The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 12, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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Cajtnred UVxi Ei'::rt Ii&titEiits
E:ii Gut Until August 31sL
MacAfthurs Forces Have Cleared The!
Rebels From the loo our Around.
Manila He Has Advanced to
Calula. Six Miles From Sao Fr
aando, With a Loss of Five Killed j
and Twentr-nioe Wounded.
Wasbisgtox, Acg. 10. The following
cablegram baa been received from
"Captored letters from a high insor
frent authority exhort the inhabitants
to bold oat a little longer ; that European
recognition will be granted by Aogot
31, and the present United States admin
istration will be overthrown."
Mat-Arthur's Hard Fight.
Washisgtox, Aag. 10. Genera! Otis
today cabled the war department the fol
lowing report of yesterday's engagement :
"Manila, log. 10. MacArthur's move
ment yesteidsy was very successful. It
served to clear the country at the rear
and left and right of the insurgent ; bas
advanced north to Calula, six miles from
Sin Fernando, whence he is now recon
noitericg. "MacArthur'sadvance under Wbeatcn
aid Liscom consists of the Ninth,
Twelfth, Seventeenth and part of tbe
Twenty-second regiments, and a portion
of tbe Fifty-firct Iowa. The movement
is very difficult, on account of mad and
rurface water. MacArthur reports in
sargenU' loss killed and some 000
wounded. They were rapidiy driven
northward, and last evening apparently
abandoned the Porac. line where they
few op tbe powder works,"
Senator Bawlej Praises Otis.
Xiw Yoke, Ang. 10. Senator Jose b
B. Hawley, of Connecticot, sailed for
Earope yeeterday. He will spend six
months in rural England- Just before
bis departure he said :
"I am glad to see that the army in the
Philippine islands is being reinforced. I
iiave urged such an increase from the
outset, and some months ago I saw tbe
president several times to urge upon bim
tbe necessity of sending reinforcements
to tbe islands at once. Then I received
private information from Manila which
convinced me that I was right. I laid
tbe matter before tbe president at once.
I am sure that we shall get along very
wel! there in the future."
Is General Otis likely to be relieved of
command there?''
"I don't think so. I don't see why be
hoald. I have a great deal of confidence
in bim. I believe be is good man for
the pUce. Of coarse there is a great
howl going np from the colored journals.
They began with Surgeon-General
Sternberg and tried to kill bim. Tbey
tben shifted to Alger and they finished
him ; and L they don't see any one to
go for bat Otis. They cin tie a tin kettle
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Poi
son can not know what a desperate con
dition it can produce. This terrible
disease which the doctors are totally
nnable to cure, is communicated from
one generation to another, inflicting its
taint upon countless innocent ones.
Some years ago I wu Inoculated with poison
t)y a aura who Infected my babe with blood
talat. The little one was
unequal to Uie struggle,
and lu life u yielded
up to the fearful poleon.
For six lone year I suf
fered unloul misery. I
vm covered with sores
mud oleers from head to
foot, and no language
(H express my feeling
ot woe during thoee Jong
yemr. I bad the best
Bcdieal treatment. 8e- . v
ral phyetciana wces-.iL
airely treaMd me, bat mtnm Ci
10 no parpue. The mer-
earr and potaah seemed to add fuel to the
awful flame whieh was deTourlair me. I wai
dTlaed by friends who had seen wonderful
m made by It. lo try Swift's f peeifle. We
aH two bottles, and I fell bone Main revive In
any bret hope for health and happlneae
W". impmvea ran ine start, ana a eom-
Idete and perfect care was the mult. 8. 8. 8.
Ibe only blood remedy which reaches des
perate esses. M as. T. w. L.
Montgomery, Ala.
Of the many blood remedies, S. S. 8.
is the only one which can reach deep
weated, violent eases. It never fails to
etire perfectly and permanently the
most desperate cases which are beyond
the reach of other remedies.
C C Cfr
Is fraxLT VEoa-rABta, and is the only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
merrtiry. potash, or other mineral.
Valuable books mailed free by Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
lend veil 'traJ dot,' ' 1 lhl"k b
! nnhhc is hrfinniiic Vo S behind the
clatter nJ t J Uk thing more quietly. "
Lui for k WkUUti-Tweaty-a.e
Visitor IT ill .py wr
Bel .-Other NMM.
