The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 30, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
O telhrh or teas la Pally II
O a to incaee audi uuder four tuchea I I
dm i.uir lucn aud under twvlve lucbea.. 7S
o er twelve inchee W
Oat Inch or 1 per luch I- SO
Over ou luch and under four inehee !
Ow four tiicheeaad under tweive luchee.. 1 SO
Over twelve Inchea I 00
Reganticg tbe -shooting scrape at
Pendleton, the East Oregonian aptly
The cowardiy habit of "packing a
gun" contrary, to law is chargeable
wii!t another crime in l'eudleton.
One wan Is tu Jul and another lies
in bed seriously wounded as a result
of it. The young man who had a
weapon concealed on his person, with
which he shot tLe other, h a year
or more ago admitted to practice
law, and although having knowledge
of the law he deliberately violated
il by going aimed as if there were no
law, or no one to enforce il. If be
possessed the least respect for his
chosen profession, or for the law, or
for order, or for any of the viilues
that support society, he would never
have armed himself like a biifiand,
and he would be free from serious
trouble at this minute.
This young man had no cause to
carry a dangerous weapon on his
person and is deserving of little
sympathy in his present trouble in
cocsequence, wbile bis victim is
deserving of a good deal, for, al
though engaged in an avocation
which necessarily brought him into
contact with reckless and desperate
characters, be never saw fit to stick a
pistol in his pocket or Bowie knife in
bis boot leg for either purpose of
offense or defense. By this one act
he demonstrated his superiority over
those whose physical and mental de
ficiencies were such as to cause them
to seek consolation in the protection
afforded by some dangerous weapon.
The lesson to be learned from this
tragedy is that the law should be
rigidly enforced against nil persons
cirrying concealed weapons contrary
to the law. The officials could not
render a more valuable service to
society than this.
The close fishing season did not
suit the fishermen on the lower Co
lumbia this summer, though it may
bve been very agreeable to the
fiih, says the Telegram. TLe state
ment that the salmon only fairly
commenced running Just as the
season closed, and that soon after
ward they were so thick that they
literally crowded one another out of
the water, may be taken as an ex
asperated fisherman's exaggeration,
yet there is enough truth in il to
suggest that the calendar close sea
eon did not correspond with the
time of the fishes' migration.
For some reason the salmon
adopted a new time table this sum
mer, perhaps because they had ob
tained from some drowned fisherman
a copy of the law; perhnps because
they smelt a spell of winter in
August. At all events, the law al
lowed the fish to get tbe best of the
fishromen this year, nnd efforts will
bo made to put the close season off
till a little later in the season, by a
change in the Is w.
The loss to the fishermen this year
may be a gain to them and to the
state, in an increased run of salmon
in future years. No close season at
all would suit some people best. But
all reasonable fishermen, as well as
others, agree that a close season of
a month is necessary; though arbi
trary dates cannot exactly fit every
season best
Many Southern and a few North
ern papers are saying that the South
has been overlooked in the recruiting
of troops for the war with Spain and
the conflict with the Filipinos. The
fact that the recruiting; point of none
of tbe latest ten regiments will be
located nearer tbe South than St.
Louis, which is not in tbe South at
all, is calling out some protests from
the region below Mason and Dixon's
line. The New Orleans Picayune,
for example, speaks of what it calls
"the contemptible narrow-mindedness
and prejidice which hare so long
characterized the war department
concerning the employment of ofll-
cers and troops from the Southern
This charge is hardly reasonable.
No volunteers from the South were
in any of the battles in Cuba against
Spain becauso none of the Southein
regiments ere trained sufficiently
at the time the Cuban campaign be
gan to Justify the military com
mander of the expedition to Cuba in
taking any of them with him. Only
two volunteer regiments trotn the
whole country took an active part in
Shafter's campaign, one being from
New York and the other from Massa
chusetts. These two particular regi
ments were trained and disciplined
up to the standard rtquired by the
exigencies of the service, but none of
the other regiments were, and con
sequently these two were the only
ones which participated actively in
the fighting in Cuba.
No sectional partiality has been
shown by tbe administration in the
matter of raising or employing
troops either this year or last year.
Two of the ten new regimeuts whose
ranks have just been filled were re
cruited in the South one in Georgia
and the other in Texas. The reason
why none of the ten regiments re
cently ordered are to be recruited
in the South is because the authori
ties want to have them located as
near as possible to the direct route
to the ports of embarkation. The
South will ge: its full . quota of
officers of these regiments, however.
