THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLER WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1899 The Weekly Gbronicle. Adverttalag Katae. Ojlr.chor lea In DaJlv 1 w O u two Inrnee ana und lour lorne j w O far lour inche and under twelve Inchee. . T5 Over twelve lncha 6 dnelneh or leaa, per inch . . 12 90 BAILT AMD WIIILT. Otm one lnrh and nniler four lncbee IW Otht four Inchea and under twelve luchea. . 1 SO Over twelve Inche W FiJEi? PORTAGE RAILWAY. Tbe Commercial Cluh of Lewis ton is wide awake and Just now is pushing tbe free-portage railway question with a vigor, and tbey ehould receive support all along the lioe. They say the scheme can be accomplished in one year by tbe antuotmation of 2."0.000, in ad dition to 1200,000 still remaining of the boat railway appropriate. In wheat freight alone they claim tl, 500,000 per year will be saved. At a recent meeting of the club the fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The legislatures of the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho at their last sessions memorial .zed the congress of the United States strongly endorsing the movement for tbe opening of the Columbia and Snake rivers to navigation from the mountains to tbe ocean; an J Whereas, The general navigation of tbe Columbia and Snake rivers is now entirely prevented by the ob structions in tbe Columbia at The Dalles and Celi'o in Oregon and Washington ; and Whereas, The removal of said obstructions will, in the opinion of all parties familiar with the fact?, be worth millions of dollars annually to Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon and all of Idaho, for the reason that (1) the said rivers folio the pre vailing lines of tiade and transporta tion, more even than do any other of the greater rivers of the country, and that (2) the vast resources of the section named, known as the In land Empire, in wheat, live stock, lumber and minerals, require more :nd cheaper transportation facilities; and WiiKKEta, The proposed ship railway, or a ship canal, to overcome Slid obstructions is cn imperative necessity for tiic welfare of the country ; but as the construction of cither form of works would cost from 12.500,000 to 14,000,000 and would requite runny yean to complete, and as a portage railway will be essential for use in the construction of such works, and could iu the meantime "be tised by the public for the transfer of freight from steamboat to steam boat around said obstructions, and could easily and cheaply be built and in operation within one year; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the senators and repiescntatives in the congress of tbe United States, be, and are hereby respectfully petitioned to enact a law at the coming session of congress which shall appropriate tbe sum of $450,000 (including tbe sum of ap proximately t200,000 still remaining in the funds appropriated for the boat-railway) for tbe immediate con struction of said portage railway as a preliminary to the ultimate con struction of tbe boat-railway or ship cinal, and for use meantime by the public to make possible the naviga tion of tbe rivers for the cheaper transportation of the products of the interior country, thus developing to a state of maturity the commerce of t ie rivers in readiness for the full use of the larger work when that shall be compacted; and, further, be it Resolved, lbt all commercial associations and all municipal and county bodies acd commissions in the states interested, be, and are hereby earnestly invited to Join in this effort, which if successful would greatly beneflt the entire Pacific coast and all the commercial and industrial interests thereof, and that all partii-s addressed lie and are here by requested to vigorously, earnestly and constantly uige upon their sena tors and representatives in congress to pass such an act nt the next ses sion of congress. "JERRY" AND "AUGY." There may be some anti-expan-aionists in the state of Kansas, but it Is evident that they arc in the trinority, says tbe Spokesman-Re- view. Jerry Simpson," who, in a speech Friday, said be had rather be fighting with Aguinaldo than with Otis, found that be had struck any thing but a popular chord, and be W!is obliged to leave tbe platform be aiuse of tbe loud and indignant protests of bis audience. It is seldom nowadays that a public meeting is broken up because tbe