The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 20, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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pboplk toc all know.
Paturuay a iMlly.
Frank FuHon is down from B;g-s.
A. J. Dufur ru io from Dafar tods.
Clan-t and Eva Ileialerara ia the city
Irom Iufur.
Wm. Frre, of Canyon City, is ia
town today.
Miss lVrl Tsrlor came in from
Antelope yesterday.
lire. M. A. Hurst left this morning
for ber home at baletn.
Mis Anna Lne left the city yesterday
on her vtr to spend ber vacation in
C L. Shuttuck, of Hillstviro, arrived
in the city last night and Ml this morn
ing for the inteiior.
Mr. S. E. Coon, Lselie C Hn and M.
K. Brown ere visitors in the city yes
terday from Grass Valley.
C. L. Ireland, who has f pent the past
week In Portland, ia in the city today on
bis way to his home at Moro.
Troy Shelly and danghter. Miss Anna,
paeeed through the c:ty yesterday ou
tbeir way to the Valley overland.
Roy Grime will leave on this after
noon's train for Forest Grove, where he
wid again take np bis stadies at the university.
Messrs. Henry Shnck, C. K. Watkins
and Gerald Panton, stockmen from
Billings Mont., are in The Dalles on
Miss Grace Smith arrived in the c ty
last night from Pendleton and will re
main ranch of the winter assisting iu
the millinery store.
Miss Sarah Stalton, of Salt Lake, ar
rived in the city yesterday and left this
morning for Warm Springs, where she
will resume her dnties as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cram returned
last night from a wedding trip to Port
land. They will make their Lome at
V. S. Myers' residence for the present.
Kv. Spear accompanied by his son
Lyle, came in from Warm Springs yester
day, and left this morning for Portland,
where toe voang man will attend school.
Miss Landon, telegrapher for the
Western Union, went to Portland this
morning to spend her vacation. During
her absence Peter Klckelsen will take
charge of the office.
Albert Hackaby, who during his va
cation has been mail carrier between
this place and Hartland, left this morn
ing to resume Mil studies at Pacific Uci
Tersity, Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mrlonis and family
arrived home last night from their sum
mer ooting at Seaview, Long Beacb
They report the weather as perfectly de
ligntful, particularly durmg the fast
D. W. Mann, of The Dalles, Ongon,
has purchased theGinder place at Home
Valley, and will make bis future tome
ia Skamania county, meanwhile ye ed
itor will retire from the farming busi
ness. noneer.
S. It. Smith, who is thoroughly con
versant with the early history of The
Dalles, having been a packer from here
ioto the interior in the early '00', is in
tow n from hi9 home at Pendleton, and
will remain about a week.
Monday' Dally.
Chas. Kraemer was a visitor from
Kufus yesterday.
Daton Taylor left on the boat this
morning for a visit in Portland.
Rev. and Mrs. Hoskins are guests of
Mrs. M. Parkins while in the city.
Mrs. Alf Allen snd two children spent
yesterday in the citv, on their way from
Portland to Prineville.
Geo. GooUU spent yesterday in The
Dalles on his way frcm Li Grande to
attend the university at Eugene.
Aliases Grace Scott and Elizabeth
children may have tha benefit of oar
excellent schools.
Miss Daisie Allaway, who bas spent
ber vacation at hon.e, returned this
morning to her studies at the state uni
versity at Eugene.
Re ml Rondean is in from his home
near Kiogsley today. He says it will be
about two weeks before threshing is com
pleted in bis neighborhocd.
Mr. E. S. Fenfield, who came down
from Canyon City a few days since to
visit o'd friends and attend the anniver
sary services at the Congregational
church vesterday, left this morning for
Carl, Earl and Philip Rinehart started
off for school at New berg this morning
loaded with numerous yooils and chat
tels, among them two pot chickens.
V. E. Simonton, who has spent the
past week witn friends in Albany snd
other valley towns, ret imed yesterday
and has resumed his duties lu Pease A
Mays' office.
Tueaday a Daily.
Dr. Chas. Adams is in from Tygh to-
James Baxter is in from Kingsley on
Claude Lowery is an Antelope visitor
n the city.
Geo. T. Prather was up from IIod
River last night.
Judge John Fulton came down from
Biggs yesterday.
Ronald and Kenneth McDonald, prom
inent Antelope men, ate in ttie city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Morran, of Center
ville, came over to the city yesterday.
C. W. Elkins and wile came up from
Lyle last night and returned this morn
ing. Miss Lola Eubank is in the city from
Endereby spending a few days with
H. J. Lister came in from Prineville
yesterday and will leave tonight for
Dr. Gertrude French spent Sunday
with her parents in this city, returning
to Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Lucius Clarke Cimo down from
Wasco yestenlay, and is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Ed. Hill.