There can be no complaint on that
score. No Southern regiment has
taken part in the recent campaign in
the Philippines except one from
Tennessee. Neither has any Eastern
regiment participated in that cam
paign save one from Pennsylvania.
These two chanced to be the only
regiments from the country east of
the Mississippi which weiy in the
Philippine campaign. The admin
istration naturally selected for trans
portation to the Philippines regiments
located as near to the Pacific coast,
the point of embarkation, as possible,
The East has made no complaint of
unfair disci imination on that account.
In fact, there has been no real
partiality shown to any state or local
ity in the conflicts of 1893 or 1839.
All sections have, as nearly as prac
ticable, been treated alike in the
distribution of the burdens and
honors of the war. Globe-Democrat.
"The new secretary of war, Mr.
Elihu Root, has taken hold of the
woik of his office in a quiet but
thorough way, which promises well
for his success in administering it.
He makes no promises, and no boasts,
but is getting familiar. with the facts
and the evidence, as he would with
those of a case he had to try in court,
and as soon as he has mastered them
he will go ahead in a manner which,
we are confident, will satisfy the
"In spite of a widespread belief to
the contrary, the training of a good
lawj-er is tbe best possible prepara
tion for the duties of an executive
office. The mere fact that lawyers
are so often called upon to undertake
these duties, is of itself n conclusive
argument in favor of their fitness for
tbem. Ignorant demagogues may
declaim as much as they please
against the preponderance in tbe
government of men of tbe legal pro
fession, but if their objections were
justified the people would have long
ogo found it out. That so many
lawyers are sent to legislatures and
to congress, and are elected .as
mayors, governors ind even presi
dents, proves that experience in
practicing law does not disqualify, at
least, men of public service in these
Successful lawyers, more than
men in any other calling, are requited
to possess a general knowledge of
"We repeat that a well-trained and
well-informed lawyer like Elihu Root,
is tbe best possible material out of
which to make an executive officer,
and we shall be greatly disappointed
if Mr. Root does not confirm our
Tbe above is a portion of an edi
torial article in the New York Sun.
Tbe news coming from Washington
every day of the manner in which
Mr. Root is taking hold of things,
goes to Justify the estimate of his
abilities and the value of bis train
ing, and tbe prediction of a success
ful administration of his great trust.
While he is feeling his ground care
fully, Mr. Root is pushing things all
along the lint with an evident de
termination to make a record of
efficiency for his administration, and
of glory for bis country.
The industries of the country are
growing as rapidly now as at any
previous period of the history of the
country, and the census returns next
vear will show tbe advancement
during the decade has been quite
remarkable, in spite of tbe fact that
the country bad a panic year and
several years of recovery after that
panic. The population has iLcreased
about 23 per cent in the last nine
years, und according to figures of
the bureau of statistics there has
been an average growth of 42 per
cent in the output of six important
Compaiing tbe figures of the first
six months of 1899 wit'i those of the
first six months of 1890 it appears
that there has been an increase of
40 per cent in tbe quantity of iron
used, an increase of 42 per cent in
the amount of cotton manufactured,
an increase of 25 per cent in the
woolen goods output, an increase of
28 per cent in the boots nnd shoes
shipped by factories, an increase of
C3 per cenlin imports of raw rubber.
Tbe average gain for each of these
industries is 42 per cent, which is
almost twice ns great as the increase
in population. There was more or
less activity at the first of the decade,
but the greatest improvement has
been recorded during the past few
years, and that improvement ought
to continue, if men have learned any
lessons from the trials they have
encountered and an entirely new
phase of tbe situation is not pre
sented by the operation of the combi
nations of capital.
And Complaint Made Against The Hook
anil Ladder Equipment.
Ed. Chronicle: In Saturdty'a issue
of the Ciibomci.e, under the heading
"The Fire Boys Should Be Encouraged,"
you sUte that a well equipped hook end
ladder truck is a necessity to a fire de
partment. This is only too true, and
has been shown to be a fact at almost
every firo in The Dalles during the laet
three years, and it ia merely a farce to
see the condition of the dilapidated hook
and ladder truck, with its burly ladders
that require eight or ten men to raise
them, come rushing 'dow n to the scene
of a Ore to do effective work.
It is simply preposterous to see an
energetic community, alleged to have an
Al fire department, allow themselvtt to
be in possession of a track of the de
scription that the Hook and Lidder
Company take "pride" in hauling to
a fire.
