The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 30, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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Weekly Ghroniele.
- RtOO.N
PiMtthed in tvo parti, un HWiui
snd Saturday-
o'clock, but In other section U begun
last evening and has continued. Ai the
report indicates continoance, it really
looks as if we will be compelled to lose
k iu irSru to me grain, lor in many
called and endeavored to the best of bis
ability to save the member. Oo Satur
day I)r. l.ogn was called to Viento for
consultation, and finding that it was
necessary, tbe two physicians amputated
Places it has reached .point where it the arm j jt above the elbow. Mr. Miller
One Tear W ??
At mitutnil -
Thre mouUlS W
Advertising rates reasonable, and made knows
An antilication.
A'lJrws all communications U"TIir PflRON
ICLE." Tlie lail.-s, Oregon.
Saturday's Daily.
Miss Lena Snell, formerly a teacher in
the echools here, bag been engaged to
teach tho 0!ei school this winter.
Will Coreon, who has been employed
in the dry goods stors of Rbea St Welch
at Heppner, has resigned his position
and will turn his talents to agricultural
It is expected that B,ryan w ill be in
Portland on labor day and deliver an
address, although the committee has
not had an answer to the invitation ex
tended to him.
Tlie iron railing, which occupied
place in tbe First National bank before
its removal to the present quarters, lias
been purchased by the Moore Bros.' at
Mora, and will be used in their bunk at
that place.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs
F. W. JMcUune, who u was 'eared was
troubled with appendicitis, and has been
confined to her bed during tho week, is
improving and no serious fears are ex
pressed concerning her condition.
Those who witnessed the demand for
all the force of water possible in order
to cope with the fire last night, realized
how necessary it is to follow the regu'a'
tions laid down by the commission in
regard to the use of water for irrigation
Governor Geer appointed Maj )r P. G
Eastwick, Captain H. L. Wells, Litu
tenaut-CoIonel A. J. Coffee, T. M
Gateh. J. II. Albert and P. II. D'Arcy,
who are now in San Francisco, to rep
resent Oregon at the reception to tbe
California volunteers.
Governor Gage, of California, refused
to declare tho day the California volun
teers return from the Philippines a legal
holiday. It would seem to bean un
necessary proceeding, but etiil the
governor could be a little bit accom
modating on such an occasion.
In spite of the rainy weather the fu
neral of Richard Elton, which took
p ace at the Christian church this after
n 'on at 2 o'clock, was well attended by
friends in the city end neighbors from
his home district. Rev. Smith, of
Dufur, assisted by Rev. Rushing, con
ducted the service.
The fire last night demonstrated one
fact which is greatly in favor of our
poplar trees, upon which such a war has
been waged of recent years. Had it not
been for the row of poplar trees on the
west side of the Cosmopolitan, tl at
building must certainly have succumbed
to the flames, or at least have made the
fifht much more difficult. In several
instances in The Dalles have we known
their presence to be a safeguard. Their
height makes them the superior of any
other tree in that regard.
In spite oi the oft-repeated complaints
concerning the carelessness of business
bouses in allowing scraps of paper, de
cayed fruit, etc., to collect about the
streets surrounding their premises, the
nuisance seems to increase Instead of
hating. Ar.othfr annoving thing to
passers by and which spoils the appear
nce of a city is the amouiit of room
taken up on the sidewalk in displaying
produce end goods. Pride in the city,
il not in individual property, shotl I
Prompt each one to "sweep before bis
own doorway."
At a meeting of the D. C. A A. C,
concert band members last evening T. J.
Lynch was elected business manager ol
the organization. It was also decided to
ive a concert on Friday evening, the 1st
o' September. We understand they
ere so deeply engaged In rehearsing
last night at the opera house that even
the sound of tbe fire bell was not beard,
" that we may expect eorae good music
on that occasion.
