The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 30, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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Sat a ttEji
l& 1
T the Chaplaia cf Dewey's Flagship,
He Expressed His Honor rt Blood-
sheJ and Dilated on Importance of
Bringing the War to an End.
w York. Aug. CS. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from Eon e
11 is holiness, the pope is deeply con
cerned about the war in the Philippine.
He baa communicated hia anxiety to the
Eev. Father Reainy, chaplain of the
In the plainest possible terms, Leo ex
pressed a strong desire to see peace
established between the United States
and the natives, and said that he con
templated the opinion of negotiations
with tte United States government with
a view to regulating the position ol
Catholics in the Philippines.
All this was in the coarse of a special
audience accorded to the chaplain of
Dewey's flagship. In heartfelt terms,
Le expressed his horror of bloodshed
that bad occurred and dilated opon the
importance of making every endeavor to
bring it to an end. He took it for granted
that when peaca was concluded, the
United States would establish a bene
ficent rale nnder which the Philippines
would quietly reach a condition of
happiness and prosperity.
Ilis holiness aeked many questions
about Admiral Dewey's personality, his
opinions, and inquired sympathetically
axnt the state of hi? health. At the
onclueion of the interview, he gave
Father Reamy an autograph letter fur
delivery to the admiral and made the
prieat the bearer of nis benediction to
the crew of the Olympia.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
V-- ,-r
Mavs, L. E. Crowe, D. S. end George
Dufur, J. H. Worsley and C. F. Cath
cart. Mrs. W. W. Fiord, of Rilisiae, Wash.,
and her sister. Vis Ad Fulton, of 10-
Mi:e. arrived iu the city yesterday
Burning lor
j over the
! place.
mater works' d:tct.c9
to look
at that
Saturday Pailr.
11. J. Ginn is a visitor in the city from
Ned McLeod and wi.'e came over irora ; lt.;t on l(.e tt ,).;,
.ioidenda:e yesterday, ilan.l.
Miss I?nbrg came np from J itfforiicr Gates and C. A. Borders
Hxid River yesterday. j jtft . 4 ;9 morning for a trip to the head-
r.. v .n.1 .1 mj). t.r. Mis t waters ot lxe liver, the latter
Martha, are guests of Mrs. Edith
Menefee at Dufur.
Mrs. C. N. Thornbury is up from Part- j
land visiting her daughters, Mrs. Hudson
and Mrs. Ktnersly. j
Will Werzwei'cr, Piineville's mer-'
chant, came op from Portland last;
night and left for home this morning.
Re. A, Blackburn and wife, oftle
First B
the In
How About Your Title?
EK YOU SURE it Is all right? Re,;
ri I at I
ntuCIAL V1 "
Mrs. Pvis, sister of Pr. Gsieen
dorffer, wh lm been visiting hfr
parents in the Val'.ey, spent toilay jn
the city on her way to her home in
Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. MeReynolds came in j
from their home cn lo-Mie yesterday,
i - ItK il.ut.i i). sir lit' child who
Japtist chur-h, .-)! Portland, made : u ju!vrri1(, fl0II1 CDJ fer and was
p up on the City yesterday, . . ,.,., . . hv.ician's care here.
returning this morning. r i
,.... ! Dr. O'Xiel sn i brotlier, Tlios. O Nie',
Misees Ten and Louise R:r.tool re-. Bm, MiHM Bertha an d Lena Huickharat,
tornel on the b;at laet nitfht afrer i ho have be n campina at Trout Lake
tending the teachers institute at Dreg n mjth a tT (rjm iort.)ancl. came upon
City and visiting in Portland. ; lhe Uft evelliBg tnj ief: (or Port-
M:ss Jocelyn F.ulkes, one of Baker 'nJ 'hia nlornic
City's most popular young Udies, wis! "Mrs. W. H. Jones and little son. Guv,
among the tourists who came np on the j came np yesterday from Stevenson,
RECORD that governs. It ia r. iZ :" : tL
search the records and show what thev conr
relation to land titles. If yoa contemplate lfTin i" "I
or loaning money on real eetate security, t ike no
word, but insist upon knowing what the record ?tln
regarding the title. An Abstract is as eential .
deed. Iufiet on having it. We have the onlv L, ,
Abstract P.ooks in the Countv. Aii work r,m.-.. 01
rented and satisfaction pivirnlni..! n
it you iav
affHnta tnm t r -
the best fire iusurance companies in the worij If
have property for sale, Hat it with us and we'll 6ih "
hnvpr. QOa a
ertv to incure. (rive ns a call. We nr aun.. ... ,proP-
n ir niGHT
For mm
Editor to RecomnicoU PatcDt
From SvWan Valley Xews, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be a question whether the
editor of a newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as a preventive of suffering
we feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. We have known and
used this medicine in our family lor
twenty years and have always found it
reliable. In'maoy cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while a physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any medicine for a cure, but we do
believe tnat It a bottle of Cbambeilain'a
Diarrhoea Kemedy was kept on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much suffering micht be avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
physician would not be required. At
leest this has been onr experience
during the past twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley & Honehton, Drupgiets.