There'll be bet a fear speeches tooicr
roc cur.tata ttose saort.
FiftT little ciilt mill be n the line of j
i march and strew fijaers in the y.
TLere has been no lljton:n
mittee appointed ; tat that'll take care
!of itself.
People mho were there !att tight say
Port'.an J cheers mere not ura.'eniiig.
Let's whoop 'em up here.
The reception committee which goes
i tnta tnetn a qaactisy oi iro;i ui ij.
; ' WLen yen Lear tbem bel;s begin to
your Ik si attire and be on band, the boys
are about to land.
Four bonJreJ was the number of
volootetrs who reached Portland last
evenicg, the first section getticg in a
few minutes after 4 o'clock.
Messrs. Moore and Stephens have
done their work of soliciting well. It is
a hard task at best; but tbey are all
right and their efforts are appreciated.
We would just here suggest that the
old inscription placed over the armory
door when tbe boys marched away, be
changed from "Remember the Maine'
to "We Have Remembered tbe Maine.'
Ernett Jensen went down this morn
ing to decorate the Regulator, and it
will be a "beaut" when be finishes
Joh Hardy also was a passenger to pat
some'fimshing touches on some banners
be bad been painting.
Decorating bas been going on daring
tbe day. Let it continue until every
business house at least shows its patii
otisra. A. M. Williams & Co. have
stretched a line of tbe various flags of
tbe nations across the street iu front of
their store.
Dr. Saunders telephoned this morn
ing and informed tbe committee that
about twenty-five of Company L Port
land boys and others will come up with
our twenty-five soldiers tomorrow to
join in the final festivities. Let's make
them doubly welcome.
Mx Vogt donated tbe opera house for
the reception as long as it was needed,
and Lieut. Spivey, with a force of militia
boys have been working day and ni(ht
to decorate it. They are making splen
did progress and it will be handsomely
decorated, and' in a new design. The
lieuu nant Is an untiring worker for the
company and m great favorite with the
All the exercises of the reception
including the dance will be free to all,
excepting the banquet, which will be
given in the vacant store, next door to
A. M. Williams', following tbe parade.
To this will be admitted the volunteers
and their parents, Co. O, G. A.
W. R. C, and the committees. Those
who are entitled to tickets for the
banquet should call at the hall between
the hours of 1 and 4 tomorrow and re
ceive the same. None will be admitted
Tbe line of parade as planned
is too long; tbe boys have had
too mnch parading already. We should
consider their wishes in everything per
taining to their receution, curtailing
everything as much as possible which
requires any exertion from them. The
parade as it now stands is as follows:
Form on First, right on Court and
Second. March west on Second to
j Union ; south on Union to Third; west
on Third to Liberty; south on Liberty to
Fourth ; eaat on Fourth to Washington ;
north on Washington to Second ; east on
Second to Taylor; counter march ; turn
to right; west on Second to Federal;
south on Federal to Third; west on
Third to armory.
14 ir KIOUT
for an Editor to Recommend Patent
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be a question . whether the
editor of newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of tbe various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as preventive of suffering
we feel it doty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. We have known and
used this medicine in our family lor
twenty years and have always found it
reliable. In in any cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while a physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any medicine for cure, bnt we do
believe ttiat if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much suffering might be avoided
and in very many cases tbe presence of
a physician would not be rtquireJ. At
least this has been our experience
daring the past twenty years. For sals
by Blakeley A Hoaghton, Druggists.
Hamilton Clark, of Channcey, Ga.,
says be suffered with itching pilestwenty
years before trying DeWitt's Witch
Hatel Salve, two boxes of which com
pletely cared him. Beware of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
rtunc Tor ll bxsow.
Wednesslay Peily.
J. Stewart ri-ca in from MonklnJ
lau eveuiog.
Prof. J. S. Landers returned la?t even-
I jU( from a trip lo IVMtiaud.
Win. G'asins retorocd to join Lit ;
i family in eanip at Coliina Laujiug to- j
C. E. Byrl left Ibis morning fr
: Portland, and from there wilt vait
I Mis Georgia Pcnnev is in Irom tier
jbomeatTygu tatirg the te.ter.ers tx-
Mr. Hobart and her daaghter. Mr.
Nettie Booth, left this morning f-T
II w aco Wach.