Mr. Shutt, the doctor Informs ns, will
w released from bit quarantine about
Wednesday of next week, when he will
Sin take op the qalll on this notorious
Journal. They having been thoroughly
"cclnated In time, and exposed for over
3Jdy, it is not at all likely that any
of the other members of tbe family will
n be affected with varioloid and after
the house Is thoroughly fumigated next
eek there will be no more danger of
Mntanlon from that source. Mr. Shutt
"l have been confined just tlx weeks,
" HI be glad to get Lis liberty again,
"''eppner Times.
It teems as If a good many days "must
"dirkand dreary" this lummer. It
oal'1n't be so bad if the ruin "was ever
ary," but it continues to pour, and
J1" done so since about 6:30 last even
n'l we have bad a quarter of an
ch of rainfall. If we c,,d confine it
to the city limits what a satisfaction it
ould be j but former In from the coun
r' morning say they have had
abat the same amouot. Mr. Godfrey
' t his place on 5-uille, it didn't
nmenct until this morning about 8
can't stand any more moisture
Tie Chronicle is in receipt of oae of
the finest pieces of artistic work alomr
its line that we have been privileged to
view for some time. It is in the shape
of a souvenir gotten out by the Interna
tional Navigation Company, of fan
Francisco, and is descriptive of the ships
01 the American linn anrl IU n,.t,! ...(.
' 1 "VUJ t li Dl .
done by them in the recent war. The
handsome lithographs of the various
ships that wero transformed to armed
cruisers are fit to adorn any parlor,
while the hllegorical sketches are epeci
ally fine, tnd the entire arrangeinet.t U
me worlt ot an artist. A roll of honor of
the ships' crews is given, and well thev
may be for their patriotic loyalty i
worthy of the highest honor. The ves
sels were turned over to the United
siaies in niiniinient or the agreement
which gave them an American register,
but the men that sailed them were their
own masters and at lihertv to follow
their own devices. They were not men-
of-warsmen, and were employed, not
for strife, but for peace. The fact, there
fore, that they elected to "stick by their
ships;" to go with them, if need be, into
the jaws of death ; to Buffer, it might be,
the fate of the gallant fellows of the un
fortunate Maine, must ever be regarded
as by far the most characteristically
important feature of the whole gallant
story of the merchant marine in tbe
bpauish-American war.
Monday's Tally.
J. A. Powell, ex-county clerk of Grant
county, was killed last Tuesday morning
by a cave in at Die Humboldt mine near
Canyon City. He was operating the
giant on the day shift.
The mail schedule between Prineville
end WapinitU has been chanted. The
stage now leaves here on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays of each week,
connecting with a daily line at Wapinltia
for Tbe Dalles. Review.
This seems to be a season of wedding9
and almost every day a license is granted
to some happy couple. This morning,
Claud E. Wetherell was granted the
necessary documents which licensed
him to wed Nellie . Rigby, daughter
of Rev. Rigby, of Hood River.
is a married man and has three children.
His aifeis well known in The Dalles,
being a sister of Mies Mary Frailer.
The "girls with a hoe" got to work at
Drain, a small town in tbe Valley, and
soon played havoc with the thistles
which had been allowed to thrive un-
mole ted jin the campus of the normal
school there. It has been suggested
that it would be well for The Dalles girls
to follow suit, adding to tho h-e a ham
mer with a hied to hit the nail on the
head as they pass over our sidewalk.
the corresponding week last year. The
maximum temperatures ranged from 64
to 80 , and tbe mioiimum trotn 48 to 16',
except over the Plateau rtgiun, where it
ranged fron SV to 4ti.
Several families arrived in The Dalles
overland troai Oklahauia yesterday.
They are on their way to Clackamas
coonty, and proceeded on their journey
this morning.
''Got on your husband's cravat,
haven't you?" asked a Dalles lady of
her neighbor, Mrs. Vain. "Yes," re
plied Mrs. V. sadly, "and it's tbe only
'tie' there Is between us now."
