The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 16, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Ifatsu.1 Giaiitoi Cteirancs
at Mi Im Tciay
LonJon Officials Had Refused to later
fere, Leaving Matter ia Hands of
Hong Kong Harbormaster, Who
Decline! to Let Troopship Depart
YAsniarox, Sept. 14 The war de
partment received a dispatch today con
taining the information that clearance
paper bare been allowed the transport
Tartar at Hon Kong.
It is exrxcteJ that the will prrcecd to
the UnU?d Sutes at once.
Refused to Interfere.
2kw York, Spt. 14. A dispatch to
the World from Loudon eavi: The Brit
iau official have declined to take
any ac'.ion upon the United Stales Con
sul Wi'.duian's protect against the de
tention of tbe American transport Tar
tar. This leaves the matter entirely in
the hands of the Hong Kong harbor
master, who positively declines to allow
tha transport to sail witli more than 750
o'idiers on board. If the Tartar sails
nader this restriction a large ncmber of
the Kaufas volunteers will be left behind.
Many of there volunteers have been
per jaitted to come ashore from the Tar
tar. Some of them met a man named
U d. who it was said had taught the
Filipinos how to nee machine grins.
The.'e was a row, the Americans threaten
in; Etzel, and he appealed to tbe toiice
for protection. This was accorded him
asd the soldiers retnrned to tbe ship.
Rich Strike at Rubies )uville.
Baker City, Sept. 13. Frank Clark,
of P.obin'oi.v.Iie, brought down some
tuple ore from bis ledge in that die
trie', ahic'i he has been deve'opinj i x
tensive'.y for the last two yurj. This
ore wu tikin from a one-foot stieak in
a inrej-iooi vein, ine wrau v. la as- t
J ' .
jjiu w ir,e ion in me assay. Mr. iar
leels qu le jutti.ant over Ins success as a
miner, as alter two years' hard work
and the expenditure of considerable
money in dtvelopment woik he has
made a ctrlke which will repay him.
Negro Lynched bj a Mob.
Macox, Ga., Sept. 14 A special from
Tiftoo, Ga., to the Telegraph (ays: A
negro was arrested at Tyty ibis morning
and positively identiSed as one of tbe
two ne.-roes who assaulted Miss Johnson
at that place last Tuesday. Two hun
dred men, heavily armed, assembled at
People passing on a train 'at 2 o'clock
this morning saw a negro suspended
twenty feet in tbe air from a telegraph
pole. Search for the other negro con
tinues. Kid for Wood.
Bids for forty cords of fir wood, more
or lets, will be received at the county
clerk's office between now and Friday,
Sejt. Sth. Bring in your bids. 4-4t
Pimoles Turn
to Cancer.
Cancer often results from ' an fm
tirity in the blood, inherited from
generations back. Few people are en
tirely free from some taint in the blood,
and ft is impossible to tell when it will
break out in the form of dreaded Can
cer. What has appeared to be a mere
pimple or scratch has developed into
the most malignant Cancer.
I had a aerrre Cancer which vm at flrat
only a few blotches, that I thought would
won paga away. 1 was
treated by several able
physicians, bnt In unit
of their effort the Can
cer spread until my con
dition became alarming.
After many months of
treatment and growing
aieaauy worse, i ae-
elded to try 8. 8. 8.
V' which was so tronirly
reoommenoea. inenrat
. bottle produced an im-
proTemenc. iconiinuea
the medicine, and In
'.' four months the last 11 1-
liy tl scab dropped off.
I' Ten THrf hitve elunned.
ouboi aaiga ot we oineate nan returned."
Gillaburg, Mlas.
It Is dangerous to experiment with
Cancer. The disease is beyond the skill
of physicians. S. 8. 8. is the only cure,
because it it the only remedy which
goes deep enough to reach Cancer.
(Swift'a Specific) is the only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All other contain potash and mer
cury, the most dangerous of minerals.
Books on Cancer end blood diseases
mailed free by Swift Specific Company,
Atlahta, Georgia.
. xn. H
W'tdneaday t it;.
A. B.
Craft and wife re down
. n.....,;. for Iori:nJ tl
Mr. V.
L, Churchill is in the ci
from ortb Yakima.
II. C. Clark and wife,
, of Lone Rock
are visitors in tbe city.
Mrs. Thorn Thomson and
Blanche K ggs are n the city
S. Water and son came over
Go!denla!e yesterday and left
morning for Portland.