Gordon WiKson. has returned from sn i morning for Cs aoV. The Chko.viclk
oatirgatWind river and resumed his , reporter is now i xpt-c:iiii to dine suaipt
datiesin the employ of 11. Glenn. j noosly on trout cinght by this faaious
"Iis Carrie K!ehnui returned to;
Portliml I.itljr. Shawill soend the re- !
' min.1e rA hie valllnn ttt Tirtiml.
Mi Lottie Roberts is no from Hood
River takiog the teachers' examination,
and is the guest of Mrs. C.J. Cracdall
wbi.e here.
Dr. G. E. Sanders will make the trip
nn the train tomorrow to meet hia son,
Etrle, in Portland, as be returns with
the volunteers
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wilson left on the
boat this morning for Portland. They
wiil also make a trip to tbe seaside be
fore returning.
Arthur Stubling made the trip to
Portland today, to greet J h oy i cn their
return tomorrow and come Lome with
them Saturday.
Jack Gallagher, one of the best known
railroad men along the road, accompa
nied by bis familr, left last night to
make his home at Pocatello.
Zchary Taylor came In from Antelope
yesterday and will leave this afternoon
to visit his son who is at present in
Spokane receiving treatment.
Mrs. Henrv Klindt was a passenger
on tbe boat this morning on her way to
Ocean rare to spend tbe remainder of
tbe summer with her daughter, Mrs. II.
Fred W. Wilson and Ed M. Wingate
went down to Portland on the boat this
morning. The former will return to
morrow, while Ed will remain nntil
Prof. J. T. Neff. who is to be principal
of the schools of our city daring the
coming school year, arrived in The
Dalles yesterday to fill his place as a
member of the examining board.
Chris Schwafce returned to his duties in
the CiiHONiCLK office last evening, hav
ing spent ten days in campat Stevenson.
He says .there are about sixty Dalles
people in camp there, and they are
having a great time.
G. B. Bush, of the Oregon Telephone
Co., returned yesterday from Prine7ille,
where he has been looking after the
interest of the company. The line to
that place is now in splendid working
order, and the aluminum wires are eaid
to give the beet of satisfaction.
Thursday's Dally.
J. C. Baldwin made the trip to Port
land today.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherar left the
city this morning for Portland.
Mr. and iMrs, r. McLeoit cimo over
from Goldendale on tbe stage this morn
C. E. Loomis, who has been in The
Dalles for several days, returned to
Eugene today.
Mrs. II. Liuretson and daughter. Miss
Jacolisen, were among the excursion ets
bound for Portland today.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Houghton returned
lft9t night from a few week's stay at the
Lord cottage at beaview, llwaco beach.
Mies Catharine Martin came up last
night from Moier, where she has been
visiting frienus. She will return tomor
Hon. Z. F. Moody came np frora Salem
on last night's train and will remain to
take part in the reception Saturday
This morning Mrs. F. Bronson and
family left for Trout Lake, to pass a few
weeks at the place which Mr. Bronon
recently took up there.
Sheriff and Mrs. Robt. Kelly went
to Cascades this morning, where he will
attend to the sale of the steamer "Water
Witch." From there they will go on
to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Rorden and Mis-es
Dorothy and Nettie Fredden went down
to Portland jesterday afternoon to meet
Harry Fredden, wlo is returning with
the volunteers.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens went down on
yesterday's afternoon train to Portland,
where she will enjoy the reception to
tbe volunteers and afterward visit rela
tives in the Valley towns and spend
some time at Newport.
Miss May Enright, of tbe C. 8. Ry.
Co. staff, has taken a holiday and left
with her mother on Wednesday for
Bonneville. From there Miss Enrinht
wili go for a month's visit to friends in
Seattle. Moro Leader.
Friday's Dally.
L. E. Morse came up from White
Salmon last evening.
F. W. Wilson returned last night from
a short trip to Portland.
B, S. Huntington went to Moro last
night on legal business.
Mrs. Ella Ball returned from camp at
Collins Landing yesterday.
Mrs. J. C. Hostetler and children,
came up from camp at Cascades yester
day. Irwin Parkins and Robt. Stewart will
join tbe boys in camp at Stevenson
A. MacAdam, of Pease A Mays' dry
goods department, left this morning for
bis vacation at Portland and tbe seaside.