Dispatches from New York announce
that Joe Jefferson's health has been
completely restored, and that be will
Reports of one day concerning tbe
damage by rain are contradicted the
next, so that it Is difficult to get a cor
rect understanding of the situation. It
seems that on 3-mile and in that vicin
ity the last ehower did not affect them.
At Dufur Saturday It' poured to."beat
the band," while on Tygh Ridge thev
bad less rainfall and were busy thresh
in; Friday. A little wheat is coming in
each day, and stands at OU cents.
M S3 Hattie Marden, who has re
cently returned from Washington, D, C,
where she pursued her studies in art, is
now prepared to take pupils in drawing
and oil painting, She may be found at
ber home on West Fourth street. 28-1 w
Portland papers say that the Zancase
is to be settled today, which is not only
good news to their friends, who regret
the steps they have taken in airing
their domoBtic affairs, but also to those
ho are rot in tbe least interested in
tbe details of such a case.
A rurse was picked up on Second
street today, containing eighteen cents
and a handkerchief. The owner can
have the purse by calling at this office
and banding over the eighteen cents for
publication of this notice. They can
also have the handkerchief.
This is the poorest time in the world
for a man to start out and demand a
"hand out" from those who are "earn
ing their bread by the sweat of their
face,"jaswas proven to the dissatisfaction
of Francis Crossen this morning. Call
ing at the borne of a family in the West
End he a?ked for breakfast and when
refused demanded It; but a message
over the 'phone soon brought Marshal
Hughes to the scene and tbe man found
himself in jail instead of in the dining
The Sentinel takes this occasion to
congratulate the people of the state and
the present state administration upon
the rumored appointment of Dr. J.N.
Smith to the superintendency of the
asylum. It is to be hoped the asylum
board will promptly ratify the nomina
tion, for Dr. Smith is a careful, conscien
tious business man, thoroughly compe
tent to handle the enormous business of
this growing institution. He is far and
away above the petty trickeries of the
present superintendent. Salem Senti
nel. Friday Deruty Sheriff Sexton left for
Wamlo and on the following day ar
rested man who gives the assumed
name of Bird Glllis. He wss wanted in
Hillsboro on the charge of seduction,
which charge baa been held against hlw
since '07. Gillis enlisted with the vol
unteers and was a member of Company
A, Second Oregon, filling the position ol
interpreter both In the field and at
Manila. Sexton brought the prisoner in
with him and he was met here by
Detective Ford, who took bim to Port
land yosterday.
A week ago today Ed. C. Miller, who
was one of the bead men in the saw mill
at Viento, bad the misfortune to have
bis right arm caught In the cog wheel of
the planing machine badly mangling
it. Dr. Brossius, oi uoou
Several Maud Muellers would also d i
good work on our etreets, raking up the
debris. But who would wath the dishes,
swerp the floors and remove the debris
from about the doorway at home? No,
Dalles girls haven't any time for taking
up such work, and if the meu refine to
do it, it must of necessity be leit undone.
Messrs. Laughlin, Pease, Fnh, Ful
ton and Hostetler have returned from
tbe Greenhorn mining district in Baker
county, where they own an interest in
the Golden Eagle mine, the working ot
which John Cradlebaugh has been su
perintending. Their mine is situated
near the Don Juan and nearby is the
Baozette owned by Dave Choate, and
which was recently bonded and option
taken up at $30,1)00. The famous Bo
nanza, which sold for $1.0CO,000, is but
two miles distant. The gentlemen are
more than encouraged at the prospect
an t have increased their force to ten
men, woiking day and night. They
will also move their mill and commence
work on a double scale. Thev report
Mr. Cradlebaugh in the best of health
and spirits, and his Dalles friends real
ize that their visit there could not have
been a tedious one with Cradlebauah
Messrs. Isaac Joles, Mark Miller and
W. T. Yonng returned last night from
the Sand Gulch mine, two miles from
Antone in Wheeler county. Thev come
tearing the fruit of their labors with
them, and they are moro than satisfied
with the "sheaves" they have gleaned.
On the 1st of April, they commenced
piping nnd their summer's clean-up has
been over f 6,000. It runs from flour
gold to a nugget which is worth $9(5.
Mr. Joles left his brother, George, in
charge of the claim, and the good work
will go on. He cays the claims in that
section are all taken up and bid fair to
turn out as weil as their's. Peop.e in
the towns nnd cities of Oregon cannot
realize vt hat a veritable Klondike they
have in their midst until they are al
lowed to at least catch a glimpse cf the
"real thing" as our miners return
bearing the result of their labors with
them; but when we are allowed to at
tempt to lift a lard bucket full of the
precious gold, then we no longer have
doubts on the subject.
It would seem that the whole town
was interested in the Hallelujih wed
ding, which took place SalurJay(1night
at the Baldwin opera house, which was
crowded and many were compelled to
stand for lack of chairs. Doubtless few
bad ever seen a wedding conducted In
like manner. After the usual street par
ade, the army marched to the opera
bouse which had been very nicely dec
orated, particularly the stage, over
which hung a red, white and blue bell,
and on each side the doves of peace
flew, carrying messages of good will.
The army was seated on tho platform
and in the center were the bride and
groom, Miss Cora Johnson and Frank
Potts. If any expected to see the bride
unduly "togged" in wedding garments
they were disappointed, for she appeared
tastily dressed in the regulation Salva
tion garb. The early part of the ser
vice consisted in singing, praying and
several married soldiers told of their
expeiience in the matrimonial war, all
urging upon their hearers the necessity
of becoming converted in order to exper
ience a happy married life. Although
the usual hilarity of the armv was a part
of the other service, the marriage cere
mony, performed by Brigadier Marshall,
was quiet and accompanied by a solem
nity becoming such occasions. The rit
ualistic service, while partaking of the
nature of other marriage ceremonies in
some respects, embodied much of the
religious principles of the army and ex
acted promises to sustain tbe same.
The contracting pitrties were guarded by
the Stars and Stripes and the army flag.
At tbe close, the happy couple made
short speeches signifying their intention
regarding iuture service In tbe army.
Tuesday s Pnllr.
The Wasco Warehouse is today paying
52 cents for No. 1 wheat.
Fonr Spanish cannon will be sent to
Portland and placed around II e stone
raised to commemorate the dead volun
teers. Who ever before thought of asking
what is so rare as a day lit August? But
June certainly will have to yield the
palm this year
Mrs. Ben. A'ilson has returned from
her camping trip and is now ready to
take photographs at her gallery on Sec
ond street. Prices from fl to per
The weekly weather report for Eastein
Oregon savs: "The mean temperature
for the week, 68', Is 3 lower than for the
preceding week and 12' lower than tor
inaugurate a t ;ur of the countrv with
"Rip Van Winkle," September 4th.
A small boy w ho was out shooticg
above the city yesterday kiiltd three
pigeons, among which was a curiosity a
pigeon with but one leg. There was no
sign of its ever possessing more than one,
either, so that its w ings must have been
compelled to do double service.
Mr. Case, of Albany, now anoct'gen
arean, has been studying the moon for
a good many years and has discovered
that the face in it has been changing
until it is like that of the new woman.
'Tia ouly when Dalles people have
spent a few months In a city where
shade trees are unknown that they ap
preciate the beauty of our trees. Com
ing from the valley their verdure is not
so noticeable, but, perhaps with the ex
ception of Walla Walla, none of the
cities and towns east cf us can boast of
such lawns and trees surrounding them.
The Oregonian and Telegram are both
speaking in the highest terms of "A
Midnight Bell" company, which Is now
playing there and will be at the Vogt
next Monday evening- Were it not,
however, that we had already heard of
its reputation we should scarcely caie
to trust the Oregonian's opinion as to
its merit, judging from the notices the
minstrels received.