Miss Anna Welch, who has been the
gueetofMi-s Winifred Mver, returned
to her home in Portland today.
Mrs. C. Johnson and son came np
from Oregon City last night and are
gue.-ts of the family of U. D. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Riddeil left on
the boat this morning for Portland,
where they will attend tbe wedding of
their son, H. II. Kiddell.
Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Doane returned
last night from their trip to L'niversity
Park. They were accompanied by
Quinn Doace, a brother of the doctor,
who is returning to his home at
Judge W. L. Bradshmr retnrned last
night I rem a visit to Portland and La
fayette. He left Mrs. Bradshaw visiting
her sister at that place and she wi;l
also visit other valley towns before re
Mr. and .Mrs. u. UooUwin arrive
in the ;itv Mondav from their Alabama
home, and left this morn in for Ante
lope, where they will make their future
home and where Mr. Ooodwin wi
practice law.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrett retnrned lust
night from Portland, where they went to
consult a specialist regarding Mr. Bar
rett s ears, which bad been troublm
htm greatly. He had tbem operated ou
ana is now improving
Ed Morse, druggist for the Butler
Drug Co , left for Portland this mornin
to attend the marriageof his sister, Miss
hm ma Morse, to II. 11. Kiddell. L)u
ing his ahserce J. Mulkey, of Portlaud
will take bis place in tbe store.
Thursday's Daily
C. E. Meyer, of Tygb, is In tbe city.
C. Thornborn came in from Kingtley
Mrs. M. A. Hurst is in from Wapini
tia viemng the family of J. B. uoit.
II. C. Rocper, one of Antelope's suc
cessful sheep men, is in the city on
Paint your house with
fully guaranteed to last,
have tbem.
paints that are
Clarke & Falls
Frank Mason arrived on yesterdav's
afternoon train from a visit to his
familv at Astoria.
Mrs. Tavlor, sister of Rev. Clifton
left nn Ihn thla ninrnlniy fnr I'nrt.
land and tbe seaside.
Miss r lorence Lewis, who bns been in
Canyon City for some time pasl, is visit
ing her mother in this city
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gifford and little
sori returned last night from a week's
stay at the metropolis visiting friends.
Mr?. It. E. Haworth left this morning
lor a short visit with her sister, Mrs
Sissoiis, at Mt. Hood, near Hood Kiver
Miss Mary Hutton, of Ilwaco, Miss
Geary and nephew, of Astoria, came np
trotn Portland yesterday and returned
by boat today.
Mies Bessie Johns will leave this
evening for Spokane, where she will re
main during the winter with her sister,
Jirr. J. u .Mel.
Pro'. Freytag, professor of ralesthen
ics at Monmouth normal school, came
up on tbe boat yesterdav and returned
to Portland this morning.
Mrs. Chas. Hilton and daughter, Miss
Florence, who have spent tho past four
days with friends, left on the boat this
morning for their home in Portland.
itoDi. ana Airs. Slays, jr., came in
from their home near Antelope yester
day. Mrs. Mays will remain in the city
for some time visiting her parents, Mr.
and .Mrs. bommerville.
Surveyor Goit came in from the
Wapinitia district and like all other
visitors to the country telln ns that the
farmers have been pleasantly surprised
in tne aounaanca ot tne crops.
Capt- and Mrs. Crang, Mrs. Litlle
field and J. Seeley came up from Port
land yesterday and spent today looking
over our little city. They express them
selves as much pleasad with the location
and surprised to find so many pretty
residences and substantial stores. -Friday.
Frank Gabel is in from tTapinitla.
F. A. Fisher, of Fossil, is in the city.
M. T. Nolan returned from Portland
last night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Cram, of Cross Keyg,
are in the city.
Mrs. A. Richmond le't this morning
on the boat for Lyle.
Miss Alice Gil more and sister came
down from Bugs yesterday.
Polk and O. K. Butler came in yester
day from their home at Naosene.
F. A. Young, of Ridgeway, came
from Portland on last night's train.
F. J. Alex. Mayer, wile and family are
op from Portland spending a few days
Ir. Albert O'l-enry is op from Port
land visiting his mother, Mrs. J. C.
E. L. Penfield, an old-time resident of
Canyon City, came in from that place
Geo. Maddock retnrned to his home
in Goldendale this morning, having
been to Portland.
Mrs. J. Henry, Miss Lulu Henry and
Mrs. Shadel came op from White
Salmon last evening.