Rev. J. II. Wood returned last even
ing from Stevenson, whither he went
Tuesday to settle his family in camp
Ed. Bnrrhtorf, formerly with the
Colombia Packing Co., of The Dalles,
came over iai rrinay and returned St
nrdsy. Mr
Burchtorf bas accepted a i
position with Shelton & Co., and re
turned Monday- to atemne iv.a new
duties. ijoldeodale Sentinel.
Mr. T. M. Pearc and little danjhter,
Winnie, if Portland, came op on the
rat lt evenicg and are guests of Mrs.
Jeseie Ksark.
Vn. G. E. SAnders and Umiir catne
op fiuin Ca.'it yesterday to prepare
or the rvrpt:o
u of her son, i.rle, to
morrow eteoic
Mr. C. O.
0 E kr rim9 np frora
S-'.e will return
I wt.en the aitin si.os sijus of
ero ing
I Mr. and Mr. J. II. W-Uel were re
' turni::i eci;ers from C-ifcade on the
: tioat !at evening. Tiier visited friends
in Portland daring the.r absence.
Mr. anJ Mrs. C. L. Pmllips Jett this
Mrs. P. Cram returned from
!at ir. iviiui nuiied bv her daugh
ter, Mrs. Beie McNamara, of Cali
fornia, ho wiil visit at house for a few
Mr. and Mr. T. J. Senfert went down
this morning on tbeirway to camp at
Trout Lake. Thev wili be jo:ned by R.
J. Gorman at White Salmon, he having
gone down yesterday.
I'matllla Ceaoty People Are Much Ex
ercUed Over the Italn.
It is evident from the following article
published in the Eaet Oregonian, that
the rain storm is not welcome in Uma
tilla county. It seems tbey are having
a much heavier shower than are we of
this section. That paper says:
"Rain is general all over this wheat
growing region. It began late last night
and has continued today. Considerable
concern is felt for the grain. Rain at
this time was the last thing asked for.
There can come absolutely no benefits,
and if continued for any length of time,
immense losses will result. Farmers
today state that, if the rain cease within
a few hours, and good weather prevail
thereafter, the damage will be nothing
of consequence. But, if it continue,
there mast inevitably be heavy injury
in every quarter.
"Harvest was in progress on almost
every farm in the county. Never before
were there more harvesting outfits at
work at one time than were engaged in
cutting and threshing yesterday. To
day, of course, not a wheel is turning in
the county. Harvesting outfits are com
ing into town, waiting for the rain to
ceae, anl the grain to dry sufficiently
to permit threshing to proceed.
"Kiin in August in Umatilla county
is almost without precedent. Scarcely
anyone remembers when such a thing
bas happened in previous years, and al
though many farmers have prepared
themselves for almost any emeigency,
there are hundreds of others who are
wholly unprepared for a rainy spell.
"The rain belt extends from Meacham
in tbe Blue mountains, tojbe Columbia
river, and the precipitation is heavy.
All day, the indications have been for
considerable rainfall, and it causes
dubious looks on the face of all who are
interested in the crop and its preserva
tion. This means about every man,
woman and child in the county, so that
dubious looks were rather fashionable
here today."
Eastern Salmon Market.
Thomas McGovern, of the well-knoan
New York house of Delafield, McGovern
& Co.', is visiting in Astoria in the in
terest of tbe salmon trade. Jlr. Mc
Govern left New York a week ago
Monday, and after devoting a day each
to Seattle and Portland, came direct to
this city. He will remain here until
Mr. McGovern, in speaking of his
firm's dealings in Pacific coast products
generally, siys: "While we handle
raisins and dried and canned fruits ex
tensively, our leading Pacific coast com
modity is salmon. I would estimate
that our sales In this especial branch
will average close to three hundred
thousand cases annually. Besides our
purchases here and at Seattle, we also
handle the British Colombia salmon in
Mr. MtGovein says that tbe New
lork market in the line of salmon was
almost depleted at the time he left.
The price of Columbia river salmon
showed an advance of 25 per cent, and
Cockeye salmon, -10 per cent, over the
figures governing last year. "The As
sociation," said Mr. McGovern, "is a
friendly institution for tbe fishermen.
It has put into their pockets over a
million dollars, which they never would
have realized had it not existed." As
toriao. That Throbbing Headache
Wonldjqnickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build op your health. Easy
to fake. Try them. Onlv 25 rente.
