WEEKLY TlflflltTf n VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON", SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 1899. NO. 1 S L vLV U DEWEY ARRIVED HOME YESTERDAY Eeacnsd New Tori on His FWiD Two Days Atoea!. DID NOT RECOG NIZE VESSEL When the Identity of the Olympia Was Made Out, Passengers on the Steamer Monmouth Cheered Vo ciferously Admiral Dewey, Who Was on Deck, Alone Acknowledged the Cheers. Sew Yokk, Sept. 26. Much to the inrprise of every one in this city the Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board, airived off Sand Hook lightship at 5:55 this morning. The Olvmpia iailed from Gibraltar September 10. There was a heavy uiiet on the sea, and at first the marine observers were inclined to think the vessel sighted might be the Chicago, Rear-Admiral Howison's flagship, hardly believing that Dewey would arrive two days ahead of time. The doubt was soon cleared away, however, and as passing vessels recognized the flagship from Ma nila, bay, there was a continuous blowing whistles in salute. One of the first large vessels to sight the Olvmpia was the passenger steamer 6andy Hook, of the Sandy Hook line, which left Atlantic Highlands shortly af ter 7 o'clock, for Iter New York dock. The flagship came up to the lower bay snd anchored inside Sandy Hook. As soon as tiie anchor was dropped, an or derly was sent ashore with dispatches from the admiral and other officers. He itid that the ship had had a pleasant trip across the Atlantic, and all on board were glad to be home again. The Olym piad crew were put to work imme diately clearing ship. Many small ves sels began sailing around the flagship and the number was augmented con stantly. The admiral's early arrival was a mat ter of great concern to the city authori ties, who are arranging for New York's official welcome. The secretary of the reception committee went to the City Hill early, and at once issued a call for a meeting of the committee. Secretary Foster said that he ou!d not forecast the eommittee's action, but thought it prob able that it would go down to the Oly mpia this afternoon and meet tbe ad miral. Mayor Van Wick harried to his office, here he found the following telegram : "Oljnipia arrived this morning. Will lo to Tompkinsville tomorrow. "GEO. DEWEY." The mayor authorized calling together of all the city's committees, and tele I'ams were sent out calling on members ol the plan and scope committee, and va rious other committees to meet as quick ly" possible at the City Hall. , The Sandy Hook steamer Monmouth Ped the Olympia early this morning, and those on board of her were the first tosee Dewey. One of the Monmouth's Pmseneers said: "We saw Admiral Desey quite plainly. lie stood alone on 'taqiiar.er deck of the warship. Fitteen 't behind him stood eight of his officers n uniform. The admiral, alone of all men on board the ship acknowledged 'he cheers of tbe passengers and crew o'tha Montr onth. He raised his hat, continually bowing and smiling. The ship looked In fine.trim condition ''er her long voyage, but the exterior " her hull was seamed with rusty trcak." Narrow Escape from a Horrible Death M:MiNNvii.i,,8ept.25. AttheMiller JP yard, near this city, Sunday last, "'i. K. Walker, of this place, while ?ing his wife from a horrible death, severely turned. The lady was "paring dinner over a camp Ore, when 'clothe, were caught by the blaze id she was soon enveloped in flames. Mr. Walker grabbed the burning dress ,nd tore it off bis wife, end saved her Jm Injury. Hi, ,,niiB ,J ,rml .re ,U b"rned to a solid blister. Arrested On Overland. pbt.rro, Or., Sept. 25. J. Barclay, 21, nd Forest Forrons, aged 21, w,r wrested today on the overland pas "8r train atthis point, and held pend n the arrival of Sheriff Huntington, of ""r City, wi,o telegraphod Sheriff Blakeley here. They are wanted for holding up the stage between Ontario and Burns. Both dieclaim knowledge of any reason for their detention. Bar clay had a bulldog pistol and $50 on bis person, and Ferrons had $15. They had no baggage nor anything to connect them with theBtagebold-np. Sheriff Hunting ton, when told the men's names, tele phoned in reply that they w-re the men wanted for the hold up. These men are euppoeed to be the ones who planned to roo ttie Uregon Short Line train at untario. jno more particulars are known here. Child Burned. Dallas, Or., Sept. 25.. Yesterday a small child of Frank Kliever, living three miles north of Dallas, was seriously burned by pulling a dish of hot grease from a table. The grease entered the eyes, nose and mouth, but the child may recover. OTIS TO BE RECALLED Major General Brooke Is Soon to Leave Cuba, and It Is Said That He Is Slated to Command in the Philip pine Islands. Nkw York, Sept. 2(5. A special to the Times from Washington says: Coincident with the near approach of Admiral Dewev, the rumors about Gen eral Otis' recall have been revived. It is the general report that his recall has actually been decided upon. There has been a rumor lately that General Brooke was to leave Cuba shortly, and as It is now said that a major-general is to be sent to the Philippines, there is some disposition to regard ttiat as General Brooke's future berth. The basis for all this gossip see tin to be the report that Admiral Dewey has a poor opinion of General Otis. This re port has lately been revived and