Mrs. Pilkington and son retnrned last
night from the metropolis and left this
morning for ter home at Antelope.
Mrs. William Wlgle. of Crook conotr.
is in the city, the priest of Mrs. Sarub
Baltimore. Mrs. Wigle was a daughter
of Rex. II. II. SpaalUing. of human
macr fame, a iieter ot Eliti Spauld
in Warritn. tha tint while eirl too in
Oregon. Albany Democrat.
w, a prominent
as in the city ye-
E. E. Ertbo!eD
i ciiiin of IlepDDer.
l!y I Mr. Fred Fisher and daughter. Ms TfTX f
! E lie, left on the earlv mon ng train lor : Tjt, - Sh A -ck,
j Portland, where Miss Edie will attet-d -'Wf J
Fowler, representing
"State", a magazine published
Tacoraa. is in theritv today m
the in-
terest of his publication.
Miss Leona Noltner, vibo has been the
foVJh?UVt d.?;. thi. mornufg"
for her home in Portland.
Miss Snell and Mis Lillian Snell went
to Union the nrst of the week to attend
the wed ling of Miss Etta Story and Mr.
Frank Cram, of Tho lulles. Cun ion
Miss Xettie McN'eal, of the D. P. Jt A.
Jf. office, will leave this afternoon for a
vacation trip to Portland and Ilwaco
teach. She will t-e joined by Mis.
Gertrude Taylor at Portland.
M.S. Joe Me'cbant and sjn, Wm.,
came in yesterdav Irons Antelope, wnere
she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. N.
W. Wallace, and left last night for her
home at Walla Walls.
Maurice Gilmer, wiio has spent the
past week renewing aconaintances in
The Dalles, left this morning for South
ern Oregon, where he will resume bis
duties as engineer in the mines.
Misses Marv. Margaret and Annie
Frazier left Monday for Portland, where
Mary will take np her tchool duties and
Mariaret will be her housekeeper.
Annie will attend school. Glacier
Schedule of Expenditures
Showing the amounts of all claims pre
sented, the names of all claimants, the
article or claim for which payment is
made, the amounts allowed and the
claims continued or rejected at th
Sept. term, lS99,of the County Court of
Wasco county, Oregon. The following
list, however, does not contain any
claim for which the salary or fees are
provided for by statute:
Martin Spellman, wit grand jury .$ 6 50
W C Allaway, same 2 00
V A Ciites, sprinkling streets. . . 9 00
Chris Dethuian, supervisor work, 20 00
R L Sahin, supplies by Co road
(passed) 23 65
Butler Drug Co, med for paupers, 20 05
Maya & Crowe, supplies, court. . 77 75
Irwin-Hodeon, " and records. . 215 75
Glass & Pruddhome,same 9 00
J T Peters A. Co, road supplies. . 75 51
Lucky Foley & Olinger, use of
team and hack 3 00
Rufus Ryan, labor, passed) 4 50
Elton Koontz, labor 1 50
Mrs E L Hughes, board pauper . 4 75
Dr Shackelford, exam insane. ... 5 00
John Gavin, exam teachers 15 00
J T Neff, sane 15 00
Frank Lanier, t?rvices superv. .. 25 00
Johnston Bros, supplies pauper. 13 40
Stadelman Com Co, ice
W H U'hipple, service assessor.
CL Gilbert, stamps
8 05
262 00
9 00
9 00
3 00
L L Davis, labor on roads
David Allen. " " "
J T Fagan. " " " 12 00
J T Fagao, work with team 6 00
Joe Hurst, labor on road 1 50
Benj Hurst, same 3 00
W 11 Williams, report ot woik
M T Shaw. M D, service pauper.
Hugh Glenn, labor and material
24 00
6 35
1 10
I C Nickleson, supplies
J n iUliMiplI riiBtrtrf attnrnptf
fees (continued) 5
L B Thomas, justice fees 6 35
ri s f.iliiir.nrtson, justice lees. ... 6 00
E J Glisan, justice fees 3 SO
K CBatriey. justice fees o 0
X H Gates, justice of peace fees. .$ 4 25
C E Bayard, " " " .. 55 90
Frank ilill, constable fees 00 40
X B Hughes, special constable. . 2 00
W Miohell. burial Dauner 20 00
uaiies Uity. collected bv clerk.. 11L' 09
Times. Mountaineer, printing... 125 62
Woeier Mill Co, lumber 7 40
Lane Bro, iron for bridge 20 00
Oregon T & T Co, rent and tnes. 33 40
Chkonici.k Pub Co, printing 166 38
Kobt Kelly, sundry bills 163 Sit
W II Wakefield, taxes 9 50
u a Dufur, reporting case in jus
tice court
Dallea City Water Works, rent. .