Money back If not cured. Snbl hw
Biakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di
gests food without aid from the stomach
end at the same time heals and restores
the diseased digestive organs. It is the
only remedy that does both of these
things and can be relied npon to per
manently cure dyspepsia. Butler Drna
Ask your grocer for Clarke A Fnlk's
Pur concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
ClEAnses the System
BUT THE &t MUlNt - M ANT 0 Oy
ay: ' caw. c,
rot vli by An cnutfesn nnu tot rueotne.
Eac'i day our business shows
the people are finding out wo
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tbe very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
' t aa
Trtf CovmcHTa Ac.
Anrone seni1ln a sketch and description ma
enlrkly ascertain our opinion free whether a
invention is prohahly pnletitahle. Comnmnirs
tiimsvtnctlrronnileiitinl. Handbook on 1'nlente
sent free. Oldest sirenrr for securing patents.
I'stenu taken throuvh Munn A Co. receive
speriot notice, without charge, In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lUnstrnted weeklv. I.srrest ctr.
filiation of any fientiuc Journal. Terms. 9:t a
jenr: fonr months, IL bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36,B" New York
Branch offlce. arst, Waahiniitun. D. C.
B. Land Ornra, The Dalles, Ore. )
.... . . July il', iwrj. (
Notice Is hereby Riven Hint the order of De
cember K, lNU, temporarily withdrawing from
di.posHl, for Hie purisesof a bunt railway, Ihe
lands on the smith side and within six miles of
the Columbia river, between The linllea and
t.elllo, has been revoked bv Ihe presid-nt, ex
cept as to the following descilhed parcels: one in
Hie Syi, ol Hoe at, I" I N, K H K, containing
about four and one half seres, and the other In
iheNWu.neciil, T 2 N, K 15 E, containing about
half an acre.
On and alter September 1, IMdii, we will receive
iippllealion. lor any vacant lands included
tlieiein. J P 1 IVah
Keeelver. Jlyi) I
Notice 1. hereby given that l have Bled with
the t lerk of thri County Court of Ihe Hluto ..f
Oregon, for W seo County, my final account a.
administrator of the estate of C. W. Km de
ceased, and by an order of Ihe County court
aloresalrl, made June 1, lww, Monday, July 3
lH.'i at the hour ol 2o'clm-k p.m., baa been
fixed as the time and the County ( nnrt room
In I M Ilea (lty as the place for the hearing of
objections to snid Html aecount, and thoscttli-
J tin 8 11
Notice of Filing Final Account
Nolle Is hereby given that the undersigned,
the assignee of w., H. K. M,.re, anil
Ai2X'J7.k It 1 ""T"' Insolvent debtors, baa
2iL"ll.h. ,h""7k ,he ,m" "'" ''"he
Htate of Oregon, for Wasco county, his llnal ae-
and passed Umiii by said circuit court on the 1st
day of the next regular term of said circuit
h'.'E':W.V h.N'nber, IWM.term here,d a
the hour of ten nelnek a, m or .. soon there
after a. the matter ean lie reached
J'J"" l Ol.K BUTLER, Assignee.
Executor's Notice.
I,.10,il2! 'TbTflTrn lh,t undersigned
ha. been duly si,h, Intel by the honorable
County Court of the Xtate of Oregon, lot ' w.aro
eoun y. .. executor of the 1'helTj
gait st Mid estate are hereby notified to pre
..lit the same, properly verified, lo me at my
from the dale n' thi. notice.
I'ated this 5tb day of July, 1"(W.
Kxec,..,w o, ,b WW. .
dureaaed "ene j, iialglif.
I I e- .
7 V- T- r-MWV- ssi
T.N THE COCSTY rr.l bt
, " uregon, for the toautr oi VV.IJ
u.c matrer or trie estate of ;
in the name of the .uto of Ore
the cuuty comt of the Mate uf ii, T'I''
Vk . i ii "" " i'ie eou
.lie, t.tcgon, in theet.ury , Jh
y. the Jliiid dutoi j ,,, ,
theie lo how caune, if
t m .i. i - -- .' 'urir rw w -
of s.11,1 estate si.!i w. DHvi; dra'i'"ii.a
uecip me niorWRKed nrvniii. vLJ . 1""-u it.
estate, or if said redvmiii(ln li'J'! "4
llent, that Mid ..Imin " g!
and diiwted to sell all f the r"l, ? tn(
lnt to tbt estate of Mid deceatcd a brt"'
l-rly di-Kiild as follow, to-!' V'J JWu
b .k No. 1, of Daii 'ity ."'Vn'V 4
I lty, Vt ao countr. Oregun 'alio thl . f
of the no.thwot quart,?, the r ortw,W,h
and the north hull ol thi l, iwT1 qur,.
cction 14 i town-hip ""01, ,f " nU?rlw
ol the Willamette mtriili.., !?!
