THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23 1899. THE WORLD'S WHEAT MARKET Has PRSELtei a Geciral Tans cess Dnrii!2 tta WeeL ENGLAND'S CROP IS ALL RIGHT That of Other Couutries Will Kcach the Average Russia's Hard to Com pute. Kkw Yoek, Xag. 21. A dispatch to the Herald from London savs: The wheat market throughout the last week rjag presented a ceneral tore of dullness. The attendande of buyer has been limited and the demand has been with out revival. Operator! in the face of favorable crop reports are restricting re quirements as much as possible. From most parts of England, reports sMte that the wheat crop is being gathered in fine condition. It is considered the best crop in years pact. The following foreign reports are given in the Mark Lane Express: France The Echo Agricole states that several estimates of the crop has already been riven, varying from 110,000,000 to J30, 000.000 hectols 35,000.000 to -,-.,700,000 quarters but does not believe any ac curate computation can as yet be arrived at, as the farmers themselves are often uncertain of the yield of the crop before threshing. In any event the crop, al though not so large as last year's will nevertheless exceed the average. Germauy Under more settled weather harvest work has made very considerable progress and the crop is satisfactory on the hole. Basel As is usual, it is impossible to arrive at even the approximate truth re garding the harvest in this vast country. Generally speaking, the yield in several governments other than Beesarabia and some other southern districts is fairly satisfactory, but low prices offer no in ducement to forward grain to the sea board. Shippers continue to act with extreme cauticn and will not buy from the producer until western markets have settled down to autumn business. 14 ir RIGHT For am Editor to ItecnmrneiMt Patent M ed tcioet? From Svlvan Vallev News, Erevrad, C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera end Diar rhoea Remedy. We have known and used this medicine in our family tor twenty years and have always found it reliable. Inmany cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do sot believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe tnat if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience daring the past twenty years. For sale by lilakeley A Houghton, Druggists. Russell Harrison 111. Santiago ib Cib., Aug. 20. Major Russell Harrison, inspector-general, is critically ill with yellow fever. The dis ease has progressed for three days, al though not pronounced fellow fever un til this afternoon. The c ise is the first to occur at Cristo, where the headquar ters was removed last month to escape infection. Of late the quarantine rules hare been relaxed, owing to the fact that there have been no cases in the city and the officers from headquarters have been iu the habit of coming to Santiago daily, returning to headquarters at night. Ma jor Harrison has been Isolated but not brought to the fever hosnital. Volcanic Eruption Are grand, but akin eruptions rob life of jy. Cucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cats, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 2d cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug Kits. 2 Indians Kill and Scalp. San Fbancisco, Ang. 21. A special from Winslow, Ar'z., says: Two hun dred Indians in Foreman Mink's grading ang at Navajo springs, Am., seventy five miles east of here, are threatening to exterminate all the whites In that section. They were paid off on the loth, and proceeded to .amble and drink heavily. A gambler named C. II. Land redth afier a quarrel with some of them assaulted one, shooting and stabbing him life WM Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EANsES the System ,t v rrrr-TiiAi l LrrtUIUMLLT, 5 ' rr? h4B,TUAlC0NST'P.0N i umu PERMANENTLY Buy the genuine - mamt o by (AUfcfuSIA TG 5YRVP( mwuKiutwwinmi tairuBsmi. seriously. The tribe armed themselves with all the weapons in the camp, shot the gambler seven times, scalped him and mutilated his