7 50
1) 35
60 CO
28 18
23 89
24 00
Carey and Mays.ser for county..
warti s sons, lumber
Pease & Mays, snpplles paupers.
i x Kitnsev.per diem and milage
u t-vans, same 14
W Cornett, wit Statovs Ruben 11
G W Brown, wit State vs Walton 4 50
E M Wilson, rebate taxes 30 00
W II Hints, coroner fees 16 10
F G Sloiiuht, justice fees $ 10
eo rratlier. " (continued) 8 20
E S Olinger, constable fees 5 95
I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk for
Wasco county, State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a full arid complete statement
of the claims presented and action taken'
thereon by the County Court of Wasco
county, Oregon, sitting for the transac
tion of county business at the Sept.
term, 18&9, thereof, save and except all
claims the salary or fees for which are
provided for by statute.
Witness ray hand and the seal of the
Conuty Court affixed, this 15th day
of Sept., 1899.
County Clerk.
Filipino Police Went to Work at Manila.
Manila, Sept. 14. The Filipino
police, numbering 250 men, armed with
reyoiTcri ana c.dop, uecame operative in
at Manila today. The force ia controlled
, I,. ,
by the proved marshal, and was re-
iewed on the Lnneta.
To Car at Cold ! Oo Daj.
Take Laxative Bromo Qplnine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c
CaaS to toar Cbecka.
All county warrant registered nrlnr
to Jan. 1, 1890, will bf, paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Hept. 14th.
1889. O. L. Piiillipr.
County Treasurer.
8&lgr Itnniilno
IT gt .of,
! Q rrKl
;i3-lnch Motor.
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First
'Phone 341.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t Airericin Liquor
Yellowstone Sour
WHISKEY from Mjo to ti.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 yeara old.)
IMPORTED COGNAO from 7.00"to 12.00 per7lloii. (11 to -Q years old.
0LYMPIA BEER on draught,
Imported Alo and Porter.
fill kinds of
Faneral Supplies
Tho Dalles, Or.
Was co Va re li o use Go m p a n y
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds."
Headquarters for Feed Grain oipii kincu
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, :?D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr. TiAn Flour " mnufactured expressly for family
w , , . Dse: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction
call aVel nr t?d" loWfrv5han honM ia trte, and Ujmdm'ilSkii
call and get cur pricea and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, -
Advertise in the Chronicle.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
i 9 III llll E.l.
and M0t0l'$
and Conrt Street,
to K6 00 per gallon.
(4 to 11 years old.'
Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottles
& Barget
Burail Shoes
The Dalles, Or.
Horticultural anfl Agricultural
P,0fl'c!,n ,of 0rW. Washing ,
Idaho in greater variety and 11
fusion tban ever btfore. P
America-. Greyest Udjr Cornet 3Iol.t.
The I'nequalieJ
of Acrobats, direct from the Kair,tr th...
miuuu , meu n rst appearance So An,'
A Great
I usurpassed Aciiali.t, in their thrilling wu.
A Season of Great Surprises ind
. Astounding Feats.
Reduced Kates
nn All
5 Cnu
Children under 12 yoin, 10 centi.
TJ. 8. Land Office, Ths iullfs, 0i ,i
Juneau, lbw. j
Notice ia herebr Riven thut in compllanc
with the iirovlfclntia of the Hot ol cimirmi o
June 8, ItCH, entitled "An act for the ult o
timber lnnds in I lie states ol California, Orfjon,
Nevada and Washington terrilorv," t hutla
(iosson, of '1'he Dillen, county of tt siieo, stute of
Oreifon, hHB this day tiled in thu office bis
sworn statement No. HI, for therurchaseof the
lot 4 and bK.'i S WJ of Sec. No. ij, in Towaauip
No. 1 N, runice No. U K, and will otter proof to
show that the land aought ia more valuable for
Its timber or atone than for intrieultnral pur
poses, and to establish his claim to lid land bt
fore the reiriater and receiver of lhl oihee at
The Dallea, Oregon, on friday, the loth dj of
September, lxutf.
H names in witnesses, A. Turner, W. Clark.
Peter Kiipa l. O. Whitniore, all of The Imllei.UJ.