A heavy rain and hail storm passed
through the country some three miles
west of town Thursday evening of last
week. Tbe Btorm was ubout a mile in
width and swooped down off Fox mount
ain, passing north with almost the ve
locity of a hurricane. The rain fell In
torrents and in places tbe bail was f.ur
inches deep after the storm was over.
Long Creek Eagle.
List evening about 0 o'clock, while
running bis wood saw, Wm. Cates ac
cidently ran his right thumb onto the
saw and tore the inside of that member
very badly, almost severing it from the
hand. It required seven stitches to re
place it, nnd he will be unable to work
for several weeks. This is particularly
unfortunate as Mr. Cates is just re
covering from an accident wherein bis
foot was badly mashed.
Tbe prune crop is beginning to come
in lively, and quite a force of packers
aro at work preparing them for ship
ment. The season being late, however,
is not yet at its height as is usual at this
time of the year. While the crop is cot
quite up to the usual standard, the
yield is at any rate a good one, and 'tis
said Judgo Bennett's will exceed that of
other years. Wm. Taylor, of Dry Hoi
Ijw, also has a fine crop.
At a special meeting of the dea
cons of the Congregational church and
the superintendent of the Sunday
school, which was held last night at the
pastor's tome, it was decided to hold an
anniversary service on the 17th of next
month, that being the fortieth anniver
sary of their organization here, the 17th
occurring on Sunday in '59. As the Sun
day school was orgauized a month later,
it was thought best to celebrate both
events at that time, w hich w ill no doubt
bo made an enpyable occasion.
it is now discovered that tbe man
Gillie, who was arrested at Wamic and
taken to Portland on a charge of se
duct ion, was not the person they were
looking for, but it was a mistaken
identity. Seeing his name as having
returned with the volunteers, and the
description tallying with the fellow who
has been wanted in Hillsboro since '97,
they telegraphed to the officers here to
go to Wamic and arrest him. Although
he protested his innccence, there seemed
to be no doubt as to his identity. Ar
riving at Portland, the mistake was
discovered and he returned last night.
When Rev. DeForest left the city to
visit his family in Denver, it was bis in
tention to return to his charge by ti e
first of September, leaving again tbe
latter part of October to attend a conven
tion in St. Louis. Since his arrival In
Denver he has made different arrange
ments, whereby Rev. Leslie, lector of a
parish in that city, and who was desirous
of visiting tbe coast, will exchange places
with bim for the following two months,
giving Rev. DeForest a longer time with
his family and Rev Leslie an opportunity
to visit our state. The latter is expected
to arrive this week and occupy the pu'
p t ol the Episcopal church next Sunday.
Karallaat Work of tho Fir Irlit
SUv4 AdJnlalBsr Mmmiao-lVIII
Coatlua la tlalat.
All outstanding warrants against
School District No. 12, Wasco connty,
Oregon, will be paid by the cleik, C. L.
Schmidt, npon presentation. Interest
ceases from this date,
C. L. Schmidt,
Clerk School Dist. No. 12.
ThsDalNlOr.. Ang. 14. 169S).
Special tale of fruit jars at Mays &
Crowe's. Getonr prices.
In spite of Tiis Ciibonklc'i asser
tion that there was nj danger of fire
starting in tbe laundry, and the astur
ance Mr. Mac.VUister felt against a
conflagration of that sort, the laundry
today is a mass of mint, and the only
wonder i that the old Cosmopolitan
hotel, fifty feet east, and the D. P. & A.