The Hook and Ladder Company, as I
understand, is well attended and very
much in evidence at every alarm of fire,
aud it would be only consistent if the
city authorities were to secure a desir
able outfit for the valuable services
rendered by this company in the past.
I have been told that a suitable hook
and ladder truck and rigging could have
been purchased for a nominal figure a
short time ago, but the city did not see
fit to purchase on account of many other
investments of a more substantial (7
nature ; but, since that time, the above
mentioned outfit has been disposed of
to some enlivened community that
makes some effort at (applying thoir
volunteer companies with modern ap
pliances in appreciation of their services
in saving its citizen, property.
Could not the Chronicle suggest some
manner of procuring funds wherewith
to purchase an appropriate outfit, since
the city council has deemed It unneces
sary to invest its funds in this manner?
Ego Cbiticis.
Like the Yankee, tbe Ciibomci.e will
answer the question by asking another,
and would be glad to hear from any who
may have suggestions on the sub
jects. Oregon I Heenmlng Famona.
Never has Oregon experienced so
much tourist travel as during the
present summer, particularly along tbe
Columbia river. Every day parties
come op at least as far astbe Cascades ;
but many of them make the trip on the
upper river, and by so doing gain a
pretty fair knowledge of The Dalles and
its resources. W bile tbe rains this year
have cleared the atmosphere and made
tbe scenery more beautiful to tbe eye,
our snow-capped peaks have somehow
chosen to bide their heads behind the
clouds, and many of the sight-seers have
been compelled to retnrn with but a
f.;t i,l-i of their eraridrur. However,
the view which can be obtained directly
Ion, the river banks bas been sufficient
to repay them fur the trip. Oregonians
who are traveling iu other states are
continually reminded of the wide-f pread
fame of our own scenery. But a few
weeks ago, in company aith a party,
Miss Georgia Hrupon was taking a
cruise around Lske Huron, when to her
delight a gentleman from Michigan,
npon learning that she was from Oregon,
bean to enlighten his companions re
garding tbe grandeur of Cuuibla river
scenery and gave it such a send off as
would make the heart of any Oregonian
swell with pride, lie also sai 1 Portland
was the naeet city of its size in the
United States, and. although be traveled
much, he bad not found a better man
aged hotel than the Portland.
We can imagine M'es Georgia was
not slow in showing her loyalty to her
native state.
What Itlngor Ilerinaou'a Vlewa Are on
the ftubject.
Hon. Binger Hermann, U. S. land
commissioner, who has spent his vaca
tion at his home in Koseburg, left Port
land last night for Washington, D. C,
where he is due Saturday night. In
talking with a Telegram reporter, he
said :
"While at home ou this trip I have
been giving more than usual attention
to the suhject of sheep grazing on the
timber reserves in this elate. I have
studied this question for many years,
bnt in view ot the position taken by the
secretary of agriculture recently, I hae
given the matter still further considera
tion, and I must say that I differ with
Secretary Wileon.
"'ow, I am in favor of taking the
sheep off of the reserves in certain locil
ities. For instance, in New Mexico,
Arizona aud other states where it is very
dry, it Is highly necessary that the sheep
should be kept off, snd they are. Bnt
herein Oregon, where there is so much
rain, and where the forests are nearly all
of fir, the removal of the sheep is not
necessary. There is plenty of grass and
there is absolutely no danger of ebeep
injuring the growth of fir.
"The latest statistics Bhow that Ore
gon is at the head of the list in the wool
business. Why should we cripple this
very great industry by restricting the
grazing piivileges when Buch restriction
cannot possibly benefit the forget.
"The reports of the deputies who are
right in the forests, and who see whal is
goiDg on, do not indicate that in any
way the sheep are detrimental to the
forest or to the young growth there.
"JJow, I contend as I have in the past
that so long as the sheen do not hurt
the reserves, that they should be allowed
to graze thero and thus help to foster
one of our great industries.
"It is poesible to prevent any injury
whatever arising from sheep grazing on
the reserves. All that is mceesaiy is to
limit the number of sheep allowed on
them to so many head, and limit the
number of months in each year that
sheep shall run at large on them.
There, with one or two other restric
tions, will be a safeguard against
any possible damage that could arise.
It will b remembered that Secretary
Wilson, after his recent visit to th's
state, recommends that the grazing of
sheep on timber reserves be stopped, and
there is said to be danger of the secretary
of interior adopting Secretary Wilson's
suggestions unless the people of Oregon
make it known at Washington that they
do not desire such a change.