body beyond recognition. Troops from Ft. Wingate have been ordered to the scene aud serious trouble is feared. Two Officers Shot. Paris, Aug. 2J. Intelligence has been received from the Frtnch Soudan indi cating that Lieutenant Klopp and Lieu tenant Mounier, who were cent to take command of a column of troops there have both been assassinated. The assas sinated officers were sent out to replace Captain Voulel and Captain Chanonine, who wero recalled for barbarous cruel ties to the natives. The Figaro prints a story, according to which the assassinated officers were "DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. Butler Drug Co. Ordered to Frisco. Washington, Aug. 19. Secretary Root issued order today for the Twenty seventh, Thirty-first an 1 Thirty-fourth regiments, volunteer infantry, to proceed to San Francisco at once. These regi ments will sail for Manila, when trans ports are provided. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. 'The public .can rely npon it as a master remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, X. Y. To Care m Cold id On Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to care. 23c. 1 f riorLI IOC ALL KNOTT. Saturday's Daily. Mrs. B. Wilson returned from camp at Cascades. last nijtit Miss Marr Mclnemv returned last niht from C!atscp beach. T. II Johnston, 51. J. And. rwn and W. Heisler aie in from Dnfur tcd-iy. fis. J. R. Warner returned to her heme at White tain. on by boat morning. this 51 rs. C W. Tavlor and family are her down from Wall Waila visiting mother, .Mrs. Wilson. 5Irs. Jos. Sherar and 5Iiss Pearl Grimes have returned from a visit with friends in Huntington. Miss Nettie Fredlen went down to I Cascades this morning to spend a few i days with Grace Hobson. 5Irs. H. Glenn came op from her cat 's e at Seaview, Ilwaco beach, last even- in, ami will return .vionuay. Ir. and 5Irs. W. E. Brcck arrived in I the city last night on their way from j Portland to their home at Heppner. Mr. and .Mrs. G. W. Miller and fam ily returned last night from Nahcotta, Lorg Beach, w here they have been rus ticating for the past few weeks. Mrs. John Gavin, accompanied by Miss Taylor, left Tnursday evening for a trip to the Eist. Mrs. Gavin will visit relatives in Missouri and Illinois. 5Irs. W. C. Allaway and family and 5Irs. F. Clarke and family came up last night from Hamilton, on the Wash ington side of the river, where they have been camping. Mrs. Thos. Condon, of Antelope, re turned last evening from Portland where she had been with her little daughter, whom she has been having Dr. French treat for throat trouble. 51 r. and Mrs. J. S. Fish' and family and N. J. Sinnott returned home last night from a camping trip at Trout Lake. They report fishing good, and little rain in that section. Mrs. T. Baldwin and daughter, Miss Rosemary, returned last eveuing from Seaside, Clatsop beach. Rev. L. C. Martin, formerly of The Dalles, but now of WaitBburg, is in the city, aud will occupy the pulpit of the Christian church tomorrow evening. C. A. Rhea and son, Carl, arrived from Portland last night on their way to Heppner. Mr. Rhea was called to Port land on account of the illness of Mrs. Rhea, who is being treated there. George Dvsart, who was called to this city on account of the illness of Lis little daughter, Avis, returned to his home at Centralis yesterday. He was accom panied by his son, Lloyd, and Miss Car rie Butler, leaving his daughter much improved and in the care of her aunt. Mies Nellie Butler. Monday's Dally. G. E. Stewart sptnt yesterday in Port land. Mrs. Chas. Adams was a passenger on the Flyer this morning bound for the Seaside. 5Iiss Nellie O'Connell, of Chicago, Is in the citv, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. X. B. Sinnott. t Fred Tielsen, came up from Portland on last evening's train, returning this morning. 