X. Co.'s office, on the west side still
At 0:30 Saturday night the bell gave
w arning and one bad but to look iu that
direction to see br the smoke about
w here the Cre was. The first alarm was
giveu by the Chlnameu opposite, and it
was but a short time unlit the fire de
partment was on band. It was as stub
born a Cro to manage as one could im
agine, although the ab-enreo! the usual
Dalles wind was greatly in the firemen's
favor. Having slatted upstairs In the
east building there was the greatest con
cern for fear tho Cosmopolitan would
catch. Theu the laundry comprises
three buildings and there was a con
stant fight to keep it from epreadirg on
the west side and destroying the 1. P,
& A. N. office. Another difficulty was
tlie fact that the main building stood
about twelve feet from the ground, and
the upstairs was partitioned into mini I
rooms, making it doubly hard to man
age on the east side. But never was
better work done by the tire department
and the fire was confined to the laundry
alone, tlie building on the west sido
being less damaged than the other two.
There were six streams of water play
ing, five from the city water works, with
a pressure cf 100 pounds, beside the
railroad company's hose, which had a
good pressure.
Much fear was expressed by lookers
on, that some accident would happen to
the firemen, so dangerous did it appear;
but though they fought desperately and
took (treat chances, no accidents occurred.
Different opinions are expressed re
garding the origin of the firo. While
some declare it started in the northeast
corner upstairs, and was the work of un
incendiary; others are of the opinion
that it originated the same place as it
did Wednesday evening, at the flue.
There are circumstances which would
warrant either opinion, but nothing
certain can be determined.
The destruction of the laundry is not
only a great loss to Mr. MacAlli?ter, who
has spent a large run of money in fit
ting up and making the plant complete,
(for it was in good shape) but to the
city at large. Employment was given
to fifteen persons, and as tlie patronage
increased the force would have bten
enlarged. A telephone message from
Mr. MacAliister, who Is in Portland,
says, however, that he will continue the
business, and that he has made arrange
ments to send the laundry to Portland,
until he can again get started in busi
ness. Ho will arrive home this after
noon. There was little loss in the machinery
and the clothes being mostly ready for
delivery were nearly all saved, although
somo of them were soiled. They will be
delivered as soon as poss'ble.
Thk Chronicle reporter is of the
opinion, from a conversation with Mr.
MacAliister recently, that the business
was insured, although those who should
know think not. The books and valua
able papers were all saved. The train
building is tbe property of Mrs. T.
Baldwin, and was not insured. The
other two belong to the Savage estate
and we understand carried no insurance.
The D. P. & A. N. office was slightly
damaged by water and by furniture be
ing removed. There was no loss to
papers nor books, however, and an in
surance was carried on fixtures.
another location be secured on the bluff.
At any rate tbe laundry has com to
stay in spite of fire. This we are pleased,
to state, for such Institutions are just
what we need. As business increased1.,
new hand were constantly being em
ployed and by fall it was estimated that
twenty-five employes would be at work.
We trust that it will soon be launched
in earnest again, and will rn-eive the
patronage required to iuk it tucccea
ful. Tha rira Uoj thoulU Ha Kacoara-
I'pon every cccasion of tire in The
Dalles are we Impressed with tbe fact of
our indebtedness to the fire department.
The more so as we witness the number
of able-bodied men who (land by, not
only refusitig to lend a helping band,
but to give those who are doing their ut
most to battle with the flames the
credit due them. There I a c instant
murmur cf coinplalut at the manner of
procedure and suggestions as to "how It
should be done," but few hands raised,
to assist. The majority of the cit'xsne.
however, are very grateful to tbe fire
boys and those who, though not mem
bers, lend assistance. There is one way.
however, in which appreciation may be
substantially shown, and that is by ap
plying the needed faciiitits for fighting
the flames.
When we take Into consideration that
the majority of the members of tbe vol
unteer tire department of this city con
sists of young men who have little or
n ithing at stake, and on every occasion,
undergo the possibility of ruining a
good suit of clothes, hich so frequently
occurs, and even risking their lives in
the act of saving the property of others,
who often eeein unconcerned, it would
seem that the community should supply
the department w ith such weapons as
are needed to battle against that worst
of all elements, fire.
