THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16 1899. riorn TOC ALL KSOW. MttlKl.) I 1M11'. A. K. McLeod it in from Kingsler. W. R. Winans came op from Hood Itfrer Ust niht. Fred C!rke it down f.'om Moro to join ia the retfptlou toi.iir. Mis EJ:th IUnaail returned, lift night from ramping at Coiiiua Linding. Seat. L"vington, sheriff cf Grant county, cixe ia from Canyon City yet terday. Fred an J George V"e!l went down to StcTensjn tc-i: on a fiibicg and Campus trip, Mrs. Mar .1 r, n h.. Is leen guret of M:s Anna returned to ber tome in Portland t .day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rorden find Misses Dorothy and Nettie Fredilen returned last evening from their trip to Fortiand. Hon. W. R. Eliis earns op from Port last nifht and remained over txiv. He will leave for Heppceron the 5:30 i train. Among the passengers on the Regu lator this mornir.g were Mrt. Lemison and Mrs. Reavis, who go down to meet their sons, F.l and Walter. Miss Nona Rnch left this morning for Portland, i-lie rtill remain in that city until Monday, when she wiil leave for a short etay at Clatsop beicb. J. H. Gray, sheriff of Crock county, returned last bight from Saiem, where j be went to deliver an insane patient. He is on his way back to Prineville. Mrs. R. E. Dean and family left for Portland this morning to j tin Mr. Dean, w bo has accepted a position with Wed bamt A Kerr Bros., wholesale grocers. Hon. and Mrs. F. P. Mavs and chil dren came np on the Dalles City last night from Portland. They are on their war to opend a few weeks at the Mays' ranch a boot eighteen miles from the city. Sunday's Daily. E. C. Fiix?atrick was in from Tygh yt) .terday. Will Evans retu; iied last Dight from ctmp a'. Stevenson. Dr. Pilkingto.i, of Antelope was in town yt6lerday on bis way to Portland. Cnas. F. Liuer, qualified today as chief of the Dalies City tire department. The Misses Crooks are in the city re turning to their home in Prir aville, alter visit to the beach. Miss T-ene Adorns returned last night from a vacation trip 1 1 Iiwaco tiach and with relatives in Saiem. E. M. Wirzite. who went 1 1 Portland tt j jin in tne rcepl'on the e, returned on the boat S: aturday evening. M-'sees Dorothy and Xettio Fi-dden accompanied" the retproin Portland soldier boys as far as the Cascades today. Johu Knight, of Pendleton, who is in terested in a'ning in the vicii.ily of Antelope is in thecity today oa hn-iio'ets. Mrs. J. G. Downey came up irom Vancouver Salurdny anil spent Srndy with her brother, S. L. YoQLg, returning borne today. Depaty Clerk Bolton citno up from Stevenson Saturday. He says the con tinned rains are al )iit to drive the Da 'Its peop:e homeward. Mrs. II. E. Mitchell and little snn came in irom Hay Criek, where the has I n v, siting her parents Hon. and Mrs. toruuerville, Neil McL'id cd wife, of Goldendale, who have (f nt a few days in Portland, was in the city (his morning and lei t on the af' mc in stage for Uoldendale. Ex-Governor Bnrke, who has been in The Dalles for the past week inspecting j the land office here, went down on the I boat thi morning, returning to Port- I land. He is a most genial gentleman I and made many friends during bis stay here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Harkness went down to Portland today to spend the time during Mr. Harknees' vacation from duties in Pease A May' shoe depart ment. Miss Laura Thompson left on the early train yeateiday morning for Port land, whe'e she will be j lined by Miss Nona Rich and together they will visit Clatsop beach. Capt. and Mrs. H. We! '.a return:! home on vesterday's afterr.t ?a train. The captain contemplate visiting this city laser and deliver a lecture on trie war as seen bv him, and on the lif J and l habits of the people of the Island. T'jesiJ.v DjV.j. John Ma'one is in from At.teloj e. Mrs. F. Eronson and children rs'.nrr.ed last evenicg from Trout Like. Mr?. J. B. Hiver'y and d-iuiUter, Miss Nellie, were in irom their borne near Boyd todaj. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. RiBg3 and Mrs. Keiser, of Missouri, went down to Sprague this morning. Mrs. Laura Pearce, who has been the Euett of Mrs. Ruark, retari.ed to her home in Portland today. Eugene Loonv and family are in from Mitchell, on their way to spend two months with relatives in the Eaet. Miss Alma Schmidt, who has been in Victoria, B. C, is on her way heme and is now visiting Miss Olga Hewitt at Al bany. Rev. Frank Spanlding, who has br ?n making a trip in Sherman county, left on the boat this morning for Hod River. Mrs. G.N. Bol n and daughter and Mrs. Dr. J. M. Smith and son are in town today on their way f'oiu Spragne to Moro. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas and Miss Lillian Shelton, of the Chronicle office, left last night for a visit with relatives and friends in Baker City. Louis Gehres, son of II. Gthres, for merly of The La! led, came down yreter day from Spragiie wheie he is worr'n;r, and will visit friends here. J. C. Coon, of Silver Lake, was in the city yesterday, and disposed of his wool clip t a good price to Geo. Abbott. He left this morniu; for San Francisco. Mrs. Jus. Ireland and Mrs. Clounh came up irom camp at Cascades yester day. The latter will spend a short tiui with Mrs. F. Bayley before returning to Arlington. Dr. and Mrs. II. Logan, retni ned yes terday af'i'rncon irom Bingham Springs. Mrs. Ixigan has spent ten dava there, and Dr. made the trip Friday to accom pany her home. The Busy Slore. Each day our business shows the io;)!c ate finding out we ate 4 dili!Dg to Ibe fiom with belier goos, lower pi ices, salesjeo'e lie veiy best, and last, 'out roi. least, boyeis who kxow Ihe'r business and buy for the people. C F. Stephens Secord Street. For Sale. In this cii.v, F.ldav, Am. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Hili, a daughter. Your Far Shows the . A'i of your feelings and the strte of your licit h a well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out. and (?o not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. Itcurea all blood diseases w here cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs und colds. "I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mavhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. Three houses and four lois hi The DaUes, as a ivhole Ox separately. Lo caao'i east of bih school. Pays errceplio'Mlly good inieresi on investment. Properly in good con dition. Addiess, M. R Fi'.z Gerald, The Dalles, Or. Send in care of The Chronicle. ?k ... " ira vi m 7 Z)t mt lm in m mm I!" IT 13 grown in the mountain district of Ceylon and SPECIALLY prepared to suit the American trade. It is packed on the garden where grown, in ona-pound, half-pound and quarter-pound soldered air-tight lead packages, thereby retaining all its wonderful fragrance. It is sold only in these lead packages never in bulk. If you want the very best tea, ask your grocer for NABAN. OWNERS OF THE CELEBRATED BSBrsivarazBsvrvJiiis Bicycle F.LI7AIR SHOP. 9 5 AGENT FOR THE Q ..RAMBLER. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles Burcliiorf.oppSil: I fi. 4 GENERAL illlS ...AND... HQisesRoers Waion anr Carrljfn Wnrt: Fish Cro'Jiers' Waon. Tli'i'd anJ JciT lm. Pto-!C 159 1 CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, COFFEE, BAKING POVDER, EXTRACTS AND TABLE LUXURIES. Franklin MacVeagh & Co., Chicago. TOR SALE BY- pedse a jnflYS, Exclusive Hints. New and Second Hand Furniiure bought and told at thit Old Stand. Pawn Broker. Money oaned on rateable!. Hornet bought and told on commimlon. 61 2d St. R. B. HOOD. riar r' Anr.iva rj. F.'t m!I Ik.-. Denver. Ft.' Ft Mail i Worm, Oiu.ha, Kn-j Mall H:oO.Q., m i itr, M. lui,; J:15 p in CVcago l East. Frokane W'.l'.a V!1. ppckure.' Enkne i i :vr j ilinnMi)lt. .L Haul, iyer. I 5:tp. m. i u 1 u e 6. Xiiaukev, S lAJ a. m $ P. El. I Fj i iH-oiU MeiinaiMl. For tan Kranriro j January 1 and everv itv ddy I thereaiter. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. ' 4 p. m. Ei.iunJuy Columbia Er. Steamen. Ex.suadd) To Astoria and May. Saturday : Laiiuiugs. i lu p. m. I I 6. m. I Wiixajjktti Rive. 4:30p.m. Ex.sunday Ontron Htv, New berg, Ex.sunday I eaiem di Way Uiud . 7 a, m, WiiiAiirrn! isd Ya-; S:30 p m. Tuea.Thur. hill Kiters. Mon.,Ved and eat. j Orron City, Dayton,; and FrL and Way-I Endings, i 6a.m. I Willaxkttk Rivkr. I 4:30p.m. Tue..Thnr, Portland to Corvallia, Tue., lbui .a cai.. ana n ay-Lanaings. ana feat. I Snaki Rivkr. Lt Rlparla RIpari. to Lewiton. dul.y I LlATI LawisTow dally Parties dcirinff to so to nentiner should wke .-mi. leaving i ne uaues at o:au p. m making direct connections at Heppner junction KeluriiinK makingairex'teonneoUon at Heppner junction with So. 1. arriving at The Dallea at 1:15 p. m. N'o.'SJ, throueht freiRbt, east bound, does' not carry passengers; arrives 2:60 a. m., depart 3:60a. m. No 11, local freight, carries pasrengers, east bound; arrives 4 :au p. m., departs x: 15 p.m. So. 21, west bound tbrougb freight, does not carry passengers; arrives b:1o p m., departs 9:;Wp. m. No. 23, west bound local freight, enrries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. ir., fleparU 8:30 a. ni. For full particulars call on O. R. dt N. agent The Lfullea. or address Uo.'s W. H. HCRM1URT, Gen Pus. Agt., Portland, Or, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai :00 P. M. '8:30 A. M. Dally except Sundays OVERLAND EX-1 press, bttlem, Rose- 1 bur?. AhMmiiiI. rMn. i J raiuento, Ogden.Snn I r iniit:i3ti, i'HMHve, lxh Angeles, Ei Paso. New Orleans and Rosebunr and wnv sta tions fVia Wondbura fori Mt.Angel, Silverton, West Selo, Browns- vllle,6prlngfleld and i.airou . 