Mrs. K. Hastings and daughter came
np from Hood River yesterday, and will
visit friends In the country.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hinkle came in
from Antelope yesterday and are visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin.
Frank Wood left this morning for
Antelope, where he lias accepted a po
sition in the dry goods store of Irvin &
Mrs. Carpenter, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Smith French for
some weeks, left" last evening for her
bums in Fossil.
Ed Morse, who has been in Portland
attending the wedding of Ins sister, re
turned last night to his duties as drug
gist for the Butler Drug Co.
F. N. Craine, the Prineville man who
was injured a week ago Sunday on
5-Mile trade, was able to be in town
Sunday and left yeoterday for Prineville.
His escape from death is considered
naoluila Slaagatar mt Daar.
The New Werner Edition
The Eugene Guard bas the following
justifiable complaint to make sgaiust
the Warm Spring Indians, which we
feel sure would he immediately remedied
were Agent Cowan notified of the exist
ing circumstances. That paper says:
Travelers in the Cascade mountains
bring word of a gmuice slaughter of
deer by the Warm Spring Indians, who
came acre si last week to pick hops and
incidentally to bunt snroute. A portion
of tta tribe, coming across the McKeniie
road, is reported to have killed SOO deer
between the cummitand Frank Mate n't
plac, above Leaborg. At the latter
pUce the Indians left their guns, great
stacks of hides and enough dried ven
ison to load many pack horses, while at
other places along the river are to be
found other lota of dried meat.
The ItdUns coming down the Middle
Fork killed 130 deer coming over in
much the same manner.
The Indians scatter over a section of
the mountains for two or three miles
and gradually close in toward the nar
row opening of some canjon, wbere
a number of their iharpHiooters are
stationed, in this manner killing every
thing in that section of the country.
It is in this manner that game is ex
terminated, and steps should be taken
at once to suppress such wholesale
A Prominent Virginia Editor Bad Al
most Given Up, but Wu Brought
Back to Perfect Health by Chainber
lain'e Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Read Hia Editorial.
From the Times. UJIlatille. Va. .
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being cured.
I had spent much time and money and
suffered so much misery that I had al
most decided to give up all hopes of re
covery and await the result, but notic
ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and also some testimonials stating bow
some wonderful cures had been wrought
by this remedy, I decided to try it.
After t iking a few doses I was entirely
well of that trouble, and I wish to say
further to my readers and fellow-sufferers
that I am a hale and hearty man to
day and feel as well as I ever did in my
life. 0. R. Moore. Sold by B.akeley &
Houghton, druggists. f
So complete tliat it covers the entire rings cf human knowledge.
Charl.O.I.ja)ll,w "
ToHettieA. rknaou, utm, a,
In the Name of the state of n-
You are hereby notified i,
the eomplalnt J thi ".4 .RK
cause on or before alx -mI. ,'nIlu
Tar and anawer or caCwiw JJ"'"a2
!'a ! Lfpriy to thecu,, "Z VSii.vSL
lor iu m mmiL . ... w -
herein, fa
1 1
1 UMs-&JnGiMU f
I 11 i- T Vf 7" --f ' ,TS, a.i Kl "
r-r- r--.-wg 1 ( I tJl
1 Z -J Tho cntire et vith Guide'
and case delivered r 1 rr ! m U -
upen payment cf only
Balance payable in small mor.thiy payment:.
Workmanship and material the tcrt known t.i t!.e bock-rr.aking art.
The product of the largest and best equipped tcck factory in America.
lor hia coau and dUburwni-.S. wS
other and further fw
aeem meet and e.(ultble "
Tbia aummona ia publ'rted h. .1
order made and algnej by H?,n m
J udire of the above entitled ' U Bn-ht
be published once . .k fuV.S.S?
than aix eoujecuUve weekn irli a( am
tO. W. WIL9A.
Attorney fo, fu,,
C. S. U.KD Ornti, The Dall, Ore ,
Notlee is hereby given tliRt" rh5, i?
cemberti, lw.. ten, pIrar il, , thVU.f "
disposal, forthepuriioaea oi J t?Z i"' la
lands oil the aouth bide and within ,?J1U
the Columbia river, between t if if"ta'
telilo. haa been rev.'.kedTv tO,h 'JSSl'
eeptaa to the following dcseiibrd
me 't of t-eo 31. r 5 w w uln
boI'.t, 'our "! one-half acre-, ana th Jil!'1''
hhu!fVn &rr M' T 8 N' K 15
On and after September i, lhw, w
UTia PATTERSON, r. Llus,
Keceiver. nT
At the Farmers' hotel
Monday, t-ept. 18th, by
Wood, Chas. Green and
Carey, both of Kinitsley.
in this city
Rev. J. H.
Mrs. 'Annie
Blamarch'a Iron Nurt
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
yon want these qualities and the success
they bring, nse Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and bodv. Only 25c at Blakeley
Schooling returned Saturday afternoon I & lloaghton drngatore
from a week's
vacation spent in Port-
8. Bolton left this morning for New
berg, accompanied by his nephew, Coke
Jenkins, whom be will place in school
C. A. Wbitemore, manager for the
Irwin-tfodson Co., is in the city today
I'ooj Portland in the interest cf the
Mrs. W. C. Johnson, after spending a
lew days at the home of O. D. Taylor,
near the city, returned this morning to
Oregon City.
O. F. Guinther has moved his family
to this city from More, iu order that his
For wound, burns, scalds, sores, skin
diseases and alt irritating eruptions,
nothing so soothing and healing as
DeWitt's Witch Hazsl Salve. Mrs. Emma
Colles, Matron Englewood Nursery,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else fails
in healing our babies, it will cure."
Butler Diui Co.
The work of some unknown amateur
Nobody A prominent woman's hus
band. Gossip A deadly gas that is often fa
tal to friendship.
Undertaker A man who follows the
medical profession.
Thunder The only reliable weather
report yet discovered.
Hammock An article used as a spoon
holder at a love feast.
Matrimony A sort of trust for the
protection of infant Industries. .
Marriage The fatal termination of
the disease called love.
Wedding The link that connects
thoughts of love with thoughts of war.
Hopt The untiring effort of an old
maid to discover a man under the bed.
Bigamist A foolish man who thinks
he can insnage more than one woman
at a time.
Meeting; Notice.
The BRITANNICA Is the acknowl
edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and
the NEW WERNER Is the best edition
of the Britannlca.
- Do not put your money in old edi lions
or poorly made books because they are
cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST.
fW Consider the advantage of a family
who has this work over one which has
Be. '
If you cannot send your children to
the University, bring tha University to
This edition has never been sold for
less than $64.50. Fcr a short time only
140.50 cash, or r45-oo on monthly pay
ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage
of this rare opportunity to secure this un
rivalled fund of universal knowledge.
To borrow $900 at six or eight ptr
cent. Security, a house and two lots 00
Xiuth street, The Dalles. Address
Kev, A. Horn,
b20 wlm Goldendaie, Wash.
For You to Read
The cough, I thought, would
What puzzled me in the beginning was that I kept losing flesh without any
cause for it that I could see. I had a little trouble with my stomach, too, and
uier wnne Degan to grow weaker and to cough.
soon ro away ana cure itself, but
it didn't. It grew worse, and
then I began to spit up a pecu
liar looking substance. I never
thought of consumption, but one
lay I had a hemorrhage, and then
was frightened in earnest and
did just what you would dp. I
rushed to the doctor. He was
cither too busy, or something
else, for he didn't do me any good.
1 kept going on down hill, and the
outlook was bad. Things took a
different turn, however, when I
heard of Acker's English Remedy
for Consumption, for I took it,
sand it not only cured my cough
ing and spitting, but also built up
my whole system. I took on per
manent flesh, and today nm just
as healthy a man as you can find
in a week's travel. You mav be
aure I always keep Acker's Eng
lish Remedy in the house, and it
is a good thing I do so, for ono
night my youngest child was
seized with croup. That hoarse,
Wheezv Couch u-as the first aicnnl
j ---o- r. . .
na 1 lost no time in giving the poor Iiltle sufferer proper doses of this grand
medicine. In almost no time the disease was under control, and my child was
aaved. I advise every parent to have a bottle baudy all the time. It serves the
samo purpose in keeping croup out of the house that a good lock and key serve
to keep burglars out. It is both an expectorant and a tonic. It cured me of con
sumption and my child of croup, and 1 know what I am talking about." (Signed)
Hon. M. Hex; an, picture frame manufacturer, 34a Center Street, New York.
Acr'a Kaalkh lUiaedr iaenld br all draetirta ander a pnaltto (aaraitte thai four atoaor will b r.
Jandad ia ul lilwa. at., to, ud Si a bsttlata u. s.u4 Caaada.,aa4ia.d,
Wi tuAeriu Ifit 0ta gmrtnke. W, U. HOOKER A CO., Proprietor, Airw York.
7 li lx
The Adventist conference of the Wil
lamette Valley and Eastern Oregon and
Washington will hold a semi-annaal
meeting in tbeir gospel tent In The
Dalles, Oregon, beginning Sept. 23, 1899,
holding over two Sundays.
Elder L. G. Dix, Evangelist.
Volcanic Kruptlons
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of jy. Eutk'eu'i Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcere, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives ont pains and aches
Onlv 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed
Sold by Blakeley & Ilongliton, drng
gists. 'I
Casn In Your Cbocki.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, 1816, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Sent. 14th.
1899. C. L. Philupb,
Countv Treasnrer.
Acker's English Remedy will stop
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 its. and 50 cts. Blakeley
A Houghton, druggists.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask yonr grocer lor them.
I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or.
al '" "' ana nrl tout
C4 jJ&R 1,0 nl w. will Mind
Vea. W-i I T" thl.w.u-h by atprM. r. o. I).
fr 9 "abJrttoeiMnei.tloo. Vcm can
Jr w .lamln. It .t j wr .wyrw.
klnd If fimrul rfri I, Mtl.f,.
- rr. .illf mi,imiirt
r - . ' '.17 mtj immt t viUhH
. A ll.r.blii Ml.r(
'' ) .. Itanilor aurh
I , ' - mllatltilacrlptlon
S , ,1 V aa l,la ..!.. aa.rt...
f I i ' SUM or la
f IT - 7 ' LB l'
1" V' L, . t fl r,",d at.
Jfl't, 5 if Jm And It th.aqnal or
1 C ' f, m bttrth.nnrortha
, , J I wau han. ika
1 It n11"!
y f aaia aaprm. charaM.
.x JT' Don't be DeceWed
rM.Il aw.
MMf 4 iwa.H
omuii-an vou to
a emi in at a
OUR ?.4 WATCH ' -"' "" h.'..;
ff Pn I ml
If rr rfd ,iw nnhahM, Vmmk Hb a kWh
tint and al.(.l. .lata, hanilaom.
-17 J.w.l.
aa4 l a r"al tnala walak. monavnl In nlb.
Jl"'" r L a"1"!-", warrantad.and rno4 tln.a.
i?VT '' W,t" ta mr. 4-Mm.Cm
. It a writ, hr fn alak mm a.l.ralalana7
SEARS, ROEBUCK ft C0.(lne.),Chlcaa
(Mi tattaCfc an ia ..,.!, S.Mai.l
Job Printers.
tab t t1mr schedcis. aiti
fob Fbom Dalles,
Fast Snlt Lake, Denver, Ft. ,
Mull Worth, Omaha, Kn- Mtil
11:50 p.m. a city, Kt. Louii, lis
-Chicago und Katt
Brokanc Walla Walls, Spokane, Bwk,M
Flyer Mlnnenjiolis. St. 1'aul, Klin
5:40 p.m. iJnlutb, Milwaukee, :ft,a
ChieaKO and Cast.
8 p.m. Fboh Portland. 4p.n,
Ocetn Steamiihitii.
For San Kraneino
January 2'J,
and every live days
8 p. m. p. a
Ex.buuday Columbia Rv. 8teamen. Ei.3uudt
To AfcToRlA and Way
Saturday Landings.
10 p. m.
(a.m. WiLLAJimi Rivia. 4:Mp.a.
Ex.Muuuay OreKon Citv. Newberg, Ex.Sunlij
Balem & Way Land'i.
"a.m, WiuAHeTTi ANoYAa- 8:30p.m.
Tuea.Th'jr. bill Kivxiw. ;SlonWd
aud tat. Orcpo 1 City. Dartoo, andFri.
aud Way-ljindiiiga.
a. m. WlLLAHBTTI Rivia. 4:90p.B.
Tue.,Tuur, Ponl.itid to Corvallli, Tae.,Thur
and Eat, and Way-Landing. and Sal
Rnaik Rivxa. Um
Lr Rlparia Riparia to Lewiaton. Livinoa
daliy daily
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work ia such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but tho standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people. think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341. THE nAT.T.ra np
Fartlea dealnni to so to Hepnrerhral4
take No. 4, leaving '1 he lnl)p at 6 :10 P
making direct connection at llennner Junction
Returning mallngdlrectconnecl.on t Heppnw
Junction with No. 1, arriving at Tha Dallntt
i.H p. in.
No. 2, throueht freight, ea. I bound, do" v
earry aaangera; arrives 2;b0 a. m., depr
8:60a. in.
o. 2, local freight, carriea paafengeri,
bound; arrives .
arr.vea b:to V m-i aen
m- (len.irta H:lo P. at.
No. 21 wet boiird tliro na (rclgiit aoea "
earry iaascngera;
:. p. m. . ..
No. 1 . we; bo.ind local freight, earrita p
aengera; arrive. 5:16 p. in., depart. 8:a. m.
For full particular, rail on 0. R. t-'1
agent Tha liallea. or addreaa
W. H. HURlBt-'BT,
Oen Faa. Agt. fortland. Of.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
grand rori
Through Tickets
For Information, Urns cards, mapa and
eal on or writ to
A. D. AKLTON. Asst. O. . P.
2ft rrlaon Cor. Third. Portias-
C!.rk,F.lkhT. "ei,fr;S
or the celsbrsted Jsniss fc- "
strictly par liquid paints.