THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9 1899. OREGON THE 0, It & N. FKUrLK I Of ALL KNOW. '. C. Enni it op froiu Hnod Kiver tod 47. E. H. Hiack came in froai Warm Spring to lay. Clyde Bonaey time op from Hood Kirer U;l uitfNt. Farquer McEae, one of Antelope's leaJiojf men, is iu from that little city today. F. C. Savage, representing tbe Chicago A Northwestern, is in tfce city cn busi ness today. Mr. and Mrs. lie-i. Snij-es started this m-jrnin lor trie eoda tpilrs uo the Klickitat river. Mrs. N. Ii. Speer came in from Warm SpriurfS )esteroay. sue ill leave for Portland i'ndjy. Misses Rachel Morgan and Kathryn Sariceut eut uowu to Hood Kiver to day toatieud the Khrck-L'ggert wedding tonight. C. L. Schmidt, formerly of Cascade Locks, bat who now has business in terests in Purtland, came up from that place last night. Hon. and Mrs. F. P. Mays and family came in yesterday from their outing at tbe Mavg ranch tetoud Dolor. Inev will return to Portland tomorrow. Miss Mattie Bailey, who has been spending her vacation in this city, re turned to Grass Valley today, where she holds position in the pablic school. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Barrett left this morning for Portland. For tbe past week Mr. Barrett has been greatly troubled with one of his ears, and goes to rorttaod to consult a specialist. Mrs. P. H. Fiinn, accompanied by ber sen, James, and daughter, Miss Irene, came down from their home at Huntington yesterday. Tbe former will be the guests of the Misses Flinn, while Miss Irene is visiting Miss Pearl Grimes. Mia-es Balm snd Francis Mann, nieces of D. J. Cooper, spent yeeteiday and today with their relatives here and will leave this evening, Miss Balui to accept a school in La Grande anJ Miss Francis to resume her duties in the Pendleton schools. Yesterday H. L. Vorse and his friend, Frank Bates, returned from an extend ed trip through tbe Blue mountains on horseback. They visited the mining districts of Oregon, going by way ol t-panith Gulch and spending some days in and near Sompter, and return with the firm belief that Eastern Oregon is to surpass the Cripple Creek district of Colorado, and in the long ran even the Klondike of Alaska. While they encountered some rain, there is more snow to be f iaiid in the mountainous districts than rain. Thursday's Dail?. G. E. Stewart went to Portland on a business trip today. Mrs. James Wilson came in from her home at Dufur today. A. C. Sanford is registered at the Umatilla from Moro. Fred Drews was a passenger on the boat this morning for Lrle. V. C. Brock came down from Wasco on yesterday's aiternoon train. J. E. Remus, one of Boyd's prominent farmers, is in town today and called at tbe CriKOxicLE office. ;:e Misses fcstes arrived in tbe city last night from Cook's Landing and will attend ichool here this winter. Mrs. Hugh Gourlay and Miss Tessie Kelley arrived last night from their out ing at Ocean Park, Long Beach. Mrs. A. M. Williams and son, Carl, came op on the boat yesterday from Portland and will remaiu a lew days. Miss Sahna Ptiirman, who has been visiting with ber sister near Spokane during vacation, returned home this morning. Mies Wrenn, who has been spending ber vacation in Albany and other valley towns, retnrned to this city Tuesday evening, where she will resume her du ties as teacher in oar public schools. Eudy Cradlebanih has been spending bis vacation with his father in the Green horn mining district, and arrived in the city yesterday afternoon. He is on bis way to resume bis studies al the nniver- Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the most difficult to get rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it is the only remedy which can reach the dinease and force it from the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of llarrodsburjr, Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: " I could wfl no Improvement whatever, though I was conManlly treated with sprays ana wasnea, and diner ent Inhaling remedies In fact. 1 could feel that each winter I was worse than Uie year previous. 