5Iiss Alma Schmidt returned Satur day night from an extended visit with the family of Mrs. R. Roscoe, in Victoria. Miss Catharine Martin left on Friday for California, where she will spend the remainder oi tier vacation with rela tives. A. 5IacAdam, who baa event his vaca tion of ten days at Long Beach, returned Saturday night, and has resumed his duties in the dry goods department at 1 ea?e & Mays' store. 5Ir. and Mrs. J. S. Schenck and 5Irs. Alice Sheldon returned home Saturday, after a two-weeks stay at Binghain Springs. 51 rs. II. Glenn returned to Seaview to day. She was accompanied by 51iss Jennie Young, who will spend her vaca tion with the Misses Glenn. Judge and 5Irs. G. C. Blakeley went down to Portland on the boat yesterday. Mrs. Blakeley will visit her parents is I The Chronicle, Ths Dallas, Or. Job Printers. EH! MWs Eenlah Sterling cams up from Portland Saturday eveuing to spend Sunday with ter mother and sister be fore their departure for the East. 5Ir. Anna Strvtinon, noe R jberts, f Fn'ron is rndir.i? a short time visit- ing with her mother, brothers and sisters I at the home place on Dry Hollow, j Archie Burnett and his sister, 5tiss I Maii, Cinie up from Portland Saturday. Art-biff will return to Portland, whiie 1 his sister wiU remain in Tne Dalles. I 51iss Hattie Hol'.ister, of Portland, is j in the citv viit;ng her coufin, lerl ! Hohister, "for a few days. She is an i companied by 5I:s 5Iaude Sutherland. j James Dt-Moss, f.ither of the famous DeMoss family, is in The Dalles on busi i ness today. T i.o remainder of the faiu ; ily are now giving concerts iu Omaha, , Nebraska. j there, while .Mr. Blakeley makes a trip j to Astoria. j T. P. Crnm has retnrnfd frr.ia his .camping trip to Wind river. During I his stav he received a fall which lamed him somewhat, but he is now able to be about agaiu. Tuesday's Daily. H. R. Blue i9 in from Wapinitia. A. J. Dufurcamo up from Portland last night. Hon. 51. A. 5Ioodv and 51. T. Nolan are in Astoria attending the regatta. Fred and George Weigel returned last night from camping at Stevenson. 5Irs. H. Gordion and daughter re turned last evening from a visit with relatives at Vancouver. Mrs. J. B. Condon and grandson, Clifton, have returned from their visit at Seaview, Ilwaco beach. J. H. Oakes, of the firm of Oakes & Wilson, merchants of I'rineville, is in The Dalles on a business trip. Miss Gesner, a teacher In the Salem public schools, came in from Sherara' Bridge today on ber way borne. 51 ise Ltura Thompson returned on last night's train from a ten days' vaca tion trip to Seaside, Clatsop beach. Mr. and 5Irs. John Fagan came in from their home near Sherars' Bridge yesterday, and i eturned this afternoon. 5Ir. and 5Irs. E. B. Dufur and family returned last evening from Wind river, where they have been camping for some weeks. 5Ir. and 5Irs. II. II. Leonard have been at the hot springs near Spragne for a few weeks and arrived heme on vesterdav's boat. i j 5Ire. C. W. Rice and eon, 5Irs. James ! Snipes and daughter, Bessie, and 5Iies Estella Jackson returned last night from j camping at Cascades. Rev. C. C. Poling, who is pastor of the Congregational church in Lafayette, ar rived on last evening's train and is the guest of his brother, Rev. D. V. Poling, in this city. Joe Heroux, who has been employed in Thk Chronicle office for some months past, will leave this evening for Burns, Harney county, to accept a position in an office there. 5Irs. Truman Butler and 5Iiss Vir ginia 5Iarden, who have spent the past month in Skagwuy, Juneau, and a few days in Victoria, returned home last evening much improved by their trip. . 5Iiss Jeanette Williams and Miss Ger trude King, of 5Ioro, left bv boat this morning to visit friends in Hood River. For th pat-t week they have been the guests of Miss Jome Spink in this city. Mr. and Mis. E. Gerrechten came up from Portland yesterday. 51r. Gerrech ten has been suffering with rheumatism for some timo and will try the efficacy of the Wind river hot springs, while his wife visits with her parents, Mr. and 5Ir8. Buchler. Mr. and 5Irs. S. Bolton and familv. Geo. Ruch, Jr., and Miss Edna Barnett came up from camp at Stevenson yester day. The first part of their camping experience this year was very enjoyable, but the rains of the past two weeks were anything but desirable. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloffice at The Dalles un called for August 19, 1899. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Allen, Thos Allen, David Anderson, Gust. Bonton, E L (2) Brown, Edward F Brown, John F Brown, S J (2) Brown, D A Burke, Geo Bonney, C R Boyle, R L Braida, G Conover, V F Citler, Geo E Cook, James Compton.JG Decker, Chas E Dart, Chas Dunkin, John Davison, W A Davis, R O Dodd, Lewis Ellis, E C Ecsoln, 51 Evans, John Fanght, W T Fuput, II French, Harry French, I'eter Haneon.NP Hanson, Jim ilite. E I) Howe, Win James, II S Kennedy, C D Kincart, Frank E Lusher, J Leseiur, Leonard Logan, R C Lovelace, J W Lehman, J C 5IcDaniels, John Muliain, Milton, 5Ietcalf, V II Normell, Mr Norton. 5Iantiel l'rice, Sara Uldfleld. Oscar Quick, Ed Robinson, Al L Kamsby, Max Simmond, Geo Smith, M A Sachs, August Swiff, James, Spray, .Mrs J C Taylor, J E Terpcnning, Jno E Trefo, Arthur Thornton, John Ventur, Francis Wright, Chas W illiams. Earl A Wilson, Ed Wilson, John Willinms, Arch V Wochats, Louis Weimer, W E Allen, Nellie Adams, Emma B Albright, Mrs G A Brice, Daisvfsnecial) Brown, Miss Lillie Bennett, 5Irs Mary Bernard, Mrs W J Cambell. Miss Edna Carlisle, Miss Id Cook, Miss Dollie Friedly, Mrs A J Hanna, Mrs Henry Kelly, Mrs WD . McReynolds, Mrs L Nolan. Miss Nellie French, Mrs Mant Hearinglon, Lntie llitfgins, Mrs M J McArvin, Mrs Jai Murphy, Hatty Wilsousen, 51 rs Wright, Miss Dolly Walker, 51rs Laura (2) II. II. Riddcix, P 51. D R- OEISBMDnRPPBR riiysieian and Snrc;eoii, Bpecial attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. m Vogt Block r.tcr I tike n-HiMLi. Arrive r. a t to Fkom. Fust 'salt Lki', Denver, Ft. Ft VhiI Worth. Omaha, Kau- Mail 11 .iu i. m. m ity. et. LouU.j 3:15 p m Chicago and Kaat. Spokane Fiver Walla Walla, Pjokane,1 iliuneupoua. M. Faul.j iiululh, Milwaukee, Chicago and &st. j Spokane Fljer. V0U a. tn i:40 p. m. 8 p. in. Fkoic POETHNn. Ocean Steuumnii'i. For fean Francisco January 1, and every live day thereat ter. 4 p. m. 8 v. m. 4 p. m. Ex.suuda Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. 10 Astoria and nay Saturday 10 p. in. Landings. 6 a.m. I WiLLAMKTTK Eivra. Ex.sunday Oregon Citv, Newberg, I Salem & ay Land s. 4:30 p. m. Ex.bunday 7 a. m, Willamette and Yah 3:30 p. m. Tuea.Thur. hill Rivets. 'Mon .,Wed and cut. , Oregon City, Dayton I aud Frl. aud Way-Ijiudiugs. 6 a.m. Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallts, Tue., 1 hur and gut. aud Way-Landings. C, LI Ul ud Sat. Snake River. Rlparia to Lewieton. Leave Lewihtom daily Lv Rlparia dally Parties desirmsr to eo to Hennner should uike no. 4, leaving me oaues at a.JU p. m making direct connections at Heppner junction Returning inakingdirect connection at Heppner junction ith So, 1, arriving at The Dalles at 1:15 p. m. No. 82, throucht freight, east bound, doea not carry passengers; arrives 2:50 a. m., depart 3:50 a. in. No. 21, local freight, carries passengers, east bound: arrives 4 :au p. m., departs s: 15 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p iu departs 9::lp. in. 1 No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'i agent The liallei. or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen Pas. Agt., Portland, Or, ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u N s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. PA I' I. MIN.NEAPOI.I DULUTH rAkoo GKAND (-OK CROOK9TON WINNiriCO HELENA an BUTTE TO EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at TortlaL OVERLAND EXO press. HHlein. Knag. I Durg, I, Ashland, Mac-1 en to, Ogden.Han I lclseo, Mojave, 7:00 P. M, rante Kranci U Angeles, El f aao, t:15 A. M. ,r.i raao, i ns and I ivew Orluan fcast 8:30 A. MJ Dur' 11,1(1 w"r 4:30 P. It Daily except Sundays. fVia Woodlairo fori Mt.Angel, ullvurton, West Hcio, Hrowns ille.Sprlugaeldind I Natron I Dally except Sundays 17:80 A. M (Corrallla ( stations.., and way 5:t0 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PAHMENOER. Express