re peated in a number of way. It is gen erally believed that the admiral will have much influence with the adminis tration, and his views on the Philippine policy will be anxiously sought. A strong Impression prevails tiiat when he gives his opinion it will not be favorable to General Otis. There is to be a conference at the White House shortly after his return, at which the president will meet the ad miral and the Philippine commission, and what Is said at that conference may reeultin some alterations in tbe military policy in tbe Philippines. FILIPINOS FLED . THE TOWN Americans Marched Over Trenches and Took tbe Place, but Found it De serted American Casualties Five. Manila, Sept. 28, 10 a. m. Generals ihnr. Wheaton and Wheeler, with four regiments and a battery, advanced at daybreak this morning upon;iorac, about eight miles northwest of Bacolor, in Painpanga province. Manila, Sept. 28, 3 :30 p. m.-General Mac-Arthur entered Porac after half an hour's fighting. The American lofs was slight; the insurgent loss is noi known. The enemy fled northward and when the Americans entered the town they found It practically deserted. The attacking party moved on Porac in two columns. The Ninth Infantry ..in, anna from Santa Rita was com. tuanded by General Wheeler, and the Thirty-sixth Infantry under Colonel Hell, with one gun accomparueu wunerm M.oiFtl.nr from San Antonio. Botli columns struck town at 9 o'clock and ppenedabrisk fire, which was repled to by the enemy for half an hour. Then the insurgents fled, and the Americans marched over their trendies and took possession of the place. just before the fight Smith's com mand at Angoles made a demonstration by firing artillery op me raiiroau ir.v . t :..,.h reported one casualty, and ijinu r Bell reported four men of his regiment wounded. The artillery did not lose a man, killed or Injured. Porac Is situated lourieen nine, " Bacolor, and has a population of 8i()0. v V T.irnor. ComhtOll. Mo., WSS cured of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen j.. ... t.r,tv remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. IWware of dangerous counterieus. inmci ' WILL LET TIIE PRISONERS GO Amiable Iatention ol AfniiaUg as Et- gortci It two tsm Sate FOURTEEN PRISON ERS ARE INCLUDED Men Will Be Released Today or Tomor row Lieutenant Cilmore and Yorktown Party to Be Held Some Time Longer Filipinos Wish to Clothe Them. Nkw York, Sept. 20. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila savs : The two Englishmen who assert that they were shipwrecked In a small open boat near Bigaa, at the northern end of Luzin, bring a message from the insurgent gen era!, Puntela, that fourteen American prisoners who are now held at Tarlac will be released on Tuesday or Wednes day. The delay in releasing the piison ere, as promised several days ago, is due to the fact that the Filipinos wish to furnish the men with new clothing when they set them free. The Englishmen state further that Lieutenant J. C. Gilmore and the cap- tured boat's crew from the Yorktown are still at Bigaa, but will be released later, In accordance with the decision of the Filipino congress, and the subsequent decree of Aguinaldo providing for the surrender of all American prisoners. The admitted pnrposeof the Filipinos in thus freeing the Ameiicnne is to impress foreign powers. The Englishmen say that Lieutenant Gilmore and his men are not beinir treated well. They are only receiving twenty cents a day each for rations. The released Englishmen assert that three Americans who were taken prison ers have accepted commissions in the insurgent army. Ttie Filipino authorities sent word that no trace can be found of Captain Rockefeller, of the 19th infantry, who disappeared la April, and was supposed to have been captured. The railroad biidgcs In insurgent terri tory haye been washed out, and the in surgents are having difficulty in supply the troops lu the immediate fiont of the American line. On the way to the American lines the Englishmen were taken on a wide detour away from the insurgent front, and were thus unable to see the insurgent forces, which are reputed to be strong. UNREST AT PRETORIA GREAT Transvaal Government Has Already Berlin to Appoint Officers to Go to the Front in tbe Event of Hostil ities. London, Sept. 27. The Transvaal sit uation remains unchanged, though if anything, the feeling of gloom has deepened. Cablegrams from Pretoria and Cape Town show that the general impression prevails there that the Boers will not recede from their position, and that feeling of unrest at Pretoria las been Intensified. ' A dispatch todav announces tiiat the Transvaal government has begin to ap point officers to go to ttie Tront In case ol hostilities. The executive council of the Transvaal has prolonged the sitting of yesterday, and has been in constant telegraphic communication with the Orange Free State. No decision, It Is now said,, regarding the attitude of the free state, has yet been reached. The Transvaal's reply to the dispatch of Secretary Chamberlain will be drafted today and submitted to the raad in secret session. The members appear convinced that Great Britain is deter mined on war. Being anxious not to force Great Britain's hand, the Boers will not take any definite steps until the draft of their reply is considered, but notice has been issued to the burghers to