auditors do not agree with tbe speaker. Free speech is pretty gen erally toleiated, and a man is allowed to have bis say, even if be does indulge in remarks with which bis hearers do not agree. There may be interruptions and interrogations, but they are usually of a kind which an orator can reply to effect ivtly if be has tLe right on bis side. biruoson was hooicrt irom tue platform because be was advocating tbe cause of one wbo is arrayed in arms against tbe government of the United States. We acquired sov ereignty ot the Philippines through fortune of war. Whether we are to retain them matters not. That can be tettled by the American people later on. But until the United States decides to relinquish its authority, Aguinaldo in fighting us is as much of an enemy of this country as Spain was after the decimation of war. Simpson, in glorifying Aguinaldo, was indirectly giving him aid, and the Kansas people when crying the speaker down peihaps had in mind those two sections of the revised statutes which read as follows: Section 5331. Every person owing al'egiancc to tbe United States who levies war 9gainst them, or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason. Section 5332. Ever- person guilty of treason shall suffer death; or, at the discretion of the court, shall Le imprisoned at hard labor for not less than five years and fined not less than $10,000, . . . and, more over, be Incapable of holding any office under the United States. A SILLY SCREED. The New York Woild is the latest paper ot prominence to make the absurd attempt to infhte a boom for Admiral Dewey as the Democratic candidate for president, says the Telegram. In scare type it declares that "in only one way can the Dem ocratic party elect tho next president. This is by nominating a man for whom every Democrat will vote." It says that no other possible candi date fills this requiiemcnt, and that the need of tho hour is a name, a man, namely, George Dewey." This sounds very much like a con fession that the Democratic party has no principles upon and for which to stand and battle, no issues that it dare courageously present and man fully sustain it has no chance to win unless it can secure for its use the name of the nation's popular hero. But, considered in any light, the proposition is tbe rankest possible exhibition of political silliness. There are several good reasons for thus characterizing such an appeal, but two, or even one, of them is suffi cient. . Dewey positively refuses to be a candidate. Dewey in a party fenso Ii not a Democrat, never has been one, and has no sympathy with any of the principal declarations or objects of tbe Democratic parly, as they are certain to be formulated and promul gated by tbe next Democratic na tional convention. To this it might be added (bat there is no evidence that Dewey is an exceptionally suitable man for president. One day's work made him a great admiral, and gave him world-wide fame; but it docs not! necessarily follow that be would make an ideal president. All this, however, is unnecessary to discuss or consider, for os lorg ago as Inst February Dewey declared, for publication, as follows: "I would not accept a nomination for the presidency of the United States. 1 have no desire for any political office. I am unfitted for i', either in education or training. . . . I desire to retire in peace to the enjoyment of my old ogr. The navy is one profession; politics is another; I am too old to learn a new fession. I have no political associa tions, and my health would not stand tbe strain of a canvass. I have been approached by politicians repeated ly, . . . but I have absolute'y re fused to consider any proposition whatever. This is final." This direct and positive statement has never been denied or modified. It means Just what it says. Dewey would under no circumstances accept a nomination, and most certainly not from the Democrats, thus array ing himself against tbe administration under which he was given glorious employment and won undying fame. Hence tbe clamoring of a few papers for Dewey to become a presi dential candidate, either Democratic or Republican, is flat newspaper lunacy. The utter implacability of jealous tage when roused to tbe murderous point is well illustrated by tbe details of tbe tragedy at Walla Walla Thurs day, which resulted in the death, under the most shocking circumj stances, of three persons. There is a lesson in this that persons wbo are too ready to sow the seeds of dis sension between husband and wife might suidy with profit to the com munity, and possibly with safety to themselves. Oregonian. In proportion to population the duties on imports in England are as heavy us, those collected in the United States. The dutiable articles in Great Britain are tea, coffee, cocoa, chicory, dried fruits, tobacco and wine. If it be asked who pays the tax the answer is, every Briton. The foreign trade of the United States for the first eight months of the present year amounted tofcl,- 307,836,006, against $1,205,554,755 for the corresponding period in J 896. An increase of 1 00,000,000, chiefly in exports, is a great advance when the bigness of last year's foreign trade is considered. Good Advice From Durur. The roads leading from Tbe Dalits south are in a very fair condition on, in 4 to the rains of some weeks ago, but it frill be only a short time now until the heavy grain wagons will make them almost impassable. Why not take the matter in hand now before they jret bid and The Dailes merchants keep a man steadily at work on I lie ten miles nearest The Dalle"? Bad roads knock many a dollar 'of trade out of the hands of her merchants every fall and it costs as much extra later in the season to put grain :n the market as would properlvexrxndeii keep good rouda the year round Dispatch. In a few cities in the state, and we be lieve in Spokane, Waeh.. there is a law forbidding expectorating on the side walks. This ordinance originated irom sanitary point of view, and is a good one. Ia this age of the world when microbes receive so much attention and everything is filled with the nieasley little thing, it is said that by being careless in this regard the germs of con sumption and other diseases are thus spread abroad. However, if Dalles peo ple have not sufficient interest in the sanitary part of tbe question, for tbe sake of cleanliness let's have similar law enacted here. This filthy habit it to much more offensive when pavements are substituted for tbe old sidewalks, and it is disgraceful the way onr pave ments are used for cuspidors. In some instances it is impo?sible for a lady to pass along without ruining her dress skirts, for a lot of loafers will post themselves on some convenient step and makes regular river of tobacco juice about them, regardless of passers-by. Beside the objectionable part in this re gard, it is fairly nauseating to be com pelled to walk over such filth. If swine w ere allowed to nuke their pens on I he streets of our city, we would immediate ly take measure to prevent it. Then if human beings place themselves on a level with that animal, let them to treated in the same manner. Floral lotion will cure wind chipping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. S2.75 POX RAIN COAT A RM.I I.AH ftS.OO U A I Kit. 0 TC I'KtMiK MAi kix iOHii rr ml, ID SEND W0 MONEY. . Ult jw .chlasKl ttolffM, at at ambrr IMa trwM IfSMly ftt aVrtatl, lkM avatvf tmtorat, tlm mW art, an4 wa will aiil you t hi mat ry txpt m-, C , D,, ajhj-rf i at too. amin tvl tiT it on nt tour rimre-e inrH oflfi. an 4 If fW4 oiaM' rraaitJ )p4 Ik fa4 wmrfarfvil I ft. fr 1 R ittl TOH pf.l If, rjr tlttlrtrf, mad ff -m kf rpm f, laa c!r, ft. rk wrt t t ft: 1 1 lTi(rlh, tlotiMe rrrvHtl, tnirr ivt rr Inr, fmjr il Id lhrtr, ntrprorl rsssn rt vm. Huttahisi fnr Iv-th Hala rr dni uaratH fcRMU-T flf IB rf-r nWr4 l.v u or H other h"iiMV 9r ftm t'Utli rVaa.fia of Mnii Wa'-lflrttoajhM im to on. -n, and M"1 l'-V"i'ir' 'iHn and f ir- roar rmrn toit iire rof FN K niVPl.t MtAI Mm. . A4rlrt. MARS, POE8UCK A Co. 'Inc. CHICACO. math art UaroMUf raU.Ma. fcJUfb fi -si3rV. 'at i f M Tr rm"t r ft ' j rB-t 7 tl.Ofl, pfthn ;ttr" itfent O V f 4 LJ..Y UPMULoMUt FKliU, 92.79. . i ,7i 1 1ll MAC klTOHl.'T.att;i I'.SHEEP INDUSTRY AT STAKE. Cobbm Beaae Talk an the Keeerve QueaMoa by Oat Who Kaawa. Tvgii Valliv, Ore., Sept 18. Editor Chko.xicls : la accordance with my promise, I will write yon a few lines about the Cascade Forest K-eerve. So, in ti e first place, I would like to notice the interview Kiveo to the Oregonian by Mr. Wilson, eecretary of agriculture. It may be pre sumption on my part to offer sugges tions to so august a person as tbe Hon. Secretary of Agriculture, but I submit that any ordinary citiien ought to be able to see as much in twenty-four years' actual occupancy of the forest re serve as the Hon. Secretary could porsi bly see in two days from tbe spacious w indows of the Hotel Portland, or from tbe less pretentious windows of the palace car in which he crossed the state. Now, the Hon. Secretary says sheep grazing should be prohibited in the forest reserve, as the sheep eat and trample down tbe young timber. Now if such is the fact. I sgree that sheep should be excluded. But before this step be taken I think it is due to the people interested in this grejt industry, to take some pains to ascertain if it be a fact that sheep really do destroy the growtli of ynang timber. And on tbe determination tf this question the gov ernment should rest its case. Between the owners of sheep and tbe owners of cattle the old question of range is ever present ; and has been drag ged into the forest reserve controversy. Owners of cattle say : "Yea, sheep de stroy tbe timber;" and ask the depart ment to exclude them from the summer ranges, in order to give more room to cattle. And now the cattlemen come forward with a petition to the depart ment, signed largely by persons who really care nothing for it either way, to increase the area of tho forest reserve to still further curtail the paeturage for sheep. And I will say right here that I believe I have a speaking acquaintance with ninety per cent of the voters of Wasco county, and many in Crook county, and I know their individual opinions well ; and I will make the sug gestion that if the government should come out wiib a proposition to exclude all stock from the forest reserve, a bowl would go up that would astonieh eome people. Iam personally interested in raising both cattle aud sheep, and if I could believe what most of the cattle men lay down as facts, I should not personally o'jj-ct to sheep being ex eluded, for my business friends could as well increase their holdings of cattle as to hold sheep. I reported officially lat fall 1 16,000 sheep in Wasco county in November. do not fxpect to find owned in the county on the same date this fall, over 100,000 sheep, and (be decrease in num bers is not due to the losses of a hard winter, as I expect to hear someone say, but entirely to the annoyance and sus pense attending the agitation of this summer range question; and if tbe de partment carries out its threats to ex clude sheep from the mountains, one year hence Wasco county will not own 50,000 sheen. Sheep cannot fxist on the ranges of Wasco county without ac cess to the mountains. Now, I would like to ask the citizens of Wasco county if the taxable wealth of the county will not bo greatly re duced. Cattle cannot increase to take their places, and much of the county is totally no6t for any other purposes un less tbe pasturing of worthless cayuse horses can be called an industry. But to get back where I left off on the timber quest ''n, I want to say, that In twenty-four ears' observation, I have never yet seen one little timber tree bitten off by a sheep. Nor have I ever seen sheep trample down any timber no matter how small. Sheep would die of starvation long before they would injure much timber. Sheep do not eat fir, pine, larch or hemlock. And, again, I have had occasion to travel this sum mer for more than thirty miles along the eastern boundry of tbe Caecade Forett Reserve, over a country where tbe grazing is free to all kinds of stock at all seasons cf the year, and the gronnd is everywhere growing np to timber, trees ol all ages. Many thickets have opened up within the last few years. No secticn of Oregon has been more persistently and continuously pastured tbau the timber lands lyinv back of Kingsley, in Wasco county. And yet tbe timber is getting ontiimaly thicker year by year. Any one who will go there can see for himself. If the Hon. Secretary would take the trouble to go there he could see it too. All over Oregon it is the same, except as the growth is kept down by tires, timber is all the time increasing. What farmer in the Willamette Valley would ever think of trying to keep the young firs from encroaching on his prairio lands by pasturing with sheep. And yet we are told that perhaps less than two dczen sheep to the sccliou of land, for one-fourth of tlmjeir at most, are ruin ing the Cascade mountains, denuding It em of their timber and drying np the streams. A. A. Bos-sky, Stock Inspector for Waco County. SO Raararn1. I will pay 20 for Information that leads to the recovery of the 13."0 cedar shakes, that were stolen near the Tvgh Valley store last summer. II. KlCIIEMIKIKIIR, iei20 1m Bake Oven, Or. A MOTHER'S TERRIBLE DEED MRS. GUYTON DROWNS HERSELF AND HER TWO CHILDREN. la (.hates lClvr lb Scar, at th Awful Tragedy Bodlea Wra Kacovarad Laat Mht. We are constantly reading of terrible tragedies, the large newspapers daily giving sccounts of them ; but when such things occur nearer home tbe awfulness of the deed seems toome with renewed force and we realise what it means for a person to take their own life or that of another, or to romuit like deeds. Such a case was that which happened yesterday about noon near the free bridge at Des Chutes river, close to tbe site of tbe Lumbeiing Company's mill, when Mrs. Alics Gnytcn, wife of W. F. Guyto.i, took her own life and that of her boy, four years old, and daagbter twenty months old, by drowning in the river. No oue being near at the time it is a it known positively bow it happened bat it is suppoeed the mother took both children in her arms and waded into the stream. The husband wos not at home ; but, as near as can be determined a quarrel bad occurred In the morning, and likely the wife brooded over the trouble nntil she became temporarily insane and then committed the dreadful deed. The water was shallow at that place being but three feet deep, so that the bodies were recovered latt evening and an inquest held todav, the result of which could not lie ascertained. Mr. and Mrs. Guyton were married about rive years ago in this city by Judge Blakeley, and Mr. Guyton is well kno'vu by Lusinets men here, who speak well of him.' ll'u wife was quite a little younger thnn he, being about 30 years old. Her maiden. nam" was Mis Alice Coates, and she lived in Gras Valley previous to her inarrince. She was a niece of Mrs. Wm. Yourg, former 1 of The Dalles, but w ho now lives a' Prineviile. Spea- ingot the unfortunate woman today, one who knew said "She w as a! ways good sensible woman, and I cannot understand how she could have committed such a deed." The first news of the tragedy reached this city last evening, wh-n Sheriff Holder telephoned to Sheriff Kelly. A telephone message received Hy the Choomci.k today verified the statemer t and gave as much information as could be obtained at the time. FUhermon Want Kaln. Fishermen along the Columbia are all wearing lonn faces ami wishing for rain. The run of salmon is said to be exceed ingly light this full, and the hundreds of fishermen who had gathered r n the river are not catching more than 'meat." FiBh Commissioner F. C. Keed came up from Astoria this morning. He says that he does not exprct the salmon to begin to run until the rain, and that he is hot looking for rain until about Novembtr I. He thinks the usual rains of the summer ind cate a drv fall, and from past experience he does not count on the fish cominir up until there i a slight riee of the ilrer. There are plenty of fish outline ti e bar, and the man with tl e ho k and line isdoinj wsll, but no fisherman with a oetcarxsto ver.ture outtide, and be udhardlvget paid for his pains if be did, for the water tl e.-e it tco deep. Telegram. You'd Batter Head Thla. The council has perfected arrange ments whereby they will enforce tbe collection of the street and road tax in The Dalles. All citizens between the ages of 21 and 50, who are not physically disabled, not active members of the fire department, nor members of the militia, must pay the tax, and If it it not paid after the publication of this notice, legal proceedings will be brought against you at once to collect the same. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, RIoominirdale. Tenn.. aava It rn,,l hlm of indiueston of ten veura' aian.l... Butler Drug Co. rint your house with paiuts that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. $2,45 GOLD PLATED i u t'oii ml. .ut ana to UN. KI.HHI .n.l will mmJ ln llilnt. n by .., m , kul,Jft-ltnxaniliiati Von mn V.'a If arfc.i., Mil.)... iW-WrX 'atah.l., arl.,,, " f W i In .1 1 IT mmw mmmmi I- ........ wm.imtmwn. 1lnntrr pi,, ti tfi """"'"IIT'lH'tllttloi, "Ti.. , II fclvla Hit I. 1J..1 k IU "'""""-MI.l4 " S. J III ', . ir ' J II "" ' "'" a..l op I d ""''r tlmnaiiv l ll,r i'7 ( nunany of II Ct,l' A.J "" fr i' (1 "-7r A "i5l'"ai-ririr . in$ )? Qy Don-I bs Deceived HgCJ Z' A 'J 'Ii wnl'l l-a.l von lo Iirvn ton f LI u.... 1.MI ap .MI.nn n.i, I, '7.5 La ' wnm aa ano, aa .l.aillaaaa t 1 W OUR $?.45 WATCH ""-" ""iTa i"V.?; l.;.lnVn',rl"" V"k- """""I j. I ,Z2 :ts' "ut"CK A C0.(lnc.),Chlcsna - . I.;. ,.,rt sat . tf" ' hT. " -;!l" pr ti.. .,:!.""..-" vr. Zb " r,il-? VaT P'! OUt.1l U ,.T7 specal premium wfiyy-y.?"? III tuii iu k i , . , u IIH. mm, TO1U, I: ti k In.trMnient .nd pl.noMJ i J? '" JS .. .m..i, Am;'"-v-m air; SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO Farm for Bala. Price $1800. $1000 down; biW. reasonable terms. Tirrt V nn.l.n I closed, one hundrel and twenti Jl deeded land, good title; betWBT and sixty seres in grain and good l oose of seven rooms, rrmrf k.J and out bnildings. Schr0l hoowontu place; well of water on the uorch .u... iii.oi.tu mepiace; W bearing frait ' . trees, good garden ; forty stanis of bt p,v,v,j ccuivmcui ui saiau irnit, Thij farm is well improved, four mi'.n fa Dufur, four miles from Enderibj Reasonable terms. Apply to Bij Soutiiwbll, on the place, on 8-Mila creek. au3C-!t At a Sacrifice. Forty acres, 4' mile from SDrasot landing, i mile from Carson P. 0. Skamnnia Co., Wash. Good box how four rooms and bath. Outbuildings rood' Two acres young orchard winter sppln. Land all good, and easily cleared. Five or six acres sediment, soil very rich. Sacrificed for f230; worn. $300. Don't spend time writing, come and see it. J. K. Eeovtii. E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., ii cared of ilea by DeWiu's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trjjng over twenty remedies. INijiicUiii and surgeons endorse it. Bjware of dangerous counterfeits. Butler DmiCo. ill gtilHtt VI VALITT, LOST V'GOH AND MAfihQGO Cures Iaipotenc3,NiiihtEaiis3iorsaRd wasting diseases, ail effects of self- abuse, or excess and ind cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Drlnps the pink glow to i!c checks and restores the Cre of youth. By mail fSOc per box; 0 boxes lor $2.50; with a written guaran. cee to euro or refund the nioney. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sis., CHICAGO, IU. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Tin Dalles, Oregon. Drusrsrist CATARRH (or a generous 10 CENT TRIAL 8IZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain no cocaine, mnrcury nor any other Injurious drug. It is quickly Absorbed. Ciivea lleilef at once. Tt nprn an4 eleanaaa , urAfl the li wl I aaaoKC COLD 'N H tAD and Frotecta the Membrane fe-nsM of Taate and Smell. Full 8iMWCPn1 Vi.e lne.jat Dnisirlata or by malU m iikti i riiutni trim iimi . ... iu naircu (5reage helns the team. Saves wear and expense. Sow everywncio. TANOARO OIL CO. SUMMONS. S TIIK rmcniT court or tiiksi71 ol Oregon, lor the County ol Wasco. Charlca (1. L. Hcnaon, jiUlnlllT, va Iti'tt'p A. Bcnpon, rlcfondent. Mmt- iii'iuo A. UCiieon, tne anove nnu" ant: n the Name of the Htato rf ()rwn: K You iiiTHhv .,,.ti n to m.ix'itr ana "" . heromi.ln'nt in Hie above ei.ililnt '"'".".'he aueon or l-(o calx wcrke front 'p.,,,,''K?ua it oibllp.alou o ml notice. i"-'V, . . .iy n(M-i,: -ii.Im.., l!.!'(,flMl If "il lal! v a nl anancror i.lhPrle t.lin.l. ".'' P' "V, tilt wllU,.ly In il.ecourt lor llio VllrIi' th forln ;,.,,,'.n.t,h.lnl hrt.-ln. " 'Jl'' fl l"ii f ninlinnony now exlatlnx 'wn4 plMllillir nntl 'iffviiilaiit be illfwhwl lor'1; "' , I.I t I.... - ,...l. ...... I miiAt t rti-fctwlan lor liU rdkl. at.H iliKlitkiini'IIIN Htl'l I1 otlipp anrt fimliMP i,.lif oa In tilt- I''1' may awn niwt ami t-,ulrillo. . ,n Tb'a amninoiia l .iil,l!ahrrl by vl oiilfr mnileainl alxncil l.v lion ' auV Jllll ri'l.l llio Ml .-IVPrlllllMll cm I, ll' '.!,.,, ,, ,ii of -..nlK-. I .-, illici tinx tin" Mlrt be piibilMii I onrv .k (or a lrHl ' tlniii lx coiiarcutlvv nwl". nn' t li Ml. " " ' .ia- Aliorupy for rui pjitfi-l NOTICE. f. H. USD OrruK, 1 be I"'.'1'' " Ni.tleola h-r.byxlvpn tliat h, ""''' ,rm CMiib.-rN, 1,: I, ...n.orjr'lv M.nt' l" ' h. Ihf. f'oliin.:.!. la'.wica 1 in' l':l'' .... 1. .1.1.. r ..1 all 1 II H it I I'lllo, Iihn b.pii .rvok'il iv li." I" li'.l n lo tin- Inllm, InX ,"i' ' ,. lit. ' .i. one I" Illll KWI.ol Frt! :.l . 1 1 ..niir. ,,,iitpliil" lli.-NW'i.frcJI, TiNiK l-'i K,c.iuli.l..ll' U r..... .1 ... .. .11 . I tln r bIio"1 ball nn fi Musi linn nn ni-.c. .. . , r,.0,.r (in au.l aitcr Hi'iti-mbrr I. l-n, 1 ' ",,,,,.4 M.iliMiliuia lor any v"' , , lb. i. ln. J l-lH1Vl.u'r. It a a.l iiT