Santo Domingan Government Throws
I'p the Sponje.
sent from here this morning to bring
him back. They are expected tomorrow
evening. o trace of the escaped pris
oners has been found. It is believed
that they are hiding in the mountains,
as it would be extremely hazardous for
them to try to get out of the conntry.
The sheriff has several deputies and
squads of men out in every direction
searching for them.
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, lietlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
A Houghton. 3
Miller is Dead.
Pe.vdi.kto.n. Or., Aug. 25. J. II. Mil
ler, the man who was shot Wednesday
night by Edwin L. Mimms, in Miller's
saloon, died this morning at half past 3.
An autopsy was held during the fore
noon and a coroner's jury Is in seseion.
A verdict has not yet been rendered.
Mimms is in j iil on a charge of as
sault with a dangerous weapon. This
charge will be withdrawn and one of
murder substituted.
Nbw York, Aug. 28. Andrian G. Pul
lon, representative of the Santo Domin
ican revolutionists in this country, has
received the following cablegram:
"Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 27. Revo
lutionists are in the capital. The gov
ernment surrenders. Lamarcue."
Lamnrche Is the representative of the
Jirninet revolutionists at Santo Domingo.
details are as yet. received. j
Bill Hot From tha nan j
Was the ball that bit G. B. Steadman j
of Newark, Mich., In the Civil War. It I
caused horrible ulcers that no treat- j
ment helped for twenty year. Then ,
Buckle: Atn'ci Salve tured him. It
caree cuts, bruises, turns lolls, felons, !
corns, skin eruptions. Best j ilo cure on j
earth. Twenty-five cents a hex. Cure!
guarantee J. Sold Ly Blakeley & Hough- J
ton, druggist. . 3
Cuiltj Sergeant Caught. I
Wallace. I laho, Am. 27. Sergeant i
C -aa ford, company L, First cavalry, who
escaped after letting the eight men out
of the pilson at Wardner, was arrested,
at Missoula, Mont., last night by the
sheriff of Missoula county. He dressed'
in citizens' clothes end came to Wallace
Immediately after the escape and took .
the early Northern train. Soldiers were
"DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines and
other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of
Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant,
never gripe, they cure constipation,
arouse the torpid liver to action and
give you clean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite.
Butler Drug Co.
Xsw York, Aug. 28 An impo'tant
agreement has been reached to pull off
the Jetfries-Shaikey fight before tLe
Sporting club this fail.
Hamilton Clark, ef Channcey, Ga.,
says he suffered with itching piles twenty
years before trying DeWitt's itch
Hazel Salve, two boxes of which com
pletely cured him. Beware of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patten
etriclly pure liquid pniuts.
Each day our business shows
the people are finding out wo
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for Ibe people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
boat yesterday and returned today.
Mr. and Mrs. Bin Robberson. old
time residents of Th Dl!e, sr op
from their home r.t Portland and are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jets Biakeuey.
Mrs. X. Wilson, of the Campbell &
Wilson Millinery Parlors, wi.l leave on
the afternoon train for a few days' stay
in Portland attending mililnery open
ings. Mrs. Sterling and her daughter, Miss
Mabel, leave tonight for a visit with
relatives in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Sterling has not visited her rela
tives for fifteen years and will probably
remain daring the winter, while Miss
Mabel will return in two months
A. A. Morse, contracting agent for the
U. K. & accompanied by his family
and Mrs. E. B. Comau, wife of Conductor
Coman, and her daughters, Helen and
Julia, made the trip up the river yesttr
day on ttie bo3t.
Monday's Daily.
John Ilaight is In from Ridgeway
W. II. Patison came in from Dufur
Li. fc. Crowe went to Portland yester
uay alternoon.
Jay Saltzman came in from Burnt
Ranch yesterday.
Mies Ethel Riddel!, who has spent sev
eral weeks with relatives at Newport
iaquina uav, returneu Saturday even
Mies Ella Cooper, who has been teach
mg in me laiuuy ot l'olk Mays in
W allows, has returned to her home at
Dry Hollow.