be In readiness for the commandering, which will bo commenced shortly. The Orange tree State raad continues in secret session. A telegram from Johannesburg says that an American named Blake Is raising an American corps cf 500 men for the Boers. The war office has ordered a trauspnrt and supplies for an army corps to pre pare to proceed to the Cape. This is verjr important order, and means the early dispatch of any army corps. The men of twenty-five companies are being medically examined at Aldershot today. In spite of these warlike preparations, South African circles in London still be-! lieve there will be no war, and that the Boers will finally concede to the British demands. The Young Tobacco Fiend. Pullman, Wash., Sept. 26. Boscoe Allen, the 7-year-old tobacco fiend, men tion of whose sad case was made in The Spokesman-Review today, had a fit on Grand street this afternoon and nearly broko his arm. Tbe child was stricken while eating wal -rmelon, and fell to the sidewalk, injuring hi arm quite badly. He was picked up and carried into Mr. Layman's house, where he soon recov ered, and Immediately called for tobacco, which he began to chew vigorously. When asked why she does not keep to bacco from the child, his mother said she tried it one day, and he had eight fits during the day. An effort is being made to have the child sent to the school for defective youth. Volcano on James Island. Victoria, B. C, Sept. 27. The of ficers of the British warship Leander, which returned to Esquimau today from a cruise in South American waters re ports that a volcano on James island, one of the Caiapagos group, became active about three months ago, sending broad streams of lava down its sides. No damage was done, as the island is uu habited. When the Leander was going into Callao, the British bark Tennesseean was found stranded off the Rimac river. For three days tiie Leander worked at her, and, with the assistance of the steamer Bakquin, she was saved. Remains Transferred to Portland. Stevsinson, Wash., Sept. 25. The re mains of Mrs. J. P. Gillette, who died here yesterday, were taken acroes the Columbia river early this morning and transferred to Portland. She was the wife of the assessor of Skamania county. The immediate cause of her death was peritonitis. She was an estimable lady, 21 years of age. Her husband and two small children survive her. Four Stores Burglarized. North Yamhill, Or., Sept. 26. Burg lars entered the stores of O. P. Jones, Austin & Willing, A. E. McKern, and Brown Bros., last night, by forcing locks and breaking windows. In all they se cured about $10 in small change, and three watches from the Jones racket store. No other loss has been discovered. There is no clue. Story or a Slav. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form ol slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells bow such a slave was made tree, lie says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, sheis wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 6 Reform In Spokane. Spokanb, Wash., Sept. 20. The va riety theaters are closed tonight. The council today, In a bitter and exciting session, refused by a tie vote to grant them licenses for another year. Advo cates of the theaters then Introduced and the council passed resolutions de claring for the suppression of gambling and prostitution, and the strict enforce ment of the Snnday closing law. Dewey's Dispatch-Boat Coming. Astoria, ur., bept. Zo. the revenue cutter McCulloch is due to arrive in from Alaska any day. Instructions are awaiting her to proceed to Portland and remain there during the exposition. She was Admiral Dewey's dispatch boat at the time of his fain uj victory at Manila. Blautarek'a Iron Mat Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley A Houghton's drugstore. 2 r Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HOW DEWEY WAS RECEIVED Tbe Most Mapiflcicnt Reception in Uur History. SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND CITIZENS Alt Unite in Welcoming the Hero Manila Bay Amid the Roar Cannon. New York, Sept. 27. Admiral Dewey rose early today and could be eeen from Atlantic Highlands pacing Olympia's quarter deck. An outward bound British steamer saluted as it passed. At nine o'clock tho Olympia started up the bay for the government anchorage off Tomp kinsville. It was explained today that while Dewey and Rear Admiral Howieou both outrank Hear Admiral Sampson, there has been no charge in the arrangements giving Sampson full control of the naval portion of the demonstration In Dewey's home. Long before dawn'steam and sailing craft of all s'zss gathered in tbe vicinity of the southwest channel and swarmed around the Olympia. A string of signal lights kept constantly changing as answers were flashed across the bay to salutations and passing ships. Just at dawn the signal lights on the Olympia wentdown. At 6 :45 the cruiser Chicago, flying the pennant of Rear Admiral Hoaison, passed in at the narrows. As she neared the Olympia her guns belched forth the almiral's salute, which the Olympia returned with a salute for the rear, ad miral. At 8 o'clock colors were sounded and the flag and tck were hoisted fore and aft to the strains of the "Star Spangled Banner." At 8:30 o'clock the Dolphin hove in sight, having on board the Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen, who