train Dally (except Sunday). l:Mp.m. cLv... Portland ...Ar. :2fta.m 8:30 p. m. "". fAi..rnninviiia..Lv. R:.'ii.m. (Ar..lndependence..Lv.) 4:a0a,m. Dally. fDaiiy, except buiidnr. PINING CA 118 ON OODEN ROUTE, PCLLMAN BDFFET 8LFE1ER8 AND SECOND-CLAH8 BLEEPING CARb Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at kan S ranclsco with Occl dental and Oriental and Pacini) mall ateamshlD lines lor JAPAN and CHINA. Mailing data, on I'lMK'JIllon. Rate, and ticket to Eastern points and Eu ATKAUAA ' CH1iA' "WNOLULU aiili All above trains arrive at and depart Iroir Grand Central tttatlon. Fifth and Irving stresU YAMHILL DIVIHION. Passenger Dot, loot of JeOerson street. AX'lt'porKriir d"' rrlll?lMRUt 1 """""T. Wednesday and TH Vh",i:,W-?- Arr,T " ''rtland, Tues dav, Thursdaj and Haturdaj it 3 06 p. m. Except Sunday. "Elegit Saturday. R. KcEKLER, (, if, MARKHAM, Manaer. Asst. O. F. Paa. Agt .htnr"?.TJ''.k"t.0n,r?1 m Tn,r'1 ". where kZSiiXZlZS Kuro1 c"n or N, W..EJA AoKN,RKLANn' T,Cktt Ask your grocer for Clarke 1k Fnlk's pore concentrated flavoring citracts. tf j Busy i ! Store. - Each day our business shoi the people are finding out we are pushing to the front with I better goods, l0wer price3 j salespeople the very best, and ' last, but not least, buvtra ! know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. r vt ..chjis. mu- Sutehens and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEEK, acknowl edged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it aud be convinced. AUo the Finest brands of Wines, Liquor aud Cigars. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. i BROS GENERAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TIM and JefToa. Pnone 159 1 FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNERALBANKINU BOtlNKS Letters of Credit issued available in ths Eastern States. Sight Echanre and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ors (ton, Seattle Wash,, and various pOwJ in Oregon and Washington. , Collections made at all points on far orable terms. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice la hereby given that the nnderWI has filed his linnf account a executor of toe " tiiln of HarBh McAto with tne clerk " county court of thestatc of Oregon, county, aud that Thursday, the l:ith 'l"?0":' is.i, nt the hour of 1(1 o'clock a. m. fixed rathe time and the county c urt w"!" Dalles City as the p ace for the heann oij Jeeiiona to said Until account and settlemeui stud estiife. Datwi July 1.1, 18'J. Jim 141 TIIOH. NORVAL, .ST. PUT'S flllilEJll Under the dirsction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - oR This Institution Is pleasantly !'"""p?m; the Columbia on thu Hue ol the t ni'" ' !0 V inrnce it is easy or excess lor n sire to secure a comfortable home aiirt f " M sive scat or learning lor ini-ir "" ! , of wanls. The location of the. Acodeniv i" . inetnost healthy on the racinn -ure tion of Union b.-ln proverbial Mr i water, brncinr air and plctiiresiU The Acailemyis Incortmratcd and aitlhorin" the Ktate to eonfer Acailcmlc honors. ,l(9i Board and littltlon p.-r ,l'"l"",tV.;ifLrl Studies will he innnwi Tuesday. ',P,,;V. ui,wr Vitr .li.tull.wl l,,r,,rmatlon BlIlilV to Ills Sujierlor. A Beautiful Skin. ladles, If yon dealre a transparent. cle fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon I , l( Arwnlc Cotnplcilon Waters. 1h'lr,'i i,,ucl fiiifilw ni.fflKHl tM.BMMalfi the WI"oii and In producliiK and pn-serTlna; a in, parency and pellucid clearness "' M,t shapely contour of lorm, hrllltani ij 'vf and smooth ssln where the reverse ex """ red W the coarsest aud most repulsive skliij l""uar lr.kles, moth, hlsckhesds, ll'"pc; r.dness, vellow and muddy skin are irm"1rf ly removed, and a dellclously clear and n conitilexlon asstircfl. , ,of frlce pi r small box, 1 cents i laraf "V' 't six larKe boses. "'". n 'nlp' 01 pain anil lllHier plain wri'i-i iMr. the above aiiiount. Write for free circular. assANDtss I fioisesiiers The Parisian Drnff Co., ' 131 Montgomery Ht,San franel'0 Csl