'Finally It was brought to my notice that Catarrh was a blood rilaeam, and after think ing over the matter. I saw It wa. unreasonable - y to expect to he cured by "i ' ' IvmpnlM which nnlw '" reached the surface. I A? then decided to trv 8. 8. 8.. and after a few bottles were used. 1 no ticed a perceptible improvement. Continuing the remedy, tha dlHeanc waa forced out of my ratero. and a complete cure, was the result. I xWiae all who have this dreadful diaeaw to tendon theirlocal treatment. which has never dona them any if Kid. and take H. M. 8.. a rem edy that can reach the dlaeaiie and cur It." To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, I whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the most aggravated rases. S.S.S.rTheBl00d is Purely Vegetable, and is the only Wood remedy guaranteed to contain no . "dangerous minernls. - . 'Books mailed free by Pwift ?pecifloi. , Company, Atlanta, Georgia. - j mm mm 3 'r Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANSES THE SYSTEM OVERCOMES Habitual ciNST.WT.ON PERMANENTLY Buy tm6 fttnwiMt - MtN'r o ey LiuTg5yrvp( roa u sr au Mvacr& rwu uh ru term. sity in Fngene. Rudy has grown so in the past year that it is difficult for his friends to realize he is the same lad who but a few years ago was running around the streets a mere child. Tlios. Leabo is in from his farm near Endersby today. He says very little threshing had been done in his section before the rains came, he being among the fortunate ones. His crop was much better than he expected, and all No. 1. E. G. Patterson, for several years a salesman in Gray Bros.' hardware es tablishment in this city, has accepted a position in the hardware department of (cbwabacher & Company's mammoth store in Seattle, tie left yesterday af ternoon for a visit with his mother in Eastern Oregon, expecting to assume his position next Monday. "Ed" was very popular in this city where his friends are legion, all of whom are pleased to learn of his advancement, and though they dislike to have him leave the Capi tal City, join in wishing him unbounded success and prosperity in his new posi tion Salem Statesman. Friday's Daily. J. E. Buckley came down from Ar lington yesterday. Mrs. B. A. Giffor 1 and little son went down on the beat this morning to Port land. F. H. Button, H. L. Howe and J. W. Morton and son are visitors from Hood Kiver. Mrs. E. L. Smith came np from Hood River vesterday and is a guest of Mrs. S. L. Brooks. Mrs. E. K. Evans, Misses Alice Gra ham and Cora Copple came op from Hood River yesterday. Chas. Heppner left on tho boat this morning for Portland, wbere he will tike a course in the Holmes Business College. Mrs. V. V. Brown and .sons arrived from Cross Keys yesterdav and will make their home in The Dalles this winter. Chas. C. Roblin, a yoang attorney of Salem, made the trip up on the boat yesterday, leaving on the night train for Baker City. Miss Anna Welch, daughter of Dr. Welch, of Portland, arrived in the city last evening and will be the guest of Miss Winnie Myers. Miss Lillian Shelton, who has spent three weeks with relatives in Baker City, returned yesterday to her duties in tho Chronicle office. Mrs. H. Dodds, wife of Dufiir's prom inent physician, came in from that little town yesterday and will visit in The Dalles for a few days. Judge W. L. Bradshaw, District Atty. JayneanJ Atty. H. S. Wilson retnrned yesterday afternoon from attending court at Fossil, Wheeler county. W. E. Simonton left hia desk at Pease & Mays' office today to spend a ten-Jays' vacation with friends nt his former home in Albany and other Valley towns. E. B. Knight CJrae down from Pendle ton yesterday and left this mornini? to join his father, who owns an interest in tbe Oregon King mine and is now super intending work there. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Anson, of Salem. who have spent the past week in this city, left today for Prineville, where he will superintend the work of putting in n electric light plant at that place. Miss Helen Ilibhard, who has been spending her vacation at her home In fcalem, came upon the boat last night ana leit on last evening s tram f ir La Grande, where she will resume her duties in the schools there. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part- nershlp heretofore existing between C. 8. Smkh and F. E. Cockerhne. under the firm name of Smith & Cocker line, Is jthisdiy dissolved by mutual consent, : F. E. Cockerlina retiring. C. 8. Smith will continue the business, and and will pay saiu urra account against the tame, Dated Ao;U3t 15, 1899. Smith . , ' f! eVcockeblixk, rppr.iiini iv ELECTiONjlnuusfrml Pacifr Ken Eliminated. Ara All; A FLATTERING AMMIIAI DrDHDT fiMMunu 1 1 1-1 viii officials So Change to be Made in the of the Koad Moblcr President Elected Portland, Sept.". The annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company was held here today. Tbe following board of directors was cliofen : W. 1 Bull. H. Cameron, M. S. Schiff, Winslow S. Pierce, E. II. Harriman, W. D. Cornish, New York ; A. L. Mohler, P. W. Corbett. W. A. Scott, W. M. Ladd, W. B. Aver, A.L. Mills, Portland; Miles C. Moore, Walla Walla. In tbe new board, Schiff, Pierce and Cornish succeeded Mellen, Lamont and Carr, who represented the Northern Pacific interests in the directory of tbe O. R. & N. Witb the dropping of the last three names all tbe Northern Pacific influence is removed from the O. R. A . and it is understood the O. R. & N. will be dominated exclusively by the Union Pacific. E. II. Harriman was elected chairman of the board to succeed Bull, Fred N. S. Crosby succeeds Marcus as treasurer and Alex Miller succeeds Tracy as aesistant secretary. The new officers are: A. L. Mohler, president ; W. W. Cot ton, secretary; E. S. Benson, auditor; Fred N. S. Crosby, treasurer; G. E. Witbington, assistant treasurer; Cbas. C. Beanier, counsel; W. T. Cotton, general attorney. No changes will take place in the officials of the 0. R. & N. company. Annual report shows gross receipts for the year ending July 1, 1899, $7,005,979. C5 against $6,895,393.29 for previous year. Operating expenses for 1399, 4 288,272.63 against $4,106,060.36 for the previous yar. Net earnings for 1899, $2,790,814. For 1898, $2,867,198. The charges against net earnings $1,577,987, against $1,903,343 in 1898. Surplus for 1899, $1,212,826, against $963,855 for the previous year. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and tbe medical press. It "digests what you eal" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Blooiningdale, Tenn., says it cured him of indigeston of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Dad In the Stationery Store. Old Dad ''You ought to discharge that girl over there ; she's awful." Proprietor "Awful, what do you mean?" Old Dad "A moment ago I saw a pen holder." Then Old Dadsaid,"Is your ink well?" and the proprietor smilingly brought the ink and old Dad wrote the following on the fools cap : "$800 will buy 160 acres of land on 15-Mile Creek, seven miles from Dufur, and twenty-two miles from The Dalles. Twenty acres of this is bottom land. There is a lot of good timber on the land, and the place can bs used for wheat, fruit, sheep or cattle raising or almost any other purpose. This is a bargain and should not be let pass by, by anyone wanting to buy a good farm cheap. See old Dad Butts at once." Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing In the poslofnce at The Dalles un called for September 8, 1899. Persons calling for the time will give date on which they were advertised : Allison, Mrs Emma Murry, Chas Elliott, Mrs Martin, John Henry Hull, Miss Ids Moore. A F Roth, Miss A F Parsons. M J Thompson, Edna Kodes, O H Thompson, Myrtle Brayeal, H M inompson, Mr J W Wheeler, Val Paltymas, Peter Sickles, F J Senio, Wm Conklin, Birt Carlln.U C (irlshan, Mahlon Hubbert, W B Johnson, Carl II. Shepherd, A J Clarke, C Oordan (ieurllyn, F Heckes, John Hsyne, IIS Lorenz, Louis C II. Riddell, P. M. Chester H. Brown, Kalatiaxoo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe rate of indigestion; can strongly recommend It to all dvspepties." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drag Co. Jiotlea. The County Board of Equalization will meet on the first Monday in October and will continue through the meek for the purpose of rqualizmg tbe assessment of 1893. . aug-lC-Cw For Hal. Twentv-'.hree city lots for sale. From (oO ap. Inquire al Columbia Hotel. . it. 8-23-lmo. Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 23, 1889 Hcrticnltaral anfl Airicnllwal Products of Orrem. Washington and j Uat.rj in ereatt r variety and pro fusion than ever before. ; BENSETFS EeBCWMi MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America Grcate-t Lady C ornet soloUt, Tbe l"neiuaUed FLOHENZ TROUPE Acrobats, direct from the Kmpire Theater, of Louden, their first apjicarance iu America. A Great WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed AerialUts, in their thrilling acts. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Seaeon of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. Reduced Rates on All Lines. Transportation ADMISSION .... X5 Cents Children under 12 years, 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! The Busy Store. EacU clay our business shows the people are finding out we are pushing to tbe front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C F. Stephens Second Street. Bicycle 5 REPAIR SHOP AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER . Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles Burchtorf.eppMto. I BROS. GENERAL Wagon and Carrlaga Werk. Flah Brothers' Wagon. : j: TMrl ail Jefcm Pione 159 (awAiiTaAviiaWAwnvii 1 JJ A STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office oyer French A Co.'s Bank rhone S. THE DA I.t.m. ORF.fiON J- r. hcori. jnim oavik JI00KE & GAVIX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Boom. 3 and 40,orer U. B. Land Offles. 1 4 " rl BlacKsmiins ...AND... Horsesnoers rir tiki scninrLi. Atrtiva sua hom luixxa. FauM. i Fast 'tialt Lake, Denver. Ft. FaM Mail Worth, Omaha, Kau- Mail ll:iOp.m. tat t'lty, ft. Louis, 3:15 p m Chicago aud aL Epokaue Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokana Kiver Minneapolis. tt. Faul, Flyer. 5:' p.m. I ii u 1 it t b, .Milwaukee, o:Mua.m Chicago and knot. 8 p. m. From Portland. 1p.m. Ocean teamahipa. For ban Francisco January 1, aud every live days thereafter. i i 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.bunda) ( j (j abtokia ana nay arurnay .Landings. iu p. in. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. ra. Ez.suuday Orcitoii City, N-wofr(f, Ex.oundaj baiem nt; Uina a. "a.m. WlLLAM V7TB AKD YAM-! 8:30 p. Ul. Tuea,1 hur.l sill Kivebs. :Mon.,Ved aud eat. Oregon City, LartoD, and FrL I and Way-liindinga. 6 a.m. Willamette Rivir. 4:30 p.m. Tue..Thur, Portland to CorvalUa.'Tue., Thur and oat. and Way-Landings. and Bat. Snake Rives. Rlparia to Lewis ton. Leafb Lewihtoh daily Lv Rlparia aaiiy fsV Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take No. 4. leavina 'ihe Dalles at 5:31) t. in making direct eonnectiona at Heppner junction Returning makingdirectconnection at Heppner juncuou Himisu. 1, arriving at ice ilalli 1:15 p.m. No. fc, throught freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrivea J:S0 a. m., depart 3:50 a. in. r-o. 21. local freight, carries passengers, east pound; arrivea 4:3U p. m., departs 8:15 p. m. No. 21, wot b und through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p iu., departs v..w p. m. No. 23, wcat bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s agent The Wiles, or address W. H. HCRLBURT, Gen Pas. Agt., Portland, Or. u n s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Car& Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. TAl'l, M1N.NKAPOI.I DVLt'TH FAKOO GRAND FOR CROOKSTOJt WINNIFKO HELENA an MCTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO to WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOI1K BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, map aud tlokat. cal on or writ to W. C. ALL AW AY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon oa A. D. AkLTON, Asst. G. P. A.. 