Carey Jenkins hos returned from an
outing to the sea coaet.
Gus Bonn has returned from a short
vacation trip to Portland and Clateop
Mr9. Wilsrn and daughter, Mrs. C,
w. laylor have returned from atrip
to Clatsop oeacn.
Mr. E. Hall, of Spokane, is In the
city spending a few days with bt
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall.
J. Current, deputy county auditor of
Klickitat, came over from Gohlcndale
yesterday on his way to North Yakima
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stephenson, who
have been visiting Mrs. Stephenson's
inoiner, airs. il. tl. KoDerts, on Dry
noiiow, returned to their home at
Fulton by boat today
W. F. Byars and P. J, McCully, of the
uoiuenuaie sentinel, csnie over from
that place yesterday. The former left
for bite Salmon this morning and the
lauer returned home this alternoon.
Miss May Scchler, who has been visit
mg relatives in Ijwa for some weeks,
returned Saturday. She returned sooner
than she would have done had she not
roUunderetood the date of the opening
oi ner scnooi ai Antelope.
Wm. Michell returned Saturday after
noon from a week s stay at the soda
springs on the Bi Klickitat, twenty-two
miles irom ino Dalles Dy direct route,
nut about lorty over the wagon road
He reports quite a large number of camp
era there, w ho have explicit faith in the
healing properties of the water. It ia
highly charged with soda, and has been
proven to be a balm for stomach trou
bles, as well a for derangement of the
liver and kidneys. No doubt it will in
lime become as famous health resort.
where they have been tamping. With
the family of Rev. Wood they braved
the rainy ieaon longer than any of the
Dalies campers, and report the weather
delightful when they left yesterday,
Dr. Ray Loan is spending a po'tion
of bis vacation from duties as bouse sur
eeon at St. Vincent's Hospital in Port
land, with his father. Dr. H. Ligan.
He is accompanied by his friend, How
ard Davis, who is a son of Napoleon
Davis, formerly professor of our schools.
Tuesday's Dally.
G. W. .McCIure is in from Boyd today.
C. M. Cartwriisht is In from Hav
At Mt
2S:h, to Prof, and
Uood, Or., Mondar
Mrs. C. M. Siseons, a
J. M. Huntington & Co.
Phone 81. 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co
Special sale of fruit jars at Mays &
Crowe's. Get our prices.
A Beautiful Skin.
Tidies, If von desire a tnnnparcntt clear and
fresh ccmiilfxittn use Ir. Bourdon' French
Arsenic Com flexion W'a'er. Their effect t
jtimnlv matricHl. i rmiiiT the wizard tourh
in pro'lucin? and vreKcrvitiK a bctutiiul trantt
imreiiry and pellucid clearness of complexion,
hrtpvly contour of form, brilliant ee, oft
and miootn akin wreie the reverse exists. Kven
the coarsest and most reru'idve t-kin, marred by
freckles, moth, backbonds, jiiinnles, vulsriir
r une9, vellow tine' inudriy fn aie permanent
ly remoed, ai'd a ueliciou&ly cleiir and reliucd
complexion assu ed.
Price per niall box, 10 cents; large box, 11, or
in larire Doxe, f . bent to any nearest) pvst
ptid and under pliin wnipjer upon receipt of
the above Write or free circular.
The Parisian Drug Co.,
131 iloutg omerv St.Snn Francisco Cal
Under the dir.ction of the
Sisters of the Holy Name of
Jesus and Mary.
This Instltntlin Is Tjleasantlv situated npnr
the cnlu in bin mi th'j line ot the' Union Pacitic;
thence it la easy of excess lor all those who de
sire to secure a comfortable home anil progres
sive seat of learning for their rliiucnteis or
nards. The location of the Aeadeinv is one of
the most healthy on the Parilic slime, this nor-
tion of Or. e.n rxinir. proverbial for its pine
wate. brnelnc air and i.ietim-soue sranerv.
The Academy is incorporated and authorized by
me Mate to comer Academic Honors.
Board and tutltlon ner seholatie ver Sim.
Studies will be resumed Ttiesdav, September th.
tor detailed Information apply to the Sister
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liquor
Sour Mash
WHISKET? iru $23"5"to $0.00 pHr yallou. (J to 15 yearTT
iMrOKTED GOC-NAO fiomMHo 12.00per pn(Uto L'O years old.!