I "'"".ontaiilni! i- .ores mr Tw'
.ale to be made at niblie aiicii..n '
t.ublie .c,i,ra u
net prescribe,lbyl.w , ,1
nana, 111 ine maune
tiroeteds of su h h1i
I trab and diinoi,l ..f mtJ . ' ,a
order of the abo entitled c.url bl "
reuuiml bj th.
hitnehs, the Hon. Robert Ma
nty court of the State of o.egTtoS!
ntyof Wasco, wi-h the seal ol uii ?w
ted this SecoLd day of June A. D10"1
1 nun 1
Jun 8-ii Attist:
M. KELSAY.Clerx.
LaD Orncc at Varcoctir, wt 1
July 5, lbSia. ''
Notice is hereby ilven that the lollcwi..
named settkrs have filed notice of tielr ,Z'
tion to make final proof In suppSfof
claims, and that said p'oof. will be madeblSl
w. B. Preshy, fnited States C.ram",ion 22
District of Wuhlngton, at his office lTcSt?
Washington, ou Monday, AuruMH,!
Homestead Entry No. 90W, for the 8.US1 v
N. E. y. S. E. yi Section 111 nut a w t V liV
v m ? TownBl"P 3 North, of 'Bants il
lie names the following witnessts to nr... 1.1.
continuous residence upon and cultlv.tlok
niu lai.u, .1.
Carl Kranzen, Christian Frsnzen, Porter L
Hardibon, Marion 8plawn,all of l.yle P.0.,Vtsi
Porter L. Harillson.
Homestead Entry No. (KM, for the 8 K ''of
c. K. i of section the 8. W. i oi ' v'u
eention 20; K. of N. E. K of Section 30,' Tow!'
ship 8 North, of Range 13 East, Will. Mer.
lie name, the following witnesKi tn pnw
hi. continuous residence upon, and culuutioii
of said land, viz.:
Carl franzen, Cbristisn Franz-n, Stepbfo
Marlett, Marion Splnwii, all of I.yl P. 0 , Wwh.
JlyS li W. R. Dl'NBAB, Rcgliter.
TJ. 8. Land Oppk i, Th Dallrs, 0a,
J tine an, lxw. j
No'lce Is hereby given that In eomnllsnr
with the urovlslons of the set of runitreu of
June S, 1H7M, entitled "An ct for the sale i
timber lands in ihe states ol California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington territory," lharles
(iosson, of The Dalles, county oi Vaco, state of
Oregon, ha. this day filed in this oKire bn
sworn statement No. 141, lor the purchase ol Ibe
lot 4 and 8E'4 SVY of Sec. No. 2ti, In Township
No. 1 N, range No. VI E, and will olter pr.iol to
show that the land sought Is more valuable (or
Its timber or .tone than lor agrlcultursl pur
poses, and to establish bis cUiiu to s lid land be
fore the register end receiver of thia olltce at
The Dalle. Oregon, on Kriduy, the 15th day ol
September, 'M.
11 name. a. witnesses, A. Turner, W. Clark.
Peter Kagan. i. Whitmnre, all of The Hallea, Or.
Any and all person claiming adverwlr the
above descrilied lands are reitiested to HI. their
claims In this offloe ou or be lure said lth day of
Se(itetuber, 1V.I9. J. P. Ll'CAS,
Jlys-ii Uegiiler.
U. 8. Land Office, at Tag 0i.,
Jl'LY 3, WJO. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention U
make llnal proof In stipfmrt of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before The Keilsier
nnil Receiver at The Dalies, Oregon, on Friday,
Aug. la, Imw, vix:
rerry J. Van Camp, of The nalle.,r.i
Homestead Entry, No. -1W0, for the ';.
and S'NW!i, Section Is, Tp. '1 S., K. 13 6,
lie name, tne l.illnwlng atittirsses to prove bit
continuous residence upon ud cultivation ol
said laud, vix: ,
P. J. Agldlus, Mnrtln Fagan. K. A. lecnsid
and Oliver bowers, all ol Tne Dalles, Oregon.
Jly8-ll RetlitcT
V. 8. Lakd Office, The Pahi. Or, 11. ih-s. I
A sudlcient contest nfTidavit having been B'ea
In this oltlec by Jatne. Koulk, eontestjni,
against hoinestend enlrv No. Ivrf, made ot.
ith. isKi. for S', sW . f. 8,.eee. W,tcaa.
ship 8 8, R 13 K, and N'4 N W4. Sec, 3. Uiwn-
bln 4 8, R 13 E, bv Thomas Jeffreys, enntealrt,
in which It I. alleged that he has atxinkm"
said train for more tluin 6 mouths. Hun! PrI"T
re heteby notillid Ui ptar. repond ano
t iler evidence touching said allitno.
o'clock a. m. on s'pt. 4, l'W. before lhen"J
and rivelveratthe I" lilted Status laiul oiliwi"
IheDnlles, Or. .,
Tbe Kiild contestant having in a jraper
am.lsvlt, filed Julv 1st. 1"'". sl forth
which show that alter duo diligence, I"1"
service ot this notice ean not be ,",,w;."Pi
hereby ordered and directed that s u b null"
given by due aud proja-r ptii.lleutloii- '
jljlMl JAY P. LLCAH, K1'r'
Land Orricg at Tub Dalles, OBsnoKj
June 1". I ' .
,-Miwi-v is lirrruv ac" : , ...ilnll
nameil settler ha filed notice of his j
to make final proof In support of his elalia. so
Notice la hen-hr alven that Hie Iui""'
,'Je iH-lore Ihe r.Wf
mat sun priaii will neniaue oemro --tat
and receiver at The Dalle., Oregon, on Stun),
Julv -JU. IMfU. VlK!
. 1 fl .l.n
nf TM
wmow ot rierre t.rim.uo, unT- - -Dalles:
II. E. No. ,'ai7ii. lor Ibe E1, SE.' "
Tp. 1 north, rt U E, W M. mr.
He mime. Ihe following witnise tn rr"
his continuous residence upon ami cuitusie
ol said land, vix; . , Q.ii.
Chns. A. schutx, Rock fary, I " ''"
Andrew Uniuhart, all of The Dalles. Orer.
Junll ll JAY P. LI CAS, K.Kl'l-
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby glvn that he,"n'l''r!,w
haslHH-n duly appointed by the Ho". !,fJ,
Court nf the the slate of Oregon. " , h
county, as admim.lratnr of the estateiil " ' ,
Aglillus. dceensefl. All peisons hsvlrig ejs
sgainst said esUte are hereby notllied Ui VT (),
the aame properly verllbd to me at " ''! x
my attormys, Dufur Menefee, wltniu
month, from the date of this notice.
Dated at The Dalle., Ore ,1 "J'f ; ? 1 J 1 : h.
Administrator ol the Estate ol Adolph Agia'Jj
deceased. .
Land Officb at Thb Da'--"V.,V"'
July 13. i"'"1- J
I. herebv given that the I" i r" 7,
. .'. I e.
named settlers have tllel notn'e 01 tirar
ake final nriMif in .upport of their resis eml receiw
Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, August i.
iVevI C. Chrl.maa, mt The Ilalle". " ir.t
on II. E. No. Mio, for HS NW'. "JJ Jy i',
ecllon 7, township 1 south, range I.) earn,
rsk Chrl.maa, ol The llalle. '
on II. E. Nn., for K'i N EU'. section l-.w1.
ship 1 south, range PJ east, ami N ' " "
Hun 7, township I .011th, range ': TT'i'Jine-er
Wltncssc: M. R. Brooks and 8. Ml',' . U. V.
The Dalles. Oregon, and (. VY. Covert and
Mct alveyol Eudeisby, Oregon- . ,.rAS,
1 A 1 r' "u.i.iisr.
To Mi. Emeline D.rls, . ...
IvU. Aliens rrawi, ,',"
b.ney and Eflie ttucl "u ''' i'"-'
lium., W 11. Van Bibber XJnh pi" 2
and K0.1 1. Mc-uW Z,- t
Jlyl.VII nl