2 rrlaon Cur. Third. Portland Ok ( o The Dalles, Portal and Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator Dalles City Hallr (except HundaT) brtwsen The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Lock?, Vancouver and Portland. RIORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Touchlnf at war oin on both ildei of the Columbia rlT.r. .,Sil?l,h" "Ii0"! nv Wn rchullt. and are In excellent ahape for the manor) of imrt. a nm Krrnlator l.lna will endeavor to lv. Ita patron, tlie beat Krvlca p-aialble. t.llC.1m.,K,',. Bom' "leaaor, ?II b' ,ta,nir of Th Kcgalator tlon In arnpl tlmforoutoiii( train. P,Z .V1"- ru Office. Oak at. I. t;ourt Btr(!et '.W. C. Allaway, ' O.n.ra At.nt. OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at jnaier & km - Hardware and Grocjry dealers. F.s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Lanntilin. TteLT r v ...GHfls. mu- Butehera and Fapmeps ..Exchange.. Keep, on drauxlit the celebrated COLUMBIA BKKK, ncknnwl edited tfce beat beer in The Daliet, at the uaual price. Come In, try Hand be convinced. AIo the Finest brand, of VVlues, Ujuur aud Clgara. Sandcuiehes of all Kind. alwr on hand. 4 SUMMONS. T THE rlRfniT COURT OF THE 8TATI A of Orcaon. for the County of Wasco. Charlea G. L. Beoaon, plalntiir, T. Hcttle A. Benton, defendent To llettle A. Ucnaon, the above named aeiew ant: In the Name of the Btateof Orcson: You are hereby notified to apwar ana n" the complaint in Ihe above entitled cnuae on or before nix weeks from tte flrat publlcutiou of thl. notice. tn-wlt:tne" day of Hepteinber, imc.i. anil II y"1 '".Tf pear and anawer or otherwie Vl,ll','1'.e''',!i tiff will apply to the court for the relief pr forln hia complaint herein, twlt: of matrimony now exUtln he'" plal nil ff and nefetidan t Ik- dlr-nolved that plaintiff have JudKmcnt "K1""' rtV , "i, for hia cota and dlKbiirfcin .i other and further relief u to the ccm meet and eijiiitHble. , . a- Thla ummon in t,ubllh.d b " Older made and niRiicd by Hon. H U"J J.. Jmlxeol court, on 'h'J""!; of September. WW, directum that wild '" be puhll.hed once a week for a rM u' " than .ix eoiixecutlve week. ff WI!.0S. .pt-l Attorney for inintilt Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby sjv.n that the iinde"' ha. been duly appointed by ttie l1"";'. Court of the tho State of Or.n:mi. If countv, aa admlniatrntor of the etteii ' Alllia, di-eoaaeil. All pein ''-v ' J ' , aKnln.t aaiil eatate are hereby "lll',,V. nSif "I inu .mile iiroiirrir f riuri - ,,hin m ....;,. .1 !.,,(,,. Ai Menefee, wit e hi , 111 month, (mm the date of thl notice-. Dated at The IMIlea, W,,y'1,!llii'i1i;H, Administrator of the Etate of AJ"lI A'JI,"5 deiaacd. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Land Ornca, The '"'''i0 'I 1 June M, ' No'lc 1, hereby Klven that In "f with the provlhlom of the art of c""" June S.1H7H, entltl.-d "An '' - onim". timber landa In th. atalea ol ( all!' ''",. , h,rle Nevada and WafhliiKton te" I !' , of (loanon, of The D.lle., conntv of "";mr( hl OreRon, haa till, day filed in ,,,',h"nftM worn tateinent No. ill, lor the nun n" ,hlr. No. 1 N. ranxe No. U K, and will ""'.,',1,1,1. how that th. laud .oiiitht l ",",,"lir tffl' lt tliiila-ror atone than lor aaileu pre., and toeatabllah hl claim '"' lorathe nul.tcr and receiver '( tni" M , The IimII.-., (ircion.on Jrlday, tn' " Meptetntier, XK'M. .,, a- f lrk. Hnname... wltneaa.'., A. Turn", "j, nr. Peter Kaira i. . Whllmore, all of rn i tW Any aud all paraon. rlalinlnE a. ije the)r ahovadewrltwl land, are re.Uel. i ' " Mll clalma In thl. nine, on or Delore clin, Heotcmber. lai. ' L.lter- Executor's Notice. . Notloa I. hereby alven that J1'?.""". r.M haa been duly appointed bj ' J Wmc Cntinty Court of the Htata of nl fhet J- county, aa executor ol the e-lnle ' ! rflm ll.laht, deceNl. All per.on. M aiain.t .aid eatate art hare hv notn g, m, aeot the aame. i.rotwrly erlll.-d, -.tbi LllnlHSia wo-" nltliwlti lallealily,renn, Irom the dale nf thla noil.. Dated tbia Mb day of i7 KSf rJ.V rxeculor ot ths eatate of I'hcbe J. Jyrtf docenaed.