OALIFOERIA EEASPIES from S.:.'5 lo 6.1'0 ter gallon. (iToTl years old.'""
OLTMPIA BEER on draught,
Imported Ale and Porter.
and Val Blati snd Olympia Beer in bottle.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore.)
July jr, iv.ia. I
Notice Is hereby eiven that the order of De.
cemberb. IM'1. temporarily nithdniuinv fr.m
disposal, for the purposes of bout railway, the
UO.U9 on ioe buuiii sine una wiinin six Tulles of
the Columbia river, between The Dulles and
Celilo, has been revoked bv lhe president, ev.
eeptas to the following desoiibed parcels: one In
iiib in '4 oi ec ai, i i i, t. 14 r., containing
nuuiii iour aim one-nan Here, ana the other in
theXV",Sec21, T 2 N, It li , containing about
ball an acre.
On and after rentembcr 1. 1MK). we win reeelro
applications ior any vacant lands Included
therein. J. P. iXi'AS.
Olid PATTERSON, Heeister.
Receiver. vm
Notice Is herebv lven that th
has fed 's tinai aiTourt aa executor of the ea
tate of farn.i VcAtee with tun cleiir nf tii-
count court of inestato of Oreuon, for Wasco
county, and t; Tiiurwluy, the l;;th day of Jul v.
at the hour of ID o'clerk a. ;n. has been
fixed cs ihe lime and the county c urt room in
Dalles 1'i.y as the p aee for the hearinir nf in
jections lo said tiuul ccount and settlcmcut of
Mm esiaie.
Dated July 13. 18M. TIIoh vpiuvat
J" "-t Executor.
A. R. Graham and Geo. Ireland are
over from Cetiterviile.
Howard Roes came In from Mitchell
yesterday on busiuees and returned this
Atty. W. It. Preeby, of Goldendale,
was registered at the Umatilla House
Chas. W. Robison and father were
registered at tbe Umatilla from Golden
dale yesterday.
The family of Rev. J. II. Wood re
turned yesterday from a campinff triD at
i Stevenson, Wash.
I Archie Barnett, who has bten vleiting
j at home for the past week, returned to
! Portland by boat today.
A. Mackintosh, accompanied by Mi.
es Kate and Joan Mackintosh, arrived
in the city this morning' fiom Prineviilo. I
1 4
W. E. Sylvester and H. B. St. Johns, i j'
wlic. have spent two weeks camping at j t'
Soda springs on the Klickitat, returned if'
home laet night. f-
. Mrs. Jas. Sutherland arrived on this 6'
morning a train from Spokane, and will
spend a few weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruch.
Miss Edna Glenn returned last night
from a three-weeks stay at their cottage
on Beach. The remainder of the
family will return Friday.
O. C. Blakeley, having spent a week
in Portland and at the seaside, csme np
on the boat yesterday, leaving Mrs. li.
to visit few days longer with relatives.
On board the late train last night from
Portland were John Michell, Grant
$ pfrults, Jalllf, pickles nr catsup ars 4k
more easily, mora quickly, mora jjk
nnmiiiuiiv oeaiea wua twunsa
Paraffin Wax than by ny other
method. Doseua of other uses will be
Paraffins Wax
In erery household. It la clmn,
taateleaa and odorless lr, watr
ami acid proof Get a pound caka ot
H with a list of Pa many uses
from your drnffrfstor srocer.
buld everywhera. afade hy
FT1 TTTA7TP B;irArjiiA,T,
Best Work at
beast Possible Cost
Guarantee! to give sitisfaiion. We are here tostny; therefore every
effort will lie ramie to establish a business. It will pay you lo examine our
work ami consult our prices.
TV.-aft" U 7' Ti- l"a.'till aw '
W I IT W Til
pa il 'hi mi
Best Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold), per tooth ' H50
Best set teeth, guaranteed ... ..5.50
Best Gold Filling $1.00 up
Best eilver or allov filling ' .60c op
Teeth extracted without pain ... 500
ampmlnifiock, snd st. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager.
It will be our aim to carry a
Complete Line of
the Purest Drugs.
And we invite your attention to our stock of
Successor to Snlpes-Klnersly Drug Co.
Wagon and Carriage Werk. '
Fish Brothers' Wagon. i
. THiri and Mnn, Pbone 159 :j
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr TLii f1onr " rnannfactured expressly for (af
, , nMi every sack is guaranteed to give sntiufnctio"' . i "r g00d U'M th,n nT ho,'M i ths trade, snd If yoa don't tnmk
call snd get cur prices snd be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.