was received with a salute. He went on board the Olympia and remained until the Olympia weighed anchor. All the way up the lower bay the signal buoys were kept busy dipping colors while the steam Siren kept tooting out the thanks of the admiral to his admirers. As the cruiser neared Forts Wadsworth and Hamilton the mariners paraded th tho quarterdeck in full dress nniform, standing at attention, while the ensign was lowered and the ship number dis played. As the Olympia entered the channel the signal corps on the forts wig wagged a welcome which was answered by the siiips signalled. Tl.o sloops of the forts were crowded with soldiers and as the first gun be'ehed forth a welcome they cheered lustily. The face of the hero of Manila was wreathe j in smiles as his ship answered gun for gun. A little later the cruiser joined Sampson's fleet off Tompkinsville, which thundered out a welcome to the commander-in-chief. BOLD, BAD BOY BUNCHGRASSERS Robbed a Stage and Planned to Wreck a Train. Pkxdi.ktos, Or., Sept. 28. Two more boys, collectively weighing 260 pounds, and the oldest being but twenty-four years old, were brought liefore John Hailoy, United States commissioner, in this city yesterday, charged with lobbing the United States mails last Friday night near Westfall, Malheur county. Their cases were continued for a week. From the admission made by the mother of one of them, and the fact that she gave np to tho (sfllceu (080 in greenbacks Powder ure which she had received from tl em as the fruits of their highwaymen's attempt, the commissioner believed them deserv ing of being held to the United States grand jury. John Barclay, twenty-four years old, anil Forest Farrens, twenty-one years old, the prisoners, made a pitiable figure in the court, and the officers scarcely had the heart to pureue them with the law's retribution. They did not appear to be capable of attempting so serious a thing as holding up the stage, and loot ing the mail?, and when was added to the specific charge of t ho robbery the fact that they had planned the daring scheme to stopping and going through the Oiegon Short Line train at Ontario, ditching it first, and then compelling the passengers and the express agents to give up the wealth In their possession, the case assu red really ridiculous pro portions. With no beard on thi ir faces, and to all appearances absolutely inex perienced in the world, there was noth ing suggestive of the fierce highwayman in their demeanor. WOMEllt UL CUItM Uf KlAUItllOKA A Prominent Virginia Kill tor Hart Al mix (liven I i, nut (I'll Itrougl't llxik t I'errrrt Health by Immlier lHin'a Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea ICvmedy. Head III Editorial. From tho Tlmea. llllUtille, Vii. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cured. I had spent much time and money Biid suffered so much misery that I had al most decided to give np all hopes of re covery ami await the result, but notic ing the advertisement of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials staling bow some wonderful cures had been wrought by this remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was eutirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man to day and feel as well as I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. A Lucky Dog Catcher. Astoria, Sept. 7. Astoria's dog catcher, Jim Petty, left this evening for New York city, to assist in settling op his uncle's estate. He received a letter from the lawyer of the estate enclosing a draft for (31)0, and stated that the share coining to him was one-seventh of property valued at $750,000. I'revruteil a lraely. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Strati sviile, Ohio, pre vented a (I read fui tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful comb had long kept her awake every u'uUi. She had tried many remedies ami doctors hot steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One little wholly cured her, arid she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Iongof a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing nil throat, cheat Mi'l liins' trouble'. Only C0o and $1.00. Every ho'tle tuiranteeil. Trial bottles free at Blokeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 6 Prominent Indian Killed. North Yakima, Was1'., Sept. 27. Louis Ambrose, at Indian abou . tl.iry years of a;r, was run.ver bya wagon and killet mar Fort Simcoe Monday night. Ambrose was one of the most prominent young Indians on the reserva tion, having leen rducited at the Car lisle school. Considerable mystery sur rounds his death. His father states that he has been unable to ascertain who drove the wagon that passed over him. Voleanto Eruption Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen'a Arnict Sa've cures them ; also old, mnnin j and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felone, Cms, Warts, Cuts, BruiBee, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Bust Pile cure on earth. Drives nr. pa:ns and rches. Only 25 ct. a lox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley ii Houghton, drug gists. a For Hal. Four good hors -s and "Newton" farm wagon, good at new; all togtther, tr separate. 0:ie horse is stallion, 4 last May. Addres', C. If. Litiikr, 201wk-d.tw Hood River. Clarke A Fa k have addid to their stock a full line of American tube paiuts.