for Manila.
Homer Angel, of this city, has again
been appointed editor of the'Monihly,"
tho paper published at tbe univtraity in
E. C. Filzpatrick arrived in town to
day and took liis horse out to Tygh. He
was g'ad to get it back, aod declared he
would not have taken (100 for him.
"Lo" is becoming so low that be is ar
rested every few days, tn was sgaiu
placed lo the Skookum honte fatt night.
This morning be foifeitej bis last (2.'
The Campbell A Wilson Millinery j
Parlors are headq-iarters for ever thing
in the line of head ear. The prices of
street hats an 1 lres hat sell the goods
and sieak for theiiifeives. '.'J-lw
As the 1st of the month comes on Son
day and our business men think one
day will not give them time enough in
abich to get their bills in thape, it bas
been decided lo collect on Wedneeday
of next month.
If business at the "city hotel"
increases for a few days as it has started
today, it ai l be necersary to build an ad
dition. With five hobos, arretted for va
grancy ; a drunken sbeepberder,wbo had
1 Tl
of Kur gar
tuents and
novellies ever
shown in the
5c-(rf, boas,
cics, collar
ettes, storm
We niost cordially invite you to
spect this grand exhibit.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figure.
the mitf.irtuue to have his clothts stolen ;
and the two men who were at rested for
fighting, there is a dizzy crowd in the
cooler today.
Perhaps the only word that is ti e
siuie in all languages is the "Hello!"
in response to the telephone call.
Wherever there is a telephone line the
word is in use and means just what it
does in English.
Miss Jessie Jewett and Mr. Merrill
FMh, of Boise Citj , Idaho, will be mar
riel at the residence of A. J. Megler,
next Monday afternoon. Mr. Fish is a
, linotype operator on
Statesman. Astorian.
the Biiee City
Mr. Fish was
j an employe in the Times-Mountaineer
! office several years ago, and bas a niiui- !
' ber of friends in The Dalles. He will
pssi through this citv Sunday on
W-is to Astoria to claim his bride.
W. Uoes Winans id in the city today
from his place eleven miles from Hood
River. He brought with him a sample
of granite found on his place. It is
certainly a fine looking specimen, the!
granite being of a drahieh shade and
just suc'.i as would make rich looking
tTinir- mftnnmAntM. etc Mr. Winana
s.,ys there is a mile of this same quartz in
that section, and be believes be bas ii
.vvllkiniiiii it lljtn 1rW,t FT r. !
ceived a diploma at the exposition last
year when he exhibited a sample there,
and this year expects to place a monu
ment on exhibition.
Hood River bas a new son, bo:n
yesterday. Ii'e a lively one, too, from
the way it starts out. Is of tbe right
kind of type, perfect in foru, and is
already declaring its intention to be Re
publican in politics: believes in expan
sion, and will therefore grow fast enough
to vote for the right man next election.
With such intentions, and under the
efficient charge cf S. P. Shutt, it can
not fail to be a shining light in Hood
River valley. We welcome tbe Hood
River Sun, and have already added it
to our exchange list, hoping Its rays
will brighten our path as we peruse its
We have some idea of what it means
to be entertained in Spokane, having
had some experience in that line, and
there is no invitation we would rather
accept than that which requests us to
be present at the exposition on editor's
day, October 7th, when tbe Spokane
Press Club a ill take in all wanderinit
journalists and treat them as tnlythat
club can. Tie walking is all right, but
there is a "tied" in the affairs of a
newspaper reporter, which, taken at Its
flood, leads not to Spckane. Consrqnent
Iv, as tbe invitation translates the R. 8.
V. P. at the lower left hand corner, and
says answer P. D. i , we are compelled
to txpritt our sinccie ngrets by mail.
One of the most pleasant feature cf
the Mavs golden wedding yesterday was
a reception of friends, who culled to ex
press concratuhitlons ; in the afternoon ; I
also the telegrams and letters of con-1
gratulatiou received from the city and
abroad. Another feature which greatlv
pleased Mr. and Mrs. Mays was the
thciiihtfuiness ol ttin band in giving
them such a delightful serenade. This
happy thought of the members of the
band will ever be cherished by them,
particularly so as Mrs. Mays' invalid
condition prevents her enjojin; their
music so often as do thoe who are in
goo 1 health. No doubt thn sweet strains
will resound in her ears for many years,
and lighten ber hours of suffering.
Capt. Scott, a bo is Intereste 1 in the
White Collar steamboat line, is in ton
Pease & Mays
today, and made a call at Tub Chro.m
cls office. The captain carries a cane
which isacovel affair; the more so be
cause it was carved by a convict in tbe
stato penitentiary a fellow who former
ly was a deck hand on the boats of tbe
White Collar line. It is made of maple,
carved beautifully, and sketched on it in
India ink are the faces of the heroes of
tbe naval battles in the late war. The
fellow claims tbe entire work was done
with a laige needle, sharpened to a fine
point. He has sent several out and re
ceived pay for them, so that ten his
release comes in a short time he will
have aoney enough to take him home.
A lively altercation caused some ex
citement on Second street, near tbe
r: . . i .1 - i
1 wuiuii in-ei luugmg nonee, mis morn
it ing. Louie Lawler, an old man familiar
! to all a bo have occat-ion to frequent the
business streets, was a little bit ont of
"gear" this morning, when a tramp
blacksmith, who has been about town
some time and was also celebrating
Dewey's return in a dewy manner, be
gan abusing hiui and finally attack irg
bim threw him down and was beating;
him. Louie got out his knife and when
j th7. ere ep",e,, Mch bJ ' ,e" cnU
on bim and blood was flowing pretlv
Marshal Hugiies appeared aol
escorted them to the city jail, where
they await rial.
A bad accident happened at tbe
Nicolni-Cameron saw mill last Saturday.
Workmen were engaged In raieing the
big smoke stack, when a guy rope br ke
and two men fell from the windlass
about thirteen feet and struck the ce
ment floor in front of the boilers. Frank
Knapp was struck on the head by tbe
windlass as be fell, "X" Roberts falling
on top of him. Knapp was fearlo'lr
bruised about tbe head and breast a.. I
was picked np for aead. Roberts
caped with slight bruires. Dr. Sba v
was called and dressed Knapp's wounds
but it was Monday morning before I s
showed signs of returning consciousness.
He is beicg cared for at the house of Mr.
Nicola!. Ilia wife was sent for and came
up Saturday night. Hood River Glacier.
Tbe Ratbbone Sisters at Wasco gave
a lawn party last Friday evening in
which two of onr Dalles citizens took
part, and the Wasco News says : '"Rev.
Poling, pastor of Tbe Dalle Congrega
tional church, whose services for the
evening were secured by Mr. and Mrs.
G. N. C rot field, charmed evervone with
bis clear, strong baritone, and was com
pelled to respond repeatedly. We hop
Rev. Poling ill have ocasion to yisit
this part of thecountry again soon. His
rendition of "Tbe Holy City," "A War
rior Bold," aod "Nancy Lee," all old
and well knoan songs, was unsurpassed.
Messrs. P. C. At wood and Dutch Mc
Coy's duet, and tbe former's recitation,
brought down the house, if we may nse
the expression, the only objection being,
that these gentlemen were a little bit
"rattled" and failed in consequence Ut
eievate tbeir voices sufficiently. Two
or three more appearances in public
will put them lit their case."
1 tim l.aillr..
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which U I'ej mar ue Syrup cf
Fig, under all conditions, makes it tbeir
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine'e, look for the njme of lb
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the packsg-4. For sale by
all druggists.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping;
and sunburn. Mai.uMctured lyClaike)
A Faik.