As is well known, Commissioner Her
mann has always recommended that
sheep be allowed to grze on thetc lands,
and from the opinions expressed believe
it Is clear that he means to corntinus to
fight in the interest of the great sheep
and wool industry of Oregon.
Farm fur Bale.
Price 1800. flOOOdown; balance on
reasonable terms.
Two hundred snd eighty teres in
closed, one hundred and twenty acres
deeded land, good title; between fifty
and sixty acres in grain and meadow;
good house of seven rooms, good barn
and out buildings. School house on the
place; well of water on the porch; creek
runs through the place; 400 bearing fruit
trees, good gardens ; forty stands of bees ;
good assortment of small fruit. This
farm is well improved, four miles from
Dufur, four miles from Endersby.
Reasonable terms. Apply to Ben
Soctiiwell, on the place, on 8-Mile
creek. au30-2w
Kodul Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from Imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
A merle in Journal of Health, N. Y.
Aak your 1
lor ageneroos
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
merenry nr an other
Injurious drag.
It Is qnlckl jr Absorbed.
Ulres lienor atone.
It open! anil cleanses T
the Nual 1'atMHfra. P
Allars InfUtnmatlon.
Ilnala and Protects the Membrane. Kntorr the
hrntm ot Taat and Hmell. Full 01m tOC I Trial
ire inc. t at Dmrelirts or by msIL
. XI WWTUJUU.S4 WarreaStrssCntwTerk,
I -rSSi&l
The Horrors of
A woman's account of torture which lasted three
years; of her struggles against the dreadful disease
and the good fortune that crowned her efforts. '
Such suffering as rheumatism causes the
victims upon whom it fastens itself is al
most unendurable.
Sufferers from the worst types of this ter
rible disease will supply the missing hor
rors in the following story from real life.
Those who writhe under milder forms
of rheumatism will be able to imagine the
feelings of the tortured victim.
The only Justification for making public
such heart-rending details a the fact that
the lesson taught will be helpful to others,
pointing the way to renewed life and health
to every sufferer from rheumatism.
The story is told by a woman. Her
name is Mrs. Caleb Fenlyj she Uvea in
St. Paul, Ind.
This is her account t
"I am a farmer's wife. I believe my
frequent exposure to the weather caused
my terrible attack of rheumatism. Damp
weather always aggravated it.
44 My limbs would begin to swell at the
ankle joints.
44 This swelling would begin In the night,
it times. I would awake in agony.
"Daylight would find my limbs purple
in color, swollen to twice their natural size,
and so racked with pain I could not bear
to touch them.
"My right arm and both legs were so
drawn as to be almost useless.
"My skin became dry and yellow.
"At times my limbs would pain as
though millions of needles were pricking'
"Again they would be numb and I
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for August 29, 1809. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Burn. M K Cinswold, C M
i Bender, K liesser, WilMaiu
Beckley, lljmer Harris, lleiiry
Bell, 11 M
Jones, G
' Bervie, John
I Chapman, M
I Cheathem, I. M
! Conger, Ilenrv M
Dryer, J H
Derrellyn, Fred
Jr-nes, Albert (3)
Knight, John
hornier, J P
Mathews, Albert
McAllister, John
Mahanev,E C
Perry, M
Winang, Louis
Wilkins, Agness
Foster, WW
Fisher, Bert
Ensley & Farley
From Lee Shue's place on Mill cretk,
two horses. One, a roan 5 years old,
branded P on right shoulder; the other
a roan, with lame leg. A reward will he
given to any one returning to meat my
place of business on First street.
au;19-4tw Leu Hong.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di
gests food without aid from the stomach
snd at the same time heals and restores
the diseased digestive organs. It is the
only remedy that does both of these
things and can be relied upon to per
manently euro dyspepsia. Butler Drug
Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever, Al
though we tried many remedies she kept
getting worse, until we used One Min
ute Cough Cure, it relieved At once and
cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance,
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures hesrt-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 23 tts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton, drug
gists. Moki Tea positively cures sick bead
ache, indigestion snd constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the tkin, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton,
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
& Houghton, druggist;,
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Paint yonr honee with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Cures Impotency.Nifiht Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
Mood builder. Brings the
i TLV p K eow 10 1aic cheeks am
fia restores the fire of youth.
Hy mallJIOc per box: 0 boxes
for $a.f(); with a written guaran
tee to euro or refund the money.
Clinton A Jackson Sta., CHICACO, ILL.
8old by Blakeley & Houghton, The
Dalles, Oregon.
RtVfHftM Vlmttl.-
for health. Th. n.l,hm.Mn.
riuna ron. . .ill TH,? ""eaifkan. To ,n.
could not fed a needlt tW into fu
1 was ; conlined to th hoSS
"After those three slow yeaaTrf
during which I l.VT 2 fT.
treatment and trici . -up
hope oi any release from rfe
I was cured, complttelvoZr C$
alone caused my recovery. latT
ru. :. j
A A t. Ml ,
the first time within a year.
"I sent for a H7n U ,
I bad taken the contents of eltvL t
felt entirely welL Vta
" The doctor xnirl I - j .
greatly impressed, and since
orescribed Dr. Uitli,m DTnT1..1
Peocle for mmv nf hi. ,i:a. r
rs. Fenly, together with her jmsW
made affidavit to the exact truth of thtS
gomg account before Notary P. RTkai
The cure of the severest tun of rU.
matism by Dr. Williams' Fink Pilkt
Pale Peonla ha nrr..A : ..
- - --r v- lucvcrysutca
the Union, and its power morcfiiuryciia
f, r"1 greater.
rectly to the seat of the trouble. Ti
build up a new cellular structure in tk
diseased parts by eliminating nwooo,
elements and renewing heifiirZ
cnsT.mir.A.1 nhvpi in t'r, Mswl
They are for sale by druggists cvtrr.
where 1 for 50 cents a single boi a SLa
ur uau a, wwo,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or TI1K
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train leave and are due to arrive at Forttsi
presh, balem, Kofe
burir, Athlmii, nac
rnmpntn. t.'(lfn..Sin
'7.00 F. M.
rranciseo, Mojave, (i S;lj J.1
i.o AiiRfii'i.r.i ro, I
New Orleans and j
East I
S:C0 A. M.
17:30 A. M.
R.weburg aud way tui
tions U:30f.
fvla Koodnnr.i lor
I Mt. AngL'l, Bilvurlon, DmJlj
West 6vio, Drowns- I except
villi). Sprlntdeld and Busdtji
i .Murou
(Corvallls anil wyL.iApy
J station. ' iS.r.I.
liullv (except Sundar).
t;Mp. m. (Lv Portland ...Ar.i :35s.a
7:'Jp. m. Ai..5:cMinm-l!i'..l.v. 6;j0i.a.
8:3up. in. f Ar..Indcjen(li'uce..Lv.) 4:aa
Dally. fOaiiy, excopt fcutinar
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at fan franelaro with 0l
dental ami Oriental and Hatilic mall ateainthii
linea for JAPAN aud CHINA. Balling dim os
ai plication. , , . P.
Hales h nd tickets to Eastern Hito n,l,E";
All ntiove trains arrive at and deps" ims
Grand Ceutral Station, Filth aud Irriiil
Paincngcr Dei-ot, loot ol Jedcrson slrtel
I-rave for Sheridan, wet dar, t LM
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
fave for AIRLIE on Monday, WednfJwnl
Frl.tuv atH SAa. m. Arriv- at Portland, Ii
dnv, Thursday and Saturdal it 3:05p.m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturdaj.
..laiuuer. Aasl. O. F. Psas. W
Through Ticket Office, I'M Third ,rec,i"J2
State, Canada and Kurope can be obUinel a
loareat rates from , . ,
J. H. KIKkUM', ii""
The Dalles, ForitaJ ait 11
Navigation Co.
strs. KeguFator fi Dalles Citj
Dallr (except Rundav) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland-
Touching at war jwlna on tlth ,ldcl
Columbia river.
Both of the shove atcamers ha bn
and are In excellent anal for the " ' velii
The Krarulator will endeavor ws
patrons the beat service paiaihle- .i,ar
For romfnrl, Kaonnmy "" , ,uat'
travel by the steamers ol 1
a.tne. .,, a
The shore atcamers leave The l,,'"?,(j!iii
and fortland at 7 a. m., and rr,,v" .",
tlon lii ample time for outgo!" '" oRW
rorunmi noire, inlltSlf,
Uak tit. Dock.
W. C. Allaway,
r. stco as .
Rooms SB and 40. over V. SA
Ofliee ovet First Mat Bauk.