THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6 1899. rsuni ioc all know. Saturday's 1J1T- C. W. Biktr it LaGrande visitor la ths city. Arthur HoJges is In the city from Bert Hu'.lister left tins morning to irenj his vacation in Poilland and at tho beach. Mrs. G. C. Blakeley l.a been visiting her parents in Portland and returned home last eight. Miss Cavan&neh, who ha been a guest of Mis Ai:ce I.vie, left this morning lor her Lome in i'oitUnd. Ralph Fi9her nil! leave tomorrow for California, where h will resume his studies at Stanford nuivkr-ii y. John Sommerrllle Jr., cams in from Hay Creek yesterday and spent today with his parents, lie nil leave for Portland tomorrow. W. Holder and three children came! np from the Moro Camp at Wind river last night and spent the day in the city, leaving this evening for Moro. Mrs. E. E. Lytle came down from a visit to Moro yesterday and remained over until this afternoon's train, when she will leave for her home in Portland. Mies Rose Bachler, having spent some time visiting her sister, Mis. Tibbets, in Monterey, aud Mrs. P. Nichols, at Oak land, returned to her home in this city last night. Miss Maie Enright will pais through the city this afternoon on her way to make her home in Portland. She will be joined by her mother at Bonneville, where she has been visitiDg. Mrs. Corson left on this morning's train for The Dalles. From there she will f to her extensive grain farm and rcseire bi r share of the crop just har vested, which amounts to several thous and bushels. Heppaer Gazette. Mrs. Isabelle Grav, who has been visiting fiieuds in Independence, re turned home on the boat last night. She was accompanied by Annie Pentland, daughter of Jb. C Pentland, who will visit her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. This morning Mrs. Alfred Liebe, who has spent three months in the city, left for her home in San Francisco, accom panied by Miss Lena Liebe, who will spend two months with her. Mrs. Geo. L ebe went as far as Portland with them, nd will visit relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. S. French returned home last night on the train, having spent several months at their cottage on Long Beach, Mrs. Freuch's health has been very poor daring her absence from the city, bnt her friends trust her outing will not be without the desired effect. Monday'! Da'ljr. J. A. McDonald was in from Antelope yesterday. Albion Kahler arrived in the city this morning from Fossil. J. II. Smith and Miss Belle Smith are in the c'ty from Grass Valley. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Farley returned Saturday evening from a visit in Port land. F. A. Van Xorden left on the Flyer yesterday to jin his wife, who is visit ing 'friends in the Valley. Mrs. V. II. Moody end children re turned Saturday trom a visit with Ex Gov. and Mrs. Moody in Salem. Mrs. C. B. Dnrbin came in from An telope yesterday morning, and left on the afternoon train for Portland. Mrs. H. Glenn and family came np on the boat Saturday, morning from their cottage at Seaview, Ilwaco beach. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Nielsen and family returned Saturday evening from their amtner's vacation at Nabcottu, Long beach. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels manses the ystem n EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES Jjr& 1 h48,TUALC0H5T.PAT.0N iiumu PERMANENTLY 6U THl GtMVIHS - MNT O bY (auiaJTgyrvp roAU wauovwftSTrtnu K until, the S. Nutting has returned to Lis duties at Mays & Crowe's store, a'ter spending his vacation at North Yakima, bis former home. Mrs. C. M. Cartwright came np from Portland yesterday and left this morn ing for Hay Creek, where they are to make their home. Key. Frank Johns and wife spent yesterday with Mrs. Johns parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Creighton, on 3-Mile. He is on his way to attend conference at Spokane. Mr. n 1 Mrs F. R. Anson, of Salem, arrived in the city Sunday and will leave Thursday for Prineville, where Mr. Anson has the contract for putting in an elec tric light plant. Saturday evening Frank Hurlburt and Cbas. Lord, of Arlington, who have been camping at Trout Lake, arrived in the city on the boat. The former left this morning for Portland, while the latter will return to Arlington tonight. Mrs. Eliza McFarland, who has been pending a few weeks with Mrs. Abrams in Portland, has returned home. In vain are the persuasions of her children to keep her away from The Dalles, for "Grandma" always comes back. Rev. J. H. Wood and Presidine Elder Bobt. Warner will leave on the evening train lor Spokane, where tliev will at tend the session of tho Columbia river conference which will convene Wednes Oay, Rev. Wod will return when it it determined where he will be stationed, f it the purpose of removing his family nd settling op his business here. Carey Ballard, of The Dalles, arrived in oar town on Wednesday's stage, and will make Antelope his home for the next few months. He is an expert mechanic and was attracted by the abundance of work here. Antelope Herald. Theodore Liebe, w ho has been absent from the city for the past two years, re turned home yesterday. During his ab sence he has attended the Optical In stitute at Peoria, III., also Parson's Horologlcal school. Ho has (pent the last six months in Chicago. Tuesday's Daily. J. F. Moore made a trip to Hood River today. Ed Henderson ii a visitor In the city from Wapinltia. Mirs Gertrude Egbert is in from her home at Deschutes. Mrs. A. Joslyn, who In a short Lima with t has bf en apend Mrs. Storrs and friends in The Dalles, left on the late train last night on ber way to her home in ew ork. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith came in from Prineville yesterday. J. E. Morse, a wool buyer from Boston, arrived in the city last night. Dell Copple and F. E. Simp'on came up from Hood River yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinton an familv are in from their home at Bake Oven. W. II. Biggs came down from Wasco yesterday aod returned to Sprague thi morning. Mrs. Kato Roach, who has spent twi months in Portland, has returned to be home in this city. Mrs. C. A. Appelgrein, of Portlam arrived last nieht on the boat and is the guest of Mrs. Ed. Beck. Miss Melissa Hill has been ependini her vacation at Seaview, Ilwaco beach and returned borne last evening on boat. Mrs. E. B. Clarke, of Hood River, who has been the guett of Mrs. M. Parkins for the past few days, will return home this afternoon. E. S. Brooks, brother of 8. L., has re turned from a trip into the Blue mount ains. He will probably spend the win. ter in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. J. Casey, of Portland, are on their weddinif trip and have been spending a few days in The Dalles. They r .ve tonight for a trip through the tast. Mrs. S. II. Nye, of California, and her friend, Mrs. M. Merriwether, who havi been visiting Col. Nve in Prineville, re tur.u-d yesterday and are guee's of Mr. and Mis. hctienck today. W. A. and Mrs. Mu'chie, Mrs. R Andrews, John Fulton and wife and Miss Alioe Gilmore, came down from Wasco yesterday and left this morning tor the hot springs at ind river Ed. Crat'.', a former resident of The Dalles, but who for some time has been one of Portland's "bravest," is in town today ineeltng old friends and noting the changes which have taken place iu his old home. Miss Mabel Riddell returned last night imin Monmouth where she has been at tending Normal school. Mabel has been attending the summer cession, and was successful in obtaining a life diploma, coming out fourth in a class of thirty. The Misses Verne, Lora and Helen Lytleareto lea.-e today for their new home at Wardner, Idaho. After a resi dence here of nearly three years, it is hard indeed for Wasco to be compelled to lose them, and their absence will cause a social blank hard to fill. The young ladies have mane a lot of friends here whose best wishes will follow them wherever they go. Wasco News. Mrs. F. B. Prater Dead. Salem, Sept. 3 Mrs. F. B. Prater, aged 75, a pioneer of 1852, died at her home in Yew Park today, of dropsy. She was a member of the Oregon Pioneer As sociation. She wss born in 1821, and had been married three times. She left six children J. J. Kendall. Astoria; E. C. Kendall, Athene; Mrs. J. Vf. Privett, Pendleton ; Mrs. E. R. Skipworth, Eu gene; Mrs. M. E. Bourgardes, Spokane, and Miss Lyda Willett, Salem. Arrange ments for the funeral will be ruaJe to- V&r Imnii kfi Y liiiJuiuu wneeis r is 1 1 1 1 hi llivrtvi l9-!nch Mot:).-. JIASUFACTCBED BY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO! ETC, SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, na26 THE DALLES, OREGON S'ck Headache absolutely and perma nently enred by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money beck. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'. Fire Near Pendleton. Fesdlktox, Or., Sept. 3. At 4 o'clock this morning a fire occurred at W. P. Temple's farm, ten miles north of this place, turning IS fcorres, 40 tons of hay, several wagons, a qmntity of grain, 34 set of harce-a, and the barn In which all tb property wa. Loss, $1230; no insuranc. 8'teral farm 1 an '.a had nar row f capes. THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewev white wash? Yes. and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone SouJash Whiskey. WHISKEY f romf 2775toofoTp7rK IMPORTED COGNAC from $7.00 to 12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.' CALIFORNIA BRANDIES from 3.tJ5 to 6.(i0 rer gallon. (4 to 11 years old.' iiuuuULuinuuu , lamuiiiuiuuii 'S I. r. f Si i ii ! s. f f i t i v. j j ! u f i it K K N A n I ? ' SI f f 33 I 1 J J 1 J J E Th 3 Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-kno-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORG RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall&Barget UNDERTAKERS iPEMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Barail Shoes Etc. :!;i;::'i!.;:ai:i!!V!ti YOU CAfl SAVE IWOIMEY By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. icra- 3 Best Work at Least Possible Gost Guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are here to stay ; therefore evorj effort will be made to establish a business. It will pay you to examine oar work anil consult our prices. SULS CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Best Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold), per tooth Best set teeth, guaranteed M Best Gold Filling " fl.OOnp Beet silver or allov filling '. .'. 50c up Teeth extracted without pain Chapman Block, Second St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager. "UH IT 1 T-TO w UL I4. How About Your Title? Phone 81 f RE YOU SURE it is all right? Remember it i the H RECORD that governs. It is our business to search the records and show what they contain in relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no nun word, bnt insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as eesential as deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satinfactlon guaranteed. It you have prop erty to insure, give us a call. We are agents for four of the best fire insurance companies in the world. If yon have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find buyer, J, M. Huntington & Co. 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams ACo. "Harmony" Olhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer aa PURE HAM) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Rpn Wilcnn TKn Oolite Dr. -w w uuwiij i lie Lauui 8. MAYS & CROWE. Ladle jjjhsco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaiitfflds' Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, IfiTS Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-, f til-- Tl. I- T -1 . . . . a V or 1" 1,11 II p lllllT' iiiisriour is manniacinreu rpi"-" , ..,! w n . . ' nM' e'er KrntNl to give satisfy W sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don i t6"" call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. oa ts