Any nnd all persona elaiminir adrenlr the
above described lamia arc requested to flit tlifir
chiima In this oinco on or before said l ih da; of
September. Is'ju. J. K l.l'CAS.
Jlysil Ktgiittr.
U. 8. Lajid Officii, The Dalli. Or. I
Ji .ly 11, l,iw. j
A on BIcicMit contest nflWavit luiviiig xen filed
In thia ollice by Jiinira Koulk. couleatanl,
against hoineatf nil entrv No. 4'.'a, made Nov.
th, M. for t" HVili. M'-'A HW'4,te. ot,ton-
lilpa 8, R 1H t, and tlWt XW.Sec, 3, Uiwn
ahlp 6, K 13 li, by Thonius Jrfl'ma, coMctf.
In which It la allt-Reil that he has abandoned
kuiil tract for more tluin 0 moiillia. Said purtiea
are hereby notilltil to apii'iir, ri-poud and
otter evidence totichinir haul alligation, at 10
o'elonk a. m. on Sept. 4, lw.i, Iwl.ire the rnelater
and receiver at tho United States land oilice in
1 he liullea, Or.
The said contestant having in a proner
amdavit, II led Julv IMrn, ael forth (net
which show that alter due dilixence, personal
service ot thla notice ecu not be made, II ia
hereby ordered and directed that Mich notice be
given by due and prMer publication,
jlylf-li JAY f. LCCAU, Ecglater.
Lavd Orrtca at The Dai.i.icc, Oarooul, 11, i
Notice fa herebv given that the followina;
named settler haa filed notice of hla Jiitention
to make final proof in aupport of hl elalm.ana
that a lid proof will be made before the nit
and receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, ou Saturdaf,
Octobaril.tMCi, vl:
Alexander Vance, nf Tha Ialla. Or.
H. E. No. am, for the K'4 SK' and tV.'i S'
See. li, and Nat JSK'4 Sec ,Tp. 1 aoulh.BUl.
W M. ,
He namea the followinir witiuasea to prn
hia continiioua resldeuee upon and cultltauoa
of !! lnd, viz: ... ,. .
J K. Hall, Jamea Hall, W illiam on ... -r.
W iekhain; all of The liallea. tM(.i.
aeptia II JAY I'. LlCAs, Reglater.
Notice la hereby given Hint the iinderalgMj
baa llled with tneclerk of the ecu nl court n
the htuto of Oregon, lor aaeo cminty,
final account aaadminlflrator o( Hie etie m
John (Irant, defe.l, and that h " ";"....
aald court made on tlie 1:1th day in n-" "
lv.n, Monday, the ilth day of Novel. iN'r. l. 'j
tlie hour of a o'clnek p. m. haa h.; -n '''a
time nnd Hie enmity court room In
a the place for the hearing ol . f .J f 1 1 ' 'i i " '
linni (( unt
of Eatato ol John
Administrator's Notice.
Xotioe ia hereby given that V,I''!5n!r
haa been duly appointed by tbe "" '"J,
( ourini ina ino bibio i . . j,,ipn
county, aa adn.lniatnitor of the eMail ol A" f
Agldlua, de ceased. All p.-ianna hav H I ,
agalnat aaldatate are hereby iiotllii-l
the aame pro)rly verlli.Kl to me at th. ,
my attorn. a, Dufur A Menefe.;, wltW"
IMontha from the date ol thla notice
Dated at The Dallea, Oregon, I line
Adminl-tralor of the Eatate ol Adolp" IJI,,,U
Notice of Filing Final Account
yglron that tbe "rncraill
" m, li. K. Moore-
Notice la herebr glron
the aaaigneo ol J.
J. W. and II. K.
Moore, Inaolvent '"m
rk of ih. elrci. II ae
fled with theeler
u,i...i j,....... ... u . eon
' "i,.nl
count aa audi aaalgnre; tceaame " h, ,I
and aeil uan by aald elrcnlt eouri : ' n (i)f(,ul,
day of the next regular ''"" . iherenl.
court, to wit, th Novemter, "",,,r"?',1 there
tha hour of ten oelia'k a, ni., oraa ai"
after aa the matter ran I reached ,.,.
ly 1.VH 1'OI-K BtH-tlt,'"1""
r t. Hcoaa.
ATTORNEYS AT I AW. S and W, over U. 8. lam! tlH.
riiysioian ami Snrgcon
Special attention given to iiircery
Viajt Bl
Kootni 21 and It,
Tel. M