The necessity of a well-equipped hoolc
and ladder truck was again demonstrat
ed at the fire last night, and it would
be a matter of much significance and
worthy of the property owners to see
that a suitable outfit be procured.
Itooiu fur Cron llulluwa.
Flninci Cannot Destroy.
Having been telephoned to regarding
the burning of the laundry, Mr. MacAl
iister returned home Saturday evening
to find the work of months swept away
by the flames and his laundry, which he
had made complete, in ruins.
Iu conversation with him this morn
ing, be expressed a firm conviction that
tbe fiVe was the work of an incendiary.
He says a chimney doesn't burn out
twice in a week. Besides, the fire started
several feet from the flue. When Mr.
Smiley left in the evening everything
was cool and in good shape. Tbe door
leading upstairs, where the fire started
was always kept locked, but when Mr.
Horn reached there as soon at he saw
tbe fire, in endeavoring to break open
the door, he found it unlocked.
As the machines were damaged tut
slightly, Mr. MacAliister says bis loss
will be about (500. As to insurance, be
inform us that it ran out on the I'tb,
and be had gins to Portland to inspect
some new machinery and get it in place
before insuring. So that t.e is left with
no insurance.
This morning they have straightened
out the west room as best they conld
and are looking over the laundry which
was damaged and soiled by being carried
out. Business will go on in spite cf the
ruins and this nxraing a lot of clothe
were sent to Portland and other will be
sent this after. icon.
While Mr. MacAliister I determined
not to be outdone, and will toon fit up a
building, he ha not decided a yet just
where It will be. It la potsib'o tbat the
two west buildings may be re fitted, or
The surveyors have just returned from
Cross Hollows having laid out the site of
the new town. Unlike the general
mushroom town, which springs into
existence helped by a boom, Cross Hol
lows is to be established on a solid basis.
Moore Bros., bankets, who have fur
dialed the townsite, are prepaiel to
back the undertaking with hard cash.
A bank, warehouse, hotel, general Btorsy
with tbe terminal buildings cf the Co
lumbia Southern Railway will form tbe
iipcleus of what is bound to be a thriv
ing western city, and the key to a vast
region hitherto handicapped by a long
haul to a railroad point. It Is not our
intention to enlarge on the advantsgea
of Cross Hollows as a distributing point;
its situation will speak for itself, and tbe
numbers of inquiries made since the
undertaking has been set on foot, goes
to show that Cross Hollows, in a few
short years, will take its place f-s one of
the leading towns in Eastern Oregon.
What It Means.
Few people realize what the develop
ment of a good mine means to the
surrounding country, especially the de
velopment of a (1,000,000 mine, such aa
tho Silver King on Trout Creek. It
means substantial additions to the tax
roll, additional employment for hundreds
of men, increased demand for all agri
cultural products, lumber, timber, etc.
The Silver King Is in an agricultural
section and every farm will be increased
in value. It is in a large mineral belt
and other mines will be opened there.
This is not all. Crook county is rirh in
minerals and precious metals, and pros
pecting will be greatly stimulated. Tbe '
Mayflower mine at tbe head of Ochoco
creek is also on the eve of active devel
opment and will do for that part of the
country what the Silver King doe for
the Trout creek. With rich mines, good
farming land, the best stock ranges and
abundance of pine timber, this country
h sure to come to the front. Prineville
To Claanie tha Sjrntem
KIT -dually yet gntly, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to awaken the kidneja.
and liver to a healthy activity, without
Irritating or awakeuing them, to dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, nse Syrnp ot
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Tbe County Board of Equalization will
meet on the first Mi n lay in October and
will continue through tbe week for the
purpose of equalizing the asressmentol
1800. au-16-6w
"Choose your food n,
you would your guests,
for on the quality of both
depends your dinner."
Sciiting's Best
tea baking powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
guests or no guests.
For sale b
Vandugn. Adami & Co.
Tygh Valley, Or,