17:30 A. 21. P-M A. M. Daily except Sundays. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express traiD vniiY lexeejn sunuuyj. 1:50p.m. Lv Portland ...Ar.) S:2Sa.ra 7::)p.m. Ai..Me.Minnviile..Lv.J 5;fJa,ia iAr..Indtpcndence..Lv.) 4:60 S:U0 p. a. :60 a. in. Daily. tDnny, except fcunnny. DINIXU CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PCLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND BECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARb Attached to all Through Tralua. Direct connection atHnn Kranefann wifh r.. dental and Oriental and Paeitic mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHIN A. Kilim ,iut..- a )Hiraiion. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu Te. Also JAPAN. t:H IX a. m iv ii im ir AtsTRALIA. All above trnins arrive at and depart from Grand Central Ktatlon. Filth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Pascnger Kepot, foot of Jederson street. Leave for Phoridan, week days, t4.S0o. m Arrive at Portland, a, m. Iave for ATRI.IE on Monday, Wertnesdnv and KriOay at 9:10 a.m. Arrive nt Portland, Tuva. dav, Ihursd.iy hp 3ntunla it 3:o5 p. iu. Except Sunda,. Except Saturday. K. KlK.'-.i.KR, j)anaer. , H. MARKHAM, Asst. (i. F. rti Pass. Avt Through Ticket Ofllcc, 1SI Third street, where through tickets to all points In the Eastern Stutex, Canada and hurope can Le obtained a! lowest rates from v KIRKLAXD, Ticket As-onf. or V. WHEAl.DOS'. Santa Fe loule B H ! 4 til ? I ? 4 fa 0 if ! s The Dallas, Oir. I? The Chronicle, CClhiskey. This lirjnd of WLirkev is jyarantscd to Vie consumer as a PJR2 HaaU MADii LOCK WHISKEY for la-rily and Medical Use. Sold by l Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. How About Your Title? r RE YOU PURE it is all right? Remember it is the M KliCORD that iioverti". jt our hneinees to I fearch the records and nhow what thev contain in re'ation to land titles. K you contemplate Laying land or Inaninn niunt-y on real estate security, take no man' word, but insist upon knowing what the record ehows rarninir trie title. An AbPtract is a essential as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only et of Abstract Books In the Connty. All work promptly ex rented and Fatit-Uctlnii guaranteed. It you have prop erty to injure, Kiv us a call. We are agents for four of l he best fire insurance companies in the world. If ynu have property for sale, list it with us and we'll finda buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phone 81. 2d St., opposfte A. M. Williams & Co. It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. And we invite your attention to our stock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER BUTLER DHUG COMPANY, Successor to Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Offers travelers choice of the following routes east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. R. & N. view Ogden and Denver. fhasta Route view aciamento,Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Lis Angeles and Alberqnerr;ne. A dailv line of through TULT.MAN P 4 LACK and TOURIST SI.EKI'EK, "in cu rrancieco ano Log Angeles to Chicago. This Is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. R, & N. Co. or the undersigned, for folders or' descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, uen. Agt. Worcester. Bldg. Portland ,Or. NOTICE OF FIVAI. SPTTIPupmh h m'Z.y'7rh7 lven tht ,h onderslitnwl uti fil" SnV "ffount ut.r of the e H,r".h .,,A, ""h tua clerk nf th eonnjr court of thestate nf Oregon, for Wasco a 'i."h""r" J. olk a. m. has been Dalies c . ..7h-.. ,ne?"'"y O 'l'rt room In K lons toaird flnJ? h""rln of,'h- tStVtS. coou,' nd settlement of ltf,1 Jul 14 Iftrm . . Jan M l uuo. mmvAU Best Work at Lieast Possible Cost Gunrantced to give satisfaction. Wo arc here to tay ; tbcrcfoie every effort will be made to establish a business. It will pay you to examine our work nntl consult our prices. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: MthnJ Brl,!K.'' "?rk 22k- olJ). P" tob f8 Best set teeth, guaranteed s uu Hest (iold Filling : $1.00 up Rest silver or alloy filling . ...60cnp Teeth extracted without pain. ', 6 Rooms 1M